The documents. Abstract: Development of legislation on the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation Development of indigenous peoples

diets 20.07.2019



[On approval of the Concept sustainable development indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation]

1. Approve the attached Concept of sustainable development of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

2. The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia with the participation of interested federal executive authorities within 3 months to develop and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft action plan for the implementation in 2009-2011 of the Concept approved by this order.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

The concept of sustainable development of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation

government order
Russian Federation
February 4, 2009
N 132-r

I Introduction

The Russian Federation is one of the largest multinational states in the world, where more than 160 peoples live, each of which has unique features of material and spiritual culture. The overwhelming majority of the peoples of the country have developed over the centuries as ethnic communities on the territory of Russia, and in this sense they are indigenous peoples who played a historical role in the formation of the Russian state.

Among the peoples living in the Russian Federation, a special place is occupied by the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the small peoples of the North), whose rights are guaranteed, as well as by the legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

For centuries, the Russian state has supported the original socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of the small peoples of the North.

Difficult natural and climatic conditions, the vulnerability of the traditional way of life and the small number of each of the peoples of the North necessitated the formation of a special public policy with regard to their sustainable development, which provides for systematic measures to preserve the original culture, traditional way of life and the original habitat of these peoples.

The concept of sustainable development of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) is a system modern views, principles and priorities in relation to the activities of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state authorities) and local governments in the field of ensuring the sustainable development of the indigenous peoples of the North.

The sustainable development of the indigenous peoples of the North implies the strengthening of their socio-economic potential, the preservation of their original habitat, traditional way of life and cultural values ​​on the basis of targeted state support and the mobilization of internal resources of the peoples themselves in the interests of present and future generations.

The concept is aimed at combining the efforts of state authorities and local governments with civil society institutions, including associations of the small peoples of the North, to address issues of sustainable development of these peoples.

II. The current state of the small peoples of the North

At present, 40 small peoples of the North live compactly in 28 subjects of the Russian Federation. According to the data of the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, the total number of small peoples of the North (including also the Kamchadals, Telengits, Tubalars, Chelkans and Chulyms newly identified by the census) amounted to 244 thousand people, and the number of individual peoples ranges from 41 thousand people (Nenets) to 240 people (Enets).

In general, there is a positive dynamics of demographic processes among the small peoples of the North. The number of Oroks (Ulta) increased almost 2.5 times, the number of Nenets, Selkups, Khanty, Yukagirs, Negidals, Tofalars, Itelmens, Kets, and others increased significantly (by 20-70 percent). The number of a number of peoples decreased, which is explained as a general negative demographic dynamics in the Russian Federation, as well as the selection during the census of the small peoples of the North of the original ethnic groups that began to identify themselves as independent peoples.

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries, there was an increase in the ethnic self-consciousness of the small peoples of the North. arose public associations, training centers, associations and trade unions (reindeer herders, sea hunters, etc.) of the small peoples of the North, whose activities are supported by the state. In many places of residence of the small peoples of the North, communities have been recreated as traditional forms of organizing joint activities, distributing products and mutual assistance. Public leaders and successful entrepreneurs appeared - heads of communities and enterprises from among the representatives of the small peoples of the North. In a number of places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity"ancestral lands" have been created, territories of traditional nature management of regional and local significance, assigned to representatives of the small peoples of the North and their communities.

About 65 percent of citizens from among the small peoples of the North live in rural areas. In many national villages and settlements, the communities of these peoples have become the only economic entities that perform a number of social functions. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, communities, as non-profit organizations, enjoy a number of benefits and use a simplified taxation system.

In the Russian Federation, as a whole, a legal framework has been created in the field of protecting the rights and traditional way of life of the small peoples of the North. Russia is a party to international treaties in this area. Measures of state support (in the form of benefits, subsidies, quotas for the use of biological resources) are also legislated. Benefits for representatives of the small peoples of the North living in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity and engaged in traditional types of economic activity are provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, the Water Code of the Russian Federation and the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

A significant achievement was the formation of financial instruments of state support for the socio-economic development of the small peoples of the North. Over the past 15 years, the Russian Federation has implemented 3 federal target programs, as well as numerous regional target programs and subprograms for the socio-economic development of the indigenous peoples of the North, designed to create conditions for their sustainable development at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and non-budgetary sources. At the expense of the federal budget, subsidies were provided to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to support reindeer husbandry and livestock breeding.

In many executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, structural subdivisions have been created for the affairs of the small peoples of the North, coordinating the relevant regional targeted programs and issues of the socio-economic development of these peoples. State statistical agencies collect and analyze the economic and social indicators of the areas inhabited by the small peoples of the North.

In the places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of the small peoples of the North, there are daytime programs for teaching children of reindeer herders, fishermen and hunters, including in their native language. comprehensive schools, boarding schools. In the places of nomadic reindeer herders, the creation of nomadic schools was initiated, in which children receive primary education, taking into account the traditional way of life of the small peoples of the North.

Educational and methodical literature for studying the languages ​​of the small peoples of the North is published in publishing houses by state order. For several decades, the Institute of the Peoples of the North of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen has been successfully operating - a unique ethnolinguistic educational and research center.

Traditionally paying attention to the issues of sustainable development of the indigenous peoples of the North, the Russian Federation took an active part in the implementation of the International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1994, and also became the first UN member state to create a National Organising Committee on the preparation and holding in the Russian Federation of the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples. A set of priority measures is being implemented to prepare and hold in the Russian Federation the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples, which include measures to improve the regulatory legal framework for protecting the rights of the indigenous peoples of the North, developing effective economic mechanisms to ensure their traditional way of life and traditional nature management, as well as development of a system of medical services and education in their areas of residence. A number of activities are aimed at research, conservation and promotion cultural heritage, development of the traditional culture of the small peoples of the North, assistance in ensuring the participation of representatives of the small peoples of the North in the work of international organizations.

Per last years as part of the development of public-private partnerships, the practice has been formed that large industrial companies, including the fuel and energy complex, conclude agreements with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, communities of indigenous peoples of the North, district and settlement associations of indigenous peoples, and individual national households - owners of "ancestral lands", which made it possible to create off-budget funds for credit support of enterprises of the small peoples of the North.

At the same time, despite the measures taken, the situation of the small peoples of the North in recent decades has been complicated by the inability of their traditional way of life to modern economic conditions. The low competitiveness of traditional types of economic activity is due to small production volumes, high transport costs, and the lack of modern enterprises and technologies for the complex processing of raw materials and biological resources.

The crisis state of traditional types of economic activity has led to an aggravation of social problems. The standard of living of a significant part of citizens from among the small peoples of the North, living in rural areas or leading a nomadic lifestyle, is lower than the Russian average. The level of unemployment in the regions of the North, where the small peoples of the North live, is 1.5 - 2 times higher than the average for the Russian Federation.

The intensive industrial development of the natural resources of the northern territories of the Russian Federation has also significantly reduced the possibilities for conducting traditional types of economic activity of the small peoples of the North. Significant areas of reindeer pastures and hunting grounds have been withdrawn from the traditional economic turnover. Some of the rivers and reservoirs previously used for traditional fisheries have lost their fishery significance due to environmental problems.

The legislative regulation of the creation of territories of traditional nature management requires improvement, which can become an effective tool for preserving and developing the traditional way of life and traditional economic activities of the small peoples of the North.

It is also necessary to amend the land legislation in terms of establishing the gratuitous urgent use of land plots for traditional nature management by the small peoples of the North, in the Federal Law "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" - in terms of establishing the powers of local self-government bodies to protect the original habitat and the traditional way of life of the small peoples of the North, in the legislation on fishing and wildlife - in terms of the priority access of the small peoples of the North to fishing grounds and hunting grounds, to water biological resources and hunting animals.

Violation of the traditional way of life in the 1990s led to the development of a number of diseases and pathologies among representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North. Significantly higher than the average Russian indicators among these peoples are the indicators of infant (1.8 times) and child mortality, the incidence of infectious diseases and alcoholism.

III. Principles of sustainable development of the small peoples of the North

The principles of sustainable development of the small peoples of the North are:

guarantee of the rights of the small peoples of the North in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation;

the complexity of solving the problems of socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of the small peoples of the North;

coordinating the actions of state authorities and local governments in addressing issues of socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of the small peoples of the North;

ensuring the effective participation of the small peoples of the North in achieving their sustainable development;

recognition of the importance of the land, other natural resources, including biological ones, and the well-being of the environment natural environment as the basis of the traditional way of life and traditional economic activity of the small peoples of the North;

rational use land and other natural resources in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

recognition of the right of the indigenous peoples of the North to priority access to fishing grounds and hunting grounds, to biological resources in the places of their traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

the need for the participation of representatives and associations of the small peoples of the North in decision-making on issues affecting their rights and interests in the development of natural resources in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

the need to assess the cultural, environmental and social consequences of the projects and works proposed for implementation in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of the small peoples of the North;

compensation for damage caused to the original habitat, traditional way of life and health of the small peoples of the North.

IV. Purpose, tasks and main directions of the Concept

The purpose of the Concept is to create conditions in the Russian Federation for the formation of sustainable development of the small peoples of the North on the basis of strengthening their socio-economic potential while preserving the original habitat, traditional lifestyle and cultural values ​​of these peoples.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems.

The first task is to preserve the original habitat and traditional nature management, necessary to ensure and develop the traditional way of life of the small peoples of the North.

the establishment of a legal regime for the protection of territories of traditional nature management with the provision of access for the small peoples of the North to the management of these territories;

ensuring priority access of the small peoples of the North to fishing areas and hunting grounds, biological resources in the places of their traditional residence and traditional economic activities;

provision of land plots for the implementation of traditional types of economic activity in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

development and implementation of a methodology for calculating the damage caused to the original habitat of the small peoples of the North by economic entities; *IV.4.4)

promoting the adaptation of indigenous peoples of the North to the environmental, economic and social impacts of climate change and other stressors;

determination of the procedure and methodology for conducting ethnological expertise in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of the small peoples of the North;

mapping and assessment of natural resources in the territory of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of the small peoples of the North;

monitoring the state of the original habitat and environmental situation in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of the small peoples of the North.

The second task is the development and modernization of the traditional economic activity of the small peoples of the North.

The solution to this problem involves:

improving the practice of implementing the benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

expansion of transport and logistics services and assistance in the formation of markets for the products of traditional types of economic activity;

support for small and medium-sized businesses of the small peoples of the North, aimed at improving the efficiency of traditional types of economic activity, including the development of a system of financial support, lending and leasing;

development of a network of trading posts;

simplification of the order and procedure for obtaining licenses for the small peoples of the North to carry out hunting in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities;

protection and rational use of pastures, as well as the completion of land cadastral work for the development of reindeer husbandry;

creation in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of workshops for the primary and deep processing of products of reindeer breeding and other traditional crafts, including using modern technologies;

state support for the development of reindeer breeding and selection and breeding work to improve reindeer breeds;

organization of environmental protection measures, including fire safety measures, with the involvement of representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North;

improvement of the procedure for granting areas for fishing and hunting to the small peoples of the North;

development of ethnotourism and ecological tourism with the participation of representatives of the small peoples of the North in the places of their traditional residence and traditional economic activities;

development of traditional arts and crafts, including the manufacture of souvenirs, as well as assistance in their promotion in the domestic and foreign markets.

The third task is to improve the quality of life of the small peoples of the North to the average Russian level.

increasing the volume of housing construction (including traditional forms of housing), ensuring the availability and improving the quality of social services in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

organization of uninterrupted delivery of consumer goods to places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

improving the quality and availability of transport services;

provision of high-quality communication services, including mobile communications and the Internet;

implementation of the local energy optimization program, which provides for the construction of low-capacity energy sources to ensure high-quality energy supply in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of the indigenous peoples of the North;

stimulating the creation of new jobs in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

creation of social facilities and industrial infrastructure located in the places of residence of the small peoples of the North;

development and implementation of a system of indicators of the quality of life of the small peoples of the North to monitor their compliance with the average Russian indicators.

The fourth task is to create conditions for improving the demographic indicators of the small peoples of the North, including by reducing child mortality and increasing life expectancy to the average Russian level.

implementation of measures to improve the environmental situation in the places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of the small peoples of the North;

implementation of programs to improve the health of the indigenous peoples of the North;

implementation of measures to reduce the level of maternal and infant mortality, to strengthen the reproductive health of the indigenous peoples of the North;

regular preventive measures for the purpose of early detection of health disorders of the small peoples of the North and socially significant diseases;

strengthening the material and technical base of stationary institutions of medical and health-improving profiles, including feldsher-obstetric stations in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

development of mobile forms of medical care and increasing the availability of emergency medical care in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

creation of a network of telemedicine consultation centers based on district and regional hospitals and a network of remote telemedicine points to obtain primary information about the health status of patients;

implementation of measures aimed at reducing the amount of alcohol consumed, regulation of the sale and consumption of alcoholic products in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity, implementation in educational institutions preventive programs aimed at preventing the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products by children and adolescents;

support and development of physical culture and sports of the small peoples of the North;

development of indicators of the state of health of the small peoples of the North and the sanitary and epidemiological situation in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity, monitoring their compliance with the average Russian indicators.

The fifth task is to increase access to educational services for the small peoples of the North, taking into account their ethnic and cultural characteristics.

The solution to this problem involves:

development of a network of nomadic and other specific models of schools in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

support for small kindergartens and schools;

equipping the institutions of the education system with modern equipment that ensures a high level of the educational process;

introduction of modern distance learning technologies;

improving the level and quality of professional training of teaching staff of national schools and other educational institutions;

organization of training and retraining of personnel in specialties related to the implementation of traditional types of economic activity;

study of the native language, national culture and the basics of traditional economy;

development and publication of educational and methodological multimedia textbooks, electronic manuals for the study of native languages ​​and national culture of the small peoples of the North.

The sixth task is to promote the development of communities and other forms of self-government of the small peoples of the North.

The solution to this problem involves:

attraction of authorized representatives of the small peoples of the North to participate in public environmental and ethnological examinations in the development of federal and regional state programs for the development of natural resources and protection environment in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

holding consultations with the small peoples of the North before the start of the implementation of industrial development projects in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity;

development of forms of social and public-private partnership of representatives of the small peoples of the North, state authorities and local governments, industrial companies;

attraction of representatives of the small peoples of the North to participate in the protection of objects of animal and flora in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

support for the development of territorial public self-government and communal forms of self-government of the small peoples of the North.

The seventh task is to preserve the cultural heritage of the small peoples of the North.

The solution to this problem involves:

creation of an information base of objects of cultural heritage of the small peoples of the North;

publication of oral works folk art, fiction and other literature in national languages;

support for traditional arts and crafts;

support for the creation of multifunctional ethno-cultural and cultural and educational centers of the small peoples of the North, the modernization of cultural institutions;

popularization of the cultural heritage of the small peoples of the North in the media.

V. Mechanisms for the implementation of the Concept

The implementation of the Concept is carried out by:

improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights, traditional way of life and the original habitat of the small peoples of the North, taking into account the purpose and objectives of the Concept, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation;

implementation of federal, regional, departmental targeted programs and action plans aimed at the socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of the small peoples of the North;

taking into account the goals and objectives of the sustainable development of the small peoples of the North in the formation of federal and regional budgets, attracting extra-budgetary funds for these purposes;

information support of measures for the implementation of state policy in the field of sustainable development of the small peoples of the North both within the country and abroad;

interaction of public authorities with public organizations and associations of small peoples of the North;

organization of a system of state statistical monitoring of the state of the indigenous peoples of the North, corresponding to international recommendations in the field of protecting the rights of indigenous peoples;

conducting scientific research on the socio-economic development of the small peoples of the North.

VI. Main stages and expected results of the implementation of the Concept

The implementation of the Concept is planned to be carried out in 2009-2025 in 3 stages.

At the first stage (2009-2011), a set of priority measures will be implemented, providing for the improvement of the regulatory legal framework in the field of protecting the rights of the indigenous peoples of the North, including in terms of streamlining the terminology used in regulatory legal acts regulating issues of guaranteeing rights and traditional nature management, improving the delimitation of the jurisdiction and powers of state authorities and local governments, ensuring priority access for small peoples to fishing areas and hunting grounds, aquatic biological resources and game animals, gratuitous urgent use of land plots for traditional nature management by small peoples of the North, approval of a list of places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities, as well as traditional types of economic activities of the small peoples of the North, development and approval of a methodology for calculating damage, inflict to the original habitat of the small peoples of the North by economic entities.

It is planned to amend the Federal Law "On the territories of traditional nature management of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" in order to ensure the creation of model territories of traditional nature management of federal significance in the places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North.

State support will also be provided for the economic and social development of the small peoples of the North by providing subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As part of state support, it is planned to create new nomadic schools, trading posts, social and engineering infrastructure facilities in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity, develop innovative forms of distance education, mobile forms of medical care and telemedicine, and the provision of services in the field of culture and communications.

An increase in the amount of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to support reindeer husbandry and livestock breeding, while simultaneously reducing the payment per unit area of ​​forest plots for reindeer husbandry, will make this industry one of the important components of improving the quality of life and well-being in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of the small peoples of the North. At the same time, in order to increase the resources of game animals, increase the employment of the local population and ensure the food security of the regions Far North it is planned to carry out measures of state support for the resettlement of musk oxen.

Measures of state support for the preservation of the traditional folk culture of the small peoples of the North will be developed and implemented.

It is planned to implement a set of priority measures for the preparation and holding in the Russian Federation of the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples.

It is planned to create a system of state statistical observation, monitoring and analysis of the state of the indigenous peoples of the North, corresponding to modern information needs and international recommendations in the field of protecting the rights of indigenous peoples.

Based on the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, an analysis of the dynamics of demographic indicators and indicators of the standard of living of the small peoples of the North will be carried out.

The task of preserving and supporting the traditional way of life of the small peoples of the North is one of the priorities in the implementation of the strategy for the socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region for the period up to 2025 and the strategy for the socio-economic development of Siberia for the period up to 2020.

As a result of the implementation of the activities of the first stage, regulatory legal and economic conditions will be created for the development of traditional nature management, an increase in the quality of life and an improvement in the demographic situation among the indigenous peoples of the North, and information and methodological support systems will be formed.

At the second stage (2012-2015) it is planned to continue the implementation of measures to create conditions for the sustainable development of the small peoples of the North.

It is expected that at the second stage, as a result of the implementation of measures of state incentives and support, there will be significant changes in the quality of life of the small peoples of the North, their employment in traditional types of economic activity, the dependence of places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity on the import of fuel and oil products due to the use of local (including alternative) sources of heat and power supply, the access of the small peoples of the North to medical services (including the possibilities of mobile medicine and telemedicine), the Internet and mobile communications will be provided.

It is planned to create the necessary conditions for the employment of representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North in traditional sectors of economic activity, as well as in ethno-tourism, ecological tourism, the organization of reforestation, land management, environmental work, monitoring the state of the natural environment in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activities. The efforts of the state in training national personnel for work in the public sector will increase the proportion of the small peoples of the North among rural doctors and teachers.

On the basis of the implementation of model projects of territories of traditional nature management, the formation of a network of territories of traditional nature management of federal significance will begin.

In 2015, the results of the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples will be summed up in the Russian Federation.

As a result of the implementation of the activities of the second stage, it is expected to achieve positive demographic trends among the majority of the indigenous peoples of the North, including an increase in life expectancy, an increase of 1.3 times compared to 2007 in the total birth rate, and a 1.5-fold decrease in mortality in children in the first year of life. compared to 2007.

At the third stage (2016-2025), conditions will be created for the sustainable development of the indigenous peoples of the North, including effective mechanisms for preserving the original habitat and traditional way of life, completing the modernization of traditional economic activities and the entire social sphere (including the education system, healthcare, culture) in places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity.

As a result of the implementation of the activities of the third stage, by 2025 it is planned to achieve the average Russian indicators of the quality of life of the small peoples of the North, as well as to reduce the mortality of children in the first year of life by at least 2 times compared to 2007.

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In the article, the authors explore the current state of the traditional economy of the indigenous peoples of the North. According to the authors, reindeer breeding is the most profitable branch of the northerners' commercial economy, therefore, the preservation of reindeer breeding is an important condition for preserving the ethnic group of the northern peoples, the physical and spiritual health of their members, since this industry mainly employs the national population. It was found that the most important economic problem- this is the processing and sale of products that all traditional industries of the indigenous peoples of the North face, including hunting. The successful solution of this problem will allow establishing an equivalent exchange between traditional and complex industries and increasing the efficiency of the former. It is shown that in the traditional sectors of the economy of the indigenous peoples of the North, the forms of organization of production and employment that are most consistent with nature management in this district are more developed: communal, family lands, communities and trading posts. The development of reindeer herding, hunting and fishing is the way for the transition of the indigenous peoples of the North to economic independence, the basis for the preservation of ethnic groups, their language, culture and traditions.

indigenous peoples of the north

traditional economy

market economy

private property

business entity

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In the domestic economic science of the Soviet period, the following classification of structures was adopted during the period of "transition from capitalism to socialism", i.e. tentatively in 1920–1936: patriarchal-communal economy; small-scale production; private capitalist economy; state capitalism; socialist mode. Tracking the national policy of the USSR from the first years of its creation (1922) to the 90s of the XX century. and a critical analysis of scientific publications on the socio-economic development of the indigenous peoples of the North allow us to draw up a certain picture of the reproduction of their communities over this period. In our opinion, four main phases can be distinguished in the context of this period.

In the first phase, in the 1920s, the policy of "embedding" the indigenous peoples of the North into the system of socialist production relations was pursued. The essence of socio-economic policy in this period was determined by two main points:

1) familiarizing the indigenous peoples of the North with cultural and technical achievements and forms of labor in Central Russia;

2) careful attitude to national traditions and forms of management.

The second phase - the beginning of the 30s - the beginning of the 70s.

The third phase - the beginning of the 70s until 1985.

The discovery of rich deposits of oil and gas and other natural resources led to another change of focus in national politics in the 70s. During this period, intensive industrial development of the Tyumen region begins, accompanied by the displacement of the indigenous peoples of the North from their traditional places of residence. The intensive introduction of significant masses of the newcomer population, the creation of industrial infrastructure and the organization of oil and gas production resulted in the alienation of part of the territory from the indigenous population. Essentially, their traditional livelihoods were alienated.

The restructuring of public consciousness that began in 1985 made it possible to remove the ban on the study of shortcomings in the country's ideological sphere. Scientists and specialists began to actively develop solutions to a wide range of accumulated socio-economic problems, incl. on various problems of the life of the indigenous peoples of the North.

After 1991, in connection with the collapse of the USSR and the change in the social structure in the Russian Federation, the situation in the places of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North changed for the worse. The understanding of this situation and concern for the fate of the indigenous peoples was reflected in a number of international symposiums and conferences at the federal level.

Russian researchers began to raise the problems of small peoples and the traditional economy with greater integrity northern regions to the state level and offer large-scale solutions.

In 1995, the "Charter of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug" was adopted, which reflected changes in the social structure of the country and determined the status of the territories inhabited by the indigenous peoples of the North. Later, other normative documents were adopted, regulating the assignment of the territories of their habitat to tribal communities and granting them independence in resolving intra-communal issues, and other aspects.

World experience in solving the problems of the indigenous peoples of the North, the experience of foreign Arctic countries and international legal acts provide clear guidance in addressing issues of improving the situation in the life of these peoples. The meaning of the documents is to create a special legal status for the indigenous peoples of the North, to ensure their right to land, natural resources, culture, language and ethnic identity, to help organize real self-government in communities.

The depletion of the natural resource potential of the northern territories under technogenic pressure is manifested in a decrease in the productivity of pastures and fishing lands and is accompanied by an absolute reduction in the area inhabited by the indigenous peoples of the North. For the indigenous peoples of the North, the depletion of the natural resource potential means an increasing limitation of the conditions for existence.

As a result of the continuing reduction of productive land, the indigenous peoples of the North are forced to change their places of residence and move to their neighbors. As a result, there is an artificial "compaction" on the lands suitable for traditional nature management, a decrease in their productivity, etc.

Consider reindeer herding. In areas of its greatest concentration, reindeer husbandry provides employment for a quarter of the able-bodied population from among the indigenous peoples of the North and provides 50-80% of cash income. The reindeer husbandry of the North has 2.2–2.4 million reindeer. In a number of northern regions, more than 50% of the population's need for fresh meat and meat products is met through reindeer husbandry. In addition, reindeer breeding stimulates the development of hunting, supplies raw materials for tanneries, feed for fur farms, etc. In recent years, the harvesting and sale of non-ossified deer antlers (antlers) and dry antler for the pharmaceutical industry have become widespread.

In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, commercial reindeer breeding has developed in the northern part of the Okrug in the border areas with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Berezovsky and Beloyarsky districts), which account for almost the entire number of reindeer in the public sector.

Reindeer breeding is the most profitable branch of the northerners' commercial economy. Therefore, the preservation of reindeer herding is one of the essential conditions preservation of the ethnos of the northern peoples, the physical, spiritual health of their members, tk. This industry employs predominantly the national population. The development of reindeer breeding is one of the ways for the transition of the indigenous peoples of the North to economic independence, the basis for the preservation of ethnic groups, their language, culture, and traditions.

In any tribal community, a certain division of labor develops. Therefore, the neo-reindeer herding part of the community can own individual components of the infrastructure of the industry or their entire combination: mechanical transport, zoo inventory, refrigeration units, warehouses, slaughterhouses, etc. For the settled population, it is rational to privatize enterprises for processing reindeer herding products and providing paid services to reindeer herders.

The traditional economic sectors of the indigenous peoples of the North are increasingly developing forms of organizing production and employment that are most in line with nature management in this district: communal, family lands, communities and trading posts. Many, new this moment, independent economic formations are created in the process of reorganization of the former collective farms, state farms, coop animal farms and state industrial farms and, with all the variety of names, do not have fundamental differences in the method of formation and purpose. In fact, they are forms of a kind of return to the traditional family and tribal methods of managing the indigenous population and are formed on the basis of individual and collective (group) forms of ownership, ensure the restoration of traditional family and labor relations.

Currently, reindeer pastures are allocated to a separate category of secondary land in Beloyarsky, Berezovsky and Surgut districts of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In connection with the development of private reindeer husbandry in the Nizhnevartovsk and Khanty-Mansiysk regions, there is a need to allocate reindeer pastures as a separate category of secondary land in these and other areas of the district.

To determine the prospects for the further development of reindeer husbandry, it is necessary to organize land management work to determine the capacity of reindeer pastures in each district, ancestral land and community that has reindeer livestock.

Another of the most important sectors of the traditional sector of the economy is hunting, which, along with other sectors of the economy of the indigenous peoples of the North, is experiencing significant difficulties in the transition period. This is primarily due to the industrial development of the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which led to a reduction in the areas of hunting resources, the reorganization of farms engaged in fishing, and the difficulty in marketing products. In addition, the reasons for this were Forest fires, deforestation, pollution of vast areas with emissions industrial waste, as well as irrational (predatory) fishing and poaching by representatives of the oil and gas complex. Not the last role was played by the reduction of professional hunters from among the indigenous population due to insufficient supply of supplies and the lack of economic interest in hunting.

Processing and marketing of products is the most important economic problem faced by all traditional industries of the indigenous peoples of the North, including hunting. The successful solution of this problem will allow establishing an equivalent exchange between traditional and complex industries and increasing the efficiency of the former.

Despite the rather long period of industrial development of the Okrug and the decline in hunting production, the resources of ungulates and fur-bearing animals of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug are significant.

The development of the hunting industry plays not so much an economic as a social significance in the preservation of the indigenous peoples of the North. In economic terms, for its functioning and the creation of an adequate standard of living for the representatives of indigenous peoples employed in it, financial support from the state is necessary.

Over the years of industrial development of the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the share of the fishing industry has decreased not only relatively, but also absolutely, which was associated with pollution of water bodies with waste industrial production, and in recent years with economic conditions.

Environmental pollution has had a particularly negative impact on the water bodies of the Middle Ob, where oil and gas fields are most intensively developed. Large volumes of household sewage are discharged here, which negatively affects the development of the food supply of fish and their reproduction, migration routes and wintering grounds. Pollution of water bodies with oil disables spawning grounds, places of winter sludge (zhivuny). To date, in connection with the development of the oil and gas complex, more than 100 taiga rivers have lost their fishery importance.

Increasing the productivity of water bodies and maintaining fish production are necessary for the life of the national population and the provision of valuable food, require the construction of fish hatcheries, fish breeding and reclamation stations and a number of other similar facilities. But this requires huge investments.

During the period of market transformations, the traditional activities of the indigenous peoples of the North are primarily aimed at meeting their own needs, and not at creating marketable products. The indigenous population, engaged in traditional nature management, received more opportunities to meet their personal needs at the expense of the products of the branches of the northern economy, which are necessary for their existence.

Bibliographic link

Mikhailova M.V., Kharamzin T.G. CURRENT STATE OF THE TRADITIONAL ECONOMY OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE NORTH // Fundamental Research. - 2015. - No. 12-5. - S. 1032-1035;
URL: (date of access: 07/19/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" 1

Education and the indigenous language represent the potential for the preservation and development of small peoples. Purpose: to analyze trends in the field of the native language and education of the small peoples of the North of the Siberian region with explanations and illustrations, to find out the prospects for development. Methods: descriptive and retrospective analysis of sociological monitoring (since 1993, with an interval of 2 years) of the problems of the small peoples of the North of the Tyumen region. Results: on the one hand, there is a tendency to reduce the number of children studying in their native language, on the other hand, the interest of small peoples in teaching their native language in schools. Conclusion: development prospects are to expand national education to restore knowledge of the native language among young people using modern educational technologies.

indigenous language.


indigenous people

1. Artyukhov A.V., Khairullina N.G. Socio-demographic situation in the assessments of the indigenous peoples of the north // News of higher educational institutions. Sociology. Economy. Politics. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 80-84.

2. Sadykova H.N. Basic values ​​of youth: intergenerational approach // News of higher educational institutions. Sociology. Economy. Politics. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 63-65.

3. Tkacheva N.A. Migration processes and National security Russia. Lab. cultural history research Western Siberia. "Tyumen state. oil and gas university, etc., Tyumen, 2010.

4. Tkacheva N.A., Fokina A.B. On the issue of mentoring potential // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2015. - No. 1-2. – S. 193.

5. Ustinova O.V. Control vocational training of municipal personnel: regional aspect (manuscript): diss. … cand. sociological Sciences. - Tyumen, 2004.

6. Khairullina N.G. Indigenous peoples of the Tyumen region: the view of a sociologist. - Tyumen: Tsogu, 2012. - 476 p.

7. Khairullina N.G. Ob Ugrians: Social Characteristics and Development Trends. - Tyumen: Tsogu, 2012. - 297 p.

8. Khairullina N.G. Ethnic identification of indigenous peoples of the Tyumen North (results of a sociological study) // Oil and Gas. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 117.

9. Khairullina N.G., Shcherbakov G.A. Determinants of sustainable regional social policy // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 1. - S. 1491.

10. Khairullina N. G., Balyuk N. A. Reconstruction of the traditional nature management of the Ob Ugrians. - Tyumen: Tsogu, 2007. - 244 p.

11. Kharamzin T. G., Khairullina N. G. Ob Ugrians (sociological studies of material and spiritual culture). - Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2003. - 221 p.

12. Kharamzin, T. G., & Khairullina, N. G. Monitoring the social well-being of the Ob Ugrians. - St. Petersburg: Mirall LLC, 2006. - 194 p.

13. Khairullina N.G., Sadykova K.N. Interaction between generations: a sociologi-cal approach // World Applied Sciences Journal. - 2014. - T. 31. - No. 1. - S. 124-127.

14. Lamazhaa Ch.K. The Archaization of Society in the Period of Social Transformations // Knowledge . Understanding. Skill. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 35-42.

An article in the British magazine The Economist emphasizes that the small northern peoples must confront many modern threats, in connection with which their cultural traditions are not only broken, but also washed out " big water» .

The processes of assimilation, the loss of the original culture of small ethnic groups around the world, including the indigenous peoples of the North (hereinafter referred to as the SIPN) of the Tyumen region, cause concern.

The Tyumen region is one of the largest regions of Russia, its territory ranks third in the Russian Federation and is over 1.4 million square meters. km (8.4% of the area of ​​Russia); is one of the regions of Russia with a multinational composition of the population: representatives of more than 140 nationalities live here, including 26 indigenous peoples. The number of indigenous peoples of the North living in the region is 67.1 thousand people, or one third of their total number in the Russian Federation. The largest number of representatives of four indigenous peoples is concentrated within the Tyumen region: 90% Khanty, 95% Mansi, 65% Nenets, 45% Selkups. Among the four named peoples within the Tyumen region, groups with a fairly strong traditional cultural potential have been preserved - the Yamal, Polar Ural, Gydan, Taz groups of nomadic tundra Nenets, the Numta-Purovsky group of the Forest Nenets, the Voykar, Synskaya, Kunovat, Kazym groups of the Khanty, Sosva-Lyapinsky group of Mansi, Upper-Taz group of Selkups.

Attention to the study of the problems of the indigenous peoples of the North of the Tyumen region is determined, firstly, by the special role of these ethnic groups in the sociocultural heritage of mankind, secondly, by changes in the environment of these peoples, and thirdly, by the processes taking place in modern world that affect their interests.

One of the significant indicators that characterize changes in the life of the indigenous peoples of the North is the language, and thanks to education, the transfer of socio-cultural heritage and its development from generation to generation is carried out.

In this regard, we consider it possible to focus on the purpose of this study - to study the dynamics of language and educational processes among the indigenous peoples of the Tyumen region and the prospects for their development, which is of scientific interest in searching for the origins of problems, prospects and development of recommendations, on the one hand, to preserve ethnocultural identity , on the other hand, for the development of the peoples in question and other small ethnic groups of the world.

The article presents a descriptive and retrospective analysis (since 1993, with an interval of two years) of the results of sociological monitoring of ethno-cultural, economic, political and social problems, carried out by a team of sociologists from the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University and employees of the Research Institute of Ugric Studies (Khanty- Mansiysk).

The object of the study is the indigenous population living in the centers of national-territorial formations and in settlements of compact residence of the indigenous inhabitants of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (hereinafter Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug), located in the north of the Tyumen region. The sample size of all studies exceeds 5500 people. The parameters of the demographic structure of the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug were taken as selection units in the formation of the sample: nationality, gender, education, social and professional affiliation. At the same time, the sample reflects the socio-demographic structure of the indigenous population, which allows us to consider the results obtained as representative.

The period between studies - 2 years - was not chosen by chance, since this period of time most fully allows us to catch and analyze the ongoing changes, the dynamics of ethno-cultural, socio-economic, political processes in KhMAO.

Thus, the article was prepared on the basis of materials of long-term studies of the life of the indigenous peoples of the North of the Tyumen region, the results of which are reflected in scientific papers N. G. Khairullina. In addition, official information on the Internet, research materials of modern scientists and practitioners on the issues of preserving traditions, ensuring socio-cultural development and raising the educational level of the indigenous people of the North, world educational trends were used.

The language of the indigenous peoples of the North of the Tyumen region

As a result of questionnaire surveys conducted in 1995-2005. among the indigenous population, it was possible to trace the dynamics of the degree of their knowledge of their native languages ​​(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Dynamics of the degree of native language proficiency of the aboriginal population of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, %

Table 1

Dynamics of respondents' answers to questions related to language skills, %

What language do you know best

Language you speak at home

The language you speak at work

Language of childhood

The structure of answers to the question "What language do you know best?" presented in table. 2.

table 2

Respondents' answers to the question which language you know best depending on the area of ​​employment, %

Sphere of employment

Native and Russian

Traditional nature management

Oil and gas industry








I do not work

It should be noted that representatives of the older generation often speak their native language. Representatives of the younger generation speak, as a rule, Russian or Russian and their native language (Table 3).

Table 3

Respondents' answers to the question "What language do you speak at home?" depending on age, %

Native and Russian

For the purposes of the study, it was interesting to find out to what extent the respondents speak their native language. Based on the answers, only 22.6% of the indigenous population are fluent in the language, speak and write. Almost the same number of respondents - 19.5% can talk and read, and 17.6% can only talk.

Education of the Indigenous Minorities of the Tyumen Region

It is important to note that in every second national settlement there is no national school, and in secondary schools (67%) there are no national language courses.

The main shortcomings of school education, according to the indigenous population, are the following:

The school does not provide sufficient general knowledge, including for admission to schools, technical schools, universities - 53.3%;

Often gives superfluous knowledge, but does not teach what is necessary for life in the North - 50%;

The health of children is deteriorating - 40%;

The child is separated from the family - 28.2%;

Children do not learn the history of their people, customs and culture - 69.4%;

Does not provide sufficient knowledge of the native language - 63.5%.

The position of complete national autonomy in the system of education is shared by a third of the aboriginal inhabitants (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Distribution of respondents' answers to the question about the nationality of the teacher, %

The study of the history of their people is considered the most important task of the school by 52% of respondents, and another 20.1% consider it a necessary element of school education. Only 3.4% deny the need to study the history of their people in high school.

Rice. 3. Attitude of the indigenous population to the teaching of their native language at school, %

It should be noted that the vast majority of respondents noted the need to introduce the teaching of their native language in all classes. high school, a third of respondents even affirm the need for all education in their native language.

The purpose of the current study was to summarize the materials of sociological monitoring with explanations and illustrations to determine the prospects for the development of the language and education of the indigenous peoples of the North.

As follows from the results of the study, the sphere of employment is one of the factors influencing the level of knowledge of the native language.

Thus, it turned out that the highest level of national-language competence is among the respondents employed in the field of education, traditional nature management, and the unemployed. In addition, the study revealed that the majority of representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North of the Tyumen region do not speak their native language, which indicates linguistic assimilation. This was facilitated by the following circumstances: teaching in schools was conducted in Russian, as well as the insufficient number and quality of national language courses in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Analyzing trends in the field of the native language, we revealed a decrease in the number of respondents who do not speak, and those who can speak, read in the language of the people, with a simultaneous increase in the number of respondents who speak it fluently. There seems to be an encouraging trend towards increased interest in teaching one's native language.

With regard to education, the conducted research allows us to identify the following causal relationships and conclusions. Children are usually educated according to national school programs, which contributes to the cultural assimilation of the younger generation, leading to unmotivated dropouts, formal education, and a lack of interest in continuing it. Raising children apart from their parents for 8-10 years (the period of formation of civic qualities of a person) leads to the destruction of Aboriginal families, their traditions, and introduces disharmony into relations between generations.

It is important to note that the system of education of indigenous people is not highly effective, since it does not take into account: the predominance of imaginative thinking, the qualitative difference in the cultural and subject environment in the formation of personality, the directly active nature of traditional forms of education and reproduction of culture. At the same time, the majority of respondents are going to teach their native language to their children and expresses an opinion on the need to teach it in schools.

What are the prospects for development of indigenous language and education? Against the background of the identified trends, as well as the desire of the world community to preserve traditional cultures small ethnic groups, it is necessary to develop such an education that would take into account the national characteristics of the ethnic group, contribute to an increase in the level of proficiency in the native language, which would lead to the strengthening of ethnic self-awareness. This is especially important, since the language is the basis of national culture, the loss of the native language inevitably turns a person into a marginal, and the people lead to spiritual and ethnic degradation.

In this regard, development prospects lie in the expansion of national education to restore knowledge of the native language among young people using modern educational technologies.

The aforementioned is capable of ensuring the harmonious integration of the indigenous peoples of the North into the modern world community. It should be noted that the formed author's position does not contradict the opinion of authoritative Russian scientists involved in the study of the problems of small ethnic groups.

At the same time, I would like to emphasize that the choice of a further vector for the development of education and language processes remains with the people themselves.


Koishe KK, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Head of the Administration of the Tyumen Regional Duma, Tyumen;

Khairullina N.G., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen.

Bibliographic link

Fokina A.B. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE NORTH: DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 2-1 .;
URL: (date of access: 07/19/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"



Despite the fact that the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation make up a small part of the population of our vast country, they fully enjoy the rights that all the peoples of Russia have, regardless of their number and place of residence. This follows from the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which enshrined the universally recognized principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples. Proceeding from the fact that each people is original, all the peoples of Russia have the right to preserve and develop their national language, their culture, and the preservation of their ethnicity.

Most indigenous peoples traditionally live in hard-to-reach areas with a harsh climate and limited natural resources for personal consumption. Extreme conditions predetermine for representatives of these peoples the choice of practical activities that make it possible to maintain human life only at a level that is sufficient only to ensure the possibility of his survival. The features of the traditional way of life of representatives of indigenous peoples are such that they do not allow them to fully enjoy all the constitutional rights of Russian citizens without providing special guarantees. Therefore, the indigenous peoples should be addressed Special attention from the side of the state.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a separate article is devoted to guarantees of the rights of small peoples. 69, which establishes that the rights of these peoples are guaranteed in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. Although this article does not directly indicate or define the specific rights of persons belonging to indigenous peoples, nevertheless, its significance lies in the fact that it obliges our state to address the issue of the rights of these peoples and guarantee them so that there is no gap between the real rights of indigenous peoples and the rights of the rest of the country's population. Protection of the rights of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation is one of the important constitutional tasks of our state as a democratic and social state. Inclusion in the Constitution of Art. 69 was a reflection of the democratization of Russian society and its desire to accept all the most progressive of the international legal documents in the field of human rights and freedoms.

It should be emphasized that the need to take additional measures to regulate the rights and legitimate interests of the indigenous peoples of our country is due to the fact that for a long time the legal status of the indigenous peoples, especially the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, has not been given sufficient attention. which led in practice to the deprivation of their habitual and traditional living conditions, the deterioration of its quality, the impossibility of preserving and developing by these peoples of their culture and language. Industrial expansion in the areas of traditional residence of indigenous peoples has put some of them on the brink of extinction. In recent years, in our country there has been a trend, still very unstable, of creating economic foundations for maintaining the traditional types of economic activity of these peoples and preserving the original environment of their settlement and life.

Of particular note is the importance of the experience of indigenous peoples in the conservation and protection of the environment. Unfortunately, both the present and even more promising value of the personnel potential of indigenous peoples, whose representatives have centuries-old experience of survival and work in extreme conditions, is underestimated. climatic conditions Far North.

Indigenous peoples constitute a special group of the population of our country, which is reflected in the legislative consolidation of the relevant concept (Article 1 of the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples). This definition then it was actually reproduced in the Federal Law "On general principles organizations of communities of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation", but already in relation to indigenous peoples living in a certain region.

From the wording given in the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples, it follows that, firstly, only those peoples who live in the territories of the traditional settlement of their ancestors and, secondly, preserve the traditional way of life, economic management and crafts, belong to the indigenous peoples. .

Speaking of the "territory of traditional settlement", it should be noted that almost all peoples, in whatever region they live and whatever their number, under the influence of various circumstances (both objective and subjective) during their history changed their areas of residence . Obviously, taking this into account, the legislator did not consider it necessary to specify the provision on the traditional nature of settlement used in the Laws, thereby giving the right to evaluate it to the state authorities of those subjects of the Federation on whose territory these peoples currently live. It would be correct, in our opinion, to consider this provision on the traditional nature of settlement as aimed at preventing a further reduction in the territories used by indigenous peoples and thereby preserving the natural conditions they need.

Often these days, one nation does not live compactly, but in groups on the territories of several subjects of the Federation. Thus, the majority of Vepsians live in Karelia, but some live in the Leningrad and Vologda regions. The Nenets live in the Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansiysk, Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenetsky) Autonomous Okrugs, Arkhangelsk Region. Selkups - in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as in the Tomsk Region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Naturally, it can be quite difficult to determine the area of ​​traditional settlement of these peoples, especially in relation to nomadic peoples. It seems that in this case one should be guided, first of all, not so much by the traditional nature of settlement, as by the definition of territories that, over the foreseeable historical period of time, passed to the current generation from one or two previous generations.

The law on guarantees of rights classifies as indigenous peoples only those peoples who have preserved their traditional way of life, forms of management and types of crafts. However, the preservation of the traditional way of life, forms of management does not at all imply a simple copying of them from the past. It is quite natural that the development of technology, the introduction of new technologies and other circumstances that make life easier for a person inevitably have an impact on the methods of management and the nature of crafts, and they, in turn, make some changes to the traditional way of life. But at the same time (and this is essential) representatives of indigenous peoples do not lose their traditional skills aimed at protecting their habitat, which is facilitated by the preservation of their traditional way of life and traditional economic foundations. So, reindeer herders accompany reindeer herds and direct them along paths that provide the deer with the necessary food, but do not lead to the irreversible death of the vegetation. Anglers strive to protect fish spawning grounds from predatory fishing and thus preserve water resources in their places of residence for the next generations.

The traditional way of life and management of indigenous peoples should be considered unchanged precisely because today, as in the past, they maintain a spiritual unity with nature, the meaning of which is to ensure human life and preserve the natural environment. Therefore, the traditional way of life and management of indigenous peoples cannot be reduced to their occupation by reindeer herding or fishing. It is hardly reasonable to always consider the occupation of the population as a sign of its national identity. National affiliation and way of life does not change along with a change in occupation. A Nenets or Mansi living in a city, if he maintains a spiritual connection with his people, remains a Nenets or Mansi, although he lives in a multi-storey building, and neither reindeer herding nor fishing is the source of his livelihood. His belonging to an indigenous small people is based not so much on the way of life as on the national self-consciousness of a person.

When considering the characteristics of indigenous peoples, the most questionable is the provision of the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples on the extension of guarantees only to peoples "numbering less than 50 thousand people in the Russian Federation and recognizing themselves as independent ethnic communities" (Article 1 of the Law). Is such an approach to the definition of indigenous peoples justified based on their numbers? The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not divide peoples on the basis of their numbers; its preamble states that it proceeds from "generally recognized principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples."

At present, the threshold of 50,000 for recognizing a people as small, established by the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples, does not create difficulties, since the majority of the indigenous peoples covered by the said Law do not exceed this limit. It should also be borne in mind that small peoples do not always live compactly. Their settlement and areas of their nomadism are often determined by finding sources of livelihood, for example, forests for hunters, pastures for reindeer by reindeer herders, water areas rich in fish for fishermen, etc. As a result, often compactly living persons belonging to one small people number only a few hundred and even tens.

The introduction of a numerical criterion in the definition of an indigenous people, which, according to the Law, is subject to special guarantees, seems to be unsuccessful, it does not meet the social purpose of the legislation on guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples. After all, the purpose of these laws is to create conditions under which the indigenous peoples, including the indigenous peoples of the North, would not only have equal rights with all other peoples of Russia, but also get the same opportunity to use them. Most of the factors that led to the need for state assistance to indigenous peoples are not directly related to their numbers. The fact is that these peoples from generation to generation live in extreme climatic conditions that have negative impact on the human body. The labor activity of representatives of these peoples in the traditional and practically the only possible areas of economic activity for them is significantly and constantly hampered by the reduction in the natural resources at their disposal and being the source of their existence.

And finally, one of the most important goals of guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples is to provide them with an equal opportunity with other Russian peoples to self-determine, primarily in the national and cultural sphere, to give them the opportunity freely, based on their own ideas, to preserve and develop their traditions and customs. , their native languages. This largely determines the awareness of the indigenous peoples of themselves as independent ethnic communities. In accordance with the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples, the guarantees established by it apply to those indigenous peoples who recognize themselves as an independent ethnic community.

From what has been said above about the conditions for recognizing a particular people as an indigenous people, it follows that these conditions have both objective (for example, traditional crafts, the presence of common traditions) signs, and such signs that can be attributed to a certain extent to subjective (for example, self-awareness as an independent ethnic community). It can be stated with confidence that persons belonging to the indigenous peoples of Russia, including the peoples of the North, are very clearly aware of their belonging to a particular people, each of which has its own, only inherent features. This does not exclude the realization of a certain commonality of all the indigenous peoples of the country, largely determined by their living in complex natural conditions, the need for collective labor to earn a livelihood, common traditions and a number of other circumstances.

The inclusion of people in the "Unified List of Indigenous Minorities", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2000 N 255, is the basis for the extension of the guarantees established by the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples and other federal laws defining the rights of indigenous minorities. If any particular nation is not included in the "Unified List...", this should be regarded as a mistake and should not lead to the deprivation of this people of their rights and state guarantees. The state authorities of the subject of the Federation, in whose territory the given people lives, are obliged to accept all necessary measures to remove obstacles to the free development of the people, in particular, by raising the question of including this people in the "Unified List ..." before the Government of the Russian Federation.

In our opinion, it would be useful to include in the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples a legal norm establishing the procedure for determining the number of small peoples living, as is often the case, in several subjects of the Federation. The obligation to inform the Government of the Russian Federation about generalized data on the number of specific small-numbered peoples living in several subjects of the Federation should be placed on the federal statistical authorities. But here the problem arises of the correlation of the information provided by the statistical authorities, based on personal and uncontrolled data on the applications of citizens, with the obligation of the state to provide the guarantees of rights established by the Law to persons classified as indigenous peoples. This issue is of significant importance to citizens, since their nationality to indigenous peoples means that they are specifically covered by a number of state guarantees, and it must be resolved, in particular, by establishing procedures for resolving conflict situations when providing guarantees in connection with the belonging of a person or group of persons to an indigenous people.

It is necessary to legally establish the main objective signs that give a person a reason to demand that the established federal guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples be extended to him. It seems that the evidence of a person's belonging to a particular indigenous people is, first of all, his personal participation in the traditional management of the indigenous people, the preservation of moral customs and traditions characteristic of this indigenous people. Moreover, participation in traditional management should not be a one-time action, it should be based on the way of life of this person.

The concept of "indigenous peoples", contained in federal legislation, includes the definition of the original habitat of indigenous peoples. The primordial habitat of peoples should be understood from ancient times, "from time immemorial for them", the territory they occupy (the area of ​​​​distribution, area), within which a small people carry out their cultural and everyday life and which determines or at least affects their way of life. and self-identification. Living in a particular area predetermines the need to use the only possible means of life support in these natural conditions, for example, reindeer herding or fishing.

When analyzing the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples, one more concept should be considered, which is especially importance for the position of indigenous peoples living in the harsh Arctic climate. It's about about the traditional way of life of indigenous peoples. This is a historically established way of life support for small peoples, based on the historical experience of their ancestors in the field of nature management, a kind of social organization, original culture, and the preservation of customs and beliefs. Although this concept can be considered as an addition to the definition of the concept of "indigenous peoples", which was mentioned above, it has, in our opinion, an independent meaning. It is especially significant that it uses the concepts of "life support" and "life activity", which are the main ones in granting rights to indigenous peoples in the field of nature management.

Life support includes almost everything necessary for a normal human life, reproduction and preservation of an ethnic community, primarily the opportunity to have food, clothing, housing, etc. The historically established means of subsistence of the indigenous peoples of the North are essentially all the main areas of economic activity of these peoples, who today, as in previous centuries, are engaged in fishing, hunting, reindeer herding, collecting wild plants, making clothes that are accepted in everyday life and convenient for work. housekeeping, and other trades.

The fact that economic activity carried out by historically established traditional methods is precisely the main source of life support is important for determining a person's belonging to an indigenous people and applying the guarantees established by federal laws to him. This is important for separating persons belonging to indigenous peoples from those who live in the same territory as indigenous peoples, but for whom traditional ways of managing are neither basic nor essential.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that, in essence, the forcible withdrawal of natural resources from the use of indigenous peoples often forces their representatives to abandon their traditional places of residence and look for other ways to meet their vital needs and, accordingly, change their habitual way of life. As a result, there is a real threat of loss of identity inherent in these peoples.

For centuries, the economic activity of indigenous peoples was carried out in such a way that nature did not lose the opportunity to restore itself, they took care of its preservation and restoration. It is these circumstances, as already mentioned, that determine the originality of the social organization of small peoples, relationships in the family, clan, relations between clans, etc. Analyzing the spiritual values ​​of indigenous peoples, one should pay attention to the fact that they were formed under the influence of the need to survive in harsh natural conditions, which obligated peoples to develop traditions of mutual assistance to the weaker and to protect, along with man, nature, which in their ideas also requires care and protection.

Only taking into account all the above features of indigenous peoples, taken in aggregate, it is possible to single out indigenous peoples as a separate group of peoples who can quite reasonably enjoy special protection from the state. At the same time, it must be remembered that the age-old fragmentation of these peoples, associated, in particular, with the sparsely populated vast territories in which they lived and live, harsh natural and climatic conditions have led to the fact that each individual people, and sometimes its individual branches, has only its inherent features and characteristics that are difficult to express in the language of the law.

Guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples, established by the named Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, are a visible stage on the way to full and equal, as required by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, social protection of indigenous peoples. At the same time, the obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights of indigenous peoples in accordance with the principles and norms of international law are still far from being fulfilled in full. As a result, persons belonging to these peoples, although they are equal citizens of our country, sometimes do not have an equal opportunity to enjoy all the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen. This was especially evident in the departures from existing legal guarantees that have taken place in recent years.

So, for example, a step back from the established federal guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples should be recognized as the exclusion from the Law on Guarantees of the Rights of Peoples of provisions relating to ensuring guaranteed representation of indigenous peoples in the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Federation and representative bodies of local self-government. According to the previous Art. 13 of this Law, in order to most consistently address the issues of socio-economic and cultural development of small peoples, protect their original habitat, traditional way of life, management and crafts, the laws of the constituent entities of the Federation could establish quotas for the representation of small peoples in the above-mentioned representative bodies of power. It should be noted that such a guarantee was previously implemented in the form of quotas for the representation of indigenous peoples in the legislative (representative) bodies of state power in autonomous regions, since autonomous regions have certain features associated with the national composition of the population. V.A. On this occasion, Kryazhkov writes that "in the territory of each of them (autonomous okrugs. - S.Kh.), with the exception of the Evenk Autonomous Okrug, the absolute majority of people living in Russia of the indigenous nationality that gave the name to the subject of the Federation live. Representatives of these nationalities retain originality of language, culture, way of life and economic activity.

The process of unification of autonomous regions that has begun and at the same time the exclusion of the corresponding provision on quota representation of indigenous peoples in the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Federation actually deprives these peoples of the opportunity to have guaranteed representation in these bodies.

Unification of the Komi-Perm Autonomous Okrug and the Perm Region into the Perm Territory, as well as the unification of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug, the Evenk Autonomous Okrug and Krasnoyarsk Territory just leads to such a situation. It is little changed by the consolidation in the Federal Constitutional Law of October 14, 2005 N 6-FKZ "On the formation of a new subject of the Russian Federation as part of the Russian Federation as a result of the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug and the Evenk Autonomous Okrug" provisions, according to which 22 deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the new subject of the Federation are elected in single-member districts, and 4 deputies in multi-member districts (part 3 of article 11).

Under the majoritarian electoral system, the voters of the former autonomous regions and the former region will have an equal number of votes. At the same time, a similar procedure for holding elections is established by the said Constitutional Law only for the elections of the Legislative Assembly of the first convocation. It does not guarantee that in the future the population of each of the administrative-territorial units with a special status will not be deprived of their representation in the legislative (representative) authority of the region.

One cannot but agree with O.E. Kutafin, which points to the emergence of a new type of autonomy in Russia - an autonomous okrug that is not a subject of the Russian Federation. In favor of such a statement, in his opinion, is the argument that the very reasons that led to the creation, in particular, of the Komi-Permyatsk Okrug as an autonomous entity, have not disappeared. Such a reason is precisely the need to ensure the protection of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. This is also evidenced by the provisions of the Federal Constitutional Law of March 25, 2004 N 1-FKZ "On the formation of a new subject of the Russian Federation as part of the Russian Federation as a result of the unification of the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsk Autonomous Okrug", according to which the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsky the autonomous okrug cease to exist, and the Komi-Permyatsky okrug is part of the Perm Territory as an administrative-territorial unit of the region with a single territory and a special status determined by the Charter of the Perm Territory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 4).

At the same time, the federal legislation currently does not say anything about the special status of such administrative-territorial units. It should also be noted that the Agreement between Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug about the legal status of the Komi-Permyatsky Okrug as part of the Perm Territory refers to the status of the Okrug as a single municipality. However, the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" does not provide for such municipalities, nor does it establish appropriate status features for certain possible categories of already fixed types of municipalities (settlements, municipal districts, etc.), including when determining issues of local importance and the powers arising from them for any types of municipalities. Given the importance of this issue for ensuring the guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples, it would be advisable to establish the foundations for such a special status in the text of the Federal Constitutional Law on the Association of the Named Subjects of the Russian Federation or to determine the specifics of the status of the relevant municipalities that have an additional set of powers of local governments in the field of protection of rights indigenous peoples.

One has to regret that the Federal Law “On the Territories of Traditional Nature Management of the Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation”, adopted back in 2001, does not actually work. In practice, communities of indigenous peoples cannot secure land plots with hunting and fishing grounds, reindeer pastures and fishing grounds in the territories of traditional nature management. Without documents for the right to use land in these territories, representatives and communities of indigenous peoples engaged in such traditional nature management also do not have the opportunity to obtain long-term licenses for the right to use wildlife objects, one-time licenses for hunting fur-bearing animals, as well as quotas for fishing . This deals a serious blow to the viability of indigenous peoples, since the very existence of these peoples as independent ethnic groups without traditional nature management is hardly possible at all. At the same time, it should be noted that, in general, the content of the mentioned Law corresponds to the principle laid down in Art. 69 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Summing up, one should state the unstable nature of the development of federal legislation in the field of protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. Despite the multitude of legislative acts in this area, it is necessary to continue the search for the most effective model of legislative regulation of these relations: legislation in the XXI century. should serve not the survival, but the prosperity of the indigenous peoples, as well as all the peoples of Russia. The Constitution of Russia contains all the prerequisites for the successful solution of this problem.


Land Code of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2001 N 136-FZ; Forest Code of the Russian Federation of January 29, 1997 N 22-FZ;

Federal Law No. 191-FZ of December 17, 1998 "On the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian Federation"; Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 "On Environmental Protection";

Federal Law No. 187-FZ of November 30, 1995 "On the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation", etc.

Kryazhkov V. Status of Autonomous Okrugs: Evolution and Problems // Russian Federation. 2006. N 2. S. 49.

SZ RF. 2005. N 42. Art. 4212.

See: Kutafin O.E. Russian autonomy. M., 2006. S. 450 - 451.

See: SZ RF. 2004. N 13. Art. 1110.


The modernization of education in the North is aimed at reorienting the development of the school towards solving important social problems in villages with a compact population of small indigenous peoples. National-regional aspects of education serve integral part multicultural and global educational process. A positive experience is being created for the functioning of rural schools as complexes for solving the socio-economic, pedagogical and health-improving problems of the indigenous population in their microdistrict. In the prospective development of the social functions of education in the North, both the tendency to absolutize regional specificity and the underestimation of its features are equally unacceptable.



national-regional development

socio-pedagogical complex

1. Mukhamedzyanova G.V. Dialogue of cultures and partnership of civilizations as a humanitarian component vocational education// Scientific foundations for the development of education in the XXI century. Collection of n / works. Comp., ed. A.S. Zapesotsky, O.E. Lebedev. - St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2011. - S. 424–433.

2. The reality of the ethnos. Globalization and national traditions of education in the context of the Bologna process. - St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2005. - 536 p.

3. Neustroev N.D., Savvin A.S. National traditions of Russian education in the context of the Bologna process. – M.: Academia, 2009. – C. 180–181.

4. Neustroev N.D. Rural ungraded school in Yakutia in the conditions innovative development. - Yakutsk: Publishing House of Yakutsk University, 2009. - C. 34–35.

5. Khristoforov V. So that life boils in the outback. Gas. "Yakutia". – 2013.

The task of modernizing education in the North is to transform the existing experience, outline the prospects for solving all problems, and reorient the vector of its development towards the dominant values modern society, respectively, and on the reorientation of school development towards solving important social problems of villages densely populated by small indigenous peoples (training and social adaptation of graduates to real life). At the same time, the national-regional aspects of education serve as an integral part of the global educational process ... The teacher acts not only as a bearer of national culture, but also as an intermediary between different cultures.

In historical terms, it should be noted a noticeable increase in the general educational and general cultural level of indigenous peoples in the Soviet years, but at the same time - the loss of ethno-cultural identity, the erosion of ethnic self-consciousness, which gave rise to marginal moods and various forms of deviant behavior (from vagrancy and alcoholism, unwillingness to work to suicide and crime) .

As a typical example for the national regions of the North-East of Russia, we present an analysis of the state of socio-cultural development, the socio-demographic situation of five Evenk villages of the Amur Region for last decade. Studies have shown that some of the respondents showed a neutral attitude of the public, parents to the preservation and further development of the nomadic lifestyle; 2/3 of the population are indifferent to the upbringing of their children; the other part of the respondents do not see further opportunities for training specialists from among the indigenous population in folk crafts, ethnic reindeer husbandry.

According to statistics, out of 1,200 able-bodied Evenks living in the Amur Region, 700 people, about 300 people are employed in production. In the last 5 years alone, the number of the indigenous population of the region has decreased by 104 people. The mortality rate is more than 1.5 times higher than the regional indicator. At working age, 64% of Evenks died, and men at this age died 3 times more than women. The low standard of living of the Evenki population is due to poverty and unemployment, the decline of culture, the loss of national traditions and customs. Indeed, the indigenous peoples of the North (SIPN), according to R.G. Abdulatipov, in socio-economic terms, were on the verge of extinction, demographically - on the verge of depopulation and degeneration, and politically - on alienation from power. In this regard, today we should talk not about the restoration, but about the formation new system education for indigenous peoples in their places of residence. Researchers come to the conclusion that the basis of the rural school model in the North is the creation of a single educational space in the system of the school, the village, the surrounding society, taking into account their capabilities and needs, national characteristics, the interests of children, the social order of parents, their real life, life philosophy of the older generation.

In the North, the importance of the family is especially high, since people here are usually isolated from a large community. Favorable relationships in the family contribute to the upbringing of a healthy child, both mentally and physiologically. There are such full-fledged Evenki families in our villages, but there are very few of them, and even fewer over the years. We often witness how young families are degraded as a result of unemployment, partying and drinking. It has been proven that the causes of neurosis among children in 80% of cases depend on psychotraumatic situations in society. In the North, the number of children born sick in the last 10 years has increased at least 2 times, and the level of infant mortality is higher here.

A part of non-indigenous men who have arrived in temporary activities are not interested in starting a family; as a result, indigenous women in many cases remain single mothers. In the above Evenk villages, the number of single mothers has increased, which is also one of the reasons for the increase in the number of pedagogically neglected children, who today account for more than 20%.

The vast majority of delinquent children have mental disabilities. Of course, the dramatic fate of Evenk children develops, as a rule, after they reach school age. From the age of 7, they are often cut off from their families and mothers to live in a boarding school. This actually leads to a violation of socialization and adaptation, the loss of many traditional skills by the younger generation. To remove the adverse effects of education and upbringing in a boarding school, the formation of the personality of children, the effectiveness of their adaptation to labor activity required a specific educational policy. In order to preserve and further develop the ethnic integrity of the indigenous population of the North in the current situation, it was necessary to create new organizational, pedagogical and health-saving conditions for the children of the peoples of the North.

At the visiting meeting of the Presidium of the State Council in Salekhard, when discussing the problem of the indigenous peoples of the North, much was said about the quality of their life. An eloquent fact is cited by the director of the Institute of Physiology of Natural Adaptations of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Tkachev: “Of our native northerners, no more than 8% survive to retirement age. And the Eskimos in Greenland live an average of 82 years. Drunkenness, suicides, the growth of crime and drug addiction - all this hits small peoples much more than any other. At the meeting there was a call to revive presidential program"Children of the North". At the same meeting, President V.V. Putin spoke about the importance of the so-called "social responsibility of business" and "the political will of local authorities." "We must not lose the most great wealth countries,” the President said, referring to the northern culture and traditions of the people.

From this point of view, what to do with a graduate who for 10-12 years without a deer and taiga is brought up in the conditions of living in a boarding school, in isolation from real life, taiga, parents, i.e. from the environment for which, it would seem, he was born? What can we offer him? Real reindeer herders, the parents of these students firmly believe that the reindeer is still indispensable. Indigenous children have a peculiar way of thinking, a mental state and behavior that is adequate to the living conditions, the native element of the North. The teaching staff is confident that practical reindeer husbandry should be introduced in all schools in areas densely populated by the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East as the basis for further education and development of the village, and labor life training for children. First of all, to purchase reindeer, to provide for schools in the staff - the positions of a reindeer herder, wind worker, masters of national applied arts and folk crafts. In our opinion, based on the specifics of life realities, the basic curriculum for Russian schools (75% of the content of education), the regional component (25% of the content of education) should be respectively revised and rethought in the direction of reorienting the vector of education development towards a variable solution of local problems, taking into account original life and activity, natural and climatic, national and regional features of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

The specialized school in the North must answer the question: what should be the further development of each school, village? To ensure the formation of a personality capable of living and working after graduation in a particular team, in society as a whole. In this regard, the schools of the Evenki villages of the Amur Region are, as it were, ready to function as a complex for solving the socio-economic, pedagogical, medical and health-improving tasks of the indigenous population in their microdistrict. Almost all the necessary conditions are created here: five meals a day are organized for Evenk children, there is a bathhouse, a first-aid post, a gym and playgrounds with appropriate equipment, a shooting range with heating, a hunting house, a museum of local lore, a greenhouse, and ancillary farms. In general, a training and production technological complex with recreational activities has been created, where pupils are engaged in a variety of activities in the interests and areas of traditional sectors of the economy and folk craft of indigenous peoples. Children are taught hunting and fishing, the basics of reindeer herding.

The conducted research and organization of experimental work, aimed at fulfilling the goals and objectives set, made it possible to obtain the following results:

1. On the basis of the conceptual provision for the renewal and development of labor training of children, the formation of interest in national culture, traditions and customs, the Evenk language, an educational and production technological complex was created for the profile preparation of children for traditional sectors of the economy, national and applied activities of indigenous peoples, which united children and adults in real life, in a micro-society of different ages.

2. A new approach to solving the problem of a socio-pedagogical nature has been formed: to preserve the wealth that the older generation of villagers has, to adopt the skills of the older Evenks, their skills, and philosophy of life. In the current situation, the school should take on the functions of socio-cultural, educational, and partially socio-economic development of the village - training personnel and social adaptation of graduates to real life.

3. In the near future, it is planned, starting from the 9th grade, to study for obtaining primary vocational education with access to a specialty and with the subsequent provision of work in a specialized specialty in the Center being created - a complex of continuous education, employment of graduates and youth, capable of solving not only the actual pedagogical, but also broad socio-economic tasks, which, in turn, will help stabilize the situation in areas densely populated by the indigenous peoples of the North of the Amur Region.

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), similar ideas for creating social and pedagogical complexes in the conditions of the North are being implemented in places where indigenous peoples are densely populated. Education in the North is considered as a factor in the spiritual transformation of the village, national revival, ethnic mentality and identity. The conceptual provisions on the creation of an educational space in a rural society in the conditions of the North suggest housing and communal complexes - “factories” for nomadic and semi-nomadic populations as a condition for improving the activities of small-scale and nomadic schools. The social partnership of households, enterprises, the public, schools and families provides a holistic pedagogical process for the formation of a creative, socially oriented personality of children in the socio-cultural conditions of the village, taking into account the identity, traditional way of life and activities of the indigenous peoples of the North.

Currently, the Government of the Republic is developing a program for the integrated development of the village, which will take into account all the parameters for the village to reach a new level. 2013 has been declared the Year of the Village in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Work is underway to improve the regulatory framework for the activities of the agro-industrial complex, the Law on the state budget for this year increased the volume of investments for its development (more than 900 million rubles). 2.5 billion rubles are provided for gasification, construction of housing, roads and infrastructure support for new residential complexes in the countryside. The implementation of support programs for start-up farmers and family livestock farms is starting, more than 100 million rubles will be allocated from the state budget for the purchase of agricultural animals.

Thus, the theory of justification and development of promising ethno-regional education systems, models of educational institutions in the North, in our opinion, is even more relevant. At the same time, it is important to understand that in the long-term development of the social functions of education in the North, both the tendency to absolutize regional specifics and the underestimation of its specific features are equally unacceptable.

Bibliographic link

Neustroev N.D., Neustroeva A.N. EDUCATION IN THE NORTH AS A FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES // Successes of Modern Natural Science. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 195-198;
URL: (date of access: 07/19/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

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