Leisure medium group travel to the country ecology. Ecological leisure for children of middle, senior, preparatory to school groups

Helpful Hints 06.07.2019

Tasks. Create a joyful mood, develop a desire to participate in joint activities. Expand children's ideas about the forest and its inhabitants, form elements of environmental consciousness; develop cognitive activity, enrich vocabulary children; cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: red and green circles by the number of children; games: "Good-bad", "Whose house"; phonogram "Sounds of the forest"; pictures: sun, clouds, flowers, birds, three-dimensional Christmas trees, trees for decorating the hall; medals "Friends of the Forest" by the number of children; basket with cookies in the form of mushrooms.

Integration educational areas : social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Preliminary work: a conversation about the forest, about wild animals; examining the album "Rules of conduct in nature", the poster "Who needs trees in the forest"; learning logarithmics "We are going along a forest road."

Characters: presenter, old man - Lesovik (adults).

Entertainment progress.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around, they are met by the host.

Leading. Look at your faces, who would I be friends with here? Who are you? Refers to children.

Children. I am Nikita, I am Katya...

Leading. Hello dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world! I invite you to a forest walk. Guys, the forest is a home for plants, birds, animals.

Who respects the forest, does not offend plants,

He helps the animals, he is a welcome guest in the forest.

That a true friend the woods. Today we will find out whether you are real friends of the forest or not. But before we go to the forest, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Game "Ecological traffic light". The teacher calls the actions, the children answer: “you can”, “you can’t” and raise a green or red circle.

break branches; leaving trash behind destroy nests and anthills; somersault in the grass; picking berries; destroy poisonous mushrooms; kindle fires; rest on a stump.

Leading. And now you can go for a walk in the forest.

Logorhythm "We are going along the forest road"The soundtrack “Sounds of the Forest” sounds, the children walk in a circle, say words and perform movements:

We are walking along the forest road, normal walking) Lots of interesting things here

Let's go along the path to the forest,

Miracles in the forest around :( put palms on cheeks, shake head)

Here a mushroom grows under the tree, ( put your hands over your head with a “hat”)

The mountain ash burns with a flame, ( "flashlights" for four counts)

The squirrel jumps jump, jump, ( jumps)

And nuts click, yes click . (clapping hands)

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise, put finger to lips)

Walk along the path into the forest; ( toe walking)

We are all friends for the forest, you can’t offend friends!

Leading. Guys, here we are autumn forest. I see everyone is in a great mood.

An old forester appears.

Leading. Who are you grandfather?

Lesovik. It's me - the forest old man, called Lesovik.

I guard this forest, I keep order here.

Leading. Hello Lesovik!

Lesovik. Hello children! Why did you complain?

Leading. The boys and I went for a walk in the forest.

Lesovik. I know how you walk. Trample flowers, offend insects, scare animals. I won't let you into the forest!

Leading. Lesovik, our children love the forest and know the rules of behavior in the forest.

Lesovik. Well, if so, welcome to the forest. And I have prepared various tasks for you, now we will find out what you know about animals and plants.

1. Task "Name it in one word"

A wolf, a fox, a bear, a hare are ... animals.

Birch, pine, oak, mountain ash are ... trees.

Sparrow, titmouse, woodpecker, crow are ... birds.

Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries are ... berries.

Butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly, fly are ... insects.

Chamomile, rose, tulip, poppy are ... flowers.

2. The task "Mysteries about animals"

1. I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel.)

2. When I'm hungry, don't meet me

I will click my teeth, I will eat by chance. (Wolf.)

3. In the summer he walks through the forest,

Resting in the den in winter. (Bear.)

4. A pillow with needles lay between the trees

She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away. (Hedgehog.)

5. Red cheat, cunning and dexterous,

I got into the barn, counted the chickens. (Fox.)

6. Long-eared coward, climbed into the garden,

I saw a carrot, grab it quickly - and in my mouth. ( Hare.)

Lesovik. Well done guys, you did a great job. Now help the animals, the birds find their home.

3. The task "Whose house" Children come to the table and make pairs "The animal (insect, bird) is its home." Each child has three pairs of cards.

Musical pause. Song-game "On the Forest Lawn".

Leading. Guys, there are many different birds in the forest. What are the benefits of birds to the forest?

Lesovik. Do you guys know the birds that live in our forests? Now let's check.

4. Task "What kind of bird"

1. Who is on the tree for a bitch, keeps the score: ku-ku, ku-ku? ( Cuckoo.)

2. Vereshchunya, white-sided, but her name is ... magpie.

3. Guess this bird is jumping along the path,

As if a cat is not afraid - it collects crumbs,

And then on a branch - jump, and chirp: Chick-chirp! ( Sparrow.)

4. He flies all night - he gets mice.

And it becomes light, it flies into a hollow to sleep. (Owl.)

5. I knock on wood, I want to get a worm,

Although he disappeared under the bark, he will still be mine! ( Woodpecker.)

5. Task "Good - Bad"Lesovik invites the children to look at the pictures and divide them into two parts. To help children, two cards are offered: the sun for good deeds, and a cloud for the bad. If possible, the child explains his choice.

Leading. Guys, our walk is over. I think that now you will become true friends of the forest, you will cherish and love it. The teacher gives medals "Friends of the Forest". Time to go back to Kindergarten. Let's thank Lesovik for an interesting walk.

Lesovik. And I also prepared gifts for you. Lesovik gives the children a basket of cookies in the shape of mushrooms. The children go to the music.


1. Gorkova, L.G. Scenarios for classes environmental education[Text]: Middle, senior, preparatory group/ ed. comp. Kochergina, A. V., Obukhova, L. A. - M.: VAKO, 2011. - 240 p. - (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate). - 5000 copies. ISBN: 978-5-408-00341-9.

2. Molodova, L.P. Gaming environmental activities with children [Text]: Educational method. manual for kindergarten teachers and teachers. - Minsk: "Asar" - 1996. - 128 p.: ill. ISBN 985-6070-13-9.

3. Shorygina, T.A. What animals are in the forest? Journey into the world of nature and the development of speech. [Text]: a book for educators, tutors and parents. - M .: "Publishing house: Gnome and D", 2002. - 96 p. ISBN: 5-296-00051-X.

Ecological entertainment "On a visit to Lesovichka" for children 4-5 years old

Create a joyful mood in children, cause emotional responsiveness.
Continue to expand children's knowledge about spring changes in nature; learn to recognize and name animals and vegetable world the woods.
Continue to develop in children an interest in learning. Teach the children the rules of behavior in the forest.
To develop musical ear in children, to form musical thinking and musical memory, to develop the natural inclinations of children through all types of musical activities.
Develop their attention, memory, speech.
Bring up careful attitude to all living things.
Integration of educational areas Keywords: social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Event progress.

Educator: Invented by someone and simply and wisely,
Say hello when meeting Good morning»
- Hello! - say, and the sun and the birds,
- Hello! - cute smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting
Let the good "Hello" be heard in the evening.

Educator: Guys, today I invite you for a walk!
And we will go to spring forest, but for this you need to say a magic spell:
We need to close our eyes
Make two big jumps
Stretch your hands forward
And then vice versa.
Like leaves, spin around.
So that we find ourselves in the forest.
Here is the miracle of miracles:
We got into the forest with you!
(A picture of the forest appears on the screen)
(An audio recording of bird voices sounds.)

Children listen to birdsong.


You know guys: whoever respects the forest, does not offend the plants, helps the animals, he is a welcome guest in the forest.
What time of year do you think it is? That's right folks, it's spring. Tell me, please, what happens in nature with the advent of spring? (children's answers)


Well done boys. In spring the days get longer. The sun shines brighter, spring rains come, grass appears, birds fly.

And so that spring comes as soon as possible, let's sing a song about spring.

Children sing the song "Here spring has come again."


Oh who is it? Guys, this is Lesovichok!


Hello children. I am an old Lesovichok, I guard this forest.


Hello Lesovichok, we came to visit you, we want to see the forest and play with you.


With what did you come to me with good or evil?
(children's answers).


This is good, otherwise there are children who break branches, tear flowers, offend birds and forest animals.


I will let you take a walk and play in the forest, but you must guess my riddles:
1. He sleeps in a den in winter
Under the big pine
And when spring will come,
Wakes up from sleep.

2. In the forest in cold winter
Walks angry, hungry.
He clicks his teeth!
It's grey...
3. Not a crow, not a titmouse.
What is the name of this bird?
Perched on a bitch -
It was heard in the forest "Ku-ku".


We guessed the riddles, and now play with us.
Lesovichok with children play the game "Little Birds"


Birds come from the south in spring. Do you know how to treat birds (children's answers)


Children, you feel how clean the air is in the forest! Smells like spring and greenery! This birch put on a green outfit - dismissed the leaves.
Children and the teacher approach the tree, examine the tree


There are many birches in our country, they are very beautiful trees.
Ouch! Guys, look at our birch tree there are very few leaves. Let's make the birch beautiful.
Children together with their parents attach leaves to the birch with plasticine


Which beautiful tree happened! Do you know how to treat trees, plants, flowers? That's right guys, be careful. Let's dance around the birch.

Children perform a round dance "Birch"

We stood around the birch in a round dance,
Bright handkerchiefs raised high.
Our babies are dancing, babies.
We walked around the birch merrily,
They walked merrily, walked with their legs.
You, birch, look, look,
Our babies are dancing, babies.
You and I, birch, we'll play hide and seek,
Guess, birch, where are your guys.
You, birch, look, look,
Our babies are dancing, babies.
And now, birch, it's time for us to say goodbye,
It's time for us to say goodbye, to bow low.
You, birch, look, look,
Our babies are dancing, babies.


praises the children: “Ah yes, well done, oh yes, daring kids! Oh, they made the old man happy, I’ll sit for now! He sits on a stump near the Christmas tree and, leaning on the stump, pricks his finger with a spruce needle.
What kind of needle pricked my hand?


Maybe a hedgehog ran here and lost his needles? Children, what do you think, what kind of needle did Lesovichok prick his hand with? Of course, this is not a Hedgehog at all, this is Christmas tree needles. The Christmas tree has needles instead of leaves, sharp as needles. She does not shed these needles even in winter. Therefore, they say about the Christmas tree "In winter and summer in one color." Children, and here is the hedgehog! He curled up under a tree, we did not notice him! (Under the tree is a hedgehog toy.) What do you think will happen if you stroke the hedgehog with your hand? Do you think it would be better for a hedgehog to live in the forest or in a kindergarten? (Children's answers.) The hedgehog is a resident of the forest, so you can’t take him home, he feels good in the forest.


Guys, let's sing a song about a hedgehog.

Children sing the song "Little Hedgehog"


You need to go quietly, do not make noise, so as not to scare away the inhabitants of the forest! A hare lurks in the grass (a toy hare sits in the grass) What is the name of a hare in fairy tales? Who is the bunny afraid of in the forest? Guys, let's dance with the bunny.

Children perform the dance "Bunny jumped, jumped ..."


Let's not disturb the bunny and go to another clearing.
Another inhabitant of the forest hid in a tree.
Guess my riddle:
A fluffy tail sticks out from the top.
What is this strange animal?
Cracks nuts finely.
Well, of course it is...
Educator: Guys, the squirrel was collecting cones, but she heard the voices of people, got scared, and dropped the basket with cones. Let's help the squirrel collect bumps?

Children collect cones in a basket

Educator: Well, let's not interfere with the forest animals, let everyone mind their own business!
Lesovichok: Children, in my forest there are many animals and birds, trees and flowers. They must be protected! You know the rules of behavior in the forest well, you are true friends of nature.
Educator: Guys, let's draw these rules so that other children also know how to behave in the forest. (draw pictures)
Educator: In the meantime, our drawings will dry out, we will dance.
Dance "We will walk with you."
Children with a teacher draw up a poster "The rules of the friends of the forest."
We walked in the forest
Seen all the beauty
And now it's time to say goodbye
AT kindergarten come back.
Lesovichok: Come again. Who comes to us with kindness, we are glad to meet with mushrooms and berries. Goodbye!

Children say goodbye to Lesovichok.

caregiver: I will now say the magic words, and we will find ourselves in our kindergarten.
We need to close our eyes
Make two big jumps
Stretch your hands forward
And then vice versa.
Like leaves, spin around.
So that we find ourselves in the garden.
Here is the miracle of miracles:
We are with you in our kindergarten!

Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the life of the inhabitants of the winter forest; to distinguish between a fairy forest and a real one. Repeat familiar riddles. Develop the ability to maintain a game imaginary situation; accompany the singing with playful movements.

Children stand in a circle and dance, performing movements in the course of the dance.

We will now go to the right - 1,2,3

And then let's go left - 1,2,3

We clap our hands loudly - 1,2, 3

And we stamp our feet together - 1,2,3

And now we turn around - 1,2,3

And smile at each other - 1,2,3

We never get bored - 1,2,3

Let's start the round dance from the beginning - 1,2,3

Little Red Riding Hood comes to the group. (Girl from senior group).

- Hello guys! I went to visit my grandmother, heard your cheerful song and decided to go and see who sings so cheerfully.

- Where does your grandmother live?

— She lives in a house, on the edge of the village, beyond the forest. Do you know what a forest is? (Answers).

Vos: Right. There are no houses in the forest, but they grow different trees, there are a lot of bushes. The forest is very large, you can walk through it for a long time - for a long time and you can get lost in it. you can only go with adults. People go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, admire its beauty, breathe clean air- it is very good for health.

Winter is a real magic. She dresses the forest in beautiful outfits.

Cr. Riding Hood: Did you walk in the winter forest? Do you want me to show you a fabulous winter forest? You will see what happens in it in winter. Only now it is very cold in the forest.

Vos-l: And we will dress warmly. What warm, winter clothes will we wear? (We imitate with the children how we put on imaginary woolen: socks, leggings, sweater; warm coat, hat).

We help each other tie a scarf. What do we put on our feet?

Can we guess the riddle?

Two sisters, 2 braids

From sheep's yarn

How to walk, how to put on

So as not to freeze 5 and 5

Yes, these are mittens.

Cr. Riding Hood: I see that you are dressed warmly, and we can go to visit our grandmother through the winter, fairy forest (The song “Together is fun to walk” sounds, verse 1, the children go into the hall, where there are snow-covered trees, stumps against the wall, on the floor - white coating.A hare jumps towards - hare (Child from the senior group).

Cr. Hat: Hello, Shustrik.

This is my friend rabbit. He lives in a hole under a tree stump. Don't be afraid, Shustrik, guys. We are going to visit grandma. I want to show the guys the forest, and who lives in it in winter.

Hare: Look at my winter, thick, white, winter coat. In such a warm fur coat, the fox will not find me. I hide under the tree in the snow - you can't see me.

Vos-l: Guys, why can't the fox find a hare?

Children: The snow is white and the hare is white.

Hare: We are hungry - there is no grass, we have to gnaw branches from bushes and bark from trees. It's not very tasty, but what can you do. We sleep in the snow under a bush - it's scary, we listen all the time, our ears are in different sides turn. Hungry wolves roam the forest (Kr. Riding Hood takes a carrot out of a basket and treats a hare).

Vos-l: In summer, wolves walk alone, but in winter they huddle in packs. They have nothing to eat, so they attack everyone they meet in the forest. Be attentive, Shustrik, do not fall into the clutches of a fox with a wolf. Goodbye, we'll move on.

Hare: So that your legs do not fall into the snowdrifts, I will give you skis.

Vos-l: Thank you, Shustrik,

I know what kids love

Skis, sleds and skates

And, of course, everything in the world

They love to play in the snow.

(Children sing the song "Snowballs" and imitate the game).

Vos-l: And now let's put on "skis" (Made from plastic bottles), pick up ski poles (Imaginary) and let's go and admire that green beauty over there (While the children are walking, he says):

"The sorceress - in winter, the forest is bewitched."

"Bewitched by the Invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

See what birds are sitting on the branches.

Children: Bullfinches, tits, magpie, crow (Kr. Riding Hood takes out a treat for the birds from the basket)

Vos-l: We made a feeder

We opened a cafeteria

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor

You will have lunch in the winter.

Reb: You can always find her in the forest

Let's go for a walk and meet

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress.

Vos-l: Who knows the riddles about the Christmas tree?

1 reb: What kind of girl is this?

Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round.

2 reb: And in the heat and in the cold,

In a green coat.

3 children: In winter and summer - in one color.

4 reb: Who is dressed up once a year?

A squirrel appears to the music (a girl from the older group). He talks about his winter coat, shows a "pantry" with supplies, a hollow, mushrooms on a tree. Leads a round dance with the guys around the Christmas tree.

Cr. Riding Hood: Squirrel, don't you know where Toptygin and the prickly hedgehog are, for some reason you can't see their traces in the forest?

Squirrel: I know, Toptygin built in a thicket, in a dense forest, a lair for himself under a fallen tree. And lay in it all winter. Sleeping and eating nothing. I asked him to wake up when spring comes. The hedgehog will also sleep all winter in its hole. He warmed it with grass, leaves. He is warm under the snow.

Vos-l: Thank you, Squirrel, for the story (Squirrel tears cones from the Christmas tree).

Vos-l: Katya, will tell us a riddle.

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

sucked brown paw

And when he woke up, he began to thin

This beast is a forest...

Children say bear.

Squirrel: Cr. Hat, please pass me a present from me (puts cones in a basket).

Cr. Riding Hood: Thank you, dear Squirrel (the melody of the wind sounds).

Vos-l: Blew cold wind. It is necessary to pull the hat over the ears, turn up the collars. And in the real forest, and in your fairy forest, Cr. Beanie, very cold in winter. Everything: trees, bushes, earth - covered with snow. There is a lot of it, it is difficult to walk through the snowy forest - the legs fall into deep snow. There are no leaves on the trees, they are all covered with snow. In winter, the day is short, you need to hurry, otherwise it will get dark.

Cr. Riding Hood: Yes, you can already see my grandmother's house.

She is sitting by the window

And looking out into the street

And it's winter outside

All roads covered.

(The children return to the group. Their grandmother meets them and treats them to tea with jam from berries that she picked in the forest in the summer).

Vos-l: MBDOU d / s No. 9

Popova Olga Petrovna

Holiday "Save water!" for children of the middle group. Scenario

Target. Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.
To consolidate the acquired knowledge about water, its importance in the life of people and all living things. Cultivate respect for water.

Hall decoration. On the central wall there is a poster “Save water”, clouds, birds. There is a vase of flowers against the wall.

Characters. Leading, Rivers, Clouds, Cloud, Drop - adults.


Sounds music "Good afternoon" Y. Dubrovin (recording).
Children enter the hall to the music and sit down.
presenter: In the spring the sun bakes,
The stream gurgles and flows.
The streams merge
They turn into lakes.

Leading: Where do spring streams come from? That's right, from snow, from ice. Because it warms the bright, warm spring sun. "Come out, sun, come out red," - this is how they call in the spring
Sun. Let's invite the sun to visit us and dance.
Game-song "Sunshine"

During the dance, the sun rises on the central wall.
Presenter: Here comes our sun. You all know that the sun, air and water are ours best friends. I'll give you a riddle
And you try to guess it:
She is in the lake, she is in the puddle,
She is spinning like a snowflake over us,
She is boiling in our kettle,
Does she run and murmur in the river? (Water)
Leading: That's right, it's about water. And today we have gathered with you for leisure “Save water!”.

Droplet runs out.
droplet. Oh oh! Help!
I can hardly hold on!
Save! Save!
I'll break, I'll break!
It will probably help
Someone now
I really hope
Children on you.
Leading. Wait, wait. How to call you.
Droplet. Everyone calls me Droplet.
Dear friends!
presenter. I hung on the roof
And so I flew down.
But I don't know where to run
This is where I break my head.
Leading. Guys! Let's help a little.
Let's tell her where to go.
Can you tell me where the droplets meet?
Where is there water?
Leading. Well, droplet, now you know where you can run.
Droplet. Oh thank you friends!
Only I'm not alone.

My little sisters have already run away
They got into the happy states of the water.
Now we need to collect them in buckets
And give it to my friend.
presenter. Okay, droplet. Our children are responsive. Really guys?
Children. Yes!
presenter. Then we will help the poor drop to collect ice, icicles, snowballs and snowflakes in buckets?
I invite 4 children.
droplet. Oh thank you! Well done!
Now I can run away with them from the roof.
Leading. And I can help you, Droplet. Want?
Droplet. Of course I want.
Leading. Then sit down, sit down and wait for me.

The leader leads the stream.
Leading. Meet my friend
Fast stream!
He does not sit still
He is always running somewhere.
Hello, dear brook!
Brook. I'm sick, I'm shallow, I'm dying, I'm dying,
My problem is dirty water.
People, shame on you
Threw all sorts of rubbish:
Boards and sawdust, buckets and bottles.
Don't set foot on the bottom
It's all littered.

Leading: Oh, what a pity. So you won't be able to take even a droplet to your place? She was in such a hurry with her sisters to you.
Brook. I can not. I'll die right now.
Children, can we help the river? But as? (Clear
it from garbage, do not throw garbage into the water...)

Leading: So go out and help the river in her trouble.

An attraction is being held - “WHO WILL CLEAN THE SPEECH-
KU "(children collect garbage in a bucket).

Clear Brook: Thank you my little friends for your help. I
I will never forget this and thank you.
Leading: Well done, guys, they did a good job, cleaned
river from garbage and dirt. Now the water is clean. And droplets can run with a stream.
Brook. My water has now become clear, and fish have settled in it again, try to catch it
mother. And I flowed with droplets further. Goodbye. See you soon. (River and Droplet leave.)
Leading: And we'll go fishing.
Fishermen, hurry up and catch more fish.

The attraction "WHO MORE CATCHES FISH" is being held
Leading: Clouds, clouds, lush and white,
Tell me, clouds, what are you made of?
Clouds: We are rain, we are snow.
If we sail in the summer
We bring rain with us.
If we sail in winter
We bring snow with us.
Here we are!
Leading: Apparently mischievous.
Clouds: Hello, have you seen a cloud here? We ran so through the sky and we fell behind the clouds. Help us get her back.
Leading. So let's all dance
She will respond to our fun.
Dance "Cloud"
A cloud comes out.
Cloud. Oh what fun you have. I'm just sad now.
Leading. What happened?
Cloud. My children - clouds and droplets played out and disappeared. Did you by any chance remove them?
Clouds. We are here mommy.
Cloud. My family, where are the droplets?
Clouds. We do not know.
Leading. Here are little drops
They fell off the roof.
The poor are confused
They didn't know what to do.
But suddenly ran past
cheerful stream,
upset droplets
He took with him.
Cloud. How can I find it?
presenter. I know. We can find it by its sound. Promise.
The game "Guess the sound of the water"

It turns out Brook and Droplet.
Brook. Did you call me? What's wrong?
Why are you spilling water?
It needs to be saved
Don't you know?
presenter. Wait, Brook, don't swear.
Look at poor Cloud.
She lost her children.
droplet. Mommy. I'm sorry.
I just played.
The cloud embraces the clouds and the drop.
Cloud. Don't run away anymore.
Thank you kids for your help.
After all, we are all water. And you showed with your kindness how to save water.
Brook. Whatever water, friends, did not meet,
We are all responsible for its safety.
Otherwise, the water may run out,
And then the life on the planet will die down.
And we don't say goodbye to you. We say see you soon!
presenter. Goodbye friends!


Entertainment on an ecological theme for children of the middle group "In the winter forest"

A month before the holiday, an older child, Chanterelle, comes to the children and greets them and gives them a letter. The teacher tells the children that this is a letter from the Old Man-Lesovochka and reads:
"Hello children! My name is Starichok-Lesovichok, and I live in the forest. When you walk in the street, I watch you from the forest and see how well you live in the garden. I'm good in the forest too. I decided to visit you. Let's agree: you cook something interesting for me, I cook for you. Well, goodbye, kids, see you soon! Your Old Man-Lesovichok "

On the day of the holiday, children enter the hall, decorated in the forest. Chairs stand in a semicircle to the central wall. The host draws the attention of the children to the design of the hall and to the house. She approaches the house, returns.

Presenter: Children, but the house is not empty. Do you know who is there?
A little dwarf sits by the window.
This gnome is a little bored.
Apparently he has nothing to do
Well, now I'll go to him!
Knocks on the window, a dwarf comes out of the house.

Dwarf: I have been waiting for you children for a long time.
Almost dozed off.
The old Lesovichok ordered to entertain you.
And how beautiful it is here! Just like in winter forest. Let's go through the woods - let's sing a song!

Song "Here come the cold" (A. Alexandrov)

Children sit down.

Dwarf: You guys sang a good song. Les loves songs because he is very musical. After all, he himself knows how to sing, rustle, rustle. The music of the forest is wonderful. I love listening to it both in winter and summer!

Song "Music in the Forest" (N. Dubravin: performed by a dwarf)

Dwarf: In the meantime, it is winter, it is quiet in the forest, as if there is no one in it. Oh, and what rustled behind the snowdrift?

(Approaches a snowdrift, pulls a bunny by the ears, two or three more jump out after him)

Hare 1: We came to the kindergarten to look at the children!

Hare 2: It is necessary, hares, quickly, dance for us for the children!

Bunny dance with rattles (G. Vilkoreiskaya)

Leading: Well, bunnies, what are you with us! The guys and I also want to sing a song for you.

The song "It became cold in the forests and meadows" (B. Filz)

(A broken tree is exhibited)

Hare 3: Oh, bunny brothers, look!

(Hares hold on to their cheeks, shake their heads and say "Oh-oh-oh")

Hare 4: The wind shook the tree
The wind broke the tree.
The wound on his trunk
And the top of the head on the ground.

Dwarf: Who will help the tree?
Wind, can't he help?

(A child approaches the tree.)

Leading: Then Seryozha came up,
Raised the trunk a little.
And then carefully
Tied him up with a bandage.

Boy: The trunk has recovered almost.
The tree will grow!

Leading: Is someone throwing cones here?
Come out you bastards!

(Because of the snowdrift, bumps fly)

Squirrel 1: Of course you recognized us.

Squirrel 2: We threw these cones!

Squirrel 3: Hares, we want to call you
Dance with us!

Squirrel 4: Are the rabbits here? Hey answer!
Invite us to dance!

Hares randomly: Here we are, here we are!

Dance of squirrels and bunnies (N. Veresokina)

The game "Collect the cones" (Two squirrels scatter cones on both sides of the hall, two children collect them in baskets)

Game "Feed the Bunny" (A child with eyes closed should feed the bunny with pieces of carrot. You can play in pairs)

Leading: Where is our Old Man-Lesovichok? Don't you know, Gnome?

Dwarf: forest birds, animals
Meet the old man.
Bushes, trees, herbs
My name is Lesovichka!
And grandfather with sharp eyes
Looks at a sensitive forest.
He has lived in the forest for a long time.
Keep an eye on the forest
So that the forest does not get sick.
To keep the branches strong
To keep the roots strong
So that the beetle does not eat the bark!

Leading: Forest corridors
On the paths, on the grass.
Walks with kind eyes
For a holiday for the kids.

To the music, the Old Man-Lesovichok enters the hall.

Old Man-Lesovichok: Hello children! Hello dear gnome! Thank you for the song! While I was walking here, I heard everything! Finally I got there. Did you receive my letter? When I promise, I fulfill everything: I promised to come here and I came. Well, how are you here, not bored?

Leading: Well, what are you, grandfather! After all, your friends came to visit us - forest animals! Look how many there are! Do you remember, in your letter you asked us to cook something interesting? We have prepared. Sit on this stump and listen: the guys will read poetry to you.

Children read poems about nature

Old Man-Lesovichok:
And I have a lot of interesting things in store for you!
I brought the game with me
Entertain the kids!

The game "Who will soon collect their leaves" (Three or four children collect leaves of a certain variety in a basket - oak, maple, etc.)

Leading: Grandpa, here we have your friends: a bear, a fox, a squirrel and a bunny. We want to play with them!

Game "Who loves what" (At one end of the hall, a hare, a squirrel, a bear and a fox are sitting on chairs. At the other, in two hoops, there are gifts for them. You need to quickly and correctly bring the gifts to your animals. The game is played once).

Birds fly to Starichka-Lesovichka and chirp.

Old Man-Lesovichok: What? Do not make noise.
Explain everything calmly.
What? Boy? Evil? Offended?
Oh, here I am to him!
Listen, children, I will tell you a story about a bad man.

The squirrel hostess was picking nuts in the forest.
She knew every bough and every bush in that forest!
One day a nasty guy came into the forest with a big knapsack,
He casually kicked a mushroom and swore loudly.
Began to bend the hazel - broke,
I pinched the branches under my arm,
Found one nut - plucked,
Broke the second and third...
He threw away the bush and, like a bear,
Went away happy.
And the poor squirrel looked at it was painful.

A hooligan runs into the hall.

Hooligan: I heard, I heard - it's all about me. Well, what's wrong with that? I broke something, but others do not have to.
I am, I am!
I, apparently, am the bad one!
So that's good. bad people there must be a lot, right?

Children: Not!

Hooligan: Really, animals?

Beasts: Not!

Hooligan: Really, grandpa?

Old Man-Lesovichok: Eh no, you're wrong! Well, who cares that you're so bad?

Hooligan: To me!

Old Man-Lesovichok: What about others?

Hooligan: Why do I need others?

Old Man-Lesovichok: But what! You breathe only because there is a forest in the world. Do you drink clean water because there is a forest in the world.

Leading: And how many people care about you! Someone is preparing food for you. Someone dresses, someone shows a movie!
And if you don't care about anyone, then...

Dwarf: Then turn away from you!

(All participants in the holiday turn their backs on the bully).

Hooligan: Oh, I don't like this at all. He runs up to one, then to another, looks into the faces, everyone turns away, gets angry.
- I don't want that! I do not like it this way! Listen, I don't want to!

The bully runs up to everyone in turn: Mishka, I will no longer take your honey. Squirrel, I won't take your nuts. Bunny, I won't step on your foot. Dwarf, I won't tease you. Old Man-Lesovichok - I'll be polite!

Old Man-Lesovichok: Forgive him guys? But just remember well, and you children, remember my words
Take care of every bush, guys.
Where you will see a simple sprout -
An oak can grow in three girths,
Birch forest or raspberry thick.
Dwarf: And so many nuts and berries!
So, perhaps, to consider, you will not consider.
Firmly remember that the forest is our joy,
Together with the forest, you yourself grow!

Leading: And what is this, Old Man, in your basket?

Old Man-Lesovichok: I brought you presents. Help yourself.

The old Lesovichok distributes apples or pears to children, cookies in the form of fruits, i.e. forest gifts.

Leading: Guys, animals, birds, let's all dance together!

General dance (at the choice of the music director)

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