Summary of the lesson for the preparatory group "I feed the whole world, but I don’t eat it myself" outline of the lesson on the development of speech (preparatory group) on the topic. Old Russian riddles Feeds everyone

Recipes 13.08.2019

“I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions


dining accessories

Russian percussion musical instrument

. "Dry ... mouth tearing" (last)

. "Bread" cutlery

. "Chopper" Antoshka

The main "working" tool of the eater

Road to dinner

Antoshka cooked her for dinner in a song

G. tool for slurping, for eating liquids; loafer, shevyrka, eater. Draft spoon, ladle. A kind of iron ladle with which copper is poured, with a small casting; the same, flatter ladle, with which they take out the incandescent cores, or bayonets, ingots from the molds; wide blade drill; wide nozzle of an earthen drill; lower end of the sternum, spoon, dimple under the sternum. A wooden spoon (the main craft of the Lower Gubernia of the Sem. Uyezd) is chopped off from a buckwheat with a hatchet, embossed with an adze, sharpened with a knife and cut with a curved cutter, and the stalk and forging on it are sharpened with a saw, by hand. Spoon happens: mezheumok, simple Russian, wide; butyrka, burlatskaya, the same, but thicker and rougher; barefoot, longish, blunt-nosed; semi-flat, rounder than that; nosy, sharp-nosed; thin, generally thin, clean finish. White, i.e. unpainted, comes first hand

Measure of tar

A measure of tar in a barrel of honey

musical instrument for dinner

Tool of one when seven with a bipod

An item of household utensils, in rituals - a symbol of a family member, living or dead

An item that rises in price for lunch

Appliance - cabbage soup slurp

Glutton's working tool

Russian folk musical instrument

Russian percussion musical instrument

Canteen "colleague" knife and fork


Soup scoop

What Antoshka cooked for dinner

Percussion instrument of folk orchestra

The closer to dinner, the more expensive it is.

Scoop for Antoshka


I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless (mystery)

Detail of a drilling device designed to extract liquid, semi-liquid and loose rock from a well

By lunchtime it rises in price

One of the oldest cutlery

She's on her way to dinner

An object for scooping up liquid crumbly food

Household item, one of the handicraft products

Appliance for food


AT Ancient Greece even in rich houses, dried crusts of bread were served for dinner, and what do we use instead of them

Barge haulers called her "butyzka" and wore their hats on their foreheads behind a ribbon, like a cockade

eater tool

The most important cutlery

Without her, eating soup would be very difficult.

A musical instrument that can be used to sip cabbage soup

Intermediary between soup and eater

Minimum required amount honey to spoil one barrel of honey

One with a bipod, and seven with it

Cutlery at the soldier's top

Cutlery for seven

A dose of tar, lethal for a barrel

Bouillon scoop

Soup drinker

. "scoop", dear to dinner

. scoop for shoes


The main "working" tool of the eater

In ancient Greece, even in rich houses, dried crusts of bread were served for dinner, but what do we use instead of them?

Barge haulers called her "butyzka" and wore hats on their foreheads behind a ribbon, like a cockade

. “I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

. "dry ... mouth tearing" (last)

Bread Cutlery

. "scoop", dear to dinner

. Antoshka's "scoop"

Canteen "colleague" knife and fork

Appliance - cabbage soup slurp

. scoop for shoes

The whole world feeds, she does not eat.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what is "The whole world feeds, she does not eat." in other dictionaries:

    The daughter-in-law stands and spread her legs: the world feeds, she does not eat herself (plow). Potap stands on four paws, drinks water from year to year (hotbed). Bows, bows will come home, stretch out (axe). Kochet is an ankle-biter, bowing much (the same). Toil, toil will come ... ...

    Husband. food, food, grub, everything that serves to satisfy hunger and assimilate the body; b.h. about animal food; old food, subsistence, daily bread; regaling, folk table, reposeful meal; content, pay. Healthy state food. Feeder … Dictionary Dalia

    Antoshka stands on one leg (mushroom). Little baby, walked through the dungeon, stood in front of the sun, took off the cap (mushroom). Not a knot, not a leaf, but a (sponge) grows on a tree. A girl is sitting in a dark dungeon, a scythe on the street (carrots). Flea fir (fir) ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Female initially, a pole, a pole, a solid wood (from drying out, a dry tree?), from where the desiccation, forked at the end, with a fork; bipod and still stand; | plow, old stock or crossbow stock; in tul. plow, pillar, stand, support, esp. in… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Hold on to an old friend, and a new one at home! The hut is covered with Ilyinsky wood (that is, with straw). Heaps of a living mansion, and a sewn fur coat! I bought a house with brownies. A house is a house, and a brownie is a gift. Make a barn, and there the cattle! What is Sunday, then housewarming (i.e. ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Corvids live in all parts of the world and at all latitudes and heights on the mountains. Towards the equator, the number of species increases significantly, but also in temperate zone there are quite a lot of them and only in the cold the number of their species is limited. Most of them live ... ... Animal life

    BASILY THE GREAT- [Greek. Βασίλειος ὁ Μέγας] (329/30, the city of Caesarea Cappadocia (modern Kayseri, Turkey) or the city of Neocaesarea Pontic (modern Nixar, Turkey) 1.01.379, the city of Caesarea Cappadocia), St. (commemorated January 1, January 30 in the Cathedral of 3 ecumenical teachers and saints; ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Depart from evil and do good. Where the Lord sows wheat, there are devils of tares. And we praise God and sin. Live in such a way that neither from the God of sin, nor from the people of shame. Between the bad and the bad. Hell stands on the merciless. Good will not die, but evil will perish. Kind… … IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (Felidae) * * Felines, as Brem writes, are indeed the most perfect type of predators, in other words, the most specialized representatives of the order. The family includes 36 species grouped into 10 12 genera (although different ... ... Animal life

    - (Canidae)** * * The family includes 16 extant genera and 36 species. Canids are widespread in Eurasia, Africa, North and South America, New Guinea and Australia penetrated with a man. With the exception of one species, they have more ... ... Animal life

You look - you cry, but there is no more beautiful than him in the world. (Sun) A loaf of bread hangs over a woman's hut. (Month)

White carrot grows in winter. (Icicle)

Runs, runs - does not run out. (River)

Why is she white? Because green. (Currant)

In the middle of the yard there is a shock: in front of the pitchfork, behind (Cow)

A hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Nest)

There are pitchforks, a rake on the pitchfork, a breather over the rake, a peeper over the breather, a field over the peeper, and a dense forest beyond the field. (Human)

Under the bridge, under the bridge, under the city, settlement, two trumpets blew, two candles shone, two sables played. (Lips, teeth, nose, eyes, eyebrows)

I will open the barn, I will release a flock of white sheep. (Mouth, teeth)

In the spring it amuses, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms. (Wood)

An iron nose has grown into the ground, digs, digs, loosens the ground. (Plow)

The bow-legged one is disheveled, the toothy one is combing it. (plough and harrow)

Little Dorofeiko has a short belt. (Sheaf)

No windows, no doors - a flock of swans is full. (Cucumber)

Where is the water standing? (Well)

Vito sieve about four corners, about one hundred legs, about seven humps. (Peasant hut)

The mother is fat, the daughter is red, the son of the brave has gone under heaven. (furnace, fire, smoke)

Wet, beat, tore, twisted and put on the table. (Tablecloth)

I was on a fire, I was on a circle, I fed a hundred heads, I became old - I began to swaddle, they threw me out the window - and the dogs do not need it. (Pot)

The fox was running near the forest close: not to catch up, not to see. (Sun)

As soon as he enters the house, you won’t drive him out with a stake, but the time comes - he himself leaves. (beam of the sun)

A bull-horned bull looks from the high road. (Month)

Grandfather bridged the bridge without an ax, without a chisel. (Ice)

There was a lanky one - he got stuck in the damp earth. (Rain)

Twelve eagles, fifty-two jackdaws laid one egg. (Year)

The black cow conquered the whole world; the white one got up - raised the whole world. (Day and night)

She feeds everyone, but does not ask for food herself. (Earth)

They drink my blood, they burn my bones, they beat each other with my hands. (Birch)

If you don't break a pot, you won't eat porridge. (Nut)

What you love, you can't buy, and what you don't love, you can't sell. (Youth and old age).

The deck lies in the middle of the swamp: it does not rot, does not dry. (Language)

Brother does not see brother through the boundary. (Eyes)

Balls roll around the barrel. (Pig and piglets)

He lives in the next world, I die in this. (Fish)

Seku forest - the forest withers, the city will rise in that place. (Haymaking)

Oak socks fly, fly and say:

“That's me! That's me!" (Threshing with flails)

Baba Yaga, pitchfork leg; the whole world feeds, but she is hungry. (Sokha)

The more I turn, the more fat I get. (Spindle)

A pig ran, a golden back, a linen tail. (Needle)

He will be born in water, but he is afraid of water. (Salt)

He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house. (Lock)

Himself naked, and shirt in the bosom. (Candle)

He himself is thin, and his head is a pood. (Bezmen)


Live zhivulechka on a living stool. (Child on adult's lap)

Two brothers live across the path, and they see each other. (Eyes)

Two mothers have five sons. (Arms)

The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned. (Sky, stars, moon)

Above the grandmother's hut hangs a loaf of bread. Dogs bark but can't get it. (Month)

God rode, scattered peas.

It began to get light - there was nothing to collect. (Stars)

Dawn-dawn, red maiden. I walked through the forest, dropped the keys. Month saw, did not say. The sun saw - raised. (Dew)

A bird flies by blue sky. She spread her wings, covered the sun. (Cloud)

Glitter first. Behind the brilliance of crackling. Behind the crackle is a splash. (Lightning, thunder, rain)

Walked lanky. Stuck in the ground. (Rain)

The tablecloth is white. The whole world is dressed. (Snow)

The bridge is paved without boards, Without an ax, without a wedge. (Ice)

One is lying, the other is running, the third is bowing. (Stream, shore, reeds)

Food, food - there is no trace, I cut, I cut - there is no blood. (River, boat, paddle)

Flying - howling.

Sits - digs the ground. (Bug)

Flying - buzzing

How to sit down - is silent. (Bee)

Hanging sieve - not twisted by hand. (Web)

Who wears his own house? (Snail)

Not a warrior, but with spurs. (Rooster)

I swam, I swam, I stayed dry. (Duck)

Born twice

Dies once. (Bird)

Falling asleep in autumn

Wakes up in the spring. (Bear)

Neither speaks nor sings, And who goes to the owner - She lets know. (Dog)

And lumpy, and puffy, and sour, and brittle, but sweeter than everyone. (Bread)

They don't eat me, and without me they don't eat much. (Salt)

Doesn't hit, doesn't scold

And it makes you cry. (Onion)

The red maiden Sits in the dungeon, And the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)

On the forest, on the ravine, there is an old man, a little red cap. (Boletus mushroom)

Bowing, bowing

Will come home - stretched. (Axe)

Two stand, two lie, The fifth walks, leads a pole, Sings the seventh song. (Doors)

Runners run, they carry

Lucky girls prick the shaggy one, Sharpen the horned one. (Horse, sleigh, hay, pitchfork)

Not nettles, but it burns, not the sun, but bakes. (Stove)

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Table)

glass fields,

And the borders are wooden. (Window)

Not a person, but tells. Not a shirt, but sewn. (Book)

You take from it, it becomes more. (Pit)

He rides on someone else's back, carries a load on his own. (Saddle)

Two sons, two fathers, shared three eggs. How was it divided, That not a single one was smashed? (grandfather, father, son)

Seven brothers have one sister each. Are there many sisters? (One)

Three cats are sitting. Against each cat - two cats. Is there a lot of everyone? (Three)

An old man rode with boards, and the boards ate him. (From spruce)

Do horses go to the balcony (to the ball)? (Not)

When do all the bells ring? (In oats - never)

Bobrovnikova S.V.

MBOU secondary school microdistrict Vyngaurovsky


Intellectual warm-ups

1 class


  1. What is today's date? Day of the week? Month?
  2. What season is it now? What other seasons do you know? (Winter, spring, summer).
  3. Name all the autumn months. (September October November).
  4. Himself scarlet, sugar, caftan green, velvet. What's this? (Watermelon).
  5. What is the name of the country we live in? (Russia) What is the name of the capital of Russia? (Moscow).
  6. Say numbers from 1 to 10 and vice versa.
  7. There are two sheep. One looks to the right, the other to the left. Do they see each other? (If they look in opposite directions, they don’t see; and if they look at each other, they see.) Explain your answer.


  1. How many eyes does one mouse have? (Two).
  2. What is the current month of the year? What was the name of the month before it? What will be the next month?
  3. How many fingers are on the human left hand? And on the right? (Five).
  4. How many brothers does Nif-Nif have? Who are they? (2 brothers, piglets Naf-naf and Nuf-Nuf. Author of the fairy tale S.V. Mikhalkov.)
  5. What was the name of Carlson's friend? (Baby).
  6. What's on Winnie the Pooh's mind? (Sawdust.)
  7. How many ends do two sticks have? (4) What about two and a half? (6)


  1. How many bears did Masha visit in the famous Russian fairy tale? (Three)
  2. Rolled kolobok until he became a sock. What's this? (Clew)
  3. How many rings does one scissors have? (Two)
  4. Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Better with a spoon)
  5. What was the name of each of the three piglets in the tale of the same name?
  6. What is the name of the place where bread is sold? (Bakery) Where do they get their hair cut? (Salon)
  7. How many ears do three mice have in total? (6)


  1. What month is it? What is the name of the third autumn month? (November)
  2. Everything will try on the tooth: and pine, and elm, and oak. What's this? (Saw)
  3. At what traffic light should you cross the street? (to green)
  4. What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)
  5. 4 pears grew. On each - three branches, on each large branch - three small ones, on each small branch - three apples. How many apples are there? (Apples don't grow on pears)
  6. Who has horns longer than the tail? (At the deer, at the elk)
  7. What is the name of Baba Yaga's aircraft? (Mortar)


  1. A bird has a wing, and a person has ... (hand)
  2. The beast has a paw - a person has ... (leg)
  3. A dog has a muzzle - a person has ... (face)
  4. Candy has a candy wrapper - a person has .... (skin)
  5. A lion's mouth - a man's - ... (mouth)
  6. A car has a motor - a person has ... (heart)
  7. A submarine has a periscope - a person has .... (eyes)


  1. How many tails do two donkeys have? (Two)
  2. The bagel was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made? (Three)
  3. The banana was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made? (Two)
  4. They thought of a number, when it was increased by one, it became three. What number did you think? (Two)
  5. Cutlery with four prongs? (Fork)
  6. Poultry, about which they say: pouted, how ....? (Turkey)
  7. What is the face of an animal called? (Muzzle)


Complete the sentences:

  1. rules the plane ... (pilot)
  2. The tractor drives ... (tractor driver)
  3. Electric train ... (driver)
  4. Painted the walls ... (painter)
  5. Planed the board ... (carpenter)
  6. Held the light in the house ... (fitter)
  7. Works in the mine ... (miner)
  8. In a hot forge ... (blacksmith)
  9. Who knows everything? ... (Well done!)


  1. What is in the middle of the cabbage? (Stub or letter y)
  2. One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How long does it take to boil 5 eggs? (As many)
  3. What are the stones in the sea? (Wet)
  4. What is the name of the place where vegetables are grown in winter? (Greenhouse)
  5. What is the name of the striped African horse? (Zebra)
  6. She feeds everyone, but does not eat herself. What's this? (A spoon)
  7. It's been three days since Sunday. What day has come? (Thursday)


  1. What month is it? Which one will come after it?
  2. What is the name of the place where clothes are made? (Studio)
  3. What is the name of the place where children are taught? (School)
  4. Who grunts? (Piglet) Who is barking? (Dog)
  5. Who wears a hat on his leg? (Mushroom)

Say the opposite:

Big - ... (small), full - ... (hungry), loud - ... (quiet), bad - ... (good), cold - ... (hot), dark - ... (light), hard - ... (soft), angry - …(kind)


  1. What's left when you eat an apple? (Stub)
  2. What is your dad's dad's name? (Grandfather)
  3. What are five boy names that begin with the letter "a".
  4. He has a propeller and lives on the roof. Who is it? (Carlson)
  5. Seven days from Monday to Sunday. What's this? (A week)
  6. What animal carries mountains? (Camel)
  7. 6 + 1 + 2 - 1 + 2 - 3 = …? (7)

№ 11

  1. What is written on the envelope when sending a letter? (Address)
  2. And the old woman remained at the broken ... (Trough)
  3. What is put at the end of a sentence?
  4. What do wasps and bees sting? (sting)
  5. List five trees whose names begin with a vowel. (Alder, aspen, willow, ash, spruce)
  6. When is a person a tree? (when he's awake)
  7. Name the opposite: alien - ... (your own), heavy - ... (light), complex - ... (simple), black - ... (white)


  1. He left his grandmother and left his grandfather. Who is it? (Kolobok)
  2. What was the name of the onion boy from Gianni Rodari's fairy tale? (Cipollino)
  3. What is the name of a fabulous man of huge growth? (Giant)
  4. When there's something in an empty pocket? (Always, there's air)
  5. 10 - 4 + 1 - 2 + 3 = .. ? (8)
  6. 4 frogs were sitting on a hummock. One jumped into the water. How many frogs jumped into the water? (one)
  7. 5 knots tied on a rope. How many parts did these knots divide the rope into? (If two knots are at the ends, and three in the middle, then into four parts; if one is at the end, but four are not, then by five; if all five knots are not at the ends, then by 6)


Answer who is this? What's this?

  1. Small, gray, shy ... (Mouse)
  2. New, interesting, library ... (Book)
  3. Red, smooth, ripe... (Tomato)
  4. Big, clumsy, brown ... (Bear)
  5. Cold, white, fluffy ... (Snow)
  6. Yellow, red, autumn ... (Leaves)
  7. Red, cunning, fluffy ... (Fox)


Who or what were they before?

  1. Chicken - ... (egg)
  2. Horse - ... (foal)
  3. Cow - ... (calf)
  4. Oak - ... (acorn)
  5. Fish - ... (caviar)
  6. Ice - ... (water)
  7. Man - ... (boy)


  1. What is the name of the largest and most delicious berry? (Watermelon)
  2. How many toes are on the left foot? (5)
  3. What is the name of the person who catches "hares" on the bus? (Controller)
  4. What throwing weapon always returns to the hunter? (Boomerang)
  5. The two boys collided at the door and couldn't part. Which of them should give way if it is known that one of them is 6 years old and the other is 7? (The more educated will make way)
  6. Which animal in our forest has the shortest name? (Hedgehog)
  7. What is the name of the longest animal on Earth? (Giraffe)


  1. Can you see what's going on outside? (Window)
  2. What happens when you braid your hair? (Scythe)
  3. Dangerous part of a cow. What's this? (Horns)
  4. Where can you see yourself? (In the mirror, in the water)
  5. What is the name of the most famous marsupial animal? (Kangaroo)
  6. What is the name of the edible hero of a Russian fairy tale? (Kolobok)
  7. What day of the week was yesterday?


  1. What doesn't exist but has a name? (Nothing)
  2. What was the name of the girl who entered the fight with the Snow Queen? (Gerda)
  3. What is the name of a baby dog? (Puppy)
  4. What was the name of the wise python - Mowgli's friend? (Kaa)
  5. What was the name of the main inhabitant flower city? (Dunno)
  6. What is the favorite time of the students? (Vacation)
  7. What is the grandfather's son called? (father, dad)


What are these places called?

  1. Where do they take laundry? (Laundry)
  2. Where are we being treated? (Hospital)
  3. Where are cars stored? (Garage)
  4. Where are the planes kept? (Hangar)
  5. Where is food cooked at home? (Kitchen)
  6. Where do clowns work? (The circus)
  7. Where do they lend books? (Library)


  1. The best school mark? (Five)
  2. What is the name of the bluish-black berry that looks like a raspberry? (Blackberry)
  3. What is the name of the machine with the big bucket? (Excavator)
  4. And the moving stairs in the subway? (Escalator)
  5. 5 + 5 - 6 + 3 - 2 + 1 = ..? (6)
  6. How does a ram bleat? (be-e)
  7. Guess the girl's name by the first sounds in the words: HOUSE, STORK, BALL, ASTRA. (Dasha)


  1. How many months in a year? (12) Name the third and eighth (March and August)
  2. How many days in a week? (7) What is the day of the week after Tuesday (Wednesday)
  3. How many horns do two donkeys have? (Donkeys don't have horns)
  4. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
  5. What are they made of White bread? (From wheat) And gasoline? (From oil)
  6. First name and patronymic of Pushkin (Alexander Sergeevich)
  7. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)


  1. Name six animals whose names contain the letter "g". (Hedgehog, giraffe, toad, beetle, swift, siskin)
  2. Which bell doesn't ring? (Flower)
  3. Who bridges the bridge without an axe? (Freezing)
  4. Who enters a window without breaking it? (Sunshine)
  5. What grows with a hat? (Mushroom)
  6. Is she motley, eats green, gives white? (Cow)
  7. Name five names of boys starting with the letter "m". (Misha, Marat, Maxim, Makar, Matvey)

№ 22

  1. What is the ink blot in a notebook called? (Blot)
  2. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's dog? (Abba)
  3. What is the name of the sweet tooth that lives on the roof in the Kid's house? (Carlson)
  4. What is the beginning of the day called? (Morning)
  5. What is the student table called? (Desk)
  6. What is the name of the grandfather who distributes gifts in winter? (Father Frost)
  7. What is the time of day between morning and evening called? (day)

№ 23

  1. What is another name for food or its reception? (Food)
  2. Which animals carry food on their backs? (Hedgehogs)
  3. Live mousetrap. Who is it? (Cat)
  4. What is the name of the "ski" season? (Winter)
  5. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
  6. What does the doctor ask you to say when he examines the throat? (ah-ah-ah…)
  7. Name the words that begin with the syllable "bu-". (Boomerang, paper, bud, pin, letter, Pinocchio, bouquet, ...)


  1. What is the name of the funniest circus performer? (Clown)
  2. What awaits a naughty child? (Punishment)
  3. Liquid, not water, white, not snow? (Milk)
  4. A book with blank sheets for drawing? (Album)
  5. Who gets taller when they sit down? (many animals, e.g. dog or cat)
  6. What color is the average traffic light signal? (yellow)
  7. Who is the best crocodile in the world? (Crocodile Gena)


  1. What was the name of the girl who dropped the ball into the river? (Tanya)
  2. What was the name of Malvina's dog? (Artemon)
  3. What was the name of the cat from the Golden Key fairy tale? (Cat Basilio)
  4. What two fish in Russian fairy tales fulfilled wishes? ( gold fish and pike)
  5. What were the names of the children in the story? The Snow Queen"? (Kai and Gerda)
  6. The fox has ice, and the hare has ... (Bast)
  7. What is Koshchei's last name? (Immortal)

№ 26

  1. What is the same color in winter and summer? (Christmas tree)
  2. How does a goose cackle? (ha-ha-ha)
  3. What does a bear love most in the world? (Honey)
  4. What is the name of the dwelling of a fox, gopher, badger? (Nora)
  5. What is called beautiful waterfowl with the letter "h"? (Gull)
  6. What is the name of the necessary equipment for playing hockey? (Washer)
  7. What is the name of healthy drink ending in "y"? (Tea)


  1. Not a fisherman, but setting up nets? (Spider)
  2. Curtain on the window. (Curtain)
  3. Wise friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Owl)
  4. How do mosquitoes sing? (z-z-z)
  5. Daily meal. (Lunch)
  6. Name the quadrilaterals you know. (Square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, ..)
  7. List the products that have the letter “m” in their names (mayonnaise, meat, butter, pasta, ice cream)


  1. How do you catch butterflies? (Sachkom)
  2. From what fairy tale are these words: “Sleep, peephole, sleep, another!”? ("Tiny-Khavroshechka")
  3. How many legs does a worm have? (Not)
  4. How does a bumblebee buzz? (w-w-w)
  5. Name the days of the week that have the sound [s] in their names. (Wednesday Saturday)
  6. How many legs does a beetle have? (6)
  7. The more they take from me, the wider and deeper I become. What's this? (Pit.)


  1. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).
  2. What without pain and sadness leads to tears? (Onion.)
  3. What do they dress up once a year? (Christmas tree.)
  4. Two brothers look in the same direction. What's this? (Eyes.)
  5. 5+5-7+6-8+0-1+5=…? (5)
  6. The six-legged one is on the ceiling, and the eight-legged one is waiting for her in the corner. Who is it? (Fly and spider.)
  7. Four brothers live under one roof. What's this? (Table.)


  1. What are five girls' names that begin with the letter "B". (Valya, Vera, Vika, Vlad, Varya).
  2. What day of the week is the day after Saturday? (Monday).
  3. The table has 4 corners, one sawed off. How many corners are left? (5)
  4. What belongs to you and is used more often by others? (Name.)
  5. What was tomorrow and what will be yesterday? (Today).
  6. Name the smallest two-digit number. (ten)
  7. How many vowels are in Russian? (10) What about sounds? (6)


  1. Can two numbers add up to zero? (Yes, 0+0)
  2. 10 pears grew on a pear, and 2 less on a willow. How many pears grew on the willow? (Not at all)
  3. One girlfriend crawled into the other's ear. What's this? (Needle with thread.)
  4. Two sons and two fathers ate three eggs. How many eggs did each one eat? (One by one, grandfather, father, son).
  5. Can two numbers be subtracted to zero? (Yes, if the numbers are the same.)
  6. Two are watching, two are listening. What's this? (Eyes and ears.)
  7. You, yes I, yes we are with you. How many of us are there? (Two.)


  1. What is today's date? What date was three days ago?
  2. What vowel sounds do you know? ([a], [o], [y], [s], [i], [e].)
  3. Who has a heel behind his nose? (At the boot.)
  4. What in famous fairy tale was not simple, but golden? (Egg.)
  5. What is the name of a large sea animal with a fountain? (Whale.)
  6. What is the use of a cow? (Milk).
  7. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One.)


  1. What grows on a person's head? (Hair.)
  2. Without hands, but draws, without teeth, but bites. What's this? (Freezing.)
  3. Who lives in the hive? (Bees.)
  4. Tool for hammering nails. (A hammer.)
  5. Buried or hidden treasure. (Treasure)
  6. Domestic animal with horns and beard. (Goat.)
  7. School supplies for storing pens and pencils. (Pencil case.)

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