Lavender - useful properties and use in traditional medicine. Lavender tea: useful properties and recipes for an aromatic drink Lavender tea useful properties and contraindications

Diets 24.04.2021

Lavender officinalis in the world is known everywhere. Even if it does not grow in any region, it is necessarily imported there, since this plant is used both as a spice and as a medicinal or cosmetic product.

Lavender is a semi-shrub no more than 0.6 m high, about 1 m in diameter. But breeders were able to breed varieties reaching a height of 2 m. The plant has a straight stem, on which leaves are located - linear and bent with gray felt pubescence. Its flowering is in the summer months. It is at this time that the flower stalks are cut, collected in bunches and dried thoroughly.

Lavender is used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology, perfumery and cooking (as a spice and drink). Many tea lovers prefer to prepare it from lavender, as it primarily has calming properties - which is so necessary for modern people.

The flowers of the plant are small, bright purple, lilac, with blue hues, they are distinguished by a strong aroma, spicy taste with a feeling of bitterness.

Composition and calories

The flowers of the plant have a very high content of essential oil - up to 3%, in the leaves - up to 0.35%, in the stems - up to 0.20%. The most valuable component of lavender essential oil is linalyl acetate (up to 50%). Scientists have proven that this substance is a powerful stimulator of regenerative functions of cells.

The plant contains such useful substances:

  1. Cineol. It is an excellent antiseptic, helps to get rid of sputum.
  2. Tannin. It has a positive effect on inflammatory and infectious lesions, ulcers and burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and larynx. Effective in the period of poisoning with salts of heavy metals.
  3. Citral. Refers to antiseptic substances, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It has a therapeutic effect on inflammatory processes in the eye area.
  4. Ursolic acid. It has a very beneficial effect on human health due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It exhibits cardiostimulating and anti-atherosclerotic effects, fights tumor neoplasms.
  5. Valeric acid. Needed to stimulate colonic motility.
  6. caproic acid. Helps normal work circulatory system, enhances the detoxification function of the liver, destroys influenza viruses in the early stages.
  7. triterpene compounds. In fact, these are biologically active carbon compounds. Needed by the human body to fight against tumors, microbes and various viruses.
  8. Tannins. They have a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect, block the influence of pathogenic flora. They contribute to the speedy healing of wounds, and also have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. They form a special film with a protective base on the gastric mucosa, thereby preventing its inflammation and damage.
  9. Borneol. First of all, it is an excellent antiseptic, which has an analgesic and tonic effect, helps to get rid of stress and relieve nervous tension, and tones up cardiac activity. Able to improve blood circulation, stimulate digestion.
  10. Coumarin. Slows down the process of blood coagulation, has a special aroma.
  11. organic acids. Their important role is manifested in metabolic processes.
  12. mineral salts. Every cell in the body needs these substances, otherwise a person may die. Actively take part in life, normalize many functions, promote hematopoiesis and tissue regeneration, maintain alkaline-acid balance.
  13. Lavandulol. Obtained from essential oil. Has a bactericidal effect. Most often it is an integral component of perfumery products.
  14. bitterness. They have a tonic and restorative effect on people. They are used if it is necessary to establish the process of digestion, with exhaustion, neurasthenia or loss of strength. Stimulate and restore metabolic processes.
  15. Resin. It treats skin diseases, inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, some stomach problems, heals the intestinal microflora.

Calorie content of dried lavender - 23 kcal per 100 g. Proteins - 4 g, fats - 0.7 g, carbohydrates - 0.2 g.

Due to the presence of valuable substances, this plant:

  1. During colds and flu, it has a healing effect.
  2. Normalizes blood circulation.
  3. Relieves headaches, especially those associated with neurological problems and nervous exhaustion.
  4. In a short time restores strength.
  5. Helps with the acute stage of rheumatism.
  6. Removes bouts of irritability and anxiety.
  7. Removes the feeling of fatigue, removes the state of aggressiveness.
  8. Combats insomnia and treats eating disorders.
  9. It has carminative qualities and increases the acidity of gastric juice.
  10. Improves blood circulation and relieves bronchial spasms.
  11. It is an excellent stimulator of blood circulation in the brain.
  12. Removes toxic substances from the body.
  13. Promotes the fastest healing of bruises or burns, purulent wounds or boils, acne and sprains.
  14. It is an antihelminthic.
  15. Relaxes the blood vessels and muscles located in the head, neck and around the eyes, helps to get rid of twitching of the eyelid.

Tea brewed on the basis of lavender has a unique taste and a special aroma. Astringency and bitterness harmonize here, which add spice to the drink. But at the same time, there is a sweetness in the tea, which lasts for some time after preparation.

For women

Many women suffer from premenstrual migraines, but lavender tea will help get rid of these painful symptoms. Lavender contains a small amount of prototypes of female hormones, therefore, with gynecological diseases, it is necessary to drink this tea every day. To do this, half a teaspoon of crushed flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, add honey, let it brew for 10 minutes. By the way, this tea is useful during a cold or as a prophylactic.

Such a drink helps many women during the onset of menopause, relieving stress and excessive irritability.

For men

The invaluable effect of lavender tea is that it benefits patients suffering from prostatitis or prostate adenoma. The fact is that the plant affects the genitourinary system, relieving pain during urination, stops inflammation. After prolonged physical exertion, a drink with lavender will help restore strength. It will be possible to make baths for tired legs - they will relieve tension and relieve muscle cramps.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, it is better not to take tea from lavender, since a high content of active substances and compounds can adversely affect the development of the fetus. It has been proven that the essential oils that make up the plant provoke a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus. This can lead to miscarriage.

When breastfeeding

Lavender tea should be taken with great care and in very small doses. It is better to refuse it in the first 3 months after childbirth, as it can cause an allergic reaction in the child. But such tea will be useful if cracks have formed on the nipples. By lubricating the affected areas with this herbal drink, you can achieve a quick healing of wounds. In lavender there is a special substance - citral, which, when applied to the skin, is not absorbed.

For kids

For children, lavender poses a certain threat. In the body of boys, the plant is able to inhibit male hormones, stimulating the activity of women, which is highly undesirable. For hyperactive children with increased excitability, baths with the addition of lavender and aromatherapy will be useful.

At the first symptoms of a cold or viral infection inhalation with lavender will help. But before using the plant as a medicine for children, it is always necessary to consult a doctor.

Doctors often advise using lavender tea as an effective diuretic.

The drink is often used:

  1. If necessary, remove nervous tension from a person, increase endurance, performance and activity.
  2. In the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. As an adjunct to drugs for paralysis after a stroke.
  4. With indigestion or bloating, intestinal ailments or colic.

There are courses of treatment developed by doctors with herbal decoctions and tea.

Harm and contraindications

Any herbal tea can cause side effects. Lavender is no exception.

  1. This drink is not recommended for people with a tendency to high blood pressure especially if they are taking medications with a significant amount of iodine or iron.
  2. Due to the high content of biologically active substances (and there are about 250 of them in the plant), uncontrolled addiction to lavender tea can provoke an allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin, headache, chills, dizziness or vomiting and nausea.
  3. If lavender tea is consumed frequently and in large quantities, gastrointestinal disorders, colic and abdominal cramps may occur.

Doctors warn that lavender tea should not be drunk:

  • people with liver pathologies;
  • pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • children;
  • patients with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • persons with low blood pressure;
  • patients undergoing surgery.

Lavender Tea Recipes

  1. For tea, dry raw materials are usually used, and each housewife has her own secrets of preparation. But there is a classic recipe: 1-2 tablespoons of flowers in a glass of boiling water. In order for tea to please with its taste and useful properties, it is brewed for 10-15 minutes.
  2. A concentrated drink is prepared a little differently. Take 5-6 tablespoons of crushed flowers per glass of boiling water. Usually such strong tea is used if the throat is sore, and also in the form of lotions for the treatment and disinfection of wounds and burns, rinsing the hair.
  3. If treatment of digestive disorders is necessary, traditional healers offer the following recipe: pour 200 ml of boiling water over one teaspoon of flowers, let it brew for 5 minutes under a closed lid. It will turn out a fragrant and pleasant-tasting drink, which should be taken twice a day. To make the taste more refreshing and delicate, you can add a small amount of peppermint.
  4. If a person has a cataract, it can be treated with lavender tea. To do this, you will need fennel seeds and chopped dried lavender leaves - half a teaspoon each. It is advisable to pre-heat fennel seeds in a pan until they acquire a light golden hue. Mix the ingredients and place in a container. Pour boiling water over and let steep for five minutes. When the drink is infused, it can be drunk both hot and cold.
  5. Cramps in the stomach can be treated with a brewed drink: pour a teaspoon of crushed flowers with a glass of boiling water. Tea is ready in 10 minutes. Drink two glasses a day for several days.
  6. To prevent colds or at the first symptoms, you should take lavender (several branches along with flowers), place in a liter container and pour boiling water over it. When the drink becomes warm, add a tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of vodka. Drink tea, lie down, take cover and sleep.

Lavender tea should be brewed in porcelain or glassware, preheating the walls with boiling water. You can use the plant repeatedly, but each time you need to increase the time of infusion.

  1. No wonder lavender has such a name. After all, it arose from the Latin verb "lava", which means "to wash." The ancient Romans, when bathing, added this plant to the bath, which gave the skin freshness, a healthy look and a wonderful aroma.
  2. The clergy treated lavender with respect, believing that it was able to put the devil himself to flight. Therefore, Catholic priests necessarily used this plant when shaking hands, and parishioners wore crosses made from inflorescences.
  3. The beautiful unique fragrance, as the legend says, was given to the plant by the Virgin Mary as a token of gratitude after she quickly dried the clothes of tiny Jesus on lavender bushes.
  4. Lavender tea, according to experts, has amazing properties: it helps self-knowledge and can get rid of envy.
  5. The plant is also used in various magical rituals. For example, they take an odd number of twigs, brew them in the classical way, drink some of them, and wipe their face with the remaining amount, pronouncing the cherished words. So, magicians say, even the most dangerous damage can be removed.

Today, lavender is remembered at a festival dedicated to this plant. It opens every year in many countries, but is especially popular in Provence, where there are huge farmlands and entire fields where a myriad of fragrant flowers bloom every summer. Of course, first of all, this is a commercial event: profitable deals are concluded here. But for tourists who are looking forward to the next festival, there are many surprises associated with lavender. Also, many are attracted by trips to the lavender fields. Cooks prepare various dishes with the plant - from salads to desserts and unusual sweets, as well as drinks, up to alcoholic ones. A wide range of perfumery and cosmetic products is presented.

With bright purple flowers and a characteristic aroma of summer, it is grown in various parts of the world: in the USA, Australia and the Mediterranean region of Europe. The plant has countless beneficial properties that are not lost in the case of making lavender tea.

  1. From stress. With increased nervous excitability, tea with lavender helps well. It will calm and give strength to deal with stress, protect against depression and anxiety, and increase the cognitive abilities of the brain.
  2. From a headache. Along with inhalations of essential oils, lavender drink is suitable for the treatment of headaches, especially those caused by nervous exhaustion, and premenstrual migraines. This is described in detail in Maud Grieve's book Modern Herbal Healing. The natural anti-spasmodic substances in tea relax the blood vessels and small muscles in the neck, head and around the eyes. A good way to get rid of eyelid twitching.
  3. From insomnia. American and German scientists agree that lavender tea can improve the quality of sleep, relax and save you from insomnia.
  4. For muscle spasms Lois White, author of Fundamentals of General Nursing, recommends using lavender tea. This property of the drink allows it to be used in the treatment of menstrual pain.
  5. From digestive disorders. Discomfort in the stomach and intestines caused by the accumulation of gases responds well to treatment with lavender tea, as the drink has carminative properties. Italian scientists from Parma found that the active substances of the plant protect against stomach ulcers.
  6. From nausea. Like ginger, lavender can relieve nausea associated with severe headaches. Have a cup of aromatic tea. It will reduce inflammation of the vagus nerve, which is responsible for migraines, nausea, and vomiting.

tea recipes

  • Classic lavender tea is prepared based on the ratio: 1-2 tbsp. l. dried flowers in a glass of boiling water. Brewing time is 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Concentrated lavender tea for topical use is made a little differently. You will need 5 tbsp. l. dried flowers in a glass of boiling water. Compresses soaked in this decoction are used to disinfect wounds and sores on the skin.

Harm and side effects

  • Any herbal tea can cause side effects.
  • An allergic reaction to lavender tea is manifested in the form of a rash, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and chills.
  • Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, is contraindicated.
  • In large quantities, lavender tea can cause indigestion, most often abdominal cramps or colic.
  • There is a possibility of a negative interaction of the active substances in the composition of lavender with other herbs, medicines and nutritional supplements. Remember this!

Lavender is a plant that has long been known for its beneficial properties. It is widely used in cosmetology, added to essential oils, household chemicals. The delicate aroma of purple flowers cannot be compared with anything, and probably everyone will recognize it. However, not everyone knows that lavender can also serve as an ingredient for tea. Such a drink not only has a unique taste, but is also a medicine.

Culture features

The name "lavender" came to us from the Latin language and means "wash, wash." The history of the plant began with the ancient Romans, who loved to take lavender baths. Catholics also highly valued lavender, considering it a sacred plant. Many people preferred to always have a few flowers with them or hung bunches near the front doors, thereby chasing away evil entities.

The real homeland of lavender is France and Spain, it was there that it was first cultivated and used in different areas industry. Gradually, the culture spread to other parts of the world: Africa, Europe, North America. In height, lavender most often does not exceed 80 cm, but there are also hybrid varieties that can grow up to 2 meters. The flowers of the plant are easily recognizable: lilac or purple, have a delicate characteristic aroma.

Lavender leaves contain a light silver coating, and the inflorescences are spike-shaped. The main method of propagation of culture is cuttings, less often seeds. Lavender blooms in July, but planting usually begins in early spring, acquiring mature plants for this. Seedlings prefer well-lit places, but in general they are quite unpretentious. Due to its unusual coloring, lavender is widely used to decorate flower beds and alpine slides.

Benefits and Health Benefits

Lavender tea is a drink that has been popular since ancient times. It has enormous health benefits and is excellent in the treatment and prevention of many ailments.

For insomnia

Brewed lavender is an excellent sedative. Many esotericists claim that the lilac color has a beneficial effect on the psyche, calms, restores peace of mind. A fragrant drink copes well with all this - sleep will be long, healthy and strong.

Under stress

Each of us knows how hard the body tolerates stress: all kinds of diseases arise, memory deteriorates, constant nervousness appears.

Lavender tea helps to recover, improves brain function, relieves depression and anxiety.

For headache

If you suffer from persistent and prolonged headaches, lavender tea will in a good way get rid of them once and for all. Experts recommend drinking the drink in combination with inhalations of essential oils. Tea has anti-spasmodic properties and promotes muscle relaxation. The infusion will also help those who noticed an eye nervous tic behind them.

For disorders of the digestive system

For cardiovascular diseases

Doctors highly recommend lavender tea to those who have heart disease or a predisposition to them. Antioxidants contained in lavender strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. They also significantly reduce the risk of serious pathologies such as heart attack or stroke.

For painful menstruation

Every woman knows how much aching pains in the lower abdomen can unsettle. Lavender tea relaxes muscles well, helps to get rid of pain and nausea.

It also helps to recover, improves overall mood and relieves irritability and anxiety.

Contraindications for admission

Lavender is a medicinal plant that, when used correctly, will only bring benefits. However, uncontrolled and careless use of tea not only does not get rid of diseases, but can also be harmful. It is especially careful to give it to children - it is recommended to first consult a doctor.

The most common side effect of lavender tea is an allergic reaction. This means that your body does not perceive the drink, and it is better to refuse to use it and replace it with something else. An allergy can manifest itself in a red rash, swelling of the sinuses, redness of the face and neck. In more severe cases, nausea and vomiting occur.

The abuse of tea can cause indigestion. It must be remembered that lavender is still a medicine, and not the usual black tea that we are used to drinking at any time of the day. Despite excellent taste qualities, an extra cup is quite capable of provoking cramps in the abdomen and colic. In addition, many people take other medications, the composition of which will not always interact positively with lavender decoction.

Often, young nursing mothers are also interested in whether it is possible to drink lavender tea. Doctors categorically do not recommend doing this, because bitter substances will get into the milk. And this, in turn, will cause allergies in the baby and his rejection of the breast. Can't test for yourself medicinal properties tea and pregnant girls. Taking a drink during pregnancy, there is a risk of severe toxicosis, up to deep fainting.

It is very carefully advised to drink lavender tea for people suffering from low blood pressure. The components contained in the flowers soothe well and lower the pressure, which in this case is contraindicated.

Cooking methods

There are several ways to make fragrant lavender tea. You can do this in different ways: combine with other herbs or just make a pure decoction.

Classic tea

This is the easiest way and does not require you to search for various ingredients. Take a few teaspoons of lavender and 500 ml of boiling water.

Pour the flowers into the teapot and add boiling water. After the broth has stood for about 15 minutes, sweeten it a little with sugar or honey - and the drink is ready. When brewing, it is recommended to use a glass teapot with a tight lid. This is necessary so that the tea does not weather and does not lose valuable essential antioxidants.

Hibiscus tea

Take the amount of black tea that you usually brew for yourself. As a rule, for 500 ml of boiling water it will be 1-2 teaspoons. Additional ingredients will be a teaspoon of hibiscus and a couple of lavender sprigs.

First, hibiscus is added to black tea and left for 10 minutes. In this case, the lid should fit well to the teapot. After the time has passed, it is necessary to sweeten the infusion with sugar, and even better - with honey or syrup. The drink is usually not drunk right away, it must stand for at least 12 hours in a cool place so that the aroma and taste are well manifested. The drink is delicious both cold and hot.

If you don’t want to wait, and the desire to drink aromatic tea is irresistible, you can use another brewing method. The taste of hibiscus cannot be described without tasting it, and black tea does not always shade it well.

In this recipe, it is enough to take one teaspoon of hibiscus and lavender and add the resulting mixture to boiling water. You can drink the infusion after 10 minutes.

Chamomile tea

If you have a hard and busy day of work behind you, then lavender tea with chamomile is the best way to help you find balance and relieve fatigue. To do this, you will need a glass of boiling water, chamomile and lavender in equal proportions - one teaspoon each.

The drink is prepared simply: dry herbs are poured with hot water and infused for about 10 minutes. When the decoction is ready, add a little honey to it for taste.

Fennel Tea

Fennel is an excellent remedy for people suffering from indigestion. A drink with this miraculous plant will help to quickly normalize the work of the intestines, cleanse the microflora. With regular use, fennel also eliminates extra pounds, speeding up metabolism and removing toxins from the body. To get delicious fennel tea, you will need 500 ml of boiling water, half a teaspoon of fennel seeds and lavender flowers.

The first step is to fry the fennel seeds a little (for this, use a frying pan without oil and water). When the seeds turn yellow, add them to the lavender. The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes. Drink the drink both hot and cold.

Of course, many people prefer to buy lavender, especially since it is always available. You can buy dried flowers in a pharmacy, herbal stores, buy on the Internet. If you live in a private house, growing a culture is also not difficult: lavender is extremely unpretentious in care. Those who visited the Crimea or Europe could often see huge lavender fields that no one cared for, and the plant spread on its own.

But in order to properly collect and dry the flowers, you need to remember a few tips. The odorous essential oils contained in the culture are found not only in the flowers, but also in the stem. Cut the lavender along with the stem - this will help not to lose its beneficial properties. This is best done when the plant has almost faded and the calyx has begun to wilt. The best time is early morning or afternoon.

Lavender should be dried in a dark, cool place. Gather the stems and flowers into bunches and hang them so that the flowers are at the bottom. It will take 3-4 weeks to completely dry the bouquets. The room must be ventilated, but there should be no high humidity. You can dry the plant in the sun: the flowers will be pale, but they will not lose their benefits.

After the lavender has dried, it is stored in ordinary plastic bags or paper bags. Flowers and twigs are completely ready for use, now they can be added to teas and infusions, as well as inhalations.

See the following video for the beneficial properties of lavender.

Lavender flowers, about which Sofia Rotaru sang soulfully, are not only a symbol of youth and love. This plant, found everywhere in the Mediterranean countries, has medicinal properties, is used as an aromatic spice in cooking, and is included in cosmetics for hair, nails, face and body skin care. Therapeutic baths with lavender relieve nervous tension, oil and alcohol tinctures rub sore joints, rinse a cold throat with decoctions. Inhaling the smell of fresh or dried flowers relieves depression and insomnia.

Lavender, beneficial features and contraindications for the use of which for a long time were the prerogative of folk medicine, recognized as official medicine. For the needs of the perfume and pharmacological industries, the plant is cultivated artificially in Central Asia, the Crimea and the Caucasus. Breeding work is continuously carried out in order to create new productive varieties. Amateur gardeners grow lavender on their household plots, and landscape designers form original, unique in beauty compositions from flowering stems.

Lavender - 12 Health Benefits

  1. Improving the emotional background

    There are several ways to use lavender to relieve anxiety, nervous excitement, and outbursts of aggression. Fresh flowers and leaves are kneaded with fingers until the juice is released, which is then rubbed on the temples. Such a simple procedure helps to quickly calm down, get rid of negative thoughts, and cheer up. A similar effect is obtained by drinking dried lavender tea or taking warm baths with a decoction of the plant.

    Presence in lavender antioxidant substances What are antioxidants and what are their beneficial properties for the body? The content of antioxidants in food. Should I take antioxidants in pharmaceutical preparations? helps to reduce the level of stress hormones, has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Preparations containing lavender extracts are used in official and folk medicine for pain in the heart, lack of appetite, neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and chronic fatigue.

  2. Normalization of sleep

    For many centuries, lavender flowers have been used to combat insomnia, prevent sleep apnea, and get rid of nightmares. A glass of fragrant herbal tea, taken at night, enlightens the mind, puts thoughts in order, calms and relaxes the body. For the same purpose, you can inhale the smell of dried herbs or lavender essential oil. Aromatherapy combined with meditation can achieve impressive results in improving the psychological state, which has a positive effect not only on the quality of sleep, but also on the health of the whole organism.

  3. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

    The relaxing effect of lavender, due to the presence of organic compounds and antioxidants in its composition, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks by reducing blood pressure, relieving tension in the walls of blood vessels. Herbal teas and decoctions are used in complex therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and paralysis after a stroke. The use of lavender extracts improves blood circulation in the body, affecting primarily the brain area.

  4. Universal remedy for children

    Aroma sessions and baths are recommended for young patients with increased nervous excitability, digestive disorders, difficulty falling asleep, as well as inhalations for sore throats, runny nose and for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. All procedures must be previously agreed with the attending physician in order to avoid allergic reactions and other complications.

  5. Stimulation of the stomach and intestines

    The polyphenolic compounds found in lavender have a wide range of beneficial effects on the body. Tea from lavender flowers is prescribed for indigestion, intestinal disorders, spasms, colic, bloating, congestion in the gallbladder. According to the reviews of patients who underwent treatment with herbal decoctions, in addition to the main result, there is a surge of physical strength and clarity of thinking, skin and nails are rejuvenated.

  6. The use of lavender in urology

    With a mild diuretic effect, lavender eliminates swelling of soft tissues and joints. Preparations containing plant extracts are used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. The benefits of lavender for men suffering from prostatitis or prostate adenoma are great. The therapeutic effect with external and internal use of medicinal infusions is expressed in facilitating urination, relieving pain, and stopping inflammatory processes.

  7. Antiviral and bactericidal properties

    Inhalations with lavender essential oil are used for the prevention and treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, pneumonia. Gargling with warm herbal infusions helps speed up recovery from sore throat. A cotton swab soaked in lavender oil is applied to the area of ​​the diseased tooth to relieve acute pain before seeking dental care.

  8. Relieve tension in muscles and joints

    The pain-relieving properties of lavender are well known. Decoctions of this plant are drunk to eliminate muscle cramps, local baths help relieve leg fatigue after physical labor or long journeys. Rubbing the joints with lavender oil or alcohol infusions can reduce pain in arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.

  9. Moisturizing and nourishing skin cells

    A bath with lavender flower and leaf extract is a great way to get rid of dry and irritated skin. You can also take care of the beauty of your face and body with essential oil or herbal decoction poured into an aerosol can. Lavender is used not only in cosmetology, but also for the treatment of diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, acne, relieving itching and inflammation, maintaining cleanliness, elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

  10. Benefits of lavender for women's health

    The use of medicinal infusions helps to smooth out the symptoms of PMS, relieve migraines, relieve irritability and nervousness during the onset of menopause. Baths and douching with herbal decoctions are effective in eliminating whites, reducing inflammation of the vagina and cervix. The concentration of lavender solutions and the duration of the course of treatment should be selected by the doctor.

  11. Antiseptic action

    The pleasant smell of flowers has ensured the popularity of lavender in home aromatherapy, industrial production of cosmetics. We are happy to use soaps, perfumes, lotions and creams, which, judging by the name, contain the components of this plant. In countries where lavender is found as often as sorrel or plantain in our latitudes, its powerful antiseptic action is known. Fresh leaves are applied to wounds and abrasions to prevent infection and speed up the healing of damaged tissues.

  12. Healing properties of lavender for hair beauty

    Any hair problems, whether it be hair loss, excessive dryness or oiliness, dandruff and split ends, are successfully treated with shampoos and balms containing lavender extracts. It is no secret that natural organic cosmetics are quite expensive, and some care products may contain aggressive chemical components. To achieve a positive effect, home-cooked lavender decoctions are quite suitable. Brew 1-2 tablespoons of dried raw materials with a liter of boiling water, let it brew a little and use the strained solution to rinse your head after washing. This will strengthen the roots, give beauty and health to your hair.

The use of lavender in traditional medicine

Medicinal herb pillow

Place dried lavender, hop cones, and lemon balm into a linen bag. All components are taken in an arbitrary amount, but in equal proportions. The cut of the bag must be tightly sewn up or tied with a braid. Place a "sleep pillow" at the head of your bed to help relieve insomnia and nighttime awakenings.

lavender oil

Lavender oil is used externally to relieve joint and muscle pain, steam inhalation for sore throats, lubrication of the sinuses to prevent infection during seasonal SARS and flu epidemics, and also as a massage cream. At home, lavender oil is prepared by infusing fresh or dried raw materials in any vegetable fat. For 200 g olive What is olive oil good for and what harm it can do to our health. 11 incredibly useful properties olive oil for the body. as well as contraindications to its use., linseed, sunflower or almond oil will require 2 tablespoons of crushed lavender flowers and leaves. After aging for 2 months with occasional shaking, the oil is filtered, poured into small dark glass containers, stored away from light sources.

Lavender extract

Concentrated extracts from this medicinal plant are used in the same cases as lavender oil. To prepare the extract, you will need a special percolator device or a slightly modified moonshine still. A container is mounted in the distillation system between the distillation cube and the coil, where crushed flowers, leaves and lavender stems are poured for subsequent steam treatment. When adding 1 teaspoon of the finished extract or oil to 0.5 liters of forty-degree alcohol, lavender alcohol is obtained, which is used to rub inflamed muscles and joints. Lavender-based preparations produced by the pharmacological industry can be purchased at pharmacies.

Soothing infusion

With frequent emotional breakdowns, tantrums, insomnia and other anxiety states of the nervous system, an aqueous lavender infusion is used, which is prepared from two tablespoons of pharmacy or self-collected raw materials and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Lavender flowers filled with hot water are kept in a tightly closed container for 2 hours, filtered and taken 50–100 g several times a day. The dosage varies depending on the state of health, the degree and speed of the desired result.

Herbal tea

Malfunctions in the digestive system, accompanied by fermentation in the stomach or intestines, are eliminated with the help of lavender tea. To prepare it, pour 2 teaspoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. The strained drink is drunk in small sips, dividing the portion into 2-3 doses. Lavender flowers can be used in herbal preparations. A popular recipe among the people includes 10 g of lavender, 50 g of motherwort, 50 g of St. John's wort and 100 g of maral root.

Lavender decoction for bathing

With hypotension, nervous excitability, stress, a warm bath with lavender helps well. Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare a decoction by placing 50–60 g of dried flowers in a container and pouring 1 liter of cold water. The solution is brought to a boil over low heat, insisted for a quarter of an hour under the lid, then filtered. The fragrant liquid is added to a bath filled with water, in which you should lie down for 15-25 minutes, focusing on individual feelings of comfort.

Lavender - contraindications

Many medicinal plants in addition to significant benefits, they can harm the body. Lavender is no exception.

    First of all, this concerns intolerance to certain substances and compounds contained in leaves, flowers and stems, which causes severe allergic reactions.

    It is not recommended to use lavender oil for women with hormonal disruptions, as well as during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Essential oils tend to cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus, provoking the threat of miscarriage.

    A contraindication to the use of lavender is the recovery period after surgical interventions. The relaxing effect of polyphenols can lead to serious bleeding.

    Lavender extracts are incompatible with preparations containing iodine and iron. Simultaneous intake of such medications with decoctions, infusions and oil of this plant should be avoided.

Lavender tea benefits and harms

Tea with lavender - benefits and harms to the body

Lavender is native to Spain and France. Scientists distinguish 25 species of this plant. But only a few of them are used. Basically, it is broad-leaved and narrow-leaved lavender. Angustifolia is also sometimes called medicinal. It is this species that can be found in the middle part of Russia, since it is less thermophilic.

How to grow lavender

Growing lavender on your own is not difficult. It will grow in any soil, will not disappear during drought, but is very thermophilic. This plant will grow best in loose soil. Make sure that the place where the lavender grows is well lit by the sun. The soil should contain earth, sand and humus. The distance between individual seedlings should be about 40 cm. It is necessary to lower the seedlings into the soil to a depth of no more than 30 cm. Lavender is propagated mainly by cuttings. But sometimes seeds.

It is best to sow lavender seeds in early spring. If you want to plant seedlings, then the ideal time for this would be mid-summer. Cuttings must be cut in the fall before the onset of frost. You can also do this in early spring. For the plant to survive winter period Be sure to cover the cuttings. In the spring they should be cut off so that the bushes are updated. Lavender is a perennial plant. With proper care, it will grow for about 15-20 years. The best harvest falls on the 5-6th year of the plant's life.

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It is very important to properly harvest and dry the lavender, otherwise it will lose its aromatic properties. It must be cut along with the stem. Do this as close to the end of the flowering period as possible. The stem contains lavender essential oil, so it must also be cut off. When harvesting, it is very important to catch the moment when the plant has almost faded. The calyxes of the flowers should have already withered, but the seeds should not begin to ripen. Collection is better to start in the morning or after noon, when the heat has passed.

It is recommended to dry together with the stems. Drying time - 14-30 days. Lavender must be connected in bunches and hung from top to bottom with flowers. The room must be clean and dry. Humidity in it should be low. The room must be well ventilated. Dried lavender is stored in linen bags in the form of bouquets. Individual flowers can be folded into a paper bag or glass container. Flowers can also be dried in the sun. Although they will become paler, they will not lose this usefulness.

How to purchase?

Dried lavender in the form of flowers and bouquets is sold at any time of the year. You can buy it at a pharmacy. There are also shops and websites that sell medicinal plants. A live plant can be bought from April to July.

calendula tea - benefits and harms

Adding to tea

Is it possible to put the dried flowers of this plant in regular tea? Yes. They can be added to any tea. Mix lavender flowers in a separate jar with ordinary store-bought tea to be able to brew a drink at any time. You can add a few flowers just in a cup or in a teapot when brewing tea.

It is believed that lavender is best suited to taste with black tea. When brewing, all the beneficial properties that lavender carries in itself are preserved. The taste and aroma of such a drink will be very original.

Benefits of lavender tea

  1. This plant contains tannins and essential oils that have a calming effect on the nervous system. In addition, lavender can speed up wound healing.
  2. The ancient Egyptians knew about the benefits of the plant and appreciated it. Nowadays, many use it in the fight against depression and stress.
  3. Bath or tea with this plant relieves symptoms such as headache and nausea.
  4. The person becomes calmer, sleeps better. To combat insomnia, a decoction of the flowers of the plant is well suited. Herbal tea will help better job intestines, removes bile, activates the production of juice by the stomach.
  5. With regular intake of infusion, the stool returns to normal and nausea disappears.
  6. If you constantly drink tea with lavender, you can get rid of many health problems. At the same time, the work of the heart is normalized, menstrual pains go away, the immune system is strengthened, toothache is dulled. In addition, this drink is able to prevent the development oncological diseases and relieve inflammation.

This is not the whole list of beneficial effects of tea. It is better to drink the drink warm before going to bed, especially if you suffer from insomnia and you need to calm your nerves. Tea should be drunk slowly. To properly prepare tea from lavender, you need to take 2 teaspoons of a dry plant in a glass of boiling water. Leave for at least 10 minutes. If you suffer from a cold, you can add a little honey to this drink. But, if you want to get rid of problems with the digestive system, then you should not add sweeteners. A glass of drink is divided into three parts and drunk throughout the day.

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Lavender + Ivan tea

A field dotted with blooming lavender is an unforgettable sight. Also unforgettable is the taste of tea, which combines lavender and Ivan-tea. This drink not only has an excellent taste, but is also able to invigorate, and at the same time gives peace and satisfaction. By combining these two plants, as a result, you will get a fairly strong sedative effect.

This tea does not have any aggressive effect on the body. The components act gently without causing harm. It seems that nature created these plants precisely in order to calm the nerves.

It is not difficult to prepare a drink from these plants. Combine equal parts lavender and Ivan tea. Brew two tablespoons of the collection in a glass of water. Let the drink brew a little, after which you need to drink it in small sips.


Despite all the useful properties, be careful with this tea. Although lavender is a medicinal plant, its abuse can be harmful to health.

  • Irritation of the gastric mucosa may develop.
  • Allergic reactions in the form of headaches and nausea.
  • At low pressure, tea should be drunk with caution.
  • Pregnant women should not drink this tea as it may cause miscarriage or bleeding.
  • The drink is also contraindicated during chemotherapy.

But, if there are no contraindications, you can drink the drink regularly. It normalizes bowel function and perfectly calms the nerves.

How else is it used?

What other ways are there to use this plant?

  1. Lavender flowers are used not only by traditional healers, but also by cosmetologists. Alcohol tinctures are prepared from them, which help to relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  2. It also treats snake bites.
  3. If you have varicose veins, baths from a decoction of flowers will help. The broth is prepared in different ways. There are both simple and complex recipes. You can simply pour boiling water over the flowers and insist, or you can boil a little.
  4. In aromatherapy, lavender is a popular stress reliever. Some people keep bags of grass in the closet to get rid of moths.
  5. And superstitious people are sure that lavender is able to scare away evil spirits from them, and they carry it with them.

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Video: 10 main properties of lavender oil

Tea with lavender: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, lavender tea recipes

To date, on the shelves of supermarkets you can observe a variety of different tea compositions: with different properties, taste, aroma. However, not all of them have the range of useful properties that lavender tea has.

Even the ancient healers noticed the healing effect of this drink, they often recommended it to patients as an additional help during therapy for most diseases. AT Ancient Rome lavender flowers were also used in bathing - they were thrown into the font to rejuvenate kodi and aromatize baths.

Description of lavender

In nature, the plant reaches a height of eighty centimeters, has medium-sized flower stalks, it is from them that lavender tea or decoction can be brewed. natural environment Growth for culture is considered the Mediterranean of Spain and France.

Over time, the culture took root in North America, Africa, and in most parts of Europe. As tea, lavender is used quite often, however, due to the fact that the plant contains tannin, bitterness, minerals, essential oil, the culture is popular in cosmetology. Lavender oil is part of most cosmetic products, perfumes. Lavender is also used to make medicines, for example, to treat gynecological problems.

Beneficial features

In addition to the fact that lavender tea is a fragrant and tasty drink, the plant is often used as an additional remedy in the treatment of diseases. The healing properties of tea or a decoction of lavender are manifested in such pathologies:

  • chronic stress;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • indigestion;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • body hyperthermia;
  • aggressive states.

Lavender flowers are used for chronic stress, anxiety, irritability. Also, a herbal drink is drunk in depressive states - it helps to improve overall well-being, reduces aggressiveness, and helps to concentrate. Traditional medicine uses a decoction to eliminate headaches - both a one-time case and migraine. At the same time, the decoction helps with headaches caused by nervous disorders. The plant has a calming effect on manifestations of a nervous tic.

Insomnia is a sign of a pathological nervous disorder, and not only sleep is disturbed, but also the general condition of a sick person. Doctors recommend drinking lavender tea every day, the benefits of which have been proven and there will be no harm from daily tea drinking. Arterial hypertension in some way is also one of the side symptoms of nervous strain or stress. In such cases, the use of decoctions in the morning and evening is recommended.

Lavender helps to cure respiratory diseases. In such cases, it increases immunity, reduces hyperthermia of the body. Herbal tea contributes to a general improvement in the condition, if aches, muscle pains are noted. Often such a tool is used to stabilize hormonal background during puberty. However, in this case, the use should be strictly normalized in order to avoid overdose, which can lead to new hormonal disorders.

Contraindications and harm

The main circumstance implying a ban on the use of drinks, or any other drugs and products that contain a plant, is individual sensitivity. This may be an intolerance to the essential oil or any other component that the culture contains. Signs that accompany allergies are nausea, rash, vomiting, headache, chills. Also, you should not use lavender tea in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • at breastfeeding;
  • children under the age of ten;
  • in large quantities.

During pregnancy, the use of lavender for food or as a cosmetic product can cause side effects in the form of progressive toxicosis - up to loss of consciousness. In addition, tannin can provoke an abortion. When breastfeeding, lavender decoction will give mother's milk bitterness, which will provoke an allergic reaction in the child. In the best case, the refusal of the child from the breast.

Collection and storage

The plant should be cut only during flowering, while it is important that more than half of the opened peduncles are recorded on the inflorescence in full disclosure. This is not only a condition for obtaining the maximum amount of nutrients, but it will also allow you to subsequently get a new flowering for the next harvest. The optimal time for collection is spring, when the flowering period has just begun.

Next, the lavender is collected from bunches. The size of one bunch should be such that the stems fit as freely as possible in the palm of your hand. When cutting a plant, an important rule must be observed - cut only green shoots, do not touch the woody part. For collection, you can use a pruner or garden knife. Do not harvest lavender before the dew has fallen - the stems must be slightly damp to retain the oils.

When forming a bundle for further storage, it is necessary to remove all damaged or diseased parts of the plant. You can also dry lavender in bunches - hang it in a semi-dark, dry room or you can spread it out on a net in the open sun. Drying in the open sun will cause the flowers to fade, but this will not affect the quality. After drying the flowers, store the lavender inside a dark, ventilated room.

Lavender Tea Recipes

You can brew lavender as a tea by combining it with other tea varieties or adding medicinal plants to it. Based on the composition of the raw materials used, the positive effect of such herbal tea will also differ.

  1. The first recipe is to combine. To do this, take water (250 ml), classic black tea (1 tsp), hibiscus color (0.5 tsp), three lavender branches, two teaspoons of sugar. Brewed for 15 minutes.
  2. The second method involves the addition of fennel. This requires water (600 ml), fennel seeds - 0.5 teaspoon, half a teaspoon of a lavender flower. The seeds are fried in a dry frying pan, mixed with peduncles, poured with boiling water, left for 10 minutes.
  3. The third method of brewing is the most versatile, as it involves the addition of chamomile as an auxiliary medicine. You should take one teaspoon of chamomile, one teaspoon of lavender flowers, pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for 10 minutes.

In conclusion, we invite you to look interesting video about the beneficial properties of lavender:

Lavender tea: useful properties (recipe)

What could be better than afternoon tea. Especially if it is a wonderful lavender tea, after which comes peace and tranquility. Such a drink is not only fragrant and tasty, it also has medicinal properties. Lavender is also used as an additive in cooking, in cosmetology. It is widely used for therapeutic purposes. Tea with lavender, its benefits and harms, cooking recipes - the topic of our today's article.

Lilac bright flowers can be found in Africa, America, Crimea and Europe. The plant reaches a height of up to eighty centimeters. Spike inflorescences are small, have a strong aroma. The plant is easy to spot by its beautiful purple flowers.

History of lavender

The plant is so called from the word Lava, which in translation into Russian means "Wash". In the past, Romans used to add lavender to their baths for freshness and fragrance. Catholics attributed it to sacred plants, they believed that the flowers were able to drive away witches and Satan.

Ordinary people protected their homes by hanging a bunch of lavender at the entrance. They believed that the Virgin Mary endowed the bush with such a wonderful fragrance after Jesus' clothes dried on it.

Useful properties of lavender tea

Lavender has healing power, protects from bad people and fight evil spirits. Flowers are also widely used in the treatment of certain ailments. Tea benefits:

For insomnia

Since ancient times, tea has been used to improve sleep, as a sedative. A cup of drink taken in the evening helps to relax and relieve tension. The aroma of essential oil and dry lavender also needs to be breathed with insomnia.

For vascular and heart diseases

Tea with lavender benefits people suffering high pressure. The composition of flowers includes antioxidants and substances that reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. The drink has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthening them. Lavender flowers in tea are used as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, improve blood circulation.

For the nervous system

The healing properties of lavender have a relaxing effect on the entire body. The presence of antioxidants in tea lowers the level of stress hormones. To relieve tension and fatigue, they also take baths based on a decoction of herbs. For these purposes, help fresh leaves and flowers, they need to be kneaded with your fingers so that the juice stands out and rub into the temple area.

See also: Useful properties and recipes of lingonberry tea

For the gastrointestinal tract

Substances that are part of lavender tea have a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. The drink is often used for intestinal disorders, bloating, and indigestion.

For the genitourinary system

The plant has a diuretic effect, due to which it relieves puffiness. Lavender tea is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Infusions are very useful for men, as they help in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

For kids

For children, herbal baths based on decoctions are used for digestive disorders, excitability, and excessive activity. Tea with lavender helps as an inhalation for respiratory diseases. Before starting treatment for children, you should consult a doctor.

For the female body

Tea benefits the fairer sex. It relieves the condition during menstruation, relieves anxiety and irritability during menopause.

Due to its analgesic properties, teas are prescribed for muscle cramps. Baths with decoctions are used to relieve fatigue. For arthritis and joint pain, it is recommended to rub lavender oil.

With hair loss, lavender infusions help, with which it is good to rinse your head. So you can strengthen the roots and give the hair beauty and shine.

Lavender Tea Recipes

Infusion of lavender flowers

The plant can be brewed as pure form as well as in other teas. To brew one serving of the drink you will need:

  • One tablespoon of dried lavender flowers;
  • Two hundred milliliters of boiling water.

Pour the tea leaves into the teapot and pour boiling water. Cover and wait fifteen minutes. Strain the finished infusion and add sugar to taste.

Hibiscus and lavender

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • One teaspoon of black tea;
  • Several sprigs of lavender;
  • Half a teaspoon of hibiscus flowers;
  • Glass of water.

Brew black tea with hibiscus flowers. Leave to infuse for ten minutes and then strain. Put sprigs of lavender in a cup and pour the finished infusion, cover and let it stand for ten hours. If desired, honey is added to the drink, you can drink it both warm and cold.

There is also another recipe for making herbal tea. Mix equal amounts of Sudanese rose and lavender flowers. Pour boiling water over and leave for about five minutes.

Also Read: Can You Drink Chamomile Tea During Pregnancy?

Chamomile and lavender tea

The combination of these two plants gives the drink even more soothing properties. According to this recipe, a fragrant infusion is obtained, which helps relieve fatigue and nervous stress. You will need:

  • a teaspoon of chamomile flowers;
  • So much lavender;
  • A cup of boiling water.

Pour herbs into a teapot and pour hot water. Close and let stand for seven minutes.

Fennel Tea

In order to brew a healthy fragrant infusion, prepare the following components:

  • Half a teaspoon of fennel seeds;
  • So many lavender flowers;
  • Six hundred milliliters of water.

Toast the fennel seeds in a dry frying pan until yellow color. Next, mix them with lilac flowers and pour boiling water. Leave for five minutes, then strain and drink. This tea speeds up metabolism and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

lavender syrup

We offer you an easy way to prepare a healthy syrup. It can be used as an additive to tea, ice cream, desserts. Syrup should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than thirty days. You will need:

  • Two hundred grams of sugar;
  • Glass of water;
  • Three tablespoons of lavender flowers;
  • One drop of purple food coloring.

Put all the ingredients, except for the dye, in a container and put on fire. When the sugar dissolves, boil for another five minutes. You will get a pale lilac syrup. For rich color, add dye. Strain the cooled broth and store in a closed glass jar.

Bath infusion

With frequent stress, a lavender bath will help to relieve nervous tension. Prepare herbal decoction as follows. Pour fifty grams of dried flowers into a saucepan and pour one liter of water. Boil the herb for about five minutes, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. Pour the strained broth into a bath filled with warm water.

How to prepare a plant

Inflorescences should be collected in the early sunny morning, when more than half of them have already opened. It is at this time that the plant is saturated with all useful substances. Not only flowers are rich in essential oil, it is also found in leaves and stems.

Plants are cut, knitted in bunches and hung in a room with air access. When the grass dries, the inflorescences must be separated from the stems. It is best to store raw materials in cloth bags.

Tea contraindications

Every herbal tea can cause side effects, and lavender is no exception. Drinking the infusion is not recommended when:

  • Individual intolerance to the plant;
  • During pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Do not abuse tea, as it can cause indigestion.

Tea with lavender: useful properties, contraindications, recipes

Maksimenko Tamara and Novikova Natalia, 1110

  • Harvesting
  • How to purchase
  • Adding to tea
  • Lavender + Ivan tea
  • Contraindications

The homeland of lavender is the Mediterranean region of France and Spain.

About 25 plant species are known to science, but mainly two of them are cultivated: broad-leaved and narrow-leaved, which is also called medicinal. It is she, as less heat-loving, that is widespread in middle lane Russia.

Lavender Seeds Dried Lavender Broadleaf Angustifolia

Can you grow your own

It is not difficult to grow lavender on your own: it is completely undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant, and loves warmth. Feels best in a well-lit area, in loose, well-draining soil. Such soil is prepared from earth, humus and sand. Seedlings are placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other, lowering into the soil no deeper than thirty centimeters.

The plant is propagated by cuttings, less often by seeds. The best time to sow seeds is early spring, and for planting seedlings in open ground- mid summer. Cuttings are cut in early spring or autumn before the first frost. For the winter, lavender sprouts must be covered, otherwise the plant will freeze, and in the spring - carefully cut off to renew the bushes.

Lavender lives 15-20 years, but brings the best harvest in the fifth or sixth year of flowering.


In order for lavender not to lose its odor, you need to know how to properly collect and dry it. The plant is cut off towards the end of flowering along with the stem, in which essential oils are also present. It is important that it almost completely fades, at least half, or even three-quarters, and the cups wilted, but the seeds have not yet begun to ripen in them. It is better to harvest in the morning, when the dew has just subsided, or after the midday heat on a warm, sunny day.

Lavender is dried for two to four weeks along with the stems, collected in small bouquets and hung down with flowers. It is better to choose dry, clean and dark places for drying with good ventilation and low humidity. After the bunches are packed in linen bags, and the flowers - in paper bags or glass jars, and stored away from light.

If you dry the flowers in the sun, they will fade, but they will not lose their medicinal properties.

How to purchase

Dried lavender flowers are sold all year round. You can buy them in specialized stores of medicinal herbs, in pharmacies, order on Internet sites. If we are talking about a living plant, then its season is short - from April to July-August.

Adding to tea

Can dried lavender flowers be added to store-bought tea? The answer to this question is yes, they can be added to any type of tea.

To do this, green or black tea leaves are mixed with flowers in a separate container and brewed as needed. Or add them directly at the time of brewing. However, it is believed that lavender sets off the taste of black tea most harmoniously. Such a drink retains all the medicinal properties of the flower itself. Herbal teas, which add lavender, have an interesting taste and aroma.

Benefits of lavender tea

  • Due to the fact that lavender contains essential oils with tannins, lavender tea perfectly soothes.
  • The healing properties of lavender are also known.
  • In ancient Egypt, this flower was highly valued. Its unique properties even now help to cope with severe stressful situations, depression. It is enough to take a bath with lavender flowers or drink tea, and nervous excitability, nausea and headache will disappear.
  • A decoction of flowers helps with insomnia.
  • Herbal tea with lavender improves the functioning of the digestive tract, removes bile from the body, and increases the production of gastric juice. If you regularly take such an infusion, then the stool normalizes and nausea disappears.

Regular intake of this tea:

Lavender tea should be taken at night and warm if a sedative effect is needed. Drink slowly, in small sips.

lavender tea recipe

2 tsp dry crushed lavender pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Strain. At colds you can sweeten with honey (but if you take it for digestive disorders, then you need to drink unsweetened tea). Drink three times a day for a third of a glass.

Lavender + Ivan tea

A beautiful flowering field of lavender is impossible to forget seeing at least once. Ivan-tea with lavender also has an unforgettably wonderful taste. On the one hand, it gives strength and vigor, and on the other hand, it fills the soul with calmness and benevolence.

The effect of combining two plants - Koporsky Ivan-tea (angut-leaved fireweed) and lavender - is to create a powerful sedative. The components of this drink gently affect the human body, while not causing him any harm. This is a gift from nature itself.

Koporye Ivan-tea with lavender is also very easy to brew:

1-2 tsp is taken. collection, pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse - 15-20 minutes or longer for greater richness and aroma. Drink this tea slowly, enjoying, calming down and enjoying.


Use lavender tea with caution. Lavender is a medicinal plant with many beneficial properties, but its excessive use can do a lot of harm:

  • cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and even colic,
  • cause allergic reactions: nausea, vomiting, headache.
  • With caution, you need to drink tea with lavender at reduced pressure, and during pregnancy (in the first four months) and lactation, it is completely contraindicated.
  • There are also contraindications for those who take chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, lavender can cause uterine contractions, bleeding, or miscarriage.

However, in the absence of pronounced contraindications, lavender tea can be drunk daily to normalize work. gastrointestinal tract or stress relief before bed.

Other ways to use flowers

What else can dried lavender do for you? Its flowers have many uses in medicine and cosmetology.

  • Alcohol tinctures from lavender flowers are used to relieve external inflammation, with snake bites, and with redness of the mucous membranes.
  • Baths with decoction help with varicose veins and to relieve tension.

How to make such a decoction? There are many recipes, from the simplest to the most complex. You can simply pour the flowers with water and let it brew, or you can first stew on the fire.

  • Lavender is also used in aromatherapy to relieve tension.
  • Bags of dried flowers repel moths and give clothes a pleasant smell.
  • And superstitious people wear its inflorescences to scare away evil spirits.

If you are looking at lavender tea as a stress reliever, then you should watch this 16-minute video in which Elena Malysheva talks about other, unusual, ways to deal with stress.

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