How to distinguish a viral infection from the flu. How to distinguish influenza from orvi and orz?

Pregnancy and children 27.01.2018
Pregnancy and children

All people periodically suffer from colds. And, by the way, in our country it is very rare to seek help from a doctor. That is why not everyone knows how to distinguish the flu from the common cold.

A few words about the common cold

At the very beginning, I would like to say that most often a person is faced with a cold, not the flu. Surprisingly, today there are 250 varieties of viruses that can cause this disease. Doctors say that a healthy adult can catch a cold on average two to four times a year. It all depends on the body's resistance. Children get sick more often. After all, their resistance is much lower. Babies get sick even more often. They may have a runny nose 6 to 10 times in 12 calendar months. It should also be noted that those people who are in different groups get sick more often: in kindergartens, at school, at work. It's easier for them to catch the infection.

A few words about the flu

It is important to figure out how to distinguish the flu from the common cold. Features of the flu - that's what you need to talk about first. So, it's a highly contagious and rapidly spreading disease. It hits the human body more than a cold. It is also worth saying that do not underestimate the flu. Indeed, in about a third of cases, it flows into a different, more complex disease. It can be, for example, sinusitis or pneumonia. To beware of this disease is, first of all, young children, the elderly, as well as people with depleted immunity. They are much more difficult to deal with. Also, the period of adaptation after recovery will be more difficult.

The first difference: the appearance of the disease

How to distinguish the flu from a cold and not be mistaken? The main thing here is to pay attention to the occurrence of the disease itself. After all, if we are talking about a cold, its symptoms increase slowly. First, a runny nose appears, it may occur. Only after a while, a temperature may appear, and the patient's condition will worsen. If we are talking about the flu, this disease manifests itself with lightning speed. All symptoms are usually present immediately, brightly and sharply.

The second difference: temperature

The next tip on how to tell the flu from a cold is to look at your temperature readings. If we are talking about SARS, it will not appear immediately. The readings will rise later than other symptoms appear. In addition, the numbers most often will not cross the mark of 38.5 ° C. It all goes away in a couple of days. This temperature can be "carried on the feet", although this is highly discouraged.

If we are talking about the flu, the body temperature rises quickly. The numbers are often frightening: 39-40°C. The temperature stays for about three days. A person will not be able to work effectively in this state.

The third difference: sensations

The next tip is how to distinguish the flu from SARS, colds: you need to follow your feelings. They will differ significantly. So, if we are talking about a cold, a person may have weakness, slight chills, fatigue. There will be no pronounced pain. The patient can take care of himself without any problems.

If we are talking about the flu, the patient will definitely have chills all over the body, fever. There may also be pain in the temples, eyes. Mental activity falls. A person may develop photophobia.

Fourth difference: runny nose

The next clue on how to distinguish the flu from a cold is to see if the patient has a runny nose. Its presence can tell a lot. So, if it appeared first, before the onset of other symptoms, it is most likely a cold. Also at this time, the nose is usually stuffy, its swelling is observed. The discharge is strong, it can change color. Often also but no conjunctivitis. The patient will also sneeze very often.

If it is the flu, a runny nose will appear no earlier than on the second day of illness. Or it may not exist at all. The eyes may water only in case of conjunctivitis. Sneezing will be infrequent.

Fifth difference: throat

What is the difference between a cold and the flu? So, the condition of the throat can tell about this. If there is a cold, it will be loose, red throughout the entire illness. In this case, the pain can be of any strength. The cough is most often hacking. First dry, then wet - when sputum is coughed up.

In the case of influenza, the back of the throat is most often affected, as well as the palate. Later, after about a day, an excruciating cough appears, which causes chest pain. In terms of time, it is very long: 2-3 weeks. Often develops into an additional disease - bronchitis.

Difference six: the digestive system

Surprisingly, the human gastrointestinal tract also reacts to the influenza state. At this time, patients often experience diarrhea, less often - vomiting. When this happens very rarely.

Difference seven: the duration of the disease

The last difference between a cold and the flu is the duration of the illness itself. The course of diseases will be different, that's clear. The flu will last for about 10 days (during this time the body temperature is completely normal). The first four of them are an acute period, when the patient will have a fever, and all the symptoms will be bright. After this time, for another couple of weeks, they may persist headache, insomnia, irritability. There will also be low performance, and fatigue - high.

If it is a cold, all symptoms will pass in a week. In this case, the acute condition will be only one day, usually not the first, but the second or third. Then everything will slowly go downhill. Efficiency is maintained for the entire period of the disease. However, it is better to spend this time in bed. Also, after ARVI, there is no asthenic syndrome. Those. after recovery, a person will not feel a feeling of weakness, fatigue.

Cold treatment

How to distinguish influenza from SARS and what is the difference in their treatment regimens? If we are talking about a cold, then at the first symptoms of its manifestation, you need to start taking action. So, if your throat is tickling, you need to start rinsing it immediately. If you have a runny nose, you need to rinse your nose and bury it with medicinal drops. So, it is good to clean the nose with the so-called shower. You need to take a lot of warm drinks, food should be easily digestible. The temperature cannot be brought down until it has gone over 38 ° C (the body is still trying to cope with the infection itself). It should also be noted that even if the patient's condition is not the worst, it is still better to limit activity for this time. So it is easier to cope with the symptoms and bring the moment of recovery closer.

Flu treatment

How else can you tell the flu from a cold? What's different about the flu, other than the symptoms? How to get rid of it! In this case, the patient should immediately go to bed, because the symptoms will appear sharply, brightly. Performance will be very low. And besides, the sick person instantly becomes a carrier of a dangerous infection. Self-medication in this case can be dangerous, so it is best to call a doctor at home. He will prescribe the necessary drugs. Important: will not help. So there is no need to aggravate the course of the disease and the state of your body on your own.

As a small conclusion, I would like to say that, of course, it is important to know how to distinguish influenza from SARS. But it is best to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of any disease. This is the only way to help your body cope with the problem much faster.

If a person is cold the day before, and the next day woke up with a runny nose, sore throat and cough, then they say that he has caught a cold. The doctor in the clinic diagnoses ARVI or ARI and prescribes treatment without going into details. A high body temperature also indicates a possible flu infection. It is not surprising for a person far from medicine to get confused in all these terms. To begin with, let's try to figure out how the common cold differs from SARS.

Colds should be distinguished from SARS in order to properly prescribe treatment

ARVI is a collective name for a group of viral diseases in which the upper respiratory tract is affected.. Microscopic pathogenic microorganisms, which are the causative agents of the disease, can belong to different families. There are about two hundred of them. This category includes viruses that cause, in addition to influenza and parainfluenza, infections such as:

  • rhinovirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • respiratory syncytial;
  • metapneumovirus;
  • enteroviral;
  • reoviral;
  • bocavirus and others.

Note: Patients sometimes get confused when it comes to harmful microbes, so let's be clear. A bacterium is a primitive unicellular organism. The virus has a much smaller size, does not have a cellular structure and is capable of existence and reproduction only in the body of a sick person or his secretions.

So, what is the difference between a cold and SARS? Hypothermia can cause viral diseases, increasing a person's susceptibility to infection and facilitating infection. There is also a risk of exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs. In the people, this condition is called a cold. In official medicine, this term does not mean a disease, but excessive cooling of the skin, which is one of the factors contributing to the occurrence of SARS.


The manifestations of the so-called "cold" diseases are similar to each other, regardless of the type of pathogen, which can only be detected in the laboratory. Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections of various etiologies involves the appointment of the same type of drugs, so differential diagnosis is carried out only in difficult cases. At the initial appointment, the doctor focuses on clinical signs. From the definition of the disease, we can conclude that the symptoms of a cold and SARS do not differ. The patient complains of such unpleasant sensations as:

  • pain and sore throat;
  • chills and fever;
  • nasal congestion and watery discharge from it;
  • dry barking cough;
  • pain in the eyes and lacrimation;
  • body aches and muscle pain;
  • general weakness and malaise.

Sore throat and sore throat - a symptom of SARS

The ongoing therapy is primarily aimed at strengthening the immune system and eliminating painful symptoms. A weakened organism during this period becomes especially vulnerable to a bacterial infection, so cases of its attachment are often diagnosed.

Antibiotics do not affect the activity and vital activity of the virus. They are prescribed only in the case of a confirmed bacterial nature of the disease, which is established based on the results of a special laboratory analysis.

Having figured out how to distinguish a cold from SARS, let's summarize: hypothermia reduces immune defense body and makes it more susceptible to attack by viruses. However, a frozen person does not always get sick, and cold is not the root cause of the disease. Strong immunity and regular hardening procedures increase the body's resistance.

What is an ORZ?

Sometimes, with the appearance of characteristic signs of damage to the respiratory tract, the doctor makes a diagnosis of acute respiratory infections. Acute respiratory illness is not a disease, but rather a medical term. Such a conclusion is made if the nature of the disease is not entirely clear. The causative agents of acute respiratory infections can be not only viruses, but also bacteria, as well as fungi. Under this term, various pathologies can be hidden, in particular:

  • laryngitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchitis.

The diagnosis made by the doctor implies the possible addition of a bacterial infection with ARVI or an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

Many parents are interested in how to distinguish ARI from SARS in a child. A similar question may arise in adult patients. Based on symptoms only initial stage the development of the disease cannot be reliably determined. It is possible to establish the exact cause of the pathology and identify the pathogen only according to the results of laboratory tests. For this, the following studies are being carried out:

  • PCR analysis of a swab from the pharynx and nose: varieties of microorganisms are differentiated by fragments of their DNA;
  • culture: the type of bacteria found in sputum or nasal secretion is detected, and their sensitivity to antibiotics is also established;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA): antibodies to bacteria and viruses are determined.

An accurate diagnosis of the child must be made by a doctor

The exact nature of the disease will additionally help to find out a clinical blood test. The activity of pathogenic bacteria will be indicated by an excess number of neutrophils. A viral infection is characterized by pronounced leukocytosis and an increased level of lymphocytes.

Primary diagnosis

However, there is still a slight difference in symptoms due to a viral or bacterial infection. The activity of staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic microorganisms can be independently determined by the following signs:

  • general weakness, growing within two to three days;
  • runny nose with thick yellow-green discharge;
  • cough with sputum discharge, which gradually increases;
  • persistent subfebrile temperature;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the tonsils in case of their defeat.

The gradual increase in the symptoms of acute respiratory infections is due to the relatively slow introduction, growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The yellowish and greenish color of the nasal secretion or sputum indicates an admixture of pus, which is a collection of dead bacteria and leukocytes. Serous plaque on the tonsils also indicates the activity of harmful microbes and the development of tonsillitis.

Viruses penetrate the body much faster, their reproduction is more intense. The increase in symptoms of SARS is observed in a shorter time. Already on the first day, the patient may rise heat, there is an ache in the muscles and joints. The patient is tormented by a dry cough, clear and liquid discharge from the nose is noted. The virus infects the mucous membranes, which also manifests itself in the form of symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Dry cough is one of the symptoms of SARS

So, we found out what is the difference between the main medical terms. Patients should no longer have questions like: “Is the cold an acute respiratory disease or SARS?” Now let's take a closer look at how to differentiate the influenza virus.

Influenza virus: difference

In medicine, there are three main types of influenza virus. Colds or SARS of various etiologies are less dangerous for the body and are much easier to tolerate. Especially insidious is the type A influenza virus, which, changing and mutating, causes seasonal epidemics and pandemics. The possibility of death cannot be ruled out.

Let's find out how to distinguish influenza from SARS, taking into account the advice of doctors. The impact of pneumotropic viruses on the body can be differentiated according to the following features:

  1. Flu: the disease is characterized by an acute onset, fever and chills, the patient has a high temperature. An infected person complains of myalgia, joint pain and headache. There is a threat of developing serious complications: pneumonia, stenosis of the larynx, myocarditis, pyelonephritis. Less pronounced catarrhal phenomena in the form of a runny nose, pain, inflammation of the respiratory tract. There is a dry cough with retrosternal pain.
  2. adenovirus infection: the onset of the disease is less acute than with influenza infection. Quite often, angina is diagnosed, which is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes. The patient is suffering from severe cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, liver damage is not excluded.
  3. parainfluenza: general intoxication of the body is moderately pronounced. The patient has a subfebrile temperature, which may increase slightly. The upper respiratory tract is affected, mostly the larynx. A frequent complication of the disease is stenosing laryngotracheitis.
  4. Respiratory syncytial infection: the disease is characterized by a milder, but also longer course than in the case of infection with influenza. There is a predominant lesion of the lower respiratory tract with frequent development of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis. The main symptom of the disease is a dry, paroxysmal cough that lasts up to 3 weeks.
  5. coronavirus infection: the disease is characterized by a mild intoxication with an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. In children, the bronchi and lungs may be affected. Certain strains can cause damage to the digestive tract, which occurs in the form of gastroenteritis in an acute form.

It can be concluded how to distinguish ARVI of various etiologies from influenza. In the first case, the patient has a subfebrile temperature, which usually does not rise above 38 ° C. There are pronounced catarrhal phenomena. In the second case, there is a strong fever and general malaise, and sore throat, runny nose and cough fade into the background.

High fever is a symptom of the flu

Having examined in detail what is the difference between a cold and ARVI, and how the influenza virus manifests itself, we emphasize that prevention of the disease is of paramount importance. To avoid infection, it is recommended to refrain from visiting crowded places during the epidemic, wash your hands more often and strengthen your immune system.

Influenza along with SARS are the most common ailments that are knocked out of the usual life schedule, bringing a lot of inconvenience.

There is a difference between these diseases, which is important to determine in order to begin the correct treatment.

To get the most reliable information and know how to distinguish the flu from the common cold, clinical signs are studied.

What is SARS and what is influenza

If you ask yourself how the flu differs from the same ARVI, then you should keep in mind: ARVI is a general concept for all respiratory ailments with a viral origin.

It is important to know how to recognize the flu. The following symptoms are characteristic of the disease:

  • lacrimation,
  • respiratory signs,
  • general weakness,
  • increased sweating,
  • temperature rise.

The infection spreads by airborne droplets, it happens very quickly and affects up to 80% of people who have been in contact with a sick person.

Such sad statistics can be explained by the fact that the body is not able to fight viruses, since the latter are constantly mutating and changing.

In adults, in most cases, it is not customary to consider the flu a serious illness, which is a huge mistake, since the body is exposed to great danger. This disease is considered one of the most serious among respiratory viral ailments.

Every year, influenza spreads massively around the planet in the form of large-scale epidemics and pandemics. Between 300,000 and 500,000 people die every year due to the disease and its complications.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know early stages the formation of pathology, how the flu differs from, so that the appropriate therapy is started on time.

Currently, scientists have identified about two thousand subspecies of the virus. The following types of influenza are recognized as the most dangerous:

  1. Spanish (A/H1N1),
  2. pork (H1N1),
  3. bird flu.

Swine flu, like all SARS, is transmitted by airborne droplets and is highly transmissible. This fact is explained by the fact that incubation period lasts 2-4 days, and during this time a sick person can infect many people.

The onset of the disease has the following signs of intoxication:

  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • chills,
  • vomit,
  • sleep disorders,
  • in some cases, hallucinations.

Treatment necessarily includes symptomatic therapy, bed rest and the use of antiviral drugs. It should be noted that the patient for the period of treatment should be protected from other family members.

Diagnosis of diseases

To determine the presence of an acute respiratory viral infection, it is enough for a doctor to conduct an examination. Thus, it will not be possible to determine the origin of the disease, since influenza and SARS have similar symptoms.

For the most accurate diagnosis, the doctor sends the person to the laboratory for several tests. This is how the presence of the virus in the blood is determined.

Most often, cultures of infected blood in specific nutrient media are used to determine the pathology. Conduct several tests based on serological reactions to determine the amount of antibodies in a person's blood to the virus.

Given the fact that laboratory analyzes are quite complex and expensive processes, not all of them are carried out. Pediatricians put accurate diagnosis"flu" only after information about the beginning of the epidemic.

In rare cases, only the first patients undergo tests, while all subsequent ones are assigned an automatic diagnosis. Therefore, often the treatment of the disease is not effective and leads to undesirable consequences.

People who care about their health need to understand how to distinguish influenza from acute respiratory infections on their own.

How diseases develop

Despite the fact that acute respiratory infections, influenza and other similar diseases are very similar, there are certain differences by which a person can identify a specific disease on his own.

Initially, attention should be paid to the rate of development of the disease. Usually, the initial stage of SARS lasts 1-2 days. At the same time, there are sluggish symptoms, however, the patient feels great discomfort and partially loses his ability to work. Symptoms of the condition during this period:

  1. lethargy,
  2. nasal congestion,
  3. sore throat,
  4. in some cases, an increase in temperature.

As a rule, in clinics at the sanitary checkpoint, leaflets on influenza and SARS are posted. In it you can find a large amount of information about the development of these ailments and their treatment.

If the flu has begun, then in the first half of the day a person feels completely healthy, but after lunch there is a sharp decline in strength and the temperature begins to rise rapidly. For such a disease, an acute and rapid onset is characteristic.

The nature of the development of the disease, as well as other signs of SARS and flu symptoms, enable a person to independently determine which of the ailments he has.

As already reported, for the most part, the symptoms of diseases are similar, and one of them is fever, but there is one caveat. The flu is characterized by a rapid (in a few hours) jump in temperature to 38-39 degrees. However, almost all antipyretic drugs do not work.

Even if the temperature was reduced, after only 2 hours or less, it will begin to rise again. In these cases, doctors prescribe not only drugs for influenza and SARS, but also several antipyretics, which should be alternated, taking every 3 hours.

With SARS, the temperature, as a rule, does not exceed 38 degrees. It can be easily brought down with the help of such means as Ibufen or Paracetamol.

If the patient has a stable condition and there is no deterioration, then you can not take antipyretic drugs, but allow the immune system to fight the disease on its own.

When a child is ill, do not treat at home. The body of children cannot cope with the disease, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

The pediatrician will immediately examine the child, assess his current state of health and prescribe drugs based on all the main indicators, including the age of the patient.

It is no secret that colds, SARS and influenza are diseases characterized by a sharp decrease in human performance. The patient quickly begins to feel constant discomfort and loss of strength. Even by these phenomena, one can independently come to the conclusion which disease struck a person.

For example, with the flu, people complain of severe headache and muscle pain. As a rule, it hurts in the temples and the back of the head. In addition, there are:

  • body aches,
  • chills,
  • increased sweating.

In addition, in some cases, there is pain when moving the eyes and photosensitivity.

If we talk about the general condition of the patient with ARVI, then weakness and weakness are present throughout the disease. But the pain in the head and muscles is very weak.

Nasal congestion and runny nose

ARVI and the influenza virus are provocateurs of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. In this case, the sick person has:

  1. elevated body temperature,
  2. runny nose and stuffy nose.

With influenza, swelling of the nasal mucosa, and inflammation is much less common than in the case of SARS. Within a few days, the runny nose is completely gone.

With SARS, the nose is blocked in the first two days, later, in addition to swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, sneezing and a severe runny nose begin. This significantly increases tearing.

Throat and cough

For those who are not informed how to distinguish ARVI from influenza, doctors advise to pay attention to the condition of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and throat. With the flu, they swell very much, there is reddening of the soft palate and the back walls of the throat, there is. In a person with SARS, the throat is red and swollen, but has a loose structure.

It is worth noting: if such signs of diseases as hyperemia and swelling of the throat are common, then plaque on the mucous membranes is a sign of only SARS.

Before identifying which disease is present in a person, it is important to remember when he developed a cough. If it arose at the very beginning of the development of the disease, and only then the temperature rose, and a runny nose appeared, then this is SARS.

When the disease began with fever, headaches and body aches, and only on the 2nd or 3rd day there was a dry cough, the doctor diagnoses the presence of influenza.

Confirms the diagnosis of cough, as well as pain in the chest and trachea. Such symptoms imply taking medications for SARS and influenza:

  1. Cycloferon,
  2. Viferon,
  3. Immunoflazid,
  4. Ingavirin,
  5. Arbidol,
  6. Anaferon,
  7. rimantadine,
  8. Tamiflu.

The condition of a sick person can worsen significantly, as the virus continues to develop and pathogenically affect respiratory system and the state of the organism as a whole.

The reaction of the gastrointestinal tract

In some cases, the body may respond to the influenza virus by disrupting the functioning of the organs. gastrointestinal tract. A sick person develops diarrhea or vomiting already 2 to 3 days after infection. The pathological condition can last up to 48 hours.

Without symptomatic treatment, the manifestation of such symptoms can be delayed for several more days, which is fraught with dehydration.

If a person has symptoms of the diseases in question, it is important to carefully analyze the sequence and nature of the course of key clinical manifestations.

Subject to all the doctor's advice, the condition of a person with ARVI becomes better on the third day. Full recovery occurs in about a week. After an illness, a person quickly recovers his strength and ability to work.

In this respect important condition the fastest normalization of the state of health is the clarification of the diagnosis.

Influenza is a viral infection, often characterized by a severe course and the possibility of developing complications. At the same time, it proceeds most severely in cases where the diagnosis was not established in time, and the patient continued to carry the disease on his feet. This clarification is important even in differential diagnosis with other acute respiratory viral infections, which, like influenza, are caused by viruses and, therefore, are characterized by similar methods of treatment. Moreover, it is important not to miss the flu if a differential diagnosis is made with respiratory diseases caused by bacteria.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to determine how the flu differs from the common cold. First of all, the main difference lies in the cause of the development of the flu and the common cold. The causative agent of influenza is a virus transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected patient. healthy person. With sufficient concentration in the air, it penetrates deep into the body through the nasopharynx and leads to the development of pathological conditions.

The role of hypothermia

As for the common cold, such a disease does not exist in the ICD. However, this term is widespread not only at the household level, but also among medical workers. It denotes pathological conditions caused by hypothermia. Infectious agents do not participate in their development.

The reduced immunity of the patient leads to the fact that, under the influence of hypothermia, the opportunistic flora is activated, causing the development of symptoms.

Most often, this exposure leads to an exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis and bronchitis.

The clinical symptoms of a cold are very similar to those of the flu. However, it is necessary to distinguish a cold from the flu. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the cause of the development of symptoms, whether there was hypothermia. It doesn't have to be frostbite in an ice hole or mountains. It's about about hypothermia as a result of a cold snap and insufficiently warm clothing. common cause colds are wet feet in bad weather.

With strong immunity, such tests are not terrible for the body. Insufficient immunity in this case will manifest itself as symptoms of a cold. In one group of people who find themselves in similar conditions, some will remain absolutely healthy, others may end up in a hospital bed.

In cases where there was no history of hypothermia in the next 2-3 days, the patient was in a warm office, most likely, there can be no talk of a cold. In favor of the infectious nature of the disease, the presence of colleagues with a cough or runny nose, or fellow travelers with such symptoms, may also indicate.

All SARS, and especially influenza, are highly contagious (contagious) diseases. The presence of a sick employee in the team after a short time lead to an increase in morbidity.

From October to March, there is an annual surge in SARS and influenza. The aggravated epidemiological situation also speaks in favor of the viral nature of the disease. Weather during this period also worsen, the chances of getting hypothermia increase. Therefore, to distinguish a cold from the flu in autumn-winter period more difficult. However, getting the flu in May is generally uncommon.

Differences in the clinical picture

You can tell the flu from a cold by clinical symptoms. Unlike the common cold, the flu has an acute onset.

The patient can even indicate the approximate time when he felt unwell. At the same time, it is subjective sensations, such as weakness, headache, lack of appetite, chills, that come to the fore with influenza. Catarrhal phenomena, dry cough, runny nose join later, sometimes for 2-3 days.

As for temperature indicators, hyperthermia develops in the first hours of the disease. Its rise to 38-39 degrees is noted.

With exacerbation of pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and other manifestations of a cold, symptoms due to the localization of the process come to the fore. With pharyngitis or tonsillitis, this is a sore throat and sore throat, with laryngitis - hoarseness, cough. With bronchitis and tracheitis, a cough is an obligatory symptom. Sinusitis is manifested by nasal congestion, runny nose, headache.

All these symptoms develop against a background of minor or moderate general malaise. In some cases, patients continue to go about their usual activities. As for the temperature factor, hyperthermia is noted at the level of subfebrile numbers, or these pathological conditions occur against the background of normal temperature.

The patient's life history can also help in the differential diagnosis of influenza and the common cold. The presence of an existing chronic pathology of the ENT organs or the respiratory tract indicates a possible exacerbation of these diseases in given time as a result of a provoking factor, such as hypothermia. Of course, this does not exclude the development of influenza when the epidemic situation worsens.

An objective examination by a specialist, an ENT doctor or a therapist also contributes to clarifying the diagnosis. If necessary, instrumental methods of examination, X-ray examination, bronchoscopy, rhinoscopy can also help. Laboratory diagnostics will be informative only with pronounced changes in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. A general blood test, characterized by an increase in ESR and leukocytosis, is characteristic of a bacterial pathogen.

Thus, summing up, it is possible to determine the flu or a cold based on

Clarification of the diagnosis is necessary for the appointment of the correct treatment. In the case of manifestations of a cold, most likely, we will talk about the appointment of antibiotics. Influenza treatment involves detoxification measures, in severe cases- prescription of antiviral drugs. Antibiotics, however, are ineffective.

Therefore, a refined diagnosis contributes to the appointment of correct treatment and the fastest recovery of the patient.

If you wake up in the morning, you cough and sneeze, your head hurts, your muscles aches, your temperature is elevated, how do you know if it's a cold or the flu?

It is important to know the difference between flu and cold symptoms. Colds are milder. If a cold knocks you out and makes you feel worse for only a few days, the flu "works on it" from a few days to a few weeks. Influenza, unlike the common cold, can lead to serious complications, up to pneumonia with hospitalization.

What are the symptoms of a cold?

The first symptom of a cold is usually a sore throat, which disappears on the second or third day. Rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, cough last about 4-5 days. Fever is not typical for adults, but a small (subfebrile) temperature is possible. Children are more prone to fever with a cold than adults.

During a cold, a watery secretion comes out of the nose for the first few days. Later, the discharge becomes thicker and acquires a dark color. Dark color mucus is natural, it does not mean the development of a bacterial infection (such as sinusitis).

Several hundred viruses cause the common cold.

How long do cold symptoms last?

On average, a cold lasts about a week. The first three days of illness you are contagious to others. This means you can pass the virus on to people who come into contact with you. So, if possible, stay at home and rest.

If the symptoms do not go away and do not subside for more than a week, most likely a bacterial infection has "joined" the cold and you will need antibiotics.

Sometimes the symptoms of a cold can be confused with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or sinusitis. If the symptoms pass quickly and improve within a week, this is a common cold, not an allergy. If improvement does not occur after a week, go to the doctor for examination, it is probably an allergy or sinusitis.

What are the symptoms of the flu?

Regardless of whether a person is sick with regular seasonal flu or swine flu, the symptoms are almost the same. The flu is more severe than the common cold and symptoms develop faster. Flu symptoms include: sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches, nasal congestion, cough. Swine flu causes vomiting and diarrhea.

Most symptoms subside within two to five days. A typical complication of influenza is pneumonia, especially in children and the elderly, and in people with lung and heart disease. If you have shortness of breath, tell your doctor about it. Another sign of pneumonia is a recurrent fever (a recurrence of temperature occurs the day after the fall).

Just like the viruses that cause the common cold, influenza viruses enter the body through the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and eyes. Wash your hands thoroughly every time you touch these areas, as you can spread the infection this way.

Flu symptoms and cold symptoms

How can you tell if you have the flu or a cold? Many will advise you to measure the temperature to determine. The flu often masquerades as a cold, with nasal congestion, coughing, pain, and malaise. But with a common cold, the temperature rarely rises above 38.4 ° C. With influenza, fever occurs due to the activity of viruses, which leads to weakness and weakness. Body and muscle aches are also more common with the flu. This table will help you understand your symptoms:





Sometimes, usually not high

Almost always, high (38-39°C, especially in young children), lasts 3-4 days


Other pains

Not strong

Often strong

Weakness, lethargy

Often, it can last 2-3 weeks.

Severe condition, exhaustion

Often, especially early in the disease

stuffy nose


Sore throat

Discomfort in the chest

Mild to moderate

Often strong


Dry cough


Sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear

Sinusitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the middle ear, pneumonia, m.b. life-threatening


Wash your hands often, avoid contact with people with colds

Wash your hands frequently, avoid contact with people with flu, get your seasonal flu shot, talk to your doctor about antivirals


Antihistamines, decongestants, anti-inflammatory drugs

Antihistamines, decongestants, analgesics (ibuprofen, paracetamol), antivirals in the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. An effective remedy both against colds and against flu is the drug "Kagocel". Ask your doctor for more details.

When should you see a doctor for flu and colds?

If you already have the flu or a cold, talk to your doctor if you have one or more of the following symptoms:

Persistent fever. This may indicate the addition of a bacterial infection that needs to be treated.

- Painful swallowing. While inflammation in the throat with a cold or flu causes mild discomfort, with the development of a sore throat, the pain in the throat increases, this requires mandatory treatment by a doctor.

– Recurrent cough. If the cough does not go away for more than 2 or 3 weeks, this may indicate the development of bronchitis, which requires antibiotics to treat. Drainage of mucus from the nasopharynx and sinusitis can also lead to recurrent coughing. In addition, asthma can lead to recurrent coughing. For the treatment of asthma, steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators are used.

– Persistent nasal congestion and headache. When the outflow of fluid from the sinuses is disturbed, this leads to sinusitis. Occurs with colds and allergies. If pain in the face and around the eyes, as well as thick mucous discharge from the nose, is yellow or Green colour more than a week goes by - you have a bacterial infection and need antibiotics.

In some cases, emergency medical attention is required. Signs of a critical condition in adults are:

  • Severe chest pain
  • Strong headache
  • Dyspnea
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Profuse (severe) vomiting

Signs of a critical condition in children:

  • Difficulty or rapid breathing
  • Bluish complexion
  • Insufficient fluid intake
  • Drowsiness and decreased activity
  • Increased irritability
  • Improvement and then sudden worsening of symptoms
  • Fever with rash.

Can the flu or colds be prevented?

The most important way to prevent colds, seasonal flu and swine flu- Thorough hand washing. Washing your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds washes away dangerous germs from your skin.

In addition to washing your hands, you can get a seasonal flu shot to prevent flu. Typically, the rise in seasonal influenza activity falls on the period from late December to March. Therefore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccination in October or November. Two weeks after vaccination, antibodies are produced in the blood to protect the body from flu symptoms.

If you get the flu, it's best to see your doctor. He will prescribe you antiviral drugs, which can also be used to prevent influenza if you have been in contact with a sick person.

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