Effective treatment of SARS in an adult. Treatment of viral diseases with effective means.

Pregnancy and children 14.03.2018
Pregnancy and children

The most common and painful topic for every person and for every family in autumn-winter period is SARS. During periods of an epidemic, 8-9 people out of 10 can get sick. Respiratory viral infections mean diseases of the upper sections respiratory tract caused by a group of viruses. There are about 250 types of viruses that can lead to the development of SARS.

The primary factor in the development of the disease is hypothermia of the body and, as a result, a decrease in overall immunity. Great importance has hypothermia of the lower extremities.


In people of any age, viruses cause approximately the same signs, which are divided into general intoxication and local, largely due to the presence of "weak" places in humans. Common symptoms include:

Temperature rise

Enlarged cervical and other lymph nodes

Muscle pain, backache, joint pain

Decreased performance, weakness

Local symptoms and signs of acute respiratory viral infections in adults, the treatment of which is mandatory, is swelling of the nasal mucosa, the appearance of discharge from the nose, coughing, sore throat, sore throat, and sputum. Depending on the individual characteristics and the nature of the viral infection in adults, symptoms of laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tracheitis appear. But sometimes acute respiratory infections can acquire an atypical course, which often leads to a late start of treatment and the development of complications - pneumonia, bronchitis and others.


Systemic therapy

To suppress viruses, specific antiviral drugs, drugs containing the immune protein interferon or interferon inducers, drugs that activate the production of one's own human interferon, can be used.

Specific antiviral agents (Remantadine, Zanamivir) are distinguished by their rapid action. Medicines in this group have a narrow spectrum of action, respectively, they can be used to combat a limited number of types of pathogens. This significantly limits the possibilities of drugs in the treatment of SARS.

Interferon preparations (Grippferon, Viferon) act on a larger number of pathogens. Like specific antiviral agents, they begin to act almost immediately after application. Available in the form of injections, suppositories, drops.

Means that activate the synthesis of its own interferon (Cycloferon, Amiksin) do not act so quickly - on average, 6 hours after application.

There are medicines for SARS that provide complex action: on the one hand, they stimulate the synthesis of interferon, on the other hand, they act on the virus, causing its death. Often used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults, the drug Arbidol, which has such properties.

Antibiotics for ARVI in adults are not prescribed, since they act on bacteria, while ARVI is caused by viruses.

However, when a bacterial infection is attached to a viral disease and complications develop, the use of antibiotics becomes justified and appropriate.


Again, in the case of this disease, medications should be a support for the body's natural immune responses, and not powerful means that cope only with the manifestations of the infection - cough, runny nose, headaches - but at the same time carry side effects. Therefore, in the general case, drugs for ARVI should be herbal and have three features at once

- Medications should act gently and carefully, that is, affecting only the virus, without affecting the systems and organs that are not affected by the infection.

- Syrups, drops, tablets for SARS and flu are simply required to be effective, that is, to have a composition that helps to defeat the disease - this is obvious.

- Medications should simultaneously relieve unpleasant symptoms - from sore throat, runny nose, cough.

Antivirals for SARS: how effective are they?

It should be noted right away that such medicines will not be an instant panacea for all ills. The appointment of antiviral is the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, and for the first it is necessary that the second be carried out. Simply put, you need to protect yourself from infections by increasing your immunity, and not just relying on the fact that in which case it will be enough to swallow one pill and forget about the disease.

But if all the conditions for treatment that have been repeatedly mentioned above are provided, high-quality antiviral drugs for ARVI, that is, with an already developed disease, can be very effective and play the role of helpers for the body. Especially if these drugs will have an immunomodulatory and / or interferonogenic effect.

Such drugs for ARVI are convenient in that they activate the body's defenses. For example, they stimulate humoral and cellular immunity, increase the production of alpha, beta and gamma interferon. Using antiviral drugs it is possible to speed up and simplify the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children. They can be taken even at a high temperature (more than 38 degrees), but, again, creating all the conditions for its reduction.

Antibiotics for SARS: can they be used?

As a rule, these drugs are used only when the body is oppressed by a bacterial infection, and not by a virus. Therefore, usually antibiotics for ARVI are not drunk, this must be remembered. Although they can be prescribed by a doctor, but only in exceptional cases. Again, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for ARVI when a viral infection has become complicated by a bacterial one and the disease has developed into pneumonia or, for example, otitis media. Well, of course, you can’t take such potent medicines on your own - you can drink them only as directed by a doctor.


Since respiratory diseases are most often accompanied by inflammation of the nasopharynx (congestion or discharge from the nose, redness and sore throat when swallowing, etc.), then from the moment they appear, you should start gargling and washing your nose.

The rinse solution can be prepared from:

decoction of chamomile;
Furacilin tablets;

One of the most common gargles for sore throats is a soda-salt solution. To prepare it, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of salt and soda in half a glass of warm water. You can add a couple of drops of iodine or tea tree oil.

As a vasoconstrictor drug, to eliminate nasal congestion, you can use:

Sanorin and others.

It should be noted that these drugs have a drying effect on the mucous membranes of the nose, so you need to use them for no more than 7-10 days.

For the treatment of cough in adults, with acute respiratory infections, drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician. As a rule, drugs of central action are used to reduce cough:

Sinekod and others.

To achieve an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, peripheral drugs are prescribed:


As an antiviral agent for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in adults, the following are prescribed:


These drugs act directly on the virus, preventing its development and reproduction.

Most often, acute respiratory infections occur without fever, and the treatment does not require the use of antipyretics. But in case of its increase, such means as are recommended:

Theraflu etc.

Folk remedies

When cold symptoms appear, many of us traditionally go to the pharmacy. However, is the use of inorganic chemicals always justified? There is a smarter, safer and cheaper option - medicinal plants.

With a cold, coltsfoot has 3 effects at once: it relieves inflammation, fights germs, and also makes you sweat. 3 tablespoons of dried flowers and leaves of coltsfoot pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for half an hour. Drink the infusion warm, one-third of a glass 3 times a day.

Pour 1 glass of milk into an enamel pan, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped sage leaves. Boil over low heat covered for a few minutes, then strain. Remove the leaves and boil the milk again. Take at night before bed. This decoction will be useful for coughs and bronchitis.

With a cold, especially if there is a high temperature, you need to take as much vitamin C as possible. Therefore, drink freshly squeezed orange juice.

Tincture of orange peels: pour one part of orange peels with one part of alcohol, close well and leave to infuse in a dark place. After seven days, strain, squeeze all the liquid from the crusts into a tincture, discard the cake. Strain again. Apply 15-20 drops diluted in water.

Grass and flowers of yarrow (1 tablespoon) pour 200 g of boiling water, cook under a lid in a boiling water bath for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to cool for 45 minutes, then strain. Drink a tablespoon every hour. This remedy can also be used in the form of rinses, simultaneously with ingestion.

Can be used for viral infections essential oils. Microorganisms are not able to adapt to their action, which makes them vulnerable to natural preparations, especially essential oils. Recipe: take orally with 1 teaspoon of honey, 3 drops of one of the essential oils: lavender, lemon, pine, or mint, 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 7-10 days (after checking the body's allergic reaction to essential oils) .

A useful remedy for colds or flu is garlic juice. Every 2-3 hours, instill one drop into each nostril.

At the first symptoms of a cold or flu, take a hot shower, thoroughly warming up your face, neck, and chest. For those who have a healthy heart and blood vessels, a shower can be replaced by taking a hot fifteen-minute bath. Then you need to wipe yourself dry and go to bed, dressed warmly and covered with a blanket. Be sure to change your underwear after 2 hours. Shower (bath) to take every day of illness. In addition, the patient should be given hot tea with lemon or raspberries.

Grate a head of garlic and 2 cleanly washed lemons, after pouring boiling water over the lemons. Add 200 g softened butter(can be beaten with a mixer). Stir. As often as possible, spread this useful mass on a slice of bread. You can eat such a sandwich, washing it down with hot herbal tea.

Pour 3 chopped garlic cloves with one glass of hot milk and leave to infuse, covered with a towel. Strain after 10-15 minutes. Drink the drink slowly in small sips. It is advisable to drink 3-4 glasses during the day. This infusion is an effective remedy for flu, colds, pneumonia.

At home


The most common cough with SARS requires close attention, as it can be a sign of a more serious and dangerous disease, such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

In order to treat cough with ARVI, expectorant and antitussive drugs should be taken, however, in no case antibiotics. Unfortunately, by how intense the cough is, it is impossible to immediately determine the severity of the disease and correctly diagnose. Sometimes coughing, which scares all households and neighbors behind the wall, is just the body's reaction to the parainfluenza virus with the most common SARS.

After making the correct diagnosis for the treatment of SARS, you can use folk remedies taken in consultation with the doctor. It is necessary to consult with him, because although these methods are based on the use of natural preparations, however, it is necessary to prevent the onset of certain problems, such as allergies.

For the treatment of dry cough with ARVI, well-known folk remedies such as herbs are well suited: coltsfoot, licorice root, oregano, sage, thermopsis grass, chamomile.

In the event that a wet cough occurs, it should be borne in mind that compared to a dry one, it is more optimistic, since in this case the body is able to independently resist the disease, which does not mean, however, that the disease should not be fought. True, if we are talking about the treatment of a wet cough in a child, it is necessary to carry it out under the supervision of a pediatrician in order to avoid all sorts of problems.

Most often, for the treatment of wet cough with ARVI, it is recommended to use infusions based on plantain and cabbage, as well as compresses prepared from cabbage with honey, cottage cheese and onions.


When is it possible to use antibiotics for uncomplicated acute respiratory infections?

With pronounced signs of reduced immunity - constant subfebrile temperature, more than 5 r / year, colds and viral diseases, chronic fungal and inflammatory diseases, HIV, any oncological diseases or congenital disorders of the immune system

In a child under 6 months - rickets in infants (symptoms, treatment), various malformations, with a lack of weight

Against the background of certain blood diseases (agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia).

Indications for antibiotics are

Bacterial tonsillitis (with the simultaneous exclusion of diphtheria by taking swabs from the throat and nose) requires treatment with penicillins or macrolides.

Purulent lymphadenitis requires antibiotics a wide range actions, consultations of a surgeon, sometimes a hematologist.

laryngotracheitis or acute bronchitis or exacerbation chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis will require macrolides (Macropen), in some cases an x-ray chest to rule out pneumonia.

Acute otitis media - the choice between macrolides and cephalosporins is carried out by an ENT doctor after otoscopy.

Pneumonia (see the first signs of pneumonia, treatment of pneumonia in a child) - treatment with semi-synthetic penicillins after x-ray confirmation of the diagnosis with mandatory monitoring of the effectiveness of the drug and x-ray control.

Inflammation paranasal sinuses nose (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis) - the diagnosis is established using x-ray examination and characteristic clinical signs. Treatment is carried out by an otolaryngologist (see signs of sinusitis in adults).

Let us give an example of a study conducted on the basis of data from one children's clinic, when analyzing data from the medical history and outpatient cards of 420 children aged 1-3 years. In 89% of cases, ARVI and acute respiratory infections were recorded in children, acute bronchitis in 16%, otitis media in 3%, and only 1% pneumonia and other infections.

And in 80% of cases, antibiotics were prescribed only for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract with acute respiratory disease and SARS, and for pneumonia and bronchitis in 100% of cases. Most doctors theoretically know about the inadmissibility of using antibacterial agents for a cold or a viral infection, but for a number of reasons:

administrative settings
early age children
preventive measures to reduce complications
unwillingness to go to assets

they are still prescribed, sometimes in short 5-day courses and with a dose reduction, which is highly undesirable. Also, the spectrum of causative agents of acute respiratory infections in children was not taken into account. In 85-90% of cases, these are viruses, and among bacterial agents it is 40% pneumococcus, 15% Haemophilus influenzae, 10% fungi and staphylococcus aureus, less often atypical pathogens - chlamydia and mycoplasma.

With the development of complications against the background of the virus, only according to the doctor's prescription, according to the severity of the disease, age, patient history, such antibiotics are prescribed:

Penicillin series - in the absence of allergic reactions to penicillins, it is possible to use semi-synthetic penicillins (Flemoxin solutab, Amoxicillin). In severe resistant infections among penicillin preparations, doctors prefer "protected penicillins" (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid), Amoxiclav, Ecoclave, Augmentin, Flemoklav Solutab. These are first-line drugs for angina.

Cephalosporin series - Cefixime (Supraks, Pancef, Ixim Lupine), Cefuroxime axetil (Zinacef, Supero, Aksetin, Zinnat), etc.

Macrolides - usually prescribed for chlamydial, mycoplasmal pneumonia or infections of the upper respiratory tract - Azithromycin (Sumamed, Zetamax, Zitrolide, Hemomycin, Zi-factor, Azitrox), Macropen is the drug of choice for bronchitis.

Fluoroquinolones - are prescribed in cases of intolerance to other antibiotics, as well as bacterial resistance to penicillin drugs - Levofloxacin (Tavanic, Floracid, Haileflox, Glevo, Flexid), Moxifloxacin (Avelox, Plevilox, Moximac). Fluoroquinolones are completely prohibited for use in children, because the skeleton is not yet formed, and also because these are “reserve” drugs that can be useful to a person when he grows up in the treatment of drug-resistant infections.

In general, the problem of choosing an antibiotic today is a task for the doctor, which he must solve in such a way as to help the patient as much as possible in the present and not harm in the future. The problem is complicated by the fact that pharmaceutical campaigns, in pursuit of today's profits, absolutely do not take into account the seriousness of the growing resistance of pathogens to antibiotics and throw out into the wide net those antibacterial novelties that could be in reserve for the time being.


S. V. Valyuh, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, S. Yu. Shtrygol, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. National University of Pharmacy

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) is a group of diseases of viral etiology, characterized by a short incubation period, short fever, intoxication and damage to various parts of the respiratory tract. This is the most common pathology in adults and children. The incidence increases during the cold season.


There are about 300 pathogens of respiratory infections, more than 200 of them are viruses. The most important diseases of the ARVI group are influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial and rhinovirus infection.

Viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets, less often through objects environment(adenoviruses). The “entrance gate” is predominantly the nasopharyngeal mucosa, where they multiply rapidly. Each type of virus is tropic to a specific section of the respiratory tract, in which edema, inflammation appear, and blood flow to the mucous membrane increases.


Since the nasopharynx is primarily affected in SARS, the main symptoms are a runny nose or nasal congestion, sneezing or coughing. Their intensity may vary depending on the type of pathogen and the state of the immune system. The virus multiplies rapidly, “breaks through” the protection (pharyngeal lymphatic ring) and, entering the bloodstream, causes viremia, which is accompanied by fever, sore or sore throat, weakness and loss of appetite. Influenza is characterized by intoxication, vascular disorders with a relative scarcity of catarrhal phenomena. With parainfluenza and rhinovirus infection, intoxication is weakly expressed, since viruses enter the bloodstream for a short time. Parainfluenza is predominantly manifested by laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis; adenovirus infection - tonsillitis, adenoiditis, conjunctivitis; rhinovirus infection - runny nose. Diagnosis is based on symptoms and clinical manifestations disease, and is confirmed by the detection of antibodies in the blood.

Features of orvi in ​​children

Characterized by increased susceptibility to all viral infections, ease of transmission of the pathogen, high contagiousness and insufficient immune response, protracted course of the disease. Viral-viral and viral-bacterial infections are often combined, which leads to a severe course and adverse outcomes. Respiratory pathology in newborns and children of the first year of life is more often caused by respiratory syncytial virus and adenoviruses. A child can become infected from a sick mother in utero or during childbirth, then the pathogens can be both viruses and pneumotropic bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma, legionella, pneumocysts, fungi. When infected with influenza and SARS during pregnancy, there is a threat of miscarriage, preeclampsia, anemia, anomalies of placenta attachment, and violations of labor activity are possible. Up to 12 weeks, embryotoxic and even teratogenic effects of viruses are possible, in later periods - intrauterine growth retardation, encephalitis, hepatitis, nephritis, pneumonia in the fetus.


Treatment consists of etiotropic (antiviral), syndromic and symptomatic therapy. All patients, regardless of age and severity of the disease, are prescribed bed rest until body temperature returns to normal, a milk-vegetable diet enriched with vitamins. Sufficient fluid intake is required. This prevents the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx from drying out, dilutes sputum, reduces the level of toxins, and stimulates sweating. With severe intoxication, enterosorbents are indicated - enterosgel, atoxil, activated charcoal.

The ion channel blockers Amantadine and Remantadine have an antiviral effect, but their spectrum of action is narrow (only influenza A virus, which quickly develops resistance), side effects from the central nervous system are possible. Remantadine is used from the age of seven, and Amantadine is mainly used in adults. Of the neuraminidase inhibitors, Oseltamivir is registered in Ukraine. Its disadvantages are high cost, side effects(nausea, vomiting), age restrictions(from 12 years old). Amizon also acts on the virus, has an interferonogenic and immunomodulatory effect, has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, has been used since the age of six. Arbidol has been used since two years, has a direct antiviral action on pathogens of influenza A, B and other acute respiratory viral infections, herpetic and acute intestinal infections of rotavirus etiology; has interferon-inducing, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects. Amiksin is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug that stimulates the production of all types of interferon (α, β, γ), activates cellular and humoral immunity, is allowed for young children.

Arbidol, amizon and amixin have proven to be effective and relatively safe drugs for the treatment of influenza and SARS.

Stimulation of antiviral protection carried out by immunomodulators. Their main action is to increase the level of interferon and lysozyme, which have antiviral activity, stimulate the production of local immunoglobulins and the activity of macrophages. For this purpose, apply interferon, laferon in the form of nasal drops several times a day. For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections on the 1-2nd day, they are used in the form of nasal drops native leukocyte interferon(1000 units / ml) 4-6 times a day. Can recommend recombinant α2-interferon (reaferon, 10,000 units / ml) intranasally for 5 days, 2 drops 3-4 times a day. As rectal suppositories infants and preschool age appoint interferon alfa 2b(Viferon-1, 150,000 IU in one suppository) in combination with vitamins E and C. Schoolchildren - Viferon-2 (500,000 IU) 1 suppository daily with a 12-hour interval for 5-10 days. Viferon-3, 4 is used in adults.

Due to the functional immaturity of the mucous membranes in children, reduced local immunity, agents that increase its protection are used. These drugs include Lysobact, which includes lysozyme. It is used in children from 6 months, a course of 8-10 days.

Increase in body temperature- not only a signal of the disease, but also a sign of the body's struggle with the pathogen. In most cases, only febrile temperature should be reduced. But if a child has even subfebrile temperature - below 38.0 ○ C - causes convulsions (at least in history), it should be reduced. The same applies to patients of any age with severe heart or respiratory failure, because they cannot compensate for the increased oxygen demand of the tissues during fever. With ARVI, the temperature usually does not exceed 39.0 ○ -40.0 ○ C and lasts 1-3 days, while serious disorders from various organs and systems do not occur. When this level is reached, the skin vessels dilate (the skin turns red), giving off excess heat.

Wrap up, so as not to catch a cold, should not be. But if the febrile temperature lasts more than 3–4 days, this may indicate the addition of a bacterial infection and the occurrence of complications (otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc.) requiring treatment with antibiotics or (in adults) fluoroquinolones. All of them must apply only by doctor's prescription.

The combination of antipyretic and antibacterial drugs in most cases is undesirable, since clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of the latter is difficult.

Outpatient treatment of uncomplicated ARVI is often accompanied by unreasonable prescription of antibacterial drugs to prevent bacterial complications. However, they do not affect viruses; on the contrary, by inhibiting the growth of sensitive autoflora, antibiotics can contribute to the colonization of the respiratory tract with resistant flora, increasing the incidence of complications.

Be aware of the dangers high temperature body: the risk of seizures or cerebral edema, dehydration, subjectively feeling unwell. When fever dangerous? First of all, when it is accompanied by a spasm of skin vessels and a violation of heat transfer - malignant hyperthermia. In this case, you need to call an ambulance and be sure to give an antipyretic (the child is better in a solution that works faster), use physical cooling, for example, rubbing with a weak solution of acetic acid, so that the body can effectively give off heat. It should be remembered that a number of over-the-counter antipyretics are fraught with serious side effects and therefore should not be used in children. An example is acetylsalicylic acid, which can cause Reye's syndrome - severe damage to the liver and brain. Analgin (metamizole) able to inhibit hematopoiesis up to the development of fatal agranulocytosis, sometimes reduces the temperature to subnormal numbers. AT emergency cases(malignant hyperthermia), you can use a 50% solution of analgin in injection (0.1 ml / year of life) once as directed by a doctor. Candles Cefekon M and Cefekon are intended only for adults, children use Cefekon D. Nimesulide- COX-2 inhibitor - is part of drugs such as Nise, Nimulid, Nimesil.

The drugs of choice for fever in children are Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) and Ibuprofen. They can be prescribed to children from the age of three months. A single dose of paracetamol is 10–15 mg/kg, the daily dose should not exceed 60 mg/kg. A single dose of ibuprofen is 5-10 mg/kg, daily dose is not more than 30 mg/kg. Reuse is possible not earlier than after 4-5 hours, but not more than 4 times a day. Paracetamol has an antipyretic, analgesic effect, and ibuprofen is also anti-inflammatory. Be aware of the hepatotoxicity of paracetamol. Since it is found in many over-the-counter drugs with a variety of trade names (series Milistan, Panadol, Coldrex, Efferalgan etc.), it is necessary to warn the patient that the simultaneous use of such drugs is unacceptable, because it leads to an overdose of paracetamol.

Acute rhinitis is most often caused by rhinoviruses. The main goal of treating a common cold is to improve nasal breathing. Vasoconstrictor drugs (decongestants), activating (-adrenergic receptors, reduce the cavernous tissue of the turbinates. Decongestants are used in the form of nasal drops, sprays or orally. The first group includes Phenylephrine, Oxymethasone, Xylometazoline, Naphazoline, Indanazolamine, Tetrizoline and others. For oral administration are intended pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and phenylephrine. These drugs quickly eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa, restore nasal breathing. With prolonged use, nasal decongestants can increase the runny nose, so they are used for 3-5 days. If you need a longer use, you can recommend preparations containing essential oils: P inosol, Kameton, Evkazolin etc. Comfortable (after 6 years) nasal sprays (e.g. , Knoxprey, Eucalyptus Spray Dr. Taysa) allowing even distribution of the drug at a lower dose. Oral decongestants inhibit the ciliated epithelium less, so the risk of drug-induced rhinitis is reduced. But insomnia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure are possible.

Moisturizing and hygiene products such as Aqua Maris, Salin, Humer prepared from sea water, sterilizing and bringing the salt content to isotonic concentration. Contained in sea ​​water trace elements (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, C, etc.) increase the motor activity of cilia, normalize the functions of the mucous membrane, which improves nasal breathing. Phytopreparations are also used, for example, Sinupret, which has a pronounced secretolytic and anti-inflammatory effect, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

Cough with SARS can be both productive and unproductive. At the onset of the disease, mucus is usually poorly evacuated, so it is recommended moisturizing, enveloping, expectorant, mucolytic and mucoregulatory agents.

Moisturizing mucous membranes reduces their irritation and viscosity of the secret. Use steam inhalation, saline irrigation, rinsing with sodium bicarbonate solution or herbal extracts.

enveloping action based on the creation of a protective layer on the surface of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oropharynx, which reduces the excitability of cough receptors. Phyto-collections are used in the form of decoctions, tea, syrups, drops, lozenges and lozenges. They contain extracts of eucalyptus, white acacia, licorice, cherry, pine buds, thyme and other components. A feature of these drugs is the short duration and relatively low efficiency. Therefore, they should be used frequently, every 3-4 hours.

Expectorant effect (facilitation of discharge of liquid sputum) is provided by herbal remedies ivy (Gedelix, Prospan), marshmallow ( including M ukaltin), psyllium (Eucabal, Dr. Theis cough syrup, psyllium syrup), elecampane, anise, oregano, wild rosemary, coltsfoot, licorice, violet, pine buds, thermopsy, thyme, terpinhydrate, guaifenesin, iodides . Pertussin contains thyme extract and potassium bromide. The mechanism of their action is based on reducing the viscosity of mucus by increasing its volume and activating the motor function of bronchioles and ciliated epithelium. Due to the high toxicity, the emetic effect, the reflex infusion of the thermopsis herb is rarely used. Coltsfoot due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids is not used for a long time.

AT last years mucolytic drugs come to the fore and mucoregulators. A feature of the mechanism of action of mucolytics is the ability to thin sputum, practically without increasing its volume, due to the destruction of disulfide bonds of acid mucopolysaccharides. In addition, mucolytics and mucoregulators reduce airway inflammation.

Mucolytics include: acetylcysteine ​​(ACC), bromhexine and ambroxol. The main indication for the appointment of ACC is the presence of a large amount of thick, viscous secretion. ACC reduces the hepatotoxicity of paracetamol. Very carefully it is necessary to use ACC in bronchial asthma, since its exacerbation is possible. Bromhexine hydrochloride also suppresses cough, reduces the viscosity of sputum and stimulates the synthesis of surfactant, which ensures the stability of the lung alveoli. Currently, bromhexine is being replaced by the drug of its active metabolite - ambroxol hydrochloride, which also enhances the formation and blocks the breakdown of surfactant. This justifies its priority use in neonatology.

Mucoregulators are represented by carbocysteine, which differs significantly from ACC and Bromhexine. Carbocysteine ​​optimizes the ratio of acidic and neutral sialomucins, promotes the formation of mucus with normal rheological properties, which is in contact with the cilia of the ciliated epithelium. It is especially indicated in cases of great increase in the secretion of liquid mucus. Ambroxol with carbocysteine ​​is part of Milistan - cough tablets for adults and syrup for children.

Antitussive drugs central action (codeine, glaucine, tusuprex) and peripheral action (libexin, falimint) are used mainly in cases where the convalescent has long-term irritation of the upper respiratory tract, dry cough. Glaucine, blocking (-adrenergic receptors, can reduce arterial pressure. In the presence of sputum, they are not used.

For sore throat, indicating a pronounced inflammatory process, it is recommended to rinse with antiseptic solutions, such as furacilin (1: 5000), infusions of anti-inflammatory plants (sage, etc.).

With ARVI, vitamin therapy is also advisable, especially vitamin C and its synergist routine. They stimulate the immune system, strengthen the vascular wall, reduce intoxication.


During the rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to visit less crowded places. Nonspecific pharmacoprophylaxis provides for the use of herbal immunotropic preparations (adaptogens) based on echinacea, tea tree oil, sea buckthorn leaves, ginseng, however, their use is limited due to allergic reactions. Echinacea should not be used for a long time, because already after a two-month course, a perversion of the immunostimulating effect is possible. We can recommend immunomodulators of bacterial origin and their synthetic analogues, such as Bronchomunal, Ribomunil, IR S-19, Engystol, Likopid, Biostim, Dibazol. However, it must be remembered that they stimulate the body's nonspecific defenses, and do not contribute to the development of specific immunity.

Antiviral chemotherapy drugs can be used during the rise in the incidence of influenza (Arbidol, Amizon, Amiksin, Amantadine, Oseltamivir, Remantadin, Ribavirin). During pregnancy, only in the III trimester, you can use arbidol, amixin, amizon; in all trimesters - engystol, IRS-19, flupheel, aflubin.

Specific prophylaxis- vaccination. In recent years, new vaccines have appeared: Vaxigripp (France), Begrivak (Germany), Fluarix (Belgium), Influvac (Holland), Grippol (Russia). These vaccines are effective in preventing influenza. Studies show that in those vaccinated against influenza, the incidence of ARVI of non-influenza etiology also decreases. This is due to the stimulation of non-specific protective factors.


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ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a huge group of diseases that are caused by various DNA and RNA viruses (there are about 200 of them).

They affect the respiratory system and are easily transmitted by airborne droplets. The disease always occurs acutely and proceeds with pronounced symptoms of a cold.

This is one of the most common diseases: in 80% of cases, schoolchildren miss classes due to the incidence of SARS, and adults lose almost half of their working time for the same reason. Today we will discuss SARS - the symptoms and treatment of this infection.

The reasons

The main causes of the development of a viral respiratory infection are about two hundred different viruses:

  • flu and parainfluenza, bird and swine flu;
  • adenovirus, RS virus;
  • rhinovirus, picornavirus;
  • coronavirus, bocaruvirus, etc.

The patient becomes the source of infection during the incubation period and in the prodromal period, when the concentration of viruses in his biological secrets is maximum. The route of transmission of the infection is airborne, when sneezing, coughing, talking, screaming with small particles of mucus and saliva.

There may be infection through common utensils and household items, through dirty hands in children and through food contaminated with viruses. Susceptibility to a viral infection is different - people with strong immunity may not get infected or suffer a mild illness.

Contribute to development respiratory infections such as:

  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic infections;
  • unfavorable environment.

Signs of the disease

The first signs of SARS in adults and children include:

  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • sneezing
  • weakness, malaise;
  • and/or .

SARS symptoms in adults

SARS usually proceed in stages, the incubation period from the moment of infection to the onset of the first symptoms is different, ranging from several hours to 3-7 days.

During the period of clinical manifestations, all acute respiratory viral infections have similar manifestations of varying degrees of severity:

  • nasal congestion, runny nose, nasal discharge from scanty to copious and watery, sneezing and itching in the nose,
  • sore throat, discomfort, soreness when swallowing, redness in the throat,
  • (dry or wet)
  • fever from moderate (37.5-38 degrees) to severe (38.5-40 degrees),
  • general malaise, refusal to eat, headaches, drowsiness,
  • eye redness, burning, tearing,
  • indigestion with loose stools,
  • rarely there is a reaction of the lymph nodes in the jaw and neck, in the form of an increase with mild soreness.

Symptoms of SARS in adults depend on the specific type of virus, and can vary from a slight runny nose and cough to severe feverish and toxic manifestations. On average, manifestations last from 2-3 to seven or more days, the febrile period lasts up to 2-3 days.

The main symptom of ARVI is high contagiousness to others, the timing of which depends on the type of virus. On average, a patient is contagious last days incubation period and the first 2-3 days of clinical manifestations, the number of viruses gradually decreases and the patient becomes not dangerous in terms of the spread of infection.

In young children, diarrhea is often a symptom of SARS. Babies often complain of pain in the abdomen at the first stage of the disease, then a disorder, and after that a sharp increase in temperature is possible. Perhaps the appearance of a rash on the body of the child. Cough and runny nose may appear later - sometimes even a day later. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the kids, and monitor the appearance of new signs.

How and how to treat SARS when the first symptoms appear, we will consider a little lower.

How many days does the temperature stay with orvi?

Inflammation in the throat and sneezing appear in the early stages of the development of the disease. And they usually go away in 3-6 days.

  1. subfebrile temperature(weak manifestation of fever) and muscle pains usually accompany the initial symptoms, the temperature during orvi stays around a week, says Dr. Komarovsky.
  2. Nasal congestion, nasal sinuses, ear sinuses– general symptoms, usually persist during the first week. In about 30% of all patients, these symptoms persist for two weeks, although all these symptoms usually disappear on their own in 7-10 days.
  3. Usually the first few days the sinuses are not clogged, copious watery mucus is discharged from the nose, but after a while the mucus becomes thicker, takes on a color (green or yellow). A change in the color of the discharge does not automatically indicate the presence of a bacterial infection, in most cases the condition disappears after 5-7 days.
  4. Cough appears in most cases of SARS, and is usually more productive than with the flu. The sputum ranges from clear to yellow-green and usually clears up in 2-3 weeks.

Although, a prolonged dry cough can persist for 4 weeks in 25% of cases of all infectious diseases.

flu symptoms

The influenza virus is not in vain excluded by most specialists from the ARI group. Its differences from ordinary colds are lightning-fast development, increased severity of the course of the disease, as well as complex treatment and an increased mortality rate.

  1. comes unexpectedly and completely captures your body in a matter of hours;
  2. Influenza is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature (in some cases up to 40.5 degrees), increased sensitivity to light, aches throughout the body, as well as pain: headache and muscle;
  3. On the first day of the flu, you are protected from the common cold, which is characteristic only of this virus;
  4. The most active phase of influenza falls on the third or fifth day of illness, and the final recovery occurs on days 8-10.
  5. Considering that the influenza infection affects the blood vessels, it is for this reason that hemorrhages are possible: gingival and nasal;
  6. After suffering the flu, you can catch another disease within the next 3 weeks, such diseases are most often very painful and can be fatal.

SARS prevention

Before today there are no really effective measures for the specific prevention of SARS. Strict adherence to the sanitary and hygienic regime in the focus of the epidemic is recommended. This is regular wet cleaning and ventilation of rooms, thorough washing of dishes and personal hygiene products for patients, wearing cotton-gauze bandages, frequent hand washing, etc.

It is important to increase the resistance of children to the virus through hardening, taking immunomodulators. Influenza vaccination is also considered a method of prevention.

During the epidemic, you should avoid crowded places, walk more often in the fresh air, take multivitamin complexes or ascorbic acid preparations. It is recommended to eat onion and garlic every day at home.

How to treat SARS?

Treatment of SARS in adults with a standard course of the disease is usually carried out at the patient's home. Mandatory bed rest, drinking plenty of water, drugs to combat the symptoms of the disease, light, but healthy and rich nutrients nutrition, warming procedures and inhalations, taking vitamins.

Many of us know that temperature is good, as this is how the body "fights" with the invaders. It is possible to bring down the temperature only if it has risen above 38 degrees, because after this mark there is a threat to the state of the patient's brain and heart.

It must also be remembered that antibiotics are not used for acute respiratory viral infections, since they are indicated for acute respiratory infections of exclusively bacterial origin (for example,), and acute respiratory viral infections are caused by viruses.

  1. For a direct fight against the causative agent of the disease, they are prescribed: Remantadin (age limit from the age of seven), Amantadine, Oseltamivir, Amizon, Arbidol (age limit from two years), Amix
  2. : paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce body temperature, and reduce pain. It is possible to take these drugs as part of medicinal powders such as Coldrex, Tera - flu, etc. It should be remembered that it is not worth lowering the temperature below 38ºС, since it is at this body temperature that defense mechanisms against infection are activated in the body. Exceptions are patients prone to convulsions and small children.
  3. . The main goal of cough treatment is to make the sputum thin enough to be coughed up. The drinking regimen greatly helps in this, since consumption warm liquid liquefies mucus. If there are difficulties in expectoration, you can use expectorant drugs mukaltin, ACC, broncholithin, etc. You should not prescribe drugs that reduce the cough reflex on your own, as this can lead to dangerous consequences.
  4. Taking vitamin C can speed up recovery from SARS and alleviate the condition, but does not prevent the development of the disease.
  5. For cold treatment and improving nasal breathing, vasoconstrictor drugs are shown (Phenylephrine, Oxymethasone, Xylometazoline, Naphazoline, Indanazolamine, Tetrizoline, etc.), and if necessary, longer use is recommended for drugs containing essential oils (Pinosol, Kameton, Evkazolin, etc.).
  6. A good help in the body's fight against infection will be taking immunomodulators, for example, the drug Imupret. It improves immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect, significantly reducing the period of SARS. This is exactly the remedy that is shown both for the prevention and treatment of colds.
  7. With significant pain and inflammation in the throat, it is recommended rinsing with antiseptic solutions, such as furatsilina (1:5000) or herbal infusions (calendula, chamomile, etc.).

Be sure to call the doctor if you or your child develops any of the following symptoms: a temperature higher than 38.5 C; Strong headache; pain in the eyes from the light; chest pain; shortness of breath, noisy or rapid breathing, difficulty breathing; skin rash; pale skin or the appearance of spots on it; vomit; difficulty waking up in the morning or unusual sleepiness; persistent cough or muscle aches.

Antibiotics for SARS

SARS are not treated with antibiotics. They are completely powerless against viruses, they are used only when bacterial complications occur.

Therefore, antibiotics should not be used without a doctor's prescription. These are drugs that are not safe for the body. In addition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the emergence of resistant forms of bacteria.


The cause of the disease can be a huge number of viruses. The most common among them are influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus, herpes virus. Antiviral drugs for the treatment of SARS in adults are

  • homeopathic remedies;
  • chemotherapy drugs;
  • interferons;
  • means that stimulate the production of their own interferons;
  • immunomodulators.

The action of antiviral chemotherapy drugs is based on the suppression of the reproduction of the virus, which leads to a violation of the penetration of the virus into a healthy cell and thereby prevents its further spread. At the same time, the effectiveness of drugs in this group (rimantadine, Tamiflu, zanamivir) is about 70%. Significantly limits their use a narrow spectrum of action. For example, rimantadine is effective only against influenza A, while remaining inactive against other pathogens.

The remaining drugs in this group act on influenza viruses A and B. However, their use for quick treatment SARS in adults with the first symptoms of the disease is limited by the difficulty of diagnosis and their high selectivity. In addition, in 2% of cases, there may be pronounced side effects, such as bronchospasm, diarrhea, sinusitis. The well-known Russian drug arbidol, acting on the influenza virus A and B, as well as other respiratory viruses. However, its mechanism of action is not fully understood.

Interferons play a leading role in protecting against the effects of viruses.

The drug viferon, produced in the form of rectal suppositories, can be used for any viral infection, including that caused by the influenza virus. As an intranasal spray, influenzaferon is used, which has a similar effect.

Interferon inductors are chemical compounds that can stimulate the body's cells to produce their own interferons. After taking the drug amixin, the maximum concentration of interferon is reached after 4-20 hours. Cycloferon, being a low molecular weight compound, penetrates into the blood faster. It is well tolerated by patients, can be used both in tablet form and parenterally. Both of these drugs can be used as effective treatment SARS in adults.

As for homeopathic remedies such as aflubin, there is no reliable information on the effectiveness of this group of drugs yet. In this regard, their use for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is limited exclusively to preventive action.

Immunomodulators, such as immunal, bronchomunal, are not suitable for the rapid treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults, since the effect of their use develops over time. However, as a prophylactic, they are very effective not only in ARVI, but also in other pathologies of the respiratory system.

There are two mutually exclusive opinions regarding the use of antivirals as etiological treatment. One group of doctors believes that it is difficult to do without drugs of this group in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults, since they prevent the development dangerous complications. Another group of specialists refers to these medicines as to chemical compounds with unproven effectiveness.

Principles of treatment

All practitioners are unanimous in one thing: for the effective treatment of SARS in adults, the following conditions must be met:

The use of antipyretics

As for such a symptom as hyperthermia, its presence also indicates an active response of the immune system.

Under the influence of temperature, the production of its own interferon by the body increases. This is an important mechanism for combating the causative agent of infection. By lowering the temperature with medications, the body loses the ability to more effectively fight the virus. Thus, the use of antipyretics is indicated in cases where the temperature rise becomes dangerous, the patient does not tolerate it well, and also in the presence of severe concomitant pathology, especially the cardiovascular and nervous system.

The main antipyretic drug used to treat influenza and SARS is paracetamol.

Ibuprofen can also be used for this purpose. The use of aspirin is strictly contraindicated, since the side effects of this drug can lead to serious consequences in patients with influenza.

As for antibiotics, they are not taken with ARVI even for preventive purposes. These drugs will be essential in case of complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media. However, the doctor's task is to organize the treatment process in such a way as to exclude the possibility of complications. As long as the viral nature of the disease is not in doubt, antibiotics are not used.

Thus, treatment at the first signs of ARVI consists in observing conditions that contribute to the rapid death of the virus and includes compliance with the regimen, comfortable environmental conditions, and drinking plenty of water.

Symptomatic treatment

As for symptomatic treatment, after 5-7 days after the onset of the disease, these symptoms will disappear even without the use of medications. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory drugs, which are available in large quantities in the pharmacy network, are ineffective for the treatment of throat with ARVI. Their use is much more expedient in case of a respiratory disease caused by a bacterial pathogen. Other catarrhal symptoms, cough, need to be corrected if they are symptoms of complications or are so pronounced that it aggravates the patient's condition.

Features in elderly patients

Treatment of SARS in the elderly is usually more difficult. They are more likely to develop complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis.

In addition, having a lower immunity, the presence of a virus in the body leads to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, which also causes a more severe course of SARS. The elderly are also a risk group in terms of the frequency of diseases. Thinned atrophied nasal mucosa is a poor protective barrier against infection in such patients. Low immunity also does not contribute to protection against viral infections.

The main focus in the fight against the virus in the elderly is preventive actions. They include the following rules:

In the event of the development of symptoms of SARS in an elderly person and if he has a concomitant pathology, drugs prescribed for the treatment of chronic diseases should be temporarily canceled, since they may not be combined with the newly prescribed treatment.

Treatment of SARS, despite the mild course in most cases, is not an easy task. It is difficult to understand the true causative agent of the disease and decide on antiviral agent. Patients with ARVI should be under the mandatory supervision of a therapist, since an important task is to prevent the development of complications. The following factors indicate that complications have appeared:

  • persistence of hyperthermia for more than 5 days;
  • deterioration of the patient's condition;
  • the appearance of additional symptoms, such as headache, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, vomiting, hearing loss, change in the nature of the cough.

These facts indicate the need for repeated consultation with a specialist. Maybe, we are talking about the accession of a secondary bacterial infection requiring other approaches to treatment. In the treatment of otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, bacterial pneumonia, the main method of treatment is antibiotic therapy.

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will consider with you a disease such as SARS, as well as its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention. In addition, we will analyze how ARVI differs from acute respiratory infections and colds. So…

What is SARS?

SARS (acute respiratory viral infection)- a disease of the respiratory tract, the cause of which is the ingestion of a viral infection into the body. Among the pathogens, the most common are influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses.

The SARS affected area includes the nose, paranasal sinuses, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Under the "sight" is also the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye).

SARS is one of the most common infectious diseases. Most of all, children who visit Kindergarten school - up to 10 times a year. This is due to not yet formed immunity, close contact with each other, lack of knowledge and / or unwillingness to follow preventive measures to avoid infection. Other groups at risk are students, teachers, office workers, health workers and others. However, adults usually suffer less from acute respiratory infections of viral etiology, which is associated with a mature immune system, as well as its resistance to these diseases due to other past diseases. However, even if an adult is not susceptible to the development of this infection in the body, and he does not have obvious signs of the disease, he may simply be a carrier of the infection, infecting everyone around him.

Acute respiratory viral infection is seasonal. So, most cases of morbidity were noted in the period from September-October to March-April, which is associated with, as well as cool and humid weather.

How is SARS transmitted?

SARS is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets (when sneezing, coughing, close conversation), however, infection is possible through direct contact with the pathogen (kissing, shaking hands and further contact of hands with the oral cavity) or contact with objects of the carrier of the infection (dishes, clothes). When a person catches an infection, he immediately becomes its carrier. At the first signs of SARS (general malaise, weakness, runny nose) - the patient begins to infect everyone around him. As a rule, the first blow is taken by relatives, the work team, people in transport. This is the reason for the recommendation - at the first signs of SARS, the patient should stay at home, and healthy people if the media reports an outbreak of this disease, avoid being in crowded places ( public transport, holiday gatherings on the street, etc.).

Incubation period and development of SARS

During a person's contact with an infection, the virus first settles on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynx, mouth), its potential victim. Further, the infection begins to secrete toxins that are absorbed into the circulatory system and are carried throughout the body in the blood. When the patient's body temperature rises, this indicates that the infection has already entered the circulatory system and the protective functions of the body have turned on, because. elevated temperature actually destroys the virus and its derivative toxins.

The incubation period for an acute respiratory viral infection is about 2 days, i.e. from getting the virus to the mucous membrane and until the first symptoms of the disease appear. At this time, a person may feel a slight malaise, irritability. Further, in process of infection the symptomatology amplifies.

After an illness, immunity does not develop resistance to SARS, which is due to a large number of different viruses and their strains. Moreover, viruses are subject to mutation. This leads to the fact that an adult can get ARVI up to 4 times a year.

What is the difference between SARS, acute respiratory infections and colds?

Many people have a lot of inaccuracies and ambiguities on this issue, therefore, we will briefly go over the topic and find out how these terms differ.

SARS- a disease of viral etiology, i.e. the cause of the disease is a viral infection.

Nasal warming. It helps well to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, improve blood circulation, discharge from the sinuses of the pathological secretion formed by the infection.

Washing the nose. As you remember, dear readers, that the nasal cavity is practically the first location that is attacked by the infection. That's why nasal cavity it is necessary to rinse, which not only minimizes the further development of the disease if it is just beginning to manifest itself, but is also an excellent preventive method if there are no signs of it at all. In addition, just from the nasal cavity, the infection is actively spreading into the body, therefore, with ARVI, it must be washed daily.

Weak saline solutions, as well as special pharmacy sprays, are well suited as a “wash” for the nose.

Gargling. The throat, like the nasal cavity, must be rinsed for the same reason, because. this is the first barrier between the infection and the body, so this "checkpoint" must be constantly rinsed. Gargling also helps to relieve coughs by moving them from dry to wet. This procedure will limit the possibility of exacerbation of the disease due to mucosal irritated from coughing.

Soda-salt solution, as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage, are excellent for rinsing the mouth and throat.

Inhalations. This procedure is practically aimed at the same thing as gargling - to relieve coughing. From folk remedies, for inhalation, you can use steam from potatoes "in uniform", as well as decoctions of, calendula, mint and other medicinal herbs. From modern means, to facilitate inhalation, you can purchase a nebulizer.

Diet for SARS. With ARVI, it is desirable to eat easily digestible food enriched with microelements. Particular emphasis should be placed on vitamin C. It is advisable to exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods, smoked meats.

symptomatic treatment. It is aimed at suppressing certain symptoms to alleviate the course of the disease.

Medicines for SARS

Antiviral drugs. Antiviral therapy It is aimed at stopping the vital activity of a viral infection and spreading its toxins throughout the body. In addition, antiviral drugs speed up the healing process.

Among the antiviral drugs for ARVI, one can distinguish: "", "", "Remantadin", "Cycloferon".

Temperature in SARS. The temperature during ARVI is not brought down, because. it is a defense mechanism against viral infection within the body. The immune system raises the temperature, thereby “burning out” the infection, so it is very important not to interfere with it. An exception is cases when the body temperature lasts more than 5 days or exceeds 38 ° C in children, 39 ° C in adults.

To lower body temperature, antipyretics and analgesics are used: "", "".

For nasal congestion, to facilitate breathing, vasoconstrictors are used: Naphthyzin, Knoxprey.

With severe dry cough apply: "Codelac", "Sinekod". To remove sputum from the respiratory tract - plantain syrup, Tussin. For liquefaction of sputum - "Ascoril", "ACC" (ACC).

For headache appoint: "Askofen", "Aspirin".

For insomnia prescribe sedatives: "Barbamil", "Luminal".

Antibiotics for SARS. It is not advisable to prescribe antibiotics for ARVI, because with proper maintenance therapy, the body itself copes well with viral infection. Moreover, as a rule, the course of antibiotic treatment is much longer than the duration of the course of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed only if the symptoms of SARS do not subside after 5 days of illness, and also if a secondary infection has joined SARS or complications have appeared, for example, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis,. Also, antibiotics may be prescribed if, after relief, the symptoms have increased again, which sometimes indicates a bacterial infection in the body. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor on the basis of a personal examination of the patient.

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