Isoprinosine: proven antiviral activity

Pregnancy and children 26.05.2018
Pregnancy and children

The essence of the product, overview, characteristics:

Indications: treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections; infections caused by the Herpes simplex virus types 1, 2, 3 and 4: genital and labial herpes, herpetic keratitis, herpes zoster, chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus; cytomegalovirus infection; severe measles; papillomavirus infection: papillomas of the larynx / vocal cords (fibrous type), papillomavirus infection of the genitals in men and women, warts; molluscum contagiosum. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; gout; urolithiasis disease; arrhythmias; chronic renal failure; children's age up to 3 years (body weight up to 15–20 kg). Use during pregnancy and lactation: It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, because. the safety of use has not been studied. Side effects: Frequency of development side effects after the use of the drug is classified according to WHO recommendations: often (≥1 and<10%); иногда (≥0,1 и <1%). Со стороны ЖКТ: часто - тошнота, рвота, боль в эпигастрии; иногда - диарея, запор. Со стороны печени и желчевыводящих путей: часто - временное повышение активности трансаминаз и ЩФ в плазме крови, повышение концентрации мочевины в плазме крови. Со стороны кожи и подкожно-жировой клетчатки: часто - зуд. Со стороны нервной системы: часто - головная боль, головокружение, слабость; иногда - сонливость, бессонница. Со стороны мочевыделительной системы: иногда - полиурия. Со стороны опорно-двигательного аппарата и соединительной ткани: часто - боль в суставах, обострение подагры. Передозировка: Случаи передозировки препарата не описаны. Способ применения и дозы: Внутрь, после еды, запивая небольшим количеством воды. Рекомендуемая доза взрослым и детям с 3 лет (масса тела от 15–20 кг) составляет 50 мг/кг/сут, разделенная на 3–4 приема. Взрослым - по 6–8 табл./сут, детям - по 1/2 табл./5 кг массы тела/сут. При тяжелых формах инфекционных заболеваний доза может быть увеличена индивидуально до 100 мг/кг/сут, разделенных на 4–6 приемов. Максимальная суточная доза для взрослых - 3–4 г/сут, для детей - 50 мг/кг/сут. Продолжительность лечения При острых заболеваниях: продолжительность лечения у взрослых и детей обычно от 5 до 14 дней. Лечение необходимо продолжать до момента исчезновения клинических симптомов и в течение еще 2 дней уже при отсутствии симптомов. При необходимости длительность лечения может быть увеличена индивидуально под контролем врача. При хронических рецидивирующих заболеваниях у взрослых и детей лечение необходимо продолжать несколькими курсами по 5–10 дней с перерывом в приеме в 8 дней. Для проведения поддерживающей терапии доза может быть снижена до 500–1000 мг в сутки (1–2 табл.) в течение 30 дней. При герпетической инфекции взрослым и детям назначают в течение 5–10 дней до исчезновения симптомов заболевания, в бессимптомный период - по 1 табл. 2 раза в день в течение 30 дней для уменьшения числа рецидивов. При папилломавирусной инфекции взрослым препарат назначают по 2 табл. 3 раза в день, детям - по 1/2 табл./5 кг массы тела/сут в 3–4 приема в течение 14–28 дней в виде монотерапии. При рецидивирующих остроконечных кондиломах взрослым препарат назначают по 2 табл. 3 раза, детям - по 1/2 табл./5 кг массы тела в 3–4 приема в день либо в качестве монотерапии, или в комбинации с хирургическим лечением в течение 14–28 дней, далее с трехкратным повторением указанного курса с интервалами в 1 мес. При дисплазии шейки матки, ассоциированной с вирусом папилломы человека, назначают по 2 табл. 3 раза в день в течение 10 дней, далее проводят 2–3 аналогичных курса с интервалом в 10–14 дней.

Due to the fact that the safety and effectiveness of the antiviral immunostimulating drug Isoprinosine has been proven through scientific studies, it is rightfully popular with both doctors and patients. According to experts, the drug really shows good results, significantly alleviating symptoms and reducing treatment time.

It should be remembered that Isoprinosine is a prescription drug, the treatment regimen for which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

In contact with

What is Isoprinosine used for?

Synthesized at the end of the last century, the drug was initially positioned as an antiviral. It is active against viruses such as:

  • simple, genital, labial herpes;
  • herpetic keratitis;
  • Epstein-Barr virus;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • chickenpox;
  • measles;
  • papillomas of the larynx, genitals, observed in patients of both sexes;
  • warts;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • viral bronchitis and chronic diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary tract of infectious origin;
  • influenza and acute viral infections.

In order to enhance the antiviral effect of the drug, it is recommended to take it in combination with Acyclovir and Zidovudine. Isoprinosine has no antibacterial action, it can be prescribed as an immunomodulating agent in parallel with antibiotics. Although, the use of interferons for this purpose is more justified.

The immunostimulating effect of the drug is based on the restoration of the function of T-lymphocytes and the stimulation of membrane receptors of cells responsible for enhancing the immune response. Thus, the growth and activity of bone marrow cells responsible for immunity is enhanced. The natural forces of the body, aimed at fighting the virus, are stimulated, and the functions of strengthening and controlling the immune response come into full compliance. Simultaneously with these processes, a change in the DNA of the virus occurs, which leads to its destruction.

Active ingredient and international name

The active substance of Isoprinosine is synthetic inosine pranobex. The substance is of animal origin, which is why it is so actively involved in the fight against harmful viruses. Each tablet of the drug supplied to pharmacies contains 500 mg of the active ingredient. Auxiliary components are wheat starch, povidone, magnesium stearate and mannitol, they are added in small amounts to give the drug the necessary shape, hardness and mechanical stability.

The international name of the drug is inosine pranobex (Inosine Pranobex). The medicine comes to pharmacies in the form of white tablets, convex on both sides. The pills have a characteristic odor and, applied on the one hand, at risk.

Why is Isoprinosine not on sale now?

World medical practice has been using Isoprinosine since 1978. Registered under various names, it was in great demand in 78 countries around the world. In the Russian Federation, there were already several analogues of this drug, however, Isoprinosine showed such results in studies that it was officially registered in 1997.

Why was isoprinosine discontinued? In March 2016, the Ministry of Health amended the list of banned precursors and Isoprinosine disappeared from the market. The component of the active substance of some antiviral agents, including Isoprinosine, 1-dimethylamino-2-propanol was banned for use in medicine. In this way, production of Isoprinosine was suspended, about which the manufacturers were officially notified.

New analogues and instructions for their use

Due to the peculiarities of the production of Isoprinosine, it is a rather expensive drug. Its more accessible counterpart, Groprinosin, produced in Poland. However, it has the same active substance, therefore it is prohibited in the Russian Federation.

Other means that have an antiviral and immunostimulating effect are:

  • Amizon, a Ukrainian-made drug, the active ingredient of which is enisamium iodide, has a pronounced antiviral effect, inhibiting the development of the virus. In addition, the drug has an immunostimulating effect due to the production of lysozyme, an anti-inflammatory effect, and has a slight antipyretic and analgesic effect. It is taken systemically, according to the official instructions or doctor's prescription.
  • Amiksin refer to antiviral agents and stimulants for the production of interferon, the active substance is thyrolon. During treatment, interferon activates the body's defenses, and thyrolon limits the spread of infection. Amiksin is used for the complex treatment of hepatitis A, B and C, herpeviruses, cytomegaloviruses, influenza. Amiksin is distinguished by a convenient application scheme - once a week. The duration of treatment depends on the type of infection.
  • Kagocel produced in Russia, this is due to the low cost of the drug. The active substance is Kagocel, which is based on substances of plant origin. It has antiviral, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory effects. The drug has been widely used in the treatment of influenza, herpes simplex, acute respiratory viral infections, as a means of prevention during seasonal epidemics. Taken according to official instructions.

How to replace Isoprinosine for children?

A small organism is more susceptible to viral infections, since immunity is finally formed only by the age of five. In addition, babies are more difficult to tolerate the symptoms of diseases. That is why children need the prevention of viral diseases and complex treatment using antiviral and immunostimulating drugs.

Experts distinguish four groups of drugs that can be used for children:

  • anti-influenza in their composition have ascorbic acid, the action of which is aimed at restoring damaged cells; they include Tamiflu, Remantadin, etc.
  • antiherpetic have an effect on the DNA of the herpes virus, they are not able to completely get rid of the virus, however, they significantly alleviate the symptoms and shorten the duration of treatment; this group includes Acyclovir, Zovirax etc.
  • antiretroviral differ in the focus of exposure to one of the infectious agents;
  • broad-spectrum drugs are used to prevent ARVI, influenza; commonly used - Viferon, Anaferon, Arbidol, Kagocel, Levomax and etc.

Isoprinosine is a broad-spectrum antiviral drug. Represents the tablets of the white color covered with a special cover.

It is used to treat acute respiratory infections, influenza, various herpes viruses. Contains the active substance inosine pranobex, which synthesizes interferons in the blood.

It is a good immunomodulator, quickly relieves signs of the disease and is applicable for preventive purposes. Main contraindications: gout, arrhythmia, renal failure, pregnancy, lactation, children under 3 years of age. The price range is 1200–1400 rubles.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of antiviral drugs from different countries of origin. Cheap analogues of the drug can be selected as a domestic manufacturer, as well as countries near and far abroad.

Analogues of Russian production

Synonyms of Russian-made isoprinosine are quite high-quality drugs and among them you can choose cheaper drugs.

The main substitutes are presented in the table.

Name of the drug Average price in rubles Characteristic
Amiksin 500–700 Quality substitute for isoprinosine. Contains the main compound tilorone, which successfully blocks viruses, and then removes them from the body.

Indications: treatment of hepatitis, influenza, SARS, pulmonary tuberculosis, various types of encephalomyelitis.

During pregnancy, lactation, allergies, children under 7 years of age, the use is prohibited.

Lavomax 600–800 An analogue of a drug that has an antiviral, immunomodulatory effect.

The drug effectively treats hepatitis, herpes viruses, influenza and other inflammatory infections.

Reception during childbearing, lactation is prohibited. Not intended for children under 7 years of age.

Panavir 300–350 An antiviral analogue of isoprinosine containing a hexose group glycoside based on glucose.

Applicable for the treatment of genital herpes infections in women, viruses of various types. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, children under 6 years of age.

Hyporamine 100–150 Natural substitute for isoprinosine based on sea buckthorn leaf extract. It has a fast antiviral effect.

The degree of application is varied from the treatment of various strains of influenza to cytomegaloviruses.

It has practically no contraindications, it is not recommended for allergies to the main substance.

Kagocel 200–250 Kagocel has an antiviral effect, synthesizes interferon, which actively fights viruses.

Assign for different types of influenza, SARS and other infections of a viral nature. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, childbearing period, children under 3 years of age.

Nikavir 900–1000 Relatively better analogue of the drug. Fights more serious HIV viruses. The main substance phosphazide contributes to the destruction of retroviruses.

Taking the medicine is prohibited until the 14th week of pregnancy, as well as hypersensitivity.

Synonyms of Ukrainian production

You can find many Ukrainian-made substitutes in quality that are not inferior to other imported medicines.

The main synonyms are listed below:

  • Amizon. Contains derivatives of isonicotinic acid, which increase the development of interferons and prevent the occurrence of viruses.

    Assign for the treatment of influenza, respiratory infections, chicken pox, bacterial pneumonia, mononucleosis, rubella, scarlet fever.

  • Gropivirin. Contains the identical active ingredient inosine pranobex. Antiviral synonym for drugs of the systemic group of action. Effective in the treatment of viral hepatitis, papillomaviruses, encephalitis of various forms, herpesviruses.

    Contraindications: gout, allergic reactions, the period of bearing a baby, breastfeeding. The price range is 150-200 rubles.

  • Neoprinosine. Contains the same composition of the drug as isoprinosine.

    It has an antiviral effect, improves immunity. Prohibited in the development of an allergic reaction. The price range is 200–250 rubles.

  • Novirin. Cheap substitute for isoprinosine. The main ingredient is inosine. Applicable for infectious diseases of various viral nature.

    Taking the drug with high hypersensitivity is not recommended. The price range is 180–220 rubles.

Belarusian Generics

Belarusian manufacturers provide a variety of drug substitutes. They differ in fairly inexpensive prices in relation to the quality of the medicine.

The best substitutes are shown in the table below.

Name of the drug Average price in rubles Characteristic
Gripomix 50–100 Antiviral powder with the active ingredient rimantadine. Inexpensive, effective analogue of isoprinosine. Treatment of influenza, SARS, other viral infections.

Contraindications: stomach ulcer, hypertension, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age.

Arpetol 200–300 The active substance arbidol inhibits the increase in viruses in the blood. Cheap analogue of the drug.
Flustop 150–200 The active compound is oseltamivir. An inexpensive effective synonym for a fast-acting drug.

The main application is the treatment of influenza group A, B.

Remantadine 30–50 The cheapest substitute for the drug. The active substance rimantadine promotes the production of interferons aimed at the destruction of viruses.

Prescribed for the treatment of influenza groups A, B, SARS, acute respiratory infections. Use during pregnancy, lactation is prohibited.

Imported substitutes of foreign production

A large number of modern imported isoprinosine synonyms are presented on the Russian market.

The main most effective inexpensive analogues are presented in the list below:

  1. Groprinosin. The composition of the drug is almost identical to isoprinosine. The active ingredient inosine pronobex is the same as in the original drug.

    Release form in the form of syrup, tablets and ampoules for injection.

    Indications for the use of various diseases of viral etiology. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, gout. The price range is 180–220 rubles.

  2. Normomed. Antiviral substitute for systemic use. The base material is identical to the original.

    Contraindications during pregnancy, lactation, high sensitivity, children under 1 year. The price range is 350–400 rubles.

  3. Engystol. Homeopathic preparation of antiviral, immunomodulatory action. Quickly relieves symptoms of inflammation. The presence of an allergy is a contraindication for use. The price range is 450–500 rubles.
  4. Immunal. An analogue of a drug that significantly improves immunity. Contains natural ingredients. The active ingredient is echinacea leaves.

    Let's apply in complex therapy. Prohibited for leukemia, tuberculosis, HIV infection, children under 1 year old. The price range is 350-500 rubles.

  5. Tamiflu. Antiviral synonym for an imported drug. Actively blocks influenza viruses, prevents their development. The price policy of the drug is rather big, but it corresponds to its quality and effectiveness.

    Use during pregnancy, lactation, taking into account possible risks. You should not take the drug with insufficient kidney function, allergies to the medicine, infants. The price range is 1000–1200 rubles.

Cheap drug prototypes are not inferior to the original in quality. Some have better properties and are much cheaper. Only the attending physician should decide how to replace this medicine.

After all, human health is completely dependent on him and is the basis of a prosperous, happy life!

Isoprinosine is a modern antiviral drug with pronounced immunomodulatory properties. Among the host of medicines that are used for viral infections, this remedy occupies a special place. It is distinguished by something much more than the price or bright packaging. The fact is that Isoprinosine adequately passed clinical trials and confirmed its effectiveness in placebo-controlled studies. The vast majority of other antiviral agents and immunomodulators, unfortunately, have not been tested and do not have proven effectiveness.

Isoprinosine was synthesized back in the 70s of the last century in the USA. At first, it was positioned as a drug with only antiviral properties. And only in the process of clinical trials it was found that Isoprinosine has a powerful immunomodulatory effect.

In the Russian Federation, Isoprinosine appeared on sale much later than in the West - only at the end of the 90s. Despite a sufficient number of competitors, Isoprinosine is one of the leaders in its group. This is largely due to the fact that the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been studied and proven.

In modern medicine, Isoprinosine is used primarily as an immunotropic drug. The combination of immunomodulatory and antiviral properties of the drug allows it to be widely used both for the treatment and prevention of various viral infections.

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A kind of proof of the recognition of Isoprinosine is its wide popularity. The tool is sold in more than 70 countries of the world, and the number of indications for which it is taken has exceeded the second ten.

Composition of Isoprinosine

The active substance of Isoprinosine is synthetic inosine pranobex. Inosine included in its molecule is a biogenic purine, which is the most important precursor of coenzymes in the human body.

With this phrase saturated with intricate terms, we wanted to emphasize that inosine is of animal origin and plays an important role in the course of biochemical reactions in the body. But the well-known Russian pharmacologist M.D. Mashkovsky argued that one of the most important tasks of pharmaceuticals is the search for new drugs based on active substances of animal origin. Isoprinosine is just such a drug.

Immunomodulatory action of Isoprinosine: let's try to figure it out?

The instructions for the use of Isoprinosine in Russian say that the pharmacological effect of the drug is based primarily on an increase in the activity of T-lymphocytes due to the stimulation of T-helper receptors. After such an explanation, in the majority of patients unprepared for brainstorming, the information is no longer perceived, despite the knowledge of their native speech. Let's try to lift the veil of medical secrecy and explain how Isoprinosine acts on the mysterious lymphocytes.

First of all, you will have to at least superficially understand. So, T-lymphocytes are the main cells of the entire human immune system, which are formed in the bone marrow. T-lymphocytes are present in the blood as one of the types of leukocytes. There are several types of T-lymphocytes, each of which has its own function. T-helpers are designed primarily to strengthen, and T-suppressors - to control the immune response. The main function of lymphocytes with the terrifying name T-killers is to neutralize and destroy the body's own cells that have been damaged as a result of the action of microorganisms or mutations.

The action of Isoprinosine is based on the activation of maturation and differentiation of T-lymphocytes. In addition, the drug contributes to the normalization of the quantitative ratio of T-helpers and T-suppressors, and also increases the activity of T-helpers.

The immunomodulatory effect of Isoprinosine is also provided by increasing the production of interferon, an endogenous protein that is produced in response to the introduction of foreign microorganisms. Interferon reduces susceptibility to various bacteria and viruses, so that the body can successfully cope with the onslaught of bacteria and viruses.

Antiviral activity

The antiviral effect that Isoprinosine has is carried out by inhibiting the RNA of the virus. In addition, inosine pranobex blocks one of the enzymes necessary for the replication (copying) of viruses.

The activity of Isoprinosine has been proven in relation to:

  • herpes simplex viruses Herpes simplex;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • influenza viruses type A and B;
  • measles virus;
  • polioviruses;
  • type 3 T-cell lymphoma virus;
  • encephalomyocorditis virus;
  • equine encephalitis virus;
  • human enterocytopathogenic virus.

In combinations of Isoprinosine with alpha-interferon preparations, as well as antiviral agents and Zidovudine, potentiation has been proven, that is, an increase in the antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.

Some patients are concerned about the question - is Isoprinosine related to antibiotics or not? The answer is quite clear: no. The drug does not have an antibacterial effect at all. In bacterial infections, Isoprinosine can be used exclusively as an immunomodulatory agent in combination with antibiotics. However, such an appointment is still rare: in such cases, preference is given to interferon preparations.

Release forms of Isoprinosine

Isoprinosine is not rich in release forms. Only one form of the drug has been developed in the form of oral tablets, each containing 500 mg of the active ingredient.

Depending on the duration of the course of treatment, you can choose a package of Isoprinosine containing 20, 30 or 50 tablets.

Isoprinosine tablet has a cross line. It is designed so that the tablet can be divided for ease of use. That is, if for some reason it is difficult for the patient to drink a whole pill, it is better to crush it and drink it in several doses, in parts.

The manufacturer indicates: breaking the Isoprinosine tablet at risk into two visually equal parts does not guarantee that each of the halves will contain 250 mg of the active substance. And this is not surprising. The fact is that the composition of any tablet, in addition to the active one, includes many auxiliary components. The active substance is distributed unevenly in the tablet mass. Therefore, when dividing a tablet of Isoprinosine, it is quite difficult to predict how much inosine pranobex is contained in the formed parts.

However, faced with the realities of life, theoretical knowledge sometimes fades into the background. Pediatric dosages of Isoprinosine are much less than the single dosage form of the drug. Therefore, parents still have to work on dividing the "indivisible" tablet into approximately equal parts. And hope for a relatively small error.

Isoprinosine tablets: safety confirmed

A distinctive feature of Isoprinosine is its high safety, which is clinically confirmed.

Already two hours after taking the Isoprinosine tablet in the blood, the maximum concentration of the active substance is reached. This is possible due to excellent bioavailability: 90% of inosine pranobex is absorbed into the blood. How not to remember with a kind word the animal origin of the drug, thanks to which it has an affinity for our body and is perfectly absorbed?

Isoprinosine tablet is completely eliminated from our body 24-48 hours after ingestion. At the same time, cumulation, that is, the accumulation of the active substance with prolonged use, is completely excluded.

Comparative studies of the safety of antiviral agents in laboratory animals have been conducted in clinical settings. In addition to Isoprinosine, drugs known to many also participated in the experiments. Studies have shown that the level of toxicity of Isoprinosine is several times lower than that of other drugs.

During the experiment, laboratory animals received a dose of inosine pranobex, ten times higher than the standard therapeutic dosage. Despite all the hardships, the experimental mice came out of the studies safe and sound: there were no changes in behavior, reflexes and other vital signs.

Thus, the safety of Isoprinosine is definitely higher than that of many other drugs from the antiviral group.

Indications for use, or when Isoprinosine helps

The classic indication for the use of Isoprinosine is a viral infection against the background of a weakened immune system. In such situations, inosine pranobex is practically the drug of choice.

According to statistics, Isoprinosine is used in many countries of the world for various indications, including:

  • influenza and SARS - acute respiratory viral infections;
  • infections associated with herpes simplex virus;
  • infections caused by the Varicella Zoster virus;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • measles;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • molluscum contagiosum.

Isoprinosine for ARVI and influenza - a classic drug

The classic appointment of Isoprinosine, which is most often encountered by both doctors and patients, is ARVI and the influenza virus.

Respiratory viral infection in patients with an adequate immune response often does not require active therapy. Sometimes recovery will only take time and symptomatic treatment, which will alleviate the patient's condition. I would like to emphasize that this rule is confirmed only in immunocompetent patients. Potentially healthy adults do indeed recover from SARS without any antiviral therapy.

However, if your immunity is weak, then the disease is delayed, severe symptoms appear, and in the worst case, a bacterial infection joins. In such situations, SARS or influenza smoothly flows into a sore throat, bronchitis and even pneumonia, and it is often not always possible to quickly recognize a complication.

Therefore, in childhood and old age, as well as in adults against the background of chronic diseases accompanied by a decrease in the immune response, Isoprinosine is included in the treatment regimen for influenza and SARS. It has been clinically proven that the use of Isoprinosine can significantly reduce the time of illness. In addition, the drug softens the clinical manifestations of SARS.

It is noteworthy that when Isoprinosine is included in the treatment regimen for colds and SARS, an additional immunomodulator is not prescribed. After all, Isoprinosine performs two functions at once: it fights the virus and contributes to the development of an adequate immune response.

Separately, as indications for the use of Isoprinosine, I would like to emphasize the appointment of the drug for frequently ill children. Sometimes young children are in a permanent state for almost the entire autumn-winter period. For such children, Isoprinosine is simply a necessary drug that can help stop the vicious circle.

It is important that Isoprinosine is also used for the prevention of SARS. In the course of clinical studies it has been proven that the use of the drug for recovery statistically reduces the likelihood of infection with respiratory viruses and influenza.

Use for herpes

The activity of Isoprinosine against the herpes simplex virus has been clinically proven. Therefore, the inclusion of inosine pranobex in the treatment regimen for this disease is quite reasonable.

I would like to note that herpetic infection - both sexual and labial, which is completely incurable. Do not believe those who promise you healing. Unfortunately, medicine does not know a way to destroy the herpes virus. However, it is possible and necessary to live comfortably with a diagnosis of genital or labial herpes. And antiviral therapy will help in this.

The use of Isoprinosine tablets allows you to increase the period between exacerbations of the disease, as well as reduce the intensity of clinical manifestations. This means that periods of relative calm and absence of symptoms will be longer. And the rashes are less extensive and quickly regenerating.

In order to prevent the recurrence of herpes, Isoprinosine is used during the period of remission of the disease. With labial herpes, it is enough to include a local antiviral drug (ointment) and Isoprinosine in the treatment regimen. Genital herpes, as a more aggressive infection, requires an integrated approach to therapy. Therefore, Isoprinosine in such cases is only one of the drugs that are sometimes included in a very extensive complex.

Treatment of chickenpox - Isoprinosine?

Chickenpox gets its name from the microorganism that causes it, the varicella zoster virus. A childhood illness known to all is usually completely harmless. Chickenpox goes away on its own within a few weeks, and in most cases does not require special treatment. With the exception of the artistic procedure with the use of brilliant green, which, by the way, is used only in the territory of the former USSR.

However, children with weakened immune systems can tolerate chickenpox quite hard. And chicken pox at a conscious age is already a serious disease that can become a real test even for the most healthy person. In such cases, chickenpox requires timely adequate treatment, which will help to quickly cope with the disease.

Isoprinosine, which is active against the Varicella Zoster virus, is widely used in chickenpox. It has been clinically proven that due to treatment with Isoprinosine, the duration of the disease is significantly reduced. In addition, chickenpox is much milder, the number of rashes decreases. Already existing elements of the rash heal faster. At the same time, the itching, which causes a lot of trouble to the patient, also weakens.

Life after chickenpox

Chicken pox lasts for several weeks, after which strong immunity is formed. This means your child will never get chickenpox again.

But the Varicella Zoster virus in some cases continues to live in the body in a "half-asleep" state, that is, to persist. There is a possibility that in many years we will still remember that same childhood rash with an unkind word. With a decrease in immunity, already in adults, shingles can develop - a very unpleasant disease.

Isoprinosine is deservedly one of the drugs that are used for herpes zoster. However, you should not try to treat yourself. Effective therapy for herpes zoster includes a set of drugs, among which Isoprinosine occupies a worthy place.

Treatment of HPV with Isoprinosine

Papillomavirus infection is a very common viral disease. It's hard to imagine, but about 80% of the population is infected with one form or another of HPV (human papillomavirus). The microorganism, which has more than 130 species, can persist asymptomatically throughout life. And it can cause a variety of diseases, ranging from innocent warts to cancer.

It is impossible to cure papillomavirus, and symptomatic treatment is aimed at combating the manifestations of the disease. Isoprinosine is one of the antiviral drugs that is effective against HPV. However, it should be borne in mind that the human papillomavirus treatment regimen includes several agents, and Isoprinosine is only one of them. Usually inosine pranobex is prescribed in the complex therapy of benign manifestations of papillomavirus.

Isoprinosine is used as part of the complex treatment of genital warts, which are formed as a result of infection with low-oncogenic and medium-oncogenic types of papillomavirus. Sometimes Isoprinosine is included in the treatment of cervical erosion and dysplasia. Indeed, in the vast majority of cases, these diseases are also caused by the human papillomavirus.

Patient reviews speak generally about the positive results of Isoprinosine therapy for HPV infection caused by low-oncogenic types of the virus.

Isoprinosine for warts. When is help needed?

Banal warts, familiar to many since childhood, are another manifestation of human papillomavirus infection. The type of HPV that causes these neoplasms does not pose any danger and belongs to the group of viruses of low oncogenic risk.

Single warts do not require treatment unless they cause discomfort. They can often go away on their own once the body is strong enough to suppress the virus. However, with a decrease in immunity, neoplasms can appear in large numbers, and even the removal of warts does not guarantee a cure. In such situations, Isoprinosine 500 significantly reduces the likelihood of relapse.

So, the use of Isoprinosine for warts, as a rule, is justified in the case of a massive spread of formations, including recurrent ones.

Isoprinosine can be used both before and after wart removal. In uncomplicated cases of human papillomavirus infection, Isoprinosine may contribute to the spontaneous disappearance of warts. Therapy after surgical or cosmetic destruction of formations is necessary for the prevention of repeated rashes.

Other viral diseases

Infectious mononucleosis

Among the viral infections that can be treated with Isoprinosine is infectious mononucleosis. The disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is sensitive to inosine pranobex. The difficulty in diagnosing infectious mononucleosis is that its symptoms are similar to those of viral or bacterial pharyngitis. Differentiation of these pathologies is very important. After all, antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin series, which treat bacterial tonsillitis, are contraindicated in infectious mononucleosis. Isoprinosine 500, on the contrary, has a pronounced effect, showing activity against the causative agent of the disease.

Although infectious mononucleosis is usually self-limiting, most cases are treated with therapy. It is designed to speed up recovery and reduce the severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease. And treatment with Isoprinosine helps to achieve these goals.

Cytomegalovirus infection

Cytomegalovirus is one of the pathogens that, once penetrated into the body, persist in it for life. At the same time, in immunocompetent patients, manifestations of the disease are most often simply absent. Reduced immunity contributes to the activation of the so-called opportunistic infections. In such cases, complex and long-term treatment is required, aimed at suppressing the virus and the transition of the disease to the stage of remission.

Isoprinosine is included in complex regimens for the treatment of cytomegalovirus, but is not the drug of choice for this disease.

molluscum contagiosum

An infection that is caused by one type of smallpox virus causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Noticeable neoplasms on the skin can “decorate the patient” for a long time if an effective treatment regimen is not selected.

Isoprinosine is one of the drugs that successfully fight molluscum contagiosum. Note that children are at risk for developing the disease. The possibility of using Isoprinosine from an early age makes it one of the drugs of choice in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children.


With the introduction of compulsory vaccination, measles has become rare. Both patients and doctors began to forget about this serious infectious disease. However, the now popular theory about the dangers of vaccines contributes to the fact that cases of measles are still periodically recorded.

Isoprinosine 500 is necessary to alleviate the picture of the disease. After all, the clinical manifestations of measles exhaust even the strongest child. And cases of measles in adults require special antiviral treatment, which also includes Isoprinosine tablets.

T cell lymphoma virus

One of the indications for the use of Isoprinosine tablets is type 3 human T-cell lymphoma. A severe disease that can turn into a malignant stage requires intensive and long-term therapy.

It should be noted that Isoprinosine in T-cell lymphoma rather performs an immunomodulatory function and is not among the top-priority drugs.

According to the instructions for use of Isoprinosine, standard dosages are calculated based on the patient's body weight.

The average dose of the drug is 50 mg of inosine pranobex per kilogram of body weight per day. Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times. An adult who does not suffer from malnutrition or obesity should take about 6 tablets of Isoprinosine 500 mg per day.

The instructions for use also describe the recommended doses of Isoprinosine for children. They make up half a tablet for every 5 kilograms of body weight during the day. Do not neglect the recommendations and drink the entire daily dose of the drug once. For maximum effect, Isoprinosine should be taken in 3-5 doses at regular intervals.

Separately, we note that in severe clinical manifestations of diseases, the dose of Isoprinosine is selected individually. In such cases, it can be increased several times. The instruction says that an adult patient can take up to 8 tablets of Isoprinosine 500 per day.

It should be borne in mind that for each specific infection, the treatment regimen is different.

How long to be treated: the average course of therapy with Isoprinosine

Every good doctor has his own therapy regimen, which has already proven its effectiveness. Therefore, a single standard course of treatment with Isoprinosine probably simply does not exist.

The instructions for Isoprinosine 500 mg indicate that the duration of therapy for uncomplicated forms of infection is from 5 days to two weeks. In addition, experts in some cases recommend continuing Isoprinosine for another two weeks after the disappearance of symptoms of the disease. This is necessary in order to avoid recurrence of the disease.

Perhaps a long-term appointment of inosine pranobex for a month or even more. And again, we emphasize that in such a delicate matter as the treatment of viral infections, it is worth relying not on the instructions for Isoprinosine or the reviews of a friend, but on the experience and knowledge of the attending physician.

Side effects of Isoprinosine

The likelihood of side effects in the treatment of Isoprinosine reaches 0.1-10%. Among the most common it is worth noting:

  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, epigastric pain, diarrhea or constipation;
  • itching of the skin;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • joint pain;
  • exacerbation of gout due to an increase in the level of urea.

Very rarely, as a side effect after taking Isoprinosine, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia is recorded.


Among the contraindications to taking Isoprinosine, the leading place is occupied by kidney pathologies: chronic renal failure, urolithiasis. In addition, due to the increase in the level of uric acid, the drug is also contraindicated in gout. Note that with long-term treatment with Isoprinosine, experts recommend examining the main renal indicators every four weeks.

The instructions for the use of Isoprinosine also indicate that the drug is not recommended for use in children under three years of age who weigh less than 15 kilograms. This contraindication is based on the fact that no safety studies have been conducted in this category of patients. Nevertheless, inosine pranobex for the treatment of certain diseases (for example, molluscum contagiosum) is used in pediatrics from one year of age.

Among the contraindications to taking Isoprinosine, one cannot ignore individual sensitivity to the active substance. Although the likelihood of such a reaction is very small, it cannot be ruled out. This is especially true for sensitive patients prone to allergic reactions.

Isoprinosine during pregnancy

The use of Isoprinosine during pregnancy has not been clinically studied. This means that there is simply no information about the effect of inosine pranobex on the fetus and the course of pregnancy. This medicinal product is used only if the benefit to the mother far outweighs the risk to the baby. However, for the treatment of viral infections in pregnant women, there are a number of safer agents than Isoprinosine, for example,.

I would like to reassure expectant mothers who took Isoprinosine, not yet knowing about the pregnancy that had begun. The likelihood of any negative effect of the drug in the early stages is very small. Therefore, it is better not to torment yourself with the mythical consequences of treatment, but to learn how to enjoy pregnancy.

Replacement of Isoprinosine: modern analogues of the drug

Isoprinosine is a rather expensive drug, so many patients would be happy to purchase a cheaper analogue. Note that the analogue has the same active ingredient as the original remedy. Unlike a brand-name drug, a similar drug or, as it is also called, a generic drug has not undergone clinical trials. The absence of research costs has a positive effect on the price of the medicine. Therefore, generics are always cheaper than original products.

The Russian pharmaceutical market, unfortunately, cannot offer a wide range of generics of the original inosine pranobex. Only one analogue of Isoprinosine is registered - Groprinosin, which is produced by Poland and Hungary. Due to the presence of the letter “s” in the Latin name, the name of the drug, when translated, is sometimes transformed into Groprinosin.

The price of Groprinozin is somewhat lower than the brand, but the difference, frankly, is small. So, when buying 20 tablets, an analogue will cost only 50–70 rubles cheaper than the original medicine.

I would like to note that the quality of Isoprinosine and Groprinosine is approximately on the same level. By replacing a brand-name drug with an analogue (generic), you can be sure of the complete identity of these drugs.

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