Fairy tale I ended up in the kingdom of hat mushrooms. Ecological fairy tales for preschool children

Family and relationships 17.06.2019

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It happened in those ancient times when animals and birds talked human language. And the mushrooms! Mushrooms ran through the forest like hares. And it was not so easy to pick mushrooms in the forest. People set traps, dug holes, they just didn’t come up with anything!
One fine sunny day, a red fly agaric stopped by a puddle.
- How beautiful I am! - he exclaimed, seeing his reflection in a puddle.
-Of course, - agreed with him a butterfly that flew by. - Bright as a light, only a pity that you are poisonous.
Oh, how Amanita liked the words of the butterfly. He really is handsome! And if so, why shouldn't he become the mushroom king? And the red fly agaric invited all the mushrooms to the forest meeting.
From this day forward, I will be the mushroom king! Because I am the most, most, most beautiful! - Fly agaric said.
- How so - the king? Borovik shouted. After all, he was supposed to be king. He's the most noble mushroom in the forest. Didn't people like to chase him through the forest?
The mushrooms began to swear. They shouted, accused each other, and the meeting ended with the mushrooms splitting into two belligerents. All Toadstools remained with Fly Agaric, and edible mushrooms followed Borovik.
- I'll be the king anyway. I'll still teach you a lesson, - the red Amanita threatened Borovik and his supporters. And Amanita came up with a plan to deal with edible mushrooms.
When a man came into the forest the next morning, and, seeing a russula, he was already about to chase it, Toadstools jumped out of the bushes. Toadstools surrounded Russula, preventing her from escaping. On that day, for the first time in his life, a man picked up a whole basket of mushrooms, as grebes helped him in this.
In the evening the mushrooms gathered again. They no longer listened to each other, but only shouted and cursed. Even the shy Volnushka protested, she suddenly realized that she was no worse than Borovik and Amanita. She would make a great queen.
Morning came, and the mushrooms could not calm down. A place of forest silence, screams and accusations, tears and threats were heard.
-I know what we need to do! - suddenly came up with Foxy. Let's go to the forest fairy. Let her judge our dispute, and tell who will be the king or queen of the mushroom.
The rest of the mushrooms agreed and went to the old oak tree where the forest fairy lived. A sleepy fairy flew out of the hollow and asked what the mushrooms wanted. And the mushrooms began to scream again, in the hope that the fairy would hear their opinion.
-Quiet! - the fairy tapped the oak with a twig.
The mushrooms were silent.
I couldn't sleep all night because of your scandal. I will punish you! From this day on, all the mushrooms will be silent and will not be able to move, - the fairy said, waved her twig, and again returned to the hollow.
Since then, mushrooms do not talk, and no longer run through the forest like hares.
But, and the red fly agaric still considers himself the king of mushrooms. After all, he is so beautiful, albeit poisonous.

noble mushroom

M. Malyshev

On a cozy forest clearing strewn with flowers, two mushrooms grew - white and fly agaric. They grew up so close that if they wanted to, they could shake hands.

As soon as the early rays of the sun woke up the entire plant population of the clearing, the fly agaric mushroom always said to its neighbor:

— Good morning, buddy.

Mornings often turned out to be kind, but the porcini mushroom never answered the neighbor's greetings. This went on from day to day. But once on the usual fly agaric " good morning buddy, porcini mushroom said:

- How obsessive you are, brother!

“I’m not intrusive,” the fly agaric objected modestly. - I just wanted to be friends with you.

“Ha ha ha,” the white man laughed. “Do you really think that I will start making friends with you?!

- Why not? - the fly agaric asked good-naturedly.

- Yes, because you are a toadstool, and I ... and I am a noble mushroom! Nobody likes you fly agarics, because you are poisonous, and we whites are edible and tasty. Judge for yourself: you can pickle us, and dry, and boil, and fry, we are rarely wormy. People love and appreciate us. And they hardly notice you, except that they kick you with your foot. Right?

“That’s right,” the fly agaric sighed sadly. But look what I have beautiful hat! Bright and cheerful!

- Hm, a hat. Who needs your hat. - And the white fungus turned away from the neighbor.

And at this time, mushroom pickers came out into the clearing - a little girl with her father.

- Mushrooms! Mushrooms! the girl shouted merrily when she saw our neighbors.

— And this one? - asked the girl, pointing to the fly agaric.

Let's leave this one, we don't need it.

- Why?

- He's poisonous.

- Poisonous?! So it needs to be crushed!

- Why. It is useful - evil flies sit on it and die. The white mushroom is noble, and the fly agaric is useful. And then, look what a beautiful, bright hat he has!

"True," the girl agreed. - Let it stand.

And the fly agaric remained standing in the colorful clearing, delighting the eye with its bright red hat with white peas ...

Brave honey agaric

E. Shim

A lot of mushrooms sprouted in autumn. Yes, what good fellows - one more beautiful than the other!

Under the dark Christmas trees, the grandfathers of mushrooms are standing. They wear white caftans, rich hats on their heads: yellow velvet on the bottom, brown on top. A feast for the eyes!

Under the light aspens, the aspen fathers are standing. All in shaggy gray jackets, red hats on their heads. Also beauty!

Under the tall pines, the butterflies grow. They are wearing yellow shirts, oilcloth caps on their heads. Also good!

Under the alder bushes, the sisters of the russula dance round dances. Each sister is in a linen sarafan, her head is tied with a colored scarf. Also good!

And suddenly, next to the fallen birch, another honey mushroom grew. Yes, so invisible, so unsightly! The orphan has nothing: no caftan, no shirt, no cap. He stands barefoot on the ground, and his head is uncovered - blond curls curl into ringlets. Other mushrooms saw him and well - laugh: - Look, what an untidy one! But where did you get out into the white world? Not a single mushroom picker will take you, no one will bow to you! The honey agaric shook his curls and answered:

- If he doesn’t bow today, then I’ll wait. Maybe someday I'll be nice.

But only no - mushroom pickers do not notice it. They walk between the dark fir trees, collect the grandfathers of mushrooms. And it gets colder in the forest. On the birches, the leaves turned yellow, on the mountain ash they turned red, on the aspens they became covered with spots. At night, cold dew falls on the moss.

And from this icy dew the grandfathers of mushrooms descended. Not a single one is left, they are all gone. It’s also chilly for the honey agaric to stand in a lowland. But even though his leg is thin, but it’s light, he took it, and even moved higher, to birch roots. And again waiting for mushroom pickers.

And mushroom pickers walk in the copses, collect the fathers of aspen mushrooms. They still don't look at Openok.

It got even colder in the forest. The siverko wind whistled, cut off all the leaves from the trees, the bare branches sway. It rains from morning to evening, and there is nowhere to hide from them.

And from these evil rains the aspen fathers descended. All are gone, none remain.

The honey agaric also floods with rain, but although it is puny, it is quick. He took it and jumped up on a birch stump. There is no downpour here. And the mushroom pickers still do not notice Openok. They walk in the bare forest, collect brothers oil and sisters of russula, put them in boxes. Is it really like this and the abyss of Openka for nothing, for nothing?

It became quite cold in the forest. Muddy clouds moved in, it became dark all around, snow groats began to fall from the sky. And from this snow pellets the butterflies brothers and the russula sisters came down. Not a single cap is visible, not a single handkerchief flickers.

On an uncovered head, Openka croup also pours, gets stuck in curls. But the cunning Agaric did not blunder here either: he took it and jumped into a birch hollow. He sits under a reliable roof, slowly looks out: are mushroom pickers coming? And the mushroom pickers are right there. They wander through the forest with empty boxes, not a single fungus can be found. They saw Openok and were so happy: - Oh, dear! - they say. - Oh, you are brave! He was not afraid of rain or snow, he was waiting for us. Thank you for helping me through the most difficult times! And they bowed low, low to Openok.

mushroom war

In the red summer, there is a lot of everything in the forest - and all kinds of mushrooms, and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, and raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. Girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, pouts from the ground, is angry at the berries: “You see that they have been born! It happened, and we are in honor, in high esteem, but now no one will even look at us!

- Wait, - thinks the boletus, the head of all mushrooms, - we, mushrooms, are a great force - we will bend down, strangle it, sweet berry!

The boletus conceived and made a war, sitting under an oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to call the mushrooms, began to call for help:

“Come on, you little darlings, go to war!”

Waves refused:

- We are all old women, not guilty of war.

Go, you bastards!

Refused honey mushrooms:

- Our legs are painfully thin, we will not go to war.

— Hey you, morels! shouted the boletus mushroom. - Gear up for war!

Morels refused, they say:

- We are old men, so where are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

- Milk mushrooms, you guys are friendly, go fight with me, beat the arrogant berry!

Mushrooms with loaders responded:

- We, milk mushrooms, we go with you to war, to forest and field berries, we will throw our hats on it, we will trample it with the fifth!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed together from the ground, a dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, be in trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great cargo force, she gasped, sat down and, well, pick mushrooms and put them in the back. I collected it full-full, forcibly brought it home, and at home I dismantled the fungi by birth and by rank: volnushki - into tubs, honey mushrooms - into barrels, morels - into beetroots, mushrooms - into boxes, and the boletus mushroom got into mating; it was run through, dried and sold.

Since then, the mushroom has ceased to fight with the berry.

Introduction to mushrooms

A. Lopatina

In early July, it rained for a whole week. Anyuta and Mashenka became despondent. They missed the forest. Grandmother let them go for a walk in the yard, but as soon as the girls got wet, she immediately called them home. Cat Porfiry said when the girls called him for a walk:

What is it like to get wet in the rain? I'd rather sit at home, compose a fairy tale.

“I also think that a soft sofa is a more suitable place for cats than wet grass,” Andreika agreed.

Grandfather, returning from the forest in a wet raincoat, laughingly said:

- July rains nourish the earth, help her grow crops. Do not worry, soon we will go to the forest for mushrooms.

Alice, shaking herself so that wet dust flew in all directions, said:

- The russula have already climbed, and in the aspen tree two small aspen mushrooms jumped out in red caps, but I left them, let them grow up.

Anyuta and Mashenka were impatiently waiting for grandfather to take them with him to pick mushrooms. Especially after he once brought a whole basket of young mushrooms. Taking strong mushrooms with gray legs and smooth brown caps out of the basket, he said to the girls:

- Well, guess the riddle:

In the grove near the birch, the namesakes met.

“I know,” Anyuta exclaimed, “these are boletus, they grow under birch trees, and boletus grows under aspens. They look like boletus, but their hats are red. There are also mushrooms, they grow in pine forests, and multi-colored russula grow everywhere.

- Yes, you know our mushroom letter! - grandfather was surprised and, taking out a whole heap of yellow-red agaric mushrooms from the basket, he said:

- Since you know all the mushrooms, help me find the right word:


Very friendly sisters

They wear red berets

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.

The girls were embarrassedly silent.

- This poem is about chanterelles: they grow up in a huge family and in the grass it’s like autumn leaves golden,” explained the all-knowing Porfiry.

Anyuta said offendedly:

- Grandpa, we only studied some mushrooms at school. The teacher told us that there are a lot of poisonous mushrooms among them, they should not be eaten. She also said that now even good mushrooms can be poisoned, and it is better not to collect them at all.

- The teacher correctly told you that you can’t eat poisonous mushrooms and that now many good mushrooms become harmful to humans. Factories emit all kinds of waste into the atmosphere, and various harmful substances settle in the forests, especially near large cities, and mushrooms absorb them. But there are many good mushrooms! You just need to make friends with them, then they themselves will run out to meet you when you come to the forest.

“Oh, what a wonderful fungus, strong, plump, in a light brown velvet cap!” exclaimed Mashenka, sticking her nose into the basket.

- This, Mashenka, the white one jumped out ahead of time. They usually appear in July. They say about him:

A strong boletus came out,

Whoever sees him, everyone will bow.

- Grandfather, why is a boletus called white if it has a brown hat? Mashenka asked.

- Its flesh is white, tasty and fragrant. In boletus, for example, the flesh turns blue if you cut it, while in whites the flesh does not darken either when cut, or when boiled, or when dried. This mushroom has long been considered one of the most nutritious among the people. I have a professor friend, he studies mushrooms. So he told me that in mushrooms, scientists found the twenty most important amino acids for humans, as well as many vitamins and minerals. No wonder these mushrooms are called forest meat, because they contain even more proteins than meat.

Grandfather, and the teacher told us that in the future people will grow all the mushrooms in the gardens and buy in the store, - said Anyuta, and Mishenka added:

- Mom bought us mushrooms in the store - white champignons and gray oyster mushrooms, very tasty. Oyster mushrooms have hats that look like ears, and they have grown together with each other, as if one mushroom turned out.

- Your teacher is right, but only Forest mushrooms give people healing properties forests and its best flavors. A person cannot grow many mushrooms in the garden: they cannot live without trees and without a forest. A mushroom picker with trees, like inseparable brothers intertwined with roots and feed each other. Yes and poisonous mushrooms not so much, it's just that people don't know much about mushrooms. Every mushroom is useful in some way. However, go to the forest, the mushrooms will tell you everything about themselves.

“In the meantime, let me tell you my fairy tale about mushrooms,” Porfiry suggested, and everyone happily agreed.

mushroom pharmacy

A. Lopatina

- I made friends with the forest when I was still a small kitten. The forest knows me well, always greets me like an old acquaintance, and does not hide its secrets from me. Somehow, from intense mental work, I got an acute migraine, and I decided to go into the forest to get some air. I walk through the forest, I breathe. The air in our pine forest is excellent, and I immediately felt better. Mushrooms by that time poured out apparently-invisibly. I sometimes chat with them, but here I had no time for talking. Suddenly, in a clearing, a whole family of oilers with chocolate slippery hats and yellow caftans with white frills met me:

- What are you, a cat, passing by us, do not say hello? they ask in unison.

- I don’t have time to talk, - I say, - my head hurts.

“Moreover, stop and have a bite to eat with us,” they squeaked again in unison. - In us, hog oils, there is a special resinous substance, which is sharp headache removes.

I never complained about raw mushrooms, especially after my grandmother's delicious mushroom dishes. But then I decided to eat a couple of small butternuts right raw: my head ached very much. They turned out to be so elastic, slippery and sweet that they themselves slipped into the mouth and the pain in the head was removed as if by hand.

I thanked them and moved on. I look, my friend squirrel turned an old huge pine tree into a mushroom dryer. She dries mushrooms on knots: russula, mushrooms, mushrooms. Mushrooms are all good and edible. But among the good and edible ones, I suddenly saw ... fly agaric! Stumbled upon a knot - red, in a whole speck. “Why is the fly agaric squirrel poisonous?” - think. Then she herself appeared with another fly agaric in her paws.

“Hello, squirrel,” I say to her, “who are you going to poison with fly agarics?”

“You are talking nonsense,” the squirrel snorted. - Fly agaric is one of the wonderful medicines of the mushroom pharmacy. Sometimes I get bored in winter, I get nervous, then a piece of fly agaric calms me down. Yes, fly agaric not only helps with nervous disorders. He treats tuberculosis, rheumatism, spinal cord, and eczema.

- And what other mushrooms are there in the mushroom pharmacy? I ask the squirrel.

“I don’t have time to explain to you, I have a lot to do. Three clearings from here you will find a large fly agaric, he is our chief pharmacist, ask him, - the squirrel rattled and galloped away, only a red tail flashed.

I found that field. There is a fly agaric on it, itself “dark red”, and from under the hat he lowered down along the leg white pantaloons and even with folds. A pretty wave sits next to him, all picked up, her lips rounded, licking her lips. From mushrooms on long brown legs and in brown scaly hats on a stump, a hat has grown - a friendly family of fifty mushrooms and mushrooms. Young people have beret caps and white aprons hanging on their legs, while old people wear flat hats with a tubercle in the middle and throw off their aprons: adults do not need aprons. To the side in a circle, the talkers sat down. They are shy, their hats are not fashionable, gray-brown with the edges turned down. They hide their whitish records under their hats and mutter about something quietly. I bowed to the whole honest company and explained to them why I had come.

Amanita, the chief pharmacist, tells me:

“Finally, you too, Porfiry, looked in on us, otherwise you always ran past. Well, I'm not offended. to me recent times rarely anyone bows, more often they kick me and knock me down with sticks. In ancient times, it was a different matter: with my help, local doctors treated all sorts of skin lesions, diseases of internal organs, and even mental disorders.

People, for example, use penicillin and other antibiotics, but do not remember that they were obtained from mushrooms, but not from cap mushrooms, but from microscopic ones. But we, hat mushrooms, are not the last in this matter. The sisters of the talker and their relatives - rows and serushkas, also have antibiotics, which even successfully cope with tuberculosis and typhoid, and mushroom pickers do not favor them. Mushroom pickers sometimes even pass by mushrooms. They do not know that mushrooms are a storehouse of vitamin B, as well as the most important elements for humans - zinc and copper.

Then a magpie flew into the clearing and chirped:

- Nightmare, nightmare, the bear's cub got sick. He made his way to the landfill and ate rotten vegetables there. He is now roaring in pain and rolling on the ground.

- Amanita leaned over to his assistant wave, consulted with her and said to the magpie:

- To the northwest of the bear's den, false mushrooms on a stump grow in lemon-yellow caps. Tell the she-bear to give them to her son to cleanse the stomach and intestines. Yes, warn me, let him not give much, otherwise they are poisonous. After two hours, let him feed him mushrooms: they will calm him down and reinforce him.

Then I said goodbye to the mushrooms and ran home, because I felt that the time had come for me to reinforce my strength with something.

Two fairy tales

N. Pavlova

The little girl went to the forest for mushrooms. I went to the edge and let's brag:

- You, Les, better not hide the mushrooms from me! I'll still get a full basket. I know everything, all your secrets!

- Do not brag! murmured Les. - Don't brag! Where is everything!

“But you will see,” the girl said and went to look for mushrooms.

In the small grass, between the birches, boletus mushrooms grew: gray, soft hats, legs with black shag. In a young aspen forest, fat, strong little aspen mushrooms in tightly pulled orange caps gathered.

And in the twilight, under the fir-trees, among the rotten needles, the girl found short little mushrooms: red-haired, greenish, striped, and in the middle of the hat there was a dimple, as if the little animal had pressed in with its paw.

The girl picked up a full basket of mushrooms, and even with a top! Went to the edge and said:

- You see, Les, how many different mushrooms I got? So I know where to look for them. Not in vain did I boast that I know all your secrets.

- Where is everyone! Les murmured. I have more secrets than leaves on trees. And what do you know? You don’t even know why boletus grows only under birch trees, aspen mushrooms under aspens, mushrooms under fir trees and pines.

“Here you go,” the girl replied. But she said it just like that, out of stubbornness.

“You don’t know this, you don’t know,” the Forest rustled,

- to tell it - it will be a fairy tale!

- I know what a fairy tale - stubborn girl. "Wait a little, I'll remember it and tell you myself."

She sat on a stump, thought, and then began to tell.

There used to be such a time that mushrooms did not stand in one place, but ran all over the forest, danced, stood upside down, and played naughty.

Everyone in the forest used to know how to dance. One Bear could not. And he was the biggest boss. Once in the forest they were celebrating the birthday of a hundred-year-old tree. Everyone was dancing, and the Bear - the most important one - sat like a stump. It was a shame to him, and he decided to learn to dance. I chose a clearing for myself and began to practice there. But he, of course, did not want to be seen, he was shy, and therefore he gave the order:

“No one will ever appear in my clearing.

And this glade was very fond of mushrooms. And they disobeyed the order. They waited when the Bear lay down to rest, left the Grebe to guard him, and they themselves ran into the clearing to play.

The bear woke up, saw a Toadstool in front of his nose and shouted:

- What are you doing here? And she replies:

- All the mushrooms ran away to your clearing, and they left me on guard.

The bear roared, jumped up, slapped Toadstool and rushed to the clearing.

And the mushrooms played magic there. Hiding somewhere. A fungus with a red cap hid under the Aspen, a red-haired one - under the Christmas tree, and a long-legged one with black shag - under the Birch.

And the Bear will jump out, and how he will yell - Ry-yyy! Come on, mushrooms! Gotcha! Mushrooms out of fear, so everything has grown to the place. Then Birch lowered the leaves and covered her fungus with them. The aspen dropped a round leaf directly onto the cap of its fungus.

And the fir-tree raked dry needles to Ryzhik with its paw.

The Bear looked for mushrooms, but he did not find any. Since then, those mushrooms that were hiding under the trees have been growing each under their own tree. Remember how it saved him. And now these mushrooms are called Boletus and Boletus. And Ryzhik remained Ryzhik, for being red. That's the whole story!

- You've got it all figured out! Les murmured. - A good fairy tale, but only the truth in it - not a bit. And you listen to my fairy tale-true. The roots of the forest also lived under the ground. Not alone - they lived in families: Birch - at the Birch, Aspen - at Aspen, Spruce - at the Christmas tree.

And now, come on, out of nowhere, homeless Roots appeared nearby. Miracle Roots! The thinnest web is thinner. They rummage in rotten leaves, in forest garbage, and what they find edible there, they eat and put aside in reserve. And the Birch Roots stretched out side by side, looking and envying.

“We,” they say, “we can’t get anything out of decay, out of rot. And Divo-Koreshki answered:

“You envy us, but they themselves have more good than ours.

And they guessed it! For nothing that a cobweb is a cobweb.

Birch Roots received a lot of help from their own Birch Leaves. The leaves sent food down the trunk to them. And from what they prepared this food, you need to ask them yourself. Divo-Koreshki is rich in one. Birch Roots - to others. And they decided to be friends. Divo-Koreshki clung to the Berezovs and entwined them around. And Birch Roots do not remain in debt: what they get, they will share with their comrades.

Since then, they have lived inseparably. And both are beneficial. Divo-Koreshki are growing wider, all stocks are being accumulated. And Birch is growing and getting stronger. Summer is in the middle, Birch Roots boast:

- Our Birch's earrings are ruffled, the seeds are flying! And Divo-Roots answer:

— That's how! Seeds! So it's time for us to get down to business. No sooner said than done: the gums jumped up on Divo-Koreshki. At first, they are small. But how did they start to grow! The Birch Roots did not have time to say anything, but they had already made their way through the ground. And they turned around in the wild, under Berezka, like young fungi. Legs with black shag. Hats are brown. And from under the caps, mushroom spore seeds are pouring.

The wind mixed them with birch seeds and scattered them through the forest. So the mushroom was related to the Birch. And since then, he has been inseparable from her. For this, they call him the boletus.

That's my whole fairy tale! She is about Boletus, but she is also about Ginger and Boletus. Only Ryzhik chose two trees: a Christmas tree and a Pine.

“It's not funny, but it's a very amazing tale,” said the girl. - Just think, some kind of baby fungus - and suddenly a giant tree feeds!

The brother's name was Ivan, and the sister's name was Pigtail. Their mother was angry: she would put her on a bench and tell her to be silent. It’s boring to sit, flies bite or Pigtail pinches - and fuss began, and mother pulled her shirt up and - slap.

To go into the forest, even walk on your head there - no one will say a word. Ivan and Kosichka thought about this and into the dark forest and fled. They run, climb trees, somersault in the grass - such a screech has never been heard in the forest.

By noon, the children calmed down, tired, and wanted to eat.

“I would like to eat,” Pigtail whimpered.

Ivan began to scratch his stomach.

“We will find the mushroom and eat it,” Ivan said. - Come on, don't whine.

They found a boletus under an oak, and as soon as they aimed to pluck it, Pigtail whispered:

“Maybe the fungus hurts if you eat it?”

Ivan began to think. And asks:

- Borovik, and boletus, does it hurt you if you are?

- Painfully.

Ivan and Kosichka went under the birch, where the boletus grew, and they ask him:

- And you, boletus, well, if you eat, does it hurt?

“It hurts terribly,” replies the boletus.

They asked Ivan and Kosichka under the boletus aspen, under the pine - white, in the meadow - camelina, dry milk mushroom and wet milk mushroom, bruise-malyavka, skinny honey agaric, butterdish, chanterelle and russula.

- It hurts, it hurts, it hurts - mushrooms squeak.

And the wet breast even slapped his lips:

- What did you attach to me, well, yours to the devil ...

- Well, - says Ivan, - my stomach failed.

And Pigtail gave a roar. Suddenly, a red mushroom crawls out from under the rotten leaves, as if sprinkled with sweet flour - dense, beautiful. Ivan da Pigtail gasped:

“Cute little mushroom, can I eat you?”

“You can, kids, you can, with pleasure,” the red mushroom answers them in a pleasant voice, so it climbs into your mouth.

Ivan and Kosichka sat down over him and just opened their mouths - suddenly, out of nowhere, mushrooms fly: boletus and boletus, boletus and white, skinny honey agaric and bruise-little, wet milk mushroom and dry milk mushroom, butterdish, chanterelles and russula, and come on chop-chop the red mushroom:

- Oh, you, poison, Amanita, so that you burst, you thought of poisoning the kids, huh?

Only flour flies from Amanita.

“I wanted to laugh,” screams Amanita, to laugh.

We will laugh at you! - mushrooms shout and so piled up what was left of the Amanita wet place- burst. And where it remains wet, even the grass withered from the fly agaric poison.

“Well, now, kids, open your mouths for real,” said the mushrooms.

And all the mushrooms to Ivan and Kosichka, one by one, jumped into the mouth - and swallowed.

Ivan and Kosichka ate to the heap and immediately fell asleep.

And in the evening a hare came running and took the children home. Mom saw Ivan and Kosichka, was delighted, she let go of just one slap, and even then loving, and gave the hare a cabbage leaf:

- Eat, drummer!

Dear Guys! Today we will talk about mushrooms.

Have you picked mushrooms?

Tell us where and what mushrooms you found.

Try to remember what mushrooms you know.

Right! White mushroom, boletus, boletus, honey agaric, butterdish, russula, camelina ...

Mushrooms grow in forests and in fields, meadows and swamps. They appear on the ground among fallen leaves, stick around mossy stumps and tree trunks, mushrooms are found even underground.

What is a mushroom?

A mushroom is a plant, but a plant is special. It has no branches, no leaves, no flowers.

Mushrooms reproduce by spores. Spores are tiny particles that hide in mushroom caps. When the mushrooms ripen, the spores spill out onto the ground, they are picked up by the wind and spread through the forest or meadow. New young mushrooms grow from spores.

Mushrooms have a mycelium. It looks like a felt nest and consists of a huge number of densely interwoven threads. These threads, as thin as cobwebs, are called hyphae. Mushroom threads go deep into the ground. In appearance, they resemble tree roots and penetrate the underground space around the fungus. Through the thread-hyphae, the fungus receives water from the soil and the useful substances dissolved in it that it needs for growth. The mushroom picker and the threads diverging in all directions under the ground can be compared with the trunk and roots of a tree. The mushroom picker is the trunk, and the threads are the roots.

The fruit of this extraordinary tree is a mushroom, which we gladly put in a basket or basket. The mushroom has a cap and a leg.

Imagine that in the early morning you went to the forest for mushrooms. Silence still reigns in the forest, a silvery-white mist creeps between the tree trunks. But then the first rays of dawn broke out, they flare up brighter and brighter, illuminating the clouds with a pink glow. The fog dissipates, the contours of the trees become clearly visible, and an oriole flies out of the green grassy tower and loudly sings its morning song.

Song Orioles

"Fiu-liu, fiu-liu, -

The oriole whistles loudly. —

Summer morning is beautiful

The dew shines with fire.

The ravines smell of prel,

Hear the singing of springs,

Under the pine and under the spruce

A lot of mushrooms have grown!

For a long time, people not only hunted animals and birds in the forests, but also collected forest gifts - mushrooms. Picking mushrooms is called "silent hunting".

“Among the various human hunts, there is a humble hunt to pick mushrooms, or to take mushrooms. I am even ready to give preference to mushrooms, because they must be found, therefore, it is possible not to find them; here some skill is mixed in, knowledge of the field of mushrooms, knowledge of the area and happiness. No wonder the proverb says: “With happiness it’s good to pick mushrooms.” These words belong to Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, a writer, an expert on Russian nature.

FROM light hand Aksakov's mushroom picking was called "silent hunting".

Why do experienced mushroom pickers go out on a “quiet hunt” in the early morning, and not in a hot afternoon or evening?

Yes, because:

"At dawn dewy

Mushroom strong, fragrant,

And on a hot day -

Like a rotten stump."

This proverb was made by the people.

They also say this: “He who gets up earlier will pick mushrooms, and only nettles remain drowsy and lazy.”

Many mushroom pickers know the joyful feeling when they find the very first forest trophy - a stately strong mushroom!

“For me, the most expensive thing is to enter the forest when it is still gloomy in the forest, and quiet, and untouched, and under the very first spruce your first mushroom is waiting for you, as if he deliberately went closer to the edge, in order to be the first to catch your eye and please”, - noted the writer Vladimir Soloukhin.

forest trophy

Dawn hidden, timid,

Pleasant forest chill.

Under the spruce, by the very path

Pick a young fungus.

What a strong, vigorous man he is!

Wants to please me.

Dew on green grasses

Like crystal beads.

I love a little

Gift of gnomes and fairies

And I'll put it in a basket

Your first forest trophy.

How to dress properly when going to the forest for mushrooms?

You need to put on rubber boots with woolen socks on your feet, because on an early dewy morning in the forest it is also damp and cool. It is better not to wear anything rustling in the forest, so as not to scare away the forest inhabitants, and bright, so as not to attract insects. Bees and wasps can take you for a big elegant flower and inadvertently sting you!

The most suitable clothing for a mushroom picker is a sports suit and a light cap.

The main thing is that the head, arms and legs are covered with clothes. Do not forget that in the forests there are dangerous insects- ticks, the bites of which can cause serious illness.

But imagine that you dressed according to all the rules of "mushroom hunting" and thought about what you will put the mushrooms in.

No buckets, no bags, no backpacks are suitable for picking mushrooms! After all, mushrooms are tender, soft. Their hats break and crumble easily. In addition, cut mushrooms need to “breathe”, and in buckets and backpacks they will not only break, but also “suffocate” - they will quickly lose their bright forest beauty, become dark and caked.

No, baskets or baskets woven from flexible willow branches, covered with fragrant moss, and baskets made of white birch bark, the top layer of birch bark, are best suited for picking mushrooms. Mushrooms "breathe" through the holes in them, preserving fragrant freshness and beauty.

I'll put the mushroom in a basket

I'll put the mushroom in a basket,

What was woven from willow branches.

Let the mushroom "breathe" a little,

Let it stay beautiful!

Many mushroom pickers have their own treasured places - edges, glades, where they gather a rich mushroom harvest every year. But mushrooms are tricky! They love, as the people say, "to lead by the nose." Either they will hide under a dense dark spruce, or they will bury themselves in tall grasses near a mossy stump, or they will hide behind a fallen leaf. You walk by and you don't notice!

Many mushroom pickers know that if there are dry, hot days, the mushrooms hide together under the bushes, and after the rains they cheerfully scatter through the clearings and forest edges.

Do you guys know how to properly cut mushrooms? Can mushrooms be uprooted?

Right! Mushrooms cannot be pulled out of the ground along with the mycelium! Having killed the mycelium, you will not find more mushrooms in this place. But the mycelium of some mushrooms live hundreds of years!

If you find a forest treasure - a young fresh mushroom, you need to cut it with a knife, and lightly sprinkle the mycelium with earth, cover it with fallen leaves or a sprig of needles and press it firmly with your palm so that the mushroom grows here again next year.

A real mushroom picker, having found a good mushroom, will first admire it, remember where this mushroom grew, and only then carefully cut it off and put it in a basket with a hat down on a soft moss feather bed.

A lot of Russian folk signs related to where and when to look for mushrooms. People noticed: if “there are a lot of midges, you need to cook a lot of baskets for mushrooms,” and “the first fog of summer is a sure sign of mushrooms.”

tricky fungus

Tricky little fungus

In a round red hat

He does not want to box

He plays hide and seek.

Hiding near the stump -

Call me to play!

Where to find fungus

If the day is dry and hot,

That in the pine forest, resinous, coniferous

All mushrooms - under the bushes,

under the green leaves.

If the rain roars,

If the forest is washed with moisture,

Instantly chanterelles and waves

They scatter along the edge.

Enjoy the beauty!

Before the fungus

Put in a container

Don't rush, stay

Enjoy beauty.

And then don't be lazy

Bow low to the mushroom.

Cut it under the spine

In winter there will be a pie!

Advice for a mushroom picker

Sprinkle mycelium

raw earth,

cover with leaves

Yes, fragrant pine needles.

A year will pass -

The fungus will grow again!

Mushrooms grow especially quickly in forests after warm summer rains. Such rains are often called "blind", or "mushroom". “If it rains, there will be fungi, and if there are fungi, there will be boxfish,” says folk wisdom.

Mushroom rain

Close to rain. It smelled of moisture

Fine water dust.

I see, in the haze, behind the ravine

Mushroom rain pours obliquely.

Slowly enters the forest

Paw touches hairy

Stems of strong nettles,

Bluebells and mint.

He sits on a fallen trunk,

Where there is moss and humus,

And conjures over the mycelium:

After all, it’s not for nothing that he is a mushroom!

What months do mushroom pickers pick mushrooms?

The earliest mushrooms are oyster mushrooms, they are harvested in the spring.

“Spring hung oyster mushrooms on trees - the earliest spring mushrooms, early ripening,” writes an avid mushroom picker, geologist and writer Pyotr Sigunov about oyster mushrooms, “Oyster mushrooms, like jumping squirrels, love to climb trunks. They will climb onto a dry rotten aspen and sit there on short felt paws, hanging their thick, lopsided ears ... Oyster mushrooms smell of wheat flour. No wonder they are also called buns.

But most of the mushroom harvest begins to be harvested from mid-summer until autumn days. They go for autumn mushrooms in September. The people remarked: "If the fungus is late, there will be a late snowball."

In the old days in Russia there were many dense forests, and these forests are full of mushrooms! “With the onset of the season, whole families left smoky huts, hung large deep baskets behind their backs, picked up sticks to feel mushrooms under the humus of fallen leaves and “disappeared” until cold autumn. These "forest people" lived exclusively by picking mushrooms. They built booths and huts for themselves, they went out of their thickets only to sell their goods to buyers waiting for them at the edge of the forest” (K. Serebryakov).

At the height of the mushroom season, mushroom pickers scatter through the forest. Every now and then their voices are heard: calling to each other, haunting. Sometimes people wander into remote thickets and lose the familiar path.

How not to get lost in the dense forest?

It turns out that you can find the way to the house and mushrooms! No wonder they are called "living compasses". Of course, you know that a compass is a device that indicates the location of the cardinal points: North, South, West, East. Such a compass can be a mushroom - an ordinary forest camelina!

These mushrooms usually grow under fir trees. The saffron mushrooms growing north of the spruce have large, bright orange caps, like cast copper, while the saffron caps growing on the south side have small, greenish caps.

Edible mushrooms that we collect in the forests are tubular and lamellar.

In tubular mushrooms, the lower surface of the cap looks like a porous sponge. It is permeated with thin tubes in which fungal spores ripen. Boletus mushrooms include porcini mushroom and boletus, butterdish and flywheel.

In agaric mushrooms, the lower surface of the cap is covered with ribs-plates. Spores are attached to each plate. When the fungus matures, the plates move apart and the spores spill out onto the ground. Lamellar mushrooms - milk mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, honey mushrooms.

In addition to edible mushrooms, poisonous mushrooms are also found in the forest. Better to avoid them! Neither touch them with your hands, nor cut them with a knife, nor put them in a basket!

They call them "forest werewolves" because these mushrooms look like edible ones.

Poisonous mushrooms include the well-known handsome fly agaric and false mushrooms, which are cleverly faked as real mushrooms. But the most dangerous poisonous mushroom is death cap! Even a small piece of this mushroom can kill a person. The pale grebe contains several deadly poisons at once.

You will learn about poisonous mushrooms and how to distinguish them from edible ones a little later.

Let's think together why edible good mushrooms are so fond of people.

They are tasty and healthy. They can be boiled, fried, salted, marinated and dried. Mushrooms give a special taste and aroma to all dishes! Soups are cooked with mushrooms, pies are baked, roasts are cooked.

Mushrooms contain many useful substances, so they have been used in the treatment of diseases since ancient times.

Many mushrooms have antimicrobial activity, they contain antibiotics.

Not only people, but also animals love to eat mushrooms. Squirrels and chipmunks store mushrooms for the winter in different ways. Squirrels prick mushrooms on branches, scatter them into chipmunks and badgers to dry on the trunks of trees fallen by bad weather.

What mushrooms are especially fond of forest dwellers?

Squirrels like boletus, boletus, boletus and mushrooms. Moose love to treat themselves to porcini mushrooms, and they are treated with fly agaric. reindeer butterflies are eaten with appetite. Boars - milk mushrooms. Before eating milk mushrooms, wild boars trample them with their hooves, crush them with fangs and roll in the mud. They love this dish! Chipmunks and badgers dry milk mushrooms, chanterelles and russula for the winter.

How do mushroom pickers know where to look for their "forest happiness"? They have their own little tricks. Avid lovers of "silent hunting" know when and under which trees to look for forest treasures. For example, white mushrooms do not grow in young forests, they appear in pine and spruce forests that are at least fifty years old. They like porcini mushrooms to grow near anthills. Tireless worker ants loosened the earth there. Chosen by "colonels"-boletus and shady glades.

Butterflies often grow in young forests, copses, in sunny dry pine forests. Russula decorate birch forests with colorful hats, and mushrooms appear on stumps.

Mushroom pickers know that if there are waves, milk mushrooms will soon go. If mushroom pickers bring porcini mushrooms in baskets from the forest, then in three weeks mushrooms will grow up. If autumn mushrooms stuck around the stumps and trunks of trees, it means that soon snowflakes will flutter in the air, like white moths.

Have you ever wondered where mushrooms got their names from?

It turns out that some mushrooms are named after their place of growth. For example, honey agaric has chosen rotten stumps, and moss mushroom grows in mosses.

Other mushrooms are named after the trees under which they grow. The boletus grows under a birch, the oak grows under an oak, the boletus grows under an aspen.

Still others look like some kind of animal. Red chanterelles - for a chanterelle-sister, a pig - for a plump pig, and a blackberry mushroom - for a prickly hedgehog.

Mushroom picking rules

It seems to be a simple matter to cut a mushroom and put it in a basket, but lovers of "quiet hunting" must remember and observe a few important rules mushroom picker, so that forest gifts bring joy, not trouble.

FIRST, learn to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones. If you notice a poisonous mushroom, do not pick it, do not cut it with a knife, do not knock it down with a stick. Better bypass it. By the way, some poisonous mushrooms, dangerous to human health, cure diseases of animals and birds.

SECONDLY, collect only those mushrooms that you are familiar with. Never cut unfamiliar mushrooms!

THIRD, do not put wormy, slug-eaten, overripe mushrooms in the box. Poisonous substances are formed in such mushrooms, these mushrooms can be poisoned!

FOURTHLY, never pick mushrooms in city squares, parks, front gardens, on boulevards, as well as mushrooms that have grown near highways.


Yes, because mushrooms, like sponges, absorb all the harmful substances that accumulate in the soil and are found in polluted air.

In order not to frighten off good luck, friends jokingly wish the hunters: “No fluff, no feather”, fishermen: “No tail, no fin”, and let's wish the mushroom pickers: “No hat, no root”. Let the mushrooms catch your eye, and do not hide under leaves and needles, do not run away for stumps and trees.

Questions for consolidation

1. What is a mushroom?

2. How mushrooms differ from other plants.

3. What mushrooms do you know?

4. Why is mushroom picking called "silent hunting"?

5. How to dress properly when going to the forest to pick mushrooms?

6. Where is the best place to put the collected mushrooms? Why?

7. How to cut mushrooms?

8. In what months of the year do mushroom pickers harvest mushrooms?

9. Why are mushrooms called "living compasses"?

10. What mushrooms are called tubular?

11. What mushrooms are called "forest werewolves" and why?

12. What mushrooms do squirrels and badgers store?

13. What animals like to treat themselves to mushrooms?

14. What little secrets do mushroom pickers know?

noble mushroom

M. Malyshev

On a cozy forest glade strewn with flowers, two mushrooms grew - white and fly agaric. They grew up so close that if they wanted to, they could shake hands.

As soon as the early rays of the sun woke up the entire plant population of the clearing, the fly agaric mushroom always said to its neighbor:

— Good morning, buddy.

Mornings often turned out to be kind, but the porcini mushroom never answered the neighbor's greetings. This went on from day to day. But one day, to the usual fly agaric “good morning, buddy,” the porcini mushroom said:

- How obsessive you are, brother!

“I’m not intrusive,” the fly agaric objected modestly. “I just wanted to be friends with you.

“Ha ha ha,” the white man laughed. “Do you really think that I will start making friends with you?!

- Why not? - the fly agaric asked good-naturedly.

- Yes, because you are a toadstool, and I ... and I am a noble mushroom! Nobody likes you fly agarics, because you are poisonous, and we whites are edible and tasty. Judge for yourself: you can pickle us, and dry, and boil, and fry, we are rarely wormy. People love and appreciate us. And they hardly notice you, except that they kick you with your foot. Right?

“That’s right,” the fly agaric sighed sadly. But look at my beautiful hat! Bright and cheerful!

- Hm, a hat. Who needs your hat. - And the white fungus turned away from the neighbor.

And at this time, mushroom pickers came out into the clearing - a little girl with her father.

- Mushrooms! Mushrooms! the girl shouted cheerfully when she saw our neighbors.

— And this one? the girl asked, pointing to the fly agaric.

Let's leave this one, we don't need it.

- Why?

- He's poisonous.

- Poisonous?! So it needs to be crushed!

- Why. It is useful - evil flies sit on it and die. The white mushroom is noble, and the fly agaric is useful. And then, look what a beautiful, bright hat he has!

"True," the girl agreed. - Let it stand.

And the fly agaric remained standing in the colorful clearing, delighting the eye with its bright red hat with white peas ...

Brave honey agaric

E. Shim

A lot of mushrooms sprouted in autumn. Yes, what good fellows - one more beautiful than the other!

Under the dark Christmas trees, the grandfathers of mushrooms are standing. They wear white caftans, rich hats on their heads: yellow velvet on the bottom, brown on top. A feast for the eyes!

Under the light aspens, the aspen fathers are standing. All in shaggy gray jackets, red hats on their heads. Also beauty!

Under the tall pines, the butterflies grow. They are wearing yellow shirts, oilcloth caps on their heads. Also good!

Under the alder bushes, the sisters of the russula dance round dances. Each sister is in a linen sarafan, her head is tied with a colored scarf. Also good!

And suddenly, next to the fallen birch, another honey mushroom grew. Yes, so invisible, so unsightly! The orphan has nothing: no caftan, no shirt, no cap. He stands barefoot on the ground, and his head is uncovered - blond curls curl into ringlets. Other mushrooms saw him and, well - laugh: - Look, what an untidy one! But where did you get out into the white world? Not a single mushroom picker will take you, no one will bow to you! The honey agaric shook his curls and answered:

Do not bow today, so I'll wait. Maybe someday I'll be nice.

But only no - mushroom pickers do not notice it. They walk between the dark fir trees, collect the grandfathers of mushrooms. And it gets colder in the forest. On the birches, the leaves turned yellow, on the mountain ash they turned red, on the aspens they became covered with spots. At night, cold dew falls on the moss.

And from this icy dew the grandfathers of mushrooms descended. Not a single one is left, they are all gone. It’s also chilly for the honey agaric to stand in a lowland. But even though his leg is thin, but it’s light, he took it, and even moved higher, to birch roots. And again waiting for mushroom pickers.

And mushroom pickers walk in the copses, collect the fathers of aspen mushrooms. They still don't look at Openok.

It got even colder in the forest. The siverko wind whistled, cut off all the leaves from the trees, the bare branches sway. It rains from morning to evening, and there is nowhere to hide from them.

And from these evil rains the aspen fathers descended. All are gone, none remain.

The honey agaric also floods with rain, but although it is puny, it is quick. He took it and jumped up on a birch stump. There is no downpour here. And the mushroom pickers still do not notice Openok. They walk in the bare forest, collect brothers oil and sisters of russula, put them in boxes. Is it really like this and the abyss of Openka for nothing, for nothing?

It became quite cold in the forest. Muddy clouds moved in, it became dark all around, snow groats began to fall from the sky. And from this snow groats came the brothers of butter and sisters of russula. Not a single cap is visible, not a single handkerchief flickers.

On an uncovered head, Openka croup also pours, gets stuck in curls. But the cunning Agaric did not blunder here either: he took it and jumped into a birch hollow. He sits under a reliable roof, slowly looks out: are mushroom pickers coming? And the mushroom pickers are right there. They wander through the forest with empty boxes, not a single fungus can be found. They saw Openka and were so happy: - Oh, dear! - they say. - Oh, you're brave! He was not afraid of rain or snow, he was waiting for us. Thank you for helping me through the most difficult times! And they bowed low, low to Openok.

mushroom war

In the red summer, there is a lot of everything in the forest - and all kinds of mushrooms, and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, and raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. Girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, pouts from the ground, is angry at the berries: “You see that they have been born! It happened, and we are in honor, in high esteem, but now no one will even look at us!

- Wait, - thinks the boletus, the head of all mushrooms, - we, mushrooms, are a great force - we will bend down, strangle it, sweet berry!

The boletus conceived and made a war, sitting under an oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to call the mushrooms, began to call for help:

“Come on, you little darlings, go to war!”

Waves refused:

- We are all old women, not guilty of war.

Go, you bastards!

Refused honey mushrooms:

- Our legs are painfully thin, we will not go to war.

— Hey you, morels! shouted the boletus mushroom. - Gear up for war!

Morels refused, they say:

- We are old men, so where are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

- Milk mushrooms, you guys are friendly, go fight with me, beat the arrogant berry!

Mushrooms with loaders responded:

- We, milk mushrooms, we go with you to war, to forest and field berries, we will throw our hats on it, we will trample it with the fifth!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed together from the ground, a dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, be in trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great cargo force, she gasped, sat down and, well, pick mushrooms and put them in the back. I collected it full-full, forcibly brought it home, and at home I dismantled the fungi by birth and by rank: volnushki - into tubs, honey mushrooms - into barrels, morels - into beetroots, mushrooms - into boxes, and the boletus mushroom got into mating; it was run through, dried and sold.

Since then, the mushroom has ceased to fight with the berry.

Introduction to mushrooms

A. Lopatina

In early July, it rained for a whole week. Anyuta and Mashenka became despondent. They missed the forest. Grandmother let them go for a walk in the yard, but as soon as the girls got wet, she immediately called them home. Cat Porfiry said when the girls called him for a walk:

What is it like to get wet in the rain? I'd rather sit at home, compose a fairy tale.

I also think that a soft sofa is a more suitable place for cats than wet grass, - Andreika agreed.

Grandfather, returning from the forest in a wet raincoat, laughingly said:

July rains nourish the earth, help her grow crops. Do not worry, soon we will go to the forest for mushrooms.

Alice, shaking herself so that wet dust flew in all directions, said:

Russula has already climbed, and in the aspen tree two small aspen mushrooms jumped out in red caps, but I left them, let them grow up.

Anyuta and Mashenka were impatiently waiting for grandfather to take them with him to pick mushrooms. Especially after he once brought a whole basket of young mushrooms. Taking strong mushrooms with gray legs and smooth brown caps out of the basket, he said to the girls:

Well, guess the riddle:

In the grove near the birch, the namesakes met.

I know, - Anyuta exclaimed, - these are boletus, they grow under birches, and boletus grows under aspens. They look like boletus, but their hats are red. There are also mushrooms, they grow in pine forests, and multi-colored russula grow everywhere.

Yes, you know our mushroom diploma! - grandfather was surprised and, taking out a whole heap of yellow-red lamellar mushrooms from the basket, he said:

Since you all know mushrooms, help me find the right word:


Very friendly sisters

They wear red berets

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.

The girls were embarrassedly silent.

This poem is about chanterelles: they grow up in a huge family and in the grass, like autumn leaves, they turn golden, - explained the all-knowing Porfiry.

Anyuta said offendedly:

Grandpa, we only studied some mushrooms at school. The teacher told us that there are a lot of poisonous mushrooms among them, they should not be eaten. She also said that now even good mushrooms can be poisoned, and it is better not to collect them at all.

The teacher correctly told you that poisonous mushrooms cannot be eaten and that many good mushrooms are now becoming harmful to humans. Factories emit all kinds of waste into the atmosphere, and various harmful substances settle in the forests, especially near large cities, and mushrooms absorb them. But there are many good mushrooms! You just need to make friends with them, then they themselves will run out to meet you when you come to the forest.

Oh, what a wonderful fungus, strong, plump, in a light brown velvet cap! exclaimed Mashenka, sticking her nose into the basket.

This, Masha, white jumped out ahead of time. They usually appear in July. They say about him:

A strong boletus came out,

Whoever sees him, everyone will bow.

Grandpa, why is a boletus called white if it has a brown hat? - asked Mashenka.

It has white flesh, tasty and fragrant. In boletus, for example, the flesh turns blue if you cut it, while in whites the flesh does not darken either when cut, or when boiled, or when dried. This mushroom has long been considered one of the most nutritious among the people. I have a professor friend, he studies mushrooms. So he told me that in mushrooms, scientists found the twenty most important amino acids for humans, as well as many vitamins and minerals. No wonder these mushrooms are called forest meat, because they contain even more proteins than meat.

Grandfather, and the teacher told us that in the future people will grow all the mushrooms in the gardens and buy in the store, - said Anyuta, and Mishenka added:

Mom bought us mushrooms in the store - white champignons and gray oyster mushrooms, very tasty. Oyster mushrooms have hats that look like ears, and they have grown together with each other, as if one mushroom turned out.

Your teacher is right, but only forest mushrooms give people the healing properties of the forest and its best aromas. A person cannot grow many mushrooms in the garden: they cannot live without trees and without a forest. A mushroom picker with trees, like inseparable brothers intertwined with roots and feed each other. Yes, and there are not so many poisonous mushrooms, it’s just that people don’t really understand mushrooms. Every mushroom is useful in some way. However, go to the forest, the mushrooms will tell you everything about themselves.

In the meantime, let me tell you my fairy tale about mushrooms, ”Porfiry suggested, and everyone happily agreed.

mushroom pharmacy

A. Lopatina

I made friends with the forest when I was still a small kitten. The forest knows me well, always greets me like an old acquaintance, and does not hide its secrets from me. Somehow, from intense mental work, I got an acute migraine, and I decided to go into the forest to get some air. I walk through the forest, I breathe. The air in our pine forest is excellent, and I immediately felt better. Mushrooms by that time poured out apparently-invisibly. I sometimes chat with them, but here I had no time for talking. Suddenly, in a clearing, a whole family of oilers with chocolate slippery hats and yellow caftans with white frills met me:

What are you, cat, walking past us, not saying hello? - they ask in unison.

I don’t have time to talk, I say, my head hurts.

Moreover, stop and have a bite to eat with us, - they squeaked again in unison. - In us, hog oils, there is a special resinous substance that relieves acute headaches.

I never complained about raw mushrooms, especially after my grandmother's delicious mushroom dishes. But then I decided to eat a couple of small butternuts right raw: my head ached very much. They turned out to be so elastic, slippery and sweet that they themselves slipped into the mouth and the pain in the head was removed as if by hand.

I thanked them and moved on. I look, my friend squirrel turned an old huge pine tree into a mushroom dryer. She dries mushrooms on knots: russula, mushrooms, mushrooms. Mushrooms are all good and edible. But among the good and edible ones, I suddenly saw ... fly agaric! Stumbled upon a knot - red, with a whole speck. “Why is the fly agaric squirrel poisonous?” - think. Then she herself appeared with another fly agaric in her paws.

Hello, squirrel, - I tell her, - who are you going to poison with fly agarics?

You're talking nonsense, - the squirrel snorted. - Fly agaric is one of the wonderful medicines of the mushroom pharmacy. Sometimes I get bored in winter, I get nervous, then a piece of fly agaric calms me down. Yes, fly agaric not only helps with nervous disorders. He treats tuberculosis, rheumatism, spinal cord, and eczema.

And what other mushrooms are there in a mushroom pharmacy? I ask the squirrel.

I have no time to explain to you, I have a lot to do. Three clearings from here you will find a large fly agaric, he is our chief pharmacist, ask him, - the squirrel rattled and galloped away, only the red tail flashed.

I found that field. There is a fly agaric on it, itself “dark red”, and from under the hat he lowered down along the leg white pantaloons and even with folds. A pretty wave sits next to him, all picked up, her lips rounded, licking her lips. From mushrooms on long brown legs and in brown scaly hats on a stump, a hat has grown - a friendly family of fifty mushrooms and mushrooms. Young people have beret caps and white aprons hanging on their legs, while old people wear flat hats with a tubercle in the middle and throw off their aprons: adults do not need aprons. To the side in a circle, the talkers sat down. They are shy, their hats are not fashionable, gray-brown with the edges turned down. They hide their whitish records under their hats and mutter about something quietly. I bowed to the whole honest company and explained to them why I had come.

Fly agaric - the chief pharmacist, tells me:

Finally, you, Porfiry, looked in on us, otherwise you always ran past. Well, I'm not offended. Recently, rarely anyone bows to me, more often they kick me and knock me down with sticks. In ancient times, it was a different matter: with my help, local doctors treated all sorts of skin lesions, diseases of internal organs, and even mental disorders.

People, for example, use penicillin and other antibiotics, but do not remember that they were obtained from mushrooms, but not from cap mushrooms, but from microscopic ones. But we, hat mushrooms, are not the last in this matter. The sisters of the talker and their relatives - rows and serushkas, also have antibiotics, which even successfully cope with tuberculosis and typhoid, and mushroom pickers do not favor them. Mushroom pickers sometimes even pass by mushrooms. They do not know that mushrooms are a storehouse of vitamin B, as well as the most important elements for humans - zinc and copper.

Then a magpie flew into the clearing and chirped:

Nightmare, nightmare, a bear cub got sick. He made his way to the landfill and ate rotten vegetables there. He is now roaring in pain and rolling on the ground.

The fly agaric bent down to his assistant, the wave, consulted with her and said to the magpie:

To the northwest of the bear's den, false mushrooms on a stump grow in lemon-yellow caps. Tell the she-bear to give them to her son to cleanse the stomach and intestines. Yes, warn me, let him not give much, otherwise they are poisonous. After two hours, let him feed him mushrooms: they will calm him down and reinforce him.

Then I said goodbye to the mushrooms and ran home, because I felt that the time had come for me to reinforce my strength with something.

Two fairy tales

N. Pavlova

The little girl went to the forest for mushrooms. I went to the edge and let's brag:

You, Les, better not hide the mushrooms from me! I'll still get a full basket. I know everything, all your secrets!

Don't brag! - rustled - Les. - Don't brag! Where is everything!

But you'll see, - said the girl and went to look for mushrooms.

In the small grass, between the birches, boletus mushrooms grew: gray, soft hats, legs with black shag. In a young aspen forest, fat, strong little aspen mushrooms in tightly pulled orange caps gathered.

And in the twilight, under the fir-trees, among the rotten needles, the girl found short little mushrooms: red-haired, greenish, striped, and in the middle of the hat there was a dimple, as if the little animal had pressed in with its paw.

The girl picked up a full basket of mushrooms, and even with a top! Went to the edge and said:

You see, Les, how many different mushrooms I got? So I know where to look for them. Not in vain did I boast that I know all your secrets.

Where is everything! Les murmured. - I have more secrets than leaves on trees. And what do you know? You don’t even know why boletus grows only under birch trees, aspen mushrooms - under aspens, mushrooms - under fir trees and pines.

And here it is, - the girl answered. But she said it just like that, out of stubbornness.

You don’t know this, you don’t know, - the Forest rustled,

Tell it - it will be a fairy tale!

I know what a fairy tale, - the girl was stubborn. - Wait a little, I'll remember it and tell you myself.

She sat on a stump, thought, and then began to tell.

There used to be such a time that mushrooms did not stand in one place, but ran all over the forest, danced, stood upside down, and played naughty.

Everyone in the forest used to know how to dance. One Bear could not. And he was the biggest boss. Once in the forest they were celebrating the birthday of a hundred-year-old tree. Everyone was dancing, and the Bear - the most important one - was sitting like a stump. It was a shame to him, and he decided to learn to dance. I chose a clearing for myself and began to practice there. But he, of course, did not want to be seen, he was shy, and therefore he gave the order:

No one will ever appear in my clearing.

And this glade was very fond of mushrooms. And they disobeyed the order. They waited when the Bear lay down to rest, left the Grebe to guard him, and they themselves ran into the clearing to play.

The bear woke up, saw a Toadstool in front of his nose and shouted:

What are you doing here? And she replies:

All the mushrooms fled to your clearing, and they left me on guard.

The bear roared, jumped up, slapped Toadstool and rushed to the clearing.

And the mushrooms played magic there. Hiding somewhere. A fungus with a red cap hid under the Aspen, a red-haired one - under the Christmas tree, and a long-legged one with black shag - under the Birch.

And the Bear will jump out, and how he will yell - Ry-yyy! Come on, mushrooms! Gotcha! Mushrooms out of fear, so everything has grown to the place. Then Birch lowered the leaves and covered her fungus with them. The aspen dropped a round leaf directly onto the cap of its fungus.

And the fir-tree raked dry needles to Ryzhik with its paw.

The Bear looked for mushrooms, but he did not find any. Since then, those mushrooms that were hiding under the trees have been growing each under their own tree. Remember how it saved him. And now these mushrooms are called Boletus and Boletus. And Ryzhik remained Ryzhik, for being red. That's the whole story!

It's hard for you to figure it out! Les murmured. - A good fairy tale, but only the truth in it - not a bit. And you listen to my fairy tale-true. The roots of the forest also lived under the ground. Not alone - they lived in families: Birch - at the Birch, Aspen - at Aspen, Spruce - at the Christmas tree.

And now, come on, out of nowhere, homeless Roots appeared nearby. Miracle Roots! The thinnest web is thinner. They rummage in rotten leaves, in forest garbage, and what they find edible there, they eat and put aside in reserve. And the Birch Roots stretched out side by side, looking and envying.

We, - they say, - can't get anything out of decay, out of rot. And Divo-Koreshki answered:

You envy us, but they themselves have more goodness than ours.

And they guessed it! For nothing that a cobweb is a cobweb.

Birch Roots received a lot of help from their own Birch Leaves. The leaves sent food down the trunk to them. And from what they prepared this food, you need to ask them yourself. Divo-Koreshki is rich in one. Birch Roots - to others. And they decided to be friends. Divo-Koreshki clung to the Berezovs and entwined them around. And Birch Roots do not remain in debt: what they get, they will share with their comrades.

Since then, they have lived inseparably. And both are beneficial. Divo-Koreshki are growing wider, all stocks are being accumulated. And Birch is growing and getting stronger. Summer is in the middle, Birch Roots boast:

Our Birch's earrings are ruffled, the seeds are flying! And Divo-Roots answer:

That's how! Seeds! So it's time for us to get down to business. No sooner said than done: the gums jumped up on Divo-Koreshki. At first, they are small. But how did they start to grow! The Birch Roots did not have time to say anything, but they had already made their way through the ground. And they turned around in the wild, under Berezka, like young fungi. Legs with black shag. Hats are brown. And from under the caps, mushroom spore seeds are pouring.

The wind mixed them with birch seeds and scattered them through the forest. So the mushroom was related to the Birch. And since then, he has been inseparable from her. For this, they call him the boletus.

That's my whole fairy tale! She is about Boletus, but she is also about Ginger and Boletus. Only Ryzhik chose two trees: a Christmas tree and a Pine.

This is not a funny, but a very amazing tale, - said the girl. - Just think, some kind of baby fungus - and suddenly a giant tree feeds!

By mushrooms

N. Sladkov

I love collecting mushrooms!

You walk through the forest and look, listen, smell. Stroke the trees with your hands. Went here yesterday. I left at noon. First, he walked along the road. At the birch grove turn and - stop.

sweet grove! The trunks are white - close your eyes! The leaves flutter in the breeze like the sun ripples through water.

Under the birches - boletus. The stem is thin, the hat is wide. He closed the bottom of the body with some bright hats. I sat on a stump and listened.

I hear: chirping! This is what I need. I went to the chatter - I came to a pine forest. The pines are red from the sun, as if tanned. Yes, the skin has peeled off. The wind ruffles the peel, and it chirps like a grasshopper. Boletus mushroom in dry forest. With a thick foot he rested on the ground, pulled himself up and raised his head a pile of needles and leaves. The hat is pulled over his eyes, he looks angrily ...

Brown mushrooms laid the second layer in the body. I got up and smelled: the smell of strawberry pulled. I caught a strawberry trickle with my nose and walked as if on a string. Grass hill ahead. In the grass, late strawberries are large, juicy. And it smells like jam is being made here!

Lips began to stick together from strawberries. I'm not looking for mushrooms, not berries, but water. Barely found a stream. The water in it is dark, like strong tea. And this tea is brewed with mosses, heather, fallen leaves and flowers.

Along the stream - aspens. Under the aspens - boletus. Brave guys - in white T-shirts and red skullcaps. I put the third layer in the box - red.

Through the aspen - forest path. It winds, wags and where it leads is not known. Yes, and it doesn't matter! I go - and for each vilyushka: either chanterelles - yellow gramophones, then honey mushrooms - thin legs, then russula - saucers, and then all sorts went: saucers, cups, vases and lids. In vases, cookies are dry leaves. In cups, tea is a forest infusion. The top layer in the box is multi-colored. My body is with a top. And I keep walking: I look, I listen, I smell.

The path is over, the day is over. Clouds covered the sky. No signs either on earth or in heaven. Night, darkness. Went down the path back - got lost. He began to feel the ground with his palm. Felt, felt - felt the path. So I go, but when I get lost, I feel it with my palm. Tired, hands scratched. But here is a slap with a palm - water! Scooped up - a familiar taste. The same stream that is infused with mosses, flowers and herbs. Correctly the palm brought me out. Now I checked it with my tongue! Who will lead further? Then he moved his nose.

The breeze brought the smell from the same mountain on which strawberry jam was cooked during the day. And along the strawberry stream, as if by a thread, I went out to the familiar hill. And from here you can already hear: pine scales chirp in the wind!

Further the ear led. Velo, velo and led to a pine forest. The moon peeped through, lit up the forest. I saw in the valley cheerful birch grove. White trunks glisten in the moonlight - at least squint. Leaves tremble in the breeze like moon ripples on water. He reached the grove by eye. From here there is a direct road to the house. I love collecting mushrooms!

You walk through the forest, and everything is in your business: arms, legs, eyes, and ears. And even the nose and tongue! Breathe, look and smell. Good!

fly agaric

N. Sladkov

The handsome fly agaric looks kinder than Little Red Riding Hood, harmless ladybug. He also looks like a cheerful dwarf in a red beaded cap and lace knickers: he is about to stir, bow in his belt and say something good.

And in fact, although it is poisonous and inedible, it is not entirely bad: many inhabitants of the forest even eat it and do not get sick.

Moose, sometimes, chew, magpies peck, even squirrels, what they really understand about mushrooms, and even those, it happens, dry fly agarics for the winter.

In small proportions, fly agaric, like snake venom, does not poison, but heals. And the birds and animals know this. Know now you too.

But only themselves never - never! - do not try to be treated with fly agaric. Fly agaric, he is still a fly agaric - he can kill him!


O. Chistyakovsky

Once I wanted to visit a distant hillock, where mushrooms grew in abundance. Here, finally, is my cherished place. Graceful young pines rose up the steep slope, covered with whitish dry reindeer moss and already faded heather bushes.

I was seized by the excitement of a true mushroom picker. With a hidden feeling of joy, he approached the foot of the mound. His eyes searched, it seemed, every square centimeter of the earth. I noticed a white fallen thick leg. He picked it up and turned it around in bewilderment. Boletus leg. Where is the hat? Cut it in half - not a single wormhole. After a few steps, I picked up another leg from white fungus. Did the mushroom picker cut off only the hats? I looked around and saw a leg from a russula, and a little further away from a flywheel.

The feeling of joy was replaced by annoyance. 'Cause it's laughter

Pick up a basket of mushroom legs alone, even from mushrooms!

We must go to another place, - I decided, and no longer paid attention to the white and yellow columns that came across every now and then.

He climbed to the top of the mound and sat down to rest on a stump. A squirrel jumped lightly from a pine tree a few paces away. She knocked down a large boletus, which I had just noticed, grabbed her hat with her teeth and walked onto the same pine. She strung her hat on a twig about two meters from the ground, and she herself jumped along the branches, gently swaying them. She jumped to another pine tree, jumped from it into the heather. And again the squirrel is on the tree, only it is already putting its prey between the trunk and the bough.

So that's who picked mushrooms on my way! The animal prepared them for the winter, hanging them on trees to dry. It can be seen that it was more convenient to string hats on knots than fibrous legs.

Is there really nothing left for me in this forest? I went looking for mushrooms in the other direction. And luck awaited me - in less than an hour I scored a full basket of magnificent mushrooms. My nimble rival did not have time to behead them.

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