How to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones? How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones with photos and videos. Names and descriptions of edible and non-edible mushrooms Ways to distinguish edible mushrooms from non-edible ones

Technique and Internet 22.07.2019
Technique and Internet

Who doesn't love fragrant and incredibly tasty mushrooms!? Someone prefers to buy them in supermarkets and at the bazaar, while someone is much more pleasant to eat their own collected prey. However, before starting such a “hunt”, it is worth collecting as much information about mushrooms as possible.

What a Beginner Mushroom Picker Should Know

Every experienced mushroom picker is well aware of the fact that all mushrooms fall into three main categories. The first group consists of absolutely harmless mushrooms, the second is poisonous, the use of its representatives in food can be fatal to humans. But the third includes conditionally edible mushrooms, which require special treatment before being eaten, as a result of which all poisonous and irritating substances are eliminated. And how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible, if we are talking about the first hike in the forest?

What are the features of poisonous mushrooms

Before you start an independent search and collection of mushrooms, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the main signs that may indicate the toxicity of the fungus. Otherwise, the prey brought home can cause severe poisoning of the whole family - and this is at best. So how to distinguish inedible mushrooms? And what kind of information should you have so that only safe and edible mushrooms are in the basket?

  1. Unlike green russula or champignon, pale toadstool is characterized by the presence of white plates with a greenish tint and a bag-like wrap near the base of the leg, as well as the absence of the smell familiar to mushrooms.
  2. If instead of a porcini mushroom it was plucked satanic mushroom, then on the cut it will first turn pink, and then acquire a blue tint. But a dubovik similar to this mushroom will begin to turn blue immediately.
  3. False valuu has no ribbed edges, and its flesh has a smell similar to horseradish or radish.
  4. If a poisonous pepper mushroom gets into the basket, then it will give itself out as redness.
  5. In false chanterelles, the color is brighter, they are characterized by red-orange large plates.

But if it is still not clear how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, then it would be wiser to go mushroom picking in the company of experienced mushroom pickers.

Oh those bastards...

If it’s hard enough to figure out how to distinguish false mushrooms the first time, then identifying a fly agaric or grebe is not difficult. First of all, it should be noted that all varieties of these mushrooms have a pronounced spherical bulb located at the bottom of the leg. And what is especially important, the leg (or rather the lower part) of such a mushroom is wrapped in a thin white film with torn edges. But edible mushrooms cannot boast of such an unusual “decoration”.

False white mushroom: how to recognize the "imposter"

Surely many people are well aware of what a white mushroom looks like, but there are many species similar to it that are unsuitable for eating. And how to distinguish false white mushrooms?

As in the case of boletus (the so-called white mushroom), bitterness is characterized by the presence of a massive leg, swollen at the base. The tubular layer located under the hat can also be misleading. And in order to find out how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, a more detailed examination of the stem will be required:

  • In order to accurately determine which mushroom is caught, you need to cut it off and wait for further reactions. If it turned out to be a gall fungus, then the cut will turn pink.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the very top of the leg: the presence of a dark mesh is characteristic of the gall fungus.
  • Another feature of the gall fungus is its pinkish or off-white tubular layer.
  • The most eloquent sign is the taste of the mushroom - false porcini mushrooms are very bitter, even after careful heat treatment.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers: what to expect from a poisonous mushroom

If advice on how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones did not help, and their poisonous species got into the basket, then you should have an idea of ​​​​how exactly such a mushroom will affect the body.

Depending on the nature of the impact on the body, poisonous mushrooms are divided into the following groups:

  1. Mushrooms that contain local poison (not fully cooked autumn mushrooms, poisonous red champignon, etc.). They cause eating disorders, the first symptoms of which appear after eating within the first 2 hours.
  2. Mushrooms that contain poison that acts on nerve centers (red and panther fly agaric, mushrooms belonging to the genus Inocybe). Within 2 hours after eating such a mushroom, diarrhea, vomiting, and profuse sweating appear. The person seems to be in an intoxicated state, which is accompanied by bouts of crying, laughter and hallucinations.
  3. Mushrooms containing poison, whose effect affects the kidneys, liver and other internal organs important for human life. Such dangerous varieties of mushrooms include gray-yellow mushrooms, pale grebes, etc.

How to learn to understand mushrooms?

Greetings , dear readers!

When you pick mushrooms, you walk through the forest, breathe clean air, cleanse your lungs, inhale the aromas of the forest, get a huge amount of positive emotions from the leaves, the forest, a full basket.

Mushrooms can be fragrant, tasty and poisonous. How to collect, process and cook mushrooms in order to avoid poisoning?

So say toxicologists, mushroom poisoning occurs all year round, despite the fact that the season is only spring, summer and autumn.

At first, people, unfortunately, poison themselves with mushrooms that they collect in the forest, in the field, then they begin to poison themselves with their canned preparations. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow the advice.

Mushroom poisoning is a great tragedy, because, as a rule, people get poisoned big companies, families, losses are very heavy.

In late spring - early summer, the very first mushrooms appear in central Russia: morels and lines.

They look like small lumps of earth, sometimes it is difficult to notice them. They are very fragrant, tasty, but at the same time poisonous.

I must say that all mushrooms have toxins, which are present in one quantity or another even in our most beloved mushrooms: white, boletus, boletus, etc.

Morels and lines have poison, which has one peculiarity - it dissolves when these mushrooms are boiled. You can never cook soups from spring mushrooms.

Before preparing any dishes from these mushrooms, they must first be boiled for 40 minutes, then drained and boiled again for 10 minutes.

Only after that they can either be fried or make mushroom sauce.

Remember, if you bought morels and lines, you should never cook soup from them!

Every good mushroom has its poisonous counterpart!

When picking mushrooms, you need to be very careful. Interesting advice how to learn to understand mushrooms.

After going for mushrooms, it is necessary to decompose them into varieties: mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, chanterelles, etc.

If an inedible poisonous double is caught, then in a bunch of brothers it immediately stands out, because in the forest in the heat of the hunt you can not notice it.

Even the most noble mushroom - white - has its own poisonous counterpart - this is a Polish mushroom.

When he lies down, his leg begins to turn red, under the hat he has a different color than white fungus, so it immediately stands out.

The same applies to all other mushrooms, when you sort the mushrooms into piles, you will immediately see which mushroom to throw away.

There is one immutable rule in the rules of mushroom picking - if you doubt any mushroom, it must be thrown away immediately.

Another tip regarding agaric mushrooms: russula, chanterelles, etc.

There is a dangerous and poisonous counterpart of these mushrooms - pale grebe.

Its hat has a grayish-green color, unlike russula, it has a thickening on the leg below. Therefore, all mushrooms must be collected with legs.

If you can't see the stem of the mushroom, you won't be able to tell the difference between a very poisonous pale grebe and a good russula.

In truth, russula are conditionally edible mushrooms, especially this rule applies to lavender, greenish russula.

It is better to collect russula pink, orange, red ... you can’t go wrong with them.

The pale toadstool is such a poisonous mushroom that if you pick it up and see that there is a thickening on the leg, in no case put it in the basket.

If you held this mushroom in your hands, and then there is no way to wash your hands, in no case do not touch your mouth, lips, nose, eyes with them.

The toxins are so strong that through the mucous membranes you can launch this poison into the body and get poisoned.

If, out of ignorance, one of you picked a pale toadstool and it fell into the basket, all the mushrooms must be thrown away.

The poison of the pale grebe is so strong that even its proximity to a good mushroom makes it poisonous.

Pale grebe poisoning begins to appear after a day.

There are sharp pains in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, the temperature drops sharply. Nothing can be done at this time.

The poisons of the pale toadstool kill the liver and kidneys. If possible, such a person needs a kidney transplant, then there will be a chance to save him.

But if there is no possibility to perform an operation, the probability of saving a person's life is very small.

So, be extremely careful, collect mushrooms with legs!

It is possible to distinguish a pale grebe from a russula only by a thickening on the lower part of the leg.

overripe mushrooms

Sometimes the mushrooms are overripe. The mushroom looks good, not wormy, and in addition very large.

From one mushroom you can cook potatoes or cook soup.

Such mushrooms cannot be torn! Overripe mushrooms are spoiled protein. Unlike meat and fish, which are rotten and have a very unpleasant odor, fungal spoilage does not manifest itself in any way.

He talks about spoilage of the fungus big size, softness, lack of elasticity.

Such mushrooms can harm the body. Mushroom protein is very difficult to digest.

It is similar to the protein that forms the shells of beetles, crabs, shrimp - chitin.

This protein must be processed for a very long time so that there is no heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract.

If you want to fry mushrooms, they must first be boiled for an hour.

Who shouldn't eat mushrooms?

Mushrooms are considered a low-calorie food. Depending on the variety, a kilogram of mushrooms has 350-380 kcal, and a piece of meat - 4000 kcal.

However, due to the fact that the protein of mushrooms is very difficult to digest, long-term processing and other indications are needed.

Mushrooms are not considered a dietary product.

Mushrooms should not be eaten by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas. It is also not recommended to give mushrooms to children under 7-8 years old.

They have a very unstable gastrointestinal tract, biliary dyskinesia often occurs, eating mushrooms can exacerbate the disease and harm the child.

Mushrooms should not be given to people suffering from the above diseases.

But if people want to lose weight, then mushrooms are just the right product, it is a protein that gives energy, flavor, pleasant food that can be used.

Mushrooms can be suitable for people with a healthy gastrointestinal tract. If there are diseases, mushrooms are contraindicated!

We love picking mushrooms so much - this activity can rightly be called "silent hunting."

City dwellers are often deprived of movement, and this is very harmful to health.

Picking mushrooms is useful not only for food, it is movement, clean air ...

Aesthetic enjoyment of nature and your catch,

to be proud of, which I wish everyone!

The mushroom world is a special and unique corner of wildlife.

Scientists are still trying to figure out ... this complex algorithm of life

However, for a simple visitor to the forest, the main question remains the same, namely: “is it possible to eat this plucked mushroom or not”?

There are more than five million species of mushrooms in the world, but this is not the limit, as this list is gradually increasing. We invite you on a tour of wonderful world mushrooms...

An interesting fact is that mushrooms are not exactly plants, they are assigned to a separate group called "Fungi or Mycota". The subject that studies the science of fungi and classifies these species is called "mycology". In these living subjects, previously considered plants, signs of animals were found.

So, these biological species are:


Conditionally edible (mostly classified as inedible),

And poisonous.

If we turn to statistics, it turns out that edible mushrooms, in wildlife, are represented by a minimal list, but inedible and poisonous ones are in the majority. Therefore, before collecting, and even more so preparing food from them, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the classification and types.

Advice! If you are unsure about the safety of the mushrooms you have collected, do not use them. Better yet, buy a fork of white cabbage and cook cabbage rolls with rice and vegetables. So you protect yourself and your loved ones from severe poisoning.

Often, mushroom pickers collect "morshell mushrooms" lines and morels, as well as an ordinary false raincoat, however, these are poisonous mushrooms, due to which severe intoxication can be obtained.

Edible mushrooms?

Mushrooms that can be eaten begin to be harvested in the spring, while in the summer “gentlemen with hats” appear after heavy rains and the collection ends in mid-autumn with the appearance of the first frosts.

Edible trophies of silent hunting are divided into:


And plate.

Important! Everyone without exception edible mushrooms there are inedible or poisonous counterparts that you should know.

And also, when collecting these trophies, it is imperative to take into account the surrounding ecology, edible mushrooms in an unfavorable place acquire poisonous properties.

These disadvantaged areas include:
1. The proximity of industrial enterprises.

2. Chemical plants.

3. Highways.

4. Zones poisoned by radioactive elements.

5. The proximity of large cities and towns.

Mushrooms growing near places where waste and toxic substances are released into aquatic, terrestrial or atmospheric environments become poisonous without exception.

It's connected with physical feature mushrooms, because they are "accumulators" (and in various concentrations) of mercury, lead, cadmium, phenols and other heavy metals and toxic substances. Under such conditions, even edible "gentlemen in hats" will become dangerous to your health.

If the plant is overripe and has begun to decompose, it automatically falls under the category of poisonous. If the technology of preparation for pickling and preservation is violated, mushrooms also become unusable.
What do tubular mushrooms look like? From the name you can guess that such individuals have tubules, namely: this is a tubular layer of pulp, which is located on the inside of the cap.

Edible tubular mushrooms include the most delicious and popular types:

All kinds of whites







But among tubular individuals there are inedible and even poisonous species mushrooms:



Dubovik speckled.

Dubovik olive-brown.

Shyshkogryb flaky.

Almost all edible tubular types of mushrooms large size, and an ideal mushroom shape, they are fragrant, having excellent taste qualities. Such plants are suitable for freezing, drying and canning.

This type of mushroom is perhaps the most extensive, many lamellar ones are poisonous. The most famous grebes are lamellar, such "harmful gentlemen with hats" include:

6. Pale grebe (deadly dangerous mushroom, even if a small piece of food gets into it, it can poison the whole family, so do not pluck or touch this mushroom).

7. Various fly agarics (some of them are not poisonous, but hallucinogenic).

8. Some types of russula (for example, russula is burning-caustic with a bright red cap - causes severe vomiting).

9. Value false.

10. Yellow champignon.

11. Champignon Romagnesi.

12. Almost all entaloms (there are different colors).

13. And also an orange-red talker - similar to a fox.

Mushrooms grow in certain areas and each species has its own preferences for the choice of soil cover and proximity to other plants. In particular, these "creatures" are symbionts and live in close interaction with trees and shrubs, and some species are "friends" even with grasses and mosses.


2017-07-12 Igor Novitsky

Those who studied well at school remember that mushrooms are a separate group of living organisms that do not belong to either plants or animals. Although there are many varieties of mushrooms, ordinary person the term "mushrooms" refers almost exclusively to wild mushrooms. Among them there are many edible species, which form an important part of the Russian culinary tradition.

Nutritional value of edible mushrooms

Mushrooms are not plants or animals, and therefore their taste has nothing to do with plant foods or meat. Edible mushrooms have their own no matter what similar taste, which is called "mushroom". By nutritional value they are closer to meat than to plants. Mushrooms are rich in protein, carbohydrates and various trace elements. They also contain special enzymes that promote digestion and better absorption of nutrients.

If we do not take into account the general taxonomic classification of all mushrooms in general, then there is no unified world classification of edible mushrooms. This is due not only to differences in culinary traditions among different peoples, but also with climatic features individual countries influencing the species composition of mushrooms in a particular region. In addition, the names of edible mushrooms usually combine several certain types with different external characteristics which also complicates the classification.

In Russia, they mainly use the Soviet scale of nutritional value for edible mushrooms, according to which all types are divided into four categories:

  1. The first category includes types of edible mushrooms that have the maximum value and rich rich taste. For example, boletus, yellow mushroom, real camelina.
  2. The second category includes slightly less delicious mushrooms with significantly lower nutritional value - boletus, boletus, champignons.
  3. The third category includes edible mushrooms of Russia with a mediocre taste and mediocre nutritional value - green flywheel, russula, honey agarics.
  4. The fourth category is mushrooms with minimal nutritional value and dubious palatability. This, for example, motley flywheel, raincoat, oyster mushroom.
  • Edible mushrooms. They do not require mandatory heat treatment and are theoretically suitable for consumption even raw without any risk.
  • Conditionally edible mushrooms. This category includes mushrooms that are not suitable for eating raw due to toxins or an unpleasant taste, but are edible after special processing (boiling, soaking, drying, etc.) Also included here are mushrooms that are edible only in young age, or capable of causing poisoning in combination with other products (for example, dung beetle mushroom should not be consumed with alcohol).
  • Inedible mushrooms. They are completely safe for the human body, but due to bad taste, hard pulp, or for other reasons, they are not of culinary interest. Often in other countries they have a description of edible mushrooms or conditionally edible.
  • Poison mushrooms. This group includes those types of mushrooms from which it is impossible to remove toxins at home, and therefore their consumption is extremely dangerous.

For Russians, mushrooms are not only a delicious dish, always relevant both on the festive table and on weekdays. Mushroom hunting is also a favorite outdoor activity for many. Unfortunately, most townspeople and even many villagers have forgotten the centuries-old experience of their ancestors and are completely unable to determine which mushrooms are edible and which are not. That is why every year dozens and even hundreds of inexperienced mushroom pickers all over Russia die, poisoned by poisonous mushrooms, mistakenly mistaking them for edible ones.

It should be noted right away that there are no single universal rules for how to distinguish edible mushrooms from their poisonous counterparts. Each type of mushroom has its own patterns, which are often not applicable to other species. For this reason, one should follow general rules behavior recommended by experts.

So, if looking at the fly agaric, you are not quite sure whether the mushroom is edible in front of you, then before you go on a “silent hunt”, listen to the following recommendations:

  • If possible, take an experienced mushroom picker with you to supervise the mushroom picking process. Alternatively, "trophies" can be shown to him for control already upon returning from the forest.
  • Study as carefully as possible one or two (no more!) Types of edible mushrooms most common in your region. Moreover, it is desirable to find out what edible mushrooms look like by seeing them with your own eyes, and not on the monitor screen. Well memorize their differences from all possible twins. Going to the forest, collect only these mushrooms you know and no others.
  • Do not take mushrooms that cause you the slightest doubt about their species.
  • Having found a "family" of mushrooms, look at the largest specimens. Firstly, it is easier to determine the species from them, and secondly, if they are wormy, then the mushrooms are edible. There are no worms in deadly poisonous mushrooms. True, they can easily end up in falsely edible mushrooms of an average level of toxicity.
  • Until you gain experience, collect only tubular mushrooms - porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus. There are very few in this group. poisonous mushrooms, which cannot be said about lamellar varieties of edible mushrooms.
  • Never taste raw mushrooms. He will not tell you anything, but if a poisonous mushroom comes across, then you can easily get poisoned.

The most common edible and non-edible mushrooms

White mushroom, or boletus, is the best representative of the group of unconditionally edible mushrooms of the first category of nutritional value. Although it has a fairly characteristic appearance, by which it is easy to recognize it, the mushroom has an inedible twin - the gall fungus or mustard. Edible porcini mushrooms can be identified by their thick cylindrical stalk and reddish-brown cap. The flesh of the boletus always remains white, while the gall fungus differs in that at the break, its flesh acquires a pink tint, and the mushroom itself is very bitter.

Red boletus - also very popular edible among Russians Forest mushrooms. They have a dense brown-red hat. They are easy to distinguish from other mushrooms by the flesh, which quickly turns blue at the cut point. Despite the name, they can grow not only next to aspens, but also with others. deciduous trees(never next to conifers). But for safety, it is better to collect such mushrooms only under aspens and poplars. However, the boletus is quite difficult to confuse with other mushrooms, since it does not have false twins.

Butterfish are very loved and popular in Russia. They can be found by yellow legs, and the cap is covered with a sticky brown skin that can be easily removed with a knife. Under the cap is a characteristic tubular structure. As a rule, when they talk about edible tubular mushrooms, they mean oil. Mature mushrooms are almost always wormy, which is also a good sign.

Chanterelles have a rather unusual appearance, by which they are easily identified among other edible mushrooms in the forest. However, they have a very similar double, which you identify by a more saturated orange hue (the edible mushroom is lighter), a hollow stem (in a real one it is dense and solid) and white secretions on the broken cap.

Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms known for their characteristic rich taste. Since in fact several types of mushrooms are called honey mushrooms at once, it is sometimes difficult to give them a single description. For safety, it is recommended to collect only those mushrooms that grow exclusively in roots, on stumps and on fallen trunks. They have caps of ocher color with scales on it and a white ring on the stem. False mushrooms are also several types of mushrooms. Honey mushrooms should be avoided if they grow on the ground, their hat has a yellow or brown-red tint and is devoid of scales. While real honey mushrooms have whitish plates, false mushrooms have olive, dark gray or brownish ones. Also, there is no ringlet on the leg of the false feather.

Russula - widespread edible mushrooms middle lane. This name is used for several species at once, the differences of which from inedible relatives are the presence of an easily removable skin on the caps.

Earlier, we have already noted that for safety, a novice mushroom picker should limit himself to a detailed study of one or two edible mushrooms, for which he goes into the forest. But information about edible mushrooms is not all you need to know. You should also familiarize yourself with the description of the main most common poisonous mushrooms, which, for sure, will be encountered during the “silent hunt”.

Of the one and a half hundred poisonous mushrooms found on the territory of Russia, only a few species are deadly poisonous. The rest cause either food poisoning or lead to disorders. nervous system. But since this can hardly be considered a mitigating circumstance, every mushroom picker should know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. And this is impossible without a good knowledge of the actually poisonous mushrooms.

As statistics show, most often Russians are poisoned by pale toadstool. This is one of the most poisonous and at the same time the most common mushrooms in the country. Inexperienced mushroom pickers mistake it for champignons, russula and other edible agaric mushrooms. The toadstool can be recognized by the yellow-brown, dirty green, light olive and often snow-white (young mushrooms) color of the caps. Usually a little darker in the center of the cap and lighter at the edge. On the underside of the cap are white soft plates. There is a ring on the leg.

False honey agaric can be found on the roots and stumps of trees, which is why beginners confuse it with real honey agaric and other edible mushrooms on trees. The fungus causes food poisoning, and therefore is not as dangerous as the toadstool. It can be distinguished from real mushrooms by color (not brown, but light orange or yellowish) and the absence of a ring on the leg (real mushrooms have it right under the hat).

Amanitas in our minds are synonymous with poisonous mushrooms. At the same time, an ordinary citizen imagines a typical picture - a large fleshy mushroom with a bright red cap with white specks and a white leg. In fact, only one of more than 600 species of fly agaric looks like this. By the way, the pale grebe formally also refers to the fly agaric. So, in addition to the well-known red fly agaric and grebe, one should also be wary of green fly agaric, smelly fly agaric, panther fly agaric and white fly agaric. Outwardly, some of them are very similar to edible mushrooms in September. The probability of meeting them in the forest is quite high.

Satanic mushroom is found mainly in the south and in Primorye. It is toxic, although it rarely leads to death. The mushroom is quite large, has an irregularly shaped hat and a massive leg. The leg can have various shades of red. The color of the cap also varies: most often there are mushrooms with a white, dirty gray or olive cap. Sometimes it can look very much like some edible mushrooms in Primorsky Krai, in particular, a boletus.

The thin pig is a harmful, although not deadly, mushroom. For a long time experts did not have a consensus on whether the pig is an edible mushroom or not. It was only about 30 years ago that it was finally removed from the list of edibles, as it was proven that it destroys the kidneys and causes food poisoning. It can be recognized by its fleshy, flattened hat with a curved edge. Young individuals are distinguished by an olive color of the hat, older ones are gray-brown or rusty-brown. The stalk is olive or gray-yellow and slightly lighter than the cap, or close to it in color.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


How many amateurs are waiting for the start of the season to walk through the forest in search of mushrooms or buttercups. Fry chanterelles, pickle milk mushrooms, marinate boletus to taste for winter festive table. Unfortunately, not everything ends well if you do not know whether you have collected. Armed with useful knowledge of how to distinguish inedible species, every mushroom eater is obliged.

How to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones

You should not go into the forest if you do not know how to determine whether a mushroom is poisonous or not. Ask an experienced person to take you on a quiet hunt. In the forest more often he will tell about edible varieties, show how they look. Read books or find information on websites. Only in this way will you protect your loved ones and yourself from mortal danger. Even one inedible specimen in the basket can lead to trouble if you do not distinguish it and cook it together with others.

Inedible species are dangerous because they can provoke food poisoning, cause disruption of the central nervous system, and lead to death. Experienced mushroom pickers recommend following the rules when collecting:

  • do not taste - you can instantly get poisoned;
  • do not take if in doubt;
  • do not cut dry, overripe specimens - it is difficult to determine their belonging;
  • do not collect everything in the hope of sorting it out at home;
  • visit the forest with experienced people;
  • do not collect specimens with a stem thickened at the bottom;
  • Refresh your knowledge of species features before departure.

What do edible mushrooms look like?

Experienced lovers of quiet forest hunting know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. You can’t go wrong, you can put the copy you like in the basket, and then cook it if:

  • there is a "skirt" on the leg;
  • under the cap is a layer of a tubular type;
  • a pleasant smell emanates from it;
  • hats have a characteristic appearance and color for their variety;
  • insects were noticed on the surface - bugs and worms.

There are varieties that are very famous and popular in the middle forest belt. They are known, collected, although among them there are specimens that have dangerous doubles. To get a unique taste, different methods of preparation are required. Favorite species include:

  • white - boletus;
  • breast;
  • camelina;
  • boletus;
  • honey agaric;
  • boletus;
  • oiler;
  • wave;
  • fox;
  • russula.

What mushrooms are poisonous

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible? Poisonous varieties are often recognized by the following features:

  • color - have an unusual or very bright color;
  • adhesive cap in some varieties;
  • discoloration of the legs - when cut, an unnatural color appears;
  • the absence of worms and insects inside and on the surface - they do not tolerate mushroom poison;
  • smell - it can be fetid, medicinal, chlorine;
  • the absence of a tubular layer under the cap.

Inedible varieties contain toxic substances. It is necessary to carefully collect, to know the special signs of dangerous specimens in order to distinguish them:

  • pale grebe - deadly poisonous, has a hat of greenish or olive color, a leg thickened downwards;
  • satanic - different from white in red tones;
  • fly agaric red - has a bright hat with white dots, provokes the destruction of brain cells;
  • thin pig - has a hallucinogenic property when interacting with alcohol;
  • fly agaric smelly - has the smell of chlorine, very poisonous.

How to distinguish mushrooms

Among the variety of species, one can find poisonous specimens - twins, similar to species suitable for consumption. How to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms in this case? The resemblance may be distant or very close. Twins have the following edible varieties:

  • white - satanic, bile;
  • mossiness mushrooms, boletus - pepper;
  • chanterelles - false chanterelles;
  • milk mushrooms - waxy talkers;
  • champignons - fly agaric;
  • mushrooms - false mushrooms.

How to distinguish a false white mushroom

Inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse a strong boletus with false species, although they are not very similar. A real white copy is strong, dense, grows in groups, sometimes making up a path. It is distinguished by a hat, from below it is exclusively olive, yellow, white. Its flesh is firm, dense, the smell is pleasant. If you make a cut, it will be white.

There are two types of falsehoods:

  • Biliary - has a shade of pinkish color. There is a dark mesh on the surface of the leg.
  • Satanic - with a strong smell of rotten onions, it has a velvety hat, yellow or red flesh. The leg is thickened at the bottom. It has a very bright color that varies in height from rich red to shades of green and yellow.

How to recognize a false chanterelle mushroom

How to determine edible and inedible mushrooms, if both look bright and elegant? What are similar and by what signs can chanterelles be distinguished? For an inedible variety, the following are characteristic:

  • a bright, velvety, orange-colored hat;
  • smaller diameter - about 2.5 cm;
  • pulp with an unpleasant odor;
  • leg tapering downward;
  • a hat that looks like a funnel with smooth edges;
  • the absence of worms - the composition contains chitinmannose - an anthelmintic substance.

Edible chanterelles grow in groups in mixed, coniferous forests. They often have large specimens with a hat up to 10 cm. They are distinguished by:

  • thick dense leg, which is never hollow;
  • the hat is lowered down, has bumpy edges, the color is soft - from light yellow to pale orange;
  • the plates are dense, go down to the leg;
  • the flesh is red when pressed.

How to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms

Of particular difficulty is the correct definition of mushrooms, since they collect several edible varieties that have different forms. They grow on stumps, tree trunks, in the grass, often large groups. Good mushrooms can be distinguished by:

  • hats from light beige to Brown color with scales of a dark shade;
  • leg ring;
  • cream or white plates under the hat;
  • pleasant smell.

Inedible mushrooms often grow singly. The difference from edible ones is the absence of a ring on the leg. Other features of inedible varieties:

  • brightly colored hat, red, orange, rusty brown, sticky and smooth after rain;
  • the plates are dark - green olive-black, yellow;
  • moldy smell;
  • spots on the hat in black.

Video: how to check mushrooms for edibility

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