Nutritional composition and biological value of cereals. Groats

Interesting 11.07.2020

The nutritional and biological properties of cereals depend on the type of grain crop and the nature of the technological processing to which they are subjected. The level of grain release from the peripheral parts affects the degree of assimilation of cereals.

Cereals have a high energy value, they are high in carbohydrates and low in water. Different types of cereals differ significantly in individual indicators of biological value. Some are richer in proteins, vitamins, minerals, ballast compounds, others are poorer in them, but are better absorbed and suitable for children and therapeutic diets. Cereals are an important source of protein. Buckwheat and oatmeal are high in protein. Rice is characterized by a lower protein content, however, according to the amino acid composition, rice protein is most favorably balanced. Millet protein is characterized by a low content of lysine, it is much less in oatmeal and barley groats. There is little tryptophan in corn; almost all cereals are poor in methionine. Maize proteins are difficult for the action of digestive enzymes, especially peptides containing proline. At the same time, corn porridge is used in appropriate diets to suppress microbiological processes in the intestines, since it has an antimicrobial effect.

The chemical composition of cereals depends on the type of grain used and production technology. Cereals, in comparison with grain, have a greater nutritional value, since during their production, grain is freed from less valuable parts. There is little fat in cereals; the exception is oatmeal, which contains up to 6% lipids; they include lecithin, tocopherols; -sitosterol is found in significant amounts in buckwheat.

Carbohydrates in cereals consist mainly of starch. Many cereals contain derivatives of carbohydrates - mucous substances (for example, lichenin in oatmeal). When consuming such products, the digestion of proteins improves; mucus substances are gentle irritants of the walls of the digestive canal, they are used in the diet for its diseases.

Many cereals are sources of B vitamins, mainly thiamine, niacin and, to a lesser extent, riboflavin. The greatest amount of thiamine is found in millet, buckwheat and oatmeal. Buckwheat has a high taste properties and has a rich vitamin composition. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) in it is 5 times more than in semolina, and 2 times more than in pearl barley. According to the content of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), buckwheat is 2½ times higher than all other cereals. There is also a lot of nicotinamide in buckwheat. Almost 4-5 times less vitamin B1 in semolina and rice cereals. Niacin is most of all in buckwheat - done. Corn contains β-carotene.

Of the minerals, cereals are the richest in potassium and phosphorus. The latter is 6-10 times higher than the calcium content. Magnesium is found in significant quantities in millet, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat (kernel) cereals; poorer in this element are semolina, rice, and corn. There is a lot of iron in cereals, but it is poorly absorbed due to the presence of phytin. Least of all minerals in semolina and rice cereals.

The digestibility of nutrients in cereals differs sharply depending on their type. Semolina and rice cereals are the easiest to digest, as they have little fiber. Easily digested sago is a cereal that consists of gelatinized potato or corn starch. She has great importance for nutrition of children, especially weakened ones. Less digestible substances in buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals rich in ballast compounds. Drying buckwheat before cooking impairs the absorption of nutrients in finished form, and therefore this technique is used to feed obese people.

Groats- this is a whole or crushed grain, completely or partially freed from shells, aleurone layer and germ. The cereal has a high nutritional value. Since it contains biologically active substances - essential amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts.

Basic integral part all types of cereals are carbohydrates (60-80%). The highest content of starch differ cereals from rice, wheat, corn. An important component of cereals of all types are protein substances (on average 12%). Most complete protein in cereals from legumes; according to the content of essential amino acids, cereals from buckwheat, rice, and oats are also valuable. There is little fat in cereals (1-2%), with the exception of cereals from oats, millet, and corn. Fiber in cereals from 0.2% (in semolina) to 2.8% (in oatmeal); fiber reduces the quality of cereals and their digestibility. In addition, cereals contain minerals and some vitamins. Thus, with a variety of cereals in the diet, the human body receives in sufficient quantities all the substances necessary for its growth and development.

To obtain cereals, the grain is cleaned of impurities. In the production of cereals from oats, buckwheat, corn, peas, hydrothermal treatment (steam under pressure) and drying can be used. This treatment facilitates the collapse of the grain, increases the stability during storage and reduces the cooking time (fast-cooking cereals). Sorting of grain by size provides better caving and crushing of grain. Collapse (peeling) is the removal of flower films (millet, rice, barley, oats), fruit shells (buckwheat, wheat) and seed (peas). Sorting after peeling increases the yield of cereals, improves its appearance. For a more thorough removal of the fruit and seed coats and partially the aleurone layer and the germ, the groats are polished, which gives the groats a good presentation. Then the groats are cleaned of impurities, the flour is sifted, the broken grains are sifted out and sorted, and the barley, wheat and corn groats are sorted on sieves according to the size corresponding to the groats number, after which the groats are packed.

Millet groats. Polished millet is produced from millet - this is the kernel of millet, freed from flower films and partially from fruit, seed coats and the germ. By quality it is divided into the highest, 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. Depending on the variety, the color of millet is light or bright yellow, the consistency is from powdery to glassy. Vitreous millet with a large kernel of bright yellow color is considered the best. Millet proteins are not valuable enough, so it is better to use it in combination with cottage cheese, milk, eggs and meat. In cooking, millet is used for casseroles, cereals, soups, puddings, minced meats. It is boiled for 25-30 minutes, increases in volume by 4-6 times.

Buckwheat. From buckwheat they produce a kernel and prodel. Uncooked buckwheat is whole kernels of unsteamed buckwheat, separated from the fruit shells, cream-colored with a yellowish or greenish tint. The quick-cooking kernel is produced from steamed buckwheat grains with the removal of fruit shells, brown color. The unground and quick-cooking kernels are divided by quality into I, 2, 3 grades. Prodel is split kernels of unsteamed and steamed buckwheat (prodel (fast-cooking). Prodel is not divided into varieties. Buckwheat is quickly boiled soft, increasing in volume by several times. Proteins of buckwheat contain all the essential amino acids. The presence of minerals important for the body and vitamins characterizes it as a product for medical and dietary nutrition.

Oat groats. From oats produce steamed oatmeal uncrushed and oatmeal flattened groats. Uncrushed oatmeal - a product that has undergone steaming, peeling and grinding. The color of the groats is grayish-yellow in various shades. The quality of cereals is of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. Rolled oat groats have a corrugated surface and a white-gray color. It is obtained as a result of flattening of oatmeal, not crushed, previously steamed. "In terms of quality, it is divided into the highest, 1st and 2nd grades. Flakes are also produced from oats - Hercules, petal and Extra. Oat flakes Hercules and petal are produced from premium oatmeal, and Extra flakes - from class I oats by additional steaming , flattening on smooth rollers and drying.

Oatmeal- these are oat kernels finely ground into flour, pre-soaked, steamed and dried. Color from light cream to cream, uniform, soft texture. Use it without heat treatment in combination with hot or cold milk or yogurt.

oatmeal used for the preparation of puree soups, viscous cereals, milk and mucous soups, casseroles. Oatmeal is boiled for 60-80 minutes (except for flakes). Porridges from them are obtained slimy, dense.

Rice groats. According to the processing method, rice can be polished and crushed. Polished rice has a slightly rough grain surface, white color with single grains of various color shades. According to the content of a benign kernel, impurities and unhulled kernels, polished rice is divided into grades extra, highest, 1, 2 and 3rd. Rice crushed - these are split kernels less than 2/3 of a normal grain. It is obtained from the production of polished rice. They are not divided into varieties. Rice also produces cereals: fast-cooking (cooking time 10 minutes); clean rice (which has undergone special processing and does not require sorting, washing before cooking); rice Zdorovye - enriched with vitamins and mineral elements, etc. Rice groats are characterized by good consumer properties, as they contain little fiber and ash elements and a lot of starch. They are widely used in children's and dietary nutrition. Cooking time for rice is 20-30 minutes, while it increases in volume by 5-6 times.

Wheat groats. Produced from wheat semolina, polished cereals (Poltava and Artek) and wheat flakes. Semolina is obtained in mills by varietal grinding of wheat into flour. Grain particles 1-1.5 mm in size are pure endosperm. According to the type of wheat supplied for grinding, semolina is divided into grades: "M" - from soft, "T" - from durum and "MT" - from a mixture of soft and durum wheat. Groats brand "M" - opaque, mealy, white. Groats brand "T" has yellowish particles, ribbed, with vitreous yellow edges. Groats brand "MT" consists of heterogeneous in color and shape of particles of cream or yellowish color.

Semolina has a high energy value, but is poor in vitamins and minerals, quickly boils soft - in 4-8 minutes. Polished cereals are produced from hard or soft glassy wheats. According to the size of the grains, they are divided into two types: Poltava and Artek. Poltava groats are a whole or crushed polished kernel of wheat. By size, the kernels are divided into four numbers: No. 1, 2 - large grains of an elongated or oval shape, No. 3, 4 - small spherical grains. Artek is crushed small wheat kernels 0.5 mm in size, which are obtained by screening Poltava groats.

Wheat groats(especially Poltava) gives a crumbly porridge of good taste; boiled for 15-60 minutes (depending on the size of the cereal), increases in volume by 4-5 times.

Barley groats- barley and barley. Pearl barley is divided into five numbers according to the size of the grains: No. 1.2 - elongated and well-polished kernels with rounded ends, No. 3, 4 and 5 - spherical; color from white to yellowish, sometimes with a greenish tinge. Barley groats are cooked for 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of groats), increasing in volume by 5-6 times. The porridge turns out to be friable, but when cooled it becomes hard, since the starch that has swollen during cooking easily releases water. Barley groats are produced in three numbers (No. 1, 2, 3). These are unpolished crushed barley kernels of multifaceted irregular shape. Groats contain more than pearl barley, fiber and minerals, worse (absorbed by the body. It boils for 40-45 minutes, increasing in volume by about 5 times.

Corn grits. Depending on the size of the grains, the following types of cereals are produced: corn polished and crushed. Polished groats have five size numbers (No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The shape of the grains is different, but mostly rounded, white or yellow. Porridge from corn grits turns out to be tough, with a specific taste, boils for about an hour, increases in volume by 3-4 times. Crushed cereals have a grain size of at least 5 mm and are used for the production of corn flakes.

Bean groats. From the grain of legumes produce: whole polished peas and split polished peas. The color of peas is yellow or green. Polished whole peas are undivided rounded cotyledons with a smooth surface, cooking time 30-60 minutes. With a 2-fold increase in volume, boiled peas are a puree-like product. Split polished peas are divided cotyledons with a smooth, slightly tormented surface and rounded ribs.

Requirements for the quality of cereals. The quality of cereals is determined by color (a change in the color of cereals is a sign of a deterioration in its quality and the beginning of spoilage); taste and smell, which should be characteristic of this type of cereal, without foreign odors and tastes (the appearance of a musty or moldy smell, sour and bitter taste indicate its staleness and spoilage). Only oatmeal has a specific slight aftertaste of bitterness. Moisture content of cereals should be 10-14%. The main indicator by which cereals are divided into varieties is the content of a benign kernel in them, which indicates the amount of full-fledged cereals in a given batch and its degree of purity. Thus, the higher the quality of the cereal, the greater the percentage of a benign kernel. Weed and mineral impurities are normalized. It is not allowed to infect cereals with granary pests (weevil, tick, beetle and moth).

Storage cereals can become rancid, moldy, they can acquire a musty, putrid smell, a bitter taste, as well as a decrease in nutritional value.

Packed cereal in clean dry bags weighing no more than 50 kg, packages. Groats are stored at a temperature not exceeding 18°C ​​and a relative humidity of 65-70%. Guaranteed storage periods for cereals have not been established, but in terms of trade with proper storage cereals can be stored for up to a year (and oatmeal - no more than 4 months).

  1. Bread: classification, chemical composition, nutritional value, quality requirements, storage.

Baked bread is a food product obtained by baking dough loosened with sourdough or yeast. With bread, a person receives carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mineral salts, vitamins. The composition of bread includes proteins (4.5-8.5%), carbohydrates (40-50%), minerals are represented by K, P, Fe, Ca, and vitamins - B1, B2, and PP.

The main raw materials for making bread are flour, water, salt, yeast, and sugar, molasses, milk, fats, protein fortifiers, whey, buttermilk, soybeans, malt, raisins, poppy seeds, spices, etc. are added to the dough for improved products. The production of bread consists of several operations: preparation and dosage of raw materials, dough kneading, fermentation, cutting and proofing, baking and cooling products.

Assortment of bread and bakery products has more than 1000 items as general purpose, and special dietary. All of them are divided into groups: according to the type of flour - into rye, wheat and from a mixture of rye and wheat flour; according to the method of baking - on molded and hearth; according to the shape of the products - into loaves, rolls, braids, etc.; according to the recipe - for simple, improved - with the addition of a small amount of sugar or molasses, fat or spices and rich - with a high content of fat and sugar; by appointment - for ordinary and dietary.

Requirements for the quality of bread. The shape of the products must be correct, correspond to their name, non-blurry, without lateral sags, the surface must be smooth, without cracks, color from light yellow, golden to brown. The state of the crumb of products is characterized by its baking, mixing, porosity, elasticity and freshness. In baked products, the crumb is dry, non-sticky, not moist to the touch, without lumps and traces of non-mixing, elastic, non-stale and not crumbly. Taste and smell must be characteristic of the species. Bitter, musty, moldy and other foreign tastes and odors are not allowed.

The porosity of bread and bakery products is the ratio of the total pore volume in the crumb to the crumb volume, expressed as a percentage. For each type of product (except rich), the minimum porosity is normalized. Humidity of bread and bakery products: rye-wheat bread - 45-50%, rye - 46-51, wheat - 42-46, bakery products - 37-45%. The acidity of products is expressed in degrees: for rye bread - 7-12, for rye-wheat - 7-11, for wheat - 2.5-7, for bakery products - 2.5-4.

The most common bread defects are: hardening (non-porous mass of the crumb), high acidity, non-messing (lumps of flour), low porosity, cracks on the surface, reduced volume, burnt, pale bread, mold, potato disease, chalky disease, etc.

Transportation and storage of bread. Bakery products are transported in specialized vehicles equipped with shelves, in trays or containers. Due to rapid drying, hardening and possible microbiological spoilage, bakery products are stored in the trade network for a short time. Bread from rye flour is stored for 36 hours, from wheat and wheat-rye - 24 hours, small-piece products - 16 hours. The room for storing bread should be clean, dry, ventilated, temperature - 18-20 ° C (not lower than 6 ° C), relative humidity air no more than 75%.

Of these, and various products of their processing are all part of the daily life of every person. But not everyone knows what kind of cereal they eat, how it is produced and how it should be stored. Let's understand together the many names, shapes and colors of various cereals.

What are cereals

Any cereal is nothing more than a specially processed grain. Depending on the grain from which cereals are processed, they are divided into types:

  • cereals - wheat, oats, rye, corn, millet, rice, sorghum;
  • buckwheat - buckwheat;
  • legumes - peas, beans, soybeans, lentils.

Most important culture

The most important and important cereal crop can safely be called wheat. It is her stock in the country that is considered the main one. Grinding its grains, in a specialized industry, baking flour of various qualities, several types of cereals are obtained. Secondary production receives a wide variety of bakery products, as well as all types of pasta. Millions of people need these products every day. But it all starts with a small seed growing in an ear.

Wheat varieties differ in grain hardness - soft or hard.

There are winter and spring species. The former are sown in winter and already harvested in summer, but these varieties are exposed to winter weather and hard frost. In order for the grains not to be eaten by agricultural pests during the cold months, they are well pickled. This does not affect the quality of the crop.

Spring varieties of wheat are sown in early spring and harvested in autumn.

The composition of cereal grains

Any cereal is almost pure carbohydrates - from 70-80%. It depends on the content of the starchy part in the grain. The richest cereals in this substance are rice, wheat and corn. They produce the best baking flour, make bread and various flat cakes. In many countries it is part of the national cuisine.


The production of cereals begins with the harvesting of grain crops - this is the work of heavy equipment. Then conveyor machines begin their part, which remove all impurities.

The next stage is the sorting of all grains (of a certain cereal plant) by size. Then they remove the shell from the grains and grind them.

For some types of bread and bakery products, cereals are supplied not completely peeled or only their shells.

Characteristics of various cereals

Before we begin to characterize individual types of cereals, we will analyze which cereals are produced from which type of cereals.

From oats produce:

  • oatmeal, or "Hercules";
  • oatmeal.

Wheat groats - types (names):

  • semolina;
  • wheat;
  • flakes.

From barley produce:

  • barley;
  • barley grits.

Legumes are also part of cereal plants. Here is an example of the most popular - peas:

  • whole peas;
  • chipped.

Other plants that are rightfully classified as cereals:

  • millet;
  • corn.

Calorie content of the main cereals in dry and boiled form

The calorie table of boiled cereals will tell you the energy value of these products. The numbers differ from the results of dry grains. This is due to percentage losses during heat treatment - the process is absolutely normal for each product.

Dry cereals contain many useful substances, various vitamins, micro and macro elements. There are even more of them in unrefined grains. But this is only about cereals boiled in water.

Nutritional and energy value of various types of cereals
NameStateProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalorie content, kcal
Milletdry11,5 3,3 69,3 348,0
boiled10,8 2,9 63,0 316,8
Buckwheatdry13,0 3,0 68,0 350,0
boiled12,2 2,6 61,8 314,9
oatsdry11,0 6,0 51,0 310,0
boiled10,3 5,2 46,4 273,6
Ricedry7,0 1,0 71,4 330,0
boiled6,5 0,8 64,9 288,7
Wheatdry7,5 1,3 41,4 198,0
boiled7,0 1,1 37,6 185,6
Mankadry10,3 1,0 67,4 328,0
boiled9,6 0,8 61,3 286,7
Pearl barleydry9,3 1,1 73,7 320,0
boiled8,7 0,9 67,0 306,5
corndry8,3 1,2 75,0 337,0
boiled7,8 1,0 68,2 308,6
Peasdry23,0 1,0 62,0 350,0
boiled21,6 0,8 56,4 314,7

The calorie content of dry and boiled cereals will differ noticeably less if additional products are added during their cooking. The nutritional value numbers will change upwards.

Additional Products

And what can be added to porridge during its preparation in order to increase the nutritional value of the dish? It depends on the specific recipe. Whether your dish will be a dessert, a hot second course or a first course.

And now in more detail

You already know some types of cereals from the table. Now let's get to know them in more detail.

Wheat groats

Types of wheat cereals:

  • semolina - obtained from grain with partial grinding into wheat flour of various grain sizes, it looks white (or yellowish in color) and slightly powdery: it boils quickly, it contains little nutrients, but a lot of vegetable carbohydrates;
  • wheat groats are the same semolina, but with grains of a larger diameter, after cooking the grains do not lose their shape and remain slightly elastic, wheat groats are welded from the original mass by 4-5 times.

It should also be noted that there are different types of semolina - from soft varieties of wheat, from durum or from a mixture of soft and hard. In accordance with this, the semolina is assigned a mark on the package - T, M or TM. When buying, pay attention to this.

The most useful semolina is cereals with a "T" sign on the package. This keeps the grains intact when cooked. The porridge looks and tastes good.

Semolina made from soft wheat varieties can be completely boiled, turning into a starchy mass.


Buckwheat is used to produce groats called kernels. These are whole grains of cereals, peeled from the shell. Not steamed.

Groats are rich in vitamins and minerals. Its iron content is especially high. Because of what it is not recommended to use it often for people with high blood clotting. The color of the groats is from light brown to dark brown.

Depending on the degree of purification from the shell, buckwheat grains are divided into three grades according to quality.

Prodel - crushed buckwheat grain.

Smolensk groats - ground (almost powder) grains of buckwheat.

Uncrushed cereals are cooked for about 15-20 minutes, giving a long feeling of satiety.


Types of cereals from oats - oatmeal and oatmeal.

On the shelves of shops you can find oatmeal "Hercules", petal and "Extra". They differ only in the grade of the initial grains. The first two - from oatmeal only the highest grade. But "Extra" products are produced by special steaming, flattening and drying of raw materials of slightly lower quality.

To get oatmeal, dried vegetable grains go through a number of conveyor operations:

  • grinding grain into cereals;
  • soak;
  • steaming;
  • drying.

Oatmeal before use in food is not subjected to additional heat treatment. It is permissible to add it to milk and sour-milk cocktails and drinks. Milk is taken only hot, and with kefir or fermented baked milk, oatmeal is insisted in coolness. And then add flavoring and aromatic substances according to original recipe drinks.

Types of barley groats

Barley according to the degree of grain processing is divided into separate types:

  • elongated grain, well ground, rounded ends - distinguished by the best palatability and speed of cooking (groats are completely boiled soft and reach readiness in one hour);
  • spherical grains - to cook this, it will take 1.5 hours.

The color of both species is from white to yellow. May have a greenish tint.

With full culinary readiness after cooking, barley grains are well boiled soft, soft in structure. When cold, they harden and become hard. When reheated, the taste and structural qualities return.

Barley groats - crushed grain of barley, before grinding it is not polished. Because of this, grains are worse digested and absorbed by the body. But part of the natural shell provides a high content of minerals and vitamins. Compared to pearl barley - several times.

When cooked, barley increases in volume by 6 times, and barley - by 5 times.


Rice is the only crop that, when grown, feels great in aquatic environment. So the plant is saturated with moisture in full, easily gets rid of weeds and increases productivity.

To grow rice where there is little rainfall, plots of land are divided into squares and dug in with special channels (I also call them canals). Water is let through ditches, providing a good habitat for the cereal plant. Water is often taken from rivers or lakes with tributaries of rivers.

Industry, depending on the method of processing, produces crushed and polished rice.

Polished rice has a rough surface, the grains are white in color. The content of grains of other shades is acceptable in the batch - gray, brownish.

In the production of polished rice, split grains are obtained, they are sorted and packaged as crushed rice.

There are several other types of rice. One of them is steamed. The grains are steamed under the same production conditions at high temperature, then dried. It is believed that just such rice groats are great for crumbly pilaf. The grains do not stick together and retain their shape.

There is one secret which allows you to cook friable pilaf from rice, where the cereal does not stick together into porridge! Throw unwashed cereals into the broth with well-braised meat and do not stir the dish until it is fully cooked.

Wild unpolished rice is also on sale, its grains have a dark shade - this is the color of the shell. It gained popularity due to the popularization healthy lifestyle life and diet.


Millet is a short plant with grains of different colors (white, yellow, red or brown). The shells of small round grains are painted in such colors.

The plant does not grow in the wild. To ensure good yields, it is often watered in large quantities.

Groats go through the entire production cycle of cleaning and sorting on special conveyors. As a result, we get a cereal called millet.

Interesting! The dark shells that remain from the exfoliation of millet are used for fattening poultry, especially weakened ones.

Nutritionists consider millet dishes to be heavy food. Indeed, this cereal is worse digested. It is customary to add a little round rice to millet porridge to increase digestibility and reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Boiled millet is added to the filling for pies, vegetarian manti or dumplings.


Corn is a cereal plant that is often fed to livestock, especially small or slightly spoiled cobs.

Industrial canning of fresh corn has become widespread. However, in dried form, it can be found on store shelves.

It is produced in two types - polished and crushed. The shape of grains polished and crushed is different, there is a little floury yellow powder in the bag with grits. The color of the grains is from white to yellow.

When boiled, the grains remain harsh, which is normal for corn.

Crushed goes to the production of sweet corn flakes.

Bean groats - peas

Peas are the most popular of the legumes. We are used to buying whole peas (it is polished under production conditions) or chopped. The color of the peas can be yellow or green.

When boiled, peas give a homogeneous mass, outwardly resembling mashed potatoes.

quality requirements

All cereals, the types and names of which we have examined, are determined qualitatively, by taste, color, percentage of impurities and some other indicators. Although a small amount of impurities is still allowed, it is strictly regulated by a certain regulation.

The appearance of an extraneous taste (bitter) or smell (sour, moldy, wet) indicates spoilage of the entire batch of cereals.

Storage at home

At home, cereals must be stored in paper bags in a dry room, without excess air humidity and air temperature not higher than 18 degrees. It is allowed to take plastic containers with screw-on lids for storage.

In other conditions, the cereal becomes moldy and becomes infected with pests.

The shelf life is 4 months. But when the cereal is stored in barn conditions, subject to all the necessary rules, the shelf life increases to a year. Packaging in such cases - paper bags of 50 kg.

In addition to all these cereals, there are those that are not described here. These are cereal plants, the habitat of which is other countries. To study all the cereals with types and names alphabetically, it will take a little more time.

The nutritional and biological properties of cereals depend on the type of grain crop and the nature of the technological processing to which they are subjected. The level of grain release from the peripheral parts affects the degree of assimilation of cereals.

AT recent times fast-cooking cereals, flattened and exploded grains have become widespread. For the manufacture of these types of cereals, grains of corn, oats and rice are used.

Cereals have a high energy value, they are high in carbohydrates and low in water. Different types of cereals differ significantly in individual indicators of biological value. Some are richer in proteins, vitamins, minerals, ballast compounds, others are poorer in them, but are better absorbed and suitable for children and therapeutic diets.

Table 1. The content of essential amino acids

Conversion factor








As can be seen from the table, cereals are an important source of protein. Buckwheat and oatmeal are high in protein. Rice is characterized by a lower protein content, however, according to the amino acid composition, rice protein is most favorably balanced. Millet protein is characterized by a low content of lysine, it is much less in oatmeal and barley groats. There is little tryptophan in corn; almost all cereals are poor in methionine. Maize proteins are difficult for the action of digestive enzymes, especially peptides containing proline. At the same time, corn porridge is used in appropriate diets to suppress microbiological processes in the intestines, since it has an antimicrobial effect.

The chemical composition of cereals depends on the type of grain used and production technology. Cereals, in comparison with grain, have a greater nutritional value, since during their production, grain is freed from less valuable parts. The chemical composition and energy value of cereals varies significantly and is characterized by the data shown in table 2

Table 2. Chemical composition and energy value of various types of cereals

Energy value per 100 g.

Minerals mg, %

Vitamins mg, %



Millet polished



Flakes "Hercules"




Shelled peas





In cereals fat a little; the exception is oatmeal, which contains up to 6% lipids; they include lecithin, tocopherols; -sitosterol is found in significant amounts in buckwheat.

Carbohydrates cereals are composed mainly of starch. Many cereals contain derivatives of carbohydrates - mucous substances (for example, lichenin in oatmeal). These foods improve digestion. proteins; mucus substances are gentle irritants of the walls of the digestive canal, they are used in the diet for its diseases.

Many cereals are sources vitamins group B, mainly thiamine, niacin and less - riboflavin. The greatest amount of thiamine is found in millet, buckwheat and oatmeal. Buckwheat has a high taste properties and has a rich vitamin composition. Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) in it is 5 times more than in semolina, and 2 times more than in pearl barley. According to the content of vitamin B 2 (riboflavin), buckwheat is 2½ times higher than all other cereals. There is also a lot of nicotinamide in buckwheat. Almost 4-5 times less vitamin B 1 in semolina and rice cereals. Niacin is most of all in buckwheat - done. Corn contains β-carotene.

From minerals, cereals are richest in potassium and phosphorus. The latter is 6-10 times higher than the calcium content. Magnesium is found in significant quantities in millet, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat (kernel) cereals; poorer in this element are semolina, rice, and corn. There is a lot of iron in cereals, but it is poorly absorbed due to the presence of phytin. Least of all minerals in semolina and rice cereals.

The digestibility of nutrients in cereals differs sharply depending on their type. Semolina and rice cereals are the easiest to digest, as they have little fiber. Easily digested sago is a cereal that consists of gelatinized potato or corn starch. It is of great importance for the nutrition of children, especially the weakened ones. Less digestible substances in buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals rich in ballast compounds. Drying buckwheat before cooking impairs the absorption of nutrients in finished form, and therefore this technique is used to feed obese people.

Thus, when choosing cereals for diets with a different functional state of the body, one should be guided by the characteristics of their chemical composition and the degree of digestibility of the nutrients contained in them.

Why? They are among the oldest foods in the human diet. It is known that 17 thousand years ago, ancient civilizations ate barley, on which the diet of the Greeks and Romans was built. 12 thousand years ago, oats appeared in the diet of the inhabitants of Russia, which formed the basis of the diet of the peasants. Before that, the population southern regions Rus ate millet - a rich source of nutrients.

Kashi gave strength and energy to the poorest segments of the population, provided a full and affordable diet. Cereals were used in different ways: ground into flour for baking bread and cakes, boiled in the form of liquid jelly and crumbly side dishes. Wealthy people did not refuse them either, they cooked more skillfully, used them with meat.

Today we have access to much more species cereals than in medieval Russia. But to refuse centuries-old experience is not worth it. After all, their most valuable varieties are also among the most ancient. Why is porridge called porridge and how is porridge different from other porridge?

Rating of valuable cereals. What varieties are

So, what is the healthiest cereal? Is there a table of cereals by usefulness? Nutritionists name 7 valuable foods that are important to include in the diet. And not only for people with health problems and disruption of the digestive tract. In order for the diet to be balanced, complete, it is necessary to regularly eat cereals. Here is their name and photo:


Buckwheat is considered the best porridge. It is considered the leader in nutritional value with a minimum calorie content. Dozens of diets are based on the use of the buckwheat group. It is used in vegetarian nutrition as a substitute for animal protein, because in its composition the volume of vegetable protein reaches 18%. She is hypoallergenic. The product is rich in iron, magnesium. These trace elements are important for the hematopoietic system, the work of the heart.

Buckwheat should form the basis of nutrition for people with diabetes. It has a minimum glycemic index, does not increase the level of sugar when absorbed by the body, respectively, does not cause its sharp jumps. There are cases when the use of buckwheat and adherence to a strict diet eliminated the need for insulin.

Buckwheat does not belong to cereal crops, like most well-known cereals, but to herbaceous plants. Its closest "relative" is sorrel, so the calorie content of the product is minimal, up to 90 Kcal per 100 grams of product. It comes from India, where it is called "black rice".


What kind of porridge is similar to oatmeal. Oatmeal is made from oats that are subjected to different types processing. For this porridge, useful properties are determined by the intensity of grinding. The more rough it is, the healthier product. Therefore, it is recommended to include in a healthy diet not oatmeal, which is quick to prepare, but hercules. Degree of it machining minimal.

Groats are rich in trace elements, vitamins. But its main value is different - the abundance of fiber. Grains are made up of insoluble fibers that act like a “brush” in the intestines. They clean out toxins, simultaneously removing cholesterol and toxic substances. But only a product prepared with water has such healing qualities.

Also, oatmeal is necessary for people with gastrointestinal disorders. With gastritis and peptic ulcer, it reduces the severity of attacks, as it envelops the walls of the stomach with a film of gluten.

Pearl barley

This cereal is a product of polishing barley grains, which formed the basis of the diet of ancient people. It is known that only ancient Roman gladiators ate it, as the protein-rich cereal quickly replenished strength. The famous reformer Tsar Peter I loved pearl barley, but in Russia the culture of its use was lost a long time ago, replaced by wheat.

Today, pearl barley is perceived as state-owned, army, budgetary porridge. At the same time, it has a lot of useful properties. It contains protein, rich in potassium, phosphorus. It also contains fiber, which is important for the proper functioning of the intestines. The problem of modern pearl barley is that they have forgotten how to cook it. Because of this, the ancient cereal, which was consumed on all continents, ended up in the backyard of cooking.

Barley must be soaked before boiling. It is necessary to fill it with water for 12 hours, then rinse and boil. On an open fire, you should only bring the cereal to a boil, then rearrange the pan to water bath and simmer covered for 6 hours.


Another ancient grain, millet should be included in a healthy diet. Millet is a product of its minimal processing, so it retains a large amount of valuable fiber. For this porridge, the beneficial properties are intensive bowel cleansing, the ability to remove toxins, metal salts. Croup stimulates the cleansing of blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

The product is rich in carbohydrates, which ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Not suitable for nutrition with pancreatitis, since the polysaccharides present in the composition cannot be completely processed by the weakened pancreas. For the same reason, people with diabetes should not eat millet.


Despite the fact that this product is unusual for our table, it is necessary to use it. Corn has a unique property. It is very satisfying, so you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. The period of assimilation by the body is long, its carbohydrates are broken down for more than 4 hours, providing a gradual supply of energy.

It contains vitamins A, E, PP, a large amount of potassium and magnesium. These trace elements are valuable for the work of the heart. It lowers cholesterol levels and effectively cleanses the intestines, similar to oatmeal.


The product is included in the diet of a billion people on the planet. The value of rice groats is well known in China, India and other countries. East Asia where it is the most important component of the diet. In our country, rice is perceived differently, and not because we do not know how to cook it. The fact is that we use completely different varieties of it - white, peeled, the value of which is minimal compared to "classic" rice - brown, unpolished.

The latter has the highest efficiency in the matter of cleansing the body of toxins. And it's extremely low in calories. Our varieties of cereals are less productive in this regard, contain more readily available carbohydrates. However, they are also necessary for the health of the body, since rice has sorbent qualities, envelops the intestinal walls, and normalizes digestion.


The benefits of this cereal are not widely known, we do not cook flaxseed porridge. But to get acquainted with it, as with an amazing source of essential amino acids, it is necessary. It supplies the body with the most valuable substances that are part of the structure of the skin, bones, joints. Flax is the fountain of youth.

Grains also contain vitamins and minerals. The leader among the latter is potassium, which is 7 times more than in the well-known record holder for this component - a banana. Flaxseed porridge has a similar effect on the gastrointestinal tract as oatmeal and rice: it envelops the mucous membranes with a film, improves digestion.

The most harmful cereals. List

It is customary to endow porridge with extremely useful properties. However, there are also potential "pests" among them. Nutritionists consider cereals with a high glycemic index as such, as well as those in which there is practically no fiber. They provide the body with empty calories. There are several record holders here.

  • Semolina . What grain is semolina made from? It is a product of the smallest grinding of wheat, therefore, it contains vegetable protein and vitamins in a small amount. However, the bulk of its composition (70%) is formed by starch, which should not be consumed by overweight people or those who seek to reduce it. The benefits of porridge in the morning from semolina are also exaggerated for babies. The cereal contains a complex mucopolysaccharide that the child's body cannot break down. It also reduces the intensity of movement of the intestinal villi, inhibiting digestive activity.
  • White rice . Nutritionists call it an empty calorie source. There are really a lot of them in white rice, but there are practically no vitamins and minerals. Brown, wild and red varieties of this cereal are of high value.
  • Oatmeal fast food . Surprisingly, oatmeal can also be harmful. This is called finely ground flakes that boil in 5 minutes, or those that can simply be steamed with boiling water. This product does not contain any fiber or other valuable components. The calorie content of oatmeal from a bag of sugar is equivalent to a piece of cake.

Any cereal can be harmful - both rye and wheat, if there is an individual intolerance to it. More than 30% of the world's population suffers from gluten intolerance, and in 1% of people this genetic condition provokes severe consequences after eating gluten-containing cereals. With regular consumption of cereals with gluten (oatmeal, wheat, semolina, pearl barley), celiac disease is formed. It manifests itself in persistent indigestion with a decrease in the intensity of absorption of nutrients from the intestines.

Gluten is present not only in cereals, but also in products from them. It is found in bread, pasta, sausage and canned food as additives. There is no cereal protein in buckwheat, rice, corn grits, millet.

Rules for preparing healthy cereals

To get the maximum benefit from the product, it must be properly selected and prepared. Then the porridge will turn out to be really useful. It is especially useful for children. Here are a few subtleties of proper food preparation.

  • The less processing the better. Any grain contains the main spectrum of useful substances in the upper shells. Therefore, the less they are lost during production, the more valuable the dish will turn out. Eat wholemeal oatmeal, brown rice and cereals that only break the kernels: corn, barley (barley).
  • Rinse the grits. This will save it from dust and will not wash away any useful substances. The need to wash the grain is dictated by elementary hygiene.
  • Consume without fat. The advantage of oatmeal, for example, is the ability to bind and remove cholesterol. However, it is completely lost when consumed with milk, since the cereal binds milk fat, and not the one that settled in your intestines. Other cereals with fiber work similarly. For maximum benefit, boil them in water.
  • Use Healthy and Delicious Supplements. Porridge for breakfast will become much tastier if you add raisins, dried apricots to it, put pieces of apples or nuts, pour flax grains, sesame seeds, decorate with fresh berries. Such components do not increase the calorie content of the dish, but make it more tasty and healthy.

Regularly buy and eat valuable cereals, rye, millet. The benefits and harms of cereals are individual and depend on the characteristics of your body. However, the number of useful cereals is large. And among them you will definitely find those that will please the taste on the everyday table and will not bring unpleasant consequences.

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