Fondue fruits in chocolate. Chocolate fondue: cooking for loved ones

Recipes 27.02.2021

Fondue is a national Swiss dish, which is also popular in France, Germany and other countries. The name of the dish is translated as "melted" and very accurately reflects the technology of its preparation. After all, the basis of the dish is melted products, most often cheese or chocolate. Cheese fondue appeared earlier, when shepherds guessed to melt dried cheese by mixing it with white wine. Chocolate is younger, it was first served in 1966 in New York after the end of one of the press conferences. Journalists liked it, and the fame of it quickly spread around the world. Soon, Swiss restaurateurs began to include in the menu not only cheese, but also chocolate fondue, which is not difficult to make at home. You just need to know a few subtleties and have a fondue pot that will not allow the chocolate to cool and harden quickly. Indeed, according to tradition, berries and pieces of fruit are to be dipped into it.

Cooking features

There are not so many secrets to making delicious chocolate fondue at home.

  • The main secret is in the choice of ingredients. The base is chocolate. The original recipe calls for a Toblerone product, but in fact, at home, you can take a tile made by any company. The main thing is that the chocolate is of high quality, with a high content of cocoa beans, without filling.
  • Fondue is most often made with cream or condensed milk. The higher the fat content of the cream, the more tender the dish will turn out. Condensed milk should be made from whole milk, without the addition of vegetable fats.
  • Some recipes call for the use of alcoholic beverages to make fondue. Their quality is also of great importance.
  • In the case when coffee is indicated in the recipe, it means a drink made from ground coffee beans, and not an instant powder. If coffee is brewed in a Turk, it must be strained before adding to chocolate.
  • Berries or fruits are usually dipped in chocolate fondue. They must be washed in advance, dried, cut into pieces. A harmonious taste is obtained if you put pitted dried fruits into the fondue. You can also use biscuits, marshmallows, cookies.

They eat fondue, gathered around a fondue bowl at a common table. It is better that the company is not too large, since it is not very convenient to reach for chocolate across the entire table. We also need to prepare more napkins.

Drinking chocolate fondue is best with the drinks that were used to make it. Wine, cognac, milk or coffee cocktail will do.

Easy chocolate fondue recipe

  • bitter chocolate - 0.32 kg;
  • cream - 0.2 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • fruits (assorted) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • In a ceramic container, heat the cream over low heat until bubbles begin to appear on its surface.
  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and put it into the cream.
  • Add a pinch of salt.
  • Beat with a whisk, without removing from heat, until the chocolate is completely melted.
  • Place the container over the spirit lamp, light the fire.

In this form, chocolate fondue is served at the table. It is served with apples, bananas, pears pre-cut into small cubes. You can add other fruits as per your taste.

Chocolate fondue with condensed milk

  • dark chocolate - 0.24 kg;
  • condensed milk - 80 ml;
  • cream liqueur or cream - 40 ml;
  • fruits - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Crumble the chocolate, put it in a small thick-bottomed saucepan.
  • Pour in the cream liqueur or cream.
  • Add condensed milk.
  • Put on a slow fire and heat, stirring, until the contents of the pan turn into a completely homogeneous mass.
  • Pour the contents of the pot into the fondue pot, put it on the fire and call the guests to the table.

Don't forget to cut your fruit beforehand. Fruits with sourness, such as apples, kiwi, go well with chocolate fondue prepared at home according to the above recipe.

Chocolate fondue with cognac

  • bitter chocolate - 0.3 kg;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • cognac - 20 ml;
  • dried fruits, biscuit - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Heat cream in a small saucepan.
  • Break the chocolate bars into pieces.
  • As soon as the cream starts to boil, put in the chocolate pieces.
  • Continue heating the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until the chocolate melts and the creamy chocolate mass acquires a viscous consistency.
  • Remove from stove, pour into fondue pot.
  • Add cognac, stir.
  • Place the fondue pot over the spirit lamp.
  • Cut the biscuit into pieces.
  • Soak dried fruits in water, squeeze and dry.

When serving, dried fruit and biscuit should be placed on separate plates.

Chocolate fondue with pepper

  • bitter chocolate - 0.5 kg;
  • cream - 0.4 l;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • cayenne pepper - 5 g;
  • strawberries, crackers, marshmallows - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Break up the chocolate and place it in a small bowl.
  • Pour in cream, put on low heat.
  • Whisking constantly, allow the chocolate to melt and the mixture to thicken.
  • Add spices, stir and pour the chocolate fondue into a clay pot from a special set, set it over the fire.

Fondue prepared according to this recipe has a piquant taste, and it turns out to be quite spicy. Spices help to emphasize the taste and aroma of chocolate, but if you are not used to a dish with them, you may not like it. Therefore, when preparing fondue with pepper at home for the first time, it makes sense to reduce the amount of ingredients by half.

Chocolate fondue with coffee

  • dark chocolate - 0.2 kg;
  • ground coffee - 25 g;
  • starch - 25 g;
  • cream - 0.3 l;
  • milk - 0.3 l;
  • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
  • vanilla - 1 pod;
  • butter- 80 g;
  • berries and fruits - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour coffee into a small saucepan, fill it with cool milk, put on a slow fire. Keep a close eye on the contents of the pan, as it quickly "runs away". As soon as signs of boiling are found, remove the pan from the heat, without waiting for the coffee in milk to rise with a hat. Strain the resulting drink.
  • In a separate bowl, combine sugar, cream, butter, starch and chopped chocolate. Heat this mixture, stirring, until it has a thick consistency.
  • Add cinnamon, vanilla, pour in coffee, stir and heat the mixture for a few more minutes.
  • Pour the chocolate and coffee fondue into a fondue maker.

This fondue is served with pieces of berries and fruits, goes well with bananas, strawberries, pears. You can also serve it with cookies.

Chocolate fondue with pears

  • bitter chocolate - 0.2 kg;
  • black coffee (expresso or Turkish) - 75 ml;
  • fat cream - 120 ml;
  • pears - 0.8 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • creamy ice cream - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pears, cut out the core. Cut the fruit into portions (about 1.5 cm in size).
  • Boil water. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it, add regular and vanilla sugar. Heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Put the pears in the syrup, leave them there for a couple of minutes, then take them out. And remove the syrup from the heat.
  • In a separate saucepan, boil the cream, mixing it with black coffee. When the mixture begins to boil, add the chopped chocolate to it and keep on fire until the chocolate has completely melted. All this time the mixture must be stirred.
  • Pour the chocolate mixture into a fondue bowl.

Put the pears on portioned plates, pour syrup over them, put ice cream balls next to them. Serve homemade chocolate fondue with them. If desired, part of the coffee in it during preparation can be replaced with coffee liqueur.

Chocolate fondue is an original dessert that not only children will like.

Hello. Are there any sweet lovers among you? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing: cakes, buns, sweets? I know what you might like. This is a chocolate fondue recipe. You have probably heard about this delicacy. If someone has not heard, I will briefly tell you.

This dish originated in Switzerland. Traditionally, it was made with cheese. And the word itself means "molten" or "viscous".

Ideally, we need a fondue set. But it doesn't matter if he doesn't. After all, I will talk about how to cook sweets at home without special tools and exotic ingredients. According to this recipe, a child can cook, but under the strict guidance of an adult.

5 recipes to choose from

1-2 chocolate bars (100-200 grams). Choose according to your taste - bitter, milky or white. The main thing is that they should be without filling and additives. Before cooking, break into pieces or use a grater. This way it will be easier to melt.

The second ingredient must be chosen one of five:

  1. Cream (33-35% fat) 100 grams.
  2. Condensed milk 40 ml. If you do not like overly sweet desserts, then it is better to add condensed milk to dark chocolate.
  3. Milk 100 ml.
  4. Butter - 25 grams.
  5. Yogurt in a jar of 2 pcs., be sure to check that it is not a yogurt product.

Product volumes are calculated for 3-4 servings.

My favorite recipe for 2 people: easy and fast

  • For two people, I take Airy milk chocolate (now there is 85 gr);
  • And one jar of yogurt with any taste (vemol, Danone is good);
  • I break the tile into slices, mix with yogurt and put in a mold over a candle.

No water baths needed, everything melts on its own in 15 minutes. Just stir occasionally to melt evenly and not burn. I have the simplest fondue pot, it cost about 500 rubles, and 4 forks and a couple of candles came in a set.

How to make a delicious dish if there is no fondue

Melt the ingredients for water bath. Why is it so, because in the microwave you can do it faster? Yes, but you can achieve the desired density only under the control of your own eyes. In the microwave oven, the delicacy can burn, and everything will be spoiled.

For a water bath, take two pans - one larger, the other smaller. Pour water into a large bowl and place over medium heat. Dip a small saucepan into it, in which you put all the products in advance. We mix and carefully monitor the process. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour into a bowl. To taste, you can add a little liquor, wine or orange juice.

This is how easy and simple it is to prepare a gourmet dish without a fondue maker. I am sure that guests will certainly appreciate your culinary talent.

If you have a fondue set, place the chocolate mixture on a plate over the candle. This will maintain a constant temperature, and the mixture will be the consistency we need throughout the meal. You can order a set here.

What is served with chocolate fondue?

Fruit, strawberries, biscuit pieces, cookies, cashew nuts or hazelnuts - that's what this dessert is eaten with. Fruits and berries are strung on skewers (you can order them separately) here) and dipped into a bowl of liquid treat. Nuts require special tongs. Sponge cake can be poured with chocolate on top.

From alcoholic drinks cognac or wine is served. Refused guests can be offered tea or coffee.

Did you salivate? Then, hurry up to the kitchen to make yummy. And then check out my blog. I have a lot for you interesting articles not only about food. Subscribe and share with your friends the freshest and most interesting recipes.

Today we will talk about how to make chocolate fondue at home according to a very affordable recipe. It can be made from white, milk or dark chocolate. The main thing is that the chocolate itself is of high quality, then we will get an elastic mixture without lumps. Inexpensive chocolate may not give such a consistency and remain lumps in the cream. So, let's take a closer look at how to make homemade fondue.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: stove, heavy-bottomed saucepan or fondue pot.


Choosing the Right Ingredients

  • Buy chocolate 70% black, of high quality, and your fondue will turn out amazingly tasty.
  • Be sure to take cream with a fat content of at least 33% to get the desired taste and consistency of the liquid.

Step by step recipe

Feed Options

Fondue is often an occasion for friendly meetings. At such moments, it should be cooked more, placed in a fondue pot in the middle of the table and served with various sweets, fruits and berries. Guests will prick the chosen product with special skewers and dip it into hot chocolate.

Now there are special fountains for chocolate fondue, and serving it in them is very beautiful. Prepare fondue to serve as dessert with your favorite treats.

Chocolate fondue recipe video

Dear readers, I invite you to watch a short video that shows in detail the entire process of making chocolate fondue at home.

History of occurrence

Like many dishes, this dish was invented by the peasants. In ancient times, when the shepherds of Sweden went to the Alps with a flock of sheep, where they stayed for several days, they took cheese, bread and wine with them from food. They also had a bowler hat. Cheese and bread dried up, and in order not to throw them away and be full, they melted the cheese in a pot with hot wine and dipped bread in it. This is how the first cheese fondue appeared, which is now very popular. This recipe was scattered first among the poor people, then it ended up in noble houses.

Now, various ingredients are used to make fondue: cheese, chocolate, meat, fish, vegetables. There is also a special device called "Fondyushnitsa", in which the temperature of the resulting mixture is maintained. It can be purchased ready-made or built independently from refractory dishes and candles.

It is very interesting that the name of the dish was given by the French. During joint feasts, the French nobility fell in love with such a treat. And everything that they like, they are used to giving a name, so that later they can tell and give a try to their compatriots. So the name “fondre” remained behind this dish, which means “melt” in French.

Dear readers, I am very pleased to share with you simple recipes delicious treats. If you have already tried to cook fondue according to my recipe, share with me your opinion about the resulting dessert. If you have any additions or wishes, write them in the comments, I will be happy to read you. And now I wish you success in cooking and bon appetit!

To surprise guests with an original dessert, we recommend making chocolate fondue. This is the most the best choice that will amaze and delight guests at the celebration. What is this amazing dish? These are small pieces of apples, bananas, pears, cherries, biscuits and marmalade, which are dipped in chocolate fondant and eaten immediately. Chocolate fondue recipes involve the use of white or dark chocolate. Many people like a kind of dessert. First, it's delicious. And secondly, an interesting presentation fascinates. What is chocolate fondue eaten with, and what exist delicious recipes meals, see below.

How to make chocolate fondue - general cooking principles

A luxurious dessert is not difficult to make at home. The popularity of the dish in the vastness of Switzerland - the homeland of fondue, is due to the ease of manufacture. Thrifty Swiss, who are not accustomed to spending a lot of money on cooking, came up with this dessert a long time ago. To this day, cheese, chocolate and other types of hot desserts are popular. The hostess does not have to spend a lot of time, effort and products to prepare a varied holiday table. Guests will cook their own goodies if you provide them with the necessary products and a special device - a fondue maker.

How to make chocolate fondue

To make fondue with chocolate, you need to purchase not only a special device, but also high-quality chocolate. There is no cheap substitute for this dish. In order for portions of berries and fruits to be wrapped in a delicate chocolate mixture, you need to know which chocolate is suitable for fondue. It can be a black type of chocolate with a high cocoa content or white with a high fat content. Also, you need to prepare other components that are supposed to be dipped in the chocolate mixture.

What is traditionally dipped in chocolate fondue?

  • cubes of any home baking;
  • banana slices;
  • cherry;
  • citrus slices;
  • dried apricots, marshmallows.

Easy Chocolate Fondue Recipe on the Stove

Of course, ideally, you should get a fondue. This is a special device consisting of a pot and a burner. But, if you didn’t have time to buy a chocolate fondue bowl, a regular stove is quite suitable. On it you need to melt the pieces of chocolate and pour into a container that will be installed in the center of the table for convenient dipping of fruits. traditional recipe chocolate fondue is prepared quickly from high quality products.


The simplest version of the dessert is prepared from the following components:

  • 200 gr. dark chocolate with a high cocoa content;
  • a glass of fat liquid cream, with a fat content of at least 20% or 200 ml of milk;
  • a tablespoon of liquor;
  • special skewers;
  • any fruits and berries of your choice.

First you need to wash the fruits, berries, dry on a paper towel. If portions of baking will be used in the process of preparing a chocolate dessert, we also prepare them in advance.

How to cook

We prepare a small container in which the milk does not burn. Pour cream into a bowl and set over low heat to heat. If using milk, put on a slow fire. We open the package with chocolate, break the product into small pieces. Add the sweet ingredient to the cream, melt.

So that the preparation of a delicious chocolate fondue is not overshadowed by the burnt chocolate-creamy mass, we constantly stir the mixture, without leaving it unattended even for a second.

After you managed to melt the chocolate for fondue, you should get a homogeneous mass, similar to icing. At this stage, turn off the fire, and add liquor to the melted component. Pour the resulting sweet mixture into a container for serving to the table, set it on a stand and place a lit candle on the bottom. We place the structure in the center of the table, next to it we put plates with fruits, berries and pastries. We prick the blanks on skewers, dip them into a warm chocolate mixture and enjoy a delicious dessert.

Chocolate fondue in the microwave

If your kitchen has a microwave, try making chocolate fondue with this device. Despite the fact that the dessert will be cooked in an electric oven, the cooking technology is no different from the classic dessert. First you need to prepare the necessary ingredients, which must be of the highest quality. Having prepared an original dessert at home, you will understand what chocolate fondue is and you will definitely fall in love with this dish.

Composition of ingredients

To please for festive table guests with a delicious dessert, prepare the necessary products in advance. So that the surprise is not spoiled by the missing component, it is better to take care of everything before the start of the celebration. So, for the dish you will need the following products:

  • 1-2 bars of high quality chocolate;
  • 100 ml full fat milk or cream;
  • a teaspoon of butter;
  • cookies and biscuits, cut into portions;
  • a little sugar, if you want to make the dessert sweeter.

For hot chocolate, you need a convenient container. It is great if the dish is equipped with handles that do not heat up. This will allow you to hold the pan without fear of getting burned. If the dessert is prepared only for adults, it is allowed to add liquor with any taste to the melted sweet mixture.

Cooking process

Pour the dairy product into a special bowl that is allowed to be used in a microwave oven, heat for one minute at maximum power. We crumble a bar of chocolate in advance, add it to the heated cream, add the butter. Mix everything, return the container to the microwave and heat for another 10 seconds. Stir, and heat again for 10 seconds in the microwave at maximum power. Repeat the procedure until we get a homogeneous mixture.

As soon as you managed to prepare chocolate for fondue, pour the mass into a fondue maker. Instead of a special device, you can use a regular bowl. If you strictly follow the technology, you will definitely be able to please your loved ones with a wonderful dish. But not every housewife manages to make the desired dish the first time. For example, if it was not possible to make a sweet mass of sufficient density, how to thicken chocolate fondue? You can add a little condensed milk to make it thicker.

Chocolate fondue video

Chocolate fondue with milk

If it was not possible to find cream of the desired fat content in the store, we replace the ingredient with ordinary milk. This product can almost always be found at home. Therefore, we are trying to make a delicious dessert in milk with the addition of butter. However, the oil should be of the highest quality. No confectionery spreads and margarines will help in this case. Fondue requires only the highest quality chocolate, butter and other products.

For example, the best chocolate for making fondue at home should contain as much cocoa as possible. It should be a natural product without impurities and flavors. The recipe for chocolate fondue involves the preparation of a special dish that is worthy of the most chic holiday table.

Product List

The peculiarity of this recipe is that the cream is replaced by 4% fat milk in the amount of 150-200 ml. Plus, for the dish you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • two bars of high-quality dark or milk chocolate;
  • a tablespoon of butter;

The butter can be taken out of the refrigerator before use so that it thaws a little.

Cooking step by step

Pour milk into a saucepan and put on a small fire. The butter can be melted separately, and poured in this form into warm milk. After waiting for the formation of a homogeneous mass, reduce the heat to a minimum, and attach the prepared chocolate bar, detailed into small slices. Remember that what kind of chocolate you use for fondue, this taste will make the icing. This component is the main one in the process of making dessert, so you need to choose chocolate carefully. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, it means that it turned out to prepare chocolate fondue.

To give a special taste to the sweet mass, it is recommended to add cinnamon, vanillin, a teaspoon of cognac. After finally mixing the icing, we shift it into a convenient container for serving.

White chocolate fondue in a water bath

Chocolate fondue at home can be made from white chocolate. The peculiar taste of this product will allow you to create an original sweet dish. Many sweet tooth prefer this kind of dessert.

We'll need

Don't forget that white chocolate is moody. To melt it, you need to use a dry bowl. If the pan is damp, the sweet chocolate will curl up into flakes. What do you need for fondue with chocolate?

  • 150-200 gr. white chocolate;
  • a tablespoon of butter with a high fat content;
  • 100 gr. fat cream.

How to cook

We prepare the mixture in a water bath. Melting white chocolate in the usual way does not work. The product should be melted gradually, simultaneously with butter and cream. We introduce these components in turn, stirring the confectionery mixture. To make the glaze homogeneous, the water bath should not boil. Everything should languish, melting smoothly to get a homogeneous, viscous sweet mass. After that, pour the mass into a beautiful bowl, in which we plan to serve dessert to the table. A variety of pastries and a white chocolate dessert will delight guests.

Chocolate fondue with orange syrup

Citrus or cherry lovers can indulge in the preparation of a confectionery mass with the addition of their favorite fruits. If it is planned to treat only adults with dessert, fruit components can be replaced with liqueurs with your favorite flavors. How to make orange chocolate fondue at home? In addition to flavoring additives, it is necessary to choose high-quality chocolate for fondue, which will be the basis of the whole dish.

Composition of products

  • 200 gr. chocolate
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 30 ml sweet syrup or cognac, or liquor.

Cooking technology

The recipe for making chocolate fondue involves the following technology:

  • pour 100 ml of cream into a small cauldron, determine in a water bath or a small fire;
  • add softened butter to a slightly warmed mass;
  • add two crushed chocolate bars, stir, waiting for a homogeneous mass;
  • if the milk component is not enough, add cream and liquor with your favorite taste, which will easily turn the mixture into a delicious dessert;
  • mix and pour the product into a convenient bowl for serving.
  1. The recipe for chocolate fondue is recommended to be used at home for making a dessert in a slow cooker.
  2. It is convenient to scrape out the remaining glaze from any dish with a silicone pastry spatula.
  3. If there are leftovers of the product at the bottom of the container in which the sweet ingredients were melted, we reheat it and use it to make any sweet dish.
  4. If you pour milk into a container with the rest of the chocolate mass and add a little granulated sugar, you get a delicious drink.
  5. It happens that in the process of melting the chocolate curls up or in the mass, small grains form. For fondue, this mixture is not suitable. Add condensed milk, butter to it and beat with a mixer, the result will be a great fondant for a biscuit.
  6. If you could not find cream in the nearest store, use 30% sour cream by mixing the product with butter in a 1: 1 ratio.
  7. For the preparation of any desserts, it is recommended to use clean dishes without chips and cracks. This will avoid unwanted chemical reaction products with damaged surfaces.

Don't neglect little tricks shared with us by experienced confectioners. One piece of advice put into practice could save your baked goods or chocolate dessert. Using the recommendations of chefs, try not to deviate from the classic technology. Especially if you are making fondue for the first time. Strict adherence to the recipe will help create a dish that has been heard and seen more than once on the pages of fashion magazines.

Such an exquisite dish as fondue has long ceased to be the property of only fashionable restaurants. Now almost any housewife can please her guests with this exotic delicacy. All that is required for this is a special device, logically called a fondue pot, although you can do without it. How to make chocolate fondue at home and make a fondue maker with your own hands, we will tell in this article.

How to make chocolate fondue?

Before proceeding to the recipes, let's start with the basics of the cooking process itself and the selection of ingredients.

Firstly, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying fondue, if for this you do not have the very fondue pot that we mentioned at the beginning of the article. This tricky unit can be replaced with a simple and familiar bowl with a stainless coating, although it will need to be placed over a burner or a candle so that its liquid contents do not cool down and thicken.

Chocolate fondue preparation should be accompanied by the principle “less is better”, the same principle applies to the chocolate used. Choose only the best, high-quality and proven brands of this product, because it is the key to your dessert, and, therefore, we completely determine the final result of cooking.

The ingredients for your fondue can range from fruits and biscuits to simple fried slices of bread.

Chocolate fondue with fruits

With this recipe, you can make a classic chocolate fondue with fruits, which is usually the place to start if you have not tried this dish before.


  • dark chocolate - 350 g;
  • cream - 220 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • any fruit to taste.


Heat the cream in a saucepan until tiny bubbles begin to appear, as soon as this happens, you can safely add the crushed chocolate and stir the mass with a whisk until thick. Immediately move the container to a small fire, on which the pot of chocolate will stand throughout the meal.

Serve the dish with large slices of your favorite fruits, which are dipped into the chocolate mass, after being pricked on a special skewer. As soon as you feel that the mass becomes excessively viscous - add a tablespoon of cream and mix well.

How to make spiced chocolate fondue at home?

It's no secret that spices enhance and enhance the flavor of chocolate in the right way. If you are a connoisseur of this product, then we recommend experimenting with the preparation of fondue according to the following recipe.


  • chocolate - 500 g;
  • cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • cayenne pepper - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • strawberries, crackers, marshmallows.


Mix chocolate with cream and let thicken, as in the previous recipe. Once the mixture is smooth and homogeneous, add spices, stir and serve the dish with your favorite dipping sweets, such as strawberries, marshmallows, crackers or pretzels.

Fruit fondue with Mexican hot chocolate

most interesting and original recipe fondue incorporates the so-called Mexican hot chocolate, which consists of great variety spices, butter and, in fact, dark chocolate.



Before making chocolate for fondue, mix sugar, cream and starch in a shallow bowl, when the mass becomes homogeneous, you can add milk, coffee, cinnamon and vanilla. Now the mixture must be heated, stirring gently, for 4 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we introduce soft butter and chopped chocolate into the mass. We transfer the fondue chocolate to a special fondue bowl and serve dessert, accompanied by pieces of pear, apples, pineapple, bananas, marshmallows or biscuit toast. Wash down such a dessert with sweet liquor, wine or champagne.

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