Marinade for slightly salted salmon. Serving and storing snacks. Spicy salted salmon with orange juice.

Recipes 22.10.2017

Salted salmon red fish (salmon, trout, chum salmon, pink salmon) is a valuable nutritious product, the signature dish of the festive snack table. It is useful, has a pleasant appearance and a delicate taste. However, the finished salted fish, which can now be bought in any store, cannot be compared with a fish salted at home. The recipe for salting salmon, which I will talk about, is very simple and does not take much time. Be sure to use it - you won't regret it!

You will need:

  • fine salt 1-2 tsp
  • powdered sugar 1 tsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp

If you have big family, then it is most profitable to buy fresh fish weighing 5-6 kg. When cutting, you will get a couple of soup sets from which you can cook delicious, several steaks, which canor cook. In addition, from such big fish You can cut a great piece for pickling. Part of all this is usually sent to the freezer, in general, despite the large one-time costs, it turns out quite economically and the pleasure can be stretched for a long time. True, you have to “puff” - the smell, scales, gills, ruined manicure, so I usually entrust this work to my husband, he does an excellent job with cutting.

If you are not looking for savings, then for salting it is easier to buy an already cut fish fillet - it is more expensive, but you don’t even need to clean it, just rinse it with cold water. Here is such a wonderful fillet weighing 1 kg from a small fish.

Step by step photo recipe:

So, rinse the fillets with cold water, dry with a paper towel, cut off the remaining costal bones.

I have a fillet weighing 1 kg. I divided it into 4 pieces - I will pickle 3, and cook from the tail

Usually one such piece of fish weighing 250 gr take 1 tsp salt, but I prefer a more salty version and take 2 tsp- experiment and choose what you like best. Powdered sugar will soften lemon juice, and all together: salt, powder and lemon juice are an excellent preservative.

mix salt and powdered sugar. squeeze out lemon juice.

Sprinkle the fish with the mixture. salt and powdered sugar.

Can be lightly rubbed with fingers.

Turn the fish over and sprinkle with salt and powder on the other side. Sprinkle on the cut from the sides.

Place the fish in a glass or enamel container, pour over each piece lemon juice.

Cover the container cling film and take away in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

After 12 hours - if salted in the evening, then in the morning flip the fish, again tightly cover with cling film and refrigerate for another 12 hours. One day is enough for the fish to be salted.

As you can see, it’s quite simple, and the fish turns out just extraordinary!

In this way, you can pickle any fish of the salmon family (salmon, trout, chum salmon, pink salmon). Do not deny yourself this valuable fish, not only in taste. Salmon contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, regular use of which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Just 100 grams of this fish provides a person with a daily intake of vitamin D and melatonin, which is important for skin health and normal sleep.

After the fish has been salted, I cut it all up so that I don’t once again dirty the knife, the board and, of course, my hands - I cut it into thin slices and arrange them in containers that are convenient to store in the refrigerator. Some parts can be frozen. It is better to cut obliquely, then even from a thin fillet you will get wide slices.
Advice:when cutting salted fish, even and thin slices will turn out if you hold it a little in the freezer so that it hardens.

Fish is always a special smell, so use plastic jars for butter, sour cream or cheese for storage, then you can just throw them away .

That's all. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Salt salmon at home!

Enjoy your meal!

How to pickle salmon at home. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • salmon (trout, chum salmon, pink salmon) 250 gr
  • fine salt 1-2 tsp
  • powdered sugar 1 tsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp

Rinse the fillets with cold water, dry with paper towels, cut off the remaining costal bones.
Mix salt and icing sugar, sprinkle the fish with the mixture.
Place the fish in a glass or enamel container, pour lemon juice over each piece.
Cover the container with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours.
After 12 hours, turn the fish over, cover tightly again with cling film and refrigerate for another 12 hours. One day is enough for the fish to be salted.

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There are delicacies that are not subject to fashion or oblivion, without which it is impossible to imagine a festive table, which are a sign of a holiday. We are talking about salmon, which embodies an elite treat, and therefore our recipes on how to quickly and tasty pickle salmon at home will allow you to pamper yourself on weekdays. Magnificent, incomparable taste and appearance, universal combination with other products - everything makes this delicacy product royal!

Buying salted salmon in the store, we cannot be sure of the high quality of the product, knowing the tricks of sellers or manufacturers. And why buy a finished product if we can learn the principles of salting salmon and salt it at home - in our own kitchen?

Salt salmon at home

There are two technologies for home salting red fish:

  • Dry Ambassador
  • Salting in brine

Let's look at salting recipes and find out how to properly and tasty salt salmon fish. It is simple and fast, especially if you have purchased a high-quality freshly frozen product. Fresh or chilled salmon fish can be seen for sale only in cities and towns on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean or rivers, lakes of this oceanic basin.

Dry salted salmon recipes

The classic dry pickling mixture includes an equal amount of granulated sugar and coarse salt. And already this mixture can be enriched with herbs, spices and spices. Experience comes after 2-3 salmon pickles and consists in compiling your own recipe for salted fish. On average, a kilogram of fish requires 4 tbsp. spoons of pickling mixture. How much salted salmon in a dry mix? It depends on the recipe, the cut of the fish and temperature regime salting.

How to salt salmon - a recipe for dry salting with dill


  • - 4 things. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 100 g + -


  • We wash the steaks, dip the water with napkins. We cut each steak along the ridge, maintaining the integrity of the skin. We remove the ridge and pull out the bones with culinary tweezers.
  • We prepare the pickling mixture by simply mixing salt and sugar. We carefully rub our steaks with this composition.
  • We cover the bottom of the enameled bowl with dill sprigs (1/3 of the prescription amount), put 2 steaks on the dill, skin side down. We cover them with the next portion of dill (only twigs!). We cover the steaks under the dill with the remaining pieces of fish skin out. We get such a fish sandwich with dill!
  • On top of the “sandwiches”, we again lay the dill, cover with a flat plate of a diameter smaller than that of the bowl and put the load.
  • Salt in the kitchen hours 6-8, and then move the salting to the refrigerator for another couple of days.

Dry salting recipe No. 2 - for salmon bellies

Let's look at how to salt salmon bellies at home. There are certain rules for their ambassador:

So, how to salt salmon bellies yourself? We will need about 300 g of bellies, 2 tbsp. coarse salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

We dry the cleaned and washed abdomens on a paper towel, put them in a bowl and sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar according to the recipe. Stir, cover with a plate and leave in the kitchen to salt in for 2 hours.

If you made salting in the evening and want to leave the bellies in the salt for the whole night, then put 1 tbsp of salt. a spoon so that the product does not oversalt. Use exactly the same recipe for salting salmon ridges - you won't go wrong! Delicious and inexpensive!

Dry salting recipe No. 3 - with spices and lemon


  • Salmon fillet - 600-700 g
  • A mixture of salt and sugar - 2 tbsp each.
  • Lemon - 1 fruit
  • Ground allspice - to taste
  • Bay leaf broken - 2 leaves
  • Dill
  • Parsley


  1. We prepare the pickling mixture: we combine salt, ground allspice, sugar, chopped dill and parsley, broken bay leaf.
  2. We spread the pickling mixture in a bowl, put the fish fillet cut into large pieces on top and carefully rub the mixture into the fish fibers. Sprinkle with different parties pieces of lemon juice. You can also cut the lemon fruit into rings and overlay each fillet.
  3. We close with a flat plate of a smaller diameter and put it under oppression. We place in the cold for a day (or on the balcony or in the refrigerator).
  4. During the day, a brine is formed, which must be drained, and all the spices are scraped off with a knife and wiped with a cooking napkin. Salted salmon is ready!

The recipe is good because vodka breaks down fats, making the fibers dense and elastic. In addition, vodka is a reliable disinfectant solution, and the fish is salted quickly and evenly.

For a dry pickling mixture, mix 2 tbsp. coarse salt and 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar. Sprinkle the red fish fillet with the pickling mixture, additionally rubbing it with your hands. In conclusion, sprinkle the fish with vodka (30 ml is enough). After 8-10 hours, light-salted salmon just asks to lie down on a piece of bread!

This way of salting salmon is just as good as dry salting. In general, the required amount of sugar and table salt does not change. The only difference is that the fish pieces are not rubbed with a dry mixture, but are poured with room temperature brine.

Salted salmon - a quick recipe

An excellent recipe for salting salmon fish in just 2 hours!

Pickle for salmon: 2 tbsp. sea ​​salt, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar and half a liter of water. It is necessary to bring the water to a boil, dissolve salt and sugar in it, wait for the secondary boil and turn it off. After cooling, we filter the brine and fill it with red fish. After 2 hours, put it on a plate, remove the brine with a napkin and cut into thin slices. Beautifully laid out on a dish and served, decorating with suitable vegetables or herbs.

Lightly salted salmon - a recipe for instant salting

The recipe is suitable for fast food snacks when there is simply no time for a complicated recipe!

Frozen fish (without defrosting) cut into thin slices. Preparing a strong brine: 5-6 tbsp. salts are dissolved in 1 liter of cold boiled water. We get a very strong saline solution. You can check its saturation with a piece of raw peeled potato: if it floats to the surface of the brine, then its concentration can quickly salt the fish.

Dip the fish slices in the brine for 10 minutes. Next, take them out and remove the salty moisture from their surface with paper towels. We put it in a plastic food container, pour it with refined sunflower oil and leave it in the cold for 40-50 minutes. Ready! Serve on a platter topped with pickled onions and lemon rings.

Salmon is a fish from the salmon family. It has a rather impressive size. A large individual can reach two meters in length. The weight of such a fish ranges from thirty to fifty kilograms. Salmon (or Atlantic salmon) live an average of fourteen years. It contains a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins that can be destroyed during heat treatment or freezing. Therefore, many housewives prefer to salt this fish. How salted salmon is prepared at home will be discussed in this article.

Fish selection

When choosing salmon, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the individual. The scales of fresh fish are elastic, smooth and shiny, and the eyes are transparent. In addition, a pleasant aroma should come from the salmon. Speaking about how to properly pickle red fish at home, it should be mentioned that the loin is usually used for this. However, steaks, bellies, various trimmings are also perfect. But salting the head of salmon is not worth it - it is better to leave it in your ear. Different ways of salting red fish will be described in this article.


The fish must be milled before cooking. For this fit long and a wide knife. The tool should be longer than the distance from the back of the salmon to its belly. Now you can proceed to the phased cutting of fish.

  1. First of all, the carcass must be rinsed in cold water, and then wiped dry.
  2. Then she needs to cut off her head and gills.
  3. After that, the fish should be cut along the spine into two parts.
  4. Then the salmon ridge must be cut off and the remaining ribs removed with tweezers. This must be done carefully, since the ridge has very sharp protrusions, which are easy to cut or prick.
  5. Next, you can remove the skin from the fish along with the scales.

Fillet for salting is ready. If desired, you can remove the abdomen. Some consider this part of the carcass to be too fatty. Now you can start talking about how to properly salt salmon at home.

Cooking methods

Red fish can be salted in three different ways: wet, dry and mixed.

  1. Wet way. In this case, the salmon is kept in a marinade with the addition of salt. This is how fish is processed at enterprises.
  2. Dry way. The salmon carcass is rubbed with salt and spices. This is the most popular option for salting the product. It is suitable for lovers of lightly salted red fish.
  3. Mixed way. It involves a complex technology for the preparation of the product. This method will not be presented in this article.

It should be remembered that strict observance of all the conditions for creating a dish always guarantees good result. At the same time, it doesn’t matter why you need to pickle salmon: for sushi, for beer, or just to feast on. Before cooking, you should carefully study the recipe and follow it exactly.

How to salt a fillet

Salmon salted at home is prepared quite simply. Some housewives completely cover it with salt. Salmon is famous for its fat content and juiciness, so it is impossible to oversalt such fish. In any case, her meat will absorb only required amount salt. The recipe for salting salmon at home, described below, involves the phased implementation of the following steps:

This is how salted salmon is prepared at home. Next, you will learn a few more recipes for salting this delicious fish.

How to salt a steak

The dry method of salting salmon was described above. But the steak is preferable to cook in brine.


  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 3-4 tablespoons without a slide;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • spices (coriander, allspice, bay leaf) - to taste.

Cooking method:

It turns out very tasty salmon salted at home. A step-by-step recipe for cooking a dish will quickly master even a novice hostess.

How to salt salmon in pieces

Probably the only serious drawback of salmon is its high price. Not every family can afford to purchase and completely salt such fish. Fortunately, slices of salmon (the so-called trimmings) are sold in shops and markets. They are great for cooking too. Such salting of salmon at home will take quite a bit of time. Quick Recipe cooking suggests that the fish will be ready to eat in just a few hours.


  • fish (pieces) - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

Fillet pieces should be sprinkled with a mixture of sugar and salt, put in a container, pressed with oppression and refrigerate for three to four hours. After that, salted salmon, cooked at home, can be served at the table.

How to salt the bellies and backbone

The advantage of these fish parts is that they cook instantly. Belly and ridges of salmon in salty form will be an excellent snack for beer. They are also cooked dry.


  • bellies and ridges - 1 kilogram;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

Parts of red fish should be covered with a mixture of salt and sugar, then tightly packed in a container and placed in the refrigerator for several hours. The dish is ready!

Now you know how to properly pickle red fish at home. Even the bellies and backbones of Atlantic salmon are suitable for this purpose.

Salting with sugar and spices. Ingredients

Now we will talk about how to salt salmon and trout at home with sugar and various spices. To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • fillet of red fish (trout or salmon) - 1 kilogram;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • dill - 1 sprig;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 5 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • parsley - 1 branch.

Salting with sugar and spices. Cooking method

  1. First of all, you need to make a pickling mixture. To do this, mix together pepper, salt and sugar.
  2. Then both halves of the fillet should be grated with this composition.
  3. Next, you need to put a piece of fish skin down in an enameled or plastic container.
  4. After that, it is necessary to cover the red meat with chopped herbs and laurel leaves.
  5. Now you should sprinkle the products with the rest of the pickling mixture and sprinkle with lemon juice. Instead, you can use cognac or red wine.
  6. Lastly, put the other half of the fillet into the container, skin side up.

The recipe for salting salmon at home involves different time cooking. On average, it is aged in the refrigerator for two days. However, lovers of salted fish can enjoy it in a day. If you need a more salty option (for example, with beer), you can keep the salmon or trout in the marinade longer. However, it should be remembered that every twelve hours the fish should be turned over so that the lower and upper pieces of the fillet change places.

Next, salted salmon, cooked at home, is pulled out of the refrigerator and wiped with a towel. Then it should be cut into pieces and served at the table. You can also store it in a clean container and keep it cool.

Now you know how to properly salt salmon at home. This exceptionally healthy and tasty product will make your diet more balanced and nutritious. Enjoy your meal!

Salted salmon is a fish that can be eaten as an independent dish, or
add to salads, rolls, sushi and pastries. It should also be remembered that eating red fish improves performance. of cardio-vascular system, increases efficiency, restores the physical condition of a person.

Salting the fish yourself, you will be sure that no preservatives and dyes have been added to it. Such salmon can also be given to children. You can make delicious sandwiches from homemade salmon, you can cook salads with it, you can make delicious snacks, tartlets.

It seems to many housewives that cooking fish is a complex and time-consuming process, so not everyone decides on such a “feat”. In fact, salting salmon or trout does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to buy a quality product that has not been subjected to repeated freezing. It is better to buy salmon in specialized stores, where you can not worry about the quality of the fish.
In this recipe, we will tell you how to properly pickle salmon at home, we will pickle salmon fillets in small pieces. The term of salting salmon is 2 days.

How to cook salted salmon at home

Wash the fish, dry it and with a thin sharp knife cut into pieces 1.5-2 centimeters thick.

Prepare dishes for salting salmon. To do this, it is better to take a tightly closed plastic food container, clay or glass container with a lid.

Mix salt, sugar and pepper. If you do not like spicy fish, marinate only with sugar and salt.
At the bottom of a dry and clean dish in which the trout will be salted, pour salt and sugar, put pieces of fish on top. Repeat the process several times. Sprinkle the last layer on top with a mixture of seasonings, close the lid tightly and place in the cellar or refrigerator for 1-2 days. Now you can eat our fish, we think that all your family members will be delighted with the delicate and tasty fish.

Tips for proper salting of salmon:

1. The amount of salt can be adjusted depending on your taste preferences.
2. In order for the pieces of red fish to be dense and beautiful, it is better not to remove the skin on the fillet before cooking.
3. You can also pickle salmon and a whole carcass at home. To do this, you need to weigh it, calculate the required amount of spices, sprinkle with seasonings on all sides and put in a cold place. To prepare such fish, it will take more time - from 3 to 5 days.

The ambassador of salmon at home can be carried out by almost any housewife. To do this, you just need to purchase fresh fish and properly cut it.

general information

Before telling you about how the salmon ambassador is carried out at home, you should tell you why it needs to be done at all.

Salmon is a very oily and nutritious red fish that is often used in baked dishes, pies, as well as Chinese rolls and sushi. However, it should be noted that such a product is also well used to create delicious holiday snacks. But in this case, the fish must first be salted.

Currently, the salmon ambassador at home is carried out in three different ways:

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • mixed.

Let's consider all these options in more detail.

Dry salted salmon at home (step by step recipe)

Most housewives prefer to salt red fish with the most in a simple way. It provides for the usual powder of a food product or. For this, salmon does not even have to be cut into fillets. It is enough just to cut along the abdomen. But first things first.

So, for 1 kg of fresh fish we need:

  • table salt or iodized - 3 large spoons;
  • white sugar - a small spoon;
  • any - 1 sachet.

Product preparation

Before salting salmon at home (you can find a photo of the snack in this article), it should be thoroughly washed, gutted, and the head and fins cut off. By the way, it is not recommended to throw away the last components. After all, they can make an excellent ear.

If you do not want to salt salmon at home as a whole, then it is recommended to cut it into steaks no more than three centimeters thick.

salting process

During the preparation of such an appetizer, you should not be afraid of salting red fish. After all, it is very fatty and juicy, and therefore it will never take excess salt into itself.

Thus, all the spices mentioned should be mixed in one bowl, and then rub them with pieces of salmon on all sides. After that, the product must be wrapped with a cotton napkin and put in a plastic bag. In this form, it must be kept in the refrigerator for a whole day.

Serve right to the table

Now you know how the salmon ambassador is carried out at home in large pieces. After a day, the fish must be removed from the bag and freed from the napkin. If unmelted crystals remain on the product, they can be removed with a knife. In the future, it should be cut into thin slices and served with lemon slices and a sandwich loaf.

Ambassador of salmon at home in brine

Prepared in this way, it has a less elastic and dense texture and a more spicy taste than dry-salted salmon. That is why choosing one or another salting recipe should be at your own discretion.

As in the previous case, red fish can be salted as a whole, if it is small, as well as in the form of steaks.

So what ingredients are needed to carry out salting salmon at home? The recipe for this appetizer includes:

  • drinking water (1 l);
  • table salt (4 large spoons without a slide);
  • white sugar (small spoon);
  • natural vinegar 9% (large spoon).

Preparing the fish

Salmon for such a snack should be processed in exactly the same way as in the previous recipe. If it is small, then it is better to pickle it whole. Otherwise, it is recommended to cut the fish into steaks 2 centimeters thick.

Brine preparation

Before salting salmon at home in large pieces, you should make a fragrant brine. To do this, pour drinking water into a saucepan, and then bring it to a boil, add sugar and salt. If you wish, you can add allspice and bay leaf to the liquid.

After all the described actions, the brine must be removed from the stove and natural vinegar added to it.

Salt red fish

After waiting for the spicy brine to cool completely, it should be filtered and pour the prepared fish steaks. From above, it is desirable to press down the product with something so that it does not float to the surface. In this form, it is advisable to send the salmon to the refrigerator and hold for about two days. If you are unbearable, then you can take a sample from the snack the very next day. In this case, you will get lightly salted red fish.

How to present to the festive table?

After the salmon is salted, it must be removed from the brine and blotted with a thick paper towel. Next, it should be cut into small slices and put on top of a piece of a sandwich loaf, which is recommended to be greased with soft butter in advance.

Salt red fish with spices and lemon

The mixed salting of salmon involves the use of the first and then the second method. Due to this combination, you will get a very tender and delicious fish, which can be safely used to prepare snacks.

However, it should be noted that there is another way of salting salmon. It involves the use of lemon and various spices. Let's consider it in more detail.

So, we need:

  • small lemon - ½ fruit;
  • white sugar - 2 small spoons;
  • table salt - 5 large spoons;
  • dried cumin - dessert spoon;
  • coriander - dessert spoon;
  • ground black pepper - a dessert spoon;
  • lavrushka - 2 leaves;
  • dill and fresh parsley - on a branch.

Preparation of red fish

It is better to buy a large salmon for such salting, since we only need large steaks. Alternatively, they can be purchased already processed. Although whole fish will cost you much less.

Salt salmon at home

After the red fish is purchased and processed, you must immediately proceed to its salting. To do this, mix white sugar, dried cumin, coriander and ground black pepper. Next, rub all the fish steaks with the resulting mixture and put them in a container with a lid. Sprinkle lemon juice on top of the fish, as well as lay out broken leaves of parsley and sprigs of fresh dill and parsley.

In this form, the salmon should be tightly closed with a lid and left at room temperature for 12 hours. In the future, the product must be removed in the refrigerator. It is recommended to keep it this way for another half a day.

How should it be served?

After the salmon is completely salted and absorbs all the aromas of spices, it must be removed from the container and cut into pieces. Serve such a delicious and fragrant product to festive table recommended together with slices of a sandwich loaf or tartlets.

By the way, salting salmon at home with vodka is carried out in exactly the same way as in the presented recipe. But in this case, lemon juice should be replaced with a forty-degree alcoholic drink.

Summing up

There is nothing easier than pickling red fish at home. Using the above recipes, you will never again purchase an expensive salty snack in the store. After all, you can do it yourself, using only various spices and seasonings.

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