Velcro curtains. Velcro curtains: as the easiest way to decorate plastic windows. Curtains for balcony windows

Design and interior 25.03.2019
Design and interior

"Velcro" is a simple name for a textile fastener consisting of two strips with which two materials can be attached to each other. One of the options for using such a tape is Velcro curtains, for which various styles and fabrics can be used.

Velcro roman curtains

It is believed that it is most advisable to use Velcro to hang curtains in the form of an even canvas. This is partly true, since it is these curtains that are the easiest way to decorate an original window with your own hands, which does not require large material and time costs. they are usually hung on special cornices with a manual or electric lifting mechanism, and when sewing the curtain itself, metal-plastic strips (wooden glazing beads), weights, plastic rings and cords are used. Making Roman blinds with your own hands allows you to:

When closed, lowered, the fabric becomes flat again to completely cover the window. Pleats or pleats are made by inserting thin wooden, metal, or plastic rods known as dowels that fit into channels, or they can be made into ribbons that are sewn horizontally across the back of the fabric at regular intervals.

A series of cords are equally spaced across the width of a Roman blind and then cut vertically down the length of the blind passing through the channels or tapes and securely attached to the bottom channel or tape. After the blind has been filled, it is fixed on a metal or wooden rail. The tops of the blind cords are cut through hooks or cord holders in the header rail and are taken to either the right or left side of the curtain where they all meet and create leverage in the same way as the pulley system.

  • choose a fabric to taste, based on the interior of the room;
  • calculate the optimal width of the folds and their number according to the height of a particular window;
  • change the design of the window if desired, having at your disposal several curtains from different fabrics.

Velcro is used to attach the top edge of the canvas to the cornice, but you need to know what it consists of and how it functions. Textile fastener type "Velcro" has two parts: one part with a pile, the second - with small hooks. The fleece tape has a solid base, which is usually attached to hard surfaces (wall, cornice, wooden planks). A soft tape with hooks is sewn to the curtain fabric.

How do you manage the Roman blind?

When the cords are all brought together, the bottom dowel is lifted up to match the dowel above it. This creates a crease in the fabric, the higher the blind goes up, more creases are created until they are fully open. The number of folds created is determined by the length of the window. The bars, channels and cords are all discreetly positioned behind the rear and are never visible from the front.

Which rooms can use roman blinds?

This simple yet effective building technique allows you to make Roman blinds in a wide variety of fabric textures and weights. With the wide range of fabrics and colors available for Roman blinds, they can be used in almost any room in your home.

When connecting both parts, a reliable grip occurs, which only works on separation. The solid part can be fastened with a construction stapler to a tree, with self-tapping screws to a wall, or with glue to plastic. With the help of adhesive tape "Velcro" are conveniently attached to the cornices for plastic windows, which are placed on the profile or directly on the double-glazed window. They also look good in a multi-tiered curtain composition with other curtains.

Fastening curtains with Velcro

Roman Blinds are craftsmen offering a sophisticated elegant showcase and most often decorating the windows of living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, guest rooms, children's room, conservatories and offices as they offer a more furnished look than roller, venetian and vertical blinds.

AT winter gardens and south-facing windows that are exposed to harsh sunlight, it is best to choose pale colors to reduce the visible signs of fading over the years of being in place. Insulating and tinted overlays can help reduce fading, however, after years of continuous exposure to the sun, it will inevitably occur to some extent.

Japanese curtains in the form of fabric panels have become popular in recent times among lovers of oriental design and interior in the styles of minimalism or hi-tech. Fabric panels are used as curtains for windows, a screen for an alcove, a light partition or a screen in the middle of a room. Main Feature Japanese curtains is a special design wall and ceiling cornices, which are assembled from separate strips, depending on the number of panels to be moved and the width of the canvases.

Can Roman blinds be used in kitchens and bathrooms?

In bedrooms, it is recommended to use pads as they will help keep the bedroom from unwanted light pollution, making the room more conducive to rest and sleep. Because Roman blinds are usually made from moisture-resistant fabrics or wipes, which are often used for damp atmospheres found in kitchens and bathrooms.

It is wise to avoid perfectly plain fabrics as they are more likely to show splash marks, especially on luxurious fabrics such as velvet, taffeta and rayon. When using a Roman blind in a room that is exposed to moisture, it is recommended to install it so that the fabric does not touch the glass or tile walls, which tend to trap condensation and moisture. Fixing the blind slightly forward in the window recess, rather than behind, will help alleviate the problem.

Each strip is a profile with moving roller runners in the groove, the lower part of which ends with a common bar. It is to these strips that a hard tape of a textile fastener is attached, to which a soft tape is attached, sewn to the fabric. Velcro provides a snug and secure fit across the entire width of the canvas when the panels move. Often, in order to close the moving planks and the sliding mechanism from prying eyes, a lambrequin or a decorative baguette is attached to the front edge of the cornice with adhesive tape.

When you order Roman Blinds, you just need to select the type of fabric and lining, provide measurements, and say which side you would like the controls to be included and they will be made to your specifications. You don't need to make any hem and seam allowances, and you don't need to allow for gaps if you're going to fit blinds into a window recess. There is also no need to assemble the blinds as the cords come pre-assembled, adjustable and with a safety lock.

Can roman blinds be made from any type of fabric?

For getting additional information For precautions with cords and chains on Roman blinds, please see our Safety Guide. Roman blinds can be made from a wide range of high quality fabrics. Plain, semi-plain, or patterned fabrics can be used to coordinate or contrast with your room's color scheme. Iconic and patterned fabrics can also be used to add visual interest to a window and complement the theme of a room, while plain color blocks can be used to add a splash of color.

For the convenience of consumers, manufacturers prudently supply baguette strips to the distribution network, which are attached to the front side of the finished factory system.

Velcro is an ideal option to hang a curtain on a window opening without a cornice in the case when there is simply no place for it or a suitable model has not been selected, and the window needs to be closed. Velcro curtains without a cornice darken the room as much as possible, since there is no gap between the curtain and the wall. Such fastening of the fabric to the window justifies itself in the bedroom and in the children's room, where you often need to close the window tightly during the daytime.

Velcro curtains on a plastic window: a master class

You can also use the same fabric as the other soft furnishings in the room to create a completely coordinated and consistent style. Because Roman blinds can be made in a variety of fabric weights and thicknesses, they can be used to create different looks.

Lightweight taffeta or rayon is ideal for creating crisp creases that look great against the smooth, lustrous sheen of the fabric. All of these fabric options are available in a wide range colors and patterns that not only look amazing, will provide a long lasting roman skin with longevity. Any non-stretch fabric will create crisp, sharp creases that stay straight and believable, giving the blind a professional finish.

There are several options for attaching curtains without cornices.

  • Curtains hanging on the wall, for this, the hard part of the Velcro is attached with screws or self-tapping screws directly to the wall, and the soft part is sewn to the fabric.
  • Curtains are hung on wooden block . In this case, a wooden block or plank is fixed with screws to the wall, and Velcro is glued to it with carpentry cream or nailed with a stapler over short distances, bending the tape onto the ends of the bar.
  • Curtains are hung separately on each glazed section of the frame separated by sashes. A solid strip of Velcro is fastened with a stapler or small carnations to the sash, and a soft one is sewn to the fabric. This method is convenient if the doors open into the room.

Curtains without cornices are usually used in country houses, in a gazebo, on a veranda or in a summer kitchen, where everything can be done by hand. In the living room, you can hang curtains made of transparent fabrics or draped in vertical folds with Velcro, but then it will not be possible to push them apart, and this must be taken into account. Before fastening the textile fastener to the curtain, it is necessary to sew all the folds of the drapery in the upper part of the fabric.

Heavy weight fabrics such as velvet, crushed velvet, chenille, and sheer wool fabrics can also be used for Roman blinds as they can be lifted up to create soft, neat pleats and creases. However, these fabrics do not make sharp, crunchy folds or lie as flat as medium weight flakes, but they will give a luxurious, voluptuous look that will have no detrimental effect on the working mechanisms. Heavy weight fabrics are good choice for ill-fitting and see-through windows as they provide a layer of insulation to the windows.

To partially open a window and allow daylight to enter the room, you can use curtain ties and holders in the form of wall hooks and loops, curtain pins, drapery rings, magnetic clips and other elements.

Even when attaching curtains without a cornice with Velcro, you can use a wooden, plastic or fabric baguette to cover upper edge curtains. It is especially advisable to use a baguette in crossed curtain compositions, where it is not possible to attach a lambrequin. When sewing curtains with your own hands, it is convenient to collect all the curtains on a common tape, and then sew Velcro to it from the inside and attach a decorative element from the front side.

curtain restrictions

Since the vast majority of curtain fabrics are 138 cm wide, there may be some restrictions on their use. Of course, if your window is over 138 cm wide, the fabric will not be wide enough to make a Roman skin. Since more than one curtain width is required for this width, it will have neat joints, with the pattern matching if necessary to achieve the required width. The center of the blind will have a full panel with bonded tissue evenly spaced on both sides.

Curtains with Velcro loops

Hinged curtains are a simple design technique for decorating a child's room, kitchen, country or rustic room. This is one of the easiest options for DIY tailoring. Loops in the form of double strips of fabric can be "deaf", firmly sewn to the curtain linen, or can be fastened. Curtains with loops are hung only on eaves with a smooth metal, wooden or metal-plastic rod, along which they slide well when moving. But in order to remove the curtain with blind loops, it is necessary to disassemble the eaves, releasing the rod.

Stitches are never placed down the center of the blind as it looks unprofessional and much less stylish. Custom made Roman blinds are ideal for large picture windows as they provide appearance outside world and provide stylish window treatments. While it's hard to choose the wrong fabric for measuring Roman blinds, there are some that should be avoided.

Majority paintwork materials, especially heavy weight fabrics, should be avoided for Roman blinds. Upholstery fabrics are usually thick to give them strength and durability, but they are also treated with flame retardant chemicals by dipping or coating the material. This makes the material very rigid, which prevents the Roman blinds from folding properly.

In the children's room and in the kitchen, curtains require frequent washing, so loops fastened with buttons, buttons, magnets or Velcro are more convenient. One side of the loop fabric is tightly sewn to the upper finished edge of the curtain. In the same place, a piece of Velcro is sewn, equal in width to the strip of the loop. The second part of the textile fastener is sewn to the other edge of the loop. When connecting two sticky fragments, a reliable loop is formed that wraps around the bar.

Curtains with lambrequin

Pure silk is not recommended for Roman blinds as it is affected by both humidity and harsh sunlight. Moisture can cause fine silk to rot, and harsh sunlight fades and quickly degrades the fabric. None of these scenarios contribute to the creation of a practical and durable display case.

Curtains with loops and fixed Velcro

All fabrics that are knitted or stretch-bound are unsuitable for making Roman blinds. A panel of fabric or panels for making Roman blinds must be cut with true straight edges, which is not possible unless the fabric can be accurately measured and cut. Stretch and knit fabrics also tend to come out of shape easily, making blind eye unsightly and difficult to work with.

A variety of modern materials and devices can significantly reduce the material costs of repair work, design decoration interior, decorating a window opening with your own hands. textile fastener, curtain tape, magnetic clips, plastic rings, eyelets - these are simple details with which you can realize own ideas without resorting to complex and expensive factory designs.

There, the surface also creates too much friction and resistance, giving the fabric a sticky effect that will prevent the blinds from working properly. This excess friction will cause excessive stress on the shutter itself, on the track, and on the operating system. They are too heavy and thick to create wrinkles and, despite the nature of the fabric, they can tear and tear easily. Faux suede, on the other hand, would be suitable choice as it is more flexible and softer with less drag.

Due to the sheer nature of drawers and volcanoes, these fabrics are not recommended for Roman blinds. Although easy temper fabric means it will fold and drape beautifully, roman blinds should be lined up and place an opaque fabric on the lining behind a sheer or translucent one that defeats the object of choosing drawers. If the blinds were to be sanded down, then the ribbons, pins, and cord would be visible through the flips or veils when the dazzler is lowered, and it doesn't look visually pleasing.

On the windows with your own hands, plus the ability to hang them correctly - skills that cost a lot. The craftsmen of these things forge their own happiness and comfort with their own hands. After all, curtains play a very important role in the interior of any room. And it’s also easy to hang curtains with Velcro with your own hands.

In order for a Roman blind to be made correctly, a good quality backing fabric must be used. The lining not only hides tape channels, dowels, etc. It also provides stability and shape to the blind fabric, allowing skilled seamstresses to achieve accurate finished measurements. The lining also protects the facial tissue from fading due to sunlight and helps prevent the face tissue from touching any moisture present in the window.

The lining is used to place stitch channels or tapes on which dowels and work cords are installed. Because both backings and tapes are usually white or cream, they are virtually invisible when viewed from the outside of the window in the lowered position. It gives the blind a smart, professional finish on both sides.

Why not choose a colored lining?

White or cream ribbons or stitch channels do not look attractive on dark or bright fabrics when blind viewed from outside a window. The lining plays an important role in the type of shading the blind creates for your window. This will help protect the back of the facial tissue from sun damage, but will not prevent light from filtering through the facial tissue. A standard liner is useful if you want to lower a Roman blind during the daytime to prevent sun glare without completely darkening the room.

Rules for the correct cut of curtains

There are several stages in this process:

  • choose fabric;
  • we prepare it, iron it;
  • determine the direction on the fabric of the facial pattern;
  • we make all the necessary calculations and start sewing.

You should calculate the matter of the fabric with double accounting - that is, for 2 curtains. Here, the standard length would be best - 5 m, and width - 2. After preparing the pieces, the fabric can already be sewn.

  • we process sections on the sides;
  • we process the top;
  • we grind the bottoms.

Two curtains in their width should be similar to the length of the curtain rod per window.

Reinforcement selection rules

Fastening Japanese curtains

For Japanese curtains, fabrics are always selected according to two main criteria: translucency and incredible thinness. To make Japanese panel curtains and attach them with Velcro, it is important to correctly relate to the process of choosing a fabric. When the product is ready, it should have the shape of a rectangle. Also, a weighting agent must be present in their designs. Roman blinds are easy to remove and wash.

Drapery oriental curtains

Colors and color schemes materials of oriental curtains are different: plain, with stylized oriental pictures or ornaments. The feature is the way the panels move. This is something similar to how wardrobes work. Velcro is attached first to the top of the curtain, and only then to the cornice. You can see how to do it in the photo:

Gluing the curtain on the cornice

Fastening curtains with Velcro hinges

This style of curtains is significantly different from the types that we have already reviewed. Here key point are special loops with which the curtains are attached to the eaves. The design of the room with such curtains can change beyond recognition and change the character. These loops need to be fastened with adhesive tape. It will be easy to make such curtains and fix them with your own hands. most important detail it will be that for the distribution of fasteners there must be accurate measurements of the distance between them.

Loop fastening with Velcro

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