Japanese curtain as a partition for a sliding wardrobe.

Design and interior 29.07.2018
Design and interior

Massive curtains, a drawstring on ordinary curtains or a simple mesh tulle are no longer in fashion today. Japanese curtains complement the style of a given interior of a kitchen or living room in modern homes. They serve as sliding panels, protect well from the sun, look simple and elegant at the same time. What are Japanese panels? How to choose the right window decor for a room and what is the price of such decoration?

What are Japanese curtains

Laconically emphasizing the design, harmoniously fitting in - this is how you can briefly describe what Japanese curtain panels are. In fact, these are simple sliding structures with a wide fabric panel, which are attached to the ceiling and floor in a special way. The metal frame is arranged in such a way that the curtains go freely in different sides, then opening access to the sun, then blocking it.

Pros and cons of curtains

Russians, who are used to the fact that the curtains on the windows must hang and gather in many folds, in Japanese partitions, first of all, are attracted by oriental design. However, this is not the most important advantage of this interior element. Japanese screens have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • you can choose the type of fabric, its color and pattern;
  • such curtains do not collect dust, dirt or debris that accumulates in the folds of heavy curtains;
  • they are simple and easy to care for;
  • Japanese screen panels allow you to completely close the opening from ceiling to floor, which makes the design especially attractive with panoramic windows.

In addition to the listed advantages of curtains, it is worth adding ergonomics, versatility and beautiful design. Two, three or four-layer designs will allow you to completely change the atmosphere prevailing in the room in a matter of seconds. The only drawback of Japanese canvases is the limitations in the choice of form: such screens are rectangular or square.

How are they attached

If you look at the photo of Japanese curtain panels, then in appearance they strongly resemble rolled curtains in the open state. Indeed, there are some similarities, but the main difference between curtains made in the Japanese style is the ability to fix the fabric in several rows. This is achieved by attaching the material to a special cornice located on the ceiling. To fix the fabric, hooks or special patches are not required, the store will offer you:

  • Hangers for curtains - move along the cornice with the help of rollers. The disadvantage of such devices is that the fabric will sometimes gather in folds even if there are weights from below.
  • Panel with Velcro - fastened with glue to the plastic surface of the eaves. Between themselves, such panels are also moved apart by rollers, but the fabric is not folded.

Cornices for Japanese curtains

Standard Width canvases for each curtain - 50-60 centimeters. Under the same dimensions, manufacturers are trying to make cornices. If your window is wide or you want to lengthen the cornice yourself, then the product will have to be made to order or made by yourself. They make cornices, as a rule, from plastic or durable acrylic, but if you wish, you can purchase metal fixtures for fixing Japanese panels.

Japanese-style curtains in the interior

The simple design of Japanese screens in no way harms the style of this piece of furniture. Such curtains will be an excellent decoration for the living room, divide the children's bedroom into a play area and a place to relax, and fence off a hanger with outerwear. In addition, Japanese screens look great on windows, protect from heat, bright sunlight and prying eyes. The main thing is to be able to choose the right design for the interior of the room.

To the kitchen

According to Japanese traditions, the kitchen should be completely concentrated and calm during cooking, because this is the only way to achieve harmony in the taste of the dishes served. Because of this, many designers recommend choosing light prints for this room. It is better to buy Japanese curtains with a color found in untouched nature: green, brown, a shade of fallen leaves or stone.

Of the materials, it is worth giving preference to smooth or textured fabrics without a pattern. Even better if the curtains are decorated with bamboo sticks or soft straw. Love fabric coverage? Then buy artificial fabric. Grease stains are easier to wash off, odors are easier to remove and steam from cooking dries faster. As for the size of the curtains, for a small room the optimal dimensions are up to the windowsill. A spacious kitchen with large windows will suit floor-length screens.

For the living room

For common room it is worth considering contrasting options for combining Japanese screens with traditional curtains or tulle. Here you should carefully monitor that all textures are perfectly combined with each other. On the window you can hang materials that do not stretch over time - linen, satin, reaper, silk, veil or cotton. For contrast, buy Japanese blinds in sheer chiffon, organza, taffeta, or moiré.

If for the interior kitchen it is worth buying plain curtains, then you can hang screens with bright prints in the living room. Such themes always remain in fashion: large flowers, small stripes, urban landscape, birds, hieroglyphs, abstractions. The main thing is not to overdo it. To make the alternation smooth, designers advise hanging a plain canvas closer to the window opening, then a curtain with a bright pattern, and behind it an opaque curtain.

Japanese curtains as a partition

If you need to close an unsightly clothes rack or separate the sleeping area from the work area so that the partition does not take up much space, it is difficult to find a simpler solution than Japanese panel curtains. The only room of the studio apartment can be divided into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. For children, the panel screen will serve as a barrier between the play area, a place to study and sleep.

In an adult bedroom, zoning made up of two or three canvases in pastel shades or with soft thermal printing will look appropriate. On one curtain, you can depict a romantic landscape, a sakura tree, or any other pattern that will be combined with peace and tranquility. For the sleeping area, it is important to choose natural opaque fabrics: cotton, linen, light silk, lace.

The price of Japanese curtains

If desired, screen curtains can be purchased at any textile store. Masters will help you choose the right size, texture of the material, shade. If there are no suitable colors on sale, try sewing curtains according to step by step description or order individual tailoring of paintings from a tailor. You can buy Japanese curtains at a discount or at a promotion in an online store or order by mail, the only negative is that the price does not include delivery by courier. The average price for this piece of furniture in Moscow and St. Petersburg is as follows:


Photo of curtains in the interior

There are several ways to divide the space in a room. For these purposes, drywall, false walls or mirrored partitions are used. But one of the most affordable ways is to use curtains. Zoning a room with curtains gives the room an aesthetic look and saves the budget.

Usually zoning is used to improve living conditions in one-room apartments. But other than that you can:

  1. With the help of zoning the living room with curtains, you can divide the hall into a recreation area and a living room.
  2. Zoning the bedroom with curtains allows you to separate space for a wardrobe or boudoir.
  3. In the room add extra workplace.
  4. Separate the nursery, isolating the area for the boy and the girl.
  5. In the kitchen, create a dining and working area.

Zoning a studio apartment with curtains allows you to separate the living part of the room and the kitchen. The division into separate zones can be:

  1. Depending on the type of premises, full or partial.
  2. Decorative or functional.
  3. Permanent or temporary.

Zoning with curtains allows you to create coziness in the apartment, create two rooms of different functionality from one room and emphasize the uniqueness of the interior.


It is advisable to perform space zoning in cases where an open kitchen, dining room, living room or workplace is located in the hall. The division of space has several advantages:

  1. Ease of installation. Installation does not require special skills, knowledge and tools.
  2. Do not overload the interior, creating lightness.
  3. You can quickly remove or replace the partition from the curtains, as in the photo. This is very convenient in cases where you need to update the interior.

The most important advantage when zoning a room with curtains is the availability of a wide choice of material. Today in stores you can pick up curtains or fabric for them in terms of quality, color, pattern and material that will perfectly complement the interior.

It is not always possible to create two separate spaces in one room, different in functionality. After all, they should include enough space for furniture, communications and appliances. That is why it is necessary to think carefully about the installation of a partition with curtains in a one-room apartment.

They are the simplest and most inexpensive material for zoning. With the help of a double cornice, they can be installed so that the material matches each part of the room. Curtains can also be replaced if necessary and combined into one room, as shown in the photo.

In order to implement this idea, there are several options:

  1. Japanese curtains as a partition. Move horizontally. Often they are called screen.
  2. Roller blinds.
  3. Curtains are threads. Good for creating lightness and transparency.
  4. Ordinary curtains. They can be made of transparent or dense material.

Japanese curtains and shutters are opaque and do not tend to muffle the sound. Using partition curtains to divide the room into a living room and a bedroom will not provide a comfortable sleep when the TV is on in the hall. Such features must be taken into account when creating the interior and zoning.

How to choose the material, type of construction and cornice

Zoning a room with curtains involves the purchase of the following materials:

  1. Fabric or curtains suitable for the interior. Textiles may vary. Taffeta and jacquard curtains are popular today. Light translucent curtains go well with thick ones. In order for the interior to be complete and not seem unfinished, it is necessary to repeat the material of the curtains in detail, for example, sew pillow covers.
  2. Cornice. They can be wooden or plastic, depending on the interior, cost and preferences.
  3. Reiki.
  4. Pickups and clamps that are necessary to control the structure.
  5. Canopy fasteners.

Depending on what function the partition will carry, you can purchase a variety of decorative additions. Options with a canopy or a canopy will help to achieve greater isolation of the space and save from the penetration of bright sunlight.

Important! When using a canopy, it is very important to take into account the location of the bed in the room so that the holders and cornices do not interfere and spoil the interior in the future.

Japanese curtains as a partition in the room occupy a separate place in the division. They are ideally suited for the formation of separate isolated rooms. Such curtains take up very little space and free up maximum space. In the living room, they will give the interior originality and sophistication.

Curtains made in pastel colors blend well with wood and emphasize the attractiveness of the details. In addition, they scatter light. Most often used in the zoning of the bedroom.

Curtains are usually represented by several canvases. Segments can be exactly the same or differ in color, pattern or texture, as shown in the photo. In addition, you can change the zoning and illumination of the room by controlling individual panels. They can be used in zoning with curtains of a one-room apartment.

Complex engineering work and the use of special tools when zoning a bedroom or living room with curtains means screen cornices and complex designs. AT this case it is best to trust the experts.

In order to perform zoning of a room with curtains, it is necessary to take into account the features of the operation of some zones:

  1. The workplace should be located near the window so that the table is illuminated by sunlight.
  2. The bed is not located near the door.
  3. A coffee table and armchairs will look better near the entrance. To receive guests, they need free access.
  4. When using dense fabric in curtain zoning, additional spot lighting is required in each zone.

Zoning with curtains is great way diversify the interior and create additional space without large financial investments. Curtains can carry not only an aesthetic function. Some options for dividing the space with curtains allow you to create space, for example, for family photos. It all depends on imagination and fantasy.

Interior doors divide the apartment into separate rooms. However, if you are in a short time you need to divide a large room into two zones, then the construction of such structures that are difficult to install can be difficult. Fortunately, there is an option that is no less practical than classic doors, but its implementation takes much less time. They are curtains-partitions. Today you will learn about the most unusual ways dividing a room into zones using curtains.

Types of curtains-partitions in the room

Beautiful curtains may well serve as a room divider into separate spaces. Such structures are easy to install instead of doors, and if necessary, they can be removed in a matter of minutes.

There are many types of fabric partitions for the house. They are divided according to different criteria, one of which is the method of installation.

Ways to install curtains-partitions:

  • Hanging curtain is attached to the cornice. In its appearance, it resembles window curtains, but there are designs that look very unusual.
  • Frame options are installed on a rigid base. Such fabric curtains are sliding, roll, adjustable or folding.

In addition to the installation method, the curtains are divided according to their appearance. They can be very different, but we will give you the most popular ones.

Light transparent tulle separates the dining area from the living room

There are many - mirrored or false plasterboard walls, however, it is most aesthetically pleasing to make zoning with curtains. Photos of such interiors amaze with beauty and lightness, besides they give the interior a special flavor and comfort.

Zoning space with curtains is a technique that has been used since ancient times, for the first time this method was used in the east. We all remember the fabulous, bright fluttering silk and, which, with their play, caught the eye and soul. When watching your favorite films with such interiors of old palaces, sometimes a thought comes, seasoned with notes of bitterness and regret, that these times have already passed, but I still would like to get into such a fabulous paradise. But nothing is impossible apartment zoning curtains will help to fulfill an old dream and open a portal to a fairy tale.

Why is zoning necessary?

Dividing the total area of ​​​​the room into parts will not add extra meters, but will help create a more harmonious look.

What will give the division into zones:

  • divide the territory of the hall into a living room and a place to relax;
  • isolate workplace;
  • make a boudoir in the bedroom or;
  • divide the nursery into closed areas for a boy and a girl;
  • divide the kitchen into household parts and dining room;
  • separate the restroom and kitchen from the rest of the space in studios.

Zoning a room with curtains can be not only functional, but also purely decorative; they often simply decorate wide doorways or.

A sleeping place on a small podium is slightly hidden by a light curtain.


If we compare zoning using curtains with other methods, the advantage of the first becomes obvious.


  1. Material cost. Any, even the most expensive fabric, will cost several times cheaper than the simplest panels, drywall for a false wall, as well as.
  2. Easy to install. The fabric curtain is installed as simply as possible, while for other methods it will be necessary to additionally attach special structures. Not only is it time-consuming, but it also damages the adjacent walls, which will have to be put in order. In the case of zoning with curtains, you only need to fix it on the ceiling or in the opening cornices.
  3. Do not "eat" the area. Even the most voluminous textiles will not take up as much space as fasteners for partitions and the thickness of their material itself.
  4. process reversibility. If you get tired of the curtain wall, you can remove it at any time, and the room will regain its former appearance, other zoning options will not go unnoticed and are very difficult to dismantle.
  5. The whole process can be done with minimal cost and effort with your own hands, you do not need to hire specialists.
  6. Zoning with curtains can hide many flaws of an unsuccessful or old repair.

Interior in classical style with zoning curtains

Types of curtains for zoning

There are several types of curtains with which it is best to "play" with space.

What can be used:

  1. - double-sided thick curtains with patterns, they should look equally beautiful on both sides, or translucent tulle, silk with the same double-sided pattern and the same texture.
  2. - a canvas of longitudinal filament fibers, they transmit light well, giving an interesting optical effect in the form of sun stripes, they are easily erased and do not burden the space.
  3. - a straight canvas with bright ornaments, reminiscent of a partition, but at the same time retain mobility.
  4. - fabric vertical blinds made of wide strips, if necessary, quickly develop and are compactly located against the wall, when folded, they are almost invisible.
  5. Curtains made of beads - a sparkling and rustling extravaganza. A universal option that will suit all styles in the interior, the color of the beads can be matched to any palette.


  • cotton;
  • ;
  • jacquard;
  • ;
  • ;
  • bamboo.

Circular white tulle curtains separate the seating area and create a cozy atmosphere

Advice! When buying fabric individual tailoring curtains should take into account the illumination and buy material from one roll, the same fabric in other rolls may differ slightly in color.

Even in a loft-style interior, light tulle looks good enough.

Consider options for dividing space into rooms.

Living room

Curtain zoning can be done in three ways:

  1. Hang a large translucent curtain parallel to the window through the entire room.
  2. Separate part of the room, highlighting the work area and the space for receiving guests with a dense fabric.
  3. Isolate the bed according to the type of canopy, if there is no separate bedrooms.

At the same time, the curtains should not be too heavy, otherwise the room will optically appear smaller. It is better to choose fabrics that are airy so that they let in at least part of the sunlight and are combined with the existing interior style.

Advice! If, nevertheless, you decide on very thick curtains, you should consider this zone.

Curtains are appropriate for, flying curtains are suitable for, and for or it is better to take fabric blinds, curtains made of threads or glass beads.

Modern living room interior with space zoning with light white curtains

Any curtain or fabric curtain can easily hide a bed, wardrobe or bookshelves. With a slight movement of the hand, you can give the room a neat look. More often, textile dividers are used in large apartments, however, rather for design, and not for functional purposes. In addition, a significant advantage of the curtain is its easy replacement. The texture of the fabric and color can be changed at least every day, depending on the mood. A serious drawback of such a design solution is sound transmission.

Which option is best suited for zoning your apartment depends on many factors. After all, an important role is played by the parameters of the room, which you cannot change. But, along with this, the preferences of the owners play a huge, and maybe decisive role. Well, of course, first you need to carefully think through everything, weigh the numerous pros and cons, try to imagine finished result and make final decisions.

Textile screens (panels)

With the help of textile panels, you can divide the room into separate functional areas. It will be especially convenient for a children's room, where you need to separate the workplace and the recreation area. Also, textile partitions are convenient in modern studio apartments for dividing it into zones.

The design of the panels is quite simple and easy to use and operate. When changing the interior solution, it can be easily dismantled. And due to the fact that this product is made of textiles, it has special advantages:

creates a feeling of lightness in the interior;

a wide selection of fabrics allows you to choose the most advantageous option for your interior;

the use of textile partitions made of the same fabric as the curtains will give the interior a special charm and originality;

fabric panels are low maintenance and can therefore be washed at home following the care instructions for the fabric your panels are made of.

The need for artificial division of the premises into functional zones may arise for various reasons. But most often this is due to the lack of space. Well, if so, then this process requires ingenuity and creativity.

In fact, curtains as artificial room dividers have been used since time immemorial. This piece of furniture carries both a decorative and functional load, being at the same time a spectacular decoration that gives the room comfort and emphasizes its unique style, and at the same time delimits the space. To begin with, curtains can be used instead of doors.

Firstly, it also serves the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsaving space - after all, opening and closing an ordinary door, if it is, of course, not a compartment door, requires a lot of space. Secondly, this option is especially successful when we are talking on the division of premises, each of which is actively used. For example, using a curtain instead of a door facilitates circulation between the kitchen and living room. But the zoning of space with the help of curtains in one-room small apartments and studios is especially important.

Even in a limited area with the help of curtains, you can turn your home into a cozy nest. When it comes to a one-room apartment, the main task facing the owners is to separate the sleeping place from the reception area. One of the simple, but at the same time effective solutions is the use of a canopy. This will give the apartment a medieval flavor. Depending on the general style of the interior and the taste of the owners, the canopy can be light and airy, or luxurious, decorated with tassels, fringe, etc.

Also, with the help of curtains, you can separate the workplace in a one-room apartment. The originality of the interior, as well as a sense of psychological comfort will help to create double curtains. For example, from the side of the bed they can be soft pastel, soothing tones, and from the side of the guest area they can be bright and elegant. Curtains can be used in the nursery.

Children love cozy burrows to hide in. With the help of curtains, you can highlight, for example, a separate play corner, hiding it from prying eyes. You can also use the same canopy, thereby separating the sleep zone from the zone of activities and games.

The most important thing is that the appearance of the curtains matches the tastes of the child and his hobbies. For example, a boy will surely like curtains with a space theme, a girl will like an elegant lace curtain. Zoning with curtains will also be a great idea if two kids have to coexist in the same room. Concerning appearance curtains, today it is not difficult to choose the option that will really become a bright detail of the interior, organically blending into it, and not standing out as an alien element. For example, bamboo curtains are very popular - they perfectly complement the Japanese-style interior. Curtains made of beads are suitable for a bohemian furnished apartment.

Light sheer tulle curtains give the room a festive look. A textile curtain of a noble shade, decorated with floral ornaments, is a typical detail of the Art Nouveau interior.

As you can see, zoning with curtains can be a very exciting process that will allow you to realize any of your ideas without requiring extra effort from you.

Competent layout, good taste and a little creativity - and your apartment will acquire gloss and originality.

For various reasons, many people need to divide the room into zones. For example, to separate a sleeping place from a worker or to fence off a children's area. Particularly relevant this decision in a small apartment where there are not enough rooms. But very often they resort to zoning in large apartments. This is done to achieve greater comfort.

For zoning a room, many solutions have been invented. But, for example, partitions hide space. Curtains are the most comfortable and beautiful way. In addition, they can always be changed to others if you want to change the interior design.

Thanks to the curtains, the room acquires a special atmosphere and comfort. Currently, zoning rooms with curtains is becoming more and more popular, although this method has been known for a long time.

For a long time, this way of dividing the space was simply avoided, perhaps due to the fact that it is generally accepted in society that curtains should be on the windows.

But you just need to dream up a little, and with the help of a thick curtain you can decorate the room very beautifully.

There are some advantages in such a distinction, since you can hide unwanted shelves or cabinets.

How to properly divide rooms into zones

A room using curtains can get a few different zones. If you need to delimit the space in the children's room, you can use funny curtains with cartoon characters depicted on them.

So in the room you get two zones - for sleeping and playing. And in order not to narrow the playing space, you can only fence off the crib.

It is worth thinking about the color scheme. For example, girls might like a curtain Pink colour. A boy can build a kind of dome to make a hut.

The room for adults can also be divided, creating a study and a cozy bed.

A bedroom with a canopy looks very unusual. Such decorations were popular in the Middle Ages. But even now, such a design will give a special charm to the bedroom.

The living room can also be divided into two zones. In one it will be possible to receive guests, and in the other - to relax. In this situation, you can choose curtains consisting of two layers. So, from the side of solitude, calm tones will prevail, and on the other, saturated ones.

To create more comfort when zoning a room, lighting fixtures are also used. They should complement each other harmoniously.

You can try to divide the apartment into zones using curtains on your own, or you can turn to designers for help.

Indeed, in this method it is very important to pay attention to the smallest details, such as the color and texture of the material. Experts will help create an unusual design of the room and give it more comfort, suggest how best to fix the curtains and where it is appropriate to delimit the space.

  • Make an order
  • Contacts
  • Internet shop
  • Ballet choreographic machines single-row, double-row, mobile for home, studios, schools.
  • Our services for tailoring curtains of any complexity and textile interior design.
  • Services for hanging all types of curtains and installation of all types of cornices.
  • Fabric medical partitions for physiotherapy booths and offices.
  • Stage tailoring for budgetary organizations, schools, kindergartens, rural houses of culture, institutions, etc. Ready stage clothes for them.
  • Theatrical curtains. Stage curtains. Clothing for the stage.
  • Tailoring of curtains for various rooms.
  • Black cabinet. Stage clothes
  • Tailoring of lambrequins. Lambrequins are soft, hard, combined.
  • Curtains for restaurants. cafe. Restaurant and hotel textiles. Curtains for restaurants and hotels, hotels, guest houses.
  • Interior fabric drapery. Walls and ceilings.
  • Curtains for clinics, polyclinics, hospitals, medical centers, sanatoriums, health institutions, etc. Antibacterial curtains. Curtains for physiotherapy cabins, massage rooms. spa salons.
  • Curtains and tulle for kindergartens and rooms
  • Curtains for bedroom
  • Curtains for museums
  • Drapery textiles
  • Curtains for registry offices and wedding palaces.
  • Curtains for terraces, for gazebos, on the veranda, for cottages. Outdoor curtains.
  • Curtains for offices of chiefs, offices, rest rooms.
  • Curtains for budget organizations
  • Curtains for the living room
  • Curtains and curtains for the kitchen.
  • Curtains for bathrooms and toilets.
  • Curtains for administrative and public premises. Curtains for libraries.
  • Curtains on the arch and bay windows.
  • Curtains and textiles for sanatoriums, hotels, rest houses, boarding houses, camp sites, hotels.
  • Curtains and lamps in the billiard room.
  • Curtains for conference rooms.
  • Curtains for the windows of the flight of stairs and march.
  • Curtains for home theaters and cinemas
  • Pool curtains
  • Curtains for doorways
  • Curtains for cottages, country houses and dachas.
  • Curtains for balconies and loggias.
  • Curtains and textile decoration of passenger cars of the "Lux" class of Russian Railways.
  • Curtain-screen. Zoning with interior curtains.

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