Washing by the window is a long kitchen idea. The undeniable advantages of placing the kitchen sink under the window are wonderful projects of realized interior design

Design and interior 16.11.2018
Design and interior

However, the non-standard location of the sink can radically transform appearance your kitchen and even make it much more functional. Quartblog decided to consider the option when the sink is located right by the window. Regina Urm, an expert from the From Hand to Hand portal, shared her comments on this with us.

Regina Urm is a designer with more than 10 years of experience in interior design. Graduated from Moscow State Technical University (Moscow) with a degree in interior design, completed an internship and training at PoliDesign Di Milano University of Milan. Now he is engaged in private practice in Moscow, working on the interiors of apartments, penthouses and cottages. Participant of various thematic TV programs on Channel One, TNT, NTV and TV channel "Your House".

The main advantage of this arrangement of the sink is the beautiful view that you can admire from the window. Now washing dishes turns from a heavy duty into a relaxed meditation. Dreaming about something of your own, you can enjoy the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves, and along the way, also redo a lot of things.

“The biggest plus of such an arrangement is a picturesque view that will brighten up the entire household routine and replace it with a good mood and positive. This is extremely useful even from a psychological point of view. If the window does not look out on a beautiful panorama, it is better to place the sink in another place, for example, on a kitchen island.” — RU.

Also, the pluses include natural lighting, which will help you significantly save on electricity consumption. However, if you wash dishes only under the cover of night, such a plus will be insignificant for you. Washing by the window most often involves a wide countertop, which is made flush with the windowsill, so you have a very impressive workspace. This is especially convenient, because now everything you need is at your fingertips, and you no longer have to rush around the kitchen. This solution is perfect for a small kitchen and will help save extra centimeters.

“The material of the countertop is extremely important: if it is made of wood, then I would not recommend placing the sink opposite the window, because when temperatures drop in cold weather, it will undergo deformation and lose its original appearance. Also, if you are a fan of beautiful textile window decoration, you will have aesthetic problems in the future - textiles will simply get dirty quickly. — RU.

The main obstacle to such placement of the sink can be a battery. If you have an apartment of a typical layout, then the radiator is located just near the window, and moving it is quite problematic. The question is, what will take more effort? Our expert suggests in such a case to think outside the box.

“If we consider the houses of the new series, where heating has not passed under the windows for a long time, then this place is really most suitable for washing, and the rest of the kitchen space will be more functional and spacious. If you are the owner of an apartment in a standard house series, then it is better to leave radiator grilles in the countertop and add a warm floor. With this option, you do not have to move the radiator and you will not lose precious heat. An important disadvantage in this case is the need to increase the pipeline, because the sink with this arrangement will be sufficiently removed from the sewer riser. — RU.

An additional problem may be the lack of a dryer above the sink: if you have a tiny kitchen, then storing dishes can be quite inconvenient. If you have a lot of space, you can set aside a separate cabinet for dishes, which will help keep the kitchen in perfect condition - in other words, nothing will annoy your eyes.

“A sink located opposite the window does not imply the presence of a dryer above it, which is not very convenient and is definitely a minus. With this placement, you just need to consider having a dishwasher, which entails both a financial investment and the availability of the necessary space to accommodate it.” — RU.

It should also be remembered that a sink located by the window leads to more frequent washing of the window itself, because splashes of water and drops of detergent on the glass are inevitable. It is important to consider the moment of opening the window: if the sashes rest against the mixer, it will be very problematic to ventilate the room.

"The most the main problem placing the sink in front of the window - a possible difference in height difference: the window does not always match the height of the countertop, and the sink will simply be higher or lower than the window sill, which will make it much more difficult to open the window. Also, the faucet can further interfere with ventilation, during operation the window can be non-functional, and in the future it’s just very dirty.” — RU.

So all the same - yes or no to such a sink placement? Our expert recommends thinking broader and starting from thoughtful housing realities.

“Most likely, such an arrangement of the sink is a good solution for a country house, when designing which, you can think over and take into account all the above nuances.” — RU.

Photo: homedecodir.com, ocnovaspb.ru, directpayhealth.com, interiorson.com, forum-grad.ru, mebli-s.biz

: bedrooms, living rooms, nurseries, hallways and more.

Experiments with the optimization of the kitchen space allow you to make the room more comfortable, thoughtful and ergonomic, without overloading it with unnecessary details. One way to optimize space is a kitchen with a sink by the window. For most people, a little unusual, but in recent times such a design is becoming more and more popular, as it makes it possible to achieve a certain originality in the interior. After reading this article, you will learn about the features, advantages and disadvantages of installing a kitchen sink near a window.

Features of installing a sink by the window

Before rescheduling the kitchen in this way, it is necessary to carefully analyze the features of the space of the room, the location of communications, and also draw up a thorough drawing of the future layout. The work on the redevelopment of the kitchen will be quite laborious, so it is advisable to time it for repairs in the apartment, having thought over the method of transfer and the future location of communications.

Important! Only those who are fully confident in their knowledge and skills will be able to independently perform this work. The rest will have to resort to the services of specialists.


A similar design in European homes is quite widespread. This is not surprising, because washing by the window in the kitchen has a number of advantages:

  • By placing the sink near the window, we increase the usable area of ​​the room. This is especially true for a small kitchen.
  • During the day, you can enjoy natural light, without the use of backlight. This will save electricity.
  • There is no need to discount the aesthetic component: looking out the window while washing dishes is much more pleasant than looking at the wall. It is known that Agatha Christie composed her famous detective stories while washing dishes. You may not come up with something similar, but you will be distracted from the daily household routine. This is a definite plus.
  • Fast removal of moisture. This is facilitated by natural ventilation from an open window.

Are there any disadvantages?

With all the advantages, a kitchen with a sink by the window has a number of disadvantages:

  • Additional difficulties arising with opening and washing the window due to the interfering faucet.
  • If you have wooden frames, you will have to install a plastic double-glazed window. The tree does not tolerate increased dampness.
  • Washing under the window automatically deprives you of the kitchen “apron”. Curtains and window panes will get dirty much faster. The problem can be solved by replacing the curtains with blinds, Roman or roller blinds which are easily cleaned from contamination. You can avoid splashes on the glass by installing the sink at the maximum distance from the window (if the size of the window sill allows) or by installing a deep sink. Not bad saves from splashes sink, made of stone.
  • Possible deformation of the tabletop: wood or MDF (chipboard). Deformation, swelling and cracking of the material can cause changes in air temperature in cold weather. You can solve the problem by installing a countertop made of natural or artificial stone. If you are still considering the option of using wood, then it is treated with special hydrophobic substances.

Ways to solve possible problems

So, washing by the window in the kitchen has certain disadvantages. Are these issues solvable? The problem associated with opening-closing and washing the window can be solved by buying a special mixer:

  1. There are models of faucets with a removable spout, which is attached to a flexible hose.
  2. Convenient mixers that can be recessed into the base or tilted with a special hinge.
  3. The easiest option is to mount the faucet on the side of the sink.

In these cases, the crane will not interfere with the movement of the window sashes.

  • Before planning the installation of a mixer near a window, evaluate the height of the window sill. It should be a few centimeters more than the height of the countertop. If the work surface is higher than the window sill, then your project is associated with additional difficulties. In a private house, it is possible to change the design of the window, but in an apartment building this cannot be done, since the facade of the building is changing. AT last case the project “kitchen with a sink by the window” will have to be abandoned.
  • If a heater is located under the window, then you will have to transfer it to a free wall. But keep in mind that cold and dampness can cause mold and mildew to appear in the room. The problem of heat exchange in the kitchen can be solved by installing built-in heating “warm floor” in the kitchen. There is a simpler solution - to make decorative lattices in the countertop.
  • When moving the sink kitchen window you have to stretch the water supply and equip the sewer drain. To avoid blockages, it is necessary to ensure the slope of the drain pipe at the rate of 30-50 mm per meter of pipe transfer. If the transfer distance exceeds 3 m, it is advisable to install a dispenser (device for grinding food waste). Vegetable peelings, poultry bones and even small pork bones are ground into a gruel by such a device, which is a good prevention of blockages. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that all materials are of high quality, and the installation is carried out by an experienced specialist.
  • If your kitchen has two windows placed at an angle, then the sink, located in an unconventional way, will be illuminated twice as much. In addition, the space under the sink by the window in the kitchen increases to store the necessary small things. In this case, you can do without additional window decoration. A small cupboard will look good in the gap between the windows.

Design Options

The design of a kitchen with a sink located near the window can be different. Basically, the choice of one or another design solution depends on the shape and dimensions of the room:

  1. For a narrow kitchen, it is advisable to place kitchen furniture along the window. Kitchen set with a matte or transparent facade will visually expand the room.
  2. If you have a full-length panoramic window, it is advisable to place the hob and sink in one row by the window.

The window itself can be beaten in a variety of ways.

  • Mount to window opening a shelf for dishes or a bar for placing kitchen trifles.
  • Nail a shelf for dishes and other kitchen utensils above the window.

Thinking through the design of the kitchen with a sink by the window, make sure that all interior items are harmoniously combined with each other and consistent with the choice of style.

Washing dishes is a boring job. But it will not be so painful if kitchen sink located next to the window. You can see everything that happens on the street. Yes, and work in good daylight is more pleasant and more fun. This should be taken into account when renovating a house. Here are some examples of such cuisine.

inhale fresh fresh air allow massive double windows. Thanks to the tap located in the center, you can enjoy the most beautiful panorama while rinsing the dishes. This contemporary salon features a stainless steel sink, handy cabinets and drawers. BUT decoration of the window space here is kept to a minimum.

Not one in this photo. kitchen window. There are several. They provide even lighting throughout the room. Such a bright, spacious kitchen is the dream of every housewife.

Black trim on the window frame, dark wood on the floor, kitchen accessories above the black tabletop - everything creates a certain style of interior design of this room.

Here is another example of a dishwashing system mounted under a double window.

The kitchen with wide window openings and a built-in deep bowl allows you to wash dishes, as well as admire the spring landscapes.

White kitchen countertops, light walls reflect window light, creating a light festive mood.

The window opening above the built-in stainless steel sink is quite wide and high. Whereby room color scheme successfully harmonizes with the panorama of a well-groomed yard.

Small interior design does not exclude the presence of a sink under the window. Bright daylight accentuates the contrast of dark cabinets and black stools against the background of a white countertop and a light kitchen backsplash.

Material courtesy of Rachel Grace.


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