What is on the Bormental diet. Bormental's diet: the ideal figure is simple

Fashion & Style 11.07.2020

The Bormental method is a psycho-correction of excess weight, in which 25 special techniques are involved. Thanks to them, there is a decrease in appetite, a stable motivation for losing weight is formed, food addiction is eliminated, metabolic processes are activated, and the volume of the stomach decreases.

Turning to the clinic, a person is tested, where the causes of overweight and general health are clarified. Then he receives a special instruction and begins to attend group, individual training sessions.

All activities for the development of eating behavior function in a complex and complement each other. Moreover, each subsequent technique enhances the result of the previous one.

Losing weight fast doesn't mean it's hard

Training sessions based on the Bormenthal method teach the skills of a balanced diet, focus on breathing exercises and focus on an independent desire to lose weight.

Initially, specialists calculate the calorie corridor, then all difficulties are fixed and discussed. At the end of the course, the person continues to be under the supervision of a psychologist who controls his motivation and helps to deal with breakdowns.

Thus, the main task of the clinic is:

  • discovery of hidden psychological problems that prevent a person from feeling relaxed;
  • determining the causes of overweight.

Weight loss according to the Bormental method

The course of weight correction according to the Bormental method includes 25 hours of training, which are divided into several types of classes:

Lessons of the 1st type.

At the first stage, the psychologist tries to "transfer" a person from the mode of accumulation of fat to the mode of spending it. This is how the foundations of proper eating behavior are formed, metabolism improves, and an imaginary feeling of hunger is suppressed.

Classes 2 types.

The basics of breathing exercises are involved, and the ability to distinguish between a real feeling of hunger and an imaginary one is also instilled.

Classes 3 types.

There is a transition to a different mode of nutrition due to:

  • the formation of the belief that pleasure is not only about eating food;
  • muscle clamps are removed.

Classes 4 types.

At this stage, the formation and development of independence in human actions takes place.

Subsequent lessons.

Assume the consolidation of previously formed skills of rational, balanced nutrition and a certain system of thinking.

Nutrition principles of Dr. Bormenthal

  • daily it is necessary to take a multivitamin complex;
  • 1/3 of the daily food intake should be protein;
  • it is forbidden to starve and skip meals;
  • before eating (about 30 minutes) you need to drink a glass of water;
  • every day you should use hepatoprotectors that protect the liver and are the prevention of fatty cirrhosis;
  • for normal digestion, it is necessary to ensure the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids(30 ml of unrefined olive oil, 20 g of oily fish, etc.);
  • the use of alcohol is prohibited;
  • physical activity in moderation is useful;
  • sweeteners are not recommended for use;
  • one should strive for one meal to combine 4 taste sensations: sour, bitter, salty, sweet;
  • careful calculation of the calorie content of products is necessary;
  • fruits should be treated as a treat and eat them half an hour before a meal;
  • carbohydrates that are easily digested, it is better to eat in the morning;
  • it is advisable to always have a glucose tablet or a piece of sugar with you to prevent fainting;
  • it is better to eat, "jumping" along the corridor, namely 2-3 days along the lower border, 2-3 days along the upper one;
  • Dr. Bormenthal's method allows daily intake of 800-1000 kcal - it all depends on lifestyle. At the same time, you can eat everything, the only condition is the presence of animal lean protein in the diet;
  • products that have a "ballast" calorie content (fruits, yogurts, juices, kefir, etc.) saturate the body very weakly, so it is better to eat a sandwich, and not juice with an apple;
  • eat hot food as often as possible;
  • in the process of losing weight, it is appropriate to use massage and physiotherapy procedures;
  • with a long step in reducing body weight, you can try to make a protein zigzag, namely, add 200 kcal to the upper border of the corridor due to poultry meat, fish and cottage cheese. It is necessary to eat like this for 2-3 days, then go along the lower border for 2-3 days. Continue in normal mode.

Effective Bormental diet or how to just lose weight

The result of weight correction according to the Bormental method largely depends on the motivation and desire of the client himself. So, it is easier to cope with this problem for those who went to the clinic at an early stage of psychological dependence on food.


  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases;
  • persons under 18 years old, old age from 60 and more;
  • this technique is not recommended for athletes.

Dr. Bormenthal's Method: Advantages and Disadvantages

  • sometimes it is permissible to feast on your favorite ingredients;
  • literacy of specialists working with each patient;
  • effective result.
  • the diet is not balanced;
  • individual features of exchange processes are not taken into account;
  • can lead to bulimia and anorexia.

And remember that you are not on a temporary diet - you are changing your own lifestyle and developing a new system of eating behavior.

23.10.2015 admin

The nutrition system developed by Dr. Bormental is considered one of the most effective, thanks to a unique combination traditional methods of losing weight and methods of psychological influence.

The psychological factor is the main feature of the diet

In clinics, trainings are practiced to establish the root cause of overeating, which are conducted by experienced psychologists.

Clients have the opportunity to visit:

  1. Individual doctor's consultations;
  2. Group lessons;

During consultations, nutritionists seek to:

  • Form the correct eating behavior;
  • Determine the cause of overeating;
  • Motivate for weight loss
  • Eliminate "non-food" urge to eat;

At the same time, the use of harsh methods, such as hypnosis or coding, is prohibited in clinics.

The main methods of influence are:

  • Conversations using neurolinguistic programming;
  • meditation techniques;
  • Breathing exercises;

The emphasis in successful weight loss according to the Bormental method is precisely on the psychosomatic factor. The same feature should be followed when dieting on your own.


  • Be careful to get up from the table before you eat enough;
  • Sit down to eat, clearly aware of hunger;
  • Do not confuse the desire to eat with thirst;
  • Find relaxation and distraction methods for yourself other than food;
  • Spend at least 20 minutes on each meal;

Basic rules of the power system

In addition to the psychological component, an important part of the Bormental diet is its low-calorie diet.

The main focus is on a combination of two factors:

  1. Meals in the acceptable calorie corridor;
  2. Choice of dietary products;

How to correctly observe the daily calorie intake?

Compliance with calories is one of the few strict conditions for successful weight loss according to the method of Dr. Bormenthal. Clinic nutritionists have already calculated a universal formula for acceptable caloric content to comply with their diet.

Those who want to lose weight should only adhere to the established norms:

  • During the day, eat in the calorie corridor of 1000 - 1200 kcal. It is important that the lower limit is intended for people leading an inactive lifestyle; and the upper bar should be followed by those who are losing weight with moderate mobility. Those who regularly engage in hard physical labor are allowed to increase their daily calorie intake to 1400 kcal;
  • Buy a kitchen scale for the most accurate calorie counting and portion size tracking;
  • Before use, carefully study the information on the calorie content of the product. indicated on the label or use available tables from the Internet;
  • Complete your food diary carefully. You can make your work easier by once calculating the calorie content of a whole dish, so that later you can only add calories to a portion, based on its weight;
  • At the end of each day, study your food diary for the day and draw adequate conclusions about which products it is better to refuse and which ones to add;
  • Do not reproach yourself unnecessarily severely for blunders and going beyond the calorie corridor;
  • It is not recommended to consume less than 1000 kcal per day, because it is unsafe for health;

Such a low calorie corridor is designed for successful weight loss. Upon reaching the desired result, it is important to return to a comfortable zone for yourself and eat so that the weight remains unchanged.

Sample menu for the week

There are no clear restrictions on products in the Bormental diet. Clinic professionals consider the qualitative composition of the menu to be insignificant, only its total daily calorie content is important, so there should not be any difficulties with compiling a diet.

  • Eat protein foods daily (lean meat, fish, poultry);
  • For cooking, use stewing, boiling or baking;
  • Limit consumption of fatty and fried foods;
  • From dairy, choose low-fat kefir and milk, cottage cheese. It is better to refuse sweet yoghurts and cottage cheese curds altogether, and replace sour cream with natural yogurt without additives;
  • Do not get carried away with sweets, smoked meats and pickles;
  • Butter and vegetable oil cannot be excluded, but it should be limited. It is better to eat oil in its raw form, for example, in salads;
  • At one time, eat no more than 230g;
  • Eat 6 - 8 times a day, observing an interval of at least 3.5 hours;
  • Carry out control weighing once a week;
  • The last meal should be strictly 4 hours before bedtime;

To facilitate the start of the diet, below is a sample menu.

You can eat this way all week, making only a small variety in the composition of the products:

  • Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese with kefir 1%, coffee or a plate of buckwheat porridge with a piece of butter and herbal tea;
  • Afternoon snack: a cup of tea and a small sweet or fruit;
  • Dinner: lean soup, poultry or fish cutlets, vegetable salad, a slice of bread;
  • Lunch: different fruits;
  • Dinner: lean beef, rice unsweetened coffee, or a plate of steamed vegetables with poultry meat;
  • Before bedtime: a glass of kefir 1% and two small cookies;

It is important to eat fish once a week, limit starchy vegetables and not overeat. confectionery.

There are only two strict nutritional restrictions on the Bormental diet:

  1. It is important to completely abandon any alcohol and sweet soda. These products do not carry any nutritional value and have a large number of "empty" calories;
  2. Have a fasting day once a week on kefir, fruit or even chocolate. Such nutrition will cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and avoid the “plateau effect”, when weight loss stops abruptly for no particular reason.

While dieting, you need to carefully protect your health. If the disease still sets in, it is important to immediately add 200 kcal to the daily allowance, this is necessary for the body to successfully recover.

The positive aspects of the Bormental diet

Any weight loss system is designed to achieve a certain result, expressed as a number on the scales.

The Bormental diet has a number of undeniable advantages over similar systems:

  • The absence of strict restrictions on consumed products reduces the likelihood of a breakdown and increases psychological resistance to a diet;
  • The free layout of the menu allows you to eat familiar foods;
  • Non-strict restrictions contribute to the formation of proper eating behavior, which will soon become a habit and help maintain weight;
  • Someone loses fewer kilograms on a diet, someone more, however, weight loss is guaranteed. This is due to the positive effect psychological trainings and observance of elementary rules for nutrition.

Diet cons

Despite all the advantages of the Bormental nutrition system, this diet has a number of serious limitations:

  1. This method of weight loss is categorically not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  2. The low threshold of the calorie corridor provides for food mainly at home, so this diet is not suitable for those who are often on the road;
  3. The age limit is set from 18 to 60 years;
  4. The diet is more universal than individual. This should be kept in mind when making personal adjustments to nutrition;
  5. WHO employees strictly do not recommend adhering to daily calories below 1200, while Bormental's nutritionists set the lower calorie intake as much as 200 kcal less than this value;
  6. With caution, you need to follow a diet for people with chronic diseases;
  • Athletes, because this nutrition system leads to a mandatory loss of muscle mass;
  • Persons suffering diabetes or any type of cancer. And also for those who have had a stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • Permanent patients of the psychologist's office;
  • People experiencing an exacerbation of any disease;

Sport and Bormental's diet

Active sports on this system are not welcome and may lead to poor health. Maximum permitted load - morning work-out and walking in the park in the evening.

However, a beautiful body is hardly possible to build without physical activity, therefore, those who chose the Bormental diet for weight loss have only two ways:

  1. Do sports actively and increase daily caloric intake by at least 300 kcal in accordance with the type of physical activity;
  2. Eliminate exercise completely at the time of weight loss, and upon reaching the result, visit the office of a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

The subtleties of compiling an individual menu

There are no specific menu requirements on the Bormental diet, everyone is able to independently build their own diet, following a simple scheme:

  • Weigh all the components of the dish and enter their energy value in accordance with the weight in the food diary. You can use an electronic calculator on the Internet or download a similar program on a PC;
  • After measuring a portion of the dish on a kitchen scale and write down the resulting grams and kcal;

At first, the procedure can take a lot of time and attention, however, after a week, all actions will reach automatism and will no longer cause discomfort.

The Bormental diet is optimal for those who are just starting the path to slim figure. It is simple and requires a minimum of conditions.

To achieve optimal results, you only need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Regularly attend classes with a psychologist or independently conduct meditation;
  • Adhere to dietary recommendations;
  • Keep a careful food diary
  • Do not overeat;

Table of contents [Show]

Despite the fact that today many options for low-calorie nutrition have been proposed, only a few methods are aimed at psychological mood. For example, Dr. Bormental's diet menu for a week for weight loss is one of the options that help you get motivated to lose weight, reduce the amount of food you eat, while reducing your appetite.

Description and meaning of weight loss

Dr. Bormenthal's diet, counting calories and keeping a diaryFoods, calorie table in the photoWhat foods are recommended to eat daily3 useful advice from nutritionistsDr. Bormental's diet, menu for a week (7 days) for weight lossDr. Bormental's diet menu for weight loss, recipesReviews + photos before and after losing weight

In addition to the dietary diet, the system includes breathing exercises and internal autosuggestion aimed at improving the emotional state in general, reducing the amount of food consumed and observing certain rules. The technique was developed back in the early 2000s, and has since acquired admirers all over the world. Men and women who lost weight with this diet achieved significant results in 85% of cases and were able to overcome their addiction to the consumption of junk food, which is high in fats, carbohydrates and all kinds of nutritional supplements. The remaining 15% could not achieve results due to non-compliance with the rules, contraindications associated with acquired and chronic diseases, pregnancy and childbirth.

Dr. Bormental's diet for weight loss with a menu for a week is unique in that it has no prohibitions and mandatory physical activity. Its essence is in the psychological mood, the absence of any strength training and starvation diet. The whole point is counting and reducing calories to 1100-1200 kcal, speeding up metabolism and good mood, which rises due to the absence of strict rules.

As mentioned above, the whole point is in the psychological mood and reducing the calories consumed. Therefore, for those who decide on this diet, it is enough to follow a few simple but very effective rules:

1) eat any foods that you want, while remembering that you can consume no more than 1000-1200 calories per day;

2) in order to remember what they ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is necessary to keep a personal diary in which it will be necessary to record the weight and number of kcal of food consumed;

3) for the fair sex, the daily norm is 1000-1100 kcal, for the stronger half - 1200-1300 kcal. The limit can be increased subject to hard physical work and training in the gym with a professional trainer;

4) the diet should be balanced and include morning, lunch and evening meals. This will allow you not to stay hungry, while getting the necessary vitamins and minerals;

5) vitamins, vegetables, cereals and meat - at least in small quantities, but must be present in the daily menu;

Compliance with all of the above rules, combined with the diet of Dr. Bormenthal's menu for a week for weight loss, will allow you to achieve good results in a short time, while remaining in a good mood.

In order not to overeat and let the calorie counting take its course, you should always keep a printed table of food calorie content, a kitchen scale and a personal diary at hand. First, it will help you decide on the choice of dish. The second is to weigh the product and accurately calculate the number of kcal, and the third is to write down everything and make a general calculation (for the whole day).

According to the rules, the first 2-3 days of the menu can reach 1200 kcal for men and 1000 for women, and the rest of the days - 200 calories less.

Also, a mandatory rule is the morning weigh-in, which will help to record changes in weight. This will help control weight loss by reducing or increasing the amount of food you eat.

Despite the fact that the Bormental diet allows you to eat any food, there are certain recommendations that are necessary for compiling a balanced diet for every day. They will allow you to achieve a double result without giving up the treat.

So, the daily menu should contain as much protein food as possible (dairy products, lean fish and poultry meat, chicken eggs), complex carbohydrates (cereals cooked in water, greens, berries and fruits, vegetables), vegetable oils. In a minimum amount: confectionery (cakes, chocolates, oriental sweets), pastries, sausages, fatty and fried foods, nuts, sugar, fast food, beans, homemade preparations for the winter, any preservation.

At the time of the diet, you must completely abandon bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol. The latter, in addition to negatively affecting the functioning of internal organs, contains too many calories ...

Throughout Dr. Bormenthal's diet menu for a week for weight loss, weight loss experts recommend eating as follows:

1) eat from the very morning in small portions, bringing the consumption of food up to 6-8 times;
2) do not eat 3 hours before bedtime;
3) after eating, drink warm water or green tea with honey.

This will improve metabolism, thereby speeding up the metabolism.

Below is a sample menu that follows the basic rules of the diet. The break between each meal is 2-3 hours.

First day:

1) protein omelet from two chicken eggs (about 150 kcal), 100 g of grated carrots (20 kcal), 200 ml of green tea without sugar (5 kcal), marmalade 1 piece (35 kcal). Total = 210 kcal;

2) black tea without sugar (3 kcal), 2 pieces of dark chocolate (70 kcal). Total = 73 kcal;

3) vegetable soup on low-fat broth 100 g (60 kcal), seaweed salad (20 kcal), one boiled potato with a piece of butter (about 100 kcal), skinless chicken 50 g (50 kcal), tea with honey (30 kcal); Total - 310 kcal;

4) vinaigrette 100 g (130 kcal);

5) buckwheat porridge on water (50 kcal), skinless pike perch fillet cooked in a slow cooker (40 kcal). Total - 90 kcal;

6) fat-free fermented baked milk 200 ml (58 kcal), one banana (100 kcal).

Daily Value = 971 kcal.

Second day:

1) green apple (45 kcal), oatmeal 30 g (130 kcal), white tea with honey (35 kcal), boiled egg(65 kcal). Total = 270 kcal;

2) one orange (45 kcal), 100 g of fresh strawberries - 41 kcal. Total = 86 kcal;

3) vegetable stew (70 kcal), rice (150 kcal), 3 pieces of dark chocolate - 95 kcal, 200 ml of tea - (5 kcal);

4) cucumber salad dressed with sour cream (120 kcal), stewed cabbage (90 kcal), black coffee without sugar (8 kcal);

5) a piece of yesterday's bread (10 kcal), tea with one spoonful of sugar (35 kcal);

6) natural yogurt (75 kcal).

Daily rate \u003d 1014 kcal.

Third day:

1) protein omelet with cheese, green tea (252 kcal);

2) boiled chicken fillet, one cucumber, bread, black tea (170 kcal);

3) marshmallow 1 pc, black coffee with milk (90 kcal);

4) pea soup, tomato (160 kcal);

5) grated beets and carrots (70 kcal);

6) fat-free kefir (58 kcal).

Daily rate = 800 kcal.

The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh days may be similar to the first three. However, meals for daily diet It is recommended to make your own, depending on individual preferences. And of course, you should remember about a balanced diet, which is necessary for the full functioning of internal organs and emotional state.

In addition to the scheduled menu, you need to drink up to 2 liters daily pure water without gas and do cosmetic procedures that will help improve skin conditions. Here are a few of them: soda baths, Charcot shower, hammam.

The duration of the diet is 7 days, but if there are indications, then a low-calorie diet can be increased to 10, 14 (2 weeks), 15 days and even months.

Like all menus, the diet from the famous doctor provides only home-cooked food, with the exception of sweets and confectionery. Therefore, the attention of those who are losing weight is offered several delicious recipes that will not leave indifferent any person.

Boyar meat

1) Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and fry finely chopped onion.
2) Lay out chicken breast, porcini mushrooms and tomatoes from above.
3) Lubricate everything with sour cream, rub the cheese and cook under a closed lid over medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g - 150 kcal.

Dessert with yogurt and bananas

1) Whip 200 ml of natural yogurt in a blender with a pack of cottage cheese, one banana and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey.

Calorie content per 100 g - 90 kcal.

Oatmeal with fruits

1) pour 30 g of oatmeal with boiling water and cover for 5-6 minutes;
2) add any fruits and berries to the finished dish.

age (minors, women and men of advanced age);
period of pregnancy, lactation;
chronic and acquired diseases;
psychological disorders, insomnia;
hormonal abnormalities.

I followed Dr. Bormenthal's diet for one week. The menu is pretty light and efficient. I chose the products myself, the only thing I limited was calories. The effect is minus 3.5 kg in a week.

  • Svetlana, 21 years old

Throughout the weight loss - and this is 2 weeks, I have never failed. I ate everything I wanted, but in smaller portions.

  • Tatyana, 41 years old

What I just did not try to lose weight, but the weight eventually returned. The only thing that helped was the Bormental diet with the calculation of the calorie content of food consumed. Throughout the weight loss, I wrote down my results and achievements in a notebook, thereby controlling my weight. The end result is minus 8 kg in 30 days.

  • Sarah, 23

I didn’t like this technique ... Alla Pugacheva’s diet is more suitable for me.

  • Olga, 29 years old

I don't know what good people found in this diet. How many I tried to sit on it, there was no result, and my mood was always at zero. Even my husband noticed how angry and sad I became.

  • Valery, 31 years old

The problem of excess weight appeared after giving up a bad habit - smoking. I began to replace cigarettes with chocolates and oriental sweets, not noticing how I was overgrown with subcutaneous fat. After my wife began to say that I looked like a "hippo", something clicked in me, and I decided to lose weight at all costs! It all started with a chocolate diet and only after that it switched to the Bormental method. As a result, the extra pounds are gone, and I did not start smoking.

  • Xenia, 47 years old

This technique was recommended to me by colleagues when they saw my desperation. I didn’t decide to try it right away ... but still I came to her menu for 7 days. It was hard, but what saved me was that I could use what I wanted, at least in a small amount. I lost weight slowly, but in 2 weeks I lost 6 kg, and this is not the limit!

Conclusion: Dr. Bormenthal's diet menu for a week for weight loss is suitable for almost all people, in the absence of contraindications. Of course, for the effect, you must have willpower, desire and support from loved ones.

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At the beginning of this century, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is gaining momentum, being introduced into all psychological programs, used in schools, institutes, offices, and enterprises. The authors of NLP did not remain indifferent to the problem of dietary proper nutrition. In 2001, the so-called Bormental Diet was patented.

To date, there is a method of psychological weight correction according to Bormental, which is carried out only by specialists and, directly, the Bormental diet itself, or rather its free version, developed for general use.

There is nothing easier than losing weight using the Bormental diet method. For this you need:

  • determine the reasons for losing weight;
  • place in a place accessible for permanent viewing a table of caloric content of products;
  • make a list of all foods that are commonly eaten;
  • choose a daily menu to your liking;
  • purchase kitchen scales and floor scales, for weighing products and your own weight;
  • keep a diary to record what you ate during the day;
  • gradually adjust the diet and reduce the number of calories consumed.

Despite its democratic nature, the Bormental diet has clear instructions:

  • The recommended meal is up to 8 times, but not more than 150-180 grams at a time.
  • In the early days, the total amount of calories per day should not exceed 1100 units for those who lead a measured lifestyle, and 1300–1400 for active, hard-working people.
  • The maximum lower level is 750 kcal (for women) and 950 kcal (for men) per day.
  • It is forbidden to sharply reduce the amount of total calories.
  • In case of illness, it is recommended to increase the energy supply of food by 250 kcal.
  • The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Before the main meal, drink 150-200 grams of water.
  • The selected products must be weighed, calculate the number of calories in the table and make an appropriate entry in the notebook.
  • Write down the calorie content of cooked dishes in a notebook.
  • Eat according to the principle: "It is better to undereat than overeat."
  • There should be no quick snacks, meals should be full, taking at least 20 minutes.

Daily calorie ratio:

  • Breakfast is 35% of the daily diet;
  • second breakfast - 15%;
  • lunch - 35%;
  • dinner - 15% of the total calories per day.

A feature of the Bormental diet is that it is forbidden to play sports, heavy physical exertion. This is due to the fact that it involves limiting caloric intake, and physical activity involves increased calorie intake.

For those who love sports and cannot do without it, the diet developers have provided the following alternatives:

  • With an increase in physical activity, for example, training, it is allowed to increase the daily diet by 200–250 kcal.
  • Instead of fitness gym attend massage sessions, phytotherapeutic procedures during this period, walk more.

After two weeks, the weight should change downwards (up to 4 kg), if it has not changed significantly, then we continue to reduce the amount of daily calories by another 100 units. If the work has justified itself, we fix the appropriate result and gradually increase the number of calories, constantly monitoring the weight. That is, we regulate our weight by reducing or increasing the number of calories consumed.

How is the individual amount of calories required by the body calculated:

Calories = (weight x 9.99) + (height x 6.25) - (age x 4.92).

From the value obtained, 161 is subtracted (for women) or 5 is added (for men). The final number means required amount to maintain a constant weight. To lose weight, you need to take away 200-300 calories from it.

food calorie table will help you choose a diet based on at least 1100 calories per day:

The calorie table of ready meals will simplify the selection of the daily menu:

The rules regarding the products used are simple and rational. For clarity, they are presented in the form of a table:

The daily menu should contain proteins, vegetables and fruits. And only after the number of calories in the consumption of vital foods has been calculated, you can clearly see how much food rich in carbohydrates and fats, which are also necessary for the body, can be consumed. Keeping a diary with calculations of the calorie content of dishes will greatly facilitate further compliance with the rules when cooking.

Important Notes!

  1. Remember that the diet does not provide for excessive deviations up or down.
  2. A single dose of alcohol slows down weight loss by a week.
  3. The initial weight can be maintained for 3 weeks.
  4. During the diet, immunity may decrease, so avoid crowded places where there is a possibility of infection if possible.

Useful tips!

  1. During the diet, it is useful to take baths with sea salt, which draws fluid from the body.
  2. Spices and sweeteners stimulate appetite, so they are not consumed during this period.
  3. Eat many times a little (no more than 200 grams).
  4. Once a week, a fasting day is arranged, for example, vegetable, fruit or sour-milk.
  5. Food must be warm. Drink hot tea after meals, which will prolong the feeling of satiety.

Table of an approximate menu for a week at the rate of 1200 kcal per day:

  • Breakfast: tea with sugar, oatmeal with milk, Russian cheese
  • 2 breakfast: boiled egg, greens, bread, dried fruit compote
  • Lunch: green borsch in vegetable broth, boiled veal, black bread, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Snack: dried fruits, dryers, tea without sugar
  • Dinner: rice porridge, radish and cucumber salad, greens
  • 2 dinner: kefir, cracker
  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, brewed coffee with sugar, cheese
  • 2 breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with low-fat milk and sugar
  • Lunch: borscht without meat, beef liver, white bread, herbs, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt, walnuts, raisin
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, coleslaw with vegetable oil
  • 2 dinner: kefir, drying
  • Breakfast: oatmeal without milk and sugar, tea with sugar, bread with cheese
  • 2 breakfast: sausage, boiled egg, compote without sugar
  • Lunch: pickle, beef and chicken hearts, bran bread, herbs, compote without sugar
  • Snack: millet porridge with milk and sugar, low-fat milk
  • Dinner: beef and chicken kidneys, vinaigrette, warm tea
  • 2 dinner: fermented baked milk, drying

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: tea with honey, oatmeal with milk and no sugar, Dutch cheese
  • 2 breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, apple compote.
  • Lunch: stuffed peppers with gravy, white bread, tea with sugar and lemon.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt, nuts, raisins, dried apricots.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes with milk and butter, cucumber and tomato salad, tea with lemon.
  • 2 dinner: curdled milk, cracker

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and sugar, natural coffee, cheese
  • 2 breakfast: kefir scrambled eggs, compote.
  • Lunch: lentil soup, pork chop, herbs, lemon tea
  • Snack: milk, pancakes with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: barley porridge, boiled vegetables and herbs.
  • 2 dinner: kefir, drying

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, tea with lemon and sugar.
  • 2 breakfast: Beijing cabbage and walnut salad
  • Lunch: pea soup with chicken, greens, bran bread, tea with milk.
  • Snack: yogurt and fruit.
  • Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, dill and parsley.
  • 2 dinner: ryazhenka, cracker.

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

Sunday Unloading vegetable day.

Stuffed peppers with rice and cheese with gravy


  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 pieces;
  • cheese - 200 gr.;
  • boiled rice - 100 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pieces of medium size;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • dill, parsley, green or onion- taste.

First, we prepare minced meat, consisting of boiled rice and finely chopped feta cheese without spices. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of stalks and seeds and minced meat is laid. We set the pepper in a saucepan in an upright position and carefully fill it with water, covering it completely. Bring to a boil and put on a slow fire. In the meantime, three carrots on a medium grater and put them in a saucepan, finely chop the onion and herbs, peel the tomatoes and place them there 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Salt, pepper, bay leaf, sunflower oil are added to taste at the end of cooking.


  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • celery - ¼ of the whole root;
  • sorrel - 1-2 bunches;
  • green onions - 1/2 bunch;
  • raw or hard-boiled egg - 2 pieces;
  • dill or parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt and bay leaf, sunflower oil - to taste.

Put finely chopped potatoes and whole onions into boiling unsalted water (we take it out after cooking borscht). We put the washed sorrel in a colander installed on a shallow container, and pour boiling water over it. It will stay in hot water for 5 minutes, and then we drain this water and repeat the procedure again.

Finely chop the cooled sorrel and put it in a saucepan along with grated celery root (if there is no root, you can add fresh celery at the end of cooking). We blanch the grated carrots in sunflower oil for half a minute and add to the future borscht, do not drain the sunflower oil into the pan if possible.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, put finely chopped onion, parsley and dill. If the egg is raw, then pour it into the borscht, quickly stirring the water. Add a boiled egg, finely or coarsely chopped. Salt, bay leaf and other spices are added 5 minutes before the end of cooking.


  • Boiled pumpkin - 100 gr.;
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Poultry meat or veal - 100 gr.;
  • Green onions or onions - 1 bunch;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.;
  • Various herbs available commercially or in the garden (dill, parsley, celery, cilantro, lettuce, etc.) - the more the better.

Finely chop all the ingredients and mix, add salt to taste and season with vegetable or olive oil. Meat is added if this salad is served as a main course for lunch or dinner. If there is no fresh cucumber, any apple is added.

The low-calorie diet provided for by the Bormental diet is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people who have had a heart attack or stroke;
  • diabetics and cancer patients;
  • with mental disorders;
  • in transition and old age.

The diet is not suitable for those who play sports and cannot refuse physical activity, who do not have time to count calories and with increased metabolism.

The psychological component of the Bormental diet is to identify and combat the root causes that caused extra pounds. To date, there are specialized clinics that conduct special trainings using group and individual methods.

Reviews of losing weight contain conflicting statements about the benefits and harms of the diet. For some it is suitable, for others it is not very good, and for others it is even harmful to health. Everything is connected with the fact that the human body is individual, and it is necessary to calculate the amount of required calories, taking into account the internal and external factors surrounding a person, and also do not forget that many food restrictions are contraindicated at all.

Reviews of doctors contain warnings to those who are going to lose weight, that the Bormental diet is not suitable for everyone (see contraindications). When calculating the norms of calories consumed, you need the help of a nutritionist.

The process of losing weight according to the Bormental method should take place precisely in combination with psychological adjustments to the attitude to food in general. Only in this case, you can count on a positive result without harm to health.

I used to use the Kremlin diet, now I learned about the Bormental diet, and it seems to me that this option is better, especially if you use the services of psychologists. They will help you lose weight, and recommend a further strategy that will prevent relapses.

Svetlana, 35 years old:

I agree with Lyudmila, since very often the cause of excessive weight is psychological factors, such as depression, dissatisfaction with personal relationships, complexes, laziness, and the inability to resist culinary excesses. In this regard, the Bormental diet compares favorably with other diets.

Elena, dietician:

Bormental's diet is intended for physically healthy people who need weight correction, which has arisen due to the instability of the psychological state. In addition, it does not verbally accustom the patient to discipline, self-organization and punctuality.

Valery Georgievich, gastroenterologist:

When choosing a diet, it is important to consider that the cause of weight gain may not be a psychological reason, but a physical one. In this case, you need to contact only specialists, you should not correct the situation yourself, and it will not work. If the cause of excess weight is hormonal changes in the body, congenital forms of obesity, infectious diseases, then the diseases themselves are treated first of all, and not their consequences.

Very often we hear complaints from fat women that we don’t eat anything, but I’m still getting fat. But the essence of the diet is not to eat nothing, but to do it correctly, according to certain rules that have long been developed empirically by nutritionists.

Dr. Bormenthal's author's diet was developed by specialists and based on numerous studies. She explains the process of losing weight scientifically. This and the guaranteed result, which is usually calculated in dozens of dropped kilograms, makes it very popular. It is one of the few methods built on the elimination of the psychological factors of excess weight, where nutrition plays a secondary role.

In 1992, psychotherapists M. A. Gavrilov and A. V. Bobrovsky began an active study of the psychology of overweight people. For several years, they tested various techniques for correcting eating habits, conducted scientific research and eventually developed a system of education on how to maintain the achieved results after losing weight.

In 2001, they patented and began to conduct sessions of psycho-correction of excess weight, published the book "How to conquer appetite", opened the first in Russia stationary center "Doctor Bormental" (this main character story by M. A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog").

In 2003, Gavrilov, Bobrovsky and another psychotherapist, V.V. Romatsky, developed a diet called the center and described in detail in the books “An Effective Weight Loss Program in 7 Days” and “How to Lose Weight and Maintain Slimness”. Its main principle of action is getting rid of the psychological causes of overeating and correcting eating habits and diet. New system nutrition received the approval of the St. Petersburg NIPI them. V. M. Bekhtereva.

Since then, the Bormental diet has been constantly adjusted based on the results of ongoing research and in accordance with the realities of modern reality. All innovations are presented in additional books: A. Bobrovsky "Modern methods of weight loss" (2004), A. V. Kondrashov "Dr.

Today, training centers in large cities train specialists for the psycho-correction of excess weight with the help of a nutrition system.

According to the developers of the methodology, a person must first of all realize the reason for overeating and understand that it has nothing to do with food. It can be fear, worries, stresses with which you need to go to a psychotherapist and get rid of them. In parallel, it is recommended to start compiling a new diet. The basic principles of the Bormental diet boil down to the following points.

With a sedentary lifestyle, the daily calorie intake is reduced to 800-1,000 kcal, with moderate activity - up to 1,200, with intensive sports - up to 1,500. During illness, the bar rises by 200 kcal.

Everything that is eaten is recorded daily in a diary with calorie counting to correct the diet and work on mistakes.

For convenience, the specialists of the center have developed calorie tables for the most consumed foods. It is desirable to keep them in mind when compiling the menu.

A feature of the diet is the permission to eat absolutely any food. The main rule is not to exceed the daily caloric intake. And here everyone chooses for himself: eat half a kilo of beef brisket or more than one and a half kilograms of bananas per day for his thousand calories.

This approach eliminates breakdowns and constant thoughts about the forbidden. Wanted a cake or french fries - satisfy the desire. True, the portion sizes will be minimal, but then the taste buds will get their own, the production of endorphins will increase, which will make you not think about hunger.

  1. Nutrition should be fractional: often, but not enough.
  2. The intervals between meals are at least 3 hours and no more than 5.
  3. Breakfast - half an hour after waking up; dinner - 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. The distribution of daily calories: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 10%, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 10%, dinner - 10%.
  5. Protein foods (complete list) should be present at every meal.
  6. Be sure to eat hot meals to prolong saturation.
  7. Sweets are best for breakfast.
  8. The basis of the diet is natural vegetables and fruits.

Dr. Bormental's diet is a long-term method of losing weight. It is observed until the weight returns to normal. Therefore, it is useless to sit on it for those who need to lose only 5-6 kg. It was originally developed for those who are on the verge of obesity or are already suffering from it.

The minimum course is 14 days, for which it is realistic to lose 10 kg. The best option is a month, and then, if the results are achieved, the daily calorie bar is increased by 200 kcal every month to stabilize and maintain weight. Throughout the weight loss, active work is carried out with psychotherapists.

Too low daily calorie content does not allow everyone to use the weight loss diet. Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • age up to 18 and after 60;
  • infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • diabetes;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • mental disorders;
  • heart problems, condition after a heart attack or stroke;
  • oncology;
  • professional sports.

It is not recommended to switch to Dr. Bormental's nutrition system without consulting with specialists.


  • an integrated approach to eliminating excess weight;
  • impressive results: minus 1-3 kg for each week of the diet;
  • variety and balance of the diet: no food bans;
  • development of correct eating behavior;
  • comfortable psychological mood;
  • minimal risk of failure.


  • individual characteristics of metabolism are not taken into account;
  • difficult to combine with intense sports training;
  • constant calorie counting requires eating mostly at home;
  • too low a daily calorie intake of 800-1000 kcal can be harmful to health: with such a diet, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, a general decrease in efficiency, weakened immunity, anemia and other side effects are not uncommon;
  • intensive weight loss threatens with sagging skin, muscle flaccidity and loss of physical tone;
  • it is difficult to control appetite - especially on holidays;
  • with prolonged dieting, weight may at some point stand in one place and not decrease.

During the day you need to drink plain water (from one and a half liters or more). But psychotherapists of the Doctor Bormental center do not recommend replacing meals with it and drowning out hunger. After eating, it is allowed to drink hot tea to prolong the feeling of satiety.

It is better to abandon high-calorie foods in favor of low-calorie ones in order to make the diet more varied. And minimize the use of hot spices, sweeteners, alcoholic and carbonated drinks that stimulate the appetite. You only need to eat what you like, otherwise there will be no benefit.

To get faster results a couple of times a week it is recommended to arrange kefir, apple and other fasting days.

Hunger is the signals of the stomach to the brain, physiology. There is only a need for these "calls". Appetite is born in thoughts, under the influence of mood. He cannot be succumbed.

There will be no benefit from exhausting workouts. It is better to replace morning jogging with walking in the evenings, and simulators with 15-minute exercises. Otherwise, due to a low-calorie diet, exhaustion cannot be avoided.

If you plan to lose weight by 10 kg or more, take care in advance to prevent sagging skin. Use anti-cellulite creams, do wraps, sign up for a massage.

The Bormental diet involves mandatory consultations with a psychotherapist who will help determine the causes of excess weight and find motivation. The risk of relapse can be reduced by enlisting the understanding of friends, family and like-minded people. Moral support within the framework of this technique has great value for the weight loss process.

Great, if you have the opportunity to contact one of the Doctor Bormental clinics. They will provide information assistance, orient in the preparation of the menu. You can use Internet resources where training for a special program is conducted online. The course is paid and is designed for six months.

Specialists of the Doctor Bormental center offer their patients ready-made menus scheduled for every day, indicating the calories of dishes in order to save time on calculations.

The proposed option is designed for only a week, but using its example, you can easily make a diet for a longer period, focusing on personal taste preferences. A sample menu and a calorie table of ready meals to help.

The calorie content of each recipe is indicated per 100 g of the dish.

Stew with vegetables and mushrooms (100 kcal)

  • 300 g cabbage (preferably white cabbage);
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 200 g boiled white mushrooms;
  • 15 g 10% sour cream;
  • 2 garlic cloves;

Cut the tomatoes into slices, saute with mushrooms in a pan for 5-6 minutes. Chop cabbage, finely grate carrots, send to tomatoes and mushrooms. Simmer covered for half an hour. Cut onion and pepper into rings. Add to bulk. Cook another 15 min. Salt. Leave for half an hour. Before serving, season with sour cream with chopped garlic.

Boyar meat (117 kcal)

  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • 300 g chicken breast;
  • 150 g of mushrooms (an excellent option is champignons);
  • 200 g of tomatoes;
  • 70 g low-calorie mayonnaise;
  • 150 g of low-calorie cheese.

Pour the oil on a baking sheet, put the chopped onion in the bottom layer. On it - thin plates of breast, then champignons. The last are tomatoes, cut into circles. Top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes.

Eggplant soup (60 kcal)

  • One and a half liters of water;
  • 150 g eggplant;
  • 100 g canned red beans;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • olive oil for passivation.

Cut the potatoes into bars, lower simultaneously with the beans in boiling water. Boil for half an hour. Grind carrots, onions and eggplant, sauté until soft. Pour into a saucepan. Cook for another half hour.

Salad "Uganda" (128 kcal)

  • 4 bananas;
  • 100 ml of 20% cream;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 50 g iceberg lettuce;
  • 50 g of ham;
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 30 g oatmeal.

Soak raisins overnight. Cut bananas into circles, mix with cereal, raisins and chopped ham. Whip cream with lemon zest in a blender. Pour dressing over salad, leave for half an hour. Serve on Iceberg.

After you lose the required number of kilograms, another task is set - to stabilize the weight so that it does not return. For this you need:

  • monthly increase the daily calorie content of the diet by 200 kcal, bringing it to the desired level (calculated individually);
  • continue to eat according to the rules of the Bormental diet (fractionally, without prohibitions, but in small portions);
  • avoid overeating;
  • cope with the psychological causes that can lead to weight gain;
  • do sport.



Variety of products

Total: According to Bormental, everyone is losing weight! Gradual weight loss to the desired result. Pros: there is always a result, a variety of products, there are no prohibitions. Cons: weakness may appear due to a low level of calories, loss of skin tone (especially if you need to lose a lot of kg), there are contraindications.

4.5 Diet with good results

"The Bormental Diet" is a concept known in Russia since 2001. It was then that the Doctor Bormental weight loss technique was created and the corresponding brand was patented. The author of the technique is a candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist Valery Romatsky.

The Bormental diet refers to long-term diets; people with a fairly large overweight often resort to it. The duration of the diet depends on how many kilograms you need to lose.

The author himself positions it as "losing weight without restrictions". The concept of losing weight according to Bormental is based on a combination of a low-calorie diet and the impact of certain psychotherapeutic techniques designed to reveal and eliminate the psychological causes of overeating.

It is very important to take into account the type of physique, health status and other individual physical parameters. This must be done in order to calculate the optimal weight figure. In addition, a person must be aware of their underlying psychological problems. That is, to understand what exactly leads to overeating. In many cases, this requires the consultation of a psychotherapist.

You only need to eat when you are hungry. Then the weight will drop.

3. You need to count calories. Depending on starting weight and lifestyle, calories can vary from 900 to 1500 calories per day. But even if the indicators allow, you should not strictly adhere to the lower limit. If the body is hungry, the weight will not go away. A reasonable limit is 1000 kcal.

Increasing calories to 1500 kcal is also not recommended, unless you are heavily involved in sports. The average limit of the norm is 1200 - 1300 kcal.

4. Everything you eat should please you. There will be no effect if there is something through force or something tasteless. This mistake lies in the ineffectiveness of many diets in which people have not been able to achieve a positive result. After all, if you dine with tasteless food, you will need moral compensation in the form of sweet or tasty, but not healthy. Experts recommend using all taste buds in one meal. This means that the menu should be bitter, sweet, sour, salty and spicy.

You can not categorically forbid yourself to eat high-calorie and tasty food. This is another mistake, according to doctors from Dr. Bormenthal's clinic. In fact, up to 20% of daily calories can be spent on such food.

5. It is necessary to determine exactly how much you need to lose a kilogram. Your desire to lose weight, for example, by 20 kg, is not enough. Use weight calculators. 6. You need to drink water exactly as much as the body needs. Do not force yourself to fill the body with water on purpose. Water contains no calories, so it doesn't satisfy your hunger, and soon you'll be hungry again. Since fasting, according to Bormental, is contraindicated, you should not drink instead of eating. 7. Indulge in light physical activity They will speed up the process of losing weight. At the same time, you don’t need to exhaust yourself in the gym, walking for half an hour or doing yoga or Pilates is enough.


This fairly rigid low-calorie diet is categorically Not recommended pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as the elderly. You can not lose weight according to Bormental with acute infections or chronic diseases in the acute stage. As well as those suffering from diabetes (categorically!) And having menstrual irregularities or hormonal disorders.

If you decide to use this diet - you should consult your doctor!

The biggest plus is in its undoubted effectiveness. According to Bormental, everyone is losing weight! And how not to lose weight with such restrictions. Resetting the gained kilograms is for everyone at an individual pace, but always quickly enough. Bormental's diet ranks 25th in the modern ranking of diets.

Another advantage - a balanced diet satisfies hunger for 3 - 4 hours. This reduces the amount of food eaten "for the soul." Since there is no real hunger, it will be much easier to cope with the desire to “eat something”.

Thirdly, the diet is varied and allows you to eat any food, but within the daily calorie intake.

To disadvantages can be attributed:

  • Concomitant weakness, decreased performance and deterioration of mood and general vitality. As a result of severe calorie restriction, immunity often falls, and the body becomes "open" to a variety of troubles - from banal viral infections to cancer. The threat of anemia and various hormonal disorders is real.

It happens that at some stage the weight “gets up”. This is a normal reaction of the body. In this case, you should not begin to doubt the effectiveness of the diet and give up the idea of ​​​​losing weight. After a while, the weight will begin to decrease again.

To stay motivated, you may need individual consultations psychotherapist, because not everyone has the courage to admit to being obese. There is nothing shameful in this. On the contrary, a psychologist will help you tune in to the “right wave”, and the process of losing weight will not seem so difficult.

The support of family, friends, and networking with like-minded people encourages continued dieting. The percentage of "failures" is reduced by 4 times. Moral support is the key to success in the Bormental diet, and is positioned as an integral part of it.

The easiest way to finish what you started is to trust the masters of their craft by contacting one of Dr. Bormenthal's clinics. Representations are available in all major cities. Specialists will provide the necessary psychological and information support and help you plan your diet. If it is impossible to visit the clinic in person, it is easy to use the Internet site, where you can start losing weight on your own online. Lessons are held according to a special program designed for 6 months.

You can make your own daily diet menu based on Bormental calorie tables provided below.

The features of this table are that calorie content is indicated in finished form, and not in cheese, which is very convenient when cooking. Only the calorie content of cereals is indicated in dry form.

Advice: When preparing a dish, write down its calorie content and the amount of ingredients in a notebook or notebook. So it will be more convenient if you suddenly want to cook the same dish, you do not need to re-weigh and count its calorie content

Bormental calorie table: meat, poultry

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
lamb thigh 157 1,57
fat lamb 316 3,16
lamb shoulder 165 1,65
lamb ribs 182 1,82
lamb fillet 121 1,21
beef brisket 202 2,02
fatty beef 261 2,61
beef shoulder 182 1,82
lean beef 139 1,39
beef kidneys 94 0,94
beef liver 96 0,96
beef heart 87 0,87
beef tongue 112 1,12
chicken stomachs 95 0,95
hare 124 1,24
turkey 139 1,39
turkey thigh 104 1,04
turkey drumstick 100 1
turkey breast 84 0,84
turkey wings 147 1,47
horse meat fillet 106 1,06
rabbit 152 1,52
chicken 116 1,16
chicken breast 91 0,91
chicken liver 92 0,92
partridge 96 0,96
chicken heart 94 0,94
venison 123 1,23
fatty pork 366 3,66
pork chop 124 1,24
pork shoulder 257 2,57
lean pork 137 1,37
pork liver 114 1,14
pig kidneys 102 1,02
pork ribs 291 2,91
pork neck 234 2,34
pig heart 101 1,01
pig tongue 115 1,15
veal thigh 108 1,08
veal tenderloin 97 0,97
veal shoulder 105 1,05
veal liver 96 0,96
fat duck 214 2,14
lean duck 128 1,28
pheasant 143 1,43
chicken thigh 209 2,09
broiler chicken 173 1,73
chicken drumstick 200 2
chicken breast 130 1,3
chicken wing 212 2,12
chicken ham 206 2,06
chicken fillet 113 1,13

Bormental calorie table: dairy products

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
yogurt 1.5% 51 0,51
kefir 1% 38 0,38
kefir 2% 51 0,51
fat kefir 67 0,67
goat milk 68 0,68
cow's milk 0.5% 39 0,39
cow's milk 1.0% 41 0,41
cow's milk 1.5% 43 0,43
cow's milk 1.8% 47 0,47
cow's milk 2.5% 53 0,53
cow's milk 3.5% 64 0,6
skimmed milk 33 0,3
skimmed milk powder 360 3,6
whole milk powder 479 4,8
condensed milk without sugar 131 1,3
sweetened condensed milk 315 3,2
baked milk 6% 84 0,8
dairy ice cream 114 1,1
ice cream sundae 223 2,2
creamy ice cream 187 1,9
acidophilus buttermilk 43 0,4
food buttermilk 0.5% 37 0,4
fruit buttermilk 72 0,7
curdled milk 58 0,6
fermented baked milk 6% 85 0,9
cream 10% 118 1,2
cream 20% 205 2,1
cream 30% 287 2,9
coffee creamer 9% 107 1,1
sour cream 10% 116 1,2
sour cream 15% 160 1,6
sour cream 20% 210 2,1
sour cream 40% 311 3,1
milk whey 25 0,3
glazed curds 407 4,1
cheese mass fat. 351 3,5
cheese mass dezzh. 114 1,1
diet cottage cheese 170 1,7
fat cottage cheese 18% 253 2,5
low-fat cottage cheese 86 0,86
semi-fat cottage cheese 9% 156 1,6
chocolate milk 81 0,8
athlete cheese 342 3,4
whole brie cheese 329 3,3
brynza cheese 50% 298 3
dutch cheese 357 3,6
gouda cheese 45% 365 3,7
dana blue cheese 284 2,8
dor blue cheese 298 3
whole camembert cheese 291 2,9
smoked sausage cheese 352 3,5
Kostroma cheese 345 3,5
Lithuanian cheese 258 2,6
mozzarella cheese 299 3
parmesan cheese 45% 375 3,8
processed cheese 40% 268 2,7
processed cheese 60% 366 3,7
Poshekhonskiy cheese 354 3,5
whole roquefort cheese 363 3,6
Russian cheese 360 3,6
soft cream cheese 60% 330 3,3
tilzitsky cheese 45% 334 3,3
whole cheddar cheese 391 3,9
edam cheese 40% 315 3,2

Bormental calorie table: sausages and smoked meats

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
amateur ham 183 1,8
pork ham 279 2,8
Armavir sausage 423 4,2
dietary sausage 158 1,6
doctor's sausage 257 2,6
sausage diner 366 3,7
grainy sausage 608 6,1
Krakow sausage p/smoked 382 3,8
Kuban sausage 448 4,5
amateur sausage 310 3,1
Maikop sausage 467 4,7
minsk sausage 287 2,9
milk sausage 252 2,5
Moscow sausage with/smoked 463 4,6
Odessa sausage 402 4
Ostankino sausage 244 2,4
sausage hunting sausages 463 4,6
Poltava sausage 417 4,2
salami sausage 485 4,9
beef sausages 124 1,2
beef sausages 215 2,2
pork sausages 332 3,3
pork sausages 332 3,3
pork sausage 568 5,7
cervelat 360 3,6
Soviet 515 5,2
beef sausages 215 2,2
grilled sausages 182 1,8
doctor's sausages 221 2,2
amateur sausages 304 3
dairy sausages 241 2,4
sausages special 270 2,7
Russian sausages 215 2,2
sausages with cheese 256 2,6
creamy sausages 277 2,8
Stolichnaya sausage 487 4,9
Tallinn sausage p/smoked 373 3,7
veal sausage 298 3
Ukrainian sausage 376 3,8
tea sausage 216 2,2

Bormental calorie table: fish and seafood

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
beluga 131 1,31
vobla 238 2,38
pink salmon 90 0,9
flounder 60 0,6
crucian carp 56 0,56
carp 59 59
chum salmon 110 1,1
mullet 124 1,24
Baltic sprat 95 0,95
smelt 91 0,91
bream 72 0,72
salmon 144 1,44
mackerel 156 1,56
pollock 45 0,45
capelin 115 1,15
burbot 86 0,86
sea ​​bass 108 1,08
river perch 71 0,71
Baikal omul 78 0,78
sturgeon 140 1,4
halibut 74 0,74
haddock 80 0,8
roach 60 0,6
blue whiting 72 0,72
carp 58 0,58
saury 81 0,81
herring 99 0,99
sardine 144 1,44
Atlantic herring 154 1,54
lean herring 68 0,68
salmon 186 1,86
whitefish 102 1,02
mackerel 120 1,2
catfish 80 0,8
horse mackerel 90 0,9
sterlet 101 1,01
zander 64 0,64
cod 48 0,48
tuna 99 0,99
sea ​​trout 164 1,64
river trout 97 0,97
hake 54 0,54
pike 85 0,85
ide 73 0,73
Red caviar 251 2,51
pollock caviar 131 1,31
pressed caviar 236 2,36
cod roe 115 1,15
black caviar 203 2,03
squid 75 0,75
crabs 140 1,4
shrimps 74 0,74
mussels 51 0,51
shellfish 83 0,83
sea ​​kale 5 0,05
lobster 82 0,82
octopus 73 0,73
crayfish 79 0,79
oysters 66 0,66

Bormental calorie table: cereals, bread and pasta

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
beans 160 1,6
popcorn 382 382
Hercules 355 3,55
peas 293 2,93
buckwheat 347 3,47
corn grits 325 3,25
semolina 354 3,54
oatmeal 374 3,74
pearl barley 345 3,45
wheat groats 352 3,52
barley groats 343 3,43
millet 335 3,35
rice 346 3,46
brown rice 331 3,31
polished rice 330 3,3
crispy rice 362 3,62
soy 200 2
oatmeal 357 3,57
beans 288 2,88
lentils 284 2,84
cornflakes 363 3,63
oat flakes 366 3,66
wheat flakes 351 3,51
rye flakes 343 3,43
barley flakes 355 3,55
pasta 1st grade 335 3,35
pasta 337 3,37
egg pasta 345 3,45
wheat bran 154 1,54
pure bran 50 0,5
bran protein bread 216 2,16
crispy white bread 369 3,69
Borodino bread 201 2,01
bread darnitsky 206 2,06
rustic bread 263 2,63
bread health 203 2,03
grain bread 199 1,99
wheat bread 1 grade 226 2,26
wheat bread 2 grade 220 2,2
wheat bread higher grade 233 2,33
wheat bread with bran 188 1,88
rye bread. whole grain 237 2,37
Rye bread 214 2,14
rye bread. Moscow 195 1,95
hearth rye bread 206 2,06
rye pan bread 181 1,81

Bormental calorie table: vegetables

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
avocado 160 1,6
artichokes 45 0,45
eggplant 30 0,3
fresh beans 66 0,66
beet tops 17 0,17
swede 31 0,31
swede 31 0,31
green peas 75 0,75
vegetable marrow 17 0,17
White cabbage 24 0,24
broccoli 27 0,27
Brussels sprouts 37 3,7
red cabbage 21 0,21
cauliflower 18 0,18
mature potatoes 90 0,9
young potatoes 36 0,36
kohlrabi 25 0,25
corn 90 0,9
green onion 25 0,25
leek 24 0,24
onion 43 0,43
shallot 25 0,25
olives 348 3,48
carrot 41 0,41
fresh cucumbers 13 0,13
olive 334 3,34
parsnip 38 0,38
yellow pepper 27 0,27
green pepper 22 0,22
Red pepper 30 0,3
green parsley 41 0,41
tomatoes 30 0,3
rhubarb 18 0,18
radish 16 0,16
radish 25 0,25
turnip 23 0,23
salad 11 0,11
beet 30 0,3
soybean sprouts 65 0,65
asparagus 14 0,14
pumpkin 30 0,3
dill green 30 0,3
horseradish 49 0,49
chicory 21 0,21
wild garlic 34 0,34
garlic 89 0,89
lentil sprouts 120 1,2
spinach 16 0,16
sorrel 27 0,27

Bormental calorie table: fruits

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
apricot 44 0,44
quince 30 0,3
cherry plum 38 0,38
a pineapple 40 0,4
orange 33 0,33
watermelon 21 0,21
banana 60 0,6
cowberry 41 0,41
grape 42 0,42
cherry 63 0,63
blueberry 41 0,41
pomegranate 52 0,52
grapefruit 35 0,35
pear 31 0,31
melon 25 0,25
blackberry 44 0,44
strawberries 33 0,33
figs 62 0,62
viburnum 32 0,32
kiwi 46 0,46
dogwood 41 0,41
Strawberry 31 0,31
cranberry 35 0,35
gooseberry 40 0,4
lemon 21 0,21
lychee 74 0,74
raspberry 29 0,29
mango 56 0,56
mandarin 32 0,32
cloudberry 28 0,28
sea ​​​​buckthorn 52 0,52
papaya 41 0,41
peach 44 0,44
rowan garden 55 0,55
chokeberry 54 0,54
plum 45 0,45
white currant 31 0,31
Red currants 32 0,32
black currant 34 0,34
turn 45 0,45
dates 272 2,72
persimmon 69 0,69
sweet cherry 57 0,57
blueberry 85 0,85
mulberry 53 0,53
rose hip 82 0,82
apples 44 0,44

Bormental calorie table: drinks and broths

Name of products kcal per 100 grams Kcal per 1 gram
mushroom broth 10 0,1
meat broth 20 0,2
vegetable broth 0 0
fish broth 15 0,15
whiskey 220 2,2
water 0 0
vodka 235 2,35
gin 220 2,2
kvass 25 0,25
cognac 220 2,2
tea/coffee (no sugar) 0 0
mineral water 0 0
pepsi cola 42 0,42
pepsi-cola light 0 0

A complete table of the calorie content of products according to Bormental in an Excel file can be downloaded by clicking on the button below:

Bormental calorie table (.xlsx, 27 KB)

Advice: plan your diet in advance for the day, and preferably several days in advance: how many meals will be per day and what you will eat. On weekdays, make breakfast more "energy", that is, eat carbohydrates to feel good at work and be active. At lunch, it should be less dense, it is better to eat proteins (for example, meat or fish with vegetables). And dinner should be light, like a fresh vegetable salad.

Diet Bormental - menu for every day

Option 1 Breakfast Boiled or steamed chicken breast - 80 gr (70 kcal)
Buckwheat (boiled) - 80 gr (70 kcal)
1 tomato - (17 kcal)
Late breakfast Tea without sugar
Half a marshmallow (50 kcal)
Dinner 150 gr. boiled or steamed pollock (68 kcal)
100 gr. boiled new potatoes (36 kcal)
Half red pepper (15 kcal)
Tea without sugar
afternoon tea
Dinner 100 gr beef baked with herbs (200 kcal)
Kefir 1% - 100 gr (38 kcal)
Option 2 Breakfast Buckwheat with milk - 167 kcal per 100 gr
Black coffee without sugar
Late breakfast 1 glass of 1% kefir - 57 kcal
3 small crackers without sugar - 120 kcal
Dinner 200 gr. cabbage soup from fresh cabbage - 96 kcal
150 gr. Cucumber and tomato salad (25 kcal)
Tea without sugar
afternoon tea 30 gr almonds - 135 kcal
Dinner 200 gr baked chicken breast with cheese and tomatoes - 256 kcal
Kefir 1% - 100 gr (38 kcal)
Option 3 Breakfast 100 g low-fat cottage cheese (86 kcal)
Black coffee without sugar - (0 kcal)
Late breakfast 30 gr walnuts - 127 kcal
1 apple (44 kcal) or orange (33 kcal)
Dinner Fish baked under carrots and eggs - 60 kcal per 100 g (boil fish, grate boiled carrots on top, and boiled egg, pour lemon juice)
Kefir 1% - 100 gr (38 kcal)
1 whole grain bread - 23 kcal
afternoon tea 1 glass of tomato juice - 13 kcal
Dinner Steamed chicken leg - 116 kcal per 100 gr
Salad of cabbage, cucumber and green peas - 85 kcal per 100 gr
Tea without sugar

Diet Bormental: results and reviews

The results are pretty impressive. All over the world, Dr. Bormenthal's diet is recognized as one of the most effective. Reviews of its adherents contain descriptions of many successful cases of weight loss without subsequent regression. And in fact, patients begin to lose weight immediately, from the first day. Weight loss for the first week usually ranges from 2 to 5 kilograms depending on the initial body weight, constitution and other individual factors.

Among other things, due to the removal of excess fluid, swelling subsides, the skin acquires a healthy appearance. In the future, "natural decline" continues at approximately the rate 6 to 12 kilos per month. And here again, everything is individual.

When you achieve the desired result, it is important to fix the weight and not let it come back. This can be achieved by constantly maintaining a new regimen and following the basic principles of nutrition: satisfying, tasty, beneficial for harmony. During weight loss, you will get so used to the changes that it will not cause difficulties. By fixing the weight, you can increase the daily calorie content of meals by 200 - 300 kcal.

The specialists of Dr. Bormenthal's clinic are sure that "weight is in the head." You just need to change your attitude to this fact, and understand the real reason for the appearance of extra pounds.

The main result of the Bormental diet is the destruction of previously established stereotypes of improper eating behavior and the elimination of the psychological causes of overeating. Having realized (and eliminated!) Most of these causes, a person has every chance to continue to lead healthy lifestyle life and consciously control your habits and appetite.

Being overweight is not only appearance. First of all, it is a health hazard. Obesity provokes many diseases, including atherosclerosis and hypertension. It is the preservation of health that should be the first incentive to lose weight. Get rid of the "weight in the head", and you will not only save your health. You look at the world differently.

News of the day! Free consultation with a dietitian via Skype for visitors to the site Fit-and-eat.ru

At the beginning of this century, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is gaining momentum, being introduced into all psychological programs, used in schools, institutes, offices, and enterprises. The authors of NLP did not remain indifferent to the problem of proper dietary nutrition. In 2001, the so-called Bormental Diet was patented.

To date, there is a method of psychological weight correction according to Bormental, which is carried out only by specialists and, directly, the Bormental diet itself, or rather its free version, developed for general use.

The essence of the diet

There is nothing easier than losing weight using the Bormental diet method. For this you need:

  • determine the reasons for losing weight;
  • place in a place accessible for permanent viewing a table of caloric content of products;
  • make a list of all foods that are commonly eaten;
  • choose a daily menu to your liking;
  • purchase kitchen scales and floor scales, for weighing products and your own weight;
  • keep a diary to record what you ate during the day;
  • gradually adjust the diet and reduce the number of calories consumed.


Despite its democratic nature, the Bormental diet has clear instructions:

  • The recommended meal is up to 8 times, but not more than 150-180 grams at a time.
  • In the early days, the total amount of calories per day should not exceed 1100 units for those who lead a measured lifestyle, and 1300–1400 for active, hard-working people.
  • The maximum lower level is 750 kcal (for women) and 950 kcal (for men) per day.
  • It is forbidden to sharply reduce the amount of total calories.
  • In case of illness, it is recommended to increase the energy supply of food by 250 kcal.
  • The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Before the main meal, drink 150-200 grams of water.
  • The selected products must be weighed, calculate the number of calories in the table and make an appropriate entry in the notebook.
  • Write down the calorie content of cooked dishes in a notebook.
  • Eat according to the principle: "It is better to undereat than overeat."
  • There should be no quick snacks, meals should be full, taking at least 20 minutes.

Daily calorie ratio:

  • Breakfast is 35% of the daily diet;
  • second breakfast - 15%;
  • lunch - 35%;
  • dinner - 15% of the total calories per day.

A feature of the Bormental diet is that it is forbidden to play sports, heavy physical exertion. This is due to the fact that it involves limiting caloric intake, and physical activity involves increased calorie intake.

For those who love sports and cannot do without it, the diet developers have provided the following alternatives:

  • With an increase in physical activity, for example, training, it is allowed to increase the daily diet by 200–250 kcal.
  • Instead, visit during this period massage sessions, phytotherapeutic procedures, walk more.

When should the results appear?

After two weeks, the weight should change downwards (up to 4 kg), if it has not changed significantly, then we continue to reduce the amount of daily calories by another 100 units. If the work has justified itself, we fix the appropriate result and gradually increase the number of calories, constantly monitoring the weight. That is, we regulate our weight by reducing or increasing the number of calories consumed.

Calorie table

How is the individual amount of calories required by the body calculated:

Calories = (weight x 9.99) + (height x 6.25) - (age x 4.92).

From the value obtained, 161 is subtracted (for women) or 5 is added (for men). The final figure means the amount needed to maintain a constant weight. To lose weight, you need to take away 200-300 calories from it.

food calorie table will help you choose a diet based on at least 1100 calories per day:

The calorie table of ready meals will simplify the selection of the daily menu:

Menu for the week

The rules regarding the products used are simple and rational. For clarity, they are presented in the form of a table:

The daily menu should contain proteins, vegetables and fruits. And only after the number of calories in the consumption of vital foods has been calculated, you can clearly see how much food rich in carbohydrates and fats, which are also necessary for the body, can be consumed. Keeping a diary with calculations of the calorie content of dishes will greatly facilitate further compliance with the rules when cooking.

Important Notes!

  1. Remember that the diet does not provide for excessive deviations up or down.
  2. A single dose of alcohol slows down weight loss by a week.
  3. The initial weight can be maintained for 3 weeks.
  4. During the diet, immunity may decrease, so avoid crowded places where there is a possibility of infection if possible.

Useful tips!

  1. During the diet, it is useful to take baths with sea salt, which draws fluid from the body.
  2. Spices and sweeteners stimulate appetite, so they are not consumed during this period.
  3. Eat many times a little (no more than 200 grams).
  4. Once a week, a fasting day is arranged, for example, vegetable, fruit or sour-milk.
  5. Food must be warm. Drink hot tea after meals, which will prolong the feeling of satiety.

Table of an approximate menu for a week at the rate of 1200 kcal per day:

  • Breakfast: tea with sugar, oatmeal with milk, Russian cheese
  • 2 breakfast: boiled egg, greens, bread, dried fruit compote
  • Lunch: green borsch in vegetable broth, boiled veal, black bread, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Snack: dried fruits, dryers, tea without sugar
  • Dinner: rice porridge, radish and cucumber salad, greens
  • 2 dinner: kefir, cracker
  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, brewed coffee with sugar, cheese
  • 2 breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with low-fat milk and sugar
  • Lunch: borscht without meat, beef liver, white bread, herbs, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt, walnuts, raisins
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, coleslaw with vegetable oil
  • 2 dinner: kefir, drying
  • Breakfast: oatmeal without milk and sugar, tea with sugar, bread with cheese
  • 2 breakfast: sausage, boiled egg, compote without sugar
  • Lunch: pickle, beef and chicken hearts, bread, herbs, compote without sugar
  • Snack: millet porridge with milk and sugar, low-fat milk
  • Dinner: beef and chicken kidneys, vinaigrette, warm tea
  • 2 dinner: fermented baked milk, drying

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: tea with honey, oatmeal with milk and no sugar, Dutch cheese
  • 2 breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, apple compote.
  • Lunch: stuffed peppers with gravy, white bread, tea with sugar and lemon.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt, nuts, raisins, dried apricots.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes with milk and butter, cucumber and tomato salad, tea with lemon.
  • 2 dinner: curdled milk, cracker

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and sugar, natural coffee, cheese
  • 2 breakfast: kefir scrambled eggs, compote.
  • Lunch: lentil soup, pork chop, herbs, lemon tea
  • Snack: milk, pancakes with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: barley porridge, boiled vegetables and herbs.
  • 2 dinner: kefir, drying

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: with milk, tea with lemon and sugar.
  • 2 breakfast: Beijing cabbage and walnut salad
  • Lunch: pea soup with chicken, greens, bran bread, tea with milk.
  • Snack: yogurt and fruit.
  • Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, dill and parsley.
  • 2 dinner: ryazhenka, cracker.

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

Sunday Unloading vegetable day.

Three recipes

Stuffed peppers with rice and cheese with gravy


  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 pieces;
  • cheese - 200 gr.;
  • boiled rice - 100 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pieces of medium size;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • dill, parsley, green or onion - to taste.

First, we prepare minced meat, consisting of boiled rice and finely chopped feta cheese without spices. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of stalks and seeds and minced meat is laid. We set the pepper in a saucepan in an upright position and carefully fill it with water, covering it completely. Bring to a boil and put on a slow fire. In the meantime, three carrots on a medium grater and put them in a saucepan, finely chop the onion and herbs, peel the tomatoes and place them there 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Salt, pepper, bay leaf, sunflower oil are added to taste at the end of cooking.


  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • celery - ¼ of the whole root;
  • sorrel - 1-2 bunches;
  • green onions - 1/2 bunch;
  • raw or hard-boiled egg - 2 pieces;
  • dill or parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt and bay leaf, sunflower oil - to taste.

Put finely chopped potatoes and whole onions into boiling unsalted water (we take it out after cooking borscht). We put the washed sorrel in a colander installed on a shallow container, and pour boiling water over it. It will stay in hot water for 5 minutes, and then we drain this water and repeat the procedure again.

Finely chop the cooled sorrel and put it in a saucepan along with grated celery root (if there is no root, you can add fresh celery at the end of cooking). We blanch the grated carrots in sunflower oil for half a minute and add to the future borscht, do not drain the sunflower oil into the pan if possible.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, put finely chopped onion, parsley and dill. If the egg is raw, then pour it into the borscht, quickly stirring the water. Add a boiled egg, finely or coarsely chopped. Salt, bay leaf and other spices are added 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Spring salad "Vitaminka"

Design option


  • Boiled - 100 gr.;
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Poultry meat or veal - 100 gr.;
  • Green onions or onions - 1 bunch;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.;
  • Various herbs available commercially or in the garden (dill, parsley, celery, cilantro, lettuce, etc.) - the more the better.

Finely chop all the ingredients and mix, add salt to taste and season with vegetable or olive oil. Meat is added if this salad is served as a main course for lunch or dinner. If there is no fresh cucumber, any apple is added.


The low-calorie diet provided for by the Bormental diet is contraindicated:

  • and lactating women;
  • people who have had a heart attack or stroke;
  • diabetics and cancer patients;
  • with mental disorders;
  • in transition and old age.

The diet is not suitable for those who play sports and cannot refuse physical activity, who do not have time to count calories and with increased metabolism.

Table of contents [Show]

Despite the fact that today many options for low-calorie nutrition have been proposed, only a few methods are aimed at psychological mood. For example, Dr. Bormental's diet menu for a week for weight loss is one of the options that help you get motivated to lose weight, reduce the amount of food you eat, while reducing your appetite.

Description and meaning of weight loss

Dr. Bormental's diet, counting calories and keeping a diaryFoods, calorie table in the photoWhat foods are recommended to eat daily3 useful tips from nutritionistsDr. Bormental's diet, menu for a week (7 days) for weight lossDr. Bormental's diet menu for weight loss, recipesReviews + photos before and after weight loss

In addition to the dietary diet, the system includes breathing exercises and internal autosuggestion aimed at improving the emotional state in general, reducing the amount of food consumed and observing certain rules. The technique was developed back in the early 2000s, and has since acquired admirers all over the world. Men and women who lost weight with this diet achieved significant results in 85% of cases and were able to overcome their addiction to the consumption of junk food, which is high in fats, carbohydrates and all kinds of nutritional supplements. The remaining 15% could not achieve results due to non-compliance with the rules, contraindications associated with acquired and chronic diseases, pregnancy and childbirth.

Description and meaning of weight loss

Dr. Bormental's diet for weight loss with a menu for a week is unique in that it has no prohibitions and mandatory physical activity. Its essence is in the psychological mood, the absence of any strength training and a hungry diet. The whole point is counting and reducing calories to 1100-1200 kcal, speeding up metabolism and good mood, which rises due to the absence of strict rules.

Dr. Bormenthal's diet, calorie counting and journaling

As mentioned above, the whole point is in the psychological mood and reducing the calories consumed. Therefore, for those who decide on this diet, it is enough to follow a few simple but very effective rules:

1) eat any foods that you want, while remembering that you can consume no more than 1000-1200 calories per day;

2) in order to remember what they ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is necessary to keep a personal diary in which it will be necessary to record the weight and number of kcal of food consumed;

3) for the fair sex, the daily norm is 1000-1100 kcal, for the stronger half - 1200-1300 kcal. The limit can be increased subject to hard physical work and training in the gym with a professional trainer;

4) the diet should be balanced and include morning, lunch and evening meals. This will allow you not to stay hungry, while getting the necessary vitamins and minerals;

5) vitamins, vegetables, cereals and meat - at least in small quantities, but must be present in the daily menu;

Compliance with all of these rules, combined with the diet of Dr. Bormental's menu for a week for weight loss, will allow you to achieve good results in a short time, while remaining in a good mood.

Products, calorie table in the photo

In order not to overeat and let the calorie counting take its course, you should always keep a printed table of food calorie content, a kitchen scale and a personal diary at hand. First, it will help you decide on the choice of dish. The second is to weigh the product and accurately calculate the number of kcal, and the third is to write down everything and make a general calculation (for the whole day).

According to the rules, the first 2-3 days of the menu can reach 1200 kcal for men and 1000 for women, and the rest of the days - 200 calories less.

Also, a mandatory rule is the morning weigh-in, which will help to record changes in weight. This will help control weight loss by reducing or increasing the amount of food you eat.

Despite the fact that the Bormental diet allows you to eat any food, there are certain recommendations that are necessary for compiling a balanced diet for every day. They will allow you to achieve a double result without giving up the treat.

So, the daily menu should contain as much protein food as possible (dairy products, lean fish and poultry meat, chicken eggs), complex carbohydrates (cereals cooked in water, greens, berries and fruits, vegetables), vegetable oils. In a minimum amount: confectionery (cakes, chocolates, oriental sweets), pastries, sausages, fatty and fried foods, nuts, sugar, fast food, beans, homemade preparations for the winter, any preservation.

At the time of the diet, you must completely abandon bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol. The latter, in addition to negatively affecting the functioning of internal organs, contains too many calories ...

3 useful tips from nutritionists

Throughout Dr. Bormenthal's diet menu for a week for weight loss, weight loss experts recommend eating as follows:

1) eat from the very morning in small portions, bringing the consumption of food up to 6-8 times;
2) do not eat 3 hours before bedtime;
3) after eating, drink warm water or green tea with honey.

This will improve metabolism, thereby speeding up the metabolism.

Dr. Bormental's diet, menu for a week (7 days) for weight loss

Below is a sample menu that follows the basic rules of the diet. The break between each meal is 2-3 hours.

First day:

1) protein omelet from two chicken eggs (about 150 kcal), 100 g of grated carrots (20 kcal), 200 ml of green tea without sugar (5 kcal), marmalade 1 piece (35 kcal). Total = 210 kcal;

2) black tea without sugar (3 kcal), 2 pieces of dark chocolate (70 kcal). Total = 73 kcal;

3) vegetable soup in low-fat broth 100 g (60 kcal), seaweed salad (20 kcal), one boiled potato with a piece of butter (about 100 kcal), skinless chicken 50 g (50 kcal), tea with honey ( 30 kcal); Total - 310 kcal;

4) vinaigrette 100 g (130 kcal);

5) buckwheat porridge on water (50 kcal), skinless pike perch fillet cooked in a slow cooker (40 kcal). Total - 90 kcal;

6) fat-free fermented baked milk 200 ml (58 kcal), one banana (100 kcal).

Daily Value = 971 kcal.

Second day:

1) green apple (45 kcal), oatmeal 30 g (130 kcal), white tea with honey (35 kcal), boiled chicken egg (65 kcal). Total = 270 kcal;

2) one orange (45 kcal), 100 g of fresh strawberries - 41 kcal. Total = 86 kcal;

3) vegetable stew (70 kcal), rice (150 kcal), 3 pieces of dark chocolate - 95 kcal, 200 ml of tea - (5 kcal);

4) cucumber salad dressed with sour cream (120 kcal), stewed cabbage (90 kcal), black coffee without sugar (8 kcal);

5) a piece of yesterday's bread (10 kcal), tea with one spoonful of sugar (35 kcal);

6) natural yogurt (75 kcal).

Daily rate \u003d 1014 kcal.

Third day:

1) protein omelet with cheese, green tea (252 kcal);

2) boiled chicken fillet, one cucumber, bread, black tea (170 kcal);

3) marshmallow 1 pc, black coffee with milk (90 kcal);

4) pea soup, tomato (160 kcal);

5) grated beets and carrots (70 kcal);

6) fat-free kefir (58 kcal).

Daily rate = 800 kcal.

The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh days may be similar to the first three. However, it is recommended to make dishes for the daily diet on your own, depending on individual preferences. And of course, you should remember about a balanced diet, which is necessary for the full functioning of internal organs and emotional state.

In addition to the scheduled menu, you need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water without gas every day and do cosmetic procedures that will help improve skin conditions. Here are a few of them: soda baths, Charcot shower, hammam.

The duration of the diet is 7 days, but if there are indications, then a low-calorie diet can be increased to 10, 14 (2 weeks), 15 days and even months.

Dr. Bormental's diet menu for weight loss, recipes

Like all menus, the diet from the famous doctor provides only home-cooked food, with the exception of sweets and confectionery. Therefore, the attention of those who are losing weight is offered several delicious recipes that will not leave indifferent any person.

Boyar meat

1) Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and fry finely chopped onion.
2) Put the chicken breast, porcini mushrooms and tomatoes on top.
3) Lubricate everything with sour cream, rub the cheese and cook under a closed lid over medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g - 150 kcal.

Dessert with yogurt and bananas

1) Whip 200 ml of natural yogurt in a blender with a pack of cottage cheese, one banana and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey.

Calorie content per 100 g - 90 kcal.

Oatmeal with fruits

1) pour 30 g of oatmeal with boiling water and cover for 5-6 minutes;
2) add any fruits and berries to the finished dish.

Contraindications, list:

age (minors, women and men of advanced age);
period of pregnancy, lactation;
chronic and acquired diseases;
psychological disorders, insomnia;
hormonal abnormalities.

Reviews + photos before and after losing weight

  • Valeria, 36 years old

I followed Dr. Bormenthal's diet for one week. The menu is pretty light and efficient. I chose the products myself, the only thing I limited was calories. The effect is minus 3.5 kg in a week.

  • Svetlana, 21 years old

Throughout the weight loss - and this is 2 weeks, I have never failed. I ate everything I wanted, but in smaller portions.

  • Tatyana, 41 years old

What I just did not try to lose weight, but the weight eventually returned. The only thing that helped was the Bormental diet with the calculation of the calorie content of food consumed. Throughout the weight loss, I wrote down my results and achievements in a notebook, thereby controlling my weight. The end result is minus 8 kg in 30 days.

  • Sarah, 23

I didn’t like this technique ... Alla Pugacheva’s diet is more suitable for me.

  • Olga, 29 years old

I don't know what good people found in this diet. How many I tried to sit on it, there was no result, and my mood was always at zero. Even my husband noticed how angry and sad I became.

  • Valery, 31 years old

The problem of excess weight appeared after giving up a bad habit - smoking. I began to replace cigarettes with chocolates and oriental sweets, not noticing how I was overgrown with subcutaneous fat. After my wife began to say that I looked like a "hippo", something clicked in me, and I decided to lose weight at all costs! It all started with a chocolate diet and only after that it switched to the Bormental method. As a result, the extra pounds are gone, and I did not start smoking.

  • Xenia, 47 years old

This technique was recommended to me by colleagues when they saw my desperation. I didn’t decide to try it right away ... but still I came to her menu for 7 days. It was hard, but what saved me was that I could use what I wanted, at least in a small amount. I lost weight slowly, but in 2 weeks I lost 6 kg, and this is not the limit!

Conclusion: Dr. Bormenthal's diet menu for a week for weight loss is suitable for almost all people, in the absence of contraindications. Of course, for the effect, you must have willpower, desire and support from loved ones.

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Such a method of dealing with excess weight, like Dr. Bormenthal's diet for weight loss, was patented at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The author of this popular and really effective method was a psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Valery Romatsky.

This diet is classified as a long one, the period depends on the initial weight of the person.

The principles of the Bormental diet

The author of the technique himself considers it "forbidden". It is based on a combination of two things - this is the impact of certain psychotechnics, coupled with a low-calorie diet. Its main criterion is the elimination of the true causes of overeating.

As the author notes, the cause of overweight is nothing more than an eating disorder. The feeling of discomfort, which is most often subconsciously associated in people with a feeling of hunger, arises from daily problems and stressful situations. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, the body begins to require more food, especially one that causes a feeling of satisfaction, pleasure - this is carbohydrate, sweet and high-calorie food. Thus, the unconsciously formed habit of “eating trouble” remains with a person for life. In fact, it is almost impossible to cope with this problem alone; supervision and help of specialists is required.

The diet of Dr. Bormental requires a responsible approach - you need to take into account both the state of health and the type of physique, as well as some other individual parameters of a person. This is done to accurately calculate the optimal weight for losing weight. In addition, a person must clearly realize that he really has problems that he eats. Often, to realize this, a consultation with a psychotherapist is required.


The paramount principle of the technique is that you can use absolutely any product. But daily no more than 1000-1200 kcal. This means that if you do decide to go on a diet, you need to get a calorie counting pad and a kitchen scale. A great option would be a mobile app, so you definitely won't miss any information. So, with the start of the diet, you must strictly observe the calorie content of each serving and in no case exceed the daily allowance.

You can afford both chocolate and ice cream, but the calories you eat must be subtracted from your daily total. Over time, the realization will come that it is better to spend these numbers on a full meal than on a piece of sweetness - this is one of the important steps in the fight against excess weight.

There are no prohibited products in this method. But one of the important conditions for its observance is the daily consumption of protein foods such as fish, meat and eggs. This is necessary due to the fact that the diet is low in calories, and a lack of protein can adversely affect the human body.

Spicy spices and seasonings can be excluded from the menu, as they whet the appetite.

Once a week it is recommended to do kefir fasting days. This is due to the fact that the body requires periodic shaking. The fact is that with a low-calorie diet, the “economy mode” is turned on, and this reduces the metabolism, which slows down weight loss.

Dr. Bormenthal's diet excludes alcohol. The high sugar content and high calorie content of alcohol-containing liquids inhibit the process of losing weight.

The method is based on fractional nutrition: it is recommended to eat food, including snacks, at least 7-8 times 200 grams each. Feelings of hunger should not be tolerated. The intervals between meals should not exceed three hours, so the body works without interruption, constantly digesting incoming products. If the breaks are too long (this also applies to night time, between dinner and breakfast), the metabolism is inhibited. So the statement of many that eating after six in the evening is strictly forbidden is fundamentally wrong. Digestion is also a tangible burden on the body.

In order to extend the feeling of satiety for a longer period, it is necessary to drink a glass of hot tea after a meal.

Denying yourself simple physical activity, you only slow down the process of losing weight. Exhausting yourself is not worth it, but fitness or yoga classes, as well as walking or cycling, should be firmly established in your life along with your diet.

Such a tangible difference of 200 kcal was invented for a reason. 1000-1200 kcal is a possible diet, but it is best to stick to the middle. If physical activity is present along with the diet, consumption of 1200 kcal is allowed, no more. With a sedentary lifestyle, 1000 kcal is the ceiling, you should not allow yourself to eat even 10 kcal more.

If your lifestyle is too active, the system makes it possible to increase the daily allowance by as much as 300 kcal, that is, by adding this figure to the average value, you get the allowed 1400 kcal.

If, while following a diet, you are overtaken by an illness or a common cold, you can add 200 kcal to the diet and introduce a plentiful constant warm drink.


The Bormental diet is tough, which is why it is strictly prohibited:

  • People under the age of 18 and those over the age of 60.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Suffering from acute infectious, chronic diseases.
  • With diabetes.
  • In violation of the menstrual cycle.
  • With hormonal and mental disorders.

Before using this method of losing weight, be sure to consult with a specialist!

Advantages and disadvantages

Such a method of losing weight, like the diet of Dr. Bormental, has very impressive reviews. Observing everything exactly, it is simply impossible not to lose weight. Weight loss is individual for everyone, but always takes place at a fairly fast pace.

Another indisputable advantage system is that there are no forbidden products. You can eat whatever you want without going beyond the allowed daily number of calories.

Despite its impressive advantages, the technique also has its drawbacks. These include:

  • Weakness that accompanies almost the entire diet.
  • Deterioration of mood and decreased performance.
  • Due to the most severe calorie restriction, often such a phenomenon as a decrease in immunity, and this can lead to a number of troubles in the form various diseases. There is also a threat of developing anemia and various hormonal disorders.
  • Another unpleasant feature that accompanies the diet is the loss of physical tone, flaccid muscles and sometimes loose skin. It is for this reason that you should not neglect light physical exertion, and physio and SPA procedures will also help maintain skin tone.
  • A lot of people don't like constantly counting calories. This occupation is extremely painstaking, organized and disciplined people can cope with it.

The main difficulty of the technique lies in the heavy addiction to a sharp decrease in calories and the accompanying feeling of hunger. In order not to lose motivation, individual consultations of a psychotherapist are necessary during this period. Communication with people who also follow this technique also has a positive effect on the general mood - moral support, especially at the very beginning, is simply necessary.

The process will go even easier if you contact one of the clinics of Dr. Bormenthal, there are such clinics in almost all major cities. The specialists working there will provide all the necessary support. Usually on initial stage consultation of specialists is weekly, then monthly, and the last one takes place as a reinforcing lesson. Here they support a person in a difficult period, consolidate their successes and master various methods and techniques that help to cope with a difficult diet.

Calorie table

Calorie counting is the main point in such a system as Dr. Bormenthal's diet, a menu for a week or every day will help to create a specially designed calorie table.

Food calorie table per 100 grams:

Its main advantage is that it indicates the calorie content of a ready-to-eat product, with the exception of only cereals, they are considered in dry form.

1. Do not forget to write down the calorie content and the number of ingredients of the first cooked dish. In the future, if you want to repeat its preparation, you do not have to re-calculate.

2. The diet of Dr. Bormental is rather complicated and sometimes tiresome. The menu, compiled for the week, will facilitate the daily tedious procedure of counting calories. It is worth painting what you will eat for a few days in advance. At the same time, try to make breakfast carbohydrate, so you will be much more active throughout the day. For lunch, it is better to eat more protein foods, and for dinner, leave the lightest foods, such as vegetables.

Dr. Bormental's diet - menu for every day

This is just an approximate menu, following the table, you can diversify your diet with other foods and dishes.

Option one:

8.00 - 70 grams of boiled chicken, 50 grams of buckwheat porridge, one tomato, coffee without milk and sugar.

11.00 - two crackers and green tea.

14.00 - boiled potatoes - 120 grams, half a bell pepper, tea.

17.00 - baked beef with parsley and dill - 100 grams, one orange.

20.00 - 130 grams of tomato and cucumber salad, half a glass of fat-free kefir.

Option two:

8.00 - 100 grams of buckwheat porridge cooked in milk and coffee.

11.00 - a glass of kefir with three small crackers.

14.00 - cabbage soup cooked from fresh cabbage - 200 ml, one slice of bread, vegetable salad and tea.

17.00 - a handful (25 grams) of almonds.

20.00 - chicken fillet baked under cheese with tomatoes - 200 grams and half a glass of kefir.

Option three:

8.00 - fat-free cottage cheese - 100 grams, coffee.

11.00 - walnuts - 6 pieces and one apple.

14.00 - 100 grams of white fish baked with carrots and eggs, a slice of bread, a glass of yogurt.

17.00 - a glass of tomato juice, 100 grams of boiled beef, 100 grams of coleslaw and canned peas.

20.00 - one cucumber, tea.

Here is such an easy one at first glance, and at the second - a rather difficult system - Bormental's diet. Although the menu can be varied, but in any case, you won’t be able to eat a lot. Do not get upset ahead of time. The article has a selection of delicious low-calorie dishes, as required by the Bormental diet. The recipes are pretty simple and straightforward.


Baked meat (117 kcal per 100 gr.). Put 150 grams of onion sliced ​​into half rings in a pan, add 10 grams of sunflower oil. On top of the onion, put 300 grams chopped into thin plates chicken fillet, then - 130 grams of champignons and 150 grams of tomatoes. Lubricate the last layer with 50 grams of sour cream, grate a 100-gram piece of cheese. Bake 40 minutes.

Salad "Uganda" (128 kcal per 100 gr.). The composition of this salad includes: one small banana (100 grams), a handful of raisins (20 grams), low-fat chicken ham (40 grams), oatmeal (20 grams), cream (100 ml), lemon (40 grams) and lettuce .

Rinse and soak the raisins, cut the bananas into small cubes and mix with cereal, finely chopped ham and raisins. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, grate the zest, mix these ingredients with cream. Pour the dressing over the salad, let it brew for half an hour. Serve on lettuce leaves.

Vegetable stew (26 kcal per 100 gr.). To prepare this dish, take 300 grams of tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini, one small onion, one medium bell pepper green, a spoonful of flour and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

Wash and clean all vegetables. Cut the onion into quarters of rings, pepper into strips, everything else into small cubes. Heat the oil in a saucepan, put the onion, fry until a pleasant shade, add the tomatoes, simmer for 5 minutes. Then put the rest of the ingredients, boil them all together for about five minutes. In a separate container, mix water, flour and salt, pour this liquid into the vegetables, mix and cook until tender.

Pancakes (95 kcal per 100 gr.). The ingredients of this dish: 0.5 liters of milk, the same amount of water, a glass of oatmeal, one egg, two small spoons of sugar and a pinch of salt.

Boil water, cool, combine it with milk, add oatmeal. Boil a thin porridge from the resulting mass. After cooling, wipe it through a sieve or run it in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients, mix and bake thin pancakes in a dry frying pan.

Lazy pies (115 kcal per 100 gr.). For this dish you will need 300 grams of sauerkraut, one onion and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, as well as one thin Armenian lavash.

Saute cabbage with chopped onion. Cut the pita bread into four parts, put the filling in the center of each, wrap it with an envelope and fry until golden brown.

Banana dessert (78 kcal per 100 gr.). Mix 200 grams fat-free cottage cheese with a glass (120 grams) of classic fat-free yogurt, add one banana cut into small cubes, 10 any berries and sprinkle everything with one small spoonful of cocoa.

Borsch (44 kcal per 100 gr.). Ingredients: 2 liters of water, a pound of chicken backs, 120 grams of beets, onions and carrots, 200 grams of potatoes and white cabbage, two spoons tomato sauce, a spoonful of vinegar and vegetable oil.

You will need a second chicken broth, so boil the backs in two liters of water until boiling. Drain the liquid and collect the same amount of water again, cook for 25 minutes.

Peel the vegetables, finely chop the onion, grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the prepared vegetables in a pan in vegetable oil, add vinegar and sauce there, simmer for 10 minutes. Put the roast in the chicken broth, put the chopped cabbage and diced potatoes, salt. Cook for another 20 minutes.

These are the Bormental diet recipes. By learning how to count calories correctly, you can create your own no less interesting and tasty dishes.

In addition, you can change your favorite recipes for a diet by removing or adding some components. Familiar foods will help you more easily endure the hardships of being deprived of a huge amount of food. Do not forget to reduce portions, chew food for a long time and thoroughly - this will contribute to the feeling of satiety.


It is worth noting that, despite the complexity of such a technique as the Bormental diet, the reviews and results are really impressive. All over the world, this technique is recognized as one of the most effective. Usually, the weight lost does not come back. Yes, and lose weight on this system begin from the first day of use. Approximate weight loss, depending on the constitution of the body and the initial weight, in the first week - from 2 to 6 kilograms, then - from 7 to 13 kg per month.

Getting out of the diet

You should not leave the diet before the required weight is fixed. The number and approximate reset time will be calculated by a clinic specialist or a dietitian. If you follow exactly all the recommendations, the period usually does not exceed six months.

When the optimal weight is reached, it is allowed to increase the calorie content to 1600-1800 kcal per day.

The main thing that the Bormental diet promotes is the destruction of improper eating behavior and getting rid of the psychological dependence on food. A person, having realized this and having passed through the system, will be able to lead a conscious healthy lifestyle in the future, controlling his appetite and habits in a reasonable and balanced way.

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At the beginning of this century, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is gaining momentum, being introduced into all psychological programs, used in schools, institutes, offices, and enterprises. The authors of NLP did not remain indifferent to the problem of proper dietary nutrition. In 2001, the so-called Bormental Diet was patented.

To date, there is a method of psychological weight correction according to Bormental, which is carried out only by specialists and, directly, the Bormental diet itself, or rather its free version, developed for general use.

The essence of the diet

There is nothing easier than losing weight using the Bormental diet method. For this you need:

  • determine the reasons for losing weight;
  • place in a place accessible for permanent viewing a table of caloric content of products;
  • make a list of all foods that are commonly eaten;
  • choose a daily menu to your liking;
  • purchase kitchen scales and floor scales, for weighing products and your own weight;
  • keep a diary to record what you ate during the day;
  • gradually adjust the diet and reduce the number of calories consumed.

See also: How I lost 17 kg. for 3 months

Despite its democratic nature, the Bormental diet has clear instructions:

  • The recommended meal is up to 8 times, but not more than 150-180 grams at a time.
  • In the early days, the total amount of calories per day should not exceed 1100 units for those who lead a measured lifestyle, and 1300–1400 for active, hard-working people.
  • The maximum lower level is 750 kcal (for women) and 950 kcal (for men) per day.
  • It is forbidden to sharply reduce the amount of total calories.
  • In case of illness, it is recommended to increase the energy supply of food by 250 kcal.
  • The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Before the main meal, drink 150-200 grams of water.
  • The selected products must be weighed, calculate the number of calories in the table and make an appropriate entry in the notebook.
  • Write down the calorie content of cooked dishes in a notebook.
  • Eat according to the principle: "It is better to undereat than overeat."
  • There should be no quick snacks, meals should be full, taking at least 20 minutes.

Daily calorie ratio:

  • Breakfast is 35% of the daily diet;
  • second breakfast - 15%;
  • lunch - 35%;
  • dinner - 15% of the total calories per day.

A feature of the Bormental diet is that it is forbidden to play sports, heavy physical exertion. This is due to the fact that it involves limiting caloric intake, and physical activity involves increased calorie intake.

For those who love sports and cannot do without it, the diet developers have provided the following alternatives:

  • With an increase in physical activity, for example, training, it is allowed to increase the daily diet by 200–250 kcal.
  • Instead of fitness and a gym, visit massage sessions, phytotherapeutic procedures during this period, walk more.

When should the results appear?

After two weeks, the weight should change downwards (up to 4 kg), if it has not changed significantly, then we continue to reduce the amount of daily calories by another 100 units. If the work has justified itself, we fix the appropriate result and gradually increase the number of calories, constantly monitoring the weight. That is, we regulate our weight by reducing or increasing the number of calories consumed.

Calorie table

How is the individual amount of calories required by the body calculated:

Calories = (weight x 9.99) + (height x 6.25) - (age x 4.92).

From the value obtained, 161 is subtracted (for women) or 5 is added (for men). The final figure means the amount needed to maintain a constant weight. To lose weight, you need to take away 200-300 calories from it.

food calorie table will help you choose a diet based on at least 1100 calories per day:

The calorie table of ready meals will simplify the selection of the daily menu:

Menu for the week

The rules regarding the products used are simple and rational. For clarity, they are presented in the form of a table:

The daily menu should contain proteins, vegetables and fruits. And only after the number of calories in the consumption of vital foods has been calculated, you can clearly see how much food rich in carbohydrates and fats, which are also necessary for the body, can be consumed. Keeping a diary with calculations of the calorie content of dishes will greatly facilitate further compliance with the rules when cooking.

Important Notes!

  1. Remember that the diet does not provide for excessive deviations up or down.
  2. A single dose of alcohol slows down weight loss by a week.
  3. The initial weight can be maintained for 3 weeks.
  4. During the diet, immunity may decrease, so avoid crowded places where there is a possibility of infection if possible.

Useful tips!

  1. During the diet, it is useful to take baths with sea salt, which draws fluid from the body.
  2. Spices and sweeteners stimulate appetite, so they are not consumed during this period.
  3. Eat many times a little (no more than 200 grams).
  4. Once a week, a fasting day is arranged, for example, vegetable, fruit or sour-milk.
  5. Food must be warm. Drink hot tea after meals, which will prolong the feeling of satiety.

Table of an approximate menu for a week at the rate of 1200 kcal per day:

  • Breakfast: tea with sugar, oatmeal with milk, Russian cheese
  • 2 breakfast: boiled egg, greens, bread, dried fruit compote
  • Lunch: green borsch in vegetable broth, boiled veal, black bread, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Snack: dried fruits, dryers, tea without sugar
  • Dinner: rice porridge, radish and cucumber salad, greens
  • 2 dinner: kefir, cracker
  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, brewed coffee with sugar, cheese
  • 2 breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with low-fat milk and sugar
  • Lunch: borscht without meat, beef liver, white bread, herbs, tea with sugar and lemon
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt, walnuts, raisins
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, coleslaw with vegetable oil
  • 2 dinner: kefir, drying
  • Breakfast: oatmeal without milk and sugar, tea with sugar, bread with cheese
  • 2 breakfast: sausage, boiled egg, compote without sugar
  • Lunch: pickle, beef and chicken hearts, bran bread, herbs, compote without sugar
  • Snack: millet porridge with milk and sugar, low-fat milk
  • Dinner: beef and chicken kidneys, vinaigrette, warm tea
  • 2 dinner: fermented baked milk, drying

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: tea with honey, oatmeal with milk and no sugar, Dutch cheese
  • 2 breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, apple compote.
  • Lunch: stuffed peppers with gravy, white bread, tea with sugar and lemon.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt, nuts, raisins, dried apricots.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes with milk and butter, cucumber and tomato salad, tea with lemon.
  • 2 dinner: curdled milk, cracker

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and sugar, natural coffee, cheese
  • 2 breakfast: kefir scrambled eggs, compote.
  • Lunch: lentil soup, pork chop, herbs, lemon tea
  • Snack: milk, pancakes with cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: barley porridge, boiled vegetables and herbs.
  • 2 dinner: kefir, drying

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, tea with lemon and sugar.
  • 2 breakfast: Beijing cabbage and walnut salad
  • Lunch: pea soup with chicken, greens, bran bread, tea with milk.
  • Snack: yogurt and fruit.
  • Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, dill and parsley.
  • 2 dinner: ryazhenka, cracker.

Fresh fruits can be used for afternoon snacks

Sunday Unloading vegetable day.

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