Barbell training program at home. Strength training program for men

Design and interior 20.10.2018
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As a rule, people greatly complicate fitness. Tell your friends that you want to become stronger and you will immediately get much more tips and information as needed. We offer a simple barbell training program to increase strength.

From necessity correct set body weight for kettlebell lifters or the importance of yoga for CrossFit to choosing the most exhausting strength exercises (sometimes suggesting doing something else).

This article was written with a very different goal in mind - to make the process of increasing the strength of the muscles in your body as easy as possible. All you need to get the desired result, that is, finally become stronger, find just one popular thing that is in almost every gym: bar.

When it's time to start training seriously, the bar becomes a very effective friend and helper.

Of course, this is not the only effective body building exercise. But if there is a need to acquire a really powerful power potential, you will have to sip heavy iron. For continuous development, there must be a choice of vultures and pancakes of different weights.

The bar at the same time makes the muscles, joints tighten and work as a whole. This interaction allows you to build strength much more effectively than traditional exercises.

There is a simple rule: the more weight on the neck, the better the improvement occurs. Not bad, isn't it?

It is also well known that the stronger a person is, the better for him. Strength elementary allows you to live a longer life, and also reduces the risk of diabetes.

Barbell Exercises - The Big Five

Barbells are equally available for both men and women of all ages. What is better? All it takes to get stronger is five simple movements. They combine movements. And this means that the muscles and joints work as a group, as one.

Compared to exercises that target a local body part (like the biceps), efforts targeting a muscle group burn more calories and put in more effort in less time. They are also more functional: you need to learn how to properly lift a heavy object from the surface or deadlift.

1. Shoulder Squat

A. Transfer the barbell from the rack to the trapezius (a wide flat muscle that covers upper part back and lower neck). Feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Raise the bar, elbows down, arms forward (should be vaguely shaped like a "W"). When the buttocks become parallel to the floor, stop for a while, fix the rack. Straighten your hips and return to the starting position.

B. Keep your back straight, abs and hips tense. Start bending your knees.

Working muscles: hamstrings, thighs, buttocks, quadriceps (aka quadriceps).

A. Place the barbell on the stand. Lie down on the bench so that the bar of the bar is directly above the chest. Position your arms slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise the barbell and lower it to your chest so that your arms are at a forty-five degree angle to chest(not too protruding to the sides).

B. Keeping your wrists straight, push the bar up and slightly back towards your head. The projectile must be over the shoulders.

The greatest tension in this exercise goes to the shoulders. The buttocks are tense, and the heels are rested on the floor. The position of the legs is such as to help the thigh muscles as much as possible.

Working muscles: pectoral muscles triceps, shoulders.

A. Bend the body so that the body is parallel to the floor (the letter "G").

B. Take the bar with a shoulder-width grip, both palms facing your face. Tighten your abs and bend your elbows, pulling the bar to your lower chest. The shoulder blades must be moved as close together as possible to create maximum tension.

Return the barbell to its place and repeat the exercise on the second approach.

Working muscles: Back

A. Barbell on the floor near the shins. Legs in a stance slightly wider than shoulders. The toes are slightly apart. Bend your knees and hips a little, grasp the bar with a grip slightly wider than your feet.

B. Tighten your abs and lift the barbell, tensing your glutes and hips and straightening your body back and up.

Be careful - in no case should you bend your knees, and also raise your hips strongly. This is not a squat, your hips should be at about a forty-five degree angle to the ground.

Working muscles: buttocks, thighs, hamstrings, lower back.

A. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, barbell at collarbone, elbows down, forearm perpendicular to surface.

B. Pull your chin back a little (so as not to touch the bar) and lift the bar up into a straight line position, keeping your elbows out to the side. As soon as the bar rises above your head or slightly back, return your chin to its original position. Repeat the movement. Be careful not to arch your lower back too much during this exercise.

Working muscles: shoulders, triceps.

Bodyweight exercises

The 4 exercises described below using body weight are also included in the eight week training program.

1. Single leg thigh row

Lie on the floor with your knees bent at a forty-five degree angle. Raise one leg up as high as possible. And then a little higher. For a more serious load, the upper back can be leaned on a bench.

2. Pull-ups

Take the bar with a reverse grip (palms facing you). Pull up

Elbows should be directed to the floor, and the chin should be raised above the bar. If it doesn't work, don't fret! Try a regular grip and spend more time doing pull-ups.

3. Lunges

Take a big step forward. Bend your body so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position. And then do the same exercise with the other leg.

4. Plank

Get into a lying position. Freeze in this position. The body and abdominal muscles should be as tense as possible, the buttocks compressed. If this exercise is too easy, it can be made more difficult. Stand on your side, rest on one of your hands, the other limb is pointing straight up! Be sure your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders.

10 minute warm up before workout

Warming up is an equally important part of the workout, so never forget about it.

Soft roller: 2 minutes

To speed up recovery and help prevent injury and soreness, use a soft roller. This is very important for experienced bodybuilders, even more than for beginners. But nonetheless, it's a great habit.

Pay Special attention on such parts of the body for at least thirty seconds:

  1. Buttocks;
  2. Quadriceps;
  3. Upper back;
  4. Upper back

Mobility: 8 minutes

These exercises will help develop muscles and prepare the body for hard work.

  1. deep crouch

Sit in a very deep crouch with your arms extended forward and over the bar, bar, or something similar that you can easily grab onto if needed. Take five deep breaths.

  1. dead beetle

Lie on your back, hips raised, legs bent at the knees. Without bending your elbows, put right hand Per head. Lower your left leg and straighten it. Return to starting position and repeat with the other side. Do five sets per side.

  1. The work of the hips and buttocks

Get on all fours. Place the ankle of one foot on inner part knees on the other and sit as far back as possible, keeping your arms straight. This exercise will help stretch your buttocks and feel a bit like a yogi in the pigeon pose. Do eight sets on each side.

  1. Forearm movements on the wall

Stand facing the wall, press your forearms against it, raise your hands up in the form of the letter “W”. Move your arms up the wall until they are straight. Lower them and push off the wall with your shoulders. Repeat eight times per side.

  1. Spiderman gait with high raising of the hip above the head

Take a big step forward and plant both hands on the floor in front of you. Without changing the position of the hands, stretch both legs. Then bend your knees and twist your torso. Raise one arm up, the other rests on the floor near the leg. Thus, the letter "T" is obtained. Return to starting position. Repeat 5 times on one side.

barbell training program

We know what you are thinking right now – “I thought it would be easy!”. Don't worry, the introductory eight-week training program includes just two types of workouts.

Program A

  • Barbell Squats: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Bench press: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Bent Over Row: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • High hip raise: 3 sets of 10 reps each side
  • Plank: 3 sets of 20-30 seconds

Program B

  • Deadlift: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Standing Barbell Press: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Bodyweight lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps per side
  • Side Plank: 3 15- to 20 seconds per side

Weekly exercise schedule.

Weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7

  • Monday: Workout A
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Workout B
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Workout A
  • Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8

  • Monday: Workout B
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: Workout A
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Workout B
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Rest

Frequently asked Questions

1. How long should I rest between sets?

When you first start doing exercises and getting used to them, rest is not the most important part. After all, you need to correctly perform tasks and try to lift more weight. Try to rest three to five minutes between lifts and one minute between regular exercises.

2. How much weight can I lift?

Start by lifting the bar without plates, gradually adding 2-4 kilograms of weight each workout. The ideal weight is one that is hard, but realistic to do in three sets. It is he who will allow you not to strain unnecessarily and keep yourself in optimal shape.

3. Do you need cardio training?

Cardio is a great choice for most people. These workouts are good for the day when you are not lifting weights. On the first day, the intensity is small - 20-30 minutes of walking or cycling. The second day is a high-intensity sprint on a straight or rough terrain on a bike for 10 to 15 minutes.

What's next?

Beginners can optimize the training schedule individually for themselves.

Add weight with every workout. And when there is no more room on the fingerboard for new pancakes, you are no longer a beginner!

And one more significant remark: the most important thing for a beginner is the development of technique. Like throwing accurately in baseball or basketball, it takes a lot of practice. That's why frequency is so important. Concentrate on the classes, and you will become not only stronger, but in a way that you could not imagine before. The strength is in you!

According to materials:

Learn how to properly train at home if you have a barbell and a set of plates. Practical recommendations from athletes.

A modern sports equipment is known to every person and is a neck on which pancakes are put on. To prevent them from falling, special clips are used. To facilitate the progression of the load, pancakes of different weights are produced, from 0.25 to 50 kilos.

How to organize barbell workouts at home?

In order for the training to be effective, regardless of where you are doing, you need to properly organize your workouts with a barbell at home. It is quite clear that for maximum effect, you need to exercise regularly. Depending on your level of readiness, you should do two to four times a week. The duration of one lesson should be from 40 minutes to an hour. Here you should also focus on the level of your preparation.

Also, you should remember that between training days there should be a rest of 24 hours. Athletes who are prone to gaining fat mass can increase the frequency of training during the week up to 4-6 times. At the same time, strength training is recommended to be combined with a cardio load, for example, swimming, running, etc.

The annual training cycle should be divided into two stages: spring-summer and autumn-winter. In spring and summer, half of the training time should be devoted to strength training, and the remaining time should be devoted to outdoor cardio loads or playing sports.

In autumn and winter, it is worth focusing on strength work, devoting up to 70 percent of the time to it. Leave the remaining 30 percent various types aerobic training.

It is very important to choose the right exercises so that they are most effective for you. Try to perform the heaviest movements in the middle of the session, as the muscles will already be warmed up, and thereby reduce the likelihood of injury. When determining the number of sets and repetitions, it is necessary to build on the tasks set.

To increase physical parameters and gain mass, you need to work in 4-5 sets with 5-6 repetitions in each of them. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the importance of the progression of the load. For example, in the previous lesson, you performed a movement with a sports equipment weight of 45 kilos.

You managed to complete 6 repetitions with this working weight in four approaches. In this situation, in the next workout, increase the weight of the barbell to 47.5 kilos and again work in four sets, but with the following number of repetitions:

  • 1st set - 6 repetitions.
  • 2nd set - from 4 to 5 repetitions.
  • 3rd set - from 3 to 4 repetitions.
  • 4th set - from 2 to 3 repetitions.
Remember to rest after each set until your breathing has fully recovered and proceed to the next set. It is necessary to work on increasing the power parameters and weight gain from three months to six months.

If you want to focus on burning fat and increasing relative strength, then the number of repetitions in one set should be increased to 12-15, and the number of sets is from two to three. The weight of the projectile must be selected so that the last repetition is performed to failure. When you can perform the movement in the amount of 15 repetitions easily enough in the third set, you need to increase the weight of the projectile.

It should also be remembered that at first it is necessary to progress the load by increasing the number of repetitions and only after that increase the working weight of the projectile. Gradually, you need to move from simple movements to complex ones, while increasing the number of sets and repetitions, as well as increasing the working weights. Between sets, rest for about 120 seconds, but during this time you can not sit. Walk slowly to catch your breath.

If you notice that the performance of heavy basic movements is accompanied by prolonged respiratory failure, visual enlargement of blood vessels, reddening of the skin of the face, then it is necessary to reduce the load. To avoid overtraining, you should use training cycles.

How to prevent overtraining during training?

One of the best preventive measures for overtraining is the so-called deload week. It should be the only one in your monthly training cycle. At this time, you need to reduce the amount of training by 50 percent and introduce a cyclic load into the training program.

Before the start of each lesson, it is necessary to warm up qualitatively for 10 or 15 minutes. Also remember the importance of performing warm-up movements in the pauses between sets. For example, when doing bench presses, you can shake and massage the working muscles. The main part of each session is devoted to working out all the large muscles of the body, and after completing the workout, perform a hitch.

When compiling a workout program with a barbell at home, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Choose the right weight for sports equipment.
  • Performing heavy movements, it is necessary to use special shoes that securely fix the ankle.
  • Using various options for performing exercises, you can reduce the load on the articular-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Do not heavily load the spinal column in each lesson, alternating movements in sitting, standing and lying positions.
You also need to learn how to control your breathing. When you return to the starting position, you need to exhale. Until the moment when you do not apply maximum effort, you need to inhale.

Exercises for training with a barbell at home

Very often, people believe that even with such a sports equipment as a barbell, training with a barbell at home cannot bring the desired result. Of course, training in the gym will allow you to progress faster, but at home you can achieve your goals. Now we will talk about the most effective exercises that you can perform not only in the gym, but also at home.
  1. Bench press in the prone position. This is one of the most popular movements among athletes. To perform it, it is desirable to have a bench, but you can also use a couple of stools, placing them side by side. By changing the grip width, you can shift the focus to the target muscles that you need to develop in the first place. When using a wide grip, the maximum load falls on the muscles of the back, and when using a narrow one, on the triceps.
  2. French presses. For this movement, you also want to have a bench, which will increase the amplitude. However, you can also do the French press on the ground.
  3. Bench press sitting or standing. This is an excellent movement that will allow you to qualitatively pump the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper chest. Also note that when performing the exercise, the bar can fall to the chest or behind the head.
  4. Shrugs. This movement is aimed at working out the trapezium. If we talk about doing shrags at home, then there is undeniable advantage- there are no serious requirements for additional shells. Just choose the optimal weight for yourself, then slightly moving your shoulder joints, start lifting them. But remember that circular movements of the shoulder joints are prohibited.
  5. Deadlift. This movement does not lose its effectiveness at home. You can use the classic version of the movement or its variation - the sumo deadlift. Note that novice athletes or athletes with great height should focus on the classic version of the movement. Also, beginners can lower the bar slightly below the level. knee joints, and experienced bodybuilders should work with full amplitude and lower the barbell to the ground.
  6. Pulls in the direction of the belt, inclined position. An excellent movement that engages the back muscles. In this case, you do not need to use large working weights, and special attention must be paid to the technical side of the issue.
  7. Squats. Another very popular and effective movement. There are quite a few variations, but beginners should first master the classic movement.
A set of exercises with a barbell for training at home in this video:

It's no secret that the bar is the main projectile in weightlifting, powerlifting and bodybuilding. With just one barbell, you can qualitatively work out any muscle group in our body. Let's look at a few of the most effective exercises with a bar.

Many novice athletes think that it is worth taking a barbell or dumbbells, and the results will appear by themselves. That won't work. It will take days of hard training and overcoming yourself! But, the road will be mastered by the walking one! Work on yourself and the results will not keep you waiting. However, there is a major stumbling block....

The danger of muscle overload when working with a barbell at home

The main mistake of many athletes is going to extremes - they constantly expose themselves to loads that are incompatible with their capabilities, being surprised at the lack of results. There are athletes who do not "go hands". But, as it turned out later, they just pumped them. After all, a simple principle works here, which is the only correct one.

When working with a barbell, and not only, the load must correspond to rest and nutrition. If the load is greater than recovery, including protein, then the body is forced to seek resources not from outside, but to use its own. Therefore, the muscle simply decreases, instead of increasing in size.

That is, everything is simple: the more you increase the load, the more you should eat and sleep. In any case, at least 8-10 hours.

Increasing the load when working with a barbell at home

Now consider a set of exercises with a barbell, and increase the load. Basically, nothing new. You perform the previous complex, adding auxiliary exercises of the dumbbell complex to it. The principle remains the same. That is, you select a weight with which you can perform from 6 to 8 repetitions in 3-4 sets, trying to bring the number of repetitions to 12 over time.

This applies to both barbell exercises and dumbbell exercises that you will do after barbell exercises to finish off the muscle. But now you need to break the complex into 2 parts.

Now I need to train 4 times a week.

Training scheme:

Monday- You work out the shoulders, arms and upper press;

on Tuesday: You work your legs, back, chest and lower abs;

on Wednesday: day off;

on Thursday: you repeat Monday;

on Friday: you repeat Tuesday.

A set of exercises with a barbell at home

1. Exercise - For the deltoid muscles of the shoulders

Lack of free time to visit the gym is not a reason to give up playing sports. If desired, give the body beautiful shapes and build muscle mass, you can get by with a barbell and practice at home. When working with large weights, the help of an assistant is useful.

Below are basic and isolation exercises with a barbell at home, choose and include suitable techniques in your program.

barbell exercises are performed at the beginning of the training after a thorough warm-up.

An effective exercise for triceps relief and endurance development (5 doubles with heavy weights in 3 sets), mass building (10-12 times in 3-4 sets).
Work: large pectoral, deltas, 3 bundles of triceps.

We perform on a bench or lying on the floor. If the volume of the disks does not allow to lie under the neck, we put pancakes on a support.

footsteps bent legs we rest on the floor, the chest is slightly forward:

  1. we take a narrow grip;
  2. triceps force squeeze up;
  3. lower, touching the neck of the thoracic region.

The lowering phase is 2 times longer.

French bench press

  1. We squat to the level to take the neck without bending the body.
  2. On a deep breath, we raise the projectile with the muscles of the legs. Exhale at the midpoint of the trajectory.

Important condition- Maintain a straight back position.

  • Men: 12-15 x 4 with a weight of 25-30 kg;
  • girls similar, but with 10 kg discs.


To work out all the muscles. The work involves the main groups and small muscles. In positive phase to a greater extent are reduced: quadriceps thighs, buttocks, quadriceps. Provide stability gastrocnemius and soleus.

Strength training requires careful adherence to technique.

  1. IP - projectile in front of you, knees touch the classic bar;
  2. lower the pelvis as in a deep squat;
  3. brushes are spaced wider than the shoulder line, hold on with an upper grip;
  4. we move forward with the body, with a conscious muscle tension we raise the barbell without jerky movements;
  5. pull up close to the shins;
  6. after overcoming the midpoint we exhale;
  7. drop under control;
  8. continue after a second pause.

Lifts with a contour neck relevant for weak shoulders, undeveloped coordination. main load get quadriceps. The principle is the same. Training once a week - 6-10 doubles in 3-4 sets for all types of practices.

Straight Leg Pull

Tightens the hips and buttocks. In contrast, the knees are absolutely straight.

  • We pull the projectile due to the muscles of the body.
  • The muscles of the lower extremities are isometrically tense.

- a favorite exercise for weightlifters to develop the power of the hips and buttocks. The technique is similar, but the projectile rises to the middle of the thigh.

Front squat with barbell

The main exercise for pumping the lower body.
Work: quadriceps, lumbar. Less large gluteal, oblique and direct presses are loaded.

The practice requires flexibility in the wrists, strength in the shoulders and ankle.

The position of the lower extremities determines the focus of the load.
  • With narrow stops, the emphasis shifts to frontal zone hips;
  • with a wide - on the inside.

Raise the bar to your chest with crossed arms. This grip is comfortable when working with light weights.
The weightlifter is due to lifting the barbell with the forearms turned towards you and is used when working with heavy discs.

  1. In the basic position, the bar rests on the shoulders.
  2. We take the buttocks back, imitate an attempt to sit on a bench.
  3. We return to IP.

Classic Barbell Squat Technique

  1. We take the neck with a comfortable grip, although the narrow position helps to control the position of the bar.
  2. The depth of squats is variable: to the horizontal with the floor or below. AT last case the gluteus maximus muscles are included.
  3. Slowly and smoothly lower on a deep breath, quickly get up. Exhale after passing the midline.

Barbell exercises at home for legs in video format:

  • Leave the knees bent at the top.
  • Below we avoid pauses.
  • When lifting, the body does not move forward.
  • Carefully remove the bar from the shoulders.
  • For stability of the body, it is better to cross the feet.

To get a powerful result, powerlifters and bodybuilders lower their buttocks almost to touch the floor. Deep squat increases the mass of the legs, develops explosive strength. The maximum load is received by the quadriceps, calf and dorsum of the thigh.

  • Regardless of the type of squat men commit 12 to 16 reps in 3 sets.
  • An experienced athlete it is better to work with large weights and perform up to 6 repetitions. The program is based on the principle of gradual loading.
  • For girls barbell practice is recommended as a body from 10 x 3.

Advanced athletes it is proposed to diversify the complex with weighted jumps:

  1. We hold the barbell with a light weight with a direct grip on the trapezoid.
  2. We go down, take a jumping pose.
  3. We jump up with a jerky movement of the feet.
  4. We land smoothly on our toes, then distribute the weight over the foot.

Sophisticated technique performed 6-8 x 3. On each - once a week we swing 2 muscle groups.

Barbell training at home is an alternative to regular trips to the gym, in order to pump up, use the above practices and the result will be no worse than after going to the gym.

Any training program for muscle mass must necessarily include a clear exercise schedule, a balanced diet and sufficient recovery time, and this set of recommendations is fundamentally different from the so-called "drying" - the period of relief study.

It is important not to confuse the types of training here, because the price of a mistake is quite high: you can lose the muscles gained by such work, and waste a lot of time and money. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to remember the basic principles of mass gain.

Principles of training program for muscle mass.
Kit muscle mass- the main goal of the men who came to the hall. Its achievement depends on many factors.

How much to train

The duration of one session in the gym should not exceed 1 hour. If you work out longer, you will overwork and start burning muscles. The break between sets should last 1-4 minutes, this is enough to recover. Too long a rest time can reduce the effectiveness of pumping (blood flow to the muscles) - the muscles will return to their original state, which was before the start of the workout.

How often to train to increase mass

There are also certain requirements for a rest period between workouts for certain muscle groups - at least 72 hours. Hence the recommended frequency of training is no more than four per week.

The base is the head of everything

Just as a reliable home is impossible without a foundation, so a perfect relief is unattainable without a strong muscular frame. Want to get huge? Do a basic weight training program! It is on this basis that you will build up voluminous muscles in order to subsequently grind their relief.

“Basic” exercises are called multi-component exercises that train several muscle groups at once, while isolating ones work only on one. Start with basic exercises deadlift, squat and bench press - the holy trinity of bodybuilding, and then move on to building individual muscles: increasing the volume of the biceps, pumping the legs, building the muscles of the shoulders or back.

After passing the second stage of gaining muscle mass, you can proceed to a detailed study of the trapezium, triceps, forearms and other smaller muscles.

Reps and sets for mass gain

The optimal range of repetitions of one exercise in the approach is 8-12, in total there should be no more than three such approaches (or sets). Work in a relaxed mode, focusing on proper technique. Why hurry? Gaining mass requires a thoughtful and thorough approach, while neglecting technique leaves an imprint on the speed of achieving the result and its quality. Moreover, not only beginners sin with this, but also some experienced bodybuilders. Be smarter and work exclusively for the result

Use free weights

An effective training program for gaining mass must certainly include work with free weights, because it is exercises with weights - with a barbell and dumbbells - that contribute to active muscle growth. Just do not let the muscles get used to a certain weight, otherwise they will stop growing. Increase your working weight, but remember: you need to do this gradually.

Shock is our way

Every 3-4 weeks, make some changes to your program so that the muscles do not have time to adapt and get stressed from an unusual load. You can increase the intensity of your workouts, add new exercises, increase the load, etc.

It may surprise you, but the growth of muscle fibers does not occur during training, but during rest. This means that high-quality muscle hypertrophy can only be achieved by following the recovery regimen: nutrition (70% of your result “your muscles are what you eat”), sports supplements (gainer, casein, BCAA), sound sleep.

Protect your muscles from overexertion, give them time to recover. The ideal option is to choose a program that involves one muscle group no more than once a week. So you gradually work out the whole body without overloading.

The key to a high-quality mass gain is a training program that is chosen wisely and taking into account the characteristics of your body. Therefore, to achieve the best effect, seek the help of professionals.

Day 1 chest, triceps

1. Bench press with a wide grip lying on a horizontal bench.
3 sets of 8-10 reps
Lie down on a horizontal bench. Take a barbell with a wide grip, palms forward.
Hold the projectile directly above the chest with straight arms. As you inhale, lower the bar to your lower chest. On the exhale, tensing the muscles, do a bench press. Moving down should take twice as long as going up.

2. Bench press with dumbbells lying on an incline bench.
3 sets of 8-10 reps
Lie down on a bench. Place the dumbbells in front of you at chest height, shoulder width apart.
The palms are facing forward. As you exhale, slowly lower the dumbbells to your sides. While inhaling, straining the pectoral muscles, press the dumbbells up.

3. Breeding dumbbells on a horizontal bench.

Take dumbbells in your hands and lie down on the bench. Alternately move them to the chest area, and then simultaneously lift, pressing against each other. Slightly bend your elbows and spread your arms to the sides, and then return to the starting position.

4. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench.
3 sets of 10-12 reps
Lie down on a bench, grab a barbell and raise it above you. Then lower and after a second pause, return the projectile to its original position. Watch your condition: in the muscles of the chest, you should feel tension.

5. seated french press.
3 sets of 10-12 reps
Take the barbell and lie on an inclined bench with your stomach down, lower your arms in front of you and straighten. Keeping your shoulders still, tighten your forearm muscles and as you exhale lift the bar as high as you can. On an inhale, return to the starting position.

6. Hanging knee raises.
3 sets of 10-12 reps
With a wide or medium grip, grasp the horizontal bar. Straighten your legs initially, and then lift them so that a right angle forms between them and the body. Slowly return to the starting position.

Day 2 rest

You did a great job and gave 100% in training. Now comes perhaps the most important stage of work on creating the body of your dreams - rest and recovery. How you spend your day will determine how you progress. Start with proper sleep: your body needs at least 8 hours to fully recover.
What can you do on a day off?

  • Stretch or do yoga exercises
  • Go for a massage
  • Prepare your own meals for a few training days
  • Analyze your training diary

Day 3 back, biceps

1. Pull-ups.
3 sets of 8-12 reps
Grab the crossbar. Tilt your body back about 30 degrees. As you exhale, lift your torso until the bar touches your upper chest. Pull your shoulders and upper arms down and back. Hold and slowly lower as you inhale.

2. Bent over barbell.
3 sets of 8-10 reps
Take the barbell with an overhand grip, bend your knees slightly and tilt your body forward until it is parallel to the floor. As you exhale, pull the bar towards you. At the top, tighten your back muscles and hold. As you inhale, slowly lower the barbell back down.

3. Reverse pull-ups.
3 sets of 8-10 reps
Grasp the horizontal bar with a reverse grip, at a distance slightly narrower than shoulder width.
Keep your body straight. As you exhale, pull your body up, keeping your elbows close to your body. Only the hands move. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

4. Deadlift.
4 sets of 8-10 reps
Stand up to the bar so that it touches the lower leg, spread the feet. Sit down, rest your heels on the floor and raise the bar to your knees. Then straighten up so that the bar touches your thighs.

5. Lifting the bar for biceps.
3 sets of 10-12 reps
Take the barbell with an underhand grip equal to the width of your shoulders and stand up straight. Keeping your shoulders still, raise the bar to shoulder level, then return to the starting position.

6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting.
3 sets of 10-12 reps
Sitting on a horizontal bench, hold the dumbbells in your lowered hands. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells and at the same time turn your wrists with your palms facing you. While tensing your biceps, hold for a second. On an inhale, lower the dumbbells back down.

7. Hyperextension on the bench.
4 sets to failure
Lie on the edge of a flat bench and cross your arms in front of you. As you exhale, slowly bend at the waist until you feel that you can no longer keep your back straight. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Day 4 rest

Day 5 shoulders, legs

1. Workout on the treadmill. 15 minutes

Get on the treadmill and choose the workout mode that suits you best. Adjust the blade angle as needed. Watch your posture while exercising

2. Squats. 4 sets of 8-12 reps

Adjust the barbell according to your height and load with the required weight. Remove the bar from the rack. Lower yourself slowly as you inhale. The thigh and lower leg should form a right angle.

3. Barbell squat with narrow feet. 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Place the barbell at the back of your shoulders (slightly below your neck). The feet are already shoulder width apart. While inhaling, slowly squat down until the thigh and lower leg form an angle of four less than 90 degrees. As you exhale, transferring your weight to your heels, rise to the starting position.

4. Rise on socks with a barbell while sitting. 4 sets of 15-20 reps

Sit on a bench and put your socks on the stand. Have a partner place a barbell on your upper thighs. Grab the bar, flex your calves and lift your heels. Pause and return to the starting position.

5. Bench press sitting. 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Sit on a bench with a back. Grab the barbell with a slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. The palms are facing forward. Raise the bar above your head. This is the starting position. As you inhale, slowly lower the bar to your collarbones. As you exhale, lift the bar back to the starting position.

6. Bench press from behind the head while standing. 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Perform this exercise in a squat rack. Grab the barbell and step away from the racks. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes a little. As you exhale, raise the bar above your head. Hold for a second and inhale as you lower it to the starting position.

7. Breeding dumbbells to the sides while standing. 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Take dumbbells in your hands and stand up straight. Press your elbows to the body, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms straight and your body still, as you exhale, raise the dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level. Hold and inhale lower your arms back.

Day 6 rest

Day 7 rest

We wish you strong muscles, their growth, vitality and health! All the contestants - success and good luck!

Sincerely yours, ZARЯDKA Fitness Club.

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