Bandages on the knee joint: types, indications, contraindications, purchase rules. How to Choose a Sports Knee Support: Tips and Reviews Sports Knee Support for Running

the beauty 18.02.2021
the beauty

The knee joint is a rather complex biomechanical system consisting of various elements, with certain functions. In addition, significant loads are constantly acting on the human knee, and therefore they are vulnerable. Most often, a knee injury can be obtained while playing sports, therefore, to protect it, athletes use bandages, use fixing bandages and calipers.

Means for protecting the knees of athletes

Clamps and bandages are an excellent prophylactic for knee joints. They work well in both healing and injury. They securely fix the knee from the outside and unload its joint. Braces for professional sports will protect against impacts, relieve sprains, and therefore reduce the likelihood of injury.

On our site, the site has a huge range of sports products that can prevent possible injuries. Calipers made by well-known manufacturers can be selected depending on age, but their choice is not determined by the level sports training. Therefore, both professionals and amateurs can buy sports knee brace Rehband in Moscow.

The support on the knee is able to stabilize it, plus it can properly distribute the load during exercise. Despite the fact that this product is made of soft material, it is able to perfectly fix the joint, but at the same time it does not hinder movement, warms and provides a massage effect.

The ordered goods will be delivered within the specified time, and all products presented on the site have certificates. Any offered product is tested at the manufacturer's factory.

To buy sports knee brace Rehband in the Moscow region, place an order in our online store website. Managers will answer your questions in detail.

Causes of injury

You can get injured doing strength exercises, for example, doing a very low squat, running, jumping. The knee suffers from shock loads when the foot touches the ground. After all, the entire weight of the body is transferred to it. In addition, you can get injured playing team games, skiing and snowboarding.

To protect yourself from injury, you need to use either light knee brace or rigid orthoses. If you have well-developed leg muscles, you can stop at light support, otherwise you need articulated orthoses with side tires for high-quality fixation.

Professional and amateur sports are often associated with the risk of injury. Improper distribution of load and training entail damage to muscles, ligaments and joints. One of the main complaints is knee injury. Running and jumping, squatting with a barbell and cycling without proper training can lead to pain and inflammation, damage to the meniscus, ligaments, fracture of the bones that make up the knee joint.

As a prevention of sports injuries, the use of bandages has proven itself well. Modern products are made of hygroscopic, pleasant to the touch elastic fabric, which eliminates the appearance of diaper rash or irritation. A high-quality bandage comfortably fixes the knee and does not create inconvenience even with prolonged use.

The use of bandages is widespread in the professional environment: sports training exposes the articular and ligamentous apparatus to danger due to high intensity and duration. The use of a brace during weight training, jogging or playing volleyball will protect the joints even if the load is not distributed correctly.

The use of a knee brace allows you to:

  • Reduce the likelihood of joint damage: thanks to the soft fixation, flexibility and mobility are maintained, and the compression effect supports the joints and ligaments during efforts. Sports bandages and knee pads have a local warming effect, improve blood circulation.
  • Perform exercises even if there is a violation of the functioning of the knee joint: the caliper helps to reduce pain and absorb the load during training during the rehabilitation period. The use of a bandage also helps to relieve swelling and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

The danger of injury is not at all a reason to refuse physical activity, you just need to buy knee bandages for playing sports, and always follow the following rules:

  • Before playing sports, always carry out a joint warm-up to warm up the ligaments and joints well.
  • Increase the load gradually, even if the initial physical data allows you to work out the workout more intensively. Pain and real manifestations of a knee injury may appear some time after the injury.
  • Follow the technique of the exercise, as improper execution can lead to dislocation or fracture.
  • Alternate strength training with relaxing stretching, yoga, swimming.
  • Use a bandage of the desired degree of compression in accordance with the recommendations.

Throughout life, the human articular apparatus is subjected to heavy loads. A joint is a movable connection of bones. The movements of the limbs occur with the help of muscles. The healthy functioning of the joints depends on age, lifestyle, nutrition, the presence of chronic diseases or injuries in the past. Even with an active lifestyle, the articular apparatus is not immune from damage of varying severity. This is due to the increased load on the joints and ligaments of the limbs, both with low activity and with regular training. An unprepared person, even at home, can easily damage a joint, and a professional athlete is endangered due to constant stress and wear of the joints.

AT Everyday life and when playing sports, ceteris paribus, the increased load falls precisely on the joints of the legs. The lower limbs support body weight, heavy lifting, running and walking. The moment of involvement of the limbs can be traced when playing sports. During cardio training: running, step, aerobics, cycling - all movements involve the lower limbs as much as possible. During strength training even with a targeted study of the muscles of the arms, chest, back or abs, the muscles and joints of the lower extremities support the body and participate in the exercise as a weighting agent or stabilizer.

The most common lower extremity injury is knee injury. It is this joint that produces an uncountable number of flexions and extensions per day and withstands heavy loads even without purposeful stress. With an inactive lifestyle, a minimal but sharp impact on the joint can result in injury. Professional athletes, joggers, skiers or cyclists know firsthand about dislocations, tumors, inflammation of the meniscus, wear of cartilage tissue. For older people, any joint injuries are fraught with a long period of rehabilitation. Pregnant women and young mothers who constantly raise their babies are also at risk due to the increased load on the lower limbs and joints.

As a prevention of the consequences of increased loads, doctors and trainers advise using a bandage. This is a special medical product for supporting the articular and ligamentous apparatus and absorbing the load on them.

  • The bandage is made of a soft mixed fiber: wool or cotton with elastane, which allows you to achieve maximum anatomical repetition of body curves. At the same time, the fabric passes air well and does not retain moisture, preventing the appearance of diaper rash and irritation.
  • The bandage does not constrain movements and does not create discomfort even with prolonged use.
  • The use of a bandage provides a compression effect, but at the same time does not impair blood flow.
  • The local warming effect of the bandage improves blood circulation and fights inflammation.
  • A variety of forms of bandages allows you to choose a model suitable for specific tasks and purposes: knee pads, bandages and tapes, using which you can independently adjust the degree of pressure.

If in everyday life they rarely focus on special preparation for a particular physical activity, then in the sports environment this plays a dominant role. Without a proper warm-up and protective equipment, no training takes place. It is worth taking into account the knowledge and experience of professionals in order to protect yourself from knee injuries. If there is a risk of injury, knee bandages should be purchased and the following rules should be observed:

  • Estimate original physical form and general degree of preparation for loads.
  • Take into account the presence of chronic diseases of the joints, age and weight criteria.
  • To support the joints of the knees in good shape, if possible, regularly do exercises, and before heavy loads - a special warm-up workout.
  • If necessary, include special supplements for joint health in the diet.
  • Calculate the targeted load on the limbs and, if possible, regulate the inevitable involvement of the joints, for example, when lifting heavy weights.
  • When performing exercises and during sports, always observe the established technique, as well as the regime of rest and recovery. Violation of the technique and training regimen greatly increases the risk of injury in the present and wear and tear of the knees in the future.
  • Choose a comfortable bandage with the right degree of compression and always use it to ensure the safety of the joints.

The human body is individual, and circumstances may develop in such a way that knee injuries cannot be avoided. Failure to follow the technique in a new sport, the manifestation of a previously hidden accumulation of joint fluid, or simply a bad fall can lead to damage. In the acute period should be completely excluded physical exercise so as not to worsen the situation and not provoke the development of inflammation. It is necessary to contact a trauma surgeon and take an x-ray to identify accurate diagnosis and getting appointments. It is important to relieve pain and return the victim to a comfortable household life. A bandage will become an indispensable assistant in this.

Depending on the severity of the injury, several bandages will be needed to support the joint during the rehabilitation period. In the presence of a severe dislocation or fracture, as well as in the postoperative period, a bandage with a high degree compression to relieve pain and swelling and immobilize the injured area. Such bandages are made of dense fabric and may have special flexible metal inserts. At this stage, it is useful to use a bandage in conjunction with special therapeutic and analgesic ointments. The bandage improves blood circulation and has a warming effect, which contributes to better penetration of the drug.

Further, depending on the condition and sensations of the victim, mobility should be gradually returned to the joint. For this, an elastic bandage is used, which keeps the joint in the correct position for healing, and flexion and extension occurs with a greater amplitude. During the rehabilitation period, the bandage will allow you to safely perform therapeutic exercises. With subsequent loads and during sports, the use of a fixing bandage and the previously damaged place will be shown.

An equally important aspect when choosing a bandage is the material from which it is made. It is worth paying attention to calipers made from natural, well-permeable materials. Usually synthetic and natural materials are used in the production of bandages:

  1. Nylon or polyester. These synthetic fibers are quite durable and resistant to abrasion. Materials do not absorb moisture well, but their indisputable advantage is that they keep their shape well and do not wrinkle.
  2. Cotton. This material absorbs moisture well and provides breathability, which allows the skin to breathe, and wearing the bandage for a long time will not cause discomfort. But natural fabrics have a minus: they quickly wrinkle and wear out.
  3. Neoprene. Rubber material with micro holes for air circulation. It provides flexibility to the caliper and has a warming effect. Most often used as an inner lining.
  4. Nylon. The bandage from this material differs in the special durability and durability, besides allows skin to breathe and well absorbs moisture. The price of such a product will be somewhat overstated.

It is important to choose a bandage that will exactly meet the requirements for sports to be comfortable.

Caliper cost

When choosing a knee brace, you should pay attention to the price of the product. Depending on the manufacturer and material of manufacture, the cost can range from 300 to 7000 rubles. Although this is the case when the quality of the bandage is not strongly dependent on its price. The inflated price may be due to additional features that may not always be useful and not suitable for all cases.

On average, the price for the simplest models made of synthetic materials will not exceed 2,000 rubles, for example, McDavid has a large line of orthopedic devices. The cost of knee pads with side tires and clamps can reach up to 7,000 rubles.


It is very important to purchase a knee brace only from trusted manufacturers. The modern knee caliper market for sports offers a huge selection of models from a wide variety of brands. The following manufacturers of bandages are the most popular:

  • pharmaceuticals;
  • push-braces;
  • ASICS;

The caliper of the McDavid brand is in great demand in the domestic market. The manufacturer offers a wide range of knee bandages at an affordable price. The McDavid line includes bandages made from both natural and high quality synthetic fibers. At McDavid, you can choose a caliper for the prevention of knee injuries or for rehabilitation after severe joint injuries.

When buying an orthopedic product for sports, you should rely on the following tips:

  1. Be sure to first try on the caliper.
  2. The knee pad for fixing the joint should not strongly pinch the leg and bring discomfort.
  3. Don't be fooled by the high price.
  4. Before buying, carefully check the functionality of the fasteners and latches.
  5. You should read reviews about knee brace from different manufacturers.

It is worth remembering that you should consult with an orthopedist before buying. A properly selected knee brace will ensure comfortable sports and help prevent serious knee injuries. And also the caliper will become an essential accessory for chronic diseases of the knee joint.

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