An altruist is the highest degree of an egoist or its complete opposite. Who are altruists and who are egoists

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Altruist, by classical definition- a person acting in accordance with the principle: try to donate more often and selflessly give to other people.

Sacrifice strength, time, sometimes - money. They give what they sometimes need, as well as much more - attention, care and affection.

It would seem that life with an altruist is wonderful - he strives to give, take care, without demanding anything in return.

But classical altruists, it turns out, also cause irritation. Not so long ago, an experiment was conducted in which, in a collective game, live players (as stated to the participants), one per team, were replaced by soulless computers.

One of them was recorded as a miser and miser, the other - a disinterested altruistic angel. And what would you think? The indignation of teammates was in both cases!

Why do altruists cause so much discontent?

After all, they bring goodness, peace, understanding to the lives of the people around them!

But in fact, there are not one, but two whole secrets - interconnected with each other.

  • Firstly It is difficult for any person to be absolutely disinterested. Well, how is it - just take it and do it? At least to feel satisfaction and pleasure - to receive moral compensation. Reaffirm your worth in your own eyes. Compliance with certain internal regulations. Get an "I'm good" stroke.
  • Secondly, and this is related to the first secret, no one wants to be "worse".

The social contract is tied to the fact that we do not tell each other the truth. In any case, the whole truth that we think.

Many people think of themselves"Oh, I'm good!" There are plenty of reasons to say this about yourself. And only, perhaps, persons close to sociopaths (or even healthy, but very occasionally and in suitable situations) are able to sincerely enjoy “Oh, I'm bad! Great!"

It turns out that next to such an altruistic altruist, no matter how hard you try, you feel worse. For example, just an altruist. Or a simple good person who will come to the rescue. But he will take off his last shirt only in the most extreme case.

Therefore, the altruist is a relative concept. And the more altruist will be with you (or even worse - do you good, benefit you) - the more you will be annoyed. And, in the end, you will find how to "slam" this person in your eyes.

Because in our own eyes we are always the most altruistic, the kindest, the most reasonable... And that's okay! :)

Another thing is that you can still talk a lot about why people become altruists. How is it that an altruist feels the good done to another person more pleasant than his own. Indeed, in theory, it should be the other way around - first of all, provide for yourself and your needs, secondly - also for yourself, and then give the rest to people ...

And finally– a short story about an altruistic dentist

The lady struggled to help the poor, the orphans and the destitute. There used to be a person at the reception - paid, by the way. She sees that next to a large hole of caries there is a small caries next to it - and let's treat for free the one that is smaller.

It happened that he wouldn’t tell the patient that he now has two fillings - so that he doesn’t blurt out at the reception and they don’t force him to pay.

And somehow, over and over again, then this quiet altruism resulted in continuous problems for her. In almost all patients of different sex and age, it was this small filling that fell out. Naturally, they went to complain "to this terrible dentistry." And according to the card, they should have a healthy tooth there ...

Apparently, somehow the world hinted at her. That all labor must be appropriately paid.

Altruism as a personality trait is a tendency to unselfish concern for the well-being of others and a willingness to sacrifice one's personal interests for others.

Once the disciples asked their Teacher: “Tell me, Teacher, why do some people break down in difficult situations, while others show steadfastness? Why does the world collapse for some, while others find the strength to continue living; the former go into depression, but for the latter it is not terrible? - “That's because, - answered the Teacher, - that the world of each person is like a star system. Only the first in this system have only one single celestial body - themselves. Their entire universe revolves exclusively around themselves, and therefore any catastrophe leads to the death of such a world. The second live in the environment of others celestial bodies, they are used to thinking not only about themselves, but also about those who are nearby. In difficult moments of life, their thoughts do not focus only on their own problems. The need to care for and help others takes precedence over heavy thoughts. Participate in the lives of others and support them in Hard time, such people, without realizing it, save themselves from death.

The phenomenon of altruism is extremely mysterious. A person in the material world is by default an egoist, the only question is to what extent - goodness, passion or ignorance. A person, as a body, feelings, mind and mind saturated with a false ego, must first of all take care of his own survival. Man as a soul (the nature of the soul is consciousness) is neither selfish nor altruistic. And suddenly - the readiness to disinterestedly sacrifice one's own interests for the interests of another person or for the common good.

Altruism is an impulse of generosity and selflessness, inexplicable for most people.

Altruism is contrary to the very nature of a living being with its basic instincts of self-preservation and survival.

The term "altruism" was proposed by the French thinker Auguste Comte (1798-1857) in order to express the concept opposite to selfishness. Comte's principle of altruism was: "Live for others." The desire to give is the essence of altruism. But not everything is so simple, caring for strangers can be considered altruism, if neither at the conscious nor at the subconscious levels there are completely no thoughts about one's own interests and self-interest. By sacrificing something for the sake of his loved ones, a person, albeit in a small proportion, can count on gratitude, reciprocity and reciprocal courtesy. Even a mother experiences selfish feelings regarding her child, counting, for example, on reciprocal love, care and attention to herself in old age.

A person with altruism manifested as a quality of personality wants to simply give - without PR, without positive expectations of any preferences for himself in the future. Altruism has no tomorrow. His nature corresponds to solidarity with other people, the predominance of their interests over their own and selfless service to them. Being the opposite of selfishness, he draws his strength from selflessness, love for people, mercy, kindness and readiness to help. Kindness is the hallmark of altruism.

Possessing a set of such virtues, the altruist is usually modest, gentle and calm. Recall the poem "The Story of an Unknown Hero" by S. Marshak. It's about about an altruist - a guy who saved a girl on a fire and disappeared without waiting for gratitude. The beginning of the poem: “Firefighters are looking, Police are looking ... Photographers are looking for In our capital, They have been looking for a long time, But they can’t find, A guy of some twenty years old.” An altruist with undisguised interest is able to get carried away for a long time doing other people's affairs, forgetting about his own, it is problematic for him to eat alone, when he brings joy to someone, he himself shines with happiness more than anyone else. He sincerely rejoices in someone else's happiness and success. His whole appearance emits a signal: "I wish everyone happiness."

Altruism is not to give everything to people, but to be left without pants and feel somehow disadvantaged and flawed. This is stupid, absurd altruism, which, for sure, will be used by unscrupulous people. For example, donations and philanthropy only bring moral satisfaction when their owner is firmly convinced of the correctness of his choice to provide assistance. Excessively forgetting about himself, the altruist acts unwisely and short-sightedly. Wise altruism comes not from feelings, emotions or sentimentality, but from the mind. It presupposes prudence, reasonableness and sanity.

It is difficult for an ordinary person, imbued with egoism, to understand the taste of happiness experienced by the owner of altruism. At the same time, everyone at least once in their life experienced how “the soul sings” after a person has performed some selfless act for people. This is when you drag home an injured puppy, knowing that this will increase your worries, this is when you help an unfamiliar old woman carry bags to her house, this is when you take a stranger to the hospital without even thinking about any reward. Doing good, the altruist does not live in anticipation of those feelings that he will experience later, this would be self-interest. It is unconditional, like a mother's love for her baby. People tend to light up from time to time with the mysterious magical light of altruism.

Altruism has nothing to do with recklessness, thoughtlessness and thoughtlessness, on the contrary, it is friendly with awareness. The mind is the space between the stimulus and the reaction to it. During this short time (sometimes a moment), a person makes a choice - to rush to save a child from under the wheels from a car or not to risk his life, to stand up for a woman in front of hooligans or cowardly "tuck his tail" and run off to hell. From the standpoint of common sense, altruism is harmful, because a person sacrifices his own without receiving anything in return. false ego ordinary person every time it is ready to make a grand scandal when its safety and property are encroached upon, but for the altruist it is in the background and has no right to vote. Altruism is freedom from the tyranny of false ego .

Even Adam Smith in The Theory of Moral Sentiments wrote: “No matter how selfish a person may seem, certain laws are clearly laid down in his nature, forcing him to be interested in the fate of others and consider their happiness necessary for himself, although he himself does not receive anything from this, for except for the pleasure of seeing this happiness.

The highest form of altruism is to give a person spiritual knowledge on how to achieve happiness. With a baggage of spiritual knowledge, he is not afraid of any life misfortunes and difficulties. Having become a mature person, a person himself can become capable of performing altruistic deeds, and this is already the highest aerobatics for a mentor.

Petr Kovalev 2013

Hello, Dear friends and guests of my blog! Today I will touch on the topic - altruism, talk about the meaning of this word and give examples. An altruist is a person who acts selflessly without expecting anything in return. It seems to me that now this is very relevant, and our society needs to awaken these wonderful qualities in itself. I hope my article will help you with this.

The word altruist is completely opposite in meaning to the word egoist. That is, this is a person who cares about others, performs deeds and deeds that benefit society, even to the detriment of himself. This concept was introduced by the French sociologist Auguste Comte. In his opinion, the main principle of altruism is to live for others. Of course, I don’t really like the word damage, since disinterestedness, it’s still not to act out of inferiority, but most likely out of abundance. This abundance is not necessarily manifested in some material wealth of a person, rather it is an abundance of the soul and heart. In the article about, I already touched on this topic a little.

There is a similar concept of philontropy (from the Greek. philanthropy). Philanthropists are people who do charity work. The simplest form of philanthropy is to give alms to those in need.

The characteristic qualities of an altruistic personality are kindness, responsiveness, empathy, activity, compassion. People who are prone to altruism have a well-functioning heart chakra. Outwardly, they can be recognized by their eyes, which radiate a warm radiance. As a rule, altruistic individuals are optimists. Instead of wasting time depressing and complaining about the world, they just make it a better place.

Examples of Altruistic Activities

Properties of altruistic deeds may differ in different sexes. As a rule, in women they have a longer duration. For example, they often put an end to their careers for the benefit of their families. And men, on the contrary, are characterized by momentary heroic impulses: to pull a person out of a fire, to throw himself on an embrasure. As during the Great Patriotic War this was done by Alexander Matrosov and many other unknown heroes.

The desire to help others is inherent in all living beings. This is true even for animals. For example, dolphins help their wounded brethren stay afloat, they can swim for long hours under the sick, pushing him to the surface so that he can breathe. Cats, dogs, foxes, walruses take care of orphaned cubs as if they were their own.

Also, altruism can include volunteering, donation, mentoring (only on condition that the teacher does not charge a fixed fee for this).

Famous people altruists

Some altruistic acts are so powerful in their depth that they go down in history for a long time. So, during the Second World War, the German industrialist Oskar Schindler became famous throughout the world for saving about 1,000 Jews who worked at his factory from death. Schindler was not a righteous man, but in saving his workers, he made many sacrifices: he spent a lot of money to pay off officials, he risked going to jail. In honor of him, a book was written and the film "Schindrer's List" was shot. Of course, he could not have known that this would bring glory to him, so this act can be considered truly altruistic.

The real altruists include the Russian doctor Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz. He devoted his life to serving humanity, for which he was called the "holy doctor." Fyodor Petrovich helped poor people with medicines, mitigated the fate of prisoners and exiles. His favorite words, which can be made a motto for altruists, are: “Hurry up to do good! Know how to forgive, desire reconciliation, overcome evil with good. Try to raise the fallen, soften the embittered, correct the morally destroyed.

Famous altruists include any spiritual teachers and mentors (Christ, Buddha, Prabhupada, etc.) who help people become better. They give their time, energy, and sometimes their lives, without demanding anything in return.

The best reward for them can be that the students accepted the knowledge and embarked on the path of spiritual development.

Hidden motives

As I have already said, in our souls there is a natural desire to take care of the world around us and people, because we are all interconnected. But sometimes the mind takes precedence over the impulses of the heart. In such cases, selfishness and concern only for one's own good wake up in a person.

I'll give you an example. A young girl takes care of a sick elderly man, only because after that he will write his house to her. Can this be called an altruistic act? Of course not, because the original goal pursued by this girl is not helping a person, but the immediate benefit after that.

But sometimes people are pushed to do good deeds by such motives that may not be clear even to the altruist himself. Let's take a closer look at these ulterior motives.


Increasingly, good deeds (disinterested at first glance) are performed in order to increase one's reputation. World stars without exception engaged in charity and other philanthropic activities. This motif is called the “potlatch effect”, in honor of the Native American ceremony of demonstrative exchange of gifts. When sharp feuds arose between the tribes, a struggle for authority began, but it was an unusual battle. Each leader of the tribe arranged a feast, to which he called his enemies. He generously treated them and presented expensive gifts. Thus, they showed their power and wealth.

Personal sympathy

The most common motive for altruistic acts is sympathy. It is more pleasant for people to help those they like, their friends and loved ones. In some ways, this motive intersects with self-promotion, because one of its goals is to arouse the respect of people dear to us. But still there is a significant difference, because there is love for neighbors.


Some people devote their whole lives to altruistic deeds and service to society, while not experiencing inner satisfaction and harmony. The reason for this is inner emptiness, so a person throws all his strength into saving other people's souls so as not to hear a cry for help from his own.

True selflessness

True altruism has two important principles- this is selflessness and spiritual satisfaction from a good deed done.

Let's consider such a situation. A man on crutches walks beside you and drops his glasses. What will you do? I'm sure you'll pick them up and give them to him without the thought that he should do something nice for you in return. But imagine that he silently takes his glasses and, without saying a word of gratitude, turns around and leaves. What will you feel? That you were not appreciated and all people are ungrateful? If this is so, then it does not smell like true altruism. But if, no matter what, this act warms your soul, then this is sincere altruism, and not a manifestation of banal politeness.

A real altruist does not seek material gain (glory, honor, respect), his goal is much higher. By providing selfless help to others, our soul becomes purer and brighter, and, accordingly, the whole world becomes a little better, because everything in it is interconnected.

And in the highest manifestation, real altruism is serving God, and serving other living beings, through the prism of understanding that they are particles of the Lord, without expecting anything in return.

In order for selfish, selfish people not to “sat on the head” of an altruist, it is necessary to develop awareness in oneself. Then you will be able to distinguish between those who really need help and those who are just trying to use you.


In conclusion, I want to tell you a story from the ancient Vedic scriptures, which illustrates the manifestation of real altruism and selflessness. Watch the video.

Ruslan Tsvirkun wrote for you. I wish you spiritual growth and development. Help your friends with this and share useful information with them. If you have any clarifying questions, do not hesitate to ask, I will be happy to answer them.

Altruism is the selfless concern for other people. If you open a dictionary of antonyms, you can find that the term "altruist" is an egoist. A person with high moral principles, which require him to perform disinterested actions aimed at satisfying the interests of another person. A person can be classified as an altruist only when there is not a single thought in his head about any benefit for himself.

An ordinary person often, helping his loved ones, one way or another, counts on reciprocity. All this is alien to a real altruist. He just gives everything. That's the whole point of these people. An altruist does not need to count how much he has invested, and he does not expect that something of what he has given will be returned to him.

So, what kind of person is an altruist usually? This is a calm, gentle person who rarely remembers his affairs, being overly carried away by other people's worries. It is very difficult for such people to sit down to dinner without inviting another to the table. In the event that people inclined to altruism were able to help a person, they are sincerely happy about it. Such people are always very happy if other people succeed, and also very much empathize with those who have some kind of problems.

It happens that a person with such life views tries to give everything he has to the first people he meets as soon as possible just because it seems to him that they need it more than he does. One of the negative aspects is precisely that a person very often does things that harm himself. An altruist is not only one who thoughtlessly gives everything, but one who thinks about how to earn money to help others. A wise person will first figure out who and how much to give. He will give a fishing rod and teach her how to use it, and not just feed the fish.

But, by the way, the meaning of the word "altruist" has long since changed. And now this is the name of the person who, taking care of himself first of all, does not forget about other people. But such a person is not an altruist. This is the creator. At the same time, such people are much smarter. They will first make sure that their own life is normal, and only then will they help others, while making sure that their help is needed.

Probably everyone understood, The meaning of this word, if you remember, is completely opposite to the word "egoist". But there is a theory according to which altruism is the highest form of selfishness. After all, a person receives sincere pleasure from the successes of other people, taking a direct part in achieving these successes.

We are all taught in childhood that kindness is good, and good deeds will make us significant people in society. So it is, but you need to understand that you can not let people take advantage of you. Help is only needed when the person really needs it. Otherwise, he simply "sits on the neck." The main goal of any altruist should be not so much to provide everything “ready-made”, but to help the person himself achieve his goals. This is how you need to help people. Strive not only to receive support, but also to provide it!

Altruism is the principle of behavior according to which a person does good deeds associated with selfless care and welfare of others. Altruism is the meaning of the word and its main principle is defined as "to live for the sake of others." The term altruism was introduced by Auguste Comte, the founder of sociology. By this concept, he personally understood the disinterested motives of the individual, which entail actions that provide benefits only to others.

To the definition of altruism, O. Comte put forward an oppositional opinion by psychologists who, with the help of their research, determined that altruism in the long run creates more advantages than it was spent on effort. They recognized that there is an element of selfishness in every altruistic act.

Seen as the opposite of altruism. Selfishness is a position in life, according to which the satisfaction of one's own interest is perceived as the highest achievement. Separate theories assert that altruism is a certain form of selfishness in psychology. A person gets the highest pleasure from the achievement of success by others in which he took a direct part. Indeed, in childhood, everyone is taught that good deeds make people significant in society.

But if, nevertheless, we consider altruism, the meaning of the word, which is translated as “other”, then it is understood as helping another, which is manifested in acts of mercy, care and self-denial for the sake of another person. It is necessary that egoism, as opposed to altruism, be present in a person to a lesser extent and give way to kindness and nobility.

Altruism can be associated with a variety of social experiences, such as sympathy, mercy, empathy, and benevolence. Altruistic acts that extend beyond family, friendship, neighborhood, or any relationship of acquaintance are called philanthropy. People who engage in altruistic activities outside of dating are called philanthropists.

Examples of altruism vary by gender. Men are prone to short-term impulses of altruism: to pull a drowning man out of the water; help a person who is in difficult situation. Women are ready for more long-term actions, they can forget about their careers in order to raise children. Examples of altruism are displayed in volunteering, helping the needy, mentoring, mercy, selflessness, philanthropy, donation and more.

Altruism, what is it?

Altruistic behavior is acquired with education and as a result of individual self-education.

Altruism is a concept in psychology that describes the activity of a person, focused on caring for the interests of others. Egoism, as opposed to altruism, is interpreted differently in domestic use, hence the meaning of these two concepts is confused. So, altruism is understood as a quality of character, intention or general characteristics human behavior.

An altruist may wish to show care and fail in the very implementation of the plan. Altruistic behavior is sometimes understood as showing genuine concern for the well-being of others more than one's own. Sometimes, it's like showing equal attention to your needs and to the needs of other people. If there are many “others”, then this interpretation will not have practical meaning, but if it refers to two, then it can become extremely important.

There is a distinction between altruists, they are divided into "universal" and "mutual".

"Mutual" altruists are people who agree to sacrifice only for the sake of those people from whom they expect similar actions. "Universal" - consider altruism an ethical law, and follow it, doing good deeds with good intentions for everyone.

Altruism is of several types, which can immediately be interpreted as examples of altruism. Parental altruism is expressed in a disinterested self-sacrificing attitude, when parents are fully prepared that they will have to give material wealth and their own lives in general to the child.

Moral altruism in psychology is the realization of moral needs in order to achieve inner comfort. These are people who have an increased sense of duty, who provide disinterested support and receive moral satisfaction.

Social altruism extends only to people from the closest circle - friends, neighbors, colleagues. Such altruists provide free services to these people, which makes them more successful. Therefore, they are often manipulated.

Sympathetic altruism - people experience, understand the needs of another, sincerely experience and can help him.

The demonstrative type of altruistic behavior is manifested in behavior that can be controlled by generally accepted norms of behavior. Such altruists are guided by the rule "it's supposed to be." They show their altruism in gratuitous, sacrificial deeds, using personal time and own means (spiritual, intellectual and material).

Altruism is in psychology a style of behavior and a quality of an individual's character. An altruist is a responsible person, he is able to individually take responsibility for his actions. He puts the interests of others above his own. An altruist always has the freedom of choice, because all altruistic actions are performed by him only of his own free will. The altruist equally remains satisfied and not infringed, even when he sacrifices personal interests.

The origin of altruistic behavior is presented in three main theories. evolutionary theory explains altruism through the definition: the preservation of the genus is the driving developing force of evolution. Each individual has a biological program, according to which he is inclined to do good deeds that do not personally benefit him, but he himself understands that he is doing all this for the common good, the preservation of the genotype.

According to the theory of social exchange, in a variety of social situations, a subconscious accounting of basic values ​​in social dynamics is made - information, mutual services, status, emotions, feelings. Faced with a choice - to help a person or pass by, the individual instinctively first calculates the possible consequences of his decision, he correlates the expended energy and the personal benefit received. This theory demonstrates here that altruism is a deep manifestation of selfishness.

According to the theory of social norms, the laws of society assert that the provision of gratuitous assistance is a natural human need. This theory is based on the principles of mutual support of equals, and on social responsibility, helping people who do not have the opportunity to reciprocate, that is, small children, sick people, the elderly or the poor. Here, social norms are considered to be the motivation for altruistic actions.

Each theory analyzes altruism in many ways, does not give a single and complete explanation of its origin. Probably, this quality should be considered on a spiritual plane, since the above theories of a sociological nature limit the study of altruism as a personal quality and identify what induces a person to act disinterestedly.

If a situation occurs where others are witnesses to an act, then the individual who performs it will be more ready for altruistic action than in a situation where no one is watching him. This happens through the desire of a person to look good in front of others. Especially if the observers are significant people whose disposition he accepts as very valuable, or these people also value altruistic deeds, a person will try to give his deed even more nobility and demonstrate his disinterestedness, not expecting to be thanked.

If a situation arises in which there is a likely danger that refusing to help a particular person means that the individual will have to bear personal responsibility for it, according to the law, for example, then he will, of course, be more disposed to act altruistically, even when he personally does not want to. do.

Children mostly act altruistically by imitating adults or other children. This is done before they understand the need for such behavior, even if others act differently.

Altruistic behavior, as a result of simple imitation, can occur in a group and subgroup in which other people that surround this individual do altruistic actions.

Just as a person shows sympathy for people who are like him, he also reaches out to help such people. Here, altruistic actions are governed by the likeness and difference from the human being of those he helps.

It is customary to think that since women are the weaker sex, it means that men should help them, especially when the situation requires physical effort. Therefore, according to the norms of culture, men should act altruistically, but if it happens that a man needs female help, then women should behave altruistically. This is the motivation of altruism, formed on gender differences.

This happens in situations where it is required to help an individual of a certain age. So, children, the elderly need help much more than middle-aged individuals. People should show more altruism towards these age categories than towards adults, who can still help themselves.

Such aspects as the current psychological state, character traits, religious inclinations, refer to the altruist's personal characteristics that affect his actions. Therefore, when explaining altruistic actions, it is necessary to take into account Current state altruist, and accepting his help. Also in psychology, personal qualities are determined that promote or hinder altruistic behavior. Contribute: kindness, empathy, decency, reliability, and hinder: callousness, indifference.

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