Year 8 numerology. Eighth personal year

Helpful Hints 10.07.2019
Helpful Hints

Forecast for 2018

Your personal number of the year.

The great mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras and his followers were convinced that "numbers rule the world", because each of them has its own vibration, which makes the world resonate with it.

So, "1" is a symbol of confidence, leadership qualities

"2" - harmony with the world

"3" - means optimism

"4" - industriousness

"5" - creativity

"6" - balance

"7" - solitude, research gift

"8" - "the number of a businessman" - materialism and determination.

"9" is a symbol of service in its highest sense.

According to Numerology, each number from 1 to 9, from which all other numbers are composed, is an expression of one of the fundamental laws of our Universe. Each person in his numerical expression becomes a conductor of these Laws.

Each year also has its own numerical value, which affects the course of events unfolding in this period of time. In 2018, we will all be affected by the number 2 (2+0+1+8 = 11 = 2). But it's just " average temperature in the hospital." And each year of your life has its own "Personal number of the year", which affects only your life. Thanks to the knowledge of the Personal Number of the Year, you can tune in to its energies and thus learn to be at the right time in the right place.

Each of the 9 numbers represents a year in a nine-year cycle, and each year has its own unique identity and requirements. And in order not to swim against the current, all the time experiencing the bitterness of disappointments and failures (which is inevitable if everything is done at the wrong time and wrong), it is worth listening to what our personal numbers recommend to us. Rather than wasting time and energy on a struggle, it is better to act in a single rhythm and harmony with the Universe, using its power. But, of course, the choice is yours.

Number personal year talks about what you can expect this year, what energy will be given to you and what direction of your activity can bring the greatest success.

So, what is the best year for getting married, buying a property, laying the foundation of a house, starting a new business, signing important contracts, traveling, entertaining, etc.? The numbers of your Personal Year will help you answer all these questions and help you solve all these problems.

In order to find out the number of your Personal Year, you need to add the year you are interested in and your birthday + your month of birth. For example, let's calculate the number of the personal year for 2018 for the date of birth 11/18/1976. We add 18 (birthday) + 11 (month of birth) + 2018 ( this year) = 1+8+1+1+2+1+8 = 22 =4. Your personal year number = 4.

And now brief characteristics all 9 personal numbers of the year:

Number of personal year 1.

1 - the beginning of a new nine-year numerological cycle. This is the time for new beginnings. Everything that is started this year will be successful, as it coincides with your natural rhythm. This is the year to be courageous, make plans and avoid indecision. It's time to express yourself, show initiative, courage and apply your abilities. Everything you do this year will affect your future, because this year you will sow seeds that will germinate in the future. Be independent and original. This year you can change your image, engage in self-improvement, focus on achieving your goal. If other people are closely connected with you, make sure that your actions do not harm, but help them. If your goals are correct, then all roads and doors will be open to you. Be especially sensible and get down to specific work over previous plans. Go for it, this is the time of achievement and if you miss it, you will have to wait another 9 years for the right moment.

(-) The downside of the year can be an increase in aggression, excessive perfectionism, isolation, looking down on others.

Number of personal year 2.

The time for leadership has passed and the time for team play has come. Much depends on your diplomacy this year. Now you need to listen to others more, perhaps even give in to them. You will need tactful cooperation to move forward. Perhaps the partnership that you sought so much last year will now be possible. The use of force this year can turn against you. Slow growth is characteristic, requiring calmness. You can become more sensitive, more emotional, more intuitive. Take a closer look at your surroundings, maybe this year you will meet your soul mate. This year, try to be more secretive, do not reveal your plans and dreams.

(-) Due to increased sensitivity, suspiciousness, resentment and constant doubts can become a minus.

The number of the personal year is 3.

The Year of the Three is a time of activity, self-improvement and self-expression. This year you should be very active and do everything necessary for your own development. In business as well as in friendship, inspiration and imagination can mean improved finances and better partnerships. It's time to show all your Creative skills or start developing them. It is during this year that completely new ideas can come to mind, talents can appear, inspiration can come. With the number 3, a sense of joy and optimism can enter your life. You can travel and have fun.

Since the three is associated with verbal creativity, it may be time for some to write a book, enter the stage or pulpit. It is necessary to adhere to the goals that you set two years ago (in the year of the unit), because right now you can see the first results.

Those who have their C grades in their date of birth should seriously think about the way they express their writing talent and start developing it, because. this year can help manifest it. Do everything with pleasure. This year will be lucky for you if you are receptive to its vibrations.

(-) Beware of excessive vanity, boasting, slander, scandals and gossip this year!

Number of personal year 4.

The time for fun is over and it's time to get to work. It's time to lay the foundation for your future and put down roots. Dedicate yourself entirely to the work and achievement of the goal. This is the year of business management. It's time to put everything in order, create a system and lay a solid foundation. The year is suitable for starting a business, buying a house and starting a family. Get a sense of reality, act thoughtfully and decisively. It may seem to you that the burden of this year is too heavy, do not grumble, what you are doing now will pay dividends in the future. The main awards will come later. This year you are endowed with the required strength and endurance, which will allow you to carry out your plans.

If you allow yourself to be careless, and do not pay due attention to the proper organization of affairs or try to avoid responsibility or work, you will later regret it. By the end of the year, you will feel significant satisfaction from what you have achieved.

(-) Four likes to create additional burdens and obstacles in our lives, therefore, this year there may be a feeling of overload from work or any problems and obligations. Be patient, do not slide into despondency and a sense of hopelessness. Everything passes…

The number of the personal year is 5.

5 - symbolizes change, progress and risk. This is the year of empowerment. Something unexpected may happen this year, you may expect a change of residence, work or a change in the direction of life. The year is very favorable for travel. It is also good for learning, you can delve into the study of metaphysics or explore some new subjects. Since 5 is associated with risk, it is better not to sign serious contracts and very important papers this year. A risky year for investments.

It is not recommended to marry this year. Romantic relationships started this year may not last long. The year is suitable for light flirting, nothing more. Since the word is once again gaining strength this year, the year is very favorable for all areas related to communication and the use of the word - in literary creativity, speeches, trade deals, in the advertising business. Use new approaches, adapt to changes and remember that whatever happens, everything is for the best.

If you carefully and unprejudicedly follow what is happening in the world, you will be able to renew all your affairs, deal with past circumstances and thereby achieve greater personal freedom and benefit for yourself.

(-) In the fifth year, your sexual (creative) energy can greatly increase, this is not a minus of course, but ... everything will depend on where you direct it ... Of course, you can spend it on sexual pleasures (perversions and excesses), or you can, thanks to the same energy, to make a scientific discovery.

So do not forget about responsibility this year, otherwise you will have to remember Schiller’s words “We sin for a moment, but we repent all our lives.”

Number of personal year 6.

The vibration of this year promotes harmony, peace and happiness. 6 - number hearth. Matters of the heart and family come to the fore. This year favors the creation of a family and the strengthening of ties between people. Lonely people get the opportunity to seriously and permanently get carried away. Create beauty and harmony in your home and workplace this year, spend more time with your loved ones. If you have elderly parents, then this year you may have to give them more care and attention. This year you can buy property, build a house, or at least make repairs. Pay attention to your health. Go in for sports, communicate with nature, visit theaters and exhibitions - fill your life with beauty and harmony, love and friendship.

A very favorable year in terms of new investments and the beginning of their own, independent activities.

(-) There may be a desire to start educating everyone around, punishing and teaching how to live. Refrain from criticism and from the desire to interfere in the lives of other people. Don't give advice unless you're asked to. Don't give in to your weaknesses either.

Number of personal year 7.

The vibration of the seven is a time for deep reflection, contemplation and spiritual quest. Loneliness and the desire to immerse yourself in yourself may begin to beckon. Analysis and criticism - that's what you will be strong at. Time this year will slow down its rhythm, everything will move slowly, both business and personal issues. You will not make decisions right away, and your long reflections can lead to constant delay. The year can be painfully long. Look at things philosophically, hold back when things go awry or break down. Religion and the realm of the spirit can become your area of ​​interest. Perhaps even you will study the occult sciences. 7 does not involve wide communication or love interests. You will be fine being alone. Try to avoid continuing relationships that are inherently problematic, such as having a relationship with a partner who is not free. In this case, it is better to be alone for a while, to fill your life with impressions, excursions or travels. 7 is a time to rethink your life. There is a lot to think about, so it is better to talk less and think clearly than to fight for your rights, argue or try to explain.

The seventh year does not bode well for entrepreneurship. 7 and money concepts are not compatible. 7 favors literary creativity and inventive activity. For some, fame or recognition may come this year. It is also good to travel this year. It is useful to listen to your inner voice, it can show you the path to spiritual perfection.

(-) Because of the feeling of loneliness, dissatisfaction with life or misunderstanding of others around you, a craving for alcohol may appear. You can become more secretive and aloof, impatient, grouchy, harsh, prone to loneliness.

Number of personal year 8.

The year is good for acquiring real estate, starting your own business, investing, and so on. Career growth is possible.

(-) The energy of the 8 is quite heavy and oppressive, so some may manifest such qualities as imperiousness and rigidity. The main thing here is not to overdo it and apply this energy appropriately and correctly so that it does not turn into rudeness and rudeness.

Number of personal year 9.

Now one of the cycles of your life that began nine years ago is ending, and next year you will have a new beginning. 9 is the time of completion, summing up, working on mistakes and planning for the future. Everything that is destined to end must end now. You need to use this time to conduct a complete revision of your life and throw out everything unnecessary and obsolete from it, making room for the new. This year is the most difficult of all. Various kinds of losses are possible. Life takes what we owe it. Forgive all your enemies and offenders, do not drag the emotional burden of the past into a new cycle. Finish all your business. Achieve the goal or abandon it. Take care of your health, you must enter the next personal cycle healthy. This year, you should avoid concluding contracts and signing important documents. The cases started this year do not promise success, this also applies to personal issues. With new projects, it is better to wait until next year, as well as with new relationships. Show tolerance and compassion, the reward will be the fulfillment of your plans, financial assistance, love, affection and warm appreciation from others. The main thing this year is to show strength of mind.

(-) Intolerance, arrogance, despondency, selfishness, insecurity, stinginess. Craving for alcohol and drugs.


And remember, in each year you are given only a certain energy and opportunities, and whether you use it or not depends only on you.

Each month also has its own rhythm, corresponding to its number, and by understanding the meaning of the number of your personal month, you can find out what problems and in which month you can solve the best way. To find out the personal number of each month, you need to add the number of the month of interest to the personal number of the year and convert to a single digit. If you need to find out the personal number of the day, then add it.

Natalya Golubeva, parapsychologist, numerologist " International Association esotericism and parapsychology.

Numerology divides a person's life into 9-year cycles.

Each year corresponds to a certain energy.

Each year sets certain tasks for a person.

For example, for a person with a date of birth December 28th, Personal year number for 2019 will be like this: 2 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7 .

The duration of the personal year coincides with the calendar year (January - December of the current year).

In the year when the NPP and the Number of the Personal Year coincide, the significance of the year is enhanced.

To find out how NLP is calculated, the number of personal years for other periods of your life, as well as many other numerological characteristics, come to our training or visit us!

Characteristic Number of personal year 1.

This is the beginning of a new cycle.

The year is very active action. Nothing to look back! We need to move quickly and actively. Define goals, strategy and tactics for the upcoming 9 year cycle. Formation of "charge". Good luck with all your endeavors!!!

For a vigorous start, you need to help yourself (vitamins, water, sports ...).

Characteristics of the number of the personal year 2.

Time to look for companions.

Correction of plans. It is worth letting go of the situation a little - let things move forward more spontaneously. You just need to tweak, correct, polish. Year of partnership. It is good to have a family.

The energies of femininity and softness are expressed.

Characteristics of the number of the personal year 3.

Time of receipt of bonuses for the previous two years (if they are deserved).

A year of active self-expression, openness, enthusiasm. Talent release. You need to fulfill your desires. Do not take on unnecessary obligations. Watch out for cost overruns, as the vibrations of the year are frivolous.

The most relaxed year of the 9 year cycle.

Characteristic Number of personal year 4.

Time to stabilize hard and precise work.

This year it is necessary to focus on goals, on self-realization. Reconsider the circle of communication, put things in order. This is a year of systematic, purposeful advancement. Year of strength. You can take loans. Good: laying the foundation, starting construction, repair; family creation.

Planned, purposeful promotion.

Characteristics of the number of the personal year 5.

Time to expand horizons and dynamics.

Time for change and growth. Everything that has been done needs to be moved forward. Having received a solid foundation, projects grow in height and breadth. Lots of new things: actions, people, opportunities. This is a rather frivolous number - a dispersion of forces is possible. Clear action planning is needed. It is important to understand what is paramount, to prioritize. There may be a change of job, place of residence, travel.

The vibration of love and sensitivity is the time of new relationships, but usually they are superficial.

Characteristics of the number of the personal year 6.

Year of harmony, family.

Slowdown, maturation of affairs - they are filled with meaning. Priorities are set. Time to share your knowledge. Family time, family achievements. It is important to establish harmonious relationships with family and loved ones. Creating a warm and comfortable environment around you. There may be a revision of relationships and even divorces.

Harmonization of life in all spheres, rapprochement with nature is very useful.

Serious year. Commitments.

Characteristics of the number of the personal year 7.

Time of spiritual search, solitude, internal maturation.

You need to focus on yourself to make a powerful leap next year. It is recommended to limit external activity. Attention to detail. Time of self-improvement, new knowledge. New information is easy to digest.

Time to rethink and reboot.

Characteristics of the number of the personal year 8.

Year of maximum achievements.

The invested efforts of this year determine the final result of the entire cycle. It is necessary to use all the accumulated experience in order to achieve maximum efficiency in the use of time. Business approach in everything! Attention to numbers - without frivolity! Clarity, attention to the material. Efficiency in everything! good time for a smart investment.

Full control over your life.

Characteristics of the number of the personal year 9.

Summing up time.

This year reflects the results of the entire 9-year cycle. It is necessary to consolidate everything that has developed over the previous 9 years. Finish everything that needs to be completed, make room for the new. Let go of everyone who wants to leave. This year is an indicator of how you lived this cycle. If correct, rewards happen.

Everything needs to be made clear.

From a numerological point of view, numbers are magic symbols that predict the future. They warn of problems, report fateful moments and avoid many mistakes. In this way, mathematical signs not only affect life path person, but set the right direction, taking into account personal predispositions. To find out your "recipe" for happiness and insure yourself against potential failures, it is enough to make a few simple calculations.

Everything in the world moves in a vicious circle: even numerologists operate with a nine-year cycle with a constant rhythm of alternation. This does not mean that the same events exactly repeat each other. Such a system indicates only the likely trends that appear in different areas life. So, what number will guide moods, actions and actions in 2019?

To find it, you need to use the so-called "natural addition", summing up each available digit:

2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12
1 + 2 = 3

The resulting triple will affect with its vibrations the entire period from January 1 to December 31, 2019.

General forecast

The number three patronizes decisive individuals who are not afraid of obstacles. This is a time for action: it allows you to realize your innermost dreams, not paying attention to the skepticism of others. Own interests can be brought to the first place, and the opinion of strangers can be left out so that someone else's authority does not interfere with how your loved ones should take care of themselves.

This tactic applies to personal life, and hobbies, and career growth. All the more meaningful progress requires complete trust in the voice of intuition: it is better to forget things that are in doubt right away - they will bring only problems and disappointments. It is worth paying attention to new interesting undertakings.

The year of the three, for example, is well suited for experimentation. Numerologists recommend taking on any bold projects that you like: enroll in driving courses, change jobs, move to another city or rush to an unfamiliar country. Ample opportunities for self-realization is an excellent start for life from scratch.

Personal number for 2019

If the general mathematical indicator indicates the existing trends that set the background for what is happening, then the personal code of fate specifies the facts. To determine it, you need to add the numbers of the date of birth and the calendar year. Months from January to September correspond to 1-9. October is under the influence of one, November is under the influence of two, and December is under the influence of three.

For example, for a person born on August 20, the calculation formula will look like this.

1. First you need to get a personal number using the day and month (20.08).

2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10
1 + 0 = 1

2. Then you should display the number of the year for which the forecast is made (2019).

2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12
1 + 2 = 3

3. At the end, it is required to combine both results (1 and 3) to find an individual fateful code.

Therefore, a person born on the twentieth of August will be under the influence of the four for twelve months. If the sum were two-digit, its components would have to be added up to get a simple number from one to nine.

Enter your date of birth:
(for automatic calculation) Calculate

Personal numerological horoscope

If you have already figured out the personal number of the year, it's time to find out how its vibrations will affect you. Each case has its own forecast, which reveals the key features of the nine-year cycle.

"1": start time

The unit promises global changes, allowing you to radically change priorities. At this stage, interest in life returns, exciting goals and incentives appear. But in order to bring plans to the end, special perseverance is required. Do not be afraid of unusual actions: the current period is just right for self-expression. Demonstrate hidden talents, develop abilities, show different sides character - others will appreciate such zeal.

The personal number portends career success with possible financial gain, although the first few months will require a lot of effort. You will have to decisively move away from the past, getting rid of unnecessary things, boring work and obsolete relationships. It is recommended to redirect energy in a promising direction. Interesting adventures, charity, travel, new acquaintances are encouraged, which will predetermine the scenario of the next 8 years.

"2": moment of waiting

For the owners of the fateful deuce, 2019 promises peace. First of all, it must come from within, and then the surrounding circumstances will recede under the indestructible power of spiritual harmony. Now it is better to turn to self-knowledge, the development of intuition, the study of the occult sciences, meditation. This will especially benefit quick-tempered natures who are not able to cope with the flow of emotions on their own. It is important to make concessions, maintaining neutral and comradely relations with others.

Don't separate yourself from outside world. In the first place - team cooperation, partnership, compromises. Give up leadership to someone else, because you will achieve much more if you hide in the shadows for a few months. Act on the sly, not forgetting to get a well-deserved reward. And remember: to keep everything under control, it is not necessary to flash before everyone's eyes.

"3": the period of communication and creativity

People with personal number three 2019 a year will pass very funny. You will find yourself in a colorful whirlpool of social life, which will turn your head with entertainment, concerts, receptions and parties. Frivolous natures will be rewarded with vivid impressions, and serious ones - with success in discussions and public speaking. And although this period is not very conducive to work, the vibrations of the three portend a surge in mental abilities.

With a high degree of probability, your achievements will be the merit of a suddenly awakened charisma. Persuasiveness and charm will only benefit you, so communicate with everyone personally, without fear of overstepping the bounds of a business relationship. Maintain a positive mindset by surrounding yourself with the same positive mindset. This will help to establish useful connections in order to gain authoritative support.

"4": the stage of labor and creation

In 2019, you have to work hard. It's all to blame - unforeseen costs, which are so inopportunely pointed out by the four. Try not to miss profitable projects, agree to long-distance business trips and new positions. Be prepared to take on other people's duties, but don't forget about rest. The main helpers in this situation: a clear daily routine, field trips, communication with the family.

As for the latter, now is a good time to strengthen the relationship. Fleeting hobbies will remain in the past. In his personal life, a partner spirit will begin to rule, which implies complete mutual understanding and harmony. Thus, romance will fade into the background, giving way to professional interests. It will be especially difficult for impatient people, because they need periodic relaxation. The rest will endure this stressful period and even get some benefit from it.

"5": it's time to expand horizons

A year of rapid change is coming in your life. They depend not only on personal desires, but also on extraneous factors. In general, the forecast is favorable, although the number of sudden surging events may seem quite frightening to some. The power of external influence can cross out even the most deliberate plans. In addition, long pauses are possible in solving critical issues, which will require a lot of patience and composure.

On the other hand, you will be lucky in creativity, travel and dating. The vibration of the five just implies the receipt of new impressions. At the same time, it is worth preparing for possible losses, although everything that you lose will return a hundredfold. The main thing is not to show innate stubbornness, because some changes can be fatal. It is better to direct your energy to a justified risk that does not tolerate unnecessary thought.

"6": a year for the family

Six promises harmony and has to strengthen marital ties. People who have not found a soul mate will have to meet their fate, and those who are not yet married will have to legitimize their relationship. AT existing unions there will be no omissions and secrets: you will quickly figure out your partner as soon as he tries to keep something back. If you evaluate all events in general, they will turn out to be a useful lesson that will teach you to calmly accept pleasant and unpleasant twists of fate.

Financial difficulties are not expected in 2019. On the contrary, it is possible to start profitable projects and reasonable monetary investments. It is better to invest in business and living space to ensure family prosperity. This will not create any particular difficulties, because you will magically have the strength for successful accomplishments. The secret of such success is in a positive outlook. But do not forget about those who are less fortunate: do charity work to throw out wild optimism somewhere.

"7": stage of introspection

For lovers, the seven portends separation due to forced departure. Although parting will not cause conflicts, feelings will begin to fade. There is a risk of complete isolation from friends and loved ones. Even business contacts can end if you continue to build an invisible wall of alienation around you. The only advice: succumb to the viscous flow of life, plunging into a new hobby. Find a business that requires painstaking work, and then you will have no time to splash out the negative on others.

"8": the phase of manifestation of leadership qualities

Eight, as a personal number in 2019, promises favorable changes. Hence - a feeling of complete independence, wisdom and indispensability. You should improve your social and financial situation. Do not miss the right moment for action: to achieve power and wealth has never been so easy. Only greed, which should be fought hard, can interfere.

As for new acquaintances, there will be influential personalities among them. But be careful: discrediting connections that can spoil successful career and bring discord into an impeccable family. Women can meet a wealthy suitor or, at worst, find the love of their life. In any case, this will be the beginning of a strong union.

"9": the time of the final results

For the owners of this number, 2019 has prepared many unexpected twists and turns. In all areas of activity, inevitable changes are coming that will get rid of superficial feelings, extra people and unnecessary things. You will be able to make the right decisions for yourself and those around you. Sudden breakups without previous conflicts are possible. On the other hand, the return of long-lost love or friendships is not excluded, because inappropriate expectations, claims and resentments will also remain in the past.

It is desirable to have time to return all debts, to cope with open projects, to bring to its logical conclusion the unfinished stage of complex work. A lot of problems will have to be solved, but the end will be happy: the beginning of a new nine-year numerological cycle with pleasant worldly surprises and amazing accomplishments looms ahead.

The most powerful influence on your life experience is the Personal Yearly Cycle. In numerology, each year of life is part of an evolving pattern that can be described as a 9-year cycle, or epicycle. These cycles begin at birth and continue one after the other through the nine stages that make up the epicycle, and then begin again.

Each year of the epicycle has its own sound and differs from one another in the possibilities contained in it and the necessary lessons that a person should learn while passing this period. Personal years can be compared to the bricks of a building that is built throughout your life. During these 9 year cycles, you develop and grow. Each epicycle contains the beginning and end of a certain stage of development, has its own rhythm. Keep in mind that the annual cycle starts from the birthday, and not from the calendar year!

So, the epicycle can be represented as 9 steps:

1st year - new beginnings, laying the harvest, leadership.

2nd year - establishing relationships, cooperation, slow growth.

3rd year - self-expression, creation and first results.

4th year - hard work, order, consolidation of the result.

5th year - gaining freedom and the possibility of change, unpredictability.

6th year - responsibility, streamlining family and official affairs.

7th year - deepening into oneself and spiritual reconciliation, education, experience.

8th year - the consequences of the previous choice, reward or retribution, wisdom.

9th year - completion, liberation and transformation.

The influence of the Personal Yearly Cycle is felt very strongly. The action of these cycles is due to your internal resources. You move from one stage to the next as you move from one class of school to another, studying the lessons provided and completing the tasks of each cycle.

To get the value of your personal year, you need to add the required year to the day and month of your birth. For example, a person was born on January 19, and he is interested in 2015: 1+9+1+2+0+1+5=19, 1+9=10=1. This means that the year 2015 for him passes under the vibration of the One.

Number of personal annual cycle 1

Time of sowing seeds. Remember, they do not sprout overnight, but must first take root and sprout. Be prepared for global change. There is not only stimulus and goals, but also opportunities for action. This is the time for planning. Use all your talents, share with practices, get the support you need, but rely only on yourself.Show off your leadership skills. Take the reins in your company, club, family. Take the first steps alone. Be decisive!

This is the beginning of a 9 year cycle. Everything you do now will affect your future life. This year is like the year you were born. The people who enter your life this year will help you succeed. But you do not need intermediaries - take the initiative and act independently. This is the year of opportunity. Dedicate yourself to your dream: change plans, change your personal life, start a new course of study. Even if you experience emotional shock at the beginning, you need to make the wheel spin, and no one will do this work instead of you. Do not lose optimism!

Measure your interests with the interests of other people, do not bring them into a state of conflict, otherwise you can not only lose friends, but also make enemies. Stick to your course, do not try to jump too far ahead of time - and you will always succeed.

You are at a crossroads! Be open and organized. Avoid wasting time. You will need courage and a clear head in order to stay on the right track. In the year of the One, you must definitely start something. If you miss it, then nothing significant will happen in your life in the future.

Number of personal annual cycle 2

Seeds sown last year are in the soil and ready to germinate. You can relax and expect some results from your efforts - now you are rewarded for your efforts. Partnership awaits you: other people can now greatly influence your prospects. Act together, participate in joint work, be calm and receptive. You are now a team player.

Don't force things. Everything takes time, including development. What is right and what should be yours will come to you. Collect useful information, improve, read more. Intellectual growth will make you stronger. Pay attention to details, look for hidden meaning. Protect your plans carefully. Confrontation with others is not excluded, requiring softness and delicacy. Remember that the use of force will turn against you, and compromises will benefit.

Many will have to wonder where the pressure and energy that overwhelmed them last year have gone. What is needed now is something else: a delicate sense of balance and a desire to get around obstacles without losing sight of the goal. Emotional instability is possible. The year is characterized by struggle, but growth will be slow and gradual. Be more selective in your communications: do not disclose all intentions, protect your idea.

Your charm and magnetism helps now to make new acquaintances. Be wiser in choosing friends, beware of people with a dubious reputation. There is an opportunity to establish close, even for life, relationships. You are sensitive and open - many this year find their love or soulmate. Be tolerant when dealing with older people.

Everything is surmountable if you set yourself up to win. You will always be met if you seek assistance. This year you are putting energy into your project. If you started something, then the Two will draw energy from the beginning, if you didn’t start anything, the energy will flow away from the person’s health!

Number of personal annual cycle 3

What was sown two years ago is beginning to come true - the birth is obvious. A year of creative ideas and the first results from the invested energy. Required creativity, self-realization, the use of information and the acquisition of knowledge. This is progress and activity in all areas: in business, work, financial matters and social activities, in personal life. Old problems are solved by themselves, we get new opportunities.

The influence of the year is social and creative. Express yourself, be active. You communicate easily and easily defend your ideas. The triple is associated with speech - weigh every word spoken, let the gift of speech make only a favorable impression.

It's time to realize your talents and clearly prioritize. Share knowledge, develop in a creative direction, create. Surround yourself with positive people. This year you can give yourself more pleasure and celebrate more often.

Three is the number of sensuality. The atmosphere around you is filled with love. Personal charm will be more noticeable, it's time for those who decide to tie the knot - there is a real chance to find a soulmate. If you are married, refresh your feelings, bring more joy to each other, and partnerships switch to quality new level. You have the opportunity to expand your circle of friends, enter a new environment, make new useful connections.

You are full of energy - try not to spray it. In the year of the Troika, you have a rare opportunity to promote new creative ideas- it will require discipline and introspection. If your optimism is not backed up by real work, disappointments are possible. Take every experience as a blessing. You will get a chance for development if you use all the favorable situations.

Number of personal annual cycle 4

The seeds are sown and sprout - now it's time to start weeding. You are laying the foundation for a future life - it's time to work tirelessly. Review your goals, get acquainted with new ideas. Take care of the details, get a real look at things. This year, some decline in business is possible, there may be disappointments. Be flexible and patient. If you want to achieve a goal, dedicate yourself entirely to it, combining perseverance with hard work.

Financially, the burden of this year may seem heavy to you, but everything you do now will pay dividends in the future. This is a stable year, working for the maximum result. Now it is categorically impossible to change anything, otherwise a lot of strength will be lost, and you will not be able to subsequently move things off the ground. The task of the Year of the Four is to strengthen stability. Focus on problems, including family relationships. It's time to improve your life and do home improvement. You can use this period to prepare for a new stage of work next year. You can now count on the support of friends. Now you enrich yourself with the experience and knowledge that you can apply in the near future.

As for personal relationships, in the year of the Four you should not expect novels or expect to plunge into a whirlpool of pleasures. On the contrary, analyze what does not suit you in the existing relationship, and try to resolve them. Family and marriage take on additional importance and will require you to make a greater contribution than in past years. To strengthen your union, define common goals with your partner and move towards them together.

Don't be too picky about your surroundings - take people for who they are. Be sure to take care of your health, because you are building the foundation of the future. Consolidate on the achieved level and set new goals - feel the full measure of responsibility. The task of the year is both the consistent implementation of intentions and long-cherished plans, and the consolidation of the intermediate result.

Number of personal annual cycle 5

The crop that you have cared for for the previous four years is ripening. A lot of hard work has been done. The year of new opportunities is coming, it brings a lot of personal freedom and a lot of anxiety - there is no feeling of solid ground under your feet. The maximum energy of freedom is turned on, the person is dispersed in space. This energy must be used. Create change, break routines, let go of old ideas, go beyond your "comfort zone" - change. Show what you are capable of and make the most of the chances offered by the year. Listen to your intuition.

However, any successful business at the beginning of the year may slow down later - there is no stability. The financial situation will change: reliable investments may depreciate, and “dead” capital will suddenly begin to grow. Keep your cool - little depends on you. All goes to good. The year favors travel and movement: traveling on vacation, moving to a new place of residence, changing jobs, business trips.

Success accompanies areas related to communication and public speaking, this is a great year to learn a new language. Look for favorable opportunities, be responsible and do not spray on trifles. Be active but not restless. Communicate with as much as possible a large number people, enrich your life experience.

Radiating a special magnetism, many now meet new love, but the dominant vibration of change will not allow building sustainable relationships this year. Strong unions are not afraid of a flurry of emotions, on the contrary, you can renew relationships, give them new colors and refresh mature feelings.

The year will be unsuccessful if you use generally accepted approaches. Promising fundamental things continue to work, and everything old and obsolete must be said goodbye. If this year you lay the foundation stone for future accomplishments, then in year 9 you will not experience such catastrophic destruction - the renewed energies of year 5 will turn on. Feel free to break with the past and easily adapt to the new.

Number of personal annual cycle 6

Sprouted seeds now require careful care and your care. The main task of the year is responsibility. Look to the needs of family and friends first, and make some sacrifices. Accept your responsibilities with readiness and desire. This year is the best for strengthening relationships, getting married and the best for moving to new house. Invest more warmth in your relationship with your partner. This is the perfect year to have a baby in your family. The most successful projects will be prompted to you by the "inner circle".

Take care of the comfort of your home, give shine to your workplace. Let the imprint of your "I" be everywhere - this will instill confidence in you and increase your capabilities. Try to bring the skills of communication with others to a filigree state. This year, all those in need will seek comfort in you, but everything that you do now for others will benefit you too. You, more than ever, the atmosphere of balance and harmony is important now. Make your passion a part of your life. Stay at home more often in the evenings. Set new rules for yourself and stick to them. Keep your sanity, avoid jealousy, obsessive guardianship, excessive care - be harmonious in your actions.

This year will provide you with prosperity in the sense of "enough". Your personal growth will need to be underpinned by increased responsibility. But since the vibration of the Six suggests patronage and a spirit of goodwill, you will not be left without reliable support, and your needs will be satisfied as if by themselves. Unpleasant aspects of the year can be cheating or cheating in any area of ​​your life. The state of health will depend on your lifestyle: inattention to any symptom can lead to chronic form diseases in the future. This is the year of partnership of any kind, manifestation of business qualities and social orientation. Your life is full of obligations, you feel like the master of your life - only this can bring you a feeling of true happiness.

Number of personal annual cycle 7

The fruit is just beginning to appear on the stem, and we must be filled with faith that it will ripen. This is a spiritual year. Take time to reflect, study, and introspect. There will be a desire for solitude, soul-searching, internal searches. Seven helps to think about the reasons for past mistakes, which makes it possible to successfully overcome their consequences. Read, analyze, meditate - this sharpens your intuition and makes you a more insightful person. Travel, improve the quality of your life. The year is favorable for creativity and invention. You can create something amazing and beneficial if you only set yourself such a goal. You can hope for unexpected income - all your basic needs will be met. Pay attention to health - it will require increased care.

It happens that this year we lose loved one that makes us suffer deeply. Often, some important business forces us to leave the house. Avoid unnecessary risk, be careful about signing documents and use strict financial control tactics. The maximum program of the year is observation and analysis. Protect your interests from the outside world, spend enough time alone. Think over your life: what would you like to change in yourself? .. Now you are able to discover something that you usually did not notice. This year is for internal growth. Let everything happen by itself.

If possible, free yours now business life. Be extremely careful with documents. Do not associate your activities with money, otherwise the energy will flow incorrectly. This is a spiritual year, follow its influence - let your soul grow. Meditate, introspect, travel - learn more about yourself. In order not to fall under the shadow influence of the Seven, get educated, become an innovator in something, achieve the maximum result in your business - be in constant intellectual movement.

Number of personal annual cycle 8

Karmic year. The garden that you have cultivated has matured and given fruit. It's harvest time. If you have worked hard, expect a reward. By acting effectively and skillfully delegating responsibilities, you will improve your financial situation. A little more effort and you will be successful. Be confident in yourself, follow your desires. Be an administrator and organizer. Don't overestimate the importance of your ideas, especially when it comes to investing, buying and selling property.

Things may be happening now more slowly than you would like. Throughout the year, you need to soberly evaluate your activities and calmly move towards the goal. Do not show excessive material interest - an indispensable condition of the year is the balance of the material aspects of life with the spiritual. Do not give in to emotions, be practical in your undertakings. Strengthen your authority and gained positions, implement management skills, but be moderate. Do not be too zealous, so as not to undermine health. Even in love, avoid being dominant.

This year you will not be spared from mental anxiety, you can feel a rather tangible opposition from ill-wishers, so always assess the situation soberly and be reasonable. Many will have to settle a lot of little things, to settle relations in the family or with business partners. Understanding and forgiveness is an important aspect of the vibration of the Eight, which brings wisdom, openness, responsibility and goodwill.

Do not refuse advantageous offers now, if there are a lot of them, take on everything - you can handle it. This time is favorable for business trips. But you can't start new things. In the year of the Eight, it is important to live in the legal field, otherwise quarrels, conflicts are possible, litigation. In order to avoid difficulties in life, it is important to prioritize. In general, this year is for achievements, therefore, if the role of a leader and his obligations are up to you, feel free to go!

Number of personal annual cycle 9

The 9-year cycle is ending - the time of completion and implementation, the period of understanding and reflection. This is the year of debriefing. The garden that you have cultivated for the past 8 years has borne fruit and completed a certain development cycle. Everything that is destined to end will end now. This can mean partings and losses, breaks and divorces, betrayals and losses. Tie up the broken ends of epochal events that you wish to continue in the future. But don't hold on to the old. This is a period of forgiveness, release and support.

Analyze again and throw away everything that is useless for you in the future, otherwise it will interfere with you for the next 9 years. Let go of what is over - get rid of the ballast, making room for the new. It is necessary to clean the house, pay off old debts, get rid of unnecessary things, put an end to all unjustified relationships of a personal and business nature, get rid of ailments or excess weight. Engage in recovery - next year you should enter in good shape.

Now you can be a source of stress at work and at home, and you must deal with it. Difficulties arise that you yourself have created, and now they need to be overcome. Do not start anything new - your determination to break with the past will be severely tested more than once. The year will not go smoothly, but at the end of it you will feel liberated.

Don't look for new love connections, they won't last - this is the stage where you feel connected to all of humanity and your love should be shared with everyone. Be patient and generous. Find a way to help those in need, give in, donate. Enjoy nature, art, travel, expand your horizons.

You will need discernment to decide where to focus your efforts or who is worthy of your attention. Do not ask for mercy and do not spare anyone yourself. If you intend to give up something, do not allow outside interference and insist on your own opinion. This year ends the epicycle. Feeling the approach of a new promising era, optimism by the end of the year will be decisive in your attitude. Waiting for you new stage, and it depends only on you whether he will be happy and successful.

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