Sergey Bondarchuk and Skobtseva. Sergei Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva: Dramaturgy of relationships in family life

Family and relationships 25.07.2019
Family and relationships

This actress surprisingly combines beauty, femininity, intelligence and high intelligence. Irina Skobtseva was often called the first beauty in Soviet cinema, able to win the hearts of numerous fans.

In the biography of actress Irina Skobtseva, there are over seventy characters played. She played the main characters and secondary characters, they were different in character and worldview. They belonged to different eras and strata of the population, but in all these images a piece of her great soul remained.

Childhood and war

Irina Skobtseva was born on August 22, 1927 in Tula. creative people was not in the family. Dad's name was Konstantin Alekseevich and he served as a researcher in the Main Directorate of the Meteorological Service. Mom Yulia Nikolaevna was an archivist and spent many years working in the archive. Before the birth of her daughter, the family was wealthy, but then the situation changed. There was no one to leave the girl at home with, so her parents had to take turns with her, which had a noticeable effect on her salary. Ira spent a lot of time with her grandmother and aunt, while her parents worked hard and tried to earn a decent living.

It was thanks to her grandmother and aunt that Irishka learned to read very early. The girl grew up gifted and talented, she was keenly interested in theater, music, and painting. She learned to play the piano, went to a drawing and singing club, and constantly asked her grandmother to take her to the theater.

Irina was only 13 when the war began, and the girl had a chance to learn what death, hunger and deprivation are. She mastered the school curriculum on her own. It seemed blasphemy to her to go to study as an actress and go on stage against the backdrop of general grief. Therefore, after receiving a school certificate, Irina becomes a student at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, majoring in art history. The dream of the stage is still hidden deep in the soul.

Path to creativity

In her student years, Skobtseva not only gnaws at the granite of science, but also attends the institute's theater group. At first it was just a hobby, and then this new world so captivated the girl that she began to play in all his productions. Irina did not miss a single amateur competition, shining on stage with her talents.

After receiving a diploma from Moscow State University, Skobtseva understands that her real vocation is the stage and makes every effort to become a student at the Nemirovich-Danchenko School-Studio at the Moscow Art Theater.

In 1955, Irina successfully completed her studies at the studio and got a job at the Film Actor's Theater Studio.

In 1971, the already famous actress Irina Skobtseva was invited to work at VGIK to teach acting skills to students. In 1977, she took the position of assistant professor of the department.


Irina Skobtseva first appeared in the cinema as a student. FROM light hand directed by S. Yutkevich, Skobtseva was entrusted to play Desdemona in the film "Othello". There were several hundred applicants for this role, but the choice of the director fell on the young Irina. After this role, not only all-Union, but also worldwide fame fell upon the girl. The film was sent to the Cannes Film Festival, where Irina was awarded the title of "Miss Charm of the Cannes Film Festival".

This stunning success also gave its results - all directors began to actively shoot Skobtsev. In total, she played in almost seventy films. She has many main roles - in the films "Ivan Franko", "Seryozha", " Ordinary person”, “Zigzag of luck”, “Man in civilian clothes” and others. The actress did not refuse to reincarnate in the heroines of the second plan - in the films "War and Peace", "I Walk Through Moscow", "Thirty-Three", "They Fought for the Motherland", "The Gadfly" and many others.

The new millennium brought new roles, despite the fact that the actress was already at an advanced age. Skobtseva starred in films and TV shows, the most interesting of which were "Inhabited Island", "White Guard", "Gold", "Amber Wings", "Family Dinner".

Of the last pictures of the middle-aged actress, I would like to note "The Secret of the Dark Room", filmed in the genre of adventure mysticism for children. Irina Skobtseva played one of the main characters in it.

Personal life

Irina's acquaintance with her future husband took place during her studies at Moscow State University. His name was Alexei Adzhubeev, he studied at the Faculty of Journalism, and had a diploma from a theater university. They married in 1945 and lived happily for four years. But suddenly in 1949, the husband decided to divorce. The reason was his affair with a girl named Rada Khrushcheva, the daughter of Nikita Khrushchev.

Photo: Irina Skobtseva and Sergey Bondarchuk

Changes in Irina's personal life came in 1955, when she was introduced to an actor on the set of Othello. He was her shooting partner and they immediately broke out in an affair. But at that time Bondarchuk had a wife - actress I. Makarova, and Sergey could not offer his hand and heart to Skobtseva. Four years passed, Bondarchuk divorced and they were able to get married. Their marriage lasted 35 years until the death of her husband, the famous actor and director Sergei Bondarchuk.

They did not pay attention to all the rumors and gossip that were so intensely procrastinated in the press, they were fine together and they were just happy. In 1962 they had a daughter, Elena, in 1967, a son, Fedor. The son continued the work of famous parents, he is also an actor and a successful director. In one of the interviews, Skobtseva spoke about the oddities that happened during her husband's lifetime. The house often heard calls from producers and directors who called Bondarchuk to the phone, so not knowing who to call, Irina always specified which of the Bondarchuks they needed - the eldest or the youngest.

The family experienced the death of a beloved husband and father with great difficulty. But, as they say, trouble does not go by itself. In 2009, daughter Elena died due to oncology. Skobtseva answers journalists' questions about this misfortune, but does not do it very willingly. It can be understood - there is nothing worse for a mother than to outlive her own child.

Irina Skobtseva is the happy grandmother of three grandchildren - Varvara and Sergey Bondarchuk, and three great-granddaughters - Yulia, Margarita and Vera.

Irina Skobtseva is passionate about collecting memoirs about cinema, theaters and artists.

actress today

In 2016, Irina Skobtseva was injured - she fell at home and broke her arm and hip. In order to recover, she had to undergo 2 operations, which the doctors performed simply brilliantly.

At the beginning of 2017, Skobtseva became the initiator of holding a nominal creative evening in her native theater. Among the guests of the evening were also actress Paulina Andreeva. A pleasant surprise for Irina was the presence at the event of her grandson - Konstantin Kryukov, and famous actors, I. Zolotovitsky. All of them spoke from the stage and said a lot of kind words about Irina.

In the same 2017, Skobtseva and her son Fedor became the founders of the memorial office of the person closest to them, Sergei Bondarchuk. It is located in the Glavkino complex. All the things presented in the office belonged to the once famous director - from the table and armchair to the camera used to shoot his masterpiece - "War and Peace". In addition, at the exposition you can get acquainted with the biography of the director, captured in photo and video filming.

In August 2017, actress Irina Skobtseva celebrated her honorary anniversary - her ninetieth birthday.

Selected filmography

  • 1955 - Othello
  • 1959 - White Nights
  • 1970 - Waterloo
  • 1974 - Choice of target
  • 1980 - Gadfly
  • 1986 - Face to face
  • 2005 - Black Prince
  • 2007 - Artist
  • 2012 - Dragon Syndrome

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Sergei Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva

It was almost a mystical story. In the summer, a student of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio Irina Skobtseva rested in the House of Artists. The painter Vasily Efanov, inspired by the beauty of the girl, painted her portrait. Soon, Efanov had an exhibition at the Academy of Arts, and among his other paintings, he exhibited a portrait of Irina Skobtseva. She entered the hall and saw that Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk, People's Artist of the USSR, was standing in front of her portrait.

He began to play at the Yeisk Drama Theater. Then he married for the first time, he had a son. In the forty-first, Bondarchuk volunteered for the front. After the Victory, he graduated from the acting department of VGIK in the workshop of Gerasimov. The very first work of Bondarchuk in the cinema - the role of Valko in the film "Young Guard" - brought him all-Union fame. Inna Makarova, who became his second wife, starred in this picture. In 1950, a daughter, the future actress and director Natalya Bondarchuk, was born.

In 1955, director Sergei Yutkevich, without a screen test, decided to entrust Bondarchuk with the role of the Venetian Moor in a new adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. Irina Skobtseva was approved for the role of Desdemona. After meeting in the art gallery, they saw each other briefly at the Gorky film studio. On Othello, the actors worked together for the first time. “And in the frame, he took my hand, and so - hand in hand - we lived together for forty years, until his last earthly breath,” recalled Skobtseva. And Sergey Fedorovich joked: “First he strangled, and then he got married.”

They quickly realized that they could not exist without each other. But before they united in the family, they had to go through numerous obstacles and suggestions even at the government level. Bondarchuk and Skobtseva were called to the Central Committee of the CPSU, they were not allowed to go to foreign premieres together. And the success of "Othello" was huge, the actors were invited with a picture around the world.

It was hard for him to go to his new wife: he worried, rushed about. The former family had a little daughter, Natasha. Inna Makarova finally decided everything: if you leave, leave!

“Once, it was 1958, we were supposed to fly to England, and the night before they told me that I was not going,” says Skobtseva. - And Sergei Fedorovich came to me directly from the airfield, said that he would not go anywhere else without me. But, before we signed, he set me two unshakable conditions: never part and from time to time give him the opportunity to be silent, at least for three days ... "

Bondarchuk moved to his wife's two-room apartment, where there were grandmother, mother and father. They received him very warmly. The head of the family was a researcher at the Main Department of the Meteorological Service, and Yulia Nikolaevna, Irina's mother, worked in the archives all her life. The newlyweds were given one room.

After meeting with Bondarchuk, Irina Skobtseva's whole life was subordinated to the family and joint work, she had no other interests.

She refused a lot, including a career as an actress. After all, she really had a brilliant start - notable roles in the films “Othello”, “Unique Spring”, “Duel”, “Ordinary Man” ... But she could not do otherwise, and did not want to.

They were waiting for a cooperative apartment to be built for them, but it so happened that they were given an apartment on Tverskaya. Bondarchuk paid his cooperative contribution kindergarten. The two-room apartment was handed over to the state and everyone moved together to live in a new apartment.

Happiness grew in children. Circumstances were such that children were born without a father. When Alyonka was born, Sergei Fedorovich was at the youth festival in Helsinki, where the director was an honored guest. A telegram with a message about the birth of his daughter was brought to him by a girl. He asked: "What is your name?" - "Alyonushka". - "Here I will have Alyonushka."

Fedya was also born at a time when Bondarchuk was away from home. At first they called him Tarasik, then Prince Andrei: the nannies, when they brought him, said: "Here is Prince Andrei." But literally three months after his birth, Bondarchuk's father, Fyodor Petrovich, died, and his son was named after his grandfather.

Before filming “War and Peace”, Sergei Fedorovich told his wife: “I will shoot a picture, and everything else is your concern ...”

Work on a grandiose epic took ten years. Irina Skobtseva played Helen, although she really did not want to play this role: “Firstly, she was unpleasant to me, and secondly, you know, as they always begin to say later: “Of course, he takes it off. She's the director's wife." But Sergei Fedorovich persuaded me: “Please, play. I really need you in this movie."

Bondarchuk's house turned into a branch of the film set. Maybe, on a personal level, they missed a lot then: no “social” evenings, four years of filming, constant expeditions, and there was disorder, sometimes they had to eat on the bandwagon of a truck, but they were happy. By the way, with Irina Konstantinovna, Bondarchuk did the most rigorous tests. She never allowed herself to lead like the director's wife, she was always tactful and organized.

Sergei Fedorovich was by nature a very passionate person. Let's say he got carried away working on the film and didn't think about anything else at all. He could forget about his wife's birthday, but she was never offended, realizing that Sergei Fedorovich's head was constantly busy with other things ... Once Bondarchuk brought her a huge half-liter bottle of perfume. These perfumes then stayed with Irina Konstantinovna for ten to fifteen years.

Everything that was connected with creativity, with fantasy - Sergei Fedorovich was a master at this ... When there was no gift, he carved a bust of Tolstoy from a piece of birch in a couple of days. Bondarchuk had a barn in his dacha, in which he made all sorts of interesting things from wood. From foreign trips, the director brought carpentry tools.

As a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Sergei Fedorovich received a huge number of letters and considered it his duty to answer each one. Walkers went to him from all over the Union - mainly to the studio. They tried not to let them go home - Irina Konstantinovna and her mother stood guard. However, the petitioners still penetrated. They all had to be fed and watered. Skobtseva once threw in her hearts that the Lenin Prize for "The Fate of a Man" went entirely to celebrate its receipt.

Yes, the Bondarchuks always had a hospitable home. Friends, colleagues, just acquaintances who wanted to make a career with the help of Sergei Fedorovich, and many strange personalities - inventors, healers - spent the day and night with them. In addition, some people with notebooks followed Bondarchuk all the time and wrote down his every word. Children among themselves called them "life writers".

Sergei Fedorovich always treated his children as adults. And if he read poetry to them, then even for the kids he did it as if from the stage ... Alyonka was three years old, she already knew a lot of poems by heart and even told fairy tales, repeating her father exactly in intonation and mannerisms. Once Bondarchuk read Pushkin's "Prophet" to her. She spread her arms to the sides: “Well, dad, this is not for children!”

Alena graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. She played in the Pushkin Theater, in the Moscow City Council. With the play "Dear Elena Sergeevna" went on tour to America. Then she became one of the leading actresses of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater. Fedya graduated from the directing department of VGIK, shoots videos. Their life choices are easy to explain. After all, they were constantly nearby and boiled in the same cinematic cauldron as their parents.

Life has tested their marriage for strength more than once or twice. After the fifth congress of the Union of Cinematographers, at which Bondarchuk was not only taken out of the secretariat of the board, but also tried as much as possible, as far as envious and ill-wishers are capable, to throw mud at him, he for a long time remained out of work. During this difficult time, his family supported him.

“We have had low tides, there have been high tides, there was also the ninth wave - this is life,” Bondarchuk said in 1992, giving an interview to the Semya newspaper. - And to live like in paradise and listen to the singing of angels - it's boring and even dreary. Life is full of worries and worries, ups and downs. My wife is my friend, my closest assistant, a person who shares all my sorrows, failures, successes, defeats, victories ... We have been teaching together at VGIK for 18 years, she is an associate professor, I am a professor. And I hope that we will always help each other both in creativity and in life.”

Sergei Fedorovich had long been hatching plans for a new production of The Quiet Flows the Don. But he did not find support and funds for this project in Russia. But the Italians offered their services.

In January 1990, in Rome, he signed an agreement with a producer to produce a ten-episode television and five-hour film version of Mikhail Sholokhov's novel The Quiet Flows the Don. Filming went surprisingly quickly, in just eleven months. More than 1000 actors starred in the film. Irina Skobtseva played Ilyinichna, Alena Bondarchuk - Natalia.

The Italian producer went bankrupt and disappeared with the film. Bondarchuk never saw the final result. Last months his life was mixed up on blood (three bleeding ulcers opened), coffee and cigarettes. Work, which was for him the only incentive and meaning of life, did not move from a dead center. Only in painting did he find a small outlet for himself. He painted everything that caught his eye: his prizes, smoking pipes, books, flowers ... The doctors did not immediately diagnose him. It turned out that the lung was affected and there was nothing that could be done.

He left quietly. Before his death, he took communion and confessed two hours before his death. Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk died on October 20, 1994 in Moscow.

“For a long time after the death of my father, my mother could not recover,” says Fyodor Bondarchuk. - She sought to install a memorial plaque on the house, dealt with the archive left after dad ... Once I advised her: “Listen, mom, write down everything you remember ... Do not make a philosophical work or directing textbook out of memories. Remember what was interesting for you, and write it down.

Alena literally pulled her mother to life. Helped to renovate the cottage. Irina Konstantinovna began acting in films. “I had everything: happiness, love, family…” she says. - Now it's dark. My daughter Alena often says to me: “Mom, you have no friends.” And my life then and now belongs to Bondarchuk, serving him.

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Irina Skobtseva's first memory of Sergei Bondarchuk: they are riding in a crowded trolleybus, he hangs over her, holding on to the handrail, and she dreams of getting out of this crush as soon as possible and running away home. A few months later, Skobtseva got the role of Desdemona, and in the make-up Othello she recognized the same fellow traveler from the trolleybus.

wedding ceremony

In 1955, Bondarchuk was already 35: he is married with a second marriage to actress Inna Makarova, has the title People's Artist USSR (awarded to him in a record young age- 31 years old - after the role in the film "Taras Shevchenko"). He is not a director yet, but he is already a prominent figure in Soviet cinema. Irina, on the other hand, is an aspiring actress who recently graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, but has already managed to get a divorce. Her first husband, journalist Alexei Adzhubeev, left her for Rada Khrushcheva, the daughter of the future Secretary General.

Having already filmed all the material, the director of "Othello" Sergei Yutkevich suddenly decided to shoot the wedding scene of the main characters. We left for Riga, settled in a real church. What happened next could not be explained by anyone present.

“Either the priests didn’t warn that it would be a shooting, or ours set it up, but he began to marry us and married us in accordance with all the rules. And when we jumped out, Bondarchuk told me: “Well, Skobtseva, now you won’t get away from me!” Irina Konstantinovna recalled.

Just to leave the family for the woman he loved, Bondarchuk could not. He was shamed at party meetings, summoned to the leadership, pressured, threatened. The whole country knew their couple with Inna Makarova, their daughter Natasha was growing up in the family - divorce was an unaffordable luxury for Bondarchuk.

But he got his way. The ex-wife and daughter got an apartment, and he came to live with Irina and her parents with one suitcase.

The director's family

It was Skobtseva who saw in Bondarchuk a brilliant director. Their whole life was adjusted to his creative schedule: if Sergei wrote a script, silence reigned in the house. Any cleaning, even a general one, Irina carried out in such a way that scraps of paper with sketches of ideas and dialogues remained where Bondarchuk left them. Her career faded into the background: if her husband worked in Moscow, Skobtseva refused to tour - but in the end she only won. Sincerely loving his wife, Bondarchuk saw in Irina not just a beautiful, but a characteristic actress, and presented the roles for which Skobtsev was remembered by the audience.

Ellen Bezukhova in "War and Peace", Maria in "Waterloo", a military doctor in "They Fought for the Motherland" - Skobtseva played each of these roles to the limit, because she understood that any of her flaws - and Bondarchuk would be accused of being shoots not a talented actress, but his wife.

They jokingly called their children, Alena and Fedor, “the children of War and Peace.” The daughter was born during preparations for the filming of the first series, Fedor was born in the midst of work on the sixth. In the future, the family gathered on the set with a full complement: in the film "Boris Godunov" the director himself played Godunov, Irina Skobtseva - the hostess of the tavern, Fedor got the role of the prince, and Alena - the princess Xenia. “My father was strict with me. He was and remains for me a fantastic, unshakable authority. It was a terrible responsibility. When I came back from filming, they literally squeezed the sweat out of me. The role was very difficult for me, ”Fyodor recalled when he himself became a director.

Care and memory

The latest project of Sergei Bondarchuk was a large-scale a new version"Quiet Flows the Don" - a joint work of the USSR, Italy and Great Britain. In the process of filming, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, but he only brushed aside any recommendations from doctors - there was no time, he had to shoot! Irina could not influence her husband. At the very beginning of their relationship, he set two conditions for her: not to interfere and not to leave. And she carried them out to the very end.

Bondarchuk died in 1994 without completing his last movie. Many years later, the father's work was completed by his son, and Irina Skobtseva still considers her life completely subordinate to her husband's work.

She carefully keeps his notes, participates in memorial evenings, and in 2017 she opened the memorial office of Sergei Bondarchuk in Glavkino. The main actress of the great director remains faithful to him even after death.

The master of Soviet cinematography Sergei Bondarchuk lived rich life. Talented actor, film director, screenwriter and teacher, he has received many government awards and prizes. Each wife of Sergei Bondarchuk, and their official biography there were three, played a role in his fate. It is about them that will be discussed in our story.

Sergei Bondarchuk's wife photo

The first wife of young Bondarchuk

Evgenia Belousova - the daughter of the prosecutor, became the first wife of Sergei Bondarchuk. They met within the walls of the theater school in Rostov-on-Don. There, Zhenya studied vocals, and Sergei Bondarchuk studied acting. Young people at that time were not even 20 years old. Youthful love arose quickly.

Together they were not for long, separated by the war. And after her graduation, the family was never created. Sergei Bondarchuk left for Moscow to enter VGIK without registering his relationship with his common-law wife. Evgenia was pregnant at that time.

In 1948, the film "Young Guard" was released. There, Sergei Bondarchuk starred with his classmate Inna Makarova. By that time, she was his legal wife. After the film, Bondarchuk's career went uphill, they began to recognize him on the streets, asking for an autograph.

In the photo: Sergei Bondarchuk with Inna Makarova in the film "Young Guard"

The popularity of his civil husband haunted Evgenia Belousova. She hatched a plan to bring him back to her family. For this, she decided to use her young son Alyosha.

Arriving in Moscow, Bondarchuk's first wife brought her son to his house and left him there. Then she began to demand that he officially recognize his son. Sergei did not refuse. To write it down in his last name, he even had to fictitiously divorce Makarova.

However, Belousova, who became the legal wife of Bondarchuk, never managed to return him. Sergei did not leave Inna and continued to live a familiar life with her. Evgenia had to give her husband a divorce. Then she herself married an engineer at a helicopter plant in Rostov, where she worked in the House of Culture.

The eldest son of Sergei Bondarchuk Alexei did not follow in his father's footsteps. He graduated from the Faculty foreign languages Rostov University, worked as a teacher and married twice. He had a son - the grandson of the famous director. Alexei did not maintain contact with his father and his half-brother and sisters. He even refused a share of the inheritance after the death of Bondarchuk.

The second wife of the famous director

Inna Makarova studied with Sergei Bondarchuk on the same course at VGIK in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov. These young students were among his favorite students. The director invited them to shoot his film The Young Guard.

Since 1947, Sergei Bondarchuk and his wife Makarova began to live together, and in 1950 they signed. In this marriage, they had a daughter, Natalya, who became an actress and made several films.

In the photo: Sergey Bondarchuk with his wife Makarova and daughter Natalia

Inna Makarova, Bondarchuk's second wife, was born in Siberia. Already at school age, she showed the makings of a future actress. They were supported in every possible way by her mother, who at the Novosibirsk Drama Theater was responsible for the literary part of the performances.

Inna was a teenager when the war started. The drama circle, in which she was a member, was sent to hospitals for performances in front of the wounded Red Army soldiers. After a couple of years in Alma-Ata, she managed to fulfill her dream of becoming an actress. During the war years, VGIK was located there. A young capable girl was taken to his course by Sergei Gerasimov.

In the photo: Sergey Bondarchuk and Inna Makarova

Older people remember Inna Makarova from the films "Young Guard", "The Rumyantsev Case", "My Dear Man", "Height". She successfully played the main roles in the performances of the Theater-Studio of the film actor. In his personal life, too, everything went smoothly. She lived with Sergei Bondarchuk for 12 years until he became interested in Irina Skobtseva, who became his last wife. Inna did not forgive her husband's betrayal, and she and Bondarchuk divorced.

On the photo: Sergey Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva

After that, Makarova was alone for a long time, until she found a life partner - the famous professor of medicine Mikhail Perelman. She lived with him for 40 happy years. During this time, Inna continued to act. In 2015, the movie fairy tale "The Secret snow queen". In it, the actress played the last role in the movie. Together with her, her grandchildren were filmed there. Age is not a hindrance to art. She turned 90 a year later.

Irina Skobtseva - the third wife of Sergei Bondarchuk

The future national actress was born in ordinary family, not connected with the world of theater and cinema. She graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, where she actively participated in amateur performances and student performances. This fascinated her so much that, having received a diploma in art history, she applied to the Moscow Art Theater School and entered.

The beginning of a film career for Skobtseva turned out to be successful. She pulled out her happy ticket, playing the role of Desdemona in the screened tragedy of Shakespeare's "Othello". This picture was recognized at the Kansk Film Festival, and Irina was named "Miss Charm". A photo of the third wife of Sergei Bondarchuk is presented below.

In the photo: Sergey Bondarchuk and his third wife Skobtseva

This success has paid off. young beautiful actress literally bombarded with offers that she did not refuse. Films with the participation of Skobtseva in various roles can be counted more than 70. For many years she taught acting at VGIK, since education allowed.

Irina's first husband was Alexei Adzhubey, a well-known future journalist and son-in-law of Nikita Khrushchev. They got married while still a student, but this marriage did not last long. In 1957, Skobtseva married a second time. Sergei Bondarchuk became her chosen one, next to whom she was until his death.

In the photo: Sergey Bondarchuk with his wife and children

In this marriage, they had children. The daughter was named Alena, and the son Fedor. Alena became an actress of theater and cinema. She left their lives at 47 with cancer. The son successfully followed in the footsteps of his famous father. Biography junior Bondarchuk well known. Now he is not only a popular actor, but also a famous film director, producer and showman.

His mother is justifiably proud of her son. Bondarchuk's wife has grown grandchildren who also have children. Thus, Skobtseva became a great-grandmother. She turned 91 this August. Last wife Sergei Bondarchuk remained his widow.

Irina Skobtseva - famous Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR. She gained her fame by playing in many theatrical performances and performances, as well as through filming a movie.

Irina Skobtseva was born on August 22, 1927 in the city of Tula in a family that had nothing to do with creative activity. The father of the actress, Konstantin Alekseevich Skobtsev, worked as a researcher at the Main Directorate of the Meteorological Service. And my mother, Yulia Nikolaevna, was an archive worker. As a teenager, Irina experienced all the hardships and hardships of the war. So she mastered the curriculum of the senior classes on her own.

Irina Skobtseva in her youth

At that difficult time, Ira could not even think about becoming an actress. After graduation, the future actress enters the Faculty of History at Moscow State University, choosing the specialty of an art critic. Already while studying at the university, Irina Skobtseva begins to engage in theatrical art and tries herself on the stage of the theater. She participates in amateur art circles and plays in student performances. The world of theater captured her so much that after graduating from the university, the girl decides to enter the Nemirovich-Danchenko School-Studio, which existed at the Moscow Art Theater. Here Skobtseva studied until 1955.

After graduating from theater educational institution Irina began to play in the theater-studio of a film actor. Since 1971, Skobtseva began teaching at VGIK, where she taught acting. For her acting activities in theater and cinema in 1965, Skobtseva was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, in 1974 she was awarded the title People's Artist, and in 1997 the actress was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Film career

Irina Skobtseva made her debut on the movie screen while studying in her last year at the Moscow Art Theater School. Among many contenders, she was chosen for the female lead in the film by director Sergei Yutkevich. She had to play Desdemona in the film Othello, based on the tragedy by William Shakespeare. Thanks to the brilliantly played role, Irina became famous throughout the country. Even more, at the international Cannes Film Festival, she was awarded the title of "Miss Charm of the Cannes Film Festival."

Shot from the movie "Othello"

After such a stunning success, Irina Skobtseva starred in more than 70 films. Mostly she played serious roles in films. Well played leading role in the biographical film about the life of the Ukrainian writer and poet "Ivan Franko". Of particular note is the melodrama Seryozha, the comedy films An Ordinary Man and Zigzag of Fortune, the science fiction Court of Madmen, the detective film Fifty-Fifty, as well as the dramas Once Lying..., A Man in Plaincloth, Ghosts of the Green Room.

In addition to the main roles, Irina Skobtseva also played episodic roles. The following popular films should be noted here: “I walk around Moscow”, “War and Peace”, “They Fought for the Motherland”, “Thirty-three”, “Gadfly”, “Mary Poppins, goodbye!”, “ Quiet Don" and so on.

Since 1971, Irina Skobtseva has been teaching and passing on her acting skills to novice actors. The actress began working as a teacher at VGIK, in the workshop of the famous director and actor Sergei Bondarchuk. In 1979 Skobtseva received the title of associate professor.

Actress in the movie "War and Peace"

Since the 2000s, the already aged actress did not retire and continued to work on. She continued to act in films and TV series, the most famous of which are Inhabited Island, The White Guard, Gold, Family Dinner and Amber Wings.

The last film work with the participation of 88-year-old Irina Skobtseva is the children's adventure film "The Secret of the Dark Room", where the actress played one of the main roles.

Shot from the movie "Quiet Flows the Don"

Personal life

During his studies at the Moscow state university, Skobtseva met Alexei Adzhubeev, who studied at the Faculty of Journalism. Alexei, before starting his studies at Moscow State University, had already managed to get a theater education. A romantic relationship began between the young people, which ended in an official marriage in 1945. The couple lived together for four years, and in 1949 Adzhubeev met the daughter of the future Secretary General of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev, Rada Khrushcheva, and therefore filed for divorce.

In 1955, Irina Skobtseva took part in the filming of the film Othello. While working on this film, Irina had an affair with a colleague in the film, Sergei Bondarchuk. The situation was complicated by the fact that at that time Bondarchuk was married to actress Inna Makarova. Four years later, Skobtseva and Bondarchuk finally signed and lived in happy marriage 35 years, until the death of a famous actor and director.

Photo from the family album of the actress

Their marriage was not interfered with by the press and other ill-wishers, rumors about their personal lives. There were also speculations that Sergei Bondarchuk is a Jew by nationality and marriage with Skobtseva and their further successful acting career called the Semitic conspiracy.

Irina Skobtseva and Sergei Bondarchuk had two children - daughter Alena and son Fedor. Fedor Bondarchuk decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and subsequently became an actor, and a little later he took up film directing. The actress is very proud of her son. In one of her interviews, she said that when Sergei Bondarchuk was still alive, a comical situation often arose in their houses: directors, producers and other people called and asked to call Bondarchuk, to which she had to clarify who should be called - older or younger .

In the life of an actress, the death of her husband is not the only sad page. Her daughter, Alena, who became a theater and film actress, died in 2009 from oncological disease. Skobtseva talks a lot about her husband and daughter. She claims that it is impossible to cope with such grief, therefore she does not hide her feelings.

The actress, accompanied by her son, Fyodor Bondarchuk

The actress has grandchildren - Konstantin Kryukov, Sergey Bondarchuk, Varvara, as well as great-grandchildren - Margarita, Julia, Vera.

Irina Skobtseva now

In mid-2016, Irina Skobtseva fell in her house and suffered a serious injury to her thigh and arm. The actress was hospitalized in one of the clinics, where doctors performed two operations on her.

In mid-January 2017, the actress held her creative evening at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. The evening was attended by the son of the People's Artist - Fyodor Bondarchuk, along with actress Paulina Andreeva. Also present at the creative evening were Konstantin Kryukov, the grandson of Skobtseva, Igor Zolotovitsky, Oleg Tabakov, Igor Vernik and other famous actors. The guests present took turns taking the stage and shared their memories with the audience.

actress now

In early March 2017, Irina Skobtseva, together with her son Fyodor Bondarchuk, opened Sergei Bondarchuk's office-museum in the Glavkino television complex. The central place in the exposition of the office is given to the film by Sergei Bondarchuk "War and Peace". The office has an armchair and a table at which the famous film director worked, as well as television cameras that were used during the filming of the film "War and Peace" and a photo and video chronicle about the work and personal life of Sergei Bondarchuk.

At the end of last summer, Irina Skobtseva celebrated her next anniversary - on August 22, 2017 she turned 90 years old. The actress approached this milestone in her life with a huge baggage of roles played in theater and cinema.

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