What does the son of Oleg Tabakov do. Anton Tabakov - filmography, biography and personal life (photo)

Design and interior 13.07.2019
Design and interior

The arithmetic of Oleg Tabakov's life inspires immense respect and subtle awe.

Oleg Pavlovich has 60 years of service in the theater and more than 100 film roles behind him.

At the age of 21, Oleg, aka Lelik, joined the board of the youngest and most revolutionary at that time Moscow theater Sovremennik.

At the age of 29, he had a heart attack.

At 32 - the first State Prize.

At 35, he became director of Sovremennik.

At 39, he began to "teach children", taking his first students.

At 50, he took the helm of the Moscow Art Theater School.

At 52, he created his "Snuffbox", a theater on Chaplygin Street.

Until the age of 82 he went on stage.

When the eldest son was born...

The fact that for Oleg Tabakov the theater has always been in the first place is evidenced by many facts of his biography. Here, for example, the first-born was born: the eldest son Anton. He would more attention to give ... Not there it was!

Oleg Tabakov with his son Anton. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Here is how Anton Tabakov talked about this a few years ago:

- Ironically, I was born in my father's homeland, in Saratov, where Sovremennik toured. I was “deported” from the maternity hospital to Moscow in a cradle with an unfamiliar stewardess. She refused the “gift” for a long time, until her parents swore to her that they would certainly meet the child. Met. And I hope I didn't confuse anyone.

The charms of nomadic theater life I experienced shortly after my birth. Somehow, late for the train, dad and mom (actress of the Sovremennik Theater Lyudmila Krylova. - Ed.) ran along the platform, grabbing me, then still a baby, in an armful. The train was about to start moving, so the child, like some kind of bundle, was handed over to the car. As soon as the parents, out of breath, jumped on the bandwagon, the train moved away from the platform. I think the scene was impressive. In general, in early age, and then, of course, I did not make life easier for my parents. Once, my father said, not knowing how to appease me, he did not think of anything better than to climb into a wooden crib and thrust his chest into me.

Lyudmila Krylova with her son Anton. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Father along with Oleg Efremov and Evgeny Evstigneev in those years he worked on the creation of Sovremennik and devoted all his time to his beloved brainchild. There was practically no time left for my own children - me, Misha and Denis.

- But your grandparents probably did. Who were the parents of Oleg Pavlovich?

- Grandfather Pavel Kondratievich was amazing! In his stories, he was amazingly able to combine scientific knowledge with quotations from the classics, he read Averchenko by heart ... Coming to Moscow from Saratov, grandfather each time did not stay with us, but as an independent person preferred to live in the Beijing Hotel: for him it was kind of chic. For me, going to him became another entertainment. Grandfather was divorced by that time, he was very fond of the female sex, and, naturally, he wanted to impress.

My grandmother was the first or second wife of Pavel Kondratievich, but in general my grandfather had so many wives that it’s even scary to say this figure out loud. In those years, he worked in the sanatorium "Pady" near Saratov, in the summer we went to visit him. Grandfather grew fantastically tasty tomatoes bull heart". Thanks to his knowledge in the field of biochemistry, he fertilized them so much that they were unimaginable in size and weighed 2.5 kilograms each.

Grandmother, father's mother Maria Andreevna lived with us. A radiologist, a secular lady and an aesthete, born in the town of Balta, she was always emphatically polite and correct. I must say, Maria Andreevna (and before her - Baba Katya and Baba Anya, my great-grandmothers) treated with trepidation everything connected with the surname of the Tabakovs. At that time we lived in a communal apartment, we did not have a telephone, and in order to call the machine, we had to go downstairs. Parents endlessly argued who would do it. Father asked: "Lucy, go call me, I urgently need ...". Mom answered: “I can’t, you understand ...” A skirmish began, during which Baba Katya, swinging me in a stroller, said with tenderness: “When Antoshenka grows up, he will run for the folder to call on the phone.”

Artists Lyudmila Krylova and Oleg Tabakov. 1964 Photo: RIA Novosti / Miroslav Murazov

I also had a wonderful nanny. Maria Nikolaevna. She raised my father in Saratov. Then he moved her to Moscow, and she began to nurse me. Having put on my feet first dad, then me, Maria Nikolaevna, a believing single woman, with a sense of accomplishment, decided that it was time to die. Why live on? She did not see the point in this, especially since she was a very sick person: she was tormented by thrombophlebitis and a bunch of other ailments. And so Maria Nikolaevna began to negotiate with her father: here, they say, Olezhek, you bury me there, I have a passbook, everything is ready ... But my sister Sasha was born - and a miracle happened: the nanny was resurrected, although she really was on the verge of death . Having found the meaning of life, she lived for another eight years, forgetting about her sores.

I was five years old when my dad and Evgeny Aleksandrovich Evstigneev allocated small-sized apartments in a new five-story block building in the Aeroport metro area. But very soon we moved to Tverskaya-Yamskaya, to a rather large apartment, however, on the top floor and, as expected, with leaks.

It seemed to work 24 hours a day

- Father at that time was public director"Contemporary", went with a large portfolio and helped to solve administrative, economic and artistic issues in the theater. He always or almost always did what he wanted, and could not live differently. So a certain cult of him existed at home. If he was hungry, everyone rushed to feed him. If he was full, he had fun, joked, and everyone rejoiced with him. Mom tried to pay attention to the worries associated with her, with the children, with the house, but they worried little about their father.

Actors of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater Yevgeny Yevstigneev, Oleg Tabakov and Andrei Myagkov in a scene from the play Bolsheviks based on a play by Mikhail Shatrov. 1969 Photo: RIA Novosti

It seemed to work 24 hours a day. I think because of this, at the age of 29, he had a massive heart attack. The situation was so serious that friends came to say goodbye to him. Only after that did dad learn to rest. For example, after returning from rehearsal, he always slept before the evening performance. Anything could happen around - a thunderstorm, an earthquake - but the father knew that the body needed to be restored, and he could sleep standing up, lying down, sitting down. This ability has been passed on to me. Although I never thought that I could use it. Moreover, I myself, unlike my father, did not take the theater too seriously. My father did not see talent in me and recommended that I pay attention, for example, to the Caliber plant.

- When did you realize that your father is a famous actor?

- I think I always assumed this, because I saw him not only at home, but also on the screen. Another thing is that I considered it natural. Once such a story happened. We went to see grandfather in the village of Pada near Saratov (we often went there in my father's Volga, always along the same road, past different Russian villages with old names like Kon-Kolodets) and somewhere near Voronezh fell under a wild torrential rain. Imagine: dirt road, wet clay, loam, the wheels are slipping ... In short, they are thoroughly stuck. Under a terrible downpour, in a nightmare, we are trying to find a tractor in the nearest village. We knock for a long time on the door of some house, until they finally open it for us ... And then - a silent scene. In those days (these were the seventies), the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" was being shown on TV. The villager who came out onto the porch was simply stunned: he, of course, could not assume that the car of “Schellenberg himself” would get stuck in his village of Kon-Kolodets. We were not only pulled out, but also warmed, fed and left to spend the night. There she is, Magic power art!

Oleg Tabakov as Schellenberg. 1973 Photo: RIA Novosti

- Did you resent your father?

“I always resented my father. And the fact that he did not take me to his course, and then to the theater, is just nonsense. Another thing, I thought that he paid very little attention to me, that he was unfair, too categorical. Although my father took me to the Tabakerka...

“Well, did you talk to him about anything?”

- I remember that dad said that in his youth he bought 10-15 copies of the supplement to the Krasnoarmeyets magazine, in which Ardov's Mischievous Man, Tolstoy's The Beautiful Lady, and The Golden Calf were printed, and kept these little books until they did not become a shortage, after which he sold them for a lot of money. And at the age of 9, he hid from his parents appendages from a loaf: then bread was given out on cards. When the accumulated pieces amounted to a whole loaf by weight, he took them to a German prisoner of war who was repairing the school, and in exchange he made him a wooden machine gun ...

Did the father manage to hide his deceit?

- If we return to the topic of insults, then most of all in our family, no doubt, my mother suffered. When dad became the director of Sovremennik, she was actually left without roles. It was easier for her father to tell her than any of the artists: “Lucy, you understand, I am the acting director of the theater. Well how can I? Well, I'll give you a role, and how will I look people in the eye? It’s embarrassing, it’s not correct ... ”Sometimes he was sincere, sometimes he was deceitful ...

- Both you and your sister Alexandra were very offended by Oleg Pavlovich when he went to Marina Zudina. What pain he caused your mother, and there is no need to say ...

The parents didn't get along for a long time. Often scandals arose because of nonsense, because of some trifle, but they could end with anything. Did the father manage to hide his deceit? I understood what was going on, I think the mothers did too. Yes, and Sasha, no doubt, guessed. But we pretended everything was fine. Dad later explained that he was hiding an affair with Marina solely out of unwillingness to hurt us. He experienced it himself when his father, whom he loved very much, left his mother. Returning from the war, my grandfather brought new family and left home. Dad really suffered a lot then (at that time he was 13 years old), but I’m not sure that the memories of those experiences were main reason that he hesitated to leave us for so long. In some interview, the father spoke about the episode that put everything in its place. As if once again, having returned from filming, tired and annoyed, he asked Sasha and me: “What connects you with me?” We seemed to have evaded the answer, and then something broke in him. It seemed to him that he was not respected at home, especially since the relationship with his mother had already deteriorated for ten years, and in a fit she said more than once: “We need to get a divorce.” His story seems too theatrical to me. Maybe he asked, maybe we answered something. But the wrong words and in the wrong context. Mother allowed her father a lot and did everything to make him feel good, comfortable, so that he could do what he loved.

Oleg Tabakov and actress Marina Zudina with their son Pavel and daughter Masha. Photo: RIA Novosti / BOSCO PR department

It was really difficult to imagine Oleg Tabakov outside the stage. He himself admitted somehow: “Taking up the theater is almost a soldier's job. You don't want to - you have to! Cold - must! It's hot - you must! I was the director of Sovremennik when my mother died. Buried her - and immediately had to go on stage ... A person should be happy with what he does. If they didn’t let me play, I would pay to go on stage ... Not a lot, three hundred rubles, but I would pay ... "

Actor Oleg Tabakov, his wives and children, are of interest to the media and fans. The celebrity's personal life has always been curious to the public, but was he open to interviews about his family?

Oleg Tabakov: first marriage

In the first marriage, Oleg Pavlovich's family members were:

  • wife Lyudmila Ivanovna Krylova;
  • son Anton;
  • daughter of Alexander.

The first wife of Oleg Pavlovich was the theater and film actress Lyudmila Ivanovna Krylova. She was quite popular in her younger years. Lyudmila Ivanovna played in such cult films of the Soviet era as "Volunteers", "Peers", "Battle on the Road", "The Living and the Dead" and many others.

Lyudmila Krylova, Marina Zudina and Oleg Tabakov

After graduating from school, a dream of working in the theater appeared, and Lyudmila entered the drama circle of the local house of culture Pravda. Once in a DC, she saw a poster for a performance by the Sovremennik studio. The trip to the theater became fateful - at first sight she fell in love with the young actor Tabakov, the dream of meeting one day became a guiding star.

Then there was a study at Sliver, there were first roles in the Maly Theater and cinema, but the dream stubbornly attracted me to Sovremennik. The girl attended all the performances with the participation of Tabakov.

Once they called from Mosfilm with a request to send photos, because. one finicky actor just can't choose a partner. This capricious actor turned out to be Tabakov, he liked the photo of Lyudmila. He could not resist the strength of the girl's feelings and also became interested in the young actress. After 4 days, Lyudmila moved into Oleg's rented room. And at the graduation performance, the rounded tummy had to be covered with props. The stormy romance lasted for many years.

After college, Lyudmila became an actress of Sovremennik. The marriage was registered between rehearsals, when little Anton Tabakov was 2 months old.

At the wedding party at the WTO restaurant, friends from the theater brought a petite and pretty bride in a cardboard box from the props, in a lace dress and veil. The marriage with Tabakov lasted 34 years, son Anton and daughter Alexander were born in it. For the spouse, work has always been in the first place, so the worries about the children fell mainly on the shoulders of the wife.

Lyudmila Ivanovna does not like to talk about her personal life, does not give interviews. Once a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to persuade her to meet. In an interview with a KP correspondent, Lyudmila Ivanovna only said that she does not like betrayal and breaks up with traitors immediately, that no one is immune from divorces, but I would like the process to be more humane, because. It is very difficult for children in this situation.

Over the years, everything is forgiven, but not forgotten. Lyudmila Ivanovna is grateful to fate for the life she has lived. Now she is 79 years old, she still goes on stage in Sovremennik, free time devotes to children and grandchildren, communication with friends, field trips.

The actor's son - Anton

Anton was born in 1960. These were difficult times for a young family, the baby's first bed was arranged in a suitcase. To survive on the acting salary and pay for the nanny, the parents had to work hard. They gave 20 performances a month.

With other theatrical children (Denis Evstigneev,) Anton spent most of his childhood in the old Sovremennik building on Mayakovskaya Square, studied at a prestigious school with the grandchildren of Khrushchev and Stalin. The theatrical environment in which the younger Tabakov grew up predetermined his acting career.

Anton received his first film role at the age of 6, in the film The Fourth Pope. It was followed by a series of images, including the role of Timur in the film "Timur and his team."

Son Anton, daughter Sasha and Lyudmila Ivanovna

Mom supported her son in his desire to become an actor, and his father did not see outstanding abilities and advised him to choose another profession. When Anton graduated from school, his father was gaining his first year, but categorically refused to take his son to him. Galina Volchek prepared him for admission to GITIS. Resentment at his father for inattention, excessive categoricalness and injustice did not let go for a long time.

Anton became an actor in Sovremennik. After 10 years, his father took him to the Snuffbox. However, Anton himself understands more and more that he is the “wrong” actor, he does not have a characteristic courage. After working for many years in the theater and starring in 34 films, he leaves the profession.

Participation in festivals, artistic receptions, accompanied by banquets, prompted the decision to open the first art club "Pilot". One after another, new restaurants began to appear. Today Anton Tabakov is a major businessman, owner of a chain of restaurants.

Anton painfully survived the divorce of his parents and for more than ten years the son avoided meeting with his father. Over time, he managed to understand the elder Tabakov and forgive him, because he himself was married for the fourth time.

When Anton was building a restaurant business, he could not devote enough time to his family, and marriages collapsed one after another. Now he prefers to spend time with his wife Angelica and daughters. Anton bought an apartment in France, not far from the Italian border, where he likes to relax with his family.

Daughter of Alexander

Sasha Tabakova, unlike her brother, studied well at school, was especially successful in mathematics. The girl planned to enter a technical university, but the theatrical environment played a role, and Sasha chose the Moscow Art Theater School. To his daughter, Oleg Pavlovich was more loyal, she was allowed to combine her studies with work in her father's theater. Everyone around prophesied the girl a successful acting career.

Sasha was active and cheerful, burned with her future profession. She was in her last year when her father left the family because of an affair with Marina Zudina. The world turned upside down for her, the girl withdrew, lost interest in learning. There was a period when she did not want to live.

Sasha nevertheless graduated from the studio school and starred in the cult film "Little Vera", in the role of a friend of the main character. In total, there are 4 films in Alexandra's filmography.

Frame from the film "Little Faith"

Sasha married a German student and went to Germany. Tabakov's daughter never returned to the acting profession. In Germany, the couple had a daughter, Polina. The marriage with the German actor Jan Liefers ended in divorce, and Alexandra and her daughter returned to Russia. In 2006, she hosted the TV show "Let's Go" and Meshanina, and also worked at the radio station " silver Rain". There were no more official marriages, but there was a civil marriage with actor Andrei Ilyin.

Alexandra could not forgive her father for a long time and still communicates with him very rarely. On the eightieth anniversary of Tabakov in 2015. she did not come. Oleg Pavlovich has repeatedly admitted that this situation is very painful for him, but he will not be the first to reconcile. Until now, Alexandra cannot choose another profession for herself, and is in a difficult financial situation.

The second marriage of Oleg Tabakov: the children of Zudina

Currently, Oleg Pavlovich's family members are:

  • wife Marina Zudina;
  • daughter Maria.

Marina Zudina was a student of Tabakov at GITIS. Oleg Pavlovich noticed serious attitude future actress to work on the role, the desire to try yourself in different genres.

Tabakov was struck by the peculiar beauty of the girl, he believed that roles in expensive chic costumes would suit her.

Marina began her film career in her student years, starred in the film "Valentin and Valentina". Zudina has an extensive filmography and a huge list of theatrical roles, she is one of the leading actresses of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

For a long 10 years, the romance of Marina Zudina and Oleg Tabakov was secret. The feelings were so serious that the affair led to a divorce from Lyudmila Krylova and a new marriage. Marina was not the initiator of the divorce, she even got rid of her first pregnancy so as not to harm the family of the chosen one. But, according to Oleg Pavlovich, since 1986, when their romantic relationship began, his heart belonged only to Marina. According to the young woman, marriage did not change their relationship, but it got rid of gossip.

Shortly after the marriage, a son, Pavel, was born. As a child, he was a little shy of his parents, because dad was more like a grandfather. Often he wanted to change his last name, because of her he was constantly compared with his father. The path to the stage was inevitable.

At the age of 15, Pavel received his first role at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. However, he hesitated for a long time in choosing a profession. But, like the older Tabakovs, the scales leaned towards the theater school.

Pavel graduated from the Tabakov Moscow Theater College. Admission and study were carried out on a general basis, there were no concessions from the father. From the age of 19, Pavel has been acting in films, he played in the films "Star", "Orleans", "Duelist", historical series "Sophia Paleolog", "Catherine".

In addition to being busy in filming and performances, he tries himself in fashion shows. Giorgio Armani marveled at him model appearance and took his 2016 collection to the show. Pavel is not yet married, but several of his novels are known.

He sees his future wife as a good mother and housewife, combining housekeeping and career. He is on friendly terms with his brother Anton, he loves his younger sister Masha very much.

Masha was born in 2006, when Oleg Pavlovich turned 71 years old. Marina complained that it was not possible to make a gift for her husband's seventieth birthday. This is a cheerful, sociable girl who pleases mom and dad, the elder Tabakov loves her endlessly.

According to Marina, she was born so glorious that she became her father's favorite. The girl, of course, dreams of being an artist, but now her main task is to study well at school.

Masha visits British school in Moscow, where all subjects are taught by native speakers. Parents say it's for general development She will choose her own path in the future.

Oleg Tabakov, his wives and children are an artistically gifted dynasty. It is highly likely that Masha Tabakova will continue it.

Tabakov's grandchildren

The biography of Oleg Tabakov is made up not only by his wives and children - the grandchildren of Oleg Pavlovich also add happy days to his life. To date, there are five of them:

  1. Polina Lifers, daughter of Alexandra and German actor Jan Lifers. At the age of 11, she starred in the German comedy I'm the Boss with her father. She graduated from the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School, works as a theater artist, collaborates with the Oleg Tabakov Theater, the educational theater of the Moscow Art Theater School, successfully takes part in art exhibitions.
  2. Nikita Tabakov, son of Anton and actress Ekaterina Semyonova, works with his father in the restaurant business.
  3. Anna Tabakova, daughter of Anton and TV presenter Anastasia Chukhrai. Anna is also the granddaughter of the famous director Pavel Chukhrai and the great-granddaughter of Grigory Chukhrai. The girl is studying at the prestigious British girls' school St. Marys and is preparing to enter one of the London universities, she connects her future with PR activities. Anna is very popular in social network Instagram.
  4. Antonina and Maria younger daughters Anton and his fourth wife Angelica. They mostly live with mom and dad in France.

Public interest in the dynasty of Oleg Tabakov, his wives and children does not fade away, its representatives delight with new acting and directorial work, they appear at social events, on TV screens, the younger generation is active in social networks.

I would like to hope that the younger generation of the Tabakovs will strengthen the good reputation of this wonderful family.

From time to time, the secrets of famous acting families break out of the "vessels" of theatrical memory and become public. So the secret of the Efremov family gradually lost its “secrecy stamp” and shed light on the pedigree of the young actor Nikita Efremov, illegitimate son Mikhail Efremov. For a long time, no one knew anything about Nikita. Meanwhile, it was his birth that quarreled between Anton Tabakov and Mikhail Efremov. Nikita himself told us about this complicated story.

Many people know that actress Katya Semenova (the main role in "Two Fates") and Nastya Chukhrai visited the wives of Anton Tabakov. However, Anton does not like to talk about his very first wife, referring to the fact that she is not known to anyone - not an actress. But perhaps it is also a matter of personal resentment.

As a former employee of the Sovremennik Theater told us, at one time the wife of the son of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov Anton was a pretty girl of Tatar blood Asiya, who was affectionately called Asya in the theater.

She introduced herself to everyone: Asya Tabakova, - the former actress told KP. - I often visited Sovremennik, studied to be a philologist.

The sons of Efremov and Tabakov in those years had an easy rivalry - both in work and in life. They have been friends since childhood - they went with their parents to rest in the Crimea, then they went to the same parties ... Anton was older and more serious, Mikhail gained fame as a Don Juan.

The course that Misha studied at the Moscow Art Theater School turned out to be unique, - says his former friend. - With Misha Efremov, the son of the Innocent, the daughter of Tabakov Sasha, the daughter of Evstigneeva Masha, studied a year older - the son of Vysotsky. The guys put on a successful performance, which was successfully held in Sovremennik. And artistic director Galina Volchek created for young talents new theater Sovremennik-2, which was entrusted to lead Efremov Jr. Misha invited the wife of his friend Asya to head the literary part. And as a well-known womanizer, he soon began to show signs of attention to her and Asya. And she suddenly fell in love! After all, no one could resist the charm of Misha.

They say that during that period, Asya’s relationship with Anton completely deteriorated. She considered Tabakov too calm, unambitious. She rushed to the theater as if to a holiday, and did not hide her loving eyes. The rumor about this novel reached the son of Oleg Pavlovich. Eyewitnesses say that he reacted to these rumors very hard, worried. But he behaved like a gentleman with Asya. No one has ever heard him even raise his voice at her. It soon became clear that Asia was pregnant. In the theater, the question of who the father of the child was vividly discussed. But Asia herself told her friends that her father was Mikhail Efremov. Asia filed for divorce.

Gossip, once Tabakov could not stand it and, colliding with Efremov, threw something in his face about this situation. Efremov did not keep silent. The men allegedly even started a brawl, but they were quickly reasoned with. After that, the friendship between them broke off, they did not even say hello.

Anton Tabakov left the actors and took up restaurant business. Mikhail Efremov continued to work in the theater. When Asya gave birth to a son, Nikita, both he himself, and his great father, and mother Alla Pokrovskaya immediately recognized Nikita as their own. But Efremov was not going to marry the mother of the first-born. “We were told he was already carried away new girl- said an eyewitness of those events. - After the birth of her son, Asiya disappeared from our field of vision. Michael didn't really help her. Things went badly for him. The theater was closed, and he was left without work and money. Having come to the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater, which was led by his father, he started an affair with actress Yevgeny Dobrovolskaya. When Nikita was one year old, Efremov married Dobrovolskaya, who also bore him a son. Misha was distinguished by amorousness ... And work was more important for him than family.


The first is Evgenia Dobrovolskaya (from her son Nikolai).

The second is Ksenia Kachalina (from her daughter Anna-Maria).

The third is Sophia (recently gave birth to a daughter from the actor).


The first is Asia.

The second is Ekaterina Semenova (from her son Nikita).

The third is Anastasia Chukhrai (from her daughter Anya).

The fourth (civilian) is the blonde Angelica.

Nikita Efremov: I had three surnames. But today my surname is Efremov

Today, Mikhail Efremov's son Nikita is 19. Blond, very similar to his father, grandfather's charm is also noticeable in him. Studying at the Moscow Art Theater School. Frequent guest of secular parties. I met him at a concert of his favorite rock band Anatomy OF Soul.

Yes, I have film work. He played in "My Fair Nanny", in the film "Insatiable". Now I’m filming with Stanislav Govorukhin in the film Passenger, Nikita Efremov told KP.

Is it true that your mother was Tabakov's wife and you could bear this star name?

This is not a question for me. Throughout my life I had three surnames: one grandfather on my mother's side, the other mother's, and now I am Efremov.

Were you given your grandfather's last name at birth? Why?

I never got into it, to be honest. Family stories didn't concern me.

When did you take the surname Efremov?

This was done without my participation. At the age of 12 I was already Efremov.

Did you know your father?

I always knew who my dad was - Mikhail Efremov. So what if he was coming, what's the difference. I saw him more often than my grandfather.

My grandfather died in 2000, I was 12 years old. We met with him, he talked to me, played. But I didn't take it seriously at the time. It is now for the affairs of the family there is responsibility. Let's just say, not to lose face. We have a good relationship with my father.

I really want to play with him in the theater ... He criticizes me, but I'm not offended. Of course we argue. There are no ideal relationships. Small fights happen. For example, I express my opinion about the performance, and the father says: “Fool, in general, be quiet more.” Well, he is right! (Laughs.) There is nothing wrong with the fact that I am the grandson of Efremov, but there is nothing too good either. At least I don’t boast about it, my classmates, teachers will confirm.

Do you know Anton Tabakov?

Yes. I know him, hello.

They say that after your birth, childhood friends Tabakov and Efremov became enemies?

Ask them this question. I'm just as interested in everything as you are. Sometimes I also want to call and ask them: “Is it true that?” But I don't. I have not yet found the answers to the questions that I have inside.

Do you communicate with other children of the father?

Yes. There is no jealousy.

Does your mother communicate with your father?

Yes. But I don't remember that we met together. I have another family, like this. I love her so much.

How do you spend your birthdays? Where do you go together?

As it turns out to celebrate a birthday, it will work out. To be honest, I haven’t celebrated my birthday for four years - I’m busy. I will not be offended if my father is removed and cannot come to me. He always calls and congratulates. I'm 19 years old. I am an adult and understanding.

Do you have financial difficulties, live separately?

No. With mom. But everyone has difficulties! But we manage. Mom is working. Me too. Helping each other. And my father helps.

By the way, what about your personal life? Have a girlfriend?

Name: Alexandra Tabakova

Date of Birth: 03.05.1966

Age: 53 years old

Place of Birth: city ​​Moscow Russia

Activity: actress

Family status: Unmarried

The popular Soviet-Russian director and actor Oleg Tabakov has four children. She gave him two of them ex-wife Ludmila Krylova. Two more children were born to a man by his second wife, Marina Zudina. Oleg Tabakov left Lyudmila for another woman (Marina), who is only a few years older than his daughter Alexandra Tabakova.

Sasha was predicted a great future. Tabakova's teachers and people from her inner circle were sure that she would become a famous actress, like star father. However, this did not happen. The life of Oleg Tabakov's daughter is less and less discussed by the press. Let's recall the biography of Alexandra Tabakova (see photo) and her personal life.

Curriculum vitae

Sasha celebrates his birthday on May 3rd. Last year, the woman had a serious anniversary - she turned 50 years old. The woman graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 1987. For some time Alexandra worked in the theater under the direction of her father, Oleg Tabakov.

Creativity in the biography and personal life of Alexandra Tabakova in her youth took first place. Now she is far from the cinema. And here is her only daughter Polina, on the contrary, is closer. The girl, like her mother, graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School.

How did Alexandra Tabakova survive the divorce of her parents?

When her father decided to leave the family, Alexandra was in her last year. The woman's friends recall that immediately after Sasha found out about her father's betrayal, she seemed to have been replaced. If earlier she was a cheerful person, then after she learned the news about leaving Oleg Tabakov's house, she stopped smiling. Sasha walked like a shadow. Even friends could not bring her to her senses and “stir up” a little.

None of Sasha's relatives saw her crying. The girl remained strong in spirit, despite what happened. Many saw that she was ill. However, not many dared to approach her to say words of support. Sasha Tabakova's entourage assured themselves that the girl did not need their support. She can handle everything on her own.

Alexandra Tabakova in childhood with her parents

The lack of peace of mind did not affect Alexandra's studies. She did not leave the Moscow Art Theater School. The girl attended classes with the same frequency as before. The teachers saw Sasha studying under duress. Most likely, the girl did not quit her studies at the Moscow Art Theater so as not to upset her mother.

Close people also could not help Alexandra survive the terrible loss. The mother shut herself up. Lyudmila even more difficultly endured the departure of Oleg Tabakov from the family than Sasha. Brother Anton also preferred to withdraw into himself. He did not want to discuss with his sister what he felt.

How Sasha coped with the shock

The only person who could help the desperate girl was her teacher Kira Nikolaevna Golovko. During her work at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, Kira Nikolaevna brought up many popular artists.

The teacher recalled how she happily took up the training of a new course, which included Alexandra Tabakova. Kira Nikolaevna admits that she never gave students concessions. Some students disliked her for this. Students had to work up a sweat to earn the favor of an experienced teacher.

In her second year, Alexandra Tabakova revealed herself in a new way to Kira Nikolaevna. The teacher realized that she was standing in front of a real born actress. Sasha needed help so that she could direct her talent in the right direction.

Shot from the film "Dark Nights in the City of Sochi"

After several conversations, Kira Nikolaevna managed to win Sasha's trust. The teacher and the student often stayed together after class. They talked about everything in the world. Kira Nikolaevna noted that Sasha is an incredibly educated girl. You could talk to her about any topic.

Teacher for a long time did not want to believe that Oleg Tabakov really abandoned his family. It was he who once sent Kira Nikolaevna to work at the Moscow Art Theater School. The woman was incredibly grateful to him for this.

Sasha's teacher did not want to get into her personal life. She waited until the girl herself wants to talk about what happened. One day, Alexandra gathered her courage and came to talk to her teacher. She had to make a lot of efforts to confess to Kira Nikolaevna that she was really worried.

After some time, the teacher noticed how Sasha began to feel better. It seemed to her that the “wound” in the girl’s soul was being healed. Kira Nikolaevna believed that Sasha wanted to become an actress, no matter what. It turned out that this is not entirely true.

Frame from the film "Little Vera"

Once Alexandra came to the teacher and admitted that she wanted to commit suicide. The elderly teacher was shocked by what she heard. She couldn't believe that Sasha had given up so easily. In the eyes of Kira Nikolaevna, Alexandra was strong man capable of withstanding the pain.

After the incident, the teacher decided not to have intimate conversations with the student. Sasha herself stopped making contact.

When Alexandra graduated from the university, Kira Nikolaevna continued to follow her success in the cinema. The teacher did not like the role of Sasha in the film "Little Vera". She believed that the former student was too good for her. According to the teacher, Alexandra should play in classical productions and star in classic films.

How the biography of Alexandra Tabakova developed after the divorce of her parents, and whether she was able to let her father who betrayed her into her personal life again, read below.

Why did Alexandra give up her film career?

There are 2 versions of why Alexandra no longer acts in films. One of them says that the woman, along with her brother and their mother, could not forgive Oleg Tabakov for betraying the family. The children decided to leave the acting profession in order to “punish” their father in this way. According to this version, Anton and Alexandra do not communicate with Oleg Tabakov. Doesn't communicate with ex-husband and Lyudmila Krylova.

Actress on the set of the next movie

Another version of Sasha's refusal to film a movie is also known. The woman herself did not want to become an actress. She decided that this profession was not for her. Perhaps Alexandra did not want to be compared with her father once again or remembered about him when her name was mentioned. That is why the woman decided to abandon her career in cinema. According to this version, Sasha still communicates with his father. Communication is most likely forced. For example, recently Oleg Tabakov had an anniversary. Alexandra did not congratulate her father on the holiday.

Filmography of the actress

The filmography of the daughter of Oleg Tabakov is very modest. There are only 4 pictures in it:

  1. 2003 Short film "Another area".
  2. 1989 The film "In the city of Sochi, dark nights."
  3. 1988 The film "Little Faith". The role of Lenka Chistyakova.
  4. 1987 Film-performance "Armchair". The role of Shura.

Alexandra Tabakova as host

It is possible that in the future, Alexander Tabakova will again begin to actively act in films. So far, the woman is not ready to talk about it.

Personal life of the daughter of a Russian actor and director Olga Tabakova

Sasha Tabakova's personal life is no less rich than her biography. She managed to get married, divorced and live in civil marriage. The first husband of the actress is Jan Josef Liefers. Jan is a German actor. The man is famous for playing leading role in the film "Knockin' on Heaven". From Jan Alexander gave birth to a daughter, Polina. This fact is indicated by separate sources. The Wikipedia free encyclopedia does not indicate that Alexandra Tabakova has a daughter.

At the time of Polina's birth, Jan and Alexandra lived abroad. In Germany, they were happy together, but their marriage did not last long. Former lovers realized that they could no longer be together - Jan and Alexandra decided to divorce. Sasha returned home with her daughter. The woman's friends say that her daughter is very similar to Alexandra.

The actress hides her personal life from everyone

After the divorce, Alexandra Tabakova tried to improve relations with other men. For a while she dated Russian actor Andrei Ilyin. Their union soon fell apart. Presumably, Alexandra and Andrei could not be together due to the fact that the woman did not want to see her lover in the cinema. Sasha dreamed that her man would change his field of activity. However, Andrei was not ready to make such sacrifices, even for the sake of a loved one.

Whether Jan communicates with her daughter Polina, Alexandra prefers to remain silent.

Is Tabakov's daughter happy now?

Sasha's only joy (see photo) in his personal life is his daughter. Now the woman is not dating anyone. Her biography includes marital status"free".

Sasha's relatives say that she has very few friends left. The woman herself does not want to communicate with anyone. She lives only thanks to her daughter. The lack of work drove Alexandra into depression. Despite her age (recall that Sasha is 51 years old), she still has not decided what she wants to do in life.

Plane delayed because of restaurateur's wife

There is an opinion that nature rests on the children of gifted people. In the case of Anton TABAKOV, the son of the popular favorite Oleg TABAKOV, this opinion is erroneous. By the age of 50, he has achieved a lot: he owns several restaurants, he has shot in 24 films. When Oleg Pavlovich left the family for a young actress Marina ZUDINA, Anton sided with his mother and broke off relations with his father. But after a while I realized that I was wrong. Nevertheless, long-standing grievances in the Tabakov family still make themselves felt.

I have four children. When the eldest son Nikita was born 20 years ago, I was always busy, and all today's claims against me by my heir are justified. I had to devote all my time to business, I fussed a lot. But without her, without the fuss, I would not have moved on, - believes Anton Tabakov. “Now I am happy with my life. When ours was born Nastya Chukhrai daughter, began to build a house in Peredelkino. Nearby we rented a dacha to observe how the work was going. Since that moment, I have never spent the night in Moscow.

- But suburban housing did not seal the marriage ... We were never taught the institution of marriage. When we were young, it seemed to me that my emotional shifts carry some kind of obligation. A lot could have been avoided, but I don't regret anything. Yes, I had more than one wife. It so happened, I had to learn everything through trial and error. With all the wives I managed to stay on good terms. With Nastya for a long time we tried to maintain a relationship, but it did not work out.

- You met your current wife on the plane. And now we have been together for more than five years, raising two daughters.

When we first saw each other on a plane flying from Nice to Moscow, Angelica was still a student. She vacationed that summer Cote d'Azur. Our liner was then delayed through her fault, so I could not help but pay attention to such a girl. My relationship with Nastya was no longer going well, so no one was deceiving anyone. Angelica is 24 years younger than me, and when I met her, I did not immediately realize that she was the one. By the way, my women find each other well mutual language. Angelica communicates especially well with Katya Semenova, the mother of my son. - Angelica quickly got used to the attention of the press?- At first it was hard. She is a typical "nerd". Graduated from school with a gold medal, then institute foreign languages, but then gave birth to children and now sits at home. She is simply the wife of Anton Tabakov.

Finding a compromise

When Oleg Pavlovich left the family for Marina Zudina, you and your mother and sister Sasha stopped communicating with him. Now, as I understand it, insults are forgotten?

I can’t change anything anymore, so I perceive the situation as it is. I love my father - and that says it all. No matter how I feel about his departure, he will not cease to be my father. This is my compromise in this situation. Marina Zudina I have known for a long time, but I have no relationship with her, except that she is the wife of my father. We are not friends, even if only because many of my friends are older than Marina. With Pasha and Masha - my father's children from his second marriage, my younger brother and sister, I see each other when there is an opportunity. To say that we go crazy when we don't communicate for a week is not true. At my sister Sasha Tabakova more maximalist approach. Sasha is a good actress, but she quit everything. This is her position in life, quite justified for her. Everything is known with time, pain sensations pass, but if these sensations have not passed for so long, it means that she is so comfortable. What are you going to do here? Trying to dance and say: “Peace, put up and don’t fight anymore”? This is a thankless job.

- And mother, actress Lyudmila Krylova, is still offended by her father?

Women are a completely different entity. Unlike us men, they only hear what they hear and understand what they understand. For my mother, this was the biggest tragedy in my life. I do not think that this can be forgiven and forgotten, especially since she lived with her father for most of her life. No matter how you pretend that all this history is forgotten, it is not in such a distant past. Mom and Sasha are offended not because it happened, but because it happened, the way it happened. At first, after my parents divorced, I did not communicate with my father. Over time, looking at this situation from the outside, I realized that it looks like “to spite my mother, I will frostbite my nose.” I quickly forget insults, I try to think about the good. It's easier for me to exist. And my mother... She lives with us. Works at Sovremennik, plays in the play Steep Route. Her female happiness is children and grandchildren.


In the mid-70s, young people rested in the Actor House of Creativity in Yalta. Misha Efremov With Anton Tabakov. The young people were on fire. Mikhail liked to hide in the bushes and suddenly run out to a person passing by, reciting poetry. Pushkin. But most of all, the guys shocked those around them when they came to eat naked in the dining room on a bet. Unfortunately, the strong friendship between Efremov and Tabakov ended a few years later, when they did not share a girl with the Tatar name Asiya. It was she who gave Mikhail Efremov the first-born Nikita, the namesake of the son of Anton Tabakov.

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