Igor Petrenko was imprisoned for many years. Russian actors with a criminal record

Interesting 13.07.2019

On December 23, 2009, the Presnensky Court of Moscow will start considering a criminal case against the famous actor Vladislav Galkin, accused of hooliganism and resistance to police officers.

Sergei Parajanov (1924-1990) - Soviet director, among his works are the films "Flower on a Stone", "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", "The Color of Pomegranate", "The Legend of the Surami Fortress", "Ashik-Kerib" and others.

On December 17, 1973, film director Sergei Parajanov was arrested on charges of sodomy with the use of violence (Article 122, parts 1, 2 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR). Shortly before this, in a conversation with a journalist from a Danish newspaper, he said that two dozen members of the CPSU Central Committee had sought his favor. Naturally, he said this as a joke, but the interview was replicated around the world. When this became known in the Kremlin, the command was given to put Sergei Parajanov in jail. Parajanov was sentenced to five years in prison. Thanks to an international protest campaign, Parajanov was released in December 1977.

Tele.ru recalls famous people who, for various reasons, found themselves in places of deprivation of liberty. In other words, behind bars.

Yuri Aizenshpis

The famous music producer, one of the first in the country, served a total of 17 years in prison - "for illegal fraud with foreign currency." First arrest of 24-year-old young man, then still an employee of the Central Statistical Bureau, took place in 1970 - after a search was carried out in his apartment.

Photo: East News

"Navar" was discovered considerable - 10 thousand Soviet rubles plus almost 18 thousand dollars. Such wealth, acquired through speculation with currency, was sent to the USSR along only one route - the criminal procedure. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, Aizenshpis had to adapt to new living conditions in a corrective labor colony near Krasnoyarsk.

Since the future producer always knew how to get settled, then, by his own admission, for all the years he “never touched either a pickaxe or a shovel.” The ability to negotiate with people helped this case with the foreman. Six months later, the prisoner was transferred to a colony near Tula, where, by agreement, he also ended up in an administrative job. Then history repeated itself in the colony-settlement in the Komi Republic. Seven years later, the enterprising prisoner was released on parole.

The long-awaited freedom did not last long. Yuri Shmilevich once explained the reason as follows: “I was hungry for a beautiful, secular life, for which money was required. But I couldn’t earn normal sums in the Soviet Union without conflicting with the criminal code…”

Only three months managed to enjoy Aizenshpis free life. After that, he was arrested for finding large amounts of currency in his pockets. This time, the term of imprisonment was extended by 8 years, to which 20 “unserved” months from the previous term were added. The place of detention was a colony in Mordovia, where the indomitable Aizenshpis was appointed a big boss - he headed the assembly shop, in which three hundred of his subordinates worked hard.

From the memoirs of Yuri Shmilevich it follows that his lifestyle was, one might say, luxurious: “I had a personal office, with chic furniture. Receiving checkers and guests, he treated them to excellent tea with sweets, and for a while it was forgotten who was who. As a result, for innovative methods of work, the future producer received several certificates of authorship, was awarded a diploma "For the implementation of rational proposals" from the Minister of Internal Affairs of Mordovia, and by the time he was released from the zone (after 8 years - without an additional period) he received a large award in the amount of 10 thousand rubles .

That did not prevent the innovator a year later from being behind bars again - in the cell of the pre-trial detention center. Now the accusation of “fartsovka” with imported goods hung over him. Fortunately for Aizenshpis, “perestroika” came to the country, and the case of his economic crime was closed. However, before this happened, Yuri Shmilevich sat on the bunk for a year and a half. He finally breathed the air of freedom in the spring of 1988, and in the same year he met Viktor Tsoi. What gave rise to a new direction of his activity - musical production.

Nikolai Godovikov

The fate did not indulge the actor who played the good-natured Red Army soldier Petrukha in The White Sun of the Desert. After the army, he got married, began to drink, ran around as a laborer, the family lived from hand to mouth. After the divorce, he started a fight with a neighbor in a communal apartment - he suddenly became jealous of his mistress for Nikolai.

Enraged in the brawl, the peasant hit the artist on the head with a bottle, and stuck the glass “rose” in his hand into Godovikov’s chest - next to the heart ... Leaving the hospital, Kolya, miraculously surviving, again tried to do unskilled labor - he labored in different places as a loader . However, after the injury physical work was unacceptable to him. As a result, the guy received a term for parasitism - one year.

Frame from the film " White sun desert", 1969

Having been released, he could not get a job and continued to parasitize. Soon he was noticed and greeted by recidivist thieves, and began to live a free life in the thieves' "raspberries". He was arrested for burglary and sentenced to four years in prison, which he served in full. Having been released, he married, became a father, again interrupted by odd jobs in low-paid jobs, in connection with which he was put out of the house by his wife - literally.

And very soon he went on another trip - again for theft, only this time for two and a half years. This was Godovikov's last term. Fortunately, in freedom he met a woman, thanks to whom the artist was able to completely change his life. For the better.

Archil Gomiashvili

The famous Ostap Bender from the film by Leonid Gaidai "The Twelve Chairs" did not learn about the criminal side of life from the novel by Ilf and Petrov. FROM young years Archil Mikhailovich began to collect criminal records, followed by prison sentences. The articles according to which the verdicts were announced did not differ in variety, all of them were connected with hooliganism and theft.

A scene from the film "The Twelve Chairs". Photo: Global Look Press

The future artist and entrepreneur grew up without a father, since he, a major party worker, was declared an “enemy of the people” according to the well-known scheme of the late 1930s and was taken to the Gulag. The son, who was then studying at the Tbilisi Art College, went downhill without strict paternal supervision - he contacted a company of local punks and took part in a collective crime of the law related to thefts. According to the verdict of the court, he had to serve several years in prison, but fate saved him - the Guardian Angel appeared in the form of an unexpectedly announced nationwide amnesty.

He saved the unlucky guy and the next time. He was arrested again, but for hooliganism (fight), and, again, released - the lawyers convinced the court that there was no corpus delicti.

At the age of 16, Gomiashvili got a job at the Tbilisi Russian Drama Theater. Soon, leather upholstery was cut off from the seats in the auditorium. It quickly became clear that this was the work of a new employee and his friend, who sold pieces of leather to a familiar shoemaker. The result of enterprise was a sentence of two years in a correctional camp. According to numerous, but unspecified, data, Archil in different years was in jail five times.

Archil left the criminal path in connection with his admission to the Moscow Art Theater School. Even there, however, echoes of former habits were constantly manifested. More than once the student was on the verge of exclusion, but every time he managed to avoid this - good people stood up.

The last time, in 1948, the young man was saved by his mother. Gomiashvili got into a fight at the National Hotel with a man who began to actively follow the famous film actress Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. The fight gained momentum, it was joined by other visitors of a respectable restaurant, one of whom struck a strong blow in the eye of the unfortunate "boyfriend", which led to a serious injury. The arriving police squad arrested all the participants. During the trial, the victim testified against Gomiashvili, stating that it was he who delivered the ill-fated blow. Archil was sent to the bullpen.

According to criminal law, for inflicting heavy beatings and a fight in public place an impressive time limit. And again the Guardian Angel descended to Earth. Two and a half months later, the artist's mother came to sort out the situation and work for the unlucky son. The police advised her to try to negotiate with the victim about the withdrawal of the statement of claim. Negotiations began. Injured both physically and psychologically, he, reluctantly, agreed to a compromise, but only on condition that he received considerable monetary compensation. Ready to do anything to save her son, the mother went to borrow money, and collected the necessary amount. Archil was released. After that, he said goodbye to Moscow and returned to his native Tbilisi, where he was enrolled in the troupe of the Theater. Marjanishvili. What started it actor career- Since then, already an absolutely law-abiding citizen.

Robert Downey Jr

American actor, musician and producer began his life path not exactly great. In fact, it's not great at all. Fate gave him a great start. He was born in a creative family: his mother is an actress, his father is a famous director and artist. Robert John Downey began acting in films at the age of five, at the age of 10 he moved to study in England, where he also studied classical ballet.

However, this did not prevent the promising teenager from making strong friends with drugs and alcohol, and not without the help of his own father and, by the way, Jack Nicholson. According to Robert, he first tried marijuana at the age of 8. The fascination with various kinds of harmful potion was so thorough that he got noticed law enforcement countless times.

By the age of 33, the actor had a pronounced drug addiction. Five years earlier, he was nominated for an Oscar and received a BAFTA award for best actor in the film Chaplin, where he played the main character, but despite this he was kicked out of all studios due to numerous scandalous stories. Moreover, in 1996, Robert is arrested for possession of drugs, unloaded weapons, and driving while intoxicated, and by court order receives a suspended sentence of three years. With the obligation of compulsory treatment and periodic drug testing. The artist cannot cope with such a “load”, and a year later he goes to the bunk for a real term - 180 days in prison.

In the future, until 2003, stories of violation of court orders and bringing to the police were systematically repeated. Robert finds himself behind bars again - by a court sentence for three years, but is released a year later "for exemplary behavior ..."

And yet the artist managed to cope with the problem. Downey Jr. lost his first wife, model and actress Deborah Falconer, the mother of their common son Indio, due to his drug addiction. But he was lucky to meet on the set of the film "Gothic" with producer Susan Levin, who later became his second wife, and from the very beginning - a kind Angel. It was thanks to this woman, and for her sake, that the actor managed to undergo treatment and get rid of drug bondage.

Vladimir Dolinsky

The actor was arrested in 1973 by the State Security Committee (KGB) for illegal currency transactions. As Vladimir Abramovich later joked: “I did this just because of my love for the ruble, and by no means because of my passion for the dollar. After all, for one dollar they gave me as much as five rubles. And what is the most important thing in money? Their number! However, the employees of the Soviet secret services did not share such humor, and therefore the artist, who then served in the Satire Theater, had to spend a year in the Lefortovo detention center, and then four years in the camp - out of the five to which he was sentenced. The term was reduced thanks to the petition of colleagues from the theater.

Photo: East News

Georgy Zhzhenov

Fate did not spare the famous artist in the era of Stalinist repressions - he was convicted twice, and both times on trumped-up charges. After graduating from the circus variety school, Georgy Stepanovich first performed in an acrobatic duet at the Leningrad circus arena, where he was noticed by filmmakers and invited to play the main role in the film Hero's Mistake, which was released in 1932. The artist was then 17 years old. Impressed by the filming, he entered the Leningrad College of Performing Arts on the course of Sergei Gerasimov, after which he took part in several filming.

Frame from the film "Planet of Storms", 1962. Photo: Global Look Press

In 1934, his older brother, a student at Leningrad State University, was arrested and convicted for ignoring participation in the funeral procession after the assassination of Kirov. Following Boris, the whole family was to be expelled from the city. However, the younger Zhzhenov preferred to stay in his native St. Petersburg. What was he arrested for? But he was soon released - thanks to the intervention of Sergei Apollinarievich Gerasimov.

Zhzhenov managed to get a job at the Lenfilm film studio, but did not stay long there. The work was interrupted by a new arrest in 1938. Now for espionage - after being convicted of meeting an American diplomat: during a train ride on Far East they talked all the way, which was the reason for the denunciation of the NKVD.

Photo: Global Look Press

In "Crosses" Zhzhenov had a chance to go through terrible trials: he was beaten, tortured, mentally affected in the form of many days of sleep deprivation. From the artist sought recognition that he is a spy. Have not achieved. He never broke down. Didn't sign...

To serve his sentence, Zhzhenov was sent to Kolyma, where he spent seven years in the most difficult conditions of Siberian frosts, hunger, exhausting work and the mass death of exhausted prisoners. In 1943, at a time when Georgy Stepanovich himself was on the verge of death, salvation came. His friend, Nikanorov, who led the acting propaganda team, became the savior. At one of the mines, he accidentally met and miraculously recognized in an emaciated, exhausted, scab-covered prisoner one of his best artists. Using remarkable resourcefulness, Nikanorov managed to get permission for Zhzhenov to transfer him to his propaganda team. And later he arranged an actor in the Magadan Music and Drama Theater, almost the entire troupe of which consisted of prisoners.

A year later, Georgy Zhzhenov's term was supposed to end, but by a special Decree it was extended - for 21 months in the camps. The actor was released only in 1945. Again, with the help of Sergei Gerasimov, he was enrolled at the Sverdlovsk film studio, where he managed to star in the film "Alitet goes to the mountains." And in 1949 he was arrested again, and according to a new sentence he was sent into exile - to Norilsk. There he found a job at the local Drama Theater. Mayakovsky, where, by the way, he met Innokenty Smoktunovsky, who played on the same stage.

Georgy Stepanovich was rehabilitated only in 1955, after which he was finally able to return home.

Sophia Loren

Sofia Villani Scicollone, known throughout the world under the name of Sophia Loren - the most beautiful Italian actress, winner of dozens of the most prestigious film awards in the world, among which there is an honorary Oscar (for her entire cinematic career), - has a flaw in her biography. In 1982, at the age of 48, the famous Italian was arrested and sentenced to 30 days in prison. Once in prison, she had no concessions, but thanks to her “diligent behavior,” she spent a little more than half of her term there - 17 days. The reason for the arrest of the actress was a violation of tax laws, or, more simply, tax evasion.

The only difference between the conditions of Senora Lauren's stay in the prison cell from other prisoners was that the room where she was was turned into a greenhouse - excited fans endlessly carried bouquets of flowers to their beloved Roman woman and were on duty around the clock at the gates of the correctional facility.

It is noteworthy that after the release of Sophie, the case against her was not dismissed. In total, it lasted quite a long time - almost 40 (!) years. All these years, the competent authorities have studied the tax returns of the actress, in an attempt to find out what is the total amount of her debt to the state. Finally, in 2013, the Italian Court of Cassation dropped all charges against Sophia Loren and officially closed the case against the actress, which was opened already in 1974.

Paul McCartney

The legendary British musician, one of the enchanting Liverpool Four The Beatles, 16 times awarded the Grammy Award, recognized as one of the best bass players of all time, Sir James Paul McCartney, in 1980 was arrested in Japan, at Okura Airport, for shipping marijuana. In fact, the drug was found among the things of the artist's wife, Linda, but he nobly took the blame. After that, he was taken for interrogation, which lasted five hours, and from there to a prison cell. According to Japanese law, announced by the country's Minister of Justice, such an offense entailed imprisonment for up to 7 years.

Photo: Global Look Press

The matter was nevertheless settled, and after a 10-day stay in the cell, Paul was allowed to return home. Subsequently, the artist called this act "the biggest stupidity in his career", explaining that he did it only because he knew for sure: in the Land of the Rising Sun "this cannot be bought for any money."

McCartney was one of the first musicians to openly declare his commitment to drugs, repeatedly demanded the legalization of marijuana, organized relevant petitions, investing fabulous money in this.

Valentina Malyavina

The actress, who gained fame after the film "Ivan's Childhood" (at that time she was the wife of Alexander Zbruev), was considered one of the first beauties Soviet cinema. The tragic period of her life began at the age of 28 - after she buried her daughter, who died in the hospital from an infectious disease. Valentina broke up with her then husband, director Pavel Arsenov and entered into a love affair with Alexander Kaidanovsky. She began to drink, which led to an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, and as a result - to a serious alcohol addiction.

In 1978, another lover of the 37-year-old actress, also an actor, Stanislav Zhdanko, was stabbed to the chest. Suspicion fell on Malyavin. According to investigators, the murder occurred as a result of a quarrel that occurred between cohabitants while drinking alcohol. Valentina Alexandrovna did not admit her guilt, argued that Stas committed suicide, and managed to convince the investigators of this. The case was closed. But 5 years later, a friend of Stas initiated a re-opening of a criminal case. This time, the court sentenced the artist to 9 years in prison under the article "Deliberate murder." After serving a little less than five years, she was released under an amnesty "for good behavior."

Spartak Mishulin

After the mother of the future artist was repressed in 1937 with the wording “enemy of the people” and exiled to Tashkent, and the father of the 11-year-old son was absent, the boy was taken in by his own uncle, who at that time was the rector of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee CPSU. In the year of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Spartak entered an artillery special school, and by the time he completed his studies, he was put on trial for theft - since childhood, he was passionate about the theater, he “rented” (and, in legal terminology, stole) from the recreation center the lighting lamps necessary for an amateur performance. This time there was no verdict.

Photo: Global Look Press

But the next "theft" was with far-reaching consequences. Mishulin was arrested simultaneously for two reasons: for the book "History of the Revolution" taken from the library, and also for using portraits of revolutionary leaders as paper for writing. The fact is that there was a shortage of paper in the country, and Spartak began to compose his own novel, both on the pages of a book and on posters torn from the walls. The court considered it necessary to sentence the young man to a year and a half in the camps.

There he was lucky to meet with the personal driver of his uncle, the guardian, who was arrested under the infamous Article 58, and in the camp he held the “thieves” position of the head of the camp mill. He managed to arrange Spartak as a water carrier. Secretly from the camp authorities, the two of them fed starving prisoners who worked in the fields: grain was poured into water barrels, which was then boiled in pots, turning into porridge. Once this "crime" was revealed, moreover, personally by the head of the camp - by chance. He stopped the water carrier to drink water, but instead scooped up grain from a barrel ... Another year and a half was added to the previous term of the convicted Mishulin. During which Spartak Vasilievich continued to enthusiastically engage in amateur performances in his free time from camp work.

Igor Petrenko

At the age of 15, the future actor was arrested for complicity in the murder. There was no mistake. The guy was incited to commit a crime by an older friend: having owed a friend a large amount - one hundred thousand rubles, and not being able to repay the debt, he convinced Igor of the need to destroy the creditor. Young people shot the man, and they staged an imitation of a robbery in his apartment.

After spending just under a year in a pre-trial detention center as a suspect, Petrenko was released pending trial. The trial took place in 1997, when the young man was 20 years old, and he was already studying at the theater school. Shchepkin. Petrenko was sentenced to eight years of suspended liberty - the court took into account the fact that at the time of the crime the defendant was still a minor and carried out criminal acts not on his own, but following the instructions of his senior partner, as well as positive reviews about him from the institute and place of residence .

By the time the suspended sentence ended, the actor Petrenko was at the peak of his popularity. He always flatly refused to discuss his past with anyone. Only once did he mention in the sense that “we are all not saints, and I don’t want to remember this ...”

Wesley Snipes

Thanks to the efforts of his mother, who worked as a teaching assistant, the famous American actor managed to avoid unpleasant stories related to drugs and crime in his youth. Although the South Bronx, where they lived, was literally teeming with criminal plots. And yet, Wesley Trant Snipes ended up behind bars - at the age of 46. For tax evasion. Moreover, he received the maximum allowable term provided for in the United States for this kind of offense - 3 years.

Frame from the film "Passenger 57", 1992

The actor, who evaded paying money to the tax authorities, hoped to get off with fines. But the attempts were fruitless. Fully and completely admitting his guilt and asking for pardon, Wesley, in exchange for this, expressed his readiness to transfer the necessary amount to the treasury. But the only indulgence for him was the postponement of the execution of the sentence - until the consideration of appeals in higher instances. However, numerous attempts to appeal the verdict, which lasted two years, failed.

The state, to which the artist owed more than $15 million for 17 years, showed intransigence, and Snipes was punished to the maximum. The only mitigation received a few months before the end of the term - the artist was released under house arrest.

Mike Tyson

The most titled American heavyweight boxer, who got into the Guinness Book of Records for the most quick knockouts and called "the strongest and most brutal knockout in the history of sports", as a child was a quiet, timid boy who could not stand up for himself. Since such qualities were not quoted in the New York area of ​​​​Brooklyn, Mike was constantly beaten by his peers and subjected to all sorts of mockery. This went on until the age of 11, when an out-of-the-ordinary event occurred: a local gangster, seeing a boy with a dove in his hands, snatched the bird from him and immediately tore off her head. Tyson, in a state of passion, rushed at the bastard and beat him with all the might of the forces dormant in his frail body, awakened by wild rage. After that, the attitude towards him "in the area" changed dramatically. Young criminals declared the boy "theirs" and quickly introduced him to their activities. The life of a modest teenager was filled with exciting deeds: pickpocketing, robbery, robbery of shops. They began to go to correctional institutions and colonies for juvenile delinquents.

By the age of 13, studying at a specialized school, Mike was already known as the strongest among all students, and the entry "incorrigible" appeared in his profile. Fortunately for him, the physical education teacher at the institution was a former boxer. Noticing the remarkable athletic talent of a teenager, he, to Mike's pleasure, began to purposefully train him. Thus began Tyson's path to big boxing and ... to big crime.

At 21, the boxer was arrested in connection with an attack on a parking lot employee and injuring him. Managed to get off with a fine of 105 thousand dollars. Four years later, Tyson was accused of raping 18-year-old Miss Black America titleholder Desiree Washington. He did not admit his guilt, arguing that everything happened by mutual agreement. The trial in the criminal case lasted a long time, there were many doubtful moments in the case, and yet Tyson was sentenced to 6 years in prison. But he was released ahead of schedule - after 3 years.

A few years later, the boxer admitted: “When I got out of prison, all I wanted was a bath. I dreamed of washing off all this dirt from myself.

Danny Trejo

The American actor of Native American origin is the second cousin of director Robert Rodriguez, acting in the films of which (in particular, in "Desperado", "From Dusk Till Dawn" and "Machete") he gained worldwide fame.

Dan joined the criminal world early. As a teenager, he actively participated in street robberies and at the same time became addicted to heroin. Many times he was arrested, repeatedly prosecuted. Having become addicted to boxing in street fights, he intended to become a professional boxer. However, the intention remained only in dreams.

Frame from the film "Planet Terror", 2007

The verdict broke everything: a 12-year prison sentence that Trejo received for robbery and drugs. While behind bars, Danny received the Pennsylvania State Boxing Championship, both middleweight and lightweight. At the same time, the future actor underwent a rehabilitation course under the 12 Steps program, thanks to which he managed to get rid of drug and alcohol addictions.

As a result, a former convict with a colorful appearance, with a rich criminal and prison experience, became incredibly in demand in Hollywood - for the roles of various kinds of gangsters. He himself once expressed his attitude to his role as a negative hero: “In the images of bandits, I strive to demonstrate to young people that the life of these people is a road to nowhere. It ends very quickly – either in prison or in a cemetery.”

Danny Trejo has been giving lectures on the dangers of drugs in schools for many years, and also provides all possible assistance in the rehabilitation of his colleagues.

Mark Wahlberg

To say that in adolescence, the future actor, twice nominated for an Oscar, began to act outrageous is to say nothing. The guy grew up without a father, his mother - a nurse - was one of nine children, with some of whom he had different fathers. Mark had more than two dozen drives to the police. Behind him were fights and drugs, hooliganism and vandalism, violence and robberies. At the age of 13, he began to use coke, at 15 he staged a mocking trick against black students, insulting them and throwing stones at them. A year later, pumped up with an intravenous drug, he broke into and plundered a pharmacy, after which he severely beat two Vietnamese men - he “knocked out” one by hitting him on the head with a log, and punched the other like a boxer in the eye, forever depriving him of the ability to see. Subsequently, Mark claimed that his mind was so clouded by the drug that he did not remember any of this.

Frame from the film "Basketball Diaries, 1995

However, the punishment could not be avoided. Wahlberg was apprehended, charged with attempted murder, and sentenced to two years in prison. Not being an adult, Mark nevertheless expressed a desire to serve time in an adult correctional facility. Was released after 45 days. But he hadn’t calmed down yet - he started a fight with a neighbor, in which he broke his opponent’s jaw, and a year later he started a scuffle at a party in Hollywood, during which he blew Madonna’s agent’s nose - at that time Mark was already quite famous performer hip hop.

Photo: Global Look Press

As an adult and famous, Wahlberg bitterly regretted that period of his life. Once he told reporters: “I was locked up with those guys that I really wanted to be like. I deserve my cell. And there, finally, I realized: this is not at all what I wanted. I have sunk to a worse place .., and I no longer want to return to that former life ... "

50 Cent

The childhood of the American rapper, actor and producer Curtis Jackson, known under the stage name 50 Cent (50 cents), took place in the poorest area of ​​New York. He grew up without a father, with his mother, who gave birth to a son at the age of 15. Sabrina's only income was dealing cocaine. At 23, she died - someone gave her sleeping pills and left her in a clogged room with the gas turned on. After his mother's death, Curtis also became a drug dealer.

At the age of 19, in 1994, he was arrested and sentenced to 3 years in prison. However, he spent only six months behind bars, receiving parole.

Frame from the movie "Power in the Night City", 2014. Photo: East News

In 2000, an attempt was made on the musician. As a result of an armed attack, possibly from former accomplices, he received 9 serious bullet wounds. Bullets hit both legs, chest, cheek, arm, thigh. They shot almost at point blank range, at a time when Jackson-50 Cent was in a car near his grandmother's house.

Paris Hilton

The socialite, actress, singer and model, great-granddaughter of the founder of the Hilton hotel chain, was forced to spend 23 days in prison in 2007. Punishment overtook rich heiress for repeated "violation of probation". The prehistory of the arrest is as follows. Initially, Paris was arrested for drunk driving and sentenced to a fine of 1,500 and 36 months of probation. What did not stop her, left without driving license, get behind the wheel again, and, moreover, drive at night at an excessive speed with the headlights not on. The court sentenced Hilton to 45 days in prison. However, the "reckless" behind bars only served half of the term.

Photo: East News

The release was solemn. At the prison gates, Paris Hilton was met by a crowd of people - enthusiastic fans and ubiquitous journalists.

Sergei Shevkunenko

As a boy, the actor became famous for playing the title role in the films Dirk, Bronze Bird, and The Lost Expedition. At the age of 35, Sergei was killed due to criminal showdowns. There was a tragedy in the apartment of his 76-year-old mother, who was also shot dead.

Frame from the film "The Bronze Bird", 1974

Parents were respected, intelligent people, they worked at Mosfilm: my mother was an assistant director, my father was the director of a creative association. Nevertheless, their son from childhood was in close contact with the criminal world. Already at the age of 13, during the filming of Kortik, Shevkunenko was registered in the children's room of the police.

For the first time I went to the “hodka” (to a specialized vocational school) as a schoolboy - as a participant in a fight. Then, again for a fight, he received a year in prison under the article for "hooliganism with special audacity and cruelty." While in prison, he received a certificate of secondary education. Subsequently, Sergei Yuryevich was convicted five times under various criminal articles: for petty theft, burglary, robbery, for possession of drugs, stolen icons and weapons. He tried to escape, for which he received an additional term, plus they added "for violating the regime and disobeying the camp authorities." He served his last term as a recidivist in a strict regime colony. In total, he spent 14 and a half years in captivity.

At large, he was officially issued as an illuminator for a film studio, and in criminal community considered a serious authority. He had nicknames "Chief" and "Artist", was the leader of a large criminal group specializing in financial transactions and, in parallel, extortion with kidnapping, as well as banditry.

Georgy Yumatov

The cult artist of the Soviet cinema, whose calling card was the film "Officers", was 68 years old when he got into the "Matrosskaya Tishina" in connection with an extremely serious accusation of murder. In 1994, Georgy Alexandrovich's beloved dog died. He asked the janitor to help bury her. After the ritual was performed, he called the assistant to his apartment - "remember". They drank a lot, in the midst of a libation a quarrel arose, as a result of which the janitor was shot dead by Yumatov from a hunting rifle.

Photo: Global Look Press

Accused under the article of the Criminal Code of “committing premeditated murder on the basis of a quarrel”, the actor was threatened with a term of three to ten years. Good luck with the lawyer. He was able to prove in court that the murder was committed by his client not intentionally, but in self-defense, since the janitor himself, first, attacked the owner of the apartment with a knife. Thanks to this, Yumatov, after serving two months in a pre-trial detention cell, was released on bail. And in 1995, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, an amnesty was announced, according to which the artist, as a front-line soldier, was finally released and acquitted.

Actor Igor Petrenko, whose biography will be considered in this publication, is well known to all lovers of domestic cinema. Many people remember his brilliant performance in "Star", "Driver for Faith", "Hero of Our Time", "Taras Bulba" and other equally famous films. Thanks to his bright talent, impeccable appearance and incredible hard work, Petrenko has firmly taken his place in the list of the most sought-after actors in Russia. But his life could have turned out differently, because in childhood the boy did not even dream of filming a movie.

First years of life, family

The early biography of Igor Petrenko is connected with Germany. In this country, namely in the city of Potsdam, on August 23, 1977, the future actor was born. The boy's parents had nothing to do with cinema. His father, Pyotr Vladimirovich, at that time was a Soviet military man with the rank of major (he later rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel) and a candidate of chemical sciences. Igor's mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, worked as a translator of English language. At the age of three, the boy moved to Moscow with his parents. Pyotr Vladimirovich got a job as a teacher of chemistry at the Military Academy of Chemical Protection. S. K. Timoshenko. When the Chernobyl disaster struck, he became one of its first liquidators.

Actor's childhood

Igor grew up as a real tomboy, for whom the street was the best teacher. He disliked the school and went to any tricks, just to miss the lessons. In the lower grades, he pretended to be sick, raising his temperature with the help of mustard plasters placed in his socks, and when he matured, he simply began to skip classes. The only subject in which the guy had good academic performance was English. Love for him was instilled in his son by his mother-translator. But with chemistry, young Petrenko did not work out. Even dad, who taught this subject to students, could not help.


Igor Petrenko's childhood biography testifies to his passion different types sports. At the age of six, the parents sent the boy to gymnastics. As a teenager, the guy became interested in judo and sambo. Unfortunately, the boy failed to achieve success in gymnastics and wrestling.

Sport is not the only thing actor Igor Petrenko was fond of in childhood. His biography tells about the boy's special passion for insects. Igor's parents loved to travel and often took their son with them. Together with them, he traveled all the picturesque corners of his native country. From each voyage, the boy brought rare butterflies and beetles. In Petrenko's house there were whole jars of booty. But the boy was not going to devote his life to the study of insects. While studying at school, he still had little idea of ​​​​what he would do in life.

Criminal case

Igor Petrenko, a biography whose photo is presented in this article, at the age of 15 was involved in a murder case and almost went to jail. The actor does not like to talk about this black streak of his life, but the journalists managed to find out the details of this crime. At that time, Igor became friends with a small businessman Kizimov, who was several years older than him. Once a businessman borrowed a large sum from his acquaintances, Yegor and Alexander. The guy had no money and, in order not to repay the debt, he decided to kill one of his comrades. Kizimov dedicated Igor to the details of his plan and persuaded him to help him. The reason why young Petrenko agreed to become an accomplice of the entrepreneur remained unknown, but on December 13, 1992, the attackers called Sasha's apartment. To commit the murder, they armed themselves with a hunting sawn-off shotgun.

Kizimov's plan was simple: shoot Yegor, who was visiting Alexander, and force the owner of the apartment to write a receipt stating that the entrepreneur had repaid his debt. The merchant took over the murder of Yegor. Igor's task was to follow Alexander, and in case of disobedience, neutralize him. But the frightened Sasha did not have to be eliminated. When Kizimov shot Yegor before his eyes, he not only wrote a receipt, but also gave the criminals the 300,000 rubles he had kept at home. Having created the appearance of a struggle in Alexander's apartment, the attackers forced him to go to the police and declare that unknown persons had attacked him and Yegor. But the inconsistent testimonies of the frightened Sasha seemed suspicious to law enforcement officers. They put pressure on the guy and after a few minutes they heard the whole truth from him. Kizimov and Petrenko were arrested the next day and charged with Yegor's murder. Underage Igor, as an accomplice in a bloody crime, shone a long time. He spent about a year in a pre-trial detention center, then he was allowed to remain at large until the trial.

The final verdict was handed down to Igor only in 1997. He received a suspended sentence of 8 years in prison with a three-year probationary period. The guy got off lightly, because such a crime threatened him with long years in prison. The mitigating circumstances in the sentencing were that Igor was a minor at the time of the crime and was under the psychological influence of his older friend. They also did their job positive characteristics on the guy provided to the court from the place of study.

Admission to the theater school

During the time spent under investigation, Igor Petrenko became a different person. The biography, in which a criminal record has forever remained a black spot, indicates that the future actor seriously took up his head. While the court hearings continued, the guy managed to finish school and enter the theater school. The choice of the place of study was completely spontaneous for him. Being a graduate high school, Petrenko could not decide on his future specialty. The father expected that his son would follow in his footsteps and become a cadet at the Suvorov Military School, but he did not want to hear about a military career. Mom dreamed that Igor entered the faculty foreign languages because English was his favorite subject. But even here the young man was stubborn.

A case helped Igor choose an acting profession. Walking around the city with a friend, he learned about the recruitment of students at the theater school. Shchepkin. The guy decided to test his strength, not really hoping for luck. He came to the entrance exams without much preparation and, to his deep surprise, was enrolled in the first year. From that moment on, Petrenko was already sure what he wanted to do in life. Theatrical skill captivated him completely.

Acquaintance with the first wife

Until 2000, Igor Petrenko was a student at the Shchepkinsky Theater School. Biography, his personal life at that time changed dramatically. In his student years, he met his first wife, Irina Leonova. The girl, like him, studied at the theater school. Young people at first were just friends, and then began to meet.

Having received diplomas, they got married in 2000, and then both got a job in the troupe of the Maly Theater. But the marriage, to which the couple in love went for several long years, very quickly cracked. Being both at work and at home nearby, Igor and Irina began to annoy each other and it soon became clear that they would not be able to save the family. The situation was aggravated by the constant lack of money: the salaries of novice actors were ridiculously small, and the spouses could not afford a financially secure life. In 2004, Igor Petrenko officially divorced his wife. The biography, in which the first wife played an important role for several years, by this time was replenished with the name of another actress. She became Ekaterina Klimova.

First steps in cinema

Over the years life together with Irina Leonova, Petrenko managed to act in several films and become famous. In 2000, he received his first major role in Ildar Islamgulov's film Conditioned Reflex. Unfortunately, the film went unnoticed by critics, and then little changed in the life of the young actor. But the creative biography of Igor Petrenko was just beginning. In 2001, Petrenko was offered to play in the series "Moscow Windows" directed by Alexander Aravin. Igor had to embody on the screen the image of the secretary of the Komsomol organization Terekhov. The character of Petrenko was negative, but the actor managed to play him so skillfully that after the release of the series on the screen, he woke up famous.

Meeting with the second wife

On the set of Moscow Windows, Igor met Ekaterina Klimova. The actors were to play a couple who were supposed to get married at the end of the film. Depicting a romantic relationship in front of a movie camera, Igor and Katya did not notice how they fell in love with each other for real. But the romance that broke out on the set ended immediately after they ended, because both Petrenko and Klimova were family people. Igor returned to Irina Leonova, and Ekaterina to her husband, the jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, with whom she raised her daughter Elizabeth.

Work on "Star" and reunion with Klimova

After "Moscow Windows", the actor Igor Petrenko no longer experienced a lack of roles. His biography in 2002 was replenished with the film "Star", where he played the main character, Lieutenant Travkin. Work on the film took a lot of time, so Igor was forced to quit the Maly Theater and devote himself entirely to filming. The actor could not forget Katya in any way, and when relations with his first wife escalated to the limit, he could not stand it and called her. After that, Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova no longer parted. The biography of the actors shows that, having abandoned their soul mates, they began to live together after a month.

Second marriage

In 2003, Petrenko received the Nika award for his work in Zvezda, after which the roles fell on him like from a cornucopia. Eminent directors began to offer cooperation to the actor, he had a whole army of fans. In 2004, immediately after filing a divorce from Leonova, he married Ekaterina Klimova. In 2006, the couple had a son, Matvey, and in 2008, Korney. The marriage of the actors lasted 10 years. During this time, Igor Petrenko was repeatedly filmed with his wife. The biography, in which the wife became the actor not only a life partner, but also a partner in films, was replenished during this period with such joint works as “Dreams from Plasticine”, “Sins of the Fathers”, “Cancellation of All Restrictions”, “We are from the Future— 2". In all these films, Igor and Ekaterina played lovers.


Appearing in public, Petrenko and Klimova made an impression happy people. The news that the couple was getting a divorce came as a surprise to everyone. The divorce took place in the summer of 2014. Igor Petrenko did not comment on the news of the divorce. The biography, in which the family was always in the first place for the actor, also keeps the reasons for the separation of the couple secret. A few months after the divorce, Catherine admitted in an interview that their marriage to Igor had actually ceased to exist long before the official termination. Divorce has become a fat point in an obsolete relationship. And in December 2014, information appeared in the media that Petrenko had a daughter from a young actress Christina Brodskaya. The baby was named Sophia-Carolina.

The new darling of the actor

Igor Petrenko, a biography whose personal life after a divorce is of great interest to the public, did not refute the news about the birth of a child. When the journalists congratulated him on his daughter, he thanked them, however, to dedicate the details of the relationship with his new sweetheart refused. But we managed to learn something from the director Murad Aliyev, in whose film Igor starred after his divorce from Klimova. The man said that during pregnancy, Christina Brodskaya often came to the set to Petrenko and waited for her chosen one to finish the job. After that, they went home together. Fans of the actor can only wait for the day when he will lead his beloved down the aisle.

Today, the creative biography of Igor Petrenko continues to replenish with interesting roles. He appears before the audience in various roles, allowing a comprehensive assessment of his multifaceted talent. And this means that the actor will not let his fans get bored for a long time and will delight them with new and interesting work to the cinema.

Date of Birth: 1977
Term: eight years probation
Convicted for: complicity in murder

Actor Igor Petrenko was involved in the murder at the age of 15. His friend Sasha, who owed another friend 100,000 rubles, offered to remove the creditor. The victim was shot dead, and a pogrom was staged in the apartment, simulating a robbery. The next day, the criminals were tied up ... Petrenko was given eight years probation, taking into account his age at the time of the crime and positive reviews about him at the Shchepkinsky Theater School - he had already become a student then.

Date of Birth: 1985
Term: three years of probation and compulsory therapy
Convicted for: armed robbery of brazilian tourists

Robert Iler has everything mixed up in life. On the screen, he is known as the performer of the role of Anthony Soprano in the TV series The Sopranos, in reality he behaves no better. In July 2001, he was detained with friends for second-degree robbery, and in August of the same year for the armed robbery of two Brazilian tourists. For this, he was sentenced to three years of probation and mandatory therapy. Apparently she did not help, because on October 23, 2005, Ller ended up in an underground poker club Ace Point during a police raid.

Date of Birth: 1961
Term: a total of 26 months in prison
Convicted for: assault, drug possession

Tom Sazemore has a long history of dealing with drug addiction. But in last years it took on a rather gloomy turn for Tom. In 2003, he was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend, Neidi Fleis, and after he failed a drug test while on probation, he was sentenced to 17 months in prison. In May 2008, while still under surveillance, Tom was caught with two bags of methamphetamine. On June 25 of the same year, he was sentenced first to 16 months in prison, and then to nine, since he had already served 213 days. He avoided being charged with possession, but is now under suspicion of repeated theft. mobile phones in March 2009. Here is what Tom told young people during his term in 2007.

Date of Birth: 1959 Was killed in 1995.
Term: 5 convictions, over 12 years in prison
Convicted for: robbery, possession of drugs, weapons, stolen icons

Sergei Shevkunenko was born into a "cine" family. His father worked as the director of the Second Creative Association of the Mosfilm film studio, and his mother worked there. In 1973, Sergei starred in the film Dirk, in 1974 in The Bronze Bird, and in 1975 in the film The Lost Expedition. However, already at the time of filming "Dirk", 13-year-old Shevkunenko was registered in the children's room of the police and had serious problems with alcohol. After graduating from eight classes of high school, Sergei did not want to continue his studies; in 1975, after another fight, he was sent to a special vocational school. In March 1976, he again participates in a fight and this time is sentenced to a year in prison. The Gagarinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the young artist under Article 206 Part II for "hooliganism with particular audacity and cruelty" to one year in prison.

Freed, Shevkunenko got a job at Mosfilm as an illuminator, but a year later, in 1978, he again landed in jail for stealing snacks from the Mosfilm buffet, which the tipsy company lacked. This time the sentence was even more severe. Sergei was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Then for theft and possession of drugs - 4.5 years and 1.5 years for disobedience to the camp authorities and repeated violation of the regime. In places of deprivation of liberty, Sergei Shevkunenko acquired the nicknames "Chief" and "Actor" and considerable authority in criminal circles. In 1989, he got married, but it was so destined that in the same year he again received a year for possession of weapons, 49 days after his release, another arrest for possession of stolen icons and a new term - 3 years. Sergei served his fifth term in a special strict regime colony in Vladimir, as a recidivist.

After being released, Shevkunenko went into business. In a short time, the Chef put together a brigade, which began to control a number of points in the area of ​​​​Mosfilmovskaya Street. Shef's group became part of the Ossetian criminal group, which specialized in banditry, extortion and kidnapping. She is also known for her successful financial transactions. On February 11, 1995, Shevkunenko was killed in his apartment along with his mother. The murder has not yet been solved.

Date of Birth: 1965
Term: back and forth walks are incalculable, deadline for 180 days
Convicted for: drug possession, gun possession and drunk driving

Robert started taking drugs with his father and occasionally with Jack Nicholson at the age of 8 and hasn't stopped since. The number of times he was caught with marijuana, heroin, cocaine or loose pills is uncountable. In August 1996, he was arrested for drunk driving, possession of heroin, and possession of an unloaded weapon. He was sentenced to 3 years probation with drug tests and therapy. Robert could not stand it and in December 1997 he actually went to jail for 180 days. Round trips and constant renewals of probation continued from 1999 to 2003. On the set of the film "Gothic" Downey met his second wife and after that he underwent a course of treatment. He has been clean for seven years and is not going to return to bad habits.

A major scandal is brewing in the cinema environment. All the last weeks, the on-screen party has been discussing one piece of news: the terrible facts of the biography of actor Igor Petrenko that were accidentally revealed. The favorite of the public, the winner of the State Prize, the owner of the last "Nika", treated kindly by directors and fans, was allegedly not so long ago convicted of... premeditated murder. These rumors did not appear out of the blue. And the most amazing thing is that it's true. Igor was really involved in a nightmarish story that ended in murder. And he received a term - however, conditional. But how popular is the artist, and then the silly teenager is to blame for what happened? And is it by chance that this story has surfaced now, after so many years? “MK” conducted its own investigation into the circumstances of this difficult case.

The humble charm of a killer

Igor is so similar to his father. There are families where parents are called mom and dad until very old age. Petrenko does not have a dad - it is his father! Colonel, a real colonel of some boring chemical troops! And mom is just mom. Soulful, sensitive, simple. Igor's mother is a translator from English. We met with Petr Vladimirovich in the kitchen - the living room has just been renovated. Then, in the distant, but so memorable 1992, Petrenko's living room was also filled with unpacked furniture. They received the first apartment in their lives. And before that, they lived in a hostel, despite the fact that Pyotr Vladimirovich was an assistant professor and headed a department in one of the military schools. And even earlier, the family returned from Potsdam, and little Igor did not know where to attach. Mom went to work Kindergarten so that the son grows up under supervision. At the age of four, he suddenly declared:

I won’t go to the kindergarten, the boys are fighting there!

The father, who at that time did not know semitones, seemed strange to this whim. How is it that the son does not know how to stand up for himself?

You know, I was stubborn! - Peter Vladimirovich laughs. - This fate taught me a lot. Tanya and I put a bar on our shoulders every evening and forced Igor to pull himself up.

By the age of five, the boy could pull himself up to 20 times, became strong and self-confident. At the age of six - a section of artistic gymnastics, then judo, karate. By the fifth grade, he was a recognized authority among the boys of the yard on Domodedovskaya Street. But he studied unevenly.

He grew up as a difficult boy, but not a bully, - recalls the class teacher Nina Surzhko from the 990th school with an English bias. - There was already some kind of nobility in him!

Igor was friends with Sasha Kizilov from the first grade. Pyotr Vladimirovich never liked this boy. Father even tried to forbid Igor to be friends with him, but then my mother was indignant:

Well, absolutely you, father, muzzled your son with your prohibitions!

We decided: let them be friends! Easy and charming in communication, Sasha Kizilov knew how to charm not only his peers, but also their parents.

Imagine, he just bribed me with his unchildish elegance, he is always polished, ironed, - says Igor's mother Tatyana Anatolyevna. - Could, for example, bring a bouquet of flowers and give me, ask about business, about health. Who knew that there was another face behind the upbringing?

Debt good turn deserves another

Had it not been for this cut, the court might have found many more extenuating circumstances. But there was a cut. He was found immediately. And how was it not to be found when the boys told Orekhov-Borisov about what had happened? It was a difficult year 1992. When money collapsed and everyone, even schoolchildren, realized how unstable the world is. Back in 1991, the dollar was worth 57 kopecks, and by the end of 1992 - 150 rubles: the highest rate in the history of Yeltsin's democracy. Some hung their heads, others rushed to fish in troubled waters. The children were confused. Igor Petrenko moved to the 10th grade. The school did not particularly complain. Who wants to go to school when there are so many interesting things around? His friend Sasha Kizilov by that time had entered a humanitarian university. There he met Sasha Abramenko. Sasha not only studied, but also worked. Together with his friend Yegor Loktev (surnames changed at the request of his parents), he bought spare parts for computers and assembled them right in the office apartment. An apartment for Sasha on Plekhanov Street was rented by his father. The guys handed over the finished computers to the store on Leninsky Prospekt. In November 1992, Kizilov borrowed 100,000 rubles from Yegor (at the exchange rate of that month - about $666) at 100 percent interest - he promised to pay it back in a month. But a month passed, and there was nothing to repay the debt. Sasha was nervous, they called him even at night. The plan matured quickly. Only here what - to scare creditors? Or act according to the principle “no person - no problem”? There is no exact answer. Only one thing is known: the debtor turned to the future movie star for help.

Did Igor Petrenko know about the impending murder?

Yes, if he heard the word “murder” itself, he would run headlong! - said Igor's sister Irina. - Out of a misunderstood friendship, he agreed to come to this apartment ...

They prepared for the murder noisily and with passion, without hiding from anyone. Witnesses gathered - a whole platoon.

FROM THE MATERIALS OF THE INVESTIGATION. “Kizilov began to turn to acquaintances with a request to get weapons. Kizilov bought from a minor Sernyaev for 5,000 rubles. a model of a lemon grenade that he kept at home. On December 11, 1992, Komarov, an acquaintance of Kizilov's, handed Kizilov and Petrenko a sawn-off shotgun with four cartridges at the entrance to house 46 on Domodedovskaya Street. Then Kizilov, Petrenko and Komarov went to the nearest forest, where Komarov showed them how to use the sawn-off shotgun. In the same place, Komarov fired one shot from a sawn-off shotgun to make sure that it was working. Kizilov hid the rented sawn-off shotgun at home.” The whole yard and two schools knew about the impending operation. They knew that Sasha Kizilov, not Igor, was looking for weapons. It was also kept by Sasha. At that time, Igor Petrenko was involved only in the fact that he knew about his friend's attempts to arm himself. He knew, but did not signal. Hand on heart, which of the boys would inform on a friend?

If a friend doesn't give up...

So simple! So everyday! Bach - and there is no man! That they had committed the murder, Igor realized later, in prison. And it all started as a fun adventure. Slender and frail Sashka had to be protected from two adult creditor guys who were pushing. Who will do it, except for Igor - a devoted friend who knows the basics of a boxing fight? Two friends arrived at Plekhanov Street at five o'clock in the evening. But there they immediately met Sasha Abramenko's father. The boys turn around and leave, but then they return - it's already late in the evening. There are no adults at home - only 17-year-old Sasha Abramenko and 19-year-old Yegor Loktev. Guests are warmly welcomed, everyone drinks champagne together. At 10 pm, Igor Petrenko and Sasha Abramenko go to the subway - supposedly to meet girls they know. And when they return, they find Sasha Kizilov and Yegor Loktev talking peacefully. This is how protocol describes that night.

FROM THE MATERIALS OF THE INVESTIGATION. “Kizilov took out a dummy grenade and a sawn-off shotgun from his bag, which he had previously loaded in the toilet. Kizilov put the model of the grenade on the table, and placed the sawn-off shotgun against the stomach of Loktev, who was sitting in the armchair, and fired a shot. Then Kizilov put the sawn-off shotgun against Loktev's back and fired a second shot. From received gunshot wounds Loktev died. Then Kizilov, holding a sawn-off shotgun in his hands, demanded that Abramenko hand over the money. Abramenko, fearing for his life, gave a box containing 328,000 rubles. (The money was prepared for a commercial trip to St. Petersburg. - A.K.) Wanting to hide their participation in the robbery and murder, Kizilov ordered Abramenko and Petrenko to drag Loktev's corpse to the sofa and create a mess in the room to imitate the struggle that took place there and wipe the blood ".

Bit by bit, we managed to restore how events unfolded in the ill-fated apartment.

Sasha Kizilov put the bag on the table, took out the already loaded sawn-off shotgun, directed it towards Yegor Loktev, who was sitting on an armchair. Still smiling, Yegor asked:

Sasha! Are you crazy?

Sashok, without answering, went up to Yegor and jabbed the sawn-off shotgun in the stomach. The pause dragged on. Igor Petrenko and Sasha Abramenko were standing in the corner of the room. And when Yegor's eyes darkened with anger and he began to get up, Sasha Kizilov pulled the trigger. Maybe out of fear, maybe by accident. And perhaps the reason is purely medical - relatives have repeatedly said that the guy is not all right with his head. Egor groaned and grabbed his stomach. This was the signal for panic. Sasha Abramenko rushed around the room and yelled: "He's gone crazy, he's gone crazy!" Igor shouted: “You only wanted to scare!” - and he vomited. Sasha Kizilov replied: “Everyone stand!” He returned to the table, drove a new bullet into the sawn-off shotgun. And he shot Yegor in the back. Everyone was numb. Kizilov loaded the weapon again - with the last bullet - and began to walk around the room, brandishing the sawn-off shotgun. And he talked, he talked ... He talked about debts and about forgiveness. Igor looked at everything with unseeing eyes. From that moment on, he went into a shock that would not go away even after a few months. Doctors will then say: a reactive state. Like a sleepwalker, a teenager will do whatever he is told. Right now, it seems, they are going somewhere, they give someone weapons, they go to a pizzeria (this is already the next day). Then they put 50 thousand in his pocket, and he returns home. But in fact, the guys went by taxi to Kizilov's house, then returned to pick up the sawn-off shotgun hidden near the house. At the entrance, Sasha Abramenko writes a receipt that Kizilov has repaid his debt. Then the creditor is told to go to the police and write a statement that there is a corpse in his apartment, from where - God knows. Sasha willingly agrees, he remembers that there was only one cartridge left in the sawn-off shotgun. But in the precinct, the nerves do not stand up, and the guy lays out everything. Kizilov was taken the next evening in the courtyard of his house. He immediately betrayed Igor. The accusation against Petrenko was largely based on Sasha's very first testimony.

They came for Petrenko at three in the morning.

On December 15, 1992, another countdown began for this family. It, this time, oozed drop by drop - long nights when parents did not sleep, sitting at the table and holding hands.

"Son, we believe you"

"Matrosskaya Silence". Who gave such a romantic name to an ordinary prison? Moreover, she did not seem so to 15-year-old Igor. Who, after many years, will say about himself in an interview: “Sentimental to disgrace. When I watch any tape, I can shed a tear. So I'm a sensitive romantic at heart." The interrogation began immediately after the arrest. Nobody was going to invite a lawyer or teachers at three in the morning. My father sat silently in the next room. “What an easy contingent these intellectuals are!” - Probably, the investigator was surprised.

Didn't you know that a minor is supposed to be interrogated in the presence of a lawyer? - I ask Peter Vladimirovich.

Where? Do they take my son for interrogation every day? he wonders. - For me, it was not even snow on my head, but an avalanche that collapsed and almost crushed me at first.

In the morning, the parents immediately ran to the lawyer. Well paid. But he didn't lift a finger. Hired another. And then for almost a year they paid a lawyer for every day of work - if only he went to his son every day, handed over notes from his mother, or even an apple and a pie.

“Son, we believe you! We know you couldn't do anything wrong!" they wrote.

We understood that the lawyer had nothing to ask. In general, there is nothing special to do, - says Petr Vladimirovich. - We just wanted Igor to know that he was not thrown into Hard time.

And he knew. He also wrote back. And not a single complaint. “Mom, dad, I'm fine, don't worry!”

Everyday life began with a transfer, when cigarettes were hastily gutted near the prison window. It was painful for the father-colonel to do this, not only because of the humiliation, but also because his son started smoking. However, he also understood that cigarettes in prison are currency. A few months later Igor was transferred to Butyrka. In a cell where there are 85 healthy men, and you can really only sit. I had to take turns sleeping. The head was spinning from the heat. The lice have eaten away the skin to scars. And hunger. Terrible, constant, humiliating. There is a prison gruel where unpeeled potatoes floated mixed with cockroaches, Igor could not. Only a few months later, already in Butyrka, my father was allowed the first meeting. Seeing his son's sunken cheeks, his monstrous pallor and ulcers, Pyotr Vladimirovich only said:

You are eating! You try to eat everything that they give!

Since then, Igor has been eating everything - he is very unpretentious both in food and in clothes. Maybe eat what you have to and sleep as it will.

The prison nightmare continued for almost a year. Then Igor was transferred to the fifth mental asylum. This is the usual practice of monitoring minors.

FROM THE MATERIALS OF THE INVESTIGATION. “During the preliminary investigation, Petrenko gradually began to develop a psychogenic reaction at a neurotic level, in connection with which, on the basis of the ruling of the Moscow City Court of October 22, 1993, he was sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric hospital with ordinary observation.” And again, for parents, the workdays of transfers and trips to the remote suburbs with bags and packages came. But now they were at least allowed to see their confused boy. By the way, soon Sasha Kizilov also ended up here, in the fifth clinic. However, he did not stay long in the hospital. Having immediately escaped, the killer found himself in the open spaces Saratov region, where for several years he was calmly engaged in the “construction” of one of the first Russian pyramids. If not for this circumstance, the trial would have taken place three months after the hospital, and not five years later. Igor's psychiatric trial ended after a year and nine months. All these torments did not go unnoticed for the parents. Igor's father had a stroke and paralyzed his left side. Mom, Tatyana Anatolyevna, was just recently discharged from the Helmholtz clinic. We spoke with her in the hospital a few hours after her eye surgery.

Letters to a past life

When Igor was released from prison, it was the hot summer of 1995, the asphalt was melting. The teenager passed the exams for the 10th and 11th grades secondary school and in the autumn he entered the Shchepkinskoye Higher School. But our reader knows relatively well about this period of the actor's life. Igor himself considers his first school performance to be symbolic, when he, playing the role of a "two", stood on his hands and turned into a "five". Finally, by 1997, our slow Themis woke up. Judge Larisa Guseva gave impressive sentences to almost children. Moreover, by that time it was already clear who, in the language of the prosecutor, embarked on the path of correction, and who did not. It was not possible to talk with her, now the judge is on a well-deserved rest. And it is unlikely that she remembers all the snotty boys running around with sawn-off shotguns.

Sasha Kizilov was found guilty under Article 146 (robbery) and Article 102 (premeditated murder under aggravated circumstances) of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR. He was given a considerable term - 10 years. And for the Saratov fraud - 7 more were added. He served five plus a year of probation. The court found Igor Petrenko guilty under the same “robbery” article and complicity in the murder. But eight suspended years is almost nothing, according to the judges, except for the year of pre-trial detention, which he spent in Matrosskaya Tishina and Butyrka. By the end of the theater school, the term was paid off and the criminal record was completely removed. It would seem that the past can be forgotten. “Star” has already been filmed, tempting offers from well-known directors are coming in ... And then Sasha Kizilov comes out of prison. And problems begin in the Petrenko family. Isn't the "accomplice" on the warpath? There were grounds. He sits, and the "accomplice" acts in films? The other day, copies of the 1997 court record on the “Petrenko case” were sent to many electronic addresses, in particular, to the management of a number of film studios. Who might need it?

That's what Igor's mother, Tatyana Anatolyevna, thinks.

We could not help but pay attention to the fact that all the troubles began after Sasha Kizilov was released, she said. - Of course, Igor was against it, but my father and I hired a private detective who identified the source of the rumors. I don’t know if Kizilov himself, who is annoyed by the success of his former friend, is undermining his son’s authority, or his relatives have tried, but the threat comes from that family. By the way, Sasha Kizilov is not in poverty at all. He graduated from a law school in prison, now serves as a human rights activist, and constantly travels abroad. What feelings moved Alexander when he decided to “signal” the cinema community about the dark past of his accomplice friend? Envy? Wanting revenge? Or, even worse, get "compensation" for silence?

I don’t understand why it was necessary to stir up this story, - continues Igor’s mother (the actor himself is now filming abroad). - In any case, I'm proud of my son. He's been through a lot, but he hasn't broken. And Kizilov ... You know, when I found out that he was free, I immediately called his mother and asked Sasha to come to us. But he didn't answer. And then there were these letters...

And here is how the mother of Sasha Kizilov reacted to our question:

What do you? Sasha cannot be involved in this dirty business in any way, - said Tatyana Andreevna. - Judge for yourself: after all, it is unprofitable, first of all, to himself. He starts new life and most of all does not want people to know about his past.

Who benefits from this?

Many people knew about the process. In addition to the victims, there were also witnesses, lawyers, judges, people's assessors. Most likely, those who had it could sell the information when Igor Petrenko became popular.

But what, in fact, did Igor Petrenko do? He did not take money from Loktev. He didn’t kill and didn’t even take a sawn-off shotgun in his hands. The mother of the deceased - the most biased witness - Natalya Lokteva, even then did not immediately understand who they were talking about:

Igor Petrenko? The namesake of a young actor?

No, Natalya Valentinovna, this is exactly the same Igor Petrenko who was accused of killing your son!

My God! Is it really that modest boy who was standing in the corner when Yegor was killed? Even during the trial I did not understand, what does he have to do with it?

Igor did not run away from punishment. He knew and did not inform - this is his only sin from the point of view of the law. And yet now he is forced to pay the actual price for someone else's crime.

And how was the fate of the rest of the participants in the drama? Sasha Abramenko got lost somewhere on Russian expanses but I hope he's doing well. The deceased Egor Loktev was a third-year student at another institute. He was considered a promising young man, showing some promise in the field of computer technology. After his death, a brother and a little sister remained in the Loktev family. Now Yegor's parents have four grandchildren. On the eve of my call to the Loktev family, the twin brother of the murdered man had a dream about Yegor. “I don’t know what he said, but it was a bright dream,” recalls a relative.

And Petrenko ... Well, perhaps if Igor had not come to the apartment on Plekhanov Street that winter evening, he probably would have become famous as an actor anyway. Only much later. After all, in order to become a good artist, it is not enough to have talent - you need to know the price of life, death and freedom. Moscow's comsomolets

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