How to clean a scratched smartphone screen. Is it possible to remove scratches from the screen of a mobile phone. How to remove scratches from a phone camera

Auto 06.09.2018

Modern smartphones with large screens, despite the huge functionality, have a fairly low wear resistance.

Phones are dropped, and this is normal, but if the case is protected by a special decorative case, then with a screen that suffers from falls more often, such a solution is impossible, and a protective film does not always help.

It is important to emphasize that the purpose of this article is to create a collection using the methods that are most commonly used in these cases. As odd as it looks and as bizarre as it sounds, many owners of cell phones - even computer monitors - with a scratched display have solved the problem by using this personal care kit. Most of the users who have reviewed this method have reported that they have tried other forms without much success.

For this technique, you must have toothpaste in your hands - it cannot be thickened - and a piece of cotton or a cotton swab. The use is simple: apply the paste and rub with a cotton or cotton swab without forcing too much, about five minutes.

As an alternative to protective film use protective glass, but this method also has several disadvantages:

  1. Not for every smartphone model you can choose the right protective glass;
  2. Licensed phones may be overpriced;
  3. It also scratches.

How to remove scratches from the phone screen at home

There are many ways to “upgrade” a smartphone on the Internet, from completely useless to quite realistic. It is worth being careful when using such "folk" means, so as not to completely ruin the screen. Below is a list of tools that may not help all phones, but definitely will not harm them:

After this period, wipe the display until no material remains and check the result. If the scratch still persists on the display, try repeating the process. But note don't use it too often, as this can remove the layer of varnish that protects the display, taking out the brightness and leaving it with a matte appearance.

how to remove scratches from phone with displex paste

School rubbers can also be used for this purpose. According to reports, the one that returns in the best result is the rectangular model in green. Lightly rub the material on the screen, just above zero, and then wipe the surface to check the result. If necessary, repeat the application more often, always try not to force the display.

  1. Toothpaste.
  2. Creams for removing scratches (automobile).
  3. Baking soda.
  4. Baby powder.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Glass polish (only for glass screens).
  7. Special tools for polishing the screen.

Some sources also suggest using fine-grained sandpaper, but this method, if it can help to cope with scratches, requires very painstaking work, which the owner of the phone most likely cannot cope with.

If you've made a face for a toothpaste-based technique, you should probably find this thing from another world. Along with personal care supplies, this is another number one candidate in the fight against visor scratches. Anyway, although it is strange, this is one of the methods that gives less chance of damaging the display of the device. To use, a drop of material should be applied over scratches and lightly applied with a cotton swab or cotton swab. The application should not take more than one or two minutes.

Display Scratch Prevention

After this period, check the result by removing the excess residue on the screen. If you do not want to use petroleum jelly, there are some substances that can replace it, but not with the same effectiveness. These materials are silicone paste and soybean oil. Despite the replacement, they can bring great danger for the display, so use them with care and without exaggeration.

The easiest and most famous way is to remove scratches with toothpaste. There may not be soda or even vegetable oil in the house, but every conscious person brushes his teeth. But, even in such a clear at first glance, there are some nuances.

Pay attention to the product description. You need toothpaste, not gel paste. The packaging should indicate that the paste has abrasive properties.

A product specifically designed for treating scratches is already on the market. His work is based on the wear of the area around zero, which makes the scratch not so obvious. In case of deep scratches, repeat the operation to achieve best results. It is not recommended to apply for longer than the period set by the brand. Eventually, this product will wear down the area where it was applied, leaving a hole in the screen if it is reused.

Pastes GOI and Displex

The disadvantage of this substance is the fact that it eliminates the brightness of the area in which it is used. If the user applies many times in a row - which is necessary for very deep scratches - the display is marked with a whitish and matte spot. However, exposure to this material continued to operate in this article for informational purposes.

Don't put toothpaste on the screen. Squeeze some of the paste onto a piece of cloth, a paper towel, or, for smaller scratches, use a Q-tip. A toothbrush can only be used if it is soft enough.

In a circular motion, begin to rub the toothpaste into the screen. Don't press too hard to ruin it. Continue the process until you see results.

The decision on the ideal substance depends on each user. For example, there are some older cell phones that allow you to exchange the front cover of the cell phone. In this case, it is easiest to make changes without applying any product. In other cases, it is also possible to change the entire display. To do this, contact an authorized service center for your brand.

If the scratches have reached only the plastic protection of the visor, the problem can be solved with a good varnish. To do this, find a place in your city that specializes in screen polishing in general - monitors, TVs, and mobile phones, for example - and ask them to help with the risk.

Remember that toothpaste will help get rid of small scratches, and reduce large ones. Remove the remaining toothpaste with a damp cloth or paper towels moistened with warm water.

This method is slightly more expensive, but helps to get rid of deeper scratches. Carefully choose a tool - do not use too strong creams or too cheap, so as not to spoil the smartphone.

But, as they say, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, if you still have no risk on your cell phone screen and you want it to stay that way, you can use protective cases designed for different cell phone models. The average value of these protective films is less than 10 reais, but can increase depending on the type of display.

Revolutionized the electronics market. This facilitates communication between the user and your electronic device. Access to menus and submenus has become much easier, physical keyboards are no longer needed. The keyboards had an extension and did not increase the size and weight of the devices. Editing tools have also been created and new features can be implemented.

Apply the product to a piece of soft cloth, rub it and start treating the screen. Try to move in a circle with minimal pressure on the display. Work better with gloves.

After processing the screen, wipe it with special wipes.

With baking soda

Those who want to remove scratches from the phone screen at home often resort to help baking soda. If used correctly, it is safe for the screen and is highly likely to help restore its former gloss.

After the advent of the touch screen, it became popular, and many electronic device manufacturers and mainly mobile phones adhere to the touch screen technology. Thus, if it were necessary to use the keys to do everything, these days we can only solve with a light touch of the fingertips.

Application of baking soda

The first touchscreen phones hit the market in 2005. Initially, only a few manufacturers worked with this technology, but they only worked when touched with a special pen that accompanied the devices. There are several devices on the market that use touch screen technology such as cell phones, computers, tablets and many other electronic devices.

Do not use powdered baking soda. Dilute two parts baking soda with one part water and stir until a thick paste forms. After that, apply it to the screen in the same way as toothpaste, and begin to gently rub it into it. Soda is removed with a damp cloth or napkins.

Baby powder

This method is the most gentle on the screen, but it can only be used to remove minor scratches and restore the shine to the screen. Make a paste out of the powder by diluting it with water (for different powders, the amount of water needed may vary, but on average it is better to use two parts of powder to one part of water).

Among the advantages of the touch screen is that the user can do what he wants, especially in a cell phone, faster than using the device in the usual way. The touch screen also ensures that the phone does not activate any function with involuntary movements inside bags and folders. The shortcomings found in this type of technology are practically non-existent. However, the user must take great care when the screens are very sensitive, because at some point the handling of the device is eventually broken, especially if it is a mobile phone.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil also fights against the smallest scratches, but quickly returns the phone to its former shine. For this procedure, literally one drop of vegetable oil is enough. After processing, the remains are best removed with a napkin or paper towel. Do not leave the screen with excess lying down.

glass polish

The owners of phones with glass screens are a little more fortunate - they have an alternative way to remove scratches. At the same time, baking soda or toothpaste may not help their screens.

However, what worries most and gives rise to some doubts are the possible scratches on the screen and, of course, the same. Since the screen is the part that is most busy, some risk or even accumulated dirt becomes inevitable.

When touching the screen with your fingers, which is a concentration of grease or even some residue of dirt, it is inevitable not to contaminate the screen. So, to ensure not only the longevity of the touch screen, but also the cleaning, check out the tips below on how to properly clean the surface and avoid scratches.

First of all, carefully read the composition of the polish - it must contain cerium oxide. It is sold both in the form of a powder, which must then be diluted, and in the form of a paste. It is best to use the powder in order to regulate the density of the paste. It will take approximately 100 grams.

Dilute the powder with water until it looks like heavy cream. Mix the solution well so that its mass is homogeneous. Leave a soft cloth to soak in the polish.

Microfiber Cloth: Because it is not natural, it does not leave uncomfortable hair on the screen. Isopropyl Alcohol: Because it has no other ingredients, there is no risk of staining or damaging the touch screen. Place the durex on the screen avoiding the bubbles and after a minute be very careful. They say that the fat comes out completely. Cotton and water: Slightly moistened cotton can solve screen cleaning. . For this, among the options mentioned above, the best is still a good old washcloth.

It is ideal to use specially made towels for cleaning this type of screen, these can be easily found on the market. These washcloths are made from microfibers that do not harm device screens. In addition, the fibers of these towels have been designed in such a way that, when rubbed, they do not cause scratches on fabrics. Therefore, it is important to remember not to use a strip of clothing or even this paper towel for cleaning.

Close the phone case. You can do this with tape or wrap it tightly with cellophane. Pay special attention to the speakers, connectors and camera.

Using the prepared cloth, start rubbing the scratched area of ​​the screen in a circular motion. After every 30-40 seconds of treatment, rinse off the polish and check the scratch. Don't overdo your cleansing. When the scratch is removed, wipe it with a polishing cloth and remove the protective shell.

What should I do if the dirt is heavy?

Don't despair, but don't rush to immediately jump to the screen ahead to try and clear. Ideally, mix a small amount of water with a small amount of detergent in a small bowl, then wipe the tip with a special cleaning cloth and gently wipe the damp cloth over the cloth.

How to clean touch screen scratches

Then wipe the towel dry to the end. The process should be the same as the one mentioned above. As we saw earlier, cleaning the touch screen is not that difficult. However, when there is any scratch, how should we move on? Here are some tips on this matter.

An unusual tool for those who want to remove scratches from the phone screen at home is goy paste. This material is abrasive and has been used for polishing since the Soviet Union but still quite effective.

Buy a jar of this paste and use it to remove small scratches from your phone. It is much more effective and safer than even toothpaste or soda.

Toothpaste: Cleaning the touch screen surface requires white toothpaste and a cotton or flexible rod. Place the toothpaste on the surface and rub it lightly for five minutes with cotton or a flexible rod. After the specified time has elapsed, wipe the display until all particles are gone.

How to get rid of scratches on your phone with toothpaste

To remove scratches, you need to wipe the rubber on the surface. Special Substances: There are currently some products on the market that promise to remove screen grooves. The process basically works like varnish. To remove scratches, you need to place a piece of the product on the place of risk and a piece of cotton, make small movements for about three minutes.

Phone screen polish

Of course, the first thing you should think about when removing scratches is special gels, especially if your smartphone is expensive. Most often, this method is repelled by its price, but if you are the owner of Apple technology, then it is better to turn to it.

Screen polishing agents should be used according to the instructions that come with them.

Car Wax: Car wax is effective for removing grooves. The process is the same as the others. Wipe the wax on the display and wipe with cotton or a soft cloth. The above tips look good and effective, however anyone using a touch screen should keep in mind that care is the best alternative. Here are some helpful tips to keep your screen always fresh and in perfect working order.

Try to use, if possible, for a long time protective film that comes with your device. Never put your mobile phone in your pocket along with other objects such as coins, keys, key chains, pens and any other items that could scratch your device. If you need to use the pocket to leave it, leave it facing your body and thus avoid damaging the device. Always keep a separate place in your wallet or backpack when you are wearing a touch screen device. Be very careful when working with the screen, do not use your fingernail to bring up the controls. Keep your screen always clean and dust-free. Never leave the instrument face down on the display in contact with tables or other surfaces. Do not use objects such as toothpicks, pen caps, pencils, staples, or other sharp objects to disable screen control. Do not leave the device in the trunk of a car. Always leave the device in a safe place and thus avoid falling. Before starting, it would be a good idea to cut out the mobile phone, remove the battery and connect the ports.

Multifunctional smartphones have become indispensable assistants for almost everyone modern man. It can be both a music player, a camera, a video camera, a personal diary, and a game console. We are used to always carrying it with us, without parting with the device even at night.

Therefore, if with the advent of a new device you did not ask yourself how to stick glass on the phone, or did not take care of this moment when buying it, in a week it may appear small scratches and abrasions. Minor damage is not a dangerous thing for the operation of the device, but very unpleasant for its owner.

Is it possible to remove scratches from the phone screen?

Yes, it is quite possible to remove small scuffs even at home. To do this, it is not at all necessary to carry the device to a service center. To cope with this task, you need to stock up on a minimum set of tools and patience.

Before you get started, consider a few important points:

  • the material from which the screen is made is of great importance: for example, plastic surfaces are less susceptible to correction than glass ones;
  • before using any tool directly on the phone screen, you need to try it on another similar surface in order to avoid unpleasant surprises;
  • If you prefer specialized products, always read all precautions for their use.

If you cannot determine what material the screen of your phone or smartphone is made of, you can always find all the necessary information on the Internet. For example, specifications All Fly products are listed on the company's website.

How to remove small scratches from phone screen?

The most effective remedies for removing minor phone screen damage at home include:

  • toothpaste,
  • baby powder,
  • baking soda,
  • sunflower or any other vegetable oil.

Toothpaste is an effective abrasive. To get rid of scratches and other defects, you need to smear a small amount of paste on the screen at the site of damage using a cotton swab. Gently rub the product into the surface with smooth movements. When the scratch disappears, remove the remaining paste with a damp cloth or cloth cut.

Baking soda and baby powder work in a similar way. Small particles of funds allow for soft grinding of the screen, returning it to its original appearance. Baking soda or baby powder should be mixed with clean water in a ratio of 2:1 and apply to the surface with a soft cloth. Rub the screen in a circular motion, then remove the remaining paste.

Vegetable oil is considered less effective tool. Put one drop of oil on the damaged surface and rub with a soft cloth to restore the screen to its original shine and neat appearance.

In case of deep scratches and damage, it is better to contact a service center specialist to solve the problem. If the screen defects are too strong and interfere with the operation of the device, then most likely you will be offered a screen replacement. Also, in the service center they will help you not only to eliminate external defects, but also to understand the nuances and malfunctions of the smartphone, for example, in.

How to remove scratches from the phone screen using special tools

For this purpose, polishing agents are most often used (if you are dealing with a glass screen). If you purchased a powder based on cerium oxide, you need to make a solution from it. If you are dealing with a ready-made tool, you can immediately get to work:

  • seal everything vulnerabilities adhesive tape (speaker, bottom buttons, microphone);
  • apply a small amount of solution to the scratch;
  • gently rub the solution into the screen with a soft cloth;
  • Wipe off any remaining product with a damp cloth and dry the screen.

To prevent scratches in the future, use special protective accessories: film or glass on the smartphone display. Learn how to properly stick a film on your phone at home.

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