Abstract of the lesson the world of nature middle group. Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Nature" in the middle group

Tourism and rest 06.07.2019
Tourism and rest

Target: parenting in children careful attitude to nature, interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave in the forest.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, today we received an SMS message from the forest. Let's read it: a violator of silence appeared in the forest, a disturber of the peace of rivers and lakes, a destroyer of bird nests - a HOOLIGAN. Help, help.

Teacher: What are we going to do? (children's answers). I think we should go to the forest to help nature. How can we go there? (children's answers). But before you and I go to the forest by car, let's remember some regulations:

What part of the road should a pedestrian walk on? (sidewalk)

At what traffic light sign can you cross the street? (green)

What is the name of the people crossing the road? (pedestrians)

- What is the name of the animal that marks the section of the road? (zebra)

Educator: Well done, and now we take places in the car. Go. (background sounds)

Educator: So we arrived in the forest. Guys, have you noticed how quiet, sad, sad it is here, the birds do not sing, the trees do not make noise. No wonder we were called for help. (There is a pile of rubbish in the clearing).

Educator: Guys, remember in the SMS message it was written about the bully, he probably littered it. Let's clear the forest of this garbage. And what needs to be done for this? (the guys collect the garbage in a bag to take it to the trash can)

(A bully enters with a slingshot in his hands)

Hooligan: I didn't understand why it became so clean in the forest? (children's answers).

Educator: Hooligan, you know that the forest is the home of many animals and birds. And in a strange house it is indecent to litter and shout loudly.

Bully: Okay, I get it. Garbage is nonsense, I picked mushrooms today, and I'm going to eat them.

Educator: Guys, let's check what mushrooms he collected (children look at mushrooms and find fly agaric among them)

Bully: Such beautiful mushroom this fly agaric, I'll eat it first (children take fly agaric from a bully).

Hooligan: Why can't you eat it? And who can? (children's answers). Guys, what kind of mushrooms do you know?

Physical education:

1. We all walk through the forest

We raise our hands higher

We put our feet wide

And we meet a bear

We put our hands behind our backs,

Before us is a reservoir,

One-two, one-two

There is water behind.

4. Suddenly we see a bush

The chick fell out of the nest

Quietly we take a chick,

And we put it in the nest.

Hooligan: Guys, I have a surprise for you. (takes out a black box from his backpack). Listen to the riddle: there is an object hidden in this box and you have to guess what is there. This is an item that will help you in the forest, but on the other hand, this item can cause a lot of trouble.

It's a cramped, cramped house

A hundred sisters huddle in it

And any of the sisters

May erupt like a fire

Don't mess with your sisters

Thin….. matches.

Hooligan: How can matches help in the forest? And what harm can a fire do in a forest? (children's answers, after which the music of the forest sounds, the birds sing).

Educator: Guys, so we did everything right with you?

Hooligan: Thank you guys, I give you my word of honor that I will not be hooligans anymore, I will protect the forest.

Educator: Guys, did you like the trip? What did you like? How do we help the forest? What can not be done in the forest? (children's answers). Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, we take places in the car, let's go! (phonogram sounds).

Svetlana Khokhlova
Abstract of the lesson on the natural world in middle group"Lesovichok visiting the guys"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 42"

Lesson summary

Natural world in the middle group

On the topic: « Lesovichok visiting the guys»



Khokhlova S. P.

Educational area: "Cognitive Development"

View lessons: natural world



Learn to identify the characteristic features of living objects and generalize them according to these features;

Clarify and expand children's ideas about appearance animals and birds;

To form the ability of children to correlate the names of adult animals with the names of their cubs in the singular, to use these words in speech.


To develop in children the ability to explain their point of view, to prove it.


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards forest animals, birds.

Integrated educational areas:

OO "Speech Development"

Develop the ability of children to listen to stories.

Encourage children to answer the teacher's questions.

OO "Social and communicative development"

To evoke in children an emotional response to the brightness of color pictures, the ability to be included in a game situation.

Develop a passion for performance.

OO "Physical development"

Develop creativity.

vocabulary work:

Wool, beak, mouth, feathers, paws, toothy. Activate the names of baby animals in speech.

preliminary work:

Examination of paintings with wild animals and birds;

Conversations about animals and birds;

Reading stories by E. Charushin "About bunnies", "Volchishko", "Foxes"; A. Barto "Tit"; E. Blaginina "Ghuli-ghuli"; R. Bukharaeva "Feeder";

Materials, equipment:



Pictures of animals and birds;

Schemes of animals and birds;

Didactic games "Where is whose tail", "Who's got a fur coat?", "Who's screaming", "Help me find my mom";

Guessing riddles about birds and animals.

Conduct form: group

Methodological techniques

Verbal: organizational moment, reading stories, conversation, game.

visual: looking at pictures, playing.

Practical: children performing tasks, with the help of a teacher.

The motive of children's activities: educational and playful

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction.

Finger gymnastics "House". Knock on the door. Surprise moment. Appears Lesovichok.

caregiver:Guys, you know who came to us in guests? it Lesovichok. Let's say hello to him. (Children greet).

He lives in the forest and keeps order. The woodsman knows every tree, all animals and birds.

2. Main body:

caregiver:Lesovichok brought something in a basket. Let's see. He brought games and wants to play with us. Do you want to play with Lesovichkom? (Yes).

We get the first game - "Beasts and Birds". The envelope contains pictures of animals and birds. On the table are diagrams of animals and birds. Discuss diagrams with children. Offer to find patterns for animals and birds. The children are doing the task.

Task summary. You coped with the game, helped animals and birds find their schemes.

At Lesovichka there is another game. Let's take a look at the basket. This game is called "The Fourth Extra". Children carefully examine the card and find an extra picture, explain why it is superfluous.

Well done! (The teacher takes the basket).

Oh, and there's something else here. (Pulls out a bump). Guys, what is this? (Cone). The bump will help us play the word game "Name the Baby". I will name an adult animal, and you will name its cub. Whoever has a bump in his hands will call the cub (for example, wolf cub).

3. Final part.

Outcome: guys what did we learn today? Name the cubs of wild animals, put the birds and animals according to the schemes. Found an extra picture on the card.

4. Literature:

1. Kartukhina I. A. « Summaries of classes in the second junior group» .

2. Voronkevich O. A. "Welcome to Ecology" (junior and middle preschool age) .

3. Arushanova A. G. "Speech and speech communication of children 3-7 years old" Moscow Mosaic-Synthesis 1999

Related publications:

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Learn to understand and appreciate natural phenomena, their influence on emotional condition person;
convey your emotions in facial expressions, gestures, movements (under the influence of natural phenomena),
evaluate natural phenomena, cultivate interest in weather phenomena.

Material: flannelograph, pictures depicting natural phenomena (rain, sun, wind, snow, etc.), weather calendar, caps Clouds, Rain, snow, icicles.

GCD progress:

I invite the children to remember what words we use to talk about the sun (clear, radiant, hot, bright). I note the answers of the children who were able to come up with more definitions. Then I say: "Guys, let's remember what words can be said about the sky when the sun is shining (blue, blue, clear, sunny, transparent), about the sky in which there is no sun (sad, gloomy, overcast, gray)".

And now, listen to a fairy tale: "Once upon a time there were two brothers of the wind; the elder brother is the North wind, the other is the South. How different they are from each other! As soon as the north wind blows, it immediately becomes cold and frosty." What other words can be said about this wind? (Icy, frosty, prickly). "And the second brother - the South wind was completely different. What was the SOUTH wind? (Warm, gentle, gentle).

Guys, look at the pictures on the flannelgraph, they talk about sunny day, about clouds, rain. Why do we need the sun, what is it? Listen to poems about the sun and morning.

"The sun is shining early,

Sends a smile to the whole earth

We go out to the meadow

The brook in the forest sings

Maple nods his head

Birds are chirping cheerfully

The birds are happy to meet us,

Happy to sing with us."

Reading verse M. Shchelovanova "Morning".

"What is this morning?

Today is a bad morning

This is a boring morning

And it looks like it's going to rain.

Today there will be no sun

Today there will be no sun

Today will be gloomy

Grey, cloudy day.

Guys, what is the poem about?

How else can you say about a gloomy morning? (gray, gloomy, boring).

What about sunshine? (joyful, blue, cloudless, happy).

Etude "The wind is blowing".

And now, guys, let's get up and go for a walk in the forest. We walk through the field, the sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing, the grass and flowers are swaying. It blows softly, like this: "Oooh."

Children (repeat): "woo-hoo."

They came to the forest to pick berries. Were about to go back. blew strong wind. He hummed loudly: "woo-hoo."

Children (repeat): "woo-hoo."

Etude "Rain".

Clouds ran into the sky, hid the sun, and suddenly it began to rain, drumming on the leaves and grass. How did you get the drops?

"Drop one, drop two,

Drops slowly at first -

Cap, cap, cap.

(Children clapping slowly).

Drops began to ripen

catch up with a drop

Cap, cap, cap.

(Children clap more often).

Let's open the umbrella

We'll shelter ourselves from the rain.

(Children raise their hands above their heads, imitating an umbrella).

Guys, let's go to the corner of nature. There is a weather calendar. What do we celebrate there?

That's right, we draw rain or sun, a strong wind, and in winter we mark snow, in autumn - falling leaves. Guys, let's remember sentences and riddles about the sun.

"The sun is a bucket,

Come out from behind the cloud

Sit on a stump

Walk all day.

What other weather happens, except sunny? (rain, snow, thunder, wind, etc.). I will make riddles about the weather, and you try to solve them.

Without arms, without legs, but opens the gate. (Wind).

Lives - lies, dies - runs. (Snow).

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere, the lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain. (Clouds).

No planks, no axes

The bridge over the river is ready

Bridge like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light. (Ice).

First shine, then crackle,

After the crackling splash. (Thunderstorm).

Who plays wires

Raising dust in clubs?

Who bends the trees to the ground?

Who drives the river wave (Wind).

Green meadows need me, fields need me,

Flowers and bushes need me.

And if I'm suddenly late -

Everything withers around, drying up.

But everyone should hear me

They will hide immediately under the roofs. (Rain).

In the midst of the blue field is the bright brilliance of a great fire.

Slowly the fire that walks

Earth - mother bypasses,

Shines cheerfully in the window,

Well, of course it is. .. . (Sun).

Guys, let's play the game "Sun and rain" now. First, let's put the chairs with their backs forward - these are houses, and the back opening is a window. Look out the window and wave your hand to the sun. The sun is calling everyone for a walk. Come to me, let's repeat the words about the sun:

"The sun looks out the window, (raise their heads)

Shines into our room (spread their arms to the sides)

We clap our hands (clap our hands)

Very happy with the sun (circling).

Now let's run! (Children run away)

Look at the rain! Rather go home! (children sit on chairs)

Let's listen to the rain drumming on the roofs.

"Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, drip don't be sorry

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window in vain"

Look out the window, the sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk!

(The game continues again)

Guys, what mood did we have on the walk? We all shone with smiles, like the suns, were kind and cheerful. Like the rays of the sun, we scattered all over the clearing. It is good to always be kind and joyful.

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with nature in the middle group
Theme: "Seasons".

-Teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons;
- to help to know the sequence of life processes in nature and those regular changes that occur in it;
- using a poetic word to show the beauty of the different seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena;
- exercise in guessing riddles about animals;
- educate attention, thinking.
Material: toy bunny, envelope, pictures with seasons,
Lesson progress
Educator: Guys, today an interesting toy wants to visit us - a small animal, but this guest will appear only when you solve the riddle about him:
A ball of fluff, a white ear,
Jumps deftly, loves carrots.
Who is it? - (bunny).
Educator: Well done guys, guessed the riddle. Look, the bunny has an unusual envelope in its paws. Let's see what's there.
Educator: And you, bunny, sit on a chair, you will be a guest in our group.
Educator: The bunny wants to check if you know the signs of the seasons?
You must not only guess the riddle, but also find a picture that depicts this time of year.
Riddle: 1. I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me,
I warm the rivers, "Swim! » - I invite
And you all love me for it. (I am summer)
2. I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again,
I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,
But I do not touch the pines and fir trees. (I am autumn)
3. I have a lot to do: I am a white blanket
I cover all the land, I clean the ice of the river,
I whitewash the fields, at home, they call me. (Winter),
4. I open the kidneys into green leaves,
I dress the trees, I water the crops,
Movement is full, they call me. (Spring),
5. And light and wide
Our quiet river
Let's go swimming
Splash with fish. (Summer),
6. It's raining, cold, like ice.
Leaves swirl across the fields.
And geese in a long caravan
They fly over the forest. (Autumn).
7. Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters. (Winter).
8. In the clearing, by the path
Weeds break through.
A stream runs from a hillock,
And there is snow under the tree. (Spring).
(Children put answers on the board)
Educator: Well done, guys, they guessed all the seasons correctly.
Teacher: What season is it now? How did you know it's spring? (children's answers)
Educator: Right. Only in spring the trees put on their green clothes, and the birds build their nests and hatch their chicks.
Let's list with you the signs of each season (children's answers)
Educator: Guys, look, an unusual Miracle has blossomed in our group - a tree!
Remember how in the book by K. I. Chukovsky, pictures and shoes grew on the branches of the Miracle Tree.
Educator: And today they grew on our tree colorful balloons for fun kids.
Like ours at the gate Miracle - a tree grows
Not leaves on it, not flowers on it,
And colorful balloons!
Yes, not easy, but magical
With riddles.
Why are you yawning, don't cut them off?
Sasha will go to the tree, pick the ball from the tree.
(the called child guesses the riddle written on the ball)
"In the winter he sleeps, in the summer he stirs the hives." BEAR,
Fluffy tail, golden fur,
He lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. FOX.
"Under the pines, under the trees, a bag of needles runs." Hedgehog.
“I wear a fluffy coat.
I live in a dense forest
In a hollow on an old oak,
I chew nuts." SQUIRREL.
Educator: Guys, what animals were the riddles about? (children's answers)
Why are they called wild? (children's answers)
Well, I'll pick the last ball. What is written here: the bunny offers to play the game: "Beetles" (Children follow the teacher's commands - the bugs flew, the bugs sat down, floundered, rested.)
Have a rest? It's time for us to say goodbye to the forest guest. He wants to tell us something: Well done, you guys have solved all the riddles. And in the game, you kids were good too.
- Goodbye, kids, it's time for us to part.
- Goodbye, bunny. Come visit us and bring other animals with you.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Verkhneachakskaya secondary school"

Yadrinsky district of the Chuvash Republic

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group

"Beauty is all around us!"

Prepared by: Belyakova I.I.

Upper Achaks -2016

Theme: "Beauty is around us!"

Program content:

To form children's ideas about the beauty of the world.

Awaken emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality.

Develop Creative skills, fantasy, imagination, interest in visual activity.

To lay the foundations for a careful and caring attitude towards the world around us.

Equipment : multimedia presentation, tickets, folk toys, nature pictures

Lesson progress:

Guys, today we will go on a fabulous journey and talk with you about beauty. Our journey will consist of several stops. At each station, we need to complete tasks. So, we need to buy tickets for the steam locomotive. (Children go to an impromptu ticket office, buy tickets for a steam locomotive).

So, does everyone have tickets? Then go! (Sound of a locomotive). We sit down.

I station "Beauty of nature"

We arrived at the station of the beauty of nature. What is beauty? What is it like? - (Children express their understanding of beauty). - Beauty is what a person likes, evokes good feelings, delight, joy in him. You agree with me? - (Children's answers.) - We are talking about the beauty of nature.What is nature?(Children's answers. Nature is trees, flowers, animals. And cats, dogs, and grass, and snow, and the sun, and everything that surrounds us.)

Look at our exhibition. What do you see here? (Answers of children). Handsomely?And the pictures are bright and beautiful.Look at this picture. (The teacher demonstrates the picture "Winter fun").

Consider the picture, what season is shown in the picture?

Why do you think it's winter?

What do you see on it, tell us ... (children are sledding down a hill, skiing, skating on ice, several children are making a snowman).

What was the snow like on the day when the children were walking? (white, clean, sticky).

Why do you think snow is sticky? (because they make a snowman).

What are the children's faces like? (cheerful, joyful, smiling).

Children froze to walk? (no, everyone's cheeks are red, the children move a lot, they are dressed in warm, winter clothes).

What is the mood of the children? (good, cheerful, pleasant, joyful).

Educator: Who said that winter has no nature, no beauty? One cannot agree with this: winter is the same unique beautiful season as all the others.

Do you know - Rules of conduct in nature.

Let's playgame "Silence". If you agree, then nod your head "yes." If you don't agree, nod "no".

We protect nature (Yes)

We protect all the animals (Yes)

We throw garbage around (no)

And we break trees (no)

We make bird feeders (Yeah)

We catch different animals (No)

We clean the river banks (yeah)

We are nature's friends (Yes)

caregiver : -Well done guys, you know how to help nature.

Now let's get back on the train. (Train sound).

2 station "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"

Guys, what do we have? They are familiar to you. Name them.(Matryoshka dolls, Dymkovo toys, Filimonov whistles, etc.).

- Do you like these toys? What do you like about them? (These toys do not leave a person indifferent, they bring warmth and celebration, beauty and fun into our lives.

- Do you want to know how the toy appeared? Why do you think adults invented them? (For children to play.) The adults were busy with work, and the children needed something to amuse, kindergarten it wasn't there before. toys made from different material: what was at hand, they made from that - they molded it from clay, cut it out of wood, sawed it out of bone, knitted it from threads.

Admire the beauties of nesting dolls. Matryoshka figurine is carved from wooden block. It is divided into two parts and a whole family of dolls was hiding in it, one smaller than the other. Our nesting doll has become a symbol of Russia.

The Chuvash children also had their own toys: clay whistles - shakhlich, rag dolls and toys made of wool - a ball - starter.

All these funny, beautiful toys were prepared by people with their own hands.

Now let's get back on the train. (Train sound). And at the next station, we'll talk about people.

3 station "Human beauty" . (show presentation)

caregiver : What kind of person do you think is handsome? What is great about a person? (Beautiful nose, eyes, lips, eyebrows, hair, hairstyle, skin). All this is external beauty. And also a person has an inner beauty. How to understand it? A beautiful soul, a beautiful deed, a kind look ....

Handsome is the one who knows how to speak correctly and politely, the one who is kind to other people, helps them, who often smiles, takes care of nature, the one who is caring and the one who works hard.

In the Chuvash Republic, 2016 is declared the Year of the Labor Man"

The Chuvash Republic is famous for its hardworking people. “Eçchen çyn emer mukhtavra is a hardworking person from time immemorial,” says a Chuvash proverb.

The work of people should be valued and respected. And what surrounds us, too, must be loved and protected.

Educator: Let's listen to Y. Antonov's song "Beauty lives everywhere!" (View presentation)

What did we talk about today? (Answers of children).

Today we talked about beauty, and we saw and understood that nature, objects, music are beautiful. A hardworking person is also beautiful. And how nice it is when beauty surrounds us!

We sit down in the locomotive and return to the group.

We recommend reading
