Complexes of morning exercises in the second junior group. "Complexes of morning exercises in the younger group"

diets 16.10.2019

Children often suffer from respiratory organs, nasopharynx, laryngitis, tracheitis. Their lungs are small and their breathing shallow. And shallow breathing can lead to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which in turn affects the melodiousness of the voice. Respiratory gymnastics will teach the child to inhale freely and exhale smoothly, a special file of exercises comes to the aid of educators. Quite healthy children can also do this complex to strengthen breathing - it activates blood circulation in the nasopharynx, expands the lungs, and keeps the muscles of the chest and diaphragm in good shape. All this together strengthens the body and reduces the likelihood of disease.

Class rules

A set of breathing exercises should be safe, training should take place according to the following rules:

1 junior group

To develop breathing, defeat cough, improve speech, for children from two years old, you can use the following respiratory gymnastics complex, which is intended for the first junior group. Exercise also improves coordination, strengthens the spine and arm muscles.

This small complex of breathing exercises can be completely supplemented with the exercises described in the next section.

2 junior group

  1. Swing - put a soft toy on the diaphragm of the abdomen, pronounce "to swing up", on the exhale - "swing down".
  2. Wind and tree - cross your legs on the floor or sit on your knees, keep your back straight. Raise your arms above your head with an inhale, lower them with an exhale. To bend the body, as if from the wind.
  3. Woodcutter - standing straight, legs wider than shoulders. Fold the palms of the hands and work like a hatchet - from above, bending, it will stop between the legs with the word “bang”.
  4. Angry hedgehog - breathe smoothly. Bend over, with the heels remaining on the floor, clasp chest with your hands, with your head down, exhale the sound of an angry hedgehog “p-f”, then “f-r”, the hedgehog is satisfied.
  5. Inflate the ball - while inflating, spread your arms while inhaling, then connect your palms in front of you without cotton with fff sound. Then the balloon bursts - with a bang, fold your lips into a tube and crouching, with your hands down, imitate the release of air from the balloon with the sound shhhh.
  6. Leaf fall - cut out leaves from paper and blow so that they fly. If the leaves different types, you can comment on the names of the trees.
  7. Geese fly - walk slowly, raising your arms to the sides as you inhale, lowering them as you exhale with the sound "g-u-u".
  8. Fluff - tie a feather on a thread and blow it with your lips with a tube, inhaling with your nose.
  9. Beetle - cross your arms over your chest, inhale, raising your head, and exhale, lowering. All this under the verse - "the winged beetle said well, I'll sit, buzz."
  10. Cockerel - while inhaling, we raise our hands from the sides, we clap on the hips on the exhale, saying “ku-ka-re-ku”.
  11. Crow - lower your arms, while inhaling, spread them to the sides, imitating wings with the most lingering sound "car-r-r".
  12. Train - arms bent at the elbows, walking with the sound "choo-choo" and with stops to the sound "too-t-u-u-u".
  13. Grow big - inhaling, raise your hands above your head and rise on your toes, exhaling - with the sound "uhh" we lower our hands and put our heels on the floor.
  14. Watch - swing your arms forward, backward with the sound of "tick-tock".

  15. Porridge boils - one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. On inspiration, draw in the stomach, on exhalation with the sound “fff” lower the chest, again on the inhale protrude the stomach forward.
  16. Balloon - lie on the floor, hands on your stomach (imaginary balloon). Inflate your belly while inhaling, deflate while exhaling.
  17. Pump - inhale while squatting, straightening - exhale, start little by little, increasing the speed of squats.
  18. Traffic controller - raise one hand above your head, take the other to the side. On inhalation with the nose, we change the position of the hands, on a long exhalation we pronounce the sound “rrrr”.
  19. Scissors - hands in front or on the sides in front of the chest, palms down. Inhaling, we raise one arm (or hand) up, the second down, while exhaling - vice versa.
  20. Snowfall - blow off pieces of paper like snowflakes from the palm of your hand.
  21. Trumpeter - hands with a tube at the top, on the exhale - the sound "pf-f-f".
  22. Football match - roll the ball out of a napkin or cotton wool, put up a goal, for example, cubes. Two children are blowing trying to score the ball to each other. A similar exercise is who will drive the ball further with one exhalation.
  23. Spring - lying on the exhale, bend the straightened legs and press them to the chest, straighten them while inhaling.
  24. We blow on an imaginary dandelion, or a real toy with a propeller, a toy windmill.
  25. Hippo - sitting or lying down, hand on the diaphragm and deep breathing through the nose with words
    The hippos sat down, touched their tummies.
    Next inhale - That tummy rises
    On the exhale - That tummy goes down.
  26. Chicken - arms like wings to the sides on inhalation, on exhalation - tilt, with the head down and wings, the sound "tah-tah", slapping his knees.

  27. Soaring butterflies - cut out butterflies from a sheet of paper and blow smoothly and for a long time so that they fly up.
  28. Stork - standing, bend your knee in front of you and spread your arms to the sides, exhaling, lower your leg and arms with the sound "shhhh".
  29. In the forest - while inhaling, shout ay-y with different volume and intonation.
  30. Wave - lie flat on the floor, inhaling raise your hands and stretch them over your head, on the exhale with the word "Down-and-s" again lower your hands at the seams.
  31. Hamster - walk ten steps with puffed out cheeks, slap your cheeks on the exhale, walk a few more steps, breathing through your nose.
  32. Frog - legs together, sit down, inhale to jump forward, exhale - croak after landing.
  33. The cry of the Indian warriors is to shout, clapping your palm on your lips, with different volumes.
  34. Pearl Divers - on the third breath, the mouth and nose are closed and squats are performed until there is a desire to exhale. The game is won by the one who lasts the longest. Be careful, your head may spin.

The gaming and respiratory complex does not end there, the exercises can be the basis for independent creativity, only confirm the result of your own research with the doctor.


Complex number 3.

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Bring the cubes forward, hit them against each other, lower them down, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes behind the back. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor, stand up, put your hands behind your back. Sit down, take the cubes, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times).

4. I. p. - sitting cross-legged, cubes in hands on their knees. Turn right, put the cube on the floor behind your back, straighten up. The same on the other side. Turn right, take a cube (Fig. 1). The same, in the other direction (3 times in each direction).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, cubes on the floor. Jumps on two legs around the blocks, with a short pause between jumps.

6. Game task "Quickly to the house!". Children are below the line - this is a house. The teacher invites the children to go for a walk - walking in all directions throughout the site. To the words "Quickly to the house!" children, together with the teacher, run over the line (2 times). Walking in a flock (crowd) behind the teacher to the other side of the site.

Complex number 4.

1. Walking in all directions throughout the site, at the signal of the teacher "Butterflies!" running in all directions, waving his arms like wings.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. standing with feet hip-width apart, arms along the torso. Mahi with both hands back and forth 4 times in a row, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, stand up, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands behind the back. Tilt forward, touch your toes with your fingers, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times).

5. I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms along the body with support on the floor. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs - like bugs (a series of movements at the expense of 1-4, repeat 3-4 times).

6. Game exercise "Let's find a chicken" (the teacher hides the toy in advance and invites the children to find it). Walking at a moderate pace in different directions.


Complex number 5.

1. The game of low mobility "Silence" (walking). Children go around the playground, then in a circle behind the teacher and together they say:

"Silence by the pond, the water does not sway, do not make noise, reeds, fall asleep, kids."

At the end of the words, the children stop, squat, tilt their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the teacher says loudly: “Kwa-kva-kva” - and explains that the frogs woke the guys up, and they woke up, got up and stretched. The game exercise is repeated.

Rattle exercise

2. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands below, each with one rattle. Bring your hands forward, rattle with rattles, lower your hands, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, rattles behind the back. Bend over, touch the knees with rattles, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, rattles behind the back. Sit down, put the rattles on the floor, straighten up, put your hands behind your back. Sit down, take rattles, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands at the shoulders. Jumping on two legs, with a short pause, then repeat


6. Game task "Let's find a frog" (walking in different directions, then in a column one by one after the child who first found the frog).

Complex number 6.

1. Walking in a column one at a time, to the signal of the teacher “Sparrows!” stop and say: “Chik-chirik” (together with the teacher); running after each other.

2. I. p.- feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, lower it, return to its original position.

3. I. p. -feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in both hands at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball (Fig. 2), straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Sit down, ball in bent arms, stand up, straighten up, return to starting position.

5. I. p.- sitting on your knees, on your heels, the ball on the floor in both hands. Rolling the ball around you to the right and left, moving your hands (Fig. 3). The pace of the exercise is average (2-3 times).

6 I. p. -legs slightly apart, the ball in bent arms on the chest. Jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis to the right and left.


Complex number 7.

1. Walking and running around the cubes. Building around the cubes, then, at the signal of the teacher, walking and running around the cubes in both directions.

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Take the cubes through the sides forward, hit each other, lower the cubes down, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands behind the back. Bend over, put the cubes on the floor, straighten up, bend over, take the cubes, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Sit down, move the cubes forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, cubes on the floor. Jumping around the cubes in alternation with a short pause.

6. Game task "Cat and birds". In the center of the site (hall) a cat is sitting on a chair (the role of a cat is played by a child, you can put on a “cat” hat). Birds fly around the cat, waving their wings (the teacher regulates a moderate pace). The teacher gives a signal, the cat wakes up and catches the birds, and they fly away (beyond the line). The game task is carried out once or twice, no more.

7. Walking in a column one by one around the site.

Complex number 8.

1. Walking and running on the bridge (along the path 3 m long, 30 cm wide). On one side of the site (from cords or rails), a path is laid out, and the teacher suggests that you first go through and then run along the bridge without touching it.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p.- feet hip-width apart, arms along the body. Raise through the sides up, clap your hands, lower your hands, return to the starting position.

3. I. p.- Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. Lean forward, clap your hands on your knees, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p.- feet hip-width apart, arms along the body. Sit down, clap your hands in front of you, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. Game "Bubble". Children and the teacher join hands, form a circle, becoming close to each other, and say:

"Inflate, bubble,

Blow up, big one

Stay like this

Don't burst."

Simultaneously with the pronunciation of the text, the children expand the circle, gradually stepping back, holding hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children put their hands down and clap their hands - the bubble has burst. The game is repeated no more than 2 times.


Complex number 9.

1. Walking and running around chairs placed in a circle.

Chair exercises

2. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms to the sides, lower, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - standing behind a chair, feet hip-width apart, hands on the back of the chair. Sit down, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing near a chair, legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily. Jumping on two legs around the chair in both directions, alternating with a short pause.

6. The game of low mobility "Silence" (see complex 5).

Complex number 10.

1. Walking in a column one at a time with a stop at the signal of the teacher: “Geese”, “Sparrows”; running in a column one at a time, scattered. Building near the hoops, laid in advance in two lines (ranks).

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, a hoop in bent arms on the shoulders, like a collar. Raise the hoop up, arms straight, look into the hoop, lower the hoop, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, take the hoop with both hands (grip from the sides), straightening up, raise the hoop to the level of the belt, sit down, put the hoop on the floor, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, a hoop in both hands to the chest. Lean forward, touch the rim of the floor hoop (arms straight), straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing in a hoop, arms arbitrarily, jumping on two legs in a hoop.

6. Game exercise "Let's find a mouse." (The teacher hides the toy in advance and invites the children to find it). Walking at a moderate pace in different directions.


Complex №11.

1. Walking in a column one by one with the task; sit down at the “Frog” signal, then normal walking; running like butterflies, waving arms, then regular running.

Checkbox exercises

2. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up, wave them (Fig. 4), lower the flags, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. Sit down, take the flags forward (Fig. 5). Get up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. Lean forward, touch the floor with sticks of flags, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5 I. p. - kneeling, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up and wave them to the right (left), lower, return to their original position.

6. Game exercise "Catch a mosquito". Children stand in a circle, and the teacher invites them to catch a mosquito - jumping on two legs and clapping with both hands above their heads.

Complex №12.

1. Walking and running around the cubes (according to the number of children), the cubes are placed in two, tightly one to the other. Walking and running are carried out in both directions at the signal of the teacher.

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Raise the cubes through the sides up and hit them, lower the cubes, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands behind the back. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor; stand up, straighten up, arms arbitrarily; sit down, take the cubes, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - kneeling, cubes in both hands at the shoulders. Lean forward, put the cubes away; straighten up, hands on the belt; bend over, take the cubes, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing in front of the cubes, hands arbitrarily. Jumping on two legs around the cubes in both directions, alternating with a short pause.

6. Walking in a column one at a time with cubes in hand. At the signal of the educator, raise the cube (no more than 3-5 s), lower it and so on several times while walking.


Complex №13.

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time between objects ( stuffed balls, cubes) - a snake.

Exercises with a ring (ring throw)

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, ring in right hand at the bottom. Straighten your arms forward, shift the ring to the other hand, lower your arms.

3. I. p. - legs slightly apart, a ring in both hands at the chest. Sit down, put the ring on the floor, straighten up, put your hands behind your back; sit down, take the ring, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting on the heels, the ring in both hands below. Straighten up, raise the ring in straight arms above your head, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, ring on the floor. Jumps on two legs around the ring, with a short pause.

6. Game exercise "Sparrows and a cat." Sparrows are in the house (beyond the line), and the cat is in the center of the hall (sitting on a chair). Sparrows scatter all over the hall, and at the teacher’s signal “Cat!” sparrows run away, trying to quickly get to their house. The role of the cat is played by the teacher.

7. Walking in a column one by one behind a cunning cat.

Complex №14.

1. Walking in a column one by one along the bridge (on a board laid on the floor); scatter run.

Exercises with a large diameter ball

2. I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up over your head, stretch; drop the ball down, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - sitting legs apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball (between the heels of the legs), straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. Bend your knees, pulling them up to your stomach, and touch your knees with the ball, straighten your knees, put your hands behind your head, and return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball on the floor, hands arbitrarily. Jumping around the ball in both directions in alternation with a short pause.

6. The game of low mobility "Guess who is screaming."


Complex №15.

1. Game exercise "Frogs". A circle is laid out from the cord - this is a swamp. Children become in a circle with their right (or left) side to the swamp - they are frogs. The teacher says:

“Here are the frogs along the path, jumping, stretching their legs. Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva! They jump with their legs outstretched.

Children jump on two legs, moving forward in a circle. At the end of the text, the teacher claps his hands - he scares the frogs, and they jump into the swamp and squat down. The game can be repeated.

handkerchief exercises

2. I. p. - standing with feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. Straighten your arms forward - showed a handkerchief, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet shoulder-width apart, a handkerchief in both hands below. Bend over and wave the handkerchief to the right (left), straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands below. Sit down, bring the handkerchief forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, a handkerchief in his right hand. Jumping on two legs, waving a handkerchief over your head, alternating with a short pause.

6. Game exercise "Let's find a frog."

Complex №16.

1. Walking and running in a column one by one behind the teacher - he is a train.

Exercises without objects

2. I.p. - Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides, lower, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, bring your hands forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), perform two or three swings.

5. I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs straight, hands in support behind. Bend your knees, pull towards you, straighten your legs, return to the starting position.

6. Game exercise "Frogs" (jumping on two legs, moving in a circle).

7. The game "Let's find a frog."


Complex №17.

1. Walking and running with a snake between objects (cubes, skittles, stuffed balls); walking and jogging.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, hoop with grip from the sides on the chest. Raise the hoop up, look out the window; lower the hoop, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet on the width of the foot, a hoop with a grip of the hands from the sides on the chest. Sit down, bring the hoop forward; straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, hoop grip from the sides in bent arms in front of you. Lean to the right (left), return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart. Jumps on two legs in a hoop, combined with a short pause.

6. The game "Find your color." Hoops are placed in three places of the site, and skittles (or cubes) of different colors are placed in them. Children are divided into three groups, and each takes a place around a cube of a certain color. The teacher offers to remember the color of his cube, then the children scatter around the room, to the signal “Find your color”, all the children try to take a place near the corresponding cube. You can repeat the game task.

Complex №18.

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and jogging.

Ball exercises

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, arms straight, lower the ball, return to the starting position.

Z.I.p. — feet on the width of the foot, the ball in bent arms at the chest. Sit down and roll the ball from palm to palm, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. Lean forward, touch the floor between the legs with the ball (away from yourself), straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily, the ball on the floor. Jumping around the ball in both directions, with a short pause between a series of jumps.

6. The game "Sparrows and a cat" (see complex 14).

7. The game "Let's find a sparrow."


Complex №19.

1. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher “Bunny”, the children stop and jump on two legs, they easily run to the signal “Birds”. Exercises in walking and running alternate.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. Circular movements of the arms in front of the chest, one arm rotates around the other (Fig. 6).

3. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, grab your knees with your hands, rise, put your hands behind your back, return to the starting position. (Fig. 7)

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands on the belt. Bend over, touch your toes with your hands, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - sitting legs straight, hands in support behind. Raise the right (left) leg, lower, return to the starting position.

6. Game exercise "Catch a snowflake!". The children stand in a circle, and the teacher invites the children, bouncing on two legs, to catch snowflakes (clapping their hands above their heads).

Complex №20.

1. The game of medium mobility "On a flat path." Children become in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the text that the teacher says:

“On a flat path, on a flat path, our legs walk: one-two, one-two. Pebbles, pebbles. In the pit - bang!

Children perform walking, and to the words “on pebbles, on pebbles” they jump on two legs, moving forward, and on the words “into the pit - bang!” squat down. “We got out of the hole,” the teacher says, and the children get up. The game can be repeated.

Exercises with a large diameter ball

2. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, look, lower the ball, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Sit down, bring the ball forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - sitting on the heels of the ball in front of you. Rolling the ball around you to the right and left.

6. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily, the ball on the floor. Jumping around the ball in both directions.

7. Walking in a column one at a time.


Complex №21.

1. Walking, running in a column one at a time; walking and jogging.

Rattle exercises

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, rattles below. Raise the rattles through the sides up, call, lower the rattles through the sides down, return to the starting position. .

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, rattles at the shoulders. Sit down, bring the rattles forward, call, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, rattles in both hands at the shoulders. Lean forward, put the rattles on the floor, straighten up, put your hands behind your back; bend over, take the rattles, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing legs slightly apart, rattles at the shoulders. Jumping on two legs, with a turn around its axis to the right (left); 2-3 times.

6. Game exercise "Find your color" (skittles, cube).

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex №22.

1. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher "Bunnies" stop and jump on two legs, then walk again; on the next “Frog” signal, sit down, put your hands on your knees; running around hoops.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, a hoop in both hands with a grip from the sides below. Raise the hoop up, lower it, return to its original position.

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, a hoop in both hands to the chest. Sit down, bring the hoop forward; straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at the chest. Turn right (left), return to starting position.

5. I. p. - standing in a hoop, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs (2-3 times).

6. Game task "Find the frog."


Complex №23.

1. Game exercise "Bubble".

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands below. Rising on toes, raise your hands up, stretch, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Turn the body to the right (left), return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Lean forward, clap your hands in front of you, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. Game exercise "Bees". Running in all directions, raising your arms to the sides and shaking them, pronounce “Zhu-zhu-zhu” drawlingly (the bees buzz, but do not sting anyone).

Complex №24.

1. Game exercise "Silence".

Exercises with a large diameter ball

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball is below. The ball on the chest, arms bent, lower the ball down, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in bent arms on the chest. Raise the ball up over your head, bend over, touch the floor with the ball; straighten up, the ball on the chest, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting on the heels, the ball on the floor. Rolling the ball to the right, then back, catching it with your left hand, then the same to the left (around yourself).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is in bent arms in front of you. Jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis (right and left).

6. Walking in a column one at a time with the ball in hand.


Complex №25.

1. Game exercise "Catch a mosquito."

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Raise the cubes through the sides up, touch them to each other; lower the cubes, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes at the shoulders. Sit down, bring the cubes forward; stand up, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - kneeling, cubes in the hands at the shoulders. Turn right (left), put the cube at the toes, straighten up, hands on the belt; turn right (left), take the cube, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - lying on your back, legs straight, cubes in both, hands behind the head. Bend your knees, touch your knees with cubes, return to the starting position.

6. I. p. - legs slightly apart, cubes on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the cubes in both directions.

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex №26.

1. Walking on the bridge (width 25 cm, length 2-2.5 m); scatter run.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your hands up through the sides, clap your hands; lower your arms through the sides down, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, clap your hands in front of you; rise, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows in front of him. Alternate bending of the legs.

6. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily. Jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis (in both directions).

7. The game "On a flat path."


Complex №27.

1. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher "Petushki" walking, raising his knees high, hands on his belt, running like bees. (Assignments alternate.)

Exercises with a large diameter ball

2. I. n. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, look at it, lower it down, return to its original position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in both hands to the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball: straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Sit down, take the ball forward; get up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - sitting on the heels, the ball on the floor in front of you. Rolling the ball around you to the right and left, helping with your hands.

6. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is on the floor. Jumping around the ball in both directions.

7. Game task "Find your house."

Complex №28.

1. Game task "Engine". Walking and a short run after the train. At first, the teacher plays the role of a locomotive.

Exercises with handkerchiefs (30x30 cm)

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. Straighten your arms forward - show the handkerchief, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in both hands below. Bend over and wave the handkerchief to the right (left), straighten up (Fig. 8), return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands below. Sit down, bring the handkerchief forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. n. - feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief below. Raise the handkerchief up, sit down, hide behind the handkerchief (Fig. 9), stand up, return to the starting position.

6. I. n. - legs slightly apart, handkerchief in the right hand, left hand on the belt. Jumping on two legs in place, waving a handkerchief.

7. Walking in a column one at a time, waving a handkerchief.


Complex №29.

1. Walking and running in a circle (around the rings).

Ring exercises (ring throw)

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, ring in the right hand. Raise the ring up, shift to left hand, lower through the sides.

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, a ring in both hands at the chest. Sit down, bring the ring forward, arms straight, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - kneeling, a ring at the toe of the right (left) leg; turn around, take the ring, return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

5. I. n. - legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily, ring on the floor. Jumps on two legs around the ring in both directions.

6. Game task "Let's find a chicken."

Complex №30.

1. Walking in a column one at a time, running high raising your knees, like horses. Walking and running alternate.

Checkbox exercises

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up through the sides, cross; lower the flags down, return to the starting position.

3. I. n. - feet shoulder width apart, flags at the shoulders. Bend over, wave the flags in front of you, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. n. - feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the chest. Turn right (left), move the flag to the side (arms are straight), return to the starting position.

5. I. n. - legs slightly apart, flags on the floor. Jumps on two legs (in front of the flags) in alternation with a short pause.

6. The game "Cat and Mice" (the cat catches mice at the signal of the teacher).


Complex №31.

1. Walking and running between objects with a snake (balls or cubes, 6-8 pieces). Walking and running in all directions.

Exercises without objects

2. I. n. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your arms to your shoulders, bending at the elbows; lower your arms, return to the starting position.

3. I. n. - legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, put your hands forward; stand up, put your hands behind your back, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), straighten up, return to the starting position.

5.I. n. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs in alternation with a short pause.

6. The game "Find your color."

Complex №32.

1. Game exercise "Frogs" (see complex 15).

Exercises with a large diameter ball

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball to the chest, elbows bent; drop the ball, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, ball in bent arms at the chest. Lean forward and roll the ball from one foot to the other; straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Sit down, touch the floor with the ball; stand up, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is in bent arms in front of you. Jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis in alternation with a short pause.

6. The game "On a flat path."


Complex №33.

1. Walking and running on the bridge (board or track 3 m long, 25-30 cm wide); walking and jogging.

Exercises on the gymnastic bench (with cubes)

2. I. p. sitting astride a bench, legs bent at the knees, cubes at the shoulders. Lean to the right (left), put the cube on the floor on the side, straighten up; lean to the right (left), take the cube, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - sitting astride a bench, legs bent at the knees, cubes below. Stand up, raise the cubes to the sides, lower the cubes, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting astride a bench, legs bent at the knees, cubes in front of you, grip on the sides of the bench. Raise straight legs forward, lower.

5. I. p. - standing sideways to the bench, legs slightly apart, cubes in both hands below. Jumping on two legs along the bench, alternating with walking.

6. The game "Train".

Complex №34.

1. Walking in a column one at a time to the teacher's signal "Horses!" (walking, raising knees high, hands on the belt); to the signal "Frogs!" sit down; walking and jogging.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms lowered. Raise your hands through the sides up, clap your hands; lower your hands to return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs straight, hands in support behind. Pull your legs towards you, bending at the knees, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - lying on his stomach, arms bent in front of him. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs.

6. Game task "Catch a mosquito" (jumping on two legs in place).


Complex №35.

1. The game "We stomp our feet." Children stand in a circle at such a distance so as not to interfere with each other (on arms outstretched to the sides). The teacher slowly pronounces the text, and the children perform movements in accordance with the text.

“We stomp our feet, you clap your hands, nod your head. We raise our hands, we lower our hands, we give our hands, and run around, and run around.

Children join hands, forming a circle, and run in a circle.

At the teacher’s signal “Stop!” kids stop. The game can be repeated (running is carried out in the other direction). The pace of exercise is moderate.

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. 11 lift the cubes through the sides up, hit them against each other, say “knock-knock”, lower your hands, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands below. Bend over, put the cubes at the toes, straighten up, put your hands behind your back; bend over, take the cubes, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - lying on your back, cubes in both hands behind your head. Bend your knees, touch your knees with cubes, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, cubes on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the cubes in both directions.

6. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex №36.

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time between snake objects (cubes, stuffed balls, skittles).

Checkbox exercises

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up, wave them, lower them, return to their original position.

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, flags at the chest. Sit down, knock with chopsticks on the floor; stand up, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, flags at the shoulders. Bend over, touch the toes with chopsticks; straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, flags in lowered hands. Jumping on two legs in place, alternating with a short pause.

6. The game "Train".

Complexes of morning exercises for children of the second younger group

1. Chickens
Walking and short running one after another. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises
1. "Chickens flap their wings." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your arms to the sides, wave them, say "Ko-ko", lower them. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Chickens drink water." I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Lean forward, take your hands back, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Chickens peck grain." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Sit down, tap your knees with your fingers, stand up, repeat 4 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running and walking one after the other.

2. We have fun

General developmental exercises
1. "Funny hands". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your hands forward, turn your palms, lower. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Funny legs". I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs to the sides, hands below. Lean forward, touch your toes, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Jumping in place". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Perform 8 jumps in place.
Walking next to each other.

3. Music guys
Walking next to each other. Running, building in a circle. Walking in a circle, holding hands.
General developmental exercises
1. "Rattles". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Clench your hands into fists, raise them up, shake them, lower them behind your back. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Drum". I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands down behind the back. Bend over, tap your index fingers on your knees, say "boom-boom", straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Pipe". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Rise on your toes, bring your hands to your mouth, say "doo-doo-doo", stand on a full foot, lower your hands. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Run. Walking on toes. Building in a circle.

4. Winter
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking on toes. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises
1. "Let's warm up the hands." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise bent arms, clap in front of the chest, say "clap-clap", lower down. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Let's warm up the legs." I.p .: sitting on the floor, legs to the sides, hands below. Bend over, pat your knees, say "clap-clap", straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Let's jump". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Perform 6 jumps on two legs in place, walking in place, repeat the jumps again.

5. Dice game
Children take two cubes, one in each hand. Walking next to each other. Run. Walking on toes. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises with a cube
1. "We swing our hands." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with cubes below. Swing your arms back and forth. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Knock the cubes." I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands with cubes below. Lean forward, knock the cubes on your knees, straighten up. Repeat 3 times.
3. "Let's put the cubes." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with cubes below. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor, straighten up, sit down, take the cubes, straighten up. Repeat 3 times.

6. Bunnies
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking in circles.
General developmental exercises
1. "Bunnies are listening." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise the arms bent at the elbows up, put the index fingers to the head - "ears", lower the arms down. Repeat 5 times.
2. "The bunnies tucked their paws." I.p.: sitting. feet together, arms down. Pull your legs towards you, hug them with your arms, straighten your legs, lower your arms. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Bunnies jump". I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms - "paws" - bent at the chest. perform 6 jumps in place on two legs, walking in place. Repeat 2 times.

Walking one after another with rebuilding from a circle. Calm walking.

7. Planes
The chairs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Walking next to each other. Running around chairs. Walking between chairs. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises on chairs
1. "Airplanes". I.p .: sitting on a chair, not leaning on the back, legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your arms to the sides, palms down, lower. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Planes are flying." I.p .: sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, hands hold on to the seat from the sides. Lean forward, take your hands back, straighten up, lower your hands. repeat 5 times.
3. "Rise up". I.p .: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the back of the chair. Get up on your toes, get down. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running around chairs. Walking next to each other.

8. Geese
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking in a circle after the first and after the last. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises
1. "Geese flap their wings." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your arms to the sides, wave them, say "ha-ha-ha", lower them. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Geese hiss." I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Lean forward, take your hands back, say "shhhh", straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Geese peck grain." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, lower your head, stand up. Repeat 5 times.
4. "Geese flew." I.p.: the same. Raise your hands up, lower. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Run. Walking next to each other.

9. Rattle games

General developmental exercises with a rattle
1. "Rattle with a rattle." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with a rattle below. Swinging hands back and forth. Repeat 3 times. Transfer the rattle to the left hand and perform the same movements.
2. "Let's knock with a rattle." I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a rattle below. Bend over to knock a rattle on your knees, say "knock-knock", straighten up. Repeat 3 times.
Transfer the rattle to the other hand and perform the same movements.
3. "Put down the rattle." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with a rattle below. Sit down, put a rattle, straighten up. Sit down, take a rattle, stand up. Repeat the exercise by shifting the rattle to the other hand.
4. "Let's look at the rattle." I.p.: the same. Raise your hands up, look at the rattle, lower it. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Run. Walking next to each other.

10. Spring
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking on toes. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises
1. "Trees sway." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your hands up, move them a little to the left, then to the right, say "shhhh", lower them. Repeat 6 times.
2. "The bushes sway." I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Lean to the left (right), straighten up. repeat 6 times.
3. "Wind". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Bring your hands to your mouth, blow on them, lower them. Repeat 5 times.
4. "Sparrows rejoice." I.p.: the same. Jumping on two legs in place. After six jumps, walk in place and repeat the jumps again.

Rebuilding from a circle. Walking next to each other.

11. Ball games
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking in a circle for the first and last. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises with the ball
1. "Pick up the ball." I.p .: legs slightly apart, the ball is below in both hands. lift the ball up, drop it down. repeat 6 times.
2. "Put the ball down." I.p .: sitting, legs to the sides, hands with the ball below. Bend over, put the ball, straighten up, lower your arms, bend over, take the ball, straighten up. repeat 4 times.
3. "Squats". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with the ball below. Sit down, put the ball on the floor, straighten up, sit down, take the ball, stand up. Repeat 4 times.
4. "The ball forward." I.p: legs slightly apart, the ball is below, in both hands. Raise the ball forward, lower it. Repeat 2 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Run. Walking next to each other.

12. Flowers
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking in pairs. building in a circle.
General developmental exercises
1. "Let's collect a big bouquet." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Spread your arms to the sides, lower down. Repeat 5 times.
2. "Smell the flower." I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Lean forward, straighten up. Repeat 4 times.
3. "Show flowers". I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Stretch your arms forward, hide back. Repeat 5 times.
4. "Where are the daisies?" I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Get up on your toes, look around, go down. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Run. Walking next to each other.

13. Let's play with the flag
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking on toes. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises
1. "Move the flag." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with a flag below. Raise your hands up, wave the flag, lower it down. Repeat 3 times. Transfer the flag to the other hand, perform the same movements.
2. "Knock the flag." I.p .: sitting, legs to the sides, hands with a flag below. Bend over, tap the flag on your knees, say "knock-knock", straighten up. repeat 3 times, shifting the flag to the other hand.
3. "Put down the flag." I.p .: legs slightly apart hands with a flag below. Sit down, put a flag, straighten up. Repeat 2 times.
4. "Show the flag." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Stretch your arms in front of you, hide behind your back. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Run. Walking next to each other.

14. Summer
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking in circles clockwise and counterclockwise. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises
1. "Butterflies fly." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Let's touch the flowers." I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Bend over, reach your hands to the floor, straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "We blow on a dandelion." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands below. Bring your hands to your mouth, blow on them, lower them. Repeat 4 times.
4. Grasshoppers are jumping. I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Perform 6 jumps on two legs, walking in place. Repeat 2 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Walking next to each other.

15. Playing with rattles
Walking next to each other. Run. Walking in pairs. Building in a circle.
General developmental exercises with two rattles
1. "Rattle." I.p .: legs slightly apart, hands with rattles below. Stretch your arms forward, shake the rattles, lower your arms down. Repeat 4 times.
2. "Knock rattles." I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, rattles below. Bend over, tap the rattles on your knees, say "knock-knock", straighten up. Repeat 5 times.
3. "Swinging hands." I.p .: legs slightly apart, rattles below. Stretch your arms forward, pull back. Repeat 6 times.
4. "Put the rattles. I.p.: legs slightly apart, rattles below. Sit down, put the rattles on the floor, stand up, sit down, take the rattles, stand up. Repeat 6 times.
5. "Show me the rattles." I.p.: the same. Raise the rattles up, lower down. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Run. Walking next to each other.

Complexes of morning exercises in 2 junior group

morning exercises. 2 junior group. February.« fabulous exercise»

Line up one at a time. Listen to the fabulous people, we are going to the gathering. Get up as soon as possible and start exercising. Sipping. Stretch, stretch! Hurry up, hurry up. Children repeat the movements in accordance with the text: A long time ago, the king of peas lived. And he was charging. He twisted and turned his head, and danced in a squat. Up palms! Clap! Clap! Slap on the knees. Now pat on the shoulders, pat yourself on the sides. We can clap behind! Let's clap in front of us! We can go right, we can go left! And cross-crossed hands Let's fold. Walk in place, raising your knees high. The goblin walked along the path, found a mushroom in a clearing. Squats. One fungus, two fungus, that's a full box. Leshy groans - tired. Because he sat down. Stretching, arms up. Tilt to the side. Leshy stretched sweetly, and then bent back. And then he bent forward and reached the floor. And to the left and to the right, he turned around and it was nice. Leshy performed a warm-up and sat down on the path.


Morning gymnastics.

2 junior group. March.« Funny boys»

I. introductory part. Line up behind the teacher. Normal walking alternating with corrective walking. Walking with side steps, walking, stepping over gymnastic sticks, arms to the sides, easy running. Run with the task: jump up. Walking with breathing exercises. II. Main part. Outdoor switch with small balls. Construction in two columns, according to landmarks. “closer to the sun” I.P. about. with the hand below. 1. rise on toes, arms up, transfer the ball to the other hand. 2. return to i.p. 3-4. repeat. “Touch your toe” I.P. sitting with straight legs, the ball in front of you. 1. lean forward. Touch the ball to the toes. 2. return to i.p. 3-4. repeat. "rifts" I.P. lying on your back, arms with the ball extended in front of you. 1-4. roll onto the stomach to the right and left sides. “we are now like balls” I.P. y. With. ball on the floor. Jumping on two legs, around the ball. In alternation with walking, performing exercises to restore breathing. III Final part. Walking is normal with the task with the ball in hand: Crawl under the arc, rolling the ball in front of you. Walk along the path with a side step.

Health is fine, thank you charging! 

Morning gymnastics.

2 junior group. April. « inouter space»

I. introductory part Line up. Walking is normal (we go to the rocket) Walking on toes. (let's see where our rocket is) Walking with your knees high. (we climb into the rocket) 3.2.1.-launch! (gaining speed) running at a moderate pace. II. Main part. Outdoor switchgear "at the start" I.P. o.s. arms along the body. 1. sit down. Hands through the sides up, clap above the head. 2. return to i.p. 3-4. repeat. “put on boots” I.P. sitting with straight legs. 1. bend the leg, cotton under the knee. 2. repeat with the other leg. “There is no attraction in space” I.P. w.s. 1-15. jumping from one foot to the other. "ah - how interesting here" I.P. o.s. arms along the body. 1. raise your arms through the sides up - inhale. 2. lowering smoothly down - exhale - ah. III Final part. Let's go home! Walking is normal with the task for the hands: hands up, wave goodbye, wonderful planet! Hands behind your back, hands up, clap! Wow we are at home.

Health is fine, thank you charging!     

Morning gymnastics.2 junior group. May.« Spring has come to visit us»

I. introductory part Building in a line, greeting, alignment. Turn with a jump to the right, walking in a column one at a time, normal, alternating with corrective walking: on toes, hands behind the head, with a high knee lift, hands behind the back, snake walking, light snake running, building in two columns, according to landmarks. II. Main part. ORU. "warm rain" I.P. o.s. hands behind your back. 1. half squat, bring your right hand forward, palm up. 2. return to i.p. 3-4. repeat with the left hand. "colorful rainbow" I.P. feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, palms up 1. torso to the right side, raise your hand up. 2. repeat on the other side. “nature wakes up” I.P. sitting, legs bent at the knees, clasp your legs with your hands. 1. raise your hands up, lower your legs. 2. return to i.p. “birds are flying” I.P. lying on the stomach, arms and legs to the sides. 1. raise straight arms up, bend over. 2 return to i.p. “butterflies fly from flower to flower” I.P. o.s. arms along the body. 1. forward jumps, 5-6 times. 2. turn around, jumping in reverse side. III Final part. Walking is normal with a task for the hands: hands up, stretched, bask in the sun, hands on the belt, hands behind the back. Health is fine, thank you charging!

Morning gymnastics. Outdoors. 2junior group. June.« hello summer»

I. introductory part. Building in a circle. Walking in place. We walk one after another, forest and green meadow. Walking on toes, hands to the sides. The colorful wings flicker. Wave your arms up and down. Butterflies fly in the field. flew, circled. Walking with knees high. And now let's go a little, Raising your legs higher. Walking with straight legs, like soldiers on parade. without bending at the knees. We walk line by line. II. Main part. ORU. Children repeat the movements in accordance with the text: Stand up for a warm-up! Turn left and right. Count turns, 1.2.3. keep up. (torso rotation to the right, to the left) We begin to squat - the one who does the exercises can squat for us. (squats) And now let's raise the handles, and lower them with a jerk. As if we are jumping from a steep, sunny summer day (raise straight arms above your head, and with a sharp movement lower them down, back.) Pull your knee to your chest, and stand a little. Learn to keep your balance. (raise the leg bent at the knee and hold) Here the frog jumped, you can see there is not enough water for her. (jumping up from a full squat) Step in place form a formation! To calm your breath. (walking in place, hands up - inhale, lower - exhale) III Final part. And now we are walking in a circle, smiling at each other. A flock of birds is flying south, the sky is blue around (arms to the sides, swinging arms) Up and down, jerking hands, as if we are waving flags (one hand up, the other down, swinging back)

Health is fine, thank you charging!

Morning gymnastics.Outdoors. 2mladshayaGroup. July.« Summergreat time»

I.introductory part Building in a column, salutation, alignment. Turn by jumping to the right, walking in a column one by one is usual, alternating with corrective walking: on toes, hands behind the head, with a high knee raise, arms to the sides, walking with the task completed: crouched, light snake run, run in alluvial. Placer building. II. Main part. ORU. “We are reaching for the sky, the sun” I.P. y. With. hands on the belt. 1. rise on toes, pull your head up. 2. return to i.p. “The elephant shakes its head” I.P. o.s. arms along the body. 1. head tilt forward. 2. head tilt back. "roly-poly" I.P. feet shoulder width apart, hands on the last. 1. torso tilt to the right side. 2. return to i.p. 3-4. repeat on the other side. "Old nosy heron" I.P. o.s. hands on the belt. 1. bend one leg at the knee, arms to the sides, hold on. 2 return to i.p. 3-4. repeat with the other leg. "bunnies - jump Ki" I.P. o.s. arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. 1 - 20. jumping on toes, with a soft landing on the toes. III Final part. Walking is normal with a breathing exercise: hands up - inhale, down - exhale. Health is fine, thank you charging!

Morning gymnastics. 2 junior group. August.« On the lawn in the morning»

I. introductory part. Normal walking around the gym alternating with corrective walking: along the path. We walk along the path, one, two, clap our hands together (normal walking, clapping over our heads) We walked, we walked, we found a lot of pebbles (walking with downward slopes) we raise our hands to the sun and the cloud (Walking on toes, hands up) along the path ran, ran to the lawn (easy run) II. ORU main part. “knead our shoulders” I.P. about. With. Hands along the body. 1-8 we pressed our hands to our shoulders, we begin to rotate them, we will knead the muscles. (Circular movements of the arms back and forth) "we will now twist the neck" I.P. feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. 1. circular movements of the head to the right side. 2. circular movements of the head to the left side. “We will raise our legs” I.P. feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. 1. let's raise our legs, 1-2-3-4-5. Raise your knees higher, do not be lazy for a break. “and now we squat” I.P. y. With. hands on the belt. 1. We squat, we knead our knees, bend our legs to the end. “Warm rain, pour, pour” We run from the rain, we all do not lag behind. I.P. o.s. running in place. III. Final part. Together, we go merrily, we do not rush, we do not lag behind. (walking with recovery of breath). Hands up, hands down, stretch on your toes.

Health is fine, thank you charging! 

Morning gymnastics.2 junior group. September.« In zoo»

I. introductory part. Normal walking alternating with corrective walking: On toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, walking with a wide stride, hands on the waist. Snake walking with right side step. Walking at a fast pace, arms bent at the elbows. Easy run. Running with a change of direction. Walking with the exercise to restore breathing: hands up-inhale, down-down. (Sh.Sh.Sh) Construction in three columns, according to landmarks. II. ORU Main part. “the giraffe has a big growth” I.P. o.s. 1. rise on toes, hands up, stretch. 2. return to i.p. 3-4. repeat. “cobra scares us” I.P. sitting on the heels, hands behind the back, bent at the elbows. 1. Get on your knees, shhhhhh 2. return to i.p. 3-4. repeat. "hedgehogs" I.P. lying on your back, arms around your knees. !-4 rolls on the back forward and backward "Swans" I.P. lying on the stomach, arms and legs are straight. 1-4 rocking back and forth. Arching in the back. “birds jump from branch to branch” I.P. o.s. Jumping in place, alternating with walking. III Final part. Walking is normal with a task for the hands. Hands forward (where our hands are) behind the back (hidden).

Health is fine, thank you charging! 

Morning gymnastics.

2 junior group. October.« Children with sticks go» I. introductory part. Building in a column one at a time, behind the teacher. Children with sticks go, exactly all the sticks I carry. Sticks are raised to the top (walking on toes, hands up), they put sticks on the floor, they began to jump over them. (jumping over sticks moving forward) Then they put the sticks, began to run and jump. (running into the alluvial) And now they took all the sticks and breathed a little. Inhale hands up, exhale hands down. Building in a column. II. The main part of the outdoor switchgear with gymnastic sticks. “they began to raise sticks” I.P. sh. With. hands with a stick are lowered down. 1. raise your hands up (they began to raise sticks) 2. return to ip. (they began to lower the sticks) “tilts to the sides” I.P. o.s. hands with a stick in front of them. 1 leaned to the right (the children began to lean) 2. return to ip. (the children began to straighten up) 3-4. repeat on the other side. "squats" I.P. o.s. hands with sticks below. 1. sit down, hands forward (children began to squat) 2. return to ip. (then all get up together) “jumping over sticks” I.P. u.s. sticks are on the floor. 1. jump over the stick. 2. turn to face the stick, jump over. "up down" I.P. feet shoulder width apart, hands with a stick below. 1. raise your hands up - inhale. 2. Lower your hands down - exhale. III Final part. Walking is normal, again the children walk with sticks, they all carry sticks exactly. Sticks up and down again, gently take your time. Health is fine, thank you charging!

Morning gymnastics.2 junior group. November.

« In the toy store»

I. introductory part. Normal walking alternating with corrective walking. On the toes, hands up, on the heels, hands behind the back, walking in a goose step, hands on the knees. Snake walking. Walking at a fast pace. Easy run. Running with a change of direction. Walking with breathing exercises. II. ORU the main part with breathing exercises “inflate the balloon” I.P. o.s. 1. rise on toes, arms to the sides - inhale. 2. return to i.p. - exhale. 3-4. repeat. "airplanes" I.P. sitting on heels, arms bent at the elbows. 1. get up on your knees, circular movements with your hands. - breath. 2. return to i.p. R.r.r.r. - exhale. 3-4. repeat. "bee" I.P. lying on your back, arms around your knees. Inhale. 1-4 rolls on the back forward and backward. Return to I.P. exhalation. "Swans hiss" I.P. lying on the stomach, arms and legs are straight. 1-4 rocking back and forth. Bending back, exhale. " Drumsticks» I.P. o.s. Inhale - 3 Jumps in place at a slow pace. Exhalation. Boom Boom Boom. III Final part. Walking is normal with a task for the hands. Hands forward, behind the back, to the sides, on the head. Health is fine, thank you charging!

Morning gymnastics. 2 junior group. December.« Hare charger»

I. introductory part. Normal walking around the hall, alternating with corrective walking: the hare went out for a walk, (Walking is normal) I walked along the path and found a carrot. (Walking along the path with downward slopes) along the forest snowdrifts, our bunny is walking (Walking, raising his knees high, arms to the sides) our bunny is afraid of the wolf, he runs away deftly (easy run) ran along the path, ran to the lawn (easy run, running around the cubes like a snake) II. ORU main part. “Our bunny is afraid of the wolf” I.P. about. With. Hands on the belt. 1-2. turning the head to the side. He looks to the side sharply. 3-4. repeat on the other side. “cabbage does not grow in winter” I.P. feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. 1. leaned to the right, empty. 2. leaned to the left, empty. “The fox covers its tracks with its tail” I.P. on my knees. Hands free. 1-2. sit on the floor at the right heel. 3-4. repeat on the other side. “in a forest clearing, bunnies jump in a crowd” I.P. y. With. hands on the belt. 1.jumping in place, on toes. Jump-jump, jump-jump, and behind the bush. 15-20 jumps. "hare conversation" I.P. o.s. 1. hands through the sides up. Deep breath through the nose. 2-3. exhale with the pronunciation of the sound, m.m.m. with closed mouth. III. Final part. Together, we are not in a hurry to go home, we do not lag behind. (Walking with the task for the hands). Hands up, hands down, stretch on your toes. Health is fine, thank you charging!

Morning gymnastics. 2 junior group. January.« We are not afraid of frost»

I. introductory part. Line up one at a time. Walking is normal, alternating with corrective walking: with high knees, hands behind the back, gliding step, swings with straight arms. Easy run, diagonal run. Walking, with the restoration of breathing. Walking with rebuilding in two columns according to landmarks. II. ORU main part with gymnastic sticks. “playing with the wind” I.P. w.s. hands with a stick below. 1. raise your hands up, tilt to the right side. 2. return to i.p. “rolling down the hill” I.P. u.s. hands with a stick at the bottom. 1. squat hands forward. 2. return to i.p. “touch your knee” I.P. sitting with straight legs, hands with a stick in front of him. 1. raise a straight leg, arms forward. 2. return to i.p. "Sled" I.P. lying on his stomach, hands with a stick in front of him. 1. raise straight arms up, bend over. 2. return to i.p. "We jump over a snowdrift" IP. Standing in front of the stick, hands on the belt. 1-10. jumping over a stick in alternation with walking. III. Final part. Walking is normal with a task for the hands: swings back for each step, with turns of the torso to the sides. Health is fine, thank you charging!   

Natalia Ryabinina
Complexes of morning exercises in the second junior group



I. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, "waddle", from foot to foot "like a wolf". Running is normal, scattered.

Rebuilding in a circle

II. Outdoor switchgear complex"Handkerchiefs"(with handkerchiefs)

Mom bought us handkerchiefs -

For both son and daughter.

We need to wear handkerchiefs,

Your throat won't hurt!

First we play with them

Then we put it on the neck!

1. "Show me the handkerchief"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest.

1.3 - Straighten your arms forward - show a handkerchief.

2.4 - Return to and. P. (4-5 times).

2. "Turn around and show"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchiefs at the shoulders.

1,3 - Turn right (left), right (left) hand to the right (left).

(4 times).

3. "Bow"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, a handkerchief in both hands below.

1.3 - Lean forward and wave the handkerchief left and right,

(4-5 times).

4. "Squats"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, a handkerchief in both hands below.

1.3 - Sit down, bring the handkerchief forward.

(4-5 times).

5. "Let's jump"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt; 8-10 jumps in place. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 2-3 times in alternation with walking in place.

"Let's blow on handkerchiefs"

I. p .: legs apart, a handkerchief in both hands below. Rise on your toes, take a deep breath through your nose; bring the handkerchief forward, blow on the handkerchief. Return to i. P. Repeat 3-4 times.

III. Low mobility game "Find a handkerchief"

Inventory: handkerchief.

Children stand scattered next to the teacher. The teacher is holding a handkerchief. At the command of the teacher, the children close their eyes, at this time the teacher hides a handkerchief within the playground. The teacher invites the children to go and find handkerchief:

Handkerchief, children, you find

And bring me a handkerchief!

Children walk around the playground, looking for a handkerchief. Which of the children finds the handkerchief first brings it to the teacher.

Note. Before starting the game, remind the children that when they are looking for a handkerchief, they should walk, not run.


Topic "Kids-strong"

Strong kids do exercises.

I. Building in a line. Turn right, rebuilding in a column one after another.

Walking one after another Walking on toes (arms to the sides, up, walking on heels (fold hands behind back, brisk walking "hurry up", easy running (arms bent at the elbows "help us run", transition to fast walking, normal walking.

Rebuilding in a circle.

II. ORU without objects

1. "We rise higher, we try to grow up"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

1 - rise on toes, stretch up with tension in the legs and raising the shoulders,

2. “We are engaged in boxing, we are gaining strength”

I. p .: legs slightly apart, arms at the chest bent into fists.

1-throw forward right hand,

3-throw forward the left hand,

3. "Let's make slopes - we will be champions"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1-2 - tilt down, touch the floor with your fingers;

4. "We raise our legs - we strengthen the tummy"

I. p .: lying on your back, hands under your head.

1-2 - raise straight legs up,

5. “We jump like balls, not knowing fatigue, cheerfully and cheerfully, and then we walk”

Jumps and steps to the beat of the poem.

Breathing exercise "Giants-babies"

I. p .: main rack.

Calmly rise on your toes, stretch "high giants"(inhale, drop sharply on the entire foot, hands down (exhalation)"kids".

III.P. and. "Carousels"


The strong kids got up in order,

Toddlers-strong men did exercises!


I. Building in a column one after another. Walking in a circle in a column behind chairs arranged in a circle, on which there are toys.

Walking next to each other "Let's walk together, we need it so much" walking on toes, arms up, palms facing each other "that's how big we are", walking on heels, hands on the belt "that's how everyone can", light run "Hurry up to the toys-girlfriends", normal walking.

Rebuilding in a circle

II.ORU with a toy

1. "Show toys"

"here's a toy",

3 - return to and. P.

2. "Let's look at the toy"

2.4 - return to and. P.

3. "Sit down"

2.4 - stand in and. P.

4. "Carefully!"

1.3 - Straighten the right (left) leg,

2.4 - return to and. P.

5. "Toys have fun"

Breathing exercise "Toys are hot"

(inhale) "Fu-u-u-u"- we blow on a toy.





I. Walking in a column one by one with the task; on signal "The Frogs" sit down, then normal walking; running like butterflies, waving arms, then regular running.

Rebuilding in a circle

Our feet are walking together

They have beautiful boots!

Boots are walking along the path

In them, in puddles - you can too!

Boots do not get wet in the rain

Our feet will be dry!

Rebuilding in a circle.

II. Outdoor switchgear complex"Beautiful boots" no items

1. "Our feet are walking together"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

1.3 - Raise your hands through the sides up, clap your hands.

2.4 -Return to and. n. Breathing is arbitrary. (4-5 times).

2. “Here are our legs in beautiful boots”

I. p. - feet at the width of the foot, hands on the belt.

1,3 - move the leg to the right (to the left, turn the body to the right (to the left, spread the arms to the sides, show the boots);

2.4 - Return to and. n. Breathing is arbitrary. (4-5 times).

3. "Beautiful boots"

1.3 - Bend over, touch the toes of the boots with your fingers (if possible,

2.4 -Return to and. n. Breathing is arbitrary. (4 times).

4."Sturdy boots"

1.3 - Sit down, tap the toes of your boots with your fingertips,

2.4 - Return to and. n. Breathing is arbitrary. (4-5 times).

5. "Legs are jumping, boots are jumping"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping in place with turning around (2 times in any direction) in alternation with walking. Repeat 2-3 times.

"Legs jumped, boots got tired"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, deep breath through the nose. Return to i. p., on the exhale say "tired". Repeat 3-4 times.

III. The game of low mobility "Smooth Circle"

Children form a circle, hold hands. The teacher stands in a circle with the children. Simultaneously with the beginning of the teacher reading the text, the children begin to move in a round dance to the left or right side.

In an even circle in beautiful boots

We follow each other along a flat path.

We walk together, step by step.

Stay where you are, let's do this together!

After the words of the teacher "stand still" Everyone stops and turns to face the center of the circle.

At the end of the text, the teacher shows any movement, figure (squats, bends, jumps, "spring" etc.).



Topic: "Winter fun"


I. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, "waddle", from foot to foot "like a wolf". Running is normal, scattered.

Rebuilding in a circle.

II. ORU with cubes.

1. "We raise the cube, we strain our hands"

I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below.

1,3 - Raise the cubes through the sides up and hit them;

2,4 - lower the cubes, return to the starting position. (4-5 times)

2. “Raise your hands forward, knock with cubes”

I. p. - main stance, cubes in both hands on the belt.

1,2 - hands forward, hit with cubes;

2, (4 times)

3. “Turn the body, show the cube”

I. p .: - feet shoulder-width apart, cubes below.

1,2 - turn right (left, take the right (left) hand with a cube back;

2.4 - return to the starting position. (4 times)

4. "Bend your torso, put the cube on the floor"

I. p. - kneeling, cubes in both hands at the shoulders.

1- lean forward, put the cubes away;

2 - straighten up, hands on the belt;

3 - bend over, take cubes,

4 - return to the starting position. (4-5 times)

5. "Squats"

I. p. - standing feet width apart, cubes in both hands behind the back.

1 - Sit down, put the cubes on the floor;

2 - stand up, straighten up, arms arbitrarily;

3 - sit down, take cubes,

4 - return to the starting position. (Five times).

6. "We'll jump a little"

I. p .: - legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily along the body, cubes on the floor at the toes.

Jumping on two legs around the blocks in both directions, alternating with walking in place (3 times)

P.I. "Kite and Chicks"

III. The game "Silence",Borisova, str. 7

Respiratory gymnastics"Airplane", Dumpling, page 22


I. Normal walking, walking on toes; walking with stepping over objects,

Regular running, on toes, "snake" (like a thread with a needle)

Rebuilding in a circle.

III. Outdoor switchgear with large diameter ball

1. "We raise our hands"

I. p. - standing feet width apart, the ball in both hands below.

1 - hands forward;

2 - lift the ball up;

3 - hands forward;

4 - lower the ball down, return to its original position. (Five times).

2. "Circle of hands"

I. p .: - standing feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below.

1 - 3 - make a circle with straight arms to the right (left);

4 - return to the starting position. (3 times each side).

3. "Body tilts"

I. p. - sitting legs apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest.

1.3 - Bend over, touch the floor with the ball (between the heels of the legs,

2.4 - return to the starting position. (4 times).

4. "Body Turn"

1 - turn the body to the right (to the left, put the ball near you on the side;

2 - return to the starting position;

3 - turn the body, take the ball;

4 - return to starting position (3 times each side).

5. "Legs bend"

I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head.

1.3 - Bend the legs at the knees, pulling them up to the stomach, and touch the knees with the ball;

2.4 - straighten your knees, put your hands behind your head, return to the starting position.

6. "Jumping around the ball"

I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball on the floor, hands arbitrarily. Jumping around the ball in both directions in alternation with a short pause.

P.I. "Find your home"(four large hoop-houses, Penzulaeva, p. 35

III. The game is an imitation (finger gymnastics) "The cat releases its claws",

Borisova, building 6

Respiratory gymnastics"Blow on the snowflake", Dumpling, page 27


I. Normal walking, walking in pairs, walking with a stop on a signal. Running is normal, running in different directions. Running with a stop on a signal.

Rebuilding in a circle.

II.ORU "Herringbone" (no items)

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

green needles,

golden balls,

Bright lanterns.

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

He will bring us gifts.

Let's go to the Christmas tree together

Find your gifts.

1. "Christmas tree, Christmas tree, green needle"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands behind the back.

1.3 - Hands forward, wiggle fingers, say "prickly".

2.4 - Return to and. n. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 5 times.

2. “The Christmas tree greets us, waving its paws with needles”

I. p .: legs apart, arms down.

swings: one hand forward, the other back. After 4-6 movements rest. To accustom to a large amplitude of movements. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. "We love the Christmas tree"

I. p .: legs apart, hands on the belt.

1.3 - Tilt forward, arms forward in a semicircle.

2.4 - Return to and. n. Do not bend your legs, look forward when tilting. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “How much snow has piled up, crushed the branches with snow, we straighten the branches-arms, we free them from the snow”

I. p .: lying on his stomach, head on folded palms, legs slightly apart.

1.2 - straighten your arms, bend slightly,

3.4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.

5. “The wind shakes the Christmas tree, then bends the branches, then unbends”

I. p .: lying on your back, hands behind your head.

1 - bend the right leg;

2 - bend the left leg;

3 - straighten the right leg;

4 - straighten the left leg.

6. “1,2,3,4,5 - we will jump with a bunny; 1,2,3,4,5 - with us to walk "

Jumps and steps to the beat of the poem (jumping like bunnies, hands at the chest - "paws", walk like bears, waddling from side to side with arms outstretched).

P.I. "Frost, Frost has outgrown through the oak"

III. Breathing exercise “We will regret the Christmas tree, we will all warm it now”

I. p .: main rack.

Inhale calmly with your nose; bring your palms to your face and blow on them as you exhale.

Walking, light running after the teacher, walking.


We will sing songs.

Let's dance!

Good at the Christmas tree

Meet New Year!



Topic: "My favourite toy"

Complex №1

"waddle"; from foot to foot "like a wolf"; sneaking around "like a fox".

Running is normal; loose; "snake"

Rebuilding in a circle.

II.ORU with a toy

1. "Show toys"

I. p .: standing, legs slightly apart, a toy behind your back.

1,2 - Toy forward-up, say "here's a toy",

3 - return to and. P. (4-5 times).

2. "Let's look at the toy"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Back toy.

1.3 - Turn right (left, look at the toy,

2.4 - return to and. P. (Five times).

3. "Sit down"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, toy in front of you.

1, 3 - Sit down, a toy on the floor,

2.4 - stand in and. P. (Five times).

4. "Carefully!"

I. p .: sitting on the floor, emphasis on straightened arms from behind.

1.3 - Straighten the right (left) leg,

2.4 - return to and. P. (Five times).

5. "Toys have fun"

I. p .: standing, legs slightly apart, toy in hands.

Light jumps on two legs. (3 times alternate with walking).

III. Put the toys on the rugs.

Walking, light running after the teacher, walking.

Breathing exercise "Toys are hot"

I. p. standing, a toy in his hands. Climbing on toes, toy forward-up (inhale); sinking, toy down, exhaling "Fu-u-u-u"- we blow on a toy.



Are you all right? Are you all right?


We are now doing exercises with toys!


I. Walking is normal; from bump to bump; in the footsteps of the correction path; along the ridged path.

. Rebuilding in a circle.

II. ORU with a hoop.

1. "Look out the window"

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop with grip from the sides on the chest.

1 - stretch your arms forward, look out the window;

2 - lower the hoop,

3 - starting position (Five times).

2. "The sun rises".

I. p .: feet on the width of the foot hoop in bent arms at the chest.

1.3 - lift the hoop up, arms straight;

2.4 - lower the hoop. Return to starting position (Five times).

3. "The sun has set".

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop grip from the sides in bent arms in front of you.

1.3 - tilt to the right (left);

2.4 - starting position (4 - 5 times).

4. "Sun Village"

I. p .: legs wider than shoulders, hoop with a grip from the sides in bent arms in front of you.

1.3 - lean forward, touch the hoop to the floor;

2.4 - starting position (4 - 5 times).

5. "Hide from the sun".

I. p .: standing in a hoop, feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at waist level with grip from the sides.

1 - sit down, put the hoop on the floor;

2 - get up;

3 - sit down, raise the hoop;

4 - starting position (4 - 5 times).

6. "Sun Bunnies".

I. p .: standing in a hoop, legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs in place with a short pause between series of jumps (2-3 times).

P.I. "Catch the snowflake"

"Find Your Color", an exercise in attention.


I. Walking is normal; with high knee "horse"; "snake"; scattered "snowflakes".

Running is normal; running in different directions; with a change of pace "snowflakes are flying". Rebuilding in a circle.

II. ORU without items.

We are not bored with you.

Let's be strong and brave

dexterous and skillful,

healthy, beautiful,

Smart and strong.

1. "Palms to Shoulders"

I. p .: legs together, hands down.

1 - Hands to the shoulders, fingers touch the shoulders;

2 - hands forward, palms up, head up;

3 - hands to the shoulders;

4 - Return to starting position (Five times).

2. "Rotations".

I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, fingers clenched into a fist.

1-4 - circular movements of the arms in front of the chest forward, one arm rotates around the other4

1 - 4 - circular movements of the hands in front of the chest back.

3. "Watch".

I. p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt.

1.3 - torso tilt to the right (to the left, say "teak";

2.4 - straighten up, return to the starting position "So" (4 times).

4. "Bend over and straighten up"

I. p .: sitting legs apart, hands on the belt.

1.3 - tilt forward, touch the socks with your hands;

2.4 - straighten up. Return to starting position (Five times).

5. "Birds"

I. p .: sitting legs straight, hands in support behind.

1.3 - raise the right (left) leg;

2.4 - omit. Return to starting position (4 times).

6. "Balls"

I. p .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 8-10 jumps and 8-10 steps. Jumping is easy and soft. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 2-3 times.

P.I. "Do not be late!"

Inventory: multi-colored plastic cubes - according to the number of children.

The teacher lays out the cubes in a circle and invites the children to stand at any one they like. cube:

Run up to me, children, choose a cube for yourself.

Stand up for him and remember him!

After the children choose the cubes and stand behind them, the teacher He speaks:

Run around the site

Like birds fly away.

Children scatter all over the playground, imitating the flapping of birds' wings with their hands. After 30-40 seconds, the teacher gives a signal "Do not be late!" After the signal, the children run to the cubes, trying to find their cube.

III. "Once upon a time there were bunnies", Borisova, str. 5

Breathing exercise "We are having fun!"

I. p .: legs apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, deep breath through the nose. Return to i. p., on the exhale say "fun". Repeat 3-4 times.



Topic: "Defenders of the Fatherland"


I. Walking in a column one at a time; on socks; herringbone- heels together, socks apart; "like bears"- socks together, heels apart.

Running is normal; loose; "snake"; from one end of the platform to the other

Changeover is free

II. ORU with a ring.

The car, the car flies forward.

The car, the car is humming.

Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest.

We've arrived! Stop!

1. "Check the wheel".

I. p .: feet on the width of the foot, the ring in the right hand below.

1.3 - Straighten your arms forward, shift the ring to the other hand;

2.4 - starting position (Five times).

2. "Go".

I. p .: feet on the width of the foot, the ring in both arms extended forward with a grip from the sides.

Turn the ring to the right to the left "like a steering wheel" (5 times each).

3. "Road Turns".

I. p .: legs shoulder-width apart, a ring in both arms bent in front of the chest with a grip from the sides.

1.3 - torso tilt to the right (left);

2.4 - starting position (4 times).

4. "Change the wheel".

I. p .: kneeling, ring in the right hand.

1 - turn to the right, put the ring at the toe of the right foot;

2 - straighten up;

3 - turn right, take the ring;

4 - straighten up, shift the ring to the other hand.

Same to the left (3 times).

5. "Let's go up the mountain".

I. p .: sitting on the heels, the ring in both hands below.

1.3 - straighten up, raise the ring in straight arms above your head;

2.4 - starting position (Five times).

6. "Riding in circles".

I. p .: legs slightly apart, ring on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the ring (2-3 times, alternating with walking.

P.I. "Cars". Respiratory gymnastics"Pump".

III. The game "Find and shut up".


“To become strong, to join the army!

I explain in order: start the day with exercise.

I. Line up. Turns right, left. Walking is normal; with high knee "Riders"- stepping over objects; "train" stompers in a half-squat, hands - the wheels are spinning; "bugs" on all fours with support on the hands and feet;

Running is normal; running in different directions; with a change of pace; loose "bullets fly". Rebuilding in a circle.

II. outdoor switchgear without items "Let's become strong like dads!"

1. "Grow Up Strong"

I. p .: standing legs together, hands to shoulders.

1 - hands up, clench fists,

2 - starting position (Five times).

2. "Signals".

I. p .: feet on the width of the foot, straight arms at the top.

Cross swings with arms above the head (Five times).

3. "Captain"

I. p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1.3 - turn the body to the right (to the left, at the same time put your hands on your eyes ( "Captain looks through binoculars",

2.4 - starting position (4 times).

4. "Shake off your boots"

I. p .: the same.

1 - arms to the sides;

2 - tilt to the right (left) leg, touch the fingers of the legs;

3- arms to the sides;

4 - starting position (4 times).

5. "Bomb"

I. p .: sitting, legs straight, arms resting behind.

1.3 - bend your legs, clasp your knees with your hands, tilt your head, group up like koloboks;

2.4 - starting position (Five times).

5. "Look around"

I. p .: standing, hands arbitrarily.

Jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis, alternating with walking (2-3 times).

P.I. "Aircraft".

III. Walking one after another, easy running. Walking with a task for hands. Breathing exercise "U-u-uh"

I. p .: standing, arms lowered.

Rising on toes, hands slowly up, inhale through the nose, drop sharply on the entire foot, hands down, exhale with pronunciation "u-u-uh".


Do physical education

And stay healthy!


I. Line up; rebuilding into a column by turning behind the guide. Walking is normal; from bump to bump; in the footsteps of the correction path; along the ridged path.

Running is normal; on socks; with assignments (with stop, crouch, circle on signal). Rebuilding according to landmarks in 2 columns.

II. ORU with a ball.

1. "Sipping".

I. p .: standing feet width apart, the ball in both hands below.

1.3 - lift the ball up over your head, stretch;

2.4 - lower the ball down, return to its original position (Five times).

2. "Show the ball to everyone".

I. p .: standing legs together, the ball in both hands at the chest.

1.3 - straighten your arms forward, show the ball;

2.4 - starting position (Five times).

3. "Show the ball to a neighbor".

I. p .: kneeling, the ball in both hands at the chest.

1.3 - turn the body to the right (to the left, stretch your arms to the right (left);

2.4 - starting position (4 times).

4. "Get the ball to the floor".

I. p .: sitting legs apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest.

1,3 - bend over, touch the floor with the ball (between the legs);

2.4 - straighten up, return to starting position (Five times).

5. "Touch the ball to your knees".

I. p .: lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head.

1.3 - bend the legs at the knees, pulling them up to the stomach, and touch the knees with the ball;

2.4 - straighten your knees, put your hands behind your head, return to the starting position (Five times).

6. "Jumpers".

I. p .: legs slightly apart, ball on the floor, hands arbitrarily. Jumping around the ball in both directions, alternating with walking (2-3 times 6 jumps).

P.I. "Catch the ball".

III. A game of low mobility for attention "Find Your Color", page 47

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