Senior group theme forest in winter. Synopsis of the GCD "Journey to the Winter Forest" (educational area "Knowledge")

Recipes 06.07.2019

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech for children 5-6 years old "JOURNEY TO THE WINTER FOREST"
Goal: Development of coherent speech.
- Compose a short coherent story about birds, based on the diagram.
- Fix the pronunciation of the sound (s).
- To develop thinking, memory, attention, coherent speech, fine motor skills of the fingers.
- foster a friendly attitude towards birds; ability to work in a team.
Equipment: a tape recorder, Christmas trees, silhouettes of birds, winter illustrations, a picture of an old woodman, an envelope with a letter, baskets with tasks, split pictures of winter.
Lesson progress:
Educator: Guys, when I came to kindergarten today, I had a letter on the table. But I didn't open it without you. Do you want to know what is written there? Then let's open it and read it.
"Hello guys. Writes to you one of the fabulous forest dwellers. I have a lot of different birds in the forest. And among them there is a white-sided magpie. She told me a lot of interesting things about you. And most importantly, she told me that you are smart and quick-witted. Therefore, I invite you to visit me in winter forest. And who I am you will find out at the end of the journey. At each clearing, one of my friends will be waiting for you. For a correctly completed task, my friends will give you a part of the overall picture. At the end of the journey, will you assemble a picture from parts and find out who I am?
Well, what about the way? Let's all go together one after another (to the music).
We arrived at the first clearing. What is the name of the bird that is waiting for us.
Children: tit
Teacher: Look! She is guarding the basket. Let's see what's in the basket. Yes, here is the assignment.
“This morning I accidentally scattered all the pictures. But I can't collect them. Help me?"
So guys, can we help?
Task: Children, the tit scattered pictures, you need to collect each of your own picture.
DI. "Make a whole out of parts."
Educator: What season is shown in the picture? (winter)
Educator: Well done, they completed the task and the titmouse gives us one part.
Teacher: Let's move on. What is the name of this bird? (bullfinch)
Educator: Look, he also prepared a task for us. The bullfinch prepared diagrams for us to compose stories. Look in each diagram for a hidden story about a bird. Guess what bird it is and write a story about it.
3-4 stories of children, the rest guess what kind of bird they are talking about.
Well done. You have done well with this task. The bullfinch gives us one more part of the picture.
Educator: Oh, guys, look, who is meeting us? (magpie).
Educator: She sits and guards the box. Let's see what's in it. Yes, this is also a task. Magpie invites us to play the game "Tell me a word .."Quietly, as in a dream
Falls to the ground ... (snow)
From the sky all the fluffs slide
Silvery ... (snowflakes)
To the meadow, to the meadow
Quietly falling ... (snow)
Here's some fun for the guys
Everything is stronger ... (snowfall)
Everyone is racing
Everyone wants to play ... (snowballs)
Like a white down jacket
Dressed up ... (snowman)
Next to the snow figurine
This is a girl ... (snow maiden)
Look at the snow
With a red breast ... (bullfinches)
Attach illustrations to the board.
Educator: What words did we add, let's say in unison.
Educator: What sound do they start with (from sound-s)
Well done and you got the job done. But the magpie has one more task in the box. She invites us to rest.
Physical education:
Birds jump and fly.
Birds collect crumbs.
Feathers cleaned
The beaks have been cleaned
Birds fly and sing.
The birds are pecking.
Educator: The task of the magpie was completed, the magpie rested, and gave us part of the picture. Forty of us completely chatted, it's time for us to continue on our way.
Oh, and who meets us in this clearing? (sparrow).
Educator: Look, he also prepared a task for us.
"Guys, I know that you know a lot of riddles about birds."
Red-breasted, black-winged,
Likes to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.
Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is it?
I knock on wood
I want to get a worm
Though hidden under the bark
- He'll still be mine!
This bird has a crooked beak,
and she builds nests in winter,
Pecks seeds from cones,
who will call this bird? (Crossbill)
Sparrow also gives us part of the picture.
The woodpecker is holding a note, let's read what's in there." "The artist sent me magic sheets with dots. If you connect all the dots, you get a picture. and which one you already know. help me please. “Let's help the woodpecker find out what kind of drawing it will turn out to be. Take a seat at the tables. Leaves are on the tables. Connect the dots and see what happens.
What kind of drawings did you get? (birds).
Good girls. And the woodpecker gives us one more part of the picture.
Look guys, our friends gave us all parts of the picture. Let's collect the picture and see who will turn out?
Who is it? (old woodsman)
Of course, this is an old woodman. He prepared another message for us (a basket with a letter).
“Thank you children. For your kindness and generosity. I really liked that you are so kind, sympathetic, smart, quick-witted. I was convinced that the white-sided magpie had not deceived me. You have proven your ingenuity to me. And most of all I liked that you work together and together. And for this I have prepared a treat for you. Eat for health. See you soon in my fairy forest. The old man is a lumberjack.
Help yourself. Let's share the treat with the guests.
Our trip to the winter forest is over, it's time to return to kindergarten (to the music).
Guys tell me where did you go today? Whom did you see? How can you name all these birds in one word?
What did you like the most? I also like the way you work.

Drozdova Natalya Anatolyevna

MBDOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 21"

Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo Region


Synopsis of the GCD on cognitive and artistic and aesthetic development "Journey to the Winter Forest" (Preparatory group)

Program content:

Target: Expand children's ideas about "Winter", clarify the signs of winter.


  1. 1. Develop time orientation.
  2. 2. Train children in making complex sentences.
  3. 3. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory.
  4. 4. Enrich children's vocabulary.
  5. 5. Cultivate love for nature, kindness, a desire to help others.

preliminary work

  1. 1. Observation on walks of phenomena in nature.
  2. 2. Conversation "Wintering Birds".
  3. 3. Learning riddles and poems about winter with children.
  4. 4. Drawing on the themes: "Winter Forest", "Snowman"


- Let's guys say hello to each other. Now I will turn to the one on my right, call him by name and say that I am glad to see him: he will turn to his neighbor on the right and do the same (Anna, I am glad to see you)

Now let's all turn to our guests and say hello to them. "Hello! We are glad to see you!"


Guys, I received a letter this morning. Let's read it.

"Hello guys! I, the owner of the magic path Old man - woodman. I invite you to visit the winter forest and invite you to solve riddles - tasks. At the end of the journey, a surprise awaits you! I wish you good luck and success!”


Guys, do you like to travel?


Today we will go to the winter forest. Want to?

For our friends, forest animals, I prepared a treat, in case we meet them there. Now join hands:

Got up, got down

We found ourselves in the winter forest.

Let's take a walk in the forest.


Children walked through the forest, watched nature (walking one after another),

Here is a birch tree, she looks at the guys (walking on toes, hands up),

We walk through snowdrifts, raise our legs higher (walking with high knees),

Children in a snowdrift trodden a path (walking with a side step to the right, to the left),

I am not afraid of winter, I will run very quickly (running in a column one after another),

We got up on skis together, and ran faster (imitation of skiing),

On the winter road, smooth, they ran like horses (running with high hips),

So we walked, walked, walked - we wandered far into the forest (walking one after another). The teacher invites the children to stand in a small circle.


In order to learn more about the life of the forest in winter, a magical “snowball” will help me. I will throw a "snowball" and ask questions, and you will answer, thinking well.

Have winter put real fur coats and hats on trees?

Why is winter doing this?

Are all the trees in the forest standing bare?

Which trees are green in winter?

What animals live in the forest?

Are they wild or domestic animals?

How should one behave in the forest?


I see you know a lot about the forest, about winter, about animals.


- Guys, this is someone's house, I wonder who lives here? Guess:

Who is in a fur coat

Sleeps in cold winter.

He's big, but that's the trouble

He always sucks his paw (bear)

Who is it?

What does he like, eat a bear? (acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and herb stalks.)

Why is a bear called clubfoot? (when walking, his socks look inward, and heels outward)

What does a bear do in winter?

What are the names of bear cubs?

Guys, the bear sleeps soundly in his lair in winter. Let's leave him a treat and quietly - quietly move on so as not to wake him up.

Stand up on toes together

And they walked quietly (walking on toes).

Guys, someone is sitting under the birch. Who is this?

Long ear, ball of fluff,

Jumps deftly, gnaws carrots? (hare)

What does he like, eat a hare? (grass, carrot, cabbage)

How does a hare prepare for winter?

Why does he change his coat?

Why is a hare called a coward? (the hare has many enemies: the fox, the wolf, and the lynx)

How does a rabbit run? (he runs fast and confuses his tracks)

What do rabbits eat in winter? (thin twigs, bark, dry grass)

They told everything about the bunny - let's treat him. Artyom, find my favorite bunny food in my basket. Let's leave the carrot on the stump and move on.


We have a long way, let's make a halt and rest a little. Sit down at the tables.

You have cards on the table. You need to collect a picture and you will find out who lives in your house.

Who lives in your house?

What is the name of the fox house?

What is the name of the bear's house?

Where does the hare live?

Where is the squirrel's house?


What's this? (walnut shells are scattered on the snow)

Who do you think drew them? (squirrel)

But the squirrels are not visible, where is she? (hidden in a hollow, on a tree)

Who knows how a squirrel prepares for winter?

Where does the squirrel hide its supplies? (in the hollow).

What color is her coat in summer? And in winter?

(changes a red coat for a warm gray one; prepares supplies: dries mushrooms, berries, collects cones, makes a warm bed of leaves)

Do you think it is easy for a squirrel to live in winter? (cold, hungry, supplies running out)

Let's leave the squirrel a treat - nuts.

Look, whose tail is sticking out from behind the tree? (fox, fox tail)

Let's remember the kind, affectionate, interesting words about the fox.

(fox, fox, red, cheat, sly, gossip, sister, fluffy, redhead)

Let's sit down with you in the clearing and rest.


Hush, listen. Do you hear someone talking in the forest? (recording of the voice of birds). Who is it? (birds)


And what birds winter in our area, do you know? Let's see.

Slides depicting wintering birds (pigeons, crows, tits, sparrows, bullfinches).


And do you know what they say? They complain about how hard it is for them to live in our area in winter. Why is it hard for them to live?


Correctly. Our winters are harsh, the birds are cold, but they are even more afraid of hunger. In the city, people help the birds, but how? What do birds eat? (grains, berries, bread crumbs)

How can we help the birds so that they do not starve?

I suggest you make your favorite bullfinch treat.

Children make crafts "Rowan Branch" using the technique of application from napkins using the twisting method.

And now we will take our work to the feeder (slide with the image of bullfinches on a rowan branch)


So we rescued our birds, they thank you. And now it's time for us to return from our journey.

(Music for moving)


Guys, where have we been? (in the winter forest).

Did you enjoy being in the forest?

Who did we meet there?

Guys, look, but here is a letter and a gift from the Old Man - a forest man.

“Thank you guys for what you know so much about wild animals, follow forest rules and do not forget to feed animals and birds. Waiting for you next time. And I have prepared a gift for you.”

Guys, (shaking the box) what do you think is in the box? What could it be? (Goal: development of empathy). Yes, it's candy! But they are not simple. As soon as you eat them, you will turn into magicians and will be able to wish all people something good, from which they can become joyful and happy. Let's think about what we can wish our guests?

May they never get sick

May everyone live well

May everyone be happy.

And I want to wish you to grow up healthy, strong, obey your parents.

Summing up:

caregiver :

What did you especially like about our trip? What were you having trouble with?

Tell me, what did you learn today? What was the most interesting?

Journey to the winter forest


Educator: Lopatina N.V.

Program content

Educational tasks : contribute to the deepening and generalization of children's ideas about the life of wild animals ( appearance, nutrition, lifestyle habits).

Development tasks : to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the inhabitants of the forest, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions. Develop artistic and creative abilities, imagination. Strengthen the ability to work with a brush and glue.

Educational tasks : to bring up in children an interest in the life of the forest, an understanding of the need to preserve the flora and fauna, the ability to behave in the forest, the desire to use in the work on the application different materials.

Corrective tasks: develop phonemic hearing, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of speech and movements.

Methodological techniques

Storytelling, reading a poem, guessing riddles, sayings, game motivation, conversation, demonstration and explanation, reincarnation, phonetic minute, physical minute, didactic games, productive activity, counting, comparison, theatricalization, musical accompaniment.


Silhouettes deciduous trees and firs of different heights, on the smallest Christmas tree with Velcro, eyes, nose and mouth (sad expression), two soft toys of white hares, a fox mask, a wolf - a toy from a puppet theater, a white sheet, a basket, treats (seeds, grain, pieces of bacon on a thread, carrots, nuts, a pot of honey), pictures of animals - wild boar, rhinoceros, polar bear, silhouettes of a hedgehog, elephant, fish, brushes for glue, White paper, cotton wool, white gouache, pencils.

surprise moment

Carrot, bird feeder.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, we received a letter in the kindergarten. Do you want to know what is written?

The teacher reads the letter: “Guys, I am very cold in the winter forest. I'm freezing! Help! Little tree."

Do you want to help the Christmas tree?

Educator: For this we have to go to the forest. Do you know how to behave in the forest?

Children: Do not make noise, so as not to frighten the animals, so that you do not meet the wolf and wake the bear ...

Educator: What can you do in the forest?

Children: Watch, watch, listen, you can help someone ...

Teacher: Listen to the poem.

If you came to the forest for a walk, breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play, just mind you, don't forget

That in the forest you can not make noise, even sing very loudly.

Animals will be frightened - they will run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches, do not offend Christmas trees,

Help all trees.

Educator: And how can you go to the forest?

Children: On skis, by car or on foot.

Educator: We will go on foot. And take a basket of treats for the forest dwellers. We'll meet someone.

(Children go to the "forest". At the command of the teacher, they step over low and high snowdrifts).

We came to the winter forest.

How many miracles are around here!

On the right is a birch in a fur coat.

On the left, the tree is looking at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky.

They lay down nicely on the ground.

Educator: How many Christmas trees are there? Birches? Are they all the same height? Show the most tall tree and the lowest.

(Children do the task).

Educator: Guys, do you hear birds singing in the forest?

Children: No. Some have flown away, while others are now cold and hungry.

Educator: Yes, guys, it is very difficult for the birds now. I know that out of 10 titmouse only 1 will survive until the end of winter, and 9 will die. We can help them with you. How?

Children: They can hang feeders or just pour food on the snow

(Children pour food and hang lard on a twig)

(The teacher draws the attention of the children to the hare that hid behind the Christmas tree, and asks the children to call him quietly. The hare does not come out. The teacher asks to call louder. A hare appears. The children notice another hare.

Children do physical exercises for fingers.

Under a tall pine tree (hand raised up, fingers spread out)

Bunny jumps oblique (show two fingers - ears)

Under another pine tree (the other hand is raised up, fingers


Another bunny jumps (show two fingers)

They met and greeted with their ears (both fingers of both hands


Educator: Guys, tell me what kind of bunnies?

Children: small, white, fluffy, soft. They have long ears and short tails.

Educator: How can we treat hares?

(The teacher takes out a lot of carrots and asks to treat the hares so that everyone gets a carrot).

Educator: How many carrots did you give and why?

Children: 2 because two birds with one stone.

Educator: How else can you say

Children: How many hares, so many carrots. Equally.

Educator: Now answer me, what can hares think when they eat a treat?

Children: What a delicious carrot, how strong it is, now my teeth will not hurt. Well done guys for bringing us a treat, thank you.

(The teacher invites the children to show the bunnies how to warm up so as not to freeze. The children do a physical minute).

A little white hare is sitting (they show with their palms above their heads how

And wiggles his ears. bunny wiggles its ears

Like this, like this.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws. (clapping)

Clap clap

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump. (jump)


Bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped - and ran away. (runs behind the tree)

(Children run away and sit on chairs).

Educator: Guys, who could the bunny be afraid of?

Children: Wolf or fox.

Educator: And now we will find out.

(The teacher goes to another room, where he quickly puts on a fox mask and goes out to the children).

Lisa: Oh! I was looking for hares, but I found children. I'm so glad you came here. I so want to talk to someone. May I come with you?

(Children agree and the fox leads the conversation)

Fox: Do you know what they call me in fairy tales?

Show me how sly I look.

Can you show me how I walk?

Tell me who has a longer tail than me or a hare?

Am I more or a bear?

You answered well, so I will sing you a song.

(Fox sings)

I, fox, red tail

I'll sit closer to the tree.

I'll look at the kids -

I'll outwit everyone now.

I love kids

Both girls and boys.

I love to play with them

Songs to sing and dance.

Fox: Shall we play?

(Plays with the children in the ball game "Clean Talk")

The fox has a beautiful fur coat sy-sy-sy.

We met a fox su-su-su.

We all like the fox sa-sa-sa.

We will smile at the fox se-se-se.

The tail is beautiful in the fox sy-sy-sy.

it sly Fox sa-sa-sa.

Fox: I've been standing with you for a long time. Gotta run. The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand. Yes, and you need to get food - in the winter I catch mice and eat them.

(The fox runs out into another room. The teacher asks the children what the fox likes to eat, and explains the concept of “mouse”).

Educator: Oh, there is someone else coming. I'll go and see.

(He enters behind the screen, puts on his hand a wolf puppet from the puppet theater, hides his hand behind his back and goes out to the children).

Educator: Guys, guess who else I met?

He is cold in winter

Wandering angry, hungry?

Children: wolf

(Shows a wolf and asks to show which wolf is evil and how he can sing).

Children: Wow.

Wolf: I'm a top, a gray barrel! Tell me, why did you come to the forest?

(Children talk about the fact that they received a letter and the forest came to help the Christmas tree and help everyone who is in trouble).

Wolf: Good deed conceived. I'll let you go if you play with me.

(The wolf plays the Yes and No game: shows silhouettes, pictures of animals and asks the children who they can meet in the winter forest, and the children answer with the words "yes" and "no".)

Wolf: Correctly answered. You know a lot. Go on - do your good deeds, and I will run to my house to warm myself. By the way, do you know the name of my house?

Children: Lair.

(The teacher takes the wolf to another room).

(Children get up from their chairs and walk through the "forest").

Educator: Guys, look, I have nuts in a basket. Who do you think I got them for?

Children: For squirrels.

Teacher: Where is she now?

Children: She sleeps in a hollow.

(The teacher invites the children to put the nuts under the tree).

Educator: Can we meet a bear in the forest?

Children: No. He sleeps in a den and sucks his paw there.

Educator: And I took a pot of honey for him. What should I do with him then?

(Children offer their options and come to the conclusion - you can leave it near the den, and in the spring the bear will wake up and eat it).

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten why we came to the forest?

Children: We need to warm the Christmas tree.

The teacher offers to find the smallest Christmas tree and "cover it with snow." To do this, one group of children is invited to draw snow on the Christmas tree with white gouache with their fingers or a stencil, and the other group to stick small pieces of cotton wool or white paper (break) on the Christmas tree.

While the children are busy with work, imperceptibly, with the help of Velcro, I stick a smiling mouth on the Christmas tree.

Educator: Look, the Christmas tree smiled? Why?

Children: Now she is warm.

Teacher: Well done guys. Now we can return home. There I will treat you to the carrots that I have left in the basket so that your teeth are strong, and I will give you a bird feeder.



Journey to the winter forest


Educator: Lopatina N.V.

Program content

Educational tasks: contribute to the deepening and generalization of the existingideas about the life of wild animals (appearance, nutrition, lifestyle features).

Development tasks: to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the inhabitants of the forest, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions. Develop artistic and creative abilities, imagination. Strengthen the ability to work with a brush and glue.

Educational tasks: to bring up in children an interest in the life of the forest, an understanding of the need to preserve the flora and fauna, the ability to behave in the forest, the desire to use different materials in the work on the application.

Corrective tasks: develop phonemic hearing, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of speech and movements.

Methodological techniques

Storytelling, reading a poem, guessing riddles, sayings, game motivation, conversation, display and explanation, reincarnation, phonetic minute, physical minute, didactic games, productive activity, counting, comparison, theatricalization, musical accompaniment.


Silhouettes of deciduous trees and firs of different heights, on the smallest Christmas tree with Velcro eyes, nose and mouth (sad expression), two soft toys of white hares, a fox mask, a wolf - a puppet theater toy, a white sheet, a basket, treats (seeds, grain , pieces of fat on a string, carrots, nuts, a pot of honey), pictures of animals - a wild boar, a rhinoceros, a polar bear, silhouettes of a hedgehog, an elephant, fish, glue brushes, white paper, cotton wool, white gouache, pencils.

surprise moment

Carrot, bird feeder.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, we received a letter in the kindergarten. Do you want to know what is written?

Children: Yes.

The teacher reads the letter: “Guys, I am very cold in the winter forest. I'm freezing! Help! Little tree."

Do you want to help the Christmas tree?

Children: Yes.

Educator: For this we have to go to the forest. Do you know how to behave in the forest?

Children: Do not make noise, so as not to frighten the animals, so that you do not meet the wolf and wake the bear ...

Educator: What can you do in the forest?

Children: Watch, watch, listen, you can help someone ...

Teacher: Listen to the poem.

If you came to the forest for a walk, breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play, just mind you, don't forget

That in the forest you can not make noise, even sing very loudly.

Animals will be frightened - they will run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches, do not offend Christmas trees,

Help all trees.

Educator: And how can you go to the forest?

Children: On skis, by car or on foot.

Educator: We will go on foot. And take a basket of treats for the forest dwellers. We'll meet someone.

(Children go to the "forest". At the command of the teacher, they step over low and high snowdrifts).

We came to the winter forest.

How many miracles are around here!

On the right is a birch in a fur coat.

On the left, the tree is looking at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky.

They lay down nicely on the ground.

Educator: How many Christmas trees are there? Birches? Are they all the same height? Show the tallest tree and the lowest.

(Children do the task).

Educator: Guys, do you hear birds singing in the forest?

Children: No. Some have flown away, while others are now cold and hungry.

Educator: Yes, guys, it is very difficult for the birds now. I know that out of 10 titmouse only 1 will survive until the end of winter, and 9 will die. We can help them with you. How?

Children: They can hang feeders or just pour food on the snow

(Children pour food and hang lard on a twig)

(The teacher draws the attention of the children to the hare that hid behind the Christmas tree, and asks the children to call him quietly. The hare does not come out. The teacher asks to call louder. A hare appears. The children notice another hare.

Children do physical exercises for fingers.

Under a tall pine tree (hand raised up, fingers spread out)

Bunny jumps oblique (show two fingers - ears)

Under another pine tree (the other hand is raised up, fingers


Another bunny jumps (show two fingers)

They met and greeted with their ears (both fingers of both hands


Educator: Guys, tell me what kind of bunnies?

Children: small, white, fluffy, soft. They have long ears and short tails.

Educator: How can we treat hares?

(The teacher takes out a lot of carrots and asks to treat the hares so that everyone gets a carrot).

Educator: How many carrots did you give and why?

Children: 2 because two birds with one stone.

Educator: How else can you say

Children: How many hares, so many carrots. Equally.

Educator: Now answer me, what can hares think when they eat a treat?

Children: What a delicious carrot, how strong it is, now my teeth will not hurt. Well done guys for bringing us a treat, thank you.

(The teacher invites the children to show the bunnies how to warm up so as not to freeze. The children do a physical minute).

A little white hare is sitting (they show with their palms above their heads how

And wiggles his ears. bunny wiggles its ears

Like this, like this.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws. (clapping)

Clap clap

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump. (jump)


Bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped - and ran away. (runs behind the tree)

(Children run away and sit on chairs).

Educator: Guys, who could the bunny be afraid of?

Children: Wolf or fox.

Educator: And now we will find out.

(The teacher goes to another room, where he quickly puts on a fox mask and goes out to the children).

Lisa: Oh! I was looking for hares, but I found children. I'm so glad you came here. I so want to talk to someone. May I come with you?

(Children agree and the fox leads the conversation)

Fox: Do you know what they call me in fairy tales?

Show me how sly I look.

Can you show me how I walk?

Tell me who has a longer tail than me or a hare?

Am I more or a bear?

You answered well, so I will sing you a song.

(Fox sings)

I, fox, red tail

I'll sit closer to the tree.

I'll look at the kids -

I'll outwit everyone now.

I love kids

Both girls and boys.

I love to play with them

Songs to sing and dance.

Fox: Shall we play?

(Plays with the children in the ball game "Clean Talk")

The fox has a beautiful fur coat sy-sy-sy.

We met a fox su-su-su.

We all like the fox sa-sa-sa.

We will smile at the fox se-se-se.

The tail is beautiful in the fox sy-sy-sy.

This is a sly fox sa-sa-sa.

Fox: I've been standing with you for a long time. Gotta run. The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand. Yes, and you need to get food - in the winter I catch mice and eat them.

(The fox runs out into another room. The teacher asks the children what the fox likes to eat, and explains the concept of “mouse”).

Educator: Oh, there is someone else coming. I'll go and see.

(He enters behind the screen, puts on his hand a wolf puppet from the puppet theater, hides his hand behind his back and goes out to the children).

Educator: Guys, guess who else I met?

He is cold in winter

Wandering angry, hungry?

Children: wolf

(Shows a wolf and asks to show which wolf is evil and how he can sing).

Children: Wow.

Wolf: I'm a top, a gray barrel! Tell me, why did you come to the forest?

(Children talk about the fact that they received a letter and the forest came to help the Christmas tree and help everyone who is in trouble).

Wolf: Good deed conceived. I'll let you go if you play with me.

(The wolf plays the Yes and No game: shows silhouettes, pictures of animals and asks the children who they can meet in the winter forest, and the children answer with the words "yes" and "no".)

Wolf: Correctly answered. You know a lot. Go on - do your good deeds, and I will run to my house to warm myself. By the way, do you know the name of my house?

Children: Lair.

(The teacher takes the wolf to another room).

Educator: Let's continue our journey further.

(Children get up from their chairs and walk through the "forest").

Educator: Guys, look, I have nuts in a basket. Who do you think I got them for?

Children: For squirrels.

Teacher: Where is she now?

Children: She sleeps in a hollow.

(The teacher invites the children to put the nuts under the tree).

Educator: Can we meet a bear in the forest?

Children: No. He sleeps in a den and sucks his paw there.

Educator: And I took a pot of honey for him. What should I do with him then?

(Children offer their options and come to the conclusion - you can leave it near the den, and in the spring the bear will wake up and eat it).

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten why we came to the forest?

Children: We need to warm the Christmas tree.

The teacher offers to find the smallest Christmas tree and "cover it with snow." To do this, one group of children is invited to draw snow on the Christmas tree with white gouache with their fingers or a stencil, and the other group to stick small pieces of cotton wool or white paper (break) on the Christmas tree.

While the children are busy with work, imperceptibly, with the help of Velcro, I stick a smiling mouth on the Christmas tree.

Educator: Look, the Christmas tree smiled? Why?

Children: Now she is warm.

Teacher: Well done guys. Now we can return home. There I will treat you to the carrots that I have left in the basket so that your teeth are strong, and I will give you a bird feeder.

Dads don't have time for their kids

Modern parents are too busy to take care of their children and cannot even read a book to their child at night. Research shows. That only 3 percent of dads give their free time to kid.

BUT mothers, on the contrary, manage to combine both housework and childcare. Approximately 90% of women read bedtime stories to their babies, despite the fact that half of the mothers admitted that they spend a lot of time cleaning and 49% spend a lot of time cooking.

95% of parents still find a free minute to read, but not every day. Only 5% of fathers and mothers can devote almost all their free time to a child. The main reason for employment is work, according to 87% of parents. But 34% of respondents say they are too tired after a hard day's work.

The researchers drew attention to the fact that many children under 16 spend time alone. Approximately every third child spends 2 hours or more at the computer, and 57% - in front of the TV.

Experts believe that the lack of communication with adults negatively affects the mental, emotional and social development. Therefore, they strongly advise parents, especially dads, to spend as much time as possible with their children.

Assistant again!

“Mom, let me wash the dishes,” little Alyosha asks and runs to the sink. A second, and the slippery plate falls to the floor, fragments scatter in all directions, water from the tap rushes with might and main, and to top it all off, the unstable stool falls along with Alyosha. Mom angrily pronounces: “Again, you are nothing but trouble.”

Of course, little helpers are much more trouble than good: they will take a cup - they will definitely break it, they will climb to wash it - wet from head to toe ... But never refuse children. Or refuse as little as possible.

Helping mom, even the simplest, unlike the usual children's games, requires caution and concentration.Therefore, when a child is engaged in simple household work, his intellectual and motor abilities develop. No matter how simple the work seems, the baby must be shown how to do it. It's not easy to teach this. But parents who, in order to make their own lives easier, believe that everything is easier to do on their own, deprive both themselves and the little one. So let me help you - let the baby work as much as he wants.

But there is one condition - the result of his work is not important to you.Adults believe: any work must be finished to the end. But for the child, the result of his activity is not yet important, but the process itself.

And among other things, when the tomboy volunteered to be your assistant, use this time to talk with him:because you yourself often complain that because of the daily hustle and bustle and problems you do not have enough time for communication. And here is just a great opportunity to talk heart to heart, find out the latest children's secrets and secrets, guess what worries your fidget.

In the end, a trusting relationship with a child is worth it once again to wash the floor flooded with water or buy a few new dishes!

Memory needs to be developed.

If a child has a bad memory, it must be developed. She's hardly really bad though. Rather unclaimed.

More communication . The more often you ask your son or daughter about some events, analyze together, compare, remember the details, the better the children will remember the details and their feelings.

Teach your child to pay attention to details, details- they can become a code to the chain of memories. Color, smell, object. Hue - all these particulars usually give the impression of a stronger than the whole event.

Maybe your child's figurative memory prevails over text and digital? This speaks only of the creative type of his thinking. If you make learning bright and visual, the first successes will not be slow to affect.

Use memory exercises. For example, this is considered very effective: each child, in addition to the usual lessons, learns one phrase in foreign language- Better before bed. It is also useful to memorize one small poem, preferably not for children.

And most importantly, for the development of memory, learn to listen to your child.Children who are listened to do not usually suffer from memory loss.

Your child is not eating well

Why do children sometimes eat poorly? After all, even if they are harmful, somewhere lies the problem. And if the problem – then there must be a solution.


A child may not eat well if adults feed him without any regimen. In such conditions, it is difficult for the body to tune in to food, if you strictly observe the daily routine - the baby will quickly get used to it, and the appetite will come at a certain time.

Sweets and snacks

If the child constantly chews sweets before lunch or dinner, he may not touch the food. All treats - after the main meal, no matter how much you want to pamper your baby. So hide away sweets, cookies, buns and other children's sweets.

Strong Impressions

A very impressionable child may lose his appetite after hearing a “horror story”. Do not let him watch aggressive films and cartoons on TV, do not tell chilling stories in front of him.

bad example

Sometimes kids who start kindergarten imitate peers from their group. For no reason, they start poking around in food, doing harm, demanding “something else”. If you understand where the wind is blowing from, you can safely remove the plate and leave the child without dinner. Say that it will take you two hours to prepare "something else", so you will have to wait. The child will appreciate the new situation and, most likely, will correct his mistake.

Bad feeling

This is another matter. Decrease or lack of appetite is often the first sign of a disease. If during illness your child refuses food - do not force him to eat as usual, it is better to let us drink as much as possible. At the beginning of the disease, the body fights hard, and the less energy will be spent on digestion, the more - to fight the disease. Of course, you can’t do without food at all, but it should be light, low-fat, and portions should be small.


Anorexia nervosa is a complete refusal of food for a long time. Even if you convince the child to eat, he tries with all his might to get rid of what he has eaten. Over time, even the mention of food can cause a violent negative reaction. Anorexia is a serious disease, so the child must be urgently shown to the doctor.

Everything on the shelves

Often a child does not just have a lot of toys - he has mountains of toys! I must say that it is possible for parents to clean up toys a hundred times a day, but if the child does not know how or does not want to do this on his own (or if he would like to help significantly, there will be little sense.

The first iron rule: played - clean up after yourself. Of course adults can help. And to make cleaning toys not so boring, turn on cheerful music or come up with a simple game, the purpose of which is to order the room.

Adults should always offer their help. The game “Who is faster” comes to the rescue here - invite the child to compete who is faster - for example, you will wash the dishes or he will collect toys.

It's good when a playroom is allocated for a childzone (where the child plays and stores all his toys).Habitual boxes can be replaced with a shoe rack and one large bookshelf, it should stand on the floor and be fixed. This saves a lot of space, given that, as a rule, a nursery is small. You can also save space by placing soft toys in the following way: buy plastic hangers-hooks and glue them to the edges of whatnots and shelves, and sew loops on the toys (on the tops). So they are not scattered, and take up little space, and the child develops fine motor skills by hanging them.

When you give a child a new toy, immediately determine (together!) Where it will lie, and if the child does not play with it, its “place”.Paste images of dolls, soft toys, cubes, constructors, etc., cut out from magazines, on the shelf and whatnots. Now it is easy for the baby to navigate where to put or put which toy, and there is no need to search for the right toy for a long time, since all of them are perfectly visible and easy to reach.

Put books on the upper floors". For felt-tip pens, pens, pencils and small toys, so that they do not stand and meet at every step on the floor, you can sew many pockets on a small piece of fabric and hang this structure on the wall. This sachet can also be bought in the store. Sew on each pocket an image of what should be in it.

Place toys your child no longer plays with in a box., and place them high where they are hard to reach. So they do not take up space, but wait in the wings in a secluded place.

Be parents

Despite all the hardships associated with parenting, having children prolongs the life of fathers and mothers.

This conclusion was made by British and Norwegian scientists in a joint study. They analyzed the biographies of 1.5 million Norwegians aged 45 to 68. After examining more than 60 thousand deaths, demographers have established a connection between marital status and the number of children, on the one hand, and life expectancy, on the other.

It is noteworthy that scientists began to study the dependence of life expectancy on fatherhood, because until now the luminaries of science have shown interest only in the problems of motherhood and mortality.

The study found that the effect of "parenthood" is similar for both sexes. Thus, the risk of premature death in a mother of two children is 50% less than in a childless woman. And the risk of saying goodbye to life ahead of time for fathers is 35% lower than for childless men.

The fact that mothers live longer than childless women has physiological reasons - childbirth rejuvenates the body. In addition, both women and men are strongly influenced by social factors. Thus, parents during their lives are less likely to take risks than people who do not have children. And in old age, the vast majority of mothers and fathers receive psychological and material support from their children, scientists explain.

Did you bring a gift?

If every evening in your family begins with the question of your beloved child: “What did you buy me?” Isn't it time to figure out what is the reason for this behavior.

Giving means you love!

A chocolate or another teddy bear becomes a kind of compensation for insufficient parental attention for a child. The kid unconsciously feels: despite all the important things, dad and mom have not forgotten about me, which means they need me. Often the parents themselves support this, considering it their duty to come home every day not empty-handed. Gradually, the child begins to feel that the more he is given, the more he is loved.

Advice . Perhaps you feel guilty towards the child for being always busy. A gift in this case is a way to calm one's own conscience, to make amends. Find a joint activity that your child will enjoy. If you can’t find free time, hug and kiss your child more, don’t be afraid of “veal tenderness” - they will show your love better than toys.

In such a situation, parents may be guided by other motives: they seek to give the child those joys that they themselves were deprived of. But do not forget: if the gift turns into something everyday, it will bring much less joy.

You to me, I to you!

Gifts can be used as a "carrot and stick" by parents. Parents manipulate the child, and he begins to understand that absolutely everything, even good deeds, may be traded. If he deserves a gift, he waits for it for granted ... and sometimes even demands it. And after a while, parents can already hear from their beloved child: “If I remove the toys, will you buy me ice cream?”

Advice . Do not make a gift a means of encouragement, and even more so - punishment.

There are not many good things.

If the conversations family circle mainly concern wages, the main joys are associated with the purchase of new things, and most of all the baby is scolded for losing a toy or a broken cup, then the child has consumer morality. He demands gifts not because he is poorly brought up, but because it is customary in his family.

Advice . Teach your child to enjoy intangible gifts. For example, to the question: “What did you bring me?” - answer with intriguing mystery: "I brought a completely new, amazing ... fairy tale!" Tomorrow it could be awful difficult riddle, the day after tomorrow - the idea of ​​a new game.

How to "tame" a living soul

2. Learn to listen to the little one, do not interrupt the person - this is the primary source of trust.

3. Verbosity hurts: the child learns to listen without hearing.

4. Together you can clean the apartment, mess around in the kitchen, ski, plan and saw, play chess ... One thing is important: the little one must feel - the big one needs it. He and I are us.

5. Don't put off smart things because of the thought "Isn't it too early for a child to handle a knife or approach a stove?" Nothing is too early if you keep the situation under control, if you are ready to help the person. But, alas, it's too late...

6. Do not rush to scold the child, hurry to notice his successes (even the smallest ones) and encourage, praise.

7. It happened to make a mistake - admit it. The authority of an adult cannot suffer from sincerity, only from deceit, hypocrisy, duplicity, and deceit.

8. He really doesn’t understand everything yet, but he feels much more than adults assume.

9. Smile at the person more often! Goodwill generates a counter smile and reduces any tension, dispels mistrust. Smile!

10. Learn spontaneity from children, look into their faces more often and by all means remember what you were like at their age.

Family matters

Tomorrow is your baby's birthday

Carefully place the doll next to the daughter, put the car or the designer on a chair near the son's bed. So the day of the holiday will begin with joy. Explain to the child that this is not only his holiday, but also his mother's, father's, grandmother's ... The child will try not to be capricious, not to upset his loved ones.

Please note that children do not like to stay at the table; treats for them: sandwiches, salad, fruits, tea, sweets. Think ahead. What to do with little guests. They will definitely move a lot, make noise. 30-40 minutes before the end of the holiday, seat the children so that they “cool down”. Put on a record with their favorite song, let them sing along, tell rhymes: kids love to “perform” so much. Be sure to take part in the concert without being distracted by washing dishes or talking to an adult who has come. Before leaving home, give the children trifling souvenirs.

Are you good

Conversation with a child is less negative, especially with a “not” particle - what a Naughty, Bad, Clumsy, Ugly you are. A small person needs praise and optimism so much. Even if he did not do anything good, still a kind word - in advance: “Now it didn’t work out, it will definitely work out tomorrow. You can, you are good, you are smart!”

Every evening, before going to bed, dedicate little child 15 - 20 minutes. Belong to the child completely. Let this time be an island of happiness. For both of you. To be able to love a little person means to think a lot, worry, give up habits, prejudices. Learning to love and respect your child means learning to love and respect yourself.

Family matters

Song for the night

The soothing, melodic rhythm of lullabies has a calming effect and strengthens the common space of the baby and mother.

Previously, lullabies were sung not only to make the child fall asleep, but also to convey to him the history of the whole family or clan.Lullabies protect and strengthen the fragile inner world of the baby and mother.

The current child feels very defenseless, because from external attacks - TV, loud music, shopping, irritated parents - he receives only negative energy.. It should be remembered that the soul of a child is an empty vessel, and it depends only on us what it will be filled with.Today's child needs help.

After all, the main thing for the baby is love, joy, connection with the mother, which forms trust in the world. In well-aimed Russian there is a proverb: Not from food the child is growing, but with joy.

Scientists believe that lullabies are the main means of education in infancy. And we will add: and language development at a very early age.

To perform a lullaby, it is absolutely not necessary for a mother to have good vocals.The sound of a mother's voice for a baby is a guide, a connection with the rest of the world.(and what did he hear while he lived inside his mother?).

Family matters

Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.

Whoever honors his parents, children will also honor him.

Often we, parents and educators, forget that the knowledge of the world begins for young children with the knowledge of man. Good and evil are revealed to the child already in the tone in which the father addresses the mother, what feelings are expressed by his views, movements. I know a girl who went into a remote corner of the garden and cried quietly when her father came home from work gloomy and taciturn, and her mother tried to please him with every word. The heart of the child was torn from resentment towards the father and a feeling of compassion for the mother ...

But these are only the first, superficial features of human relations that a child learns. And what happens in a child's heart at that moment

when, from a randomly thrown word, from a dispute between mother and father, a small person learns that father and mother do not love each other and would have parted, but they are connected by a child?

* * *

Protecting children from grief, difficult and sad events in the adult world, we say: it's too early for a boy to know, it's not his business yet. But, the armor "forged" by us can gradually turn a child's heart into a piece of ice.

Our children are more and more filled with irony towards us, towards the things we are busy with, towards our manner of speaking and dressing. We fed and watered them deliciously, dressed them well, but we did not educate their hearts and did not notice when it began to acquire a hint of condescending complacency.

Of course. A teenager needs to keep up with the times, to know computer technology, the basics of science, but first of all, you need to learn to pity your mother, grandmother for the difficulty of everyday whirlwind, a school friend for the absurdity and awkwardness of nature, and so, gradually, prepare your heart for sympathy already big. Common concerns and problems.

No computers will teach a small person to love the Motherland if we do not cultivate this noble feeling. And you can educate only by familiarizing yourself with difficulties, with serious and complex manifestations of life.

Father's remorse

Listen, son. I say these words while you sleep; your small hand is under your cheek, and curly blond hair is matted on a damp forehead. I snuck into your room alone. A few minutes ago, as I was sitting in the library reading the newspaper, a heavy wave of remorse washed over me. I came to your bed with the consciousness of my guilt. That's what I thought, son: you came up to me, I continued to read, you timidly, with pain in your eyes, stood next to me with pain in your eyes, waiting for me to give you a minute of attention. When I glanced at you over the top of the newspaper, annoyed at being interrupted, you moved away and hesitated at the door ... "What do you want?" I asked sharply.

You did not answer, but impetuously rushed to me, hugged my neck and kissed me. Your hands squeezed me with the love that God put in that heart and which even my dismissive attitude could not dry up. And then you left, seed legs.

Well, son, soon after that the paper slipped out of my hands and I was seized with a horror, a sickening fear. What has habit done to me? The habit of finding fault, scolding - such was my reward to you for being a little boy. You can’t say that I didn’t love you, the whole point is that I expected too much from you and measured you by the yardstick of my own years.

And in your character there is so much healthy, beautiful and sincere. Your little heart is as big as the dawn over the distant hills. It manifested itself in your elemental impulse when you rushed to me to kiss me before going to bed. Well, what else matters today, son. I came to your bed in the dark and, ashamed, I knelt before you!

"And I want!.."

Probably, almost all mothers faced such a problem - these are the words that irritate any parent: “But I want to!” or “I don’t want to!”

However, if you are completely honest with yourself, then it is “I want” and “I don’t want” that governs the life of every person, just not everyone will be able to admit it. Children, especially small ones, are very spontaneous and much more frank than adults. Remember your childhood and try not to consider the desire of your baby from everyday positions.

Most often, adults themselves provoke conflict situations. Here is the most common: a mother goes to the store with her child. Indeed, sometimes there is no one to be with the baby.But, if there is an opportunity to leave a child with a grandmother, dad, older brother or sister, use it,and you will avoid moments that are not entirely pleasant for you.

Well, if you still go together, thentry to tell your little companion along the way what exactly you need to buy, and ask him to help you.You will see how diligently the kid will choose apples or help to bring a loaf of bread to the cashier with pleasure. The main thing is to communicate and try to interest the child in the buying process itself.

Of course, children with great pleasure will choose sweets in bright wrappers than carrots or beets. And if, nevertheless, sweets completely absorbed your attention, then do not be so categorical,let the baby choose a candy, not only for himself, but also for his mother. Dad, grandfather. Grandma, brother or sisterand let him bring these gifts home. Not many will be able to refuse such an offer.

You can get into an uncomfortable position and not of your own free will. For example, in public transport some young mother starts to treat her son with an apple and your baby reaches for something that is not intended for him. In this case, the conflict is provoked from outside. Well if you have a worthy substitute.Before you go outside with your child, put your favorite candy or cookie in your pocket -and be prepared for such situations.

Everything, of course, is impossible to foresee. In this case, do not leave the child unattended!You can play simple educational games with him.The younger, the easier, of course. For example, name in turn what can be round (a clock, a wheel, a bagel ...) or what trees, vegetables, animals you know.

Remember, conflict can be prevented, but it will take wisdom, patience, and understanding from you.

Seven "NOT" parents

We are accustomed to negative advice such as “do not stand under the load” or “do not climb in - it will kill you” and we do not react to them. And yet, perfectly understanding this, we catch ourselves on the word “not”. The fact is that correspondence recommendations are usually too general character to be taken as a guide to action. And quite specific advice can only be given only after getting to know the children, parents and the situation.

So, the child was carried away by some business. You really want to keep it that way. What to do?


Firstly, giving competent, professional criticism is not as easy as it seems to you (not to mention the fact that criticism is generally the cheapest way to assert yourself).

Secondly, children expect something else from you - understanding, participation, approval - and, really, you should not deceive their expectations. Now you criticize them, and in a few years they will begin to criticize you, and things will be bad for those who have nothing to counter this criticism. If you really want to criticize, do it in an implicit form: "I like your previous work more."


Love for work, like any love, is incompatible with violence. No child ever does a single thing to the end on initial enthusiasm. Ups and downs are inevitable. Have the patience to at least ignore them if you cannot intervene tactfully: bring literature on the topic, buy new tool, material, etc.


Surely one of your child's friends and acquaintances does something better, faster, more beautiful. So what? You do not really worry about such people in your environment?

By the way, this advice “exactly the opposite” applies in the opposite situation: you need to drive an unwanted friend away from home. Find in him some good trait that is not characteristic of your child, and all the time cite it as an example. There is no such feature - come up with. If your son regularly hears: “Yura probably washes his hands better” or “Yura probably doesn’t throw shoes”, etc.


Education through reproaches, including ingratitude, has always been an indicator of parental helplessness and had the opposite result. Grandmother, who remembers too often how she ate quinoa during the war, runs the risk of one day running into the words: “Well, give your stinky quinoa here and fuck off”


In creativity, everyone has their own way and speed of movement. If the daughter asks: “Mom, what do you knit as a gift?”, Answer better: “What do you want.” Coming up with a task, you may not calculate her strength.


The child rushes about: starts - throws, starts another - and throws again. It's not always bad. Just like stability is not always good. Throwing can speak of high creativity, and stability - about the passivity of nature. The situation can be clarified a little in conversations with teachers. If you hear from many6 "It's a pity that he quit, he did very well," - with a very high probability you will find the heavy cross of the parent of a young talent.

  1. DO NOT blackmail

Never under no circumstances not to use expressions "with your - that abilities", as well as "with your appearance" or "such and such height".

This is a low blow. Even one randomly thrown phrase can make a child morally crippled for a long time. If this were not the case, the "fullness complex" would be as common as the inferiority complex.

In the film "Magicians" Vitorgan taught Abdulov to pass through the walls! I remind you:

See the target.

Believe in yourself.

Don't be afraid of difficulty!

The advice is good for its versatility. It suits you and me too.

Preparing the child for school

In order to help the child not feel like a "black sheep" and incompetent, parents should take a responsible attitude to the process of preparing forschool and not be too lazy to work with the child.

Key points to pay attention to:

The development of a general outlook ( The best way expand the horizon of knowledge (conversations “about life”, reading books and their condemnation);

Learning letters and numbers geometric shapes and flowers. The concepts of right - left, large - small, wide - narrow, etc .;

If possible - the formation of the ability to read (at least in syllables) and count (at least within 10);

Mandatory development of fine motor skills, i.e. classes for the development of dexterity of the hands and fingers. This is necessary for the development of the ability to write, as well as for the development of speech (draw more, sculpt, work with a designer, be able to manipulate small objects such as beads, coins, matches. Toothpicks. You can lay out pictures and applications from them, string them into beads - all this also develops attention and perseverance;

Memory training (learning poems and songs);

Training the ability to analyze, classify (ask the child to structure the story, identify what happened first, what then is the ability to establish causal relationships), be able to assemble a whole from parts of a picture, decompose objects according to some attribute).

In addition to the stock of knowledge, the child also needs:

Possess communication and social skills (be able to communicate, understand and, most importantly, apply in Everyday life moral - moral standards adopted in the society where he lives);

Do not be afraid to make contacts with adults and peers;

To be able to defend one's position by civilized methods and not show inappropriate aggression or, on the contrary, excessive timidity and timidity;

Recognize the meaning of the learning process at school, understand what gives knowledge, what is the order of study at school;

To be able to obey the established rules, to know what discipline is, and to understand its necessity;

Have a positive motivation, desire to learn;

Be able to purposefully and on your own initiative work on a task, organize, plan your actions and be responsible for their consequences (for example, independently collect your portfolio and monitor the completion of your homework: if you take these responsibilities on your parental shoulders from the first grade, then with a probability of 70%, this obligation will remain with them until graduation ball);

Have a positive attitude towards yourself.

In addition to the readiness of the head, the readiness of the body is no less important.: burden on immunity first school year will be serious, so last summer before entering the 1st grade, it would be great, in addition to studying, to do and physical training. The child needs a lot of movement, fresh air, good nutrition.

And remember: the most important thing for a first-grader is not skills and abilities, but self-confidence and parental support,whatever happens at school.

The possibilities of children's intellect are amazing. At one and a half to two years, the child begins to speak and is able to memorize up to a dozen words a day.

It’s good to have a loose alphabet of three-dimensional letters by this time, or better, two sets of the alphabet and numbers. Letters of different color and appearance are needed in order to quickly abstract from shape and color. One or two letters will be shown to the child, correctly naming, and give him hands.

In your free time, you can play with the baby. Show him objects or toys mixed with letters, and he will name them. Then he shows toys and letters, and you name them.Sometimes you say "I don't know", "I forgot", you call it wrong.The kid will help you with great pleasure. He is infinitely glad that he knows and will teach you.

By the age of three, a person may already know all the letters and even numbers. But this period is not hard: plus or minus a year. Here, artificial forcing, and even more so violence or coaching, are unacceptable. Only a game is acceptable here, and an interesting one at that.

At this time, the little one begins to consciously get acquainted with illustrated books, examines drawings, letters, tries to draw letters himself, learns to name them. Now you can teach him to add syllables from letters and read them: MA, BA and so on. You can "collect" from syllables and the simplest words6 MA-MA, PA-PA, BA-BA.

Children can compose and read words upside down. But, this is an extra "overinformation", and it must be noticed and avoided in time. When reading, there is no particular harm from this, but when writing, such a skill is useless. Play a game of "put the letter right" or "show her face". Then the letters - shifters will quickly disappear.

Children can play with letters and words not only with adults. But also with each other, it is also interesting for them.

Most importantly, remember that from the beginning we learn the sounds: “KE, SE RE”, and not the names of the letters (KA, ES, ER, etc.). If you teach your child names, it will be difficult for him to put letters into syllables and teach him to read. And further. Associate letters with pictures, for example: “What is the letter of the kitten? - The letter KE.

Learn by playing.

Questionnaire for parents

Surname I.O. __________________________________________

Do you have animals at home and for what purpose were they purchased?_________

Does the child ask for a pet? ____________________________

What is stopping you from doing this? (difficult living conditions, do not like animals, do not want to burden yourself with unnecessary worries? __________ ____________________________________________________________


Does he show interest in animals on the street? ______________________

If a child brings a homeless animal home, what will you do??

If a child treats an animal cruelly with you, your reaction?


Do you allow you to watch horror movies? What is the child's reaction to them?


What human qualities are the most valuable and important for you?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What personality traits would you like to see in your child when he grows up?____________________________________________




Creative skills- this is individual characteristics qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance creative activity of various kinds.

Basic conditionssuccessful development creativity:

* Providing the child with freedom to choose activities.

* Creating an environment that is ahead of the development of children.

* Smart, friendly adult help.

* Comfortable psychological environment, encouragement by adults.

* Independent problem solving by the child without prior training

* Early physical and intellectual development of children.

Methods and techniques

development of creative abilities:

- methods of working in a sensory room, where special technical equipment stimulates the development of leading analyzers - auditory. Visual, olfactory, tactile; creates light, sound, tactile effects for working with various game and visual images.

GLUING - children are invited, by combining elements of various animals, to make up creature with new unusual properties.

ANALOGIES - a variety of objects that do not have a strictly defined shape (clouds, scribbles), which are associated with similar real objects.

EXCESS AND REDUCTION- a story about some event, with an exaggeration of one and a decrease in the other.

ACCENT - the ability to notice and highlight the main thing.

TYPING (in artistic creation) of similar objects - to identify typical ones by any sign.

FAIRY TALE THERAPY - a method of working with metaphor, using a fairy-tale form for the integration of personality, the development of creative abilities, the expansion of consciousness, and the improvement of interaction with the outside world.

SAND THERAPY- the main emphasis is on the creative self-expression of the child.



V.T. Kudryavtseva and V. Sinelnikova identified the following universal creative abilities:

realism of the imagination- a figurative grasp of some significant, general trend or pattern of development of an integral object. Before a person has a clear idea about it and can fit it into a system of strict logical categories.

The ability to see the whole before the parts.

Supra-situational - transformative nature of creative solutions -the ability, when solving a problem, not just to choose from alternatives imposed from the outside, but to independently create an alternative.

Experimentation- the ability to consciously and purposefully create conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations, as well as the ability to trace and analyze the features of the "behavior" of objects in these conditions.


Imagination - this is the ability to construct something new in the mind, going beyond the previously perceived from the elements of life experience (impressions, ideas, knowledge, experiences) through their new combinations and ratios.

Types of Imagination

recreative - this is a representation of images according to a predetermined description, for example, when reading books, poems, notes, drawings, mathematical signs. Otherwise, this type of imagination is called recollective or reproductive.

Creative - This is an independent creation of new images according to one's own plan. Children call it "from the head."

Unmanaged - this is what is called "violent fantasy", an absurdity, a set of unrelated absurdities.

Synopsis of integrated educational activities in the senior group "Journey to the winter forest."

- to summarize the knowledge of children on the lexical topic "Wild animals";
- attach to fine arts;
- to develop children's artistic creativity (sculpting);
- to develop children's speech and communication skills.

Integratable educational areas : "Knowledge", " Artistic creativity", "Health", " Physical Culture”, “Reading fiction”.

Types of children's activities : productive, communicative, playful.

Continue to introduce children to the technique of drawing plasticine inside the contour.
Learn to arrange decorative elements (lumps, cotton wool) in certain parts of the composition.
Exercise children in the selection of antonyms - words with opposite meaning. (dictionary)
To consolidate the ability of children to name adjectives and verbs to nouns. Cultivate attention, the ability to answer clearly and competently to the question posed. (grammar)

1. Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills.
2. Develop thinking.

To instill in children feelings of love for wild animals and the desire to preserve the world willingness to help.
Equipment and demonstration material: presentation of the video "Fairytale Forest"; animal masks: fox, squirrel, wolf, hare; envelopes with tasks; cones; pictures with traces of animals; contours of hares on a blue background according to the number of children; cotton wool, glue stick; black, white plasticine, musical accompaniment "Squirrel" Aleinikov.

move educational activities:
I. Organizational part
Teacher: Attention! Attention! Those wishing to make an exciting journey, please take your seats! And where we are going, you will find out if you guess the riddle:
This city is not simple, it is dense and dense.
He stood as a wall to heaven,
We have a miracle

Yes, we will be in the forest. But in the forest is unusual, but fabulous.

Game situation "How to behave in the forest?".
- To get into the forest, we need to close our eyes and say:
"Turn around, turn around
And find yourself in a fairy forest"
(presentation "Fairytale Forest".)

Educator: Guys, what forest are we in?
Children: We are in a winter forest.
Educator: What do you like about winter?
Children: in winter there is a lot of snow, you can play snowballs, go sledding, make a snowman.
Educator: And in the winter in the forest on a forest clearing, life also continues. Oh, be quiet! Don't scare. Who ran it?
(runs out to the music of the Fox, makes a riddle)
Look at what -
Everything burns like gold.
Walks in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large.
Gives an envelope with a task

1 task
By the forest is coming moose with a calf
A squirrel with a squirrel jumped along the branches on the Christmas tree
A wolf cub trailed behind the mother wolf
And a mouse with a mouse ran across the field
(hare, bear, fox,)
Guys, with such success we will cope with any task.
We make our way further into the forest. (walk on socks)
Oh, I noticed someone again

2 task
The wolf comes out, makes a riddle:
Grey, scary and toothy
Made a stir.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals of those ...
Gives an envelope with a task.

Didactic game "Food chain"
What would happen in the forest if hares, trees, mice disappeared)

Didactic game "Say the opposite"
The bunny is gray in summer and white (in winter)
The wolf's ears are short, and the bunny's (long)
The bear is strong, and the bunny is (weak)
Now the hare is sad, but it will be (cheerful)
The tree is tall and the bush is (low)
Hot in summer and cold in winter
A bird takes off from a branch, and sits on a branch
- That's how smart we are, we completed the task.
We go quietly making our way through the snowdrifts. (raise knees)

3 task
The squirrel comes out
We recognized the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a gray fur coat in winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (squirrel)
Gives an envelope with a task

Sedentary game "Cones for squirrels"(they walk in a circle to the song “Squirrel”, there are cones on the floor one less than the children; as soon as the music ends, the children grab the cones, who didn’t get out of the game.

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"
Bear, wolf, fox, hare. (bear sleeps in winter)
Wolf, fox, elk, deer. (baby deer)
Cat, bear, hare, squirrel. (cat pet)
Movement on all fours

4 task
The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.
Gives an envelope with a task.

The task "Whose traces?"
-Guys, I drew a picture and I want to give it to you.
-Look, the bunny drew only the outline of his image. Can we fix the drawing? How? (color with pencil, paints,)
- Do we have these accessories with us? (No)
_ What to do? (back to kindergarten)
- "Turn around, turn around and you will find yourself in kindergarten"
Children sit at tables.
-Look what drawing I made. (Handmade on the board).
_First of all, we will smear the white plasticine inside the outline of the bunny, and then, by rolling the black plasticine, we will make eyes and a nose, and place them on the drawing using the pressing method. We will place snow under the bunny. Let's fluff the cotton wool, draw a strip with glue and apply fluffy cotton wool on the strip.
We twist small lumps of cotton wool and glue them all over the sheet around the bunny - these are snowflakes.
Why are there napkins on the tables? (wipe your hands after working with plasticine)

Warm-up for fingers.
Put the pencil on one palm, cover it with the other. Roll the pencil between your palms slowly at first, and then faster, from your fingertips to your wrists.
Press the pencil on the table with the tip of each finger. Press harder!
Take a pencil and squeeze it in your fist, hide it. Now hide in the other hand.
I'm squeezing a pencil
And I will change the Ladoshka.

Let's prepare a drawing for a hare.

The final stage.
Where did we return from?
Who did we meet there?
And which of the wild animals did not manage to meet? (bear, hedgehog, badger). Why?
-What did you like the most today? Or maybe something you didn't like?
-Let's stand in a circle and show each other our bunnies
They are all so different, but very beautiful.

Title: Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Journey to the Winter Forest"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, design and manual labor, Senior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Talzhinsky det.sad" combined type
Location: settlement station Talzhino, Novokuznetsk district, Kemerovo region.

Entertainment in the senior group

"Journey to the Winter Forest"

Target: creating a joyful, cheerful, amazing holiday atmosphere. Development of cognitive interest in winter entertainment, games.


Develop artistic and creative activities by introducing games, songs related to the celebration of winter;

To promote the development of creative, dancing, singing abilities, as well as dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and orientation in space;

To promote the development of the aesthetic perception of musical culture based on music.

Music selection:

- “Zimushka-Winter” by E. A. Gomonova;

- "Blue Sledge" Filippenko;

- "Sad Song" M. Sokovimena;

- “Winter round dance” by M. Kartushinskaya.

Equipment and materials:

Cotton snowballs, panicles, shovels, sleds, hoops, skittles, flags

Children to the music of the song "Winter-Winter" by E. A. Gomonova enter the hall.


Dancing in the air

White fluffs.

Falling on the palms

White snowflakes.

Blizzard covered

Roads and houses.

Everyone rejoices:

We have winter, winter, winter.

Let's go guys to the winter forest,

There's a lot winter entertainment and miracles!

Get your skis guys

The forest is getting closer and closer.

We are skiing

Have fun singing (la-la-la) (imitation of movements)

The river glitters ahead

Ice invitingly beckons us.

We'll put on skates

Let's slide soon (imitation of movements)

We rush down the hill on a sled

And we are a little afraid.

Here we are in the forest.

Hey boys and girls

naughty rascals,

Fun games are waiting for you

Come forward!

(sad music sounds (“Sad Song” by E. M. Sokovimena), someone is crying)


Guys, who is crying, we have such a cheerful mood, and someone is sad in the forest (includes Baba Yaga)


Hello Baba Yaga, what are you complaining about?

Baba Yaga: Hello, hello my killer whales. I complain, I complain and I grieve. It's my birthday today and I'm single. I invited guests - Leshy, yes Kikimora, and in the forest a blizzard covered all the paths, and they could not get to my hut. And here I am alone in sadness and longing.


Baba Yaga do not worry, we will amuse you.

Baba Yaga: And how did you get to me?


Very simple. We are agile, fast, we know how to ski, skate, sled. And now we will quickly mark the roads, and you yourself can go to visit Leshy and Kikimor.

Baba Yaga: Oh, I don't believe you can do it.


And you look, make sure

(the game "mark the paths in the forest" song "Blue Sledge" Filippenko)

Baba Yaga: Well done!

If you can guess my riddles

Play together again.

Puzzles: My riddles are winter, not simple - sports.

    Along the ice path

Steel legs (skates) run.

    Two sticks and planks

Ride little men (ski).

    We drag them up the hill

To arrange a race (sled)

Baba Yaga: Well done!

Stop bored us

You have to play fun games.

Games:"Overcome the snowdrifts", "According to hare tracks”,“ Traps ”,

"Bunnies and the Fox", "Two Frosts", relay race "Who is sooner"


Well, Baba Yaga, you made sure that our children are smart, fast, funny

Baba Yaga: Yes Yes Yes


Guys, we had fun, and now it's time to congratulate Baba Yaga on his birthday.

Let's bake a loaf for her (song game "Loaf")

Baba Yaga: You made me laugh, but didn’t you forget about the gifts?

For my birthday.


Of course, Baba Yaga was not forgotten.

Look, here is a bright box,

In it you will find your gifts.

(Baba Yaga opens the box, measures the outfits)

Baba Yaga: Thank you, here are the outfits.

Now I will be Yagulechka-Krasatulechka,

The first beauty of our forest.

Thank you guys, I'll go along the cleared paths

To Leshem, yes Kikimore, I will boast.


Baba Yaga is happy for you, and it's time for us to go on our way, to return home.

(children get on sleds, skates, skis)

Round dance "Snow-snowball" by E. Makshantseva

We recommend reading
