Knife kt from cs go drawing. How to make plywood karambit

Tourism and rest 30.06.2019
Tourism and rest

In this article, you will see drawings and drawings of a karambit knife, as well as learn about the process of making a model from improvised materials.

The knife is a curved blade with sharpening on the inside and a handle with a ring for the index finger.

The reverse grip is mainly used, designed for ripping movements. Due to its unusual shape, karambit attracts the attention of ordinary people and lovers of edged weapons, and avid gamers will immediately recognize this remarkable knife. You can make it with your own hands according to the drawings, at home.


Karambit comes from Sumatra, one of the Asian islands, where it was compared to the claw of a tiger.

Indeed, the outward resemblance of the blade is easily traced, and the blows inflicted by the weapon resemble swinging the paw of an angry animal.

Its historical origin is still not clear. There are two main options. The first - it was used in cockfights, tied as spurs so that the cock would injure the opponent.

The second one was a formidable hunting and combat knife of warriors from Malaysia. None of the options have been proven. The photo below shows what the prototype of a modern karambit looks like.

In video games

In the wider community, this knife has gained popularity due to Valve's game called Counter Strike: Global Offensive. There karambit is presented as a popular skin for a standard knife, it changes it appearance and animation.

The skin was immediately liked by the community, but most users did not have enough money for an in-game purchase. Because of this, most of the drawings are made specifically for karambit from cs go.

Here is a screenshot from a CS:GO computer game showing what a karambit looks like:

How to do

You can create a knife from various materials: from plywood of various millimeters, from a suitable tree, from thick cardboard. Even paper with high density. The method, however, is the same:

A lot of interesting coloring pages for karambit can be found in the list of skins for CS:GO.

The most popular and beautiful following color options are presented in the image below, the listing order is clockwise, starting with the knife with a white ring:

  • Autotronics.
  • Murder.
  • Hand painting.
  • Surface hardening.
  • Gradient.
  • Blood web.
  • Legends.
  • Gamma waves.
  • Tiger tooth.
  • Marble Gradient.

Please note that the knives in the photo are made of wood, and therefore, with proper practice, you will get the same quality work.

So, we examined the drawings and techniques for the production of karambit knives from various materials: wood, plywood, cardboard and even paper.

You also learned about the origin of this melee weapon, the reasons for its popularity and the most interesting colorings, which in some way are works of art. A little perseverance and practice, and you will succeed.

Knives in CS:GO are one of the expensive and very rare items, so absolutely all players dream of having at least one copy in their inventory. Some users are so obsessed with knives that it gives them the motivation to design homemade karambits, hunting knives, butterfly knives, and so on.

Drawings of knives cs go

Knives from cs go drawings can be found on the Internet, there are a lot of forums, sites, publics in in social networks, which are dedicated to this kind of homemade products. Users post photo and video processes of their workpieces. The rest of the people evaluate and comment on their work. For some, this can be a hobby, someone just wants to have an original souvenir, and on the occasion of KS’er’s birthday, you can make original gift. The smartest even manage to sell knives for good money.
In this article, we will share the drawings with you - this will help those who have a desire to engage in this type of activity. This requires: materials (plywood, polystyrene, plastic, cardboard paper, etc.), desire, patience and diligence.


A drawing of a karambit knife from cs go is as follows:

It consists of several parts over which you will have to work hard to resemble the original, then all that remains is to carefully glue / connect all the fragments. Karambit can be painted in any color you like, or if you are a good artist, you can try and make a copy of one of the coloring pages in the game.
The knife itself is one of the most popular in cs go. It looks like a curved blade. In your hands you need to hold it with a reverse grip, a finger sticks into the hole on the handle. Its blade is crescent-shaped and usually ranges from 3 to 10 centimeters.

Butterfly knife

Butterfly knife is one of the most unique and unusual weapons, which has the second name bolisong.

"Butterfly" can be brought into a combat state with lightning-fast waves of the hand. Interesting fact A: This knife is banned in many countries. There are a bunch of types and types: with a curved blade, (like a karambit) straight, short.
Metal and wood are used as the material for the handle. Butterfly knife from cs go drawing is one of the most difficult to implement.

Bayonet knife

This knife is an "old man", both in CS: GO and in real life. The first prototypes of the knife were already during the Second World War, since then the design has not changed much. It still remains an effective melee weapon. Used in the ranks of the modern army.

The bayonet-knife from the cs go drawing, compared to others, is more detailed, has small details on the handle - its manufacture will take a lot of time. In the game, he appeared at the beta test stage of the game, where he was a standard knife for counter-terrorists.

Many boys, although there are probably also adult men, fans of the computer game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive think about how to make karambit from wood It turns out that everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first.

tiger claw

"CS: GO" is a popular computer toy for boys of all ages, over 13-14 years old. Its plot is primitive, but the arsenal used by the characters is amazing in its vastness. From bladed weapons to firearms - everything is used to carry out a rather controversial mission. Among the knives included in the KS-ki collection, as gamers briefly call the toy, the most notable knife is the karambit. It has the shape of a tiger's claw - the same curved and inflicting the same lacerated wounds. On the handle of the knife there is a round hole for the finger - for a better grip, and also to flaunt such a weapon, scrolling it with all sorts of somersaults. You can buy an almost real karambit by ordering it in one of the online stores. And you might ask yourself,how to make karambit from wood with your own hands, and find a solution.

Base - thin plywood

It is enough just to cut karambit from several pieces of plywood, then glue them together, sand and paint. Such work resembles - the middle of the knife is the largest part, then the parts are evenly distributed on both sides, decreasing in scale. Such a toy will be safe enough, but quite realistic. A graphic layout of karambit is proposed in the figure.

And here are the individual parts indicating the thickness of the material used and the number of pieces.

Model Assembly

Having cut out all the necessary parts from plywood with a jigsaw, they must be cleaned of dust and degreased. Synthetic glue for wooden surfaces or casein is suitable for gluing parts. It is necessary to use glue strictly according to the instructions so that the layout does not crumble over time. When the kerambit dries well, a hole for the thumb is drilled or sawn out on the handle. This stage of work should be as accurate as possible so that the layout does not break. When everything is ready, the karambit must be sanded with a zero-sandpaper and again cleaned of sawdust dust. As we can see, the question of how to make a karambit knife from wood has a not too complicated answer.

solid tree

There is another option,how to make karambit from wood. But it is available only to those who confidently work with wood, feeling the wood, knowing the techniques and principles of working with tools for such creativity. The most suitable wood for handicrafts is linden. The bar should be well dried, without cracks. The dimensions of the workpiece are taken slightly larger than the desired dimensions of the karambit. In order to correctly solve the problem -how to make karambit from wood, you need such tools for handicrafts:

  • knives with a fixed blade made of carbon steel having a hardness of 55-60 RC (blades must be different in size and configuration);
  • chisels different shapes cutting edge;
  • vise;
  • drills of different diameters.

For such work, not only a drawing-scheme of karambit is necessary, but spatial imagination, which helps in the correct construction of the stages of work.

Below is a photo of what solid wood karambit will look like.

Artistic creativity

Little to knowhow to make karambit from wood, you also need to color it so that it looks like a real one. There are several options for coloring (skins) of a knife in the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: from " Pure water"to" Murder. "There are professional artists who, for a fee, manually paint karambit models like real ones.

But you can try to color your own karambit yourself. It is best to use acrylic paints - they mix well, are harmless, dry quickly and do not get dirty. The skin can be viewed on the CS: GO website, or you can come up with it yourself. The main thing is to turn on the imagination and the desire to make a beautiful thing that looks like a real Tiger Claw knife. Good luck!

The attention of gamers is presented with a wide range of different computer games. One of the most popular modern shooters is considered to be In the people, this game is mainly called CS:GO. In the virtual world, bloody battles are unfolding between terrorist teams and police special forces. Players are provided with a large selection of firearms and melee weapons. Of the blades, the CS GO hunting knife is considered the most popular. The owner of such a product is able to perform very spectacular virtual assassinations of his opponents. A description of the CS GO hunting knife is presented in the article.

Introduction to the blade

The CS GO hunting knife is an invariable companion of a virtual fighter, no matter which side he plays on. This product is designed for close combat. The target can be either a terrorist armed with a machine gun or a representative of the police special forces. Getting close to the enemy and then slaughtering him with a CS:GO hunting knife is the highest level of skill. Judging by the reviews of shooter fans, the more unusual the blade and the appearance of the blade, the more fun you can get from the game.

About knife models

Of the combat blades, the following three options have become the most popular:

  • "Karambit". This model is a bayonet-knife. The cost of this edged weapon varies from 100 to 400 dollars. The product has a beautiful coloring, so it looks very impressive.
  • Shadow Daggers. This model also belongs to the category bonder knives. The blade looks no less bright than the previous version.
  • Huntsman knife. It is the rarest model of a hunting knife. According to many gamers, this combat blade is found infrequently.

Description of Huntsmanknife

Judging by the reviews of fans of this game, the hunting model is rather plain. However, the first impression is wrong. The effectiveness of this knife can only be assessed by an experienced gamer. Unlike previous models, the hunting knife has clear advantages. For example, on a blade with its reverse side there are special teeth. Such a knife can not only inflict a mortal wound on the enemy, but also crush bones. In the central part of the blade there is a place for a special notch through which blood flows. It stretches almost from the very tip to the handle. The blade consists of two parts: a larger one, with which the enemy is wounded, and a small one, which performs a fastening function. During the design of the handles, the developers used the classic American style. In order to ensure a comfortable hold of the knife during attack and defense, the handle is provided with special depressions for the fingers.

How to make a hunting knife from CS:GO?

Many shooter fans would like to have such a blade not only in the virtual world. You can make a similar knife at home. To do this, you need a drawing of the product and necessary tools. You can make edged weapons from an old circular saw. First, a drawing of the future knife should be applied to the surface of the saw. Next, with the help of a grinder, you need to cut the workpiece. Similar knives can also be made from cardboard and wood. An image of a bloody web is applied to the products, which makes them look especially spectacular.

I want to apologize right away for such an accordion and bearded post, because the topic is already hackneyed and everyone is tired of it. But nevertheless, I still come across questions everywhere, such as: how to make kerambit out of paper with your own hands, where to get a kerambit scan, throw off the kerambit drawings and so on. At the same time, the Internet is already bursting with all sorts of drawings of this knife, but in order to already stop these questions on our website, and just so that we also have it, I post three karambit scans in pdo execution.

The first scan of Karambit made of paper in a performance that is not quite familiar to us. It's more of a drawing. But in fact, making paper karambit with your own hands thanks to this scheme is easier than it seems. Details in such a scan act as stencils. We translate them into blueprint/cardboard/wood/plastic and cut out as many parts as needed to build up the required thickness. Then we glue the whole thing together in a certain sequence of overlays. Next, we sand the corners, finish, paint ... in general, then we already bring to mind. If you really need it, I will make a video, but without much desire, to be honest.

The second version of Karambit made of paper is already in a more familiar form for us, but the scan, to be honest, is not very good. Firstly, it is not as close to the original as we would like. Secondly, the blade, ring and lining are not connected to the handle with valves, you need to glue them yourself, pervert them. Thirdly, the complexity of the assembly is quite high, but still takes place. Well, what kind of sweep to choose to make karambit with your own hands, it's up to you.

The third unfolded drawing of Karambit paper was made and provided by the user Replica. Quite an interesting development and approach. One half is the Pepakur version that we are used to (but it seems unrealistic to glue it together), the second is a model in section, which must be assembled from parts, like the first. However, this version of the "setting plates" will turn out to be much more textured than the first option. But there are no upper linings. The ideal option is to combine the first version of Karambit and this one.

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