What does a soldier look like in different countries. Unusual military uniform of various countries

Tourism and rest 15.06.2019
Tourism and rest

The military, as a rule, are presented as serious and brave guys who are ready to defend their country at any moment. True, sometimes the military uniform looks so unusual that it causes the most ambiguous feelings among tourists - from admiration to bewilderment.

The changing of the guard of honor in Greece always draws crowds of people. The military in skirts and boots with pom-poms look very comical. This form of clothing is a tribute to the Evzone partisans who fought against the Turks. It is said that in pompons the soldiers carried piercing and cutting objects, which no one could find in the event of a search.

A funny headdress will definitely distinguish this fearless Pakistani warrior from the crowd, but one can only envy his excellent stretching.

For 500 years in a row, the Vatican has been guarded by a mercenary corps of the Swiss Guard. According to legend, the uniform for the guards was developed by Michelangelo himself. Yellow-blue-red camisoles and morion helmets look very colorful in modern society.

If almost the whole world uses khaki protective colors for camouflage, then the colors of the Ivory Coast look more like a zebra.

The military uniform in Fiji causes mixed feelings among visitors. Meanwhile, white skirts with a cut hem are nothing more than a stylization of Aboriginal clothing of the 15th-17th centuries.

For the Republic Day celebration, Indian border guards appeared in all their glory. But because of the colorful form, it is difficult to see law enforcement officers in them.

France is a trendsetter. In this country, even the military has big berets, as if haute couture.

This is what the elite of the royal guard of Thailand looks like.
Some types of military uniforms are certainly quite funny. An equally interesting photo project was presented by Tom Atkinson - From these pictures you can see how the form has changed over the course of 1000 years.


These are the orange aprons worn by the sappers of the French Foreign Legion. At the Bastille Day parade, they do not carry any load, but in the field they can accommodate various tools. Veterans of the Legion wear beards. There are other options for combat aprons, which compete with unloading vests in terms of consumer qualities.


The Vatican does not have its own army. Therefore, even such a shrine as the Pope is guarded by the mercenary corps of the Swiss Guard, founded in the 16th century. Since the Catholic guardsmen have no time to read fashionable army magazines, their uniform, developed by Michelangelo himself, has not changed for 400 years.


The police officers of Rome, walking around in their uniforms in Piazza Navona (Piazza Navona), are very similar to Count Dracula.

Interest is also caused by the Italian headdresses of the military. “Bye-bye-swaying peeeeeery on hataaaaaah” :)

And also the brave Italian guard:


It is strange, but often the soldiers of the guard of honor, who guard quite serious and even holy places, dress up in the most ridiculous form. This is what the soldiers of the presidential guard look like - Greek Evzones, marching at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Athens.

The Changing of the Guard of the Presidential Guard is the most lively curiosity of Athens. In such a heavy and warm form, not only walking, but standing, and even that is not easy. In the summer, in the heat of under forty, in double woolen stockings, heavy boots - five kilograms each, in a fez hat that is not at all like a panama hat, and even with a carbine - marching is a real feat!

Evzon in translation means "well-belted". One of the “girded” has a special position: this person is obliged to ensure that the clothes of those on duty are always in perfect order. And at the same time, and so that tourists, trying to take a photo next to the Evzones, do not cross the line of reason.

At 11 am every Sunday in Athens there is a parade changing of the guard. The ceremony is attended by all personnel Evzone companies - more than 150 people. On the eve of the event, the police block the avenue, along which the procession with the orchestra at the head will go from the barracks to the main square of the country. During each ceremonial changing of the guard, the orchestra traditionally plays the national anthem.

It seems that, while marching, Evzones make a lot of superfluous, too “ceremonial” movements. But this is exactly what their traditional drill step looks like. Strange-looking boots with pompoms - tsaruhi - weigh 5 kilograms each, and each is lined with 60 steel nails. Nails - so that the Evzones can beautifully click on the pavement. The sound of “well-belted” footsteps cannot be compared with anything. Pumpons also make sense. Once upon a time, Evzones hid dangerous and insidious weapons in them - sharply sharpened knives, with which they could unexpectedly hit the enemy. That is why they so diligently demonstrate pum-poms, pacing along the pavement.

Not everyone is taken to Evzones. The candidate must be handsome and tall - at least 187 cm tall and, moreover, psychologically stable. The marching step of recruits is not taught for too long, only 5 weeks, but the classes are very intense. After training, the soldiers are allowed to guard at the Parliament and the entrance to the Presidential Palace.

South Korea

Wardrobe of the royal guard South Korea is as similar to a military uniform as a squirrel's suit is to a judge's robe. Nevertheless, these courageous and stern warriors belong to the elite units and are able to solve the most difficult problems. combat missions. They just must not want to flaunt it, so they traditionally dress up in robes, underpants and tall hats.

And this is how the dress uniform of the South Korean diving troops looks like:

And here attention to the South Korean parade was attracted rather not by the form, but by the actions of the military :)


It's hard to believe, but these guys in torn skirts and slippers are also the most honored of the guards of the President of Fiji.


Black Sea elite units of combat swimmers at the celebration on the occasion of the Day Navy Russia in Sevastopol. In order not to step on each other's flippers, the fighters did without them.


December 5, National Day in Thailand - Birthday of His Majesty the King. At a colorful ceremony at the Royal Plaza in Bangkok, the elite units of the Royal Guard, resembling a box of pencils, solemnly reaffirm their oath to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.


Parade Iranian army in Tehran. It is very difficult to determine not only the rank, but also the type of troops behind the camouflage in the form of rough vegetation.

Women's troops:

India and Pakistan

The Evening Dawn Ceremony is a complex highly artistic ritual performed by Pakistani and Indian border guards at a checkpoint in the city of Amritsar to the delight of tourists. It takes place every day before sunset.

It must be understood that this is a purely local custom, because the tradition of lowering the flag at the Wagah checkpoint originated in 1947, when the newly independent British India split into India and Pakistan. Although the Indian uniform and headdresses of the Pakistani and Indian border guards are from the times of colonial England.
The nightly ceremony at the post of Wag reflects all the complexities of relations between the now hostile states, which were once part of one great country, demonstrating strength and determination to defend their interests.

Here is the ceremony itself:

From the Pakistani side, the stands are chanting: "Pakistan zindaba-a-d!" (“Long live Pakistan!”), the Indian side replies: “Bharat! Bharat! ("India! India!"). From the speakers, drowning out the screams, the patriotic song "My Pakistan" sounds. Singing is also heard from the Indian side. Then an old man in a green coat runs out to the gate, the state flag flutters in his hands. The crowd greets him with a loud cheer: "Pakistani bapu!" ("Pakistani dad!"). It turns out that it is as much a part of the tradition as the ceremony of lowering the national flag. "Muslims-e!" - the old man shouts invitingly, addressing the stands. Long live Pakistan! the crowd answers. Music and slogans from both sides merge, forming some kind of unthinkable cacophony.

Meanwhile, in front of the flagpoles, the main action begins. Guardsmen in national uniforms appear on both sides. After complex rebuildings, the gates swing open, and guards of honor greet each other. On the Pakistani side, the rangers, burly Pashtun guys, perform some kind of war dance. Then the officers from the Pakistani and Indian sides (one in black uniforms with black plumes on their heads, others in khaki uniforms with red plumes) shake hands. The crowd in the stands greets the handshake with loud shouts. The officers begin to lower their colors - the spectators go on a rampage. Then another handshake and the gates slam shut.

Having splashed out the accumulated emotions, the audience with a sense of fulfilled civic duty, return to their business. Of course, to a certain extent, this is an invented and rehearsed show, but it contains the main meaning: each side seeks to show “we are peaceful citizens, we do not violate borders, we are ready for cooperation, but our strength and power will be enough to defend in case of conflict our interests."


Indian ceremonial military uniform:

Soldiers at the parade dedicated to the Day Republics:

These are the Sikh bosses in the service:

God forbid to meet this in battle:

Parade. Speech by the military.


Riot Suppression Unit. They don't seem to be uncommon there.


The shots of the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" are sooo reminiscent of the harns lads :)


Ninzi of the 21st century. And if you imagine that there are more than a billion of them ...

Based on materials from freemindforum.net, vsyako-razno.ru and ngine.com.ru.

Tomorrow - February 23 - Patronymic Defender's Day will celebrate all the representatives of the stronger sex. After all, every man, regardless of age and occupation, is a potential defender of the Motherland.

The holiday was officially declared in 1918, they called it Day of the Red Army. The first solemn events were held on Red Square in 1922. Then there was a tradition of organizing a military parade.

This aphorism is known to every schoolchild today. And he belongs William I - the first ruler of a united Germany. And there is a certain sense in this - a hungry warrior is unsuitable for service.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, let's talk about what the army is fed in different countries world, what are the requirements for dry rations and what is contained in the standard set!

Individual diets (IRT) - namely, dry rations are called, scientists are developing. Everything is taken into account - the number of calories in the set (the health and energy of the soldier depends on this), the duration of storage, the ease of cooking (for example, the ability to heat or dilute with water) and many other parameters.

For a separate group of military personnel, provisions are being developed that do not contradict their religious beliefs or philosophy of life. For example, in France there are 14 combat rations. Half of the rations (numbers 1 to 7) do not contain pork, so can be consumed by vegetarians.

How to keep food for a long time?

For centuries, people have been looking for storage methods that would allow them to create a "grocery supply". Over time, 4 main options have been developed:

  • Salting

Salt is a well-known preservative. Before the invention of canned food, sailors resorted to her help, preparing for a long voyage. The basis of their diet was crackers and corned beef.

  • fermentation

If we return to the diet of sailors, their food was quite high-calorie and tasty, but there was a deficiency of vitamins. Hence the scurvy. Fermentation made it possible to include foods rich in . An example of such a diet is sauerkraut.

  • Dehydration

It's simple and effective method extend the shelf life of fruits, fish, meat and vegetables. If you reduce the amount of moisture in products to 15%, the risk of bacterial growth is markedly reduced.

  • Conservation

We owe this method of food storage to the French inventor François Apperu. He was the first to open a tin can factory.

Food packages for the pilots of Solar Impulse, who made a two-year trip around the world on a "solar plane", were developed by 8 scientists of the transnational corporation Nestle. During the flight, the aircraft team set 19 world records!

Dry rations, or what do the military eat in different countries?

Food packages for soldiers are designed for a day or for one meal. Hence the weight - from 750 grams to 2 kilograms. In addition to the parameters that we talked about above, there are certain requirements for products: food must be hypoallergenic and well absorbed, without side effects.


The norms of the daily combat ration were put into effect in the first days of June 1941. The standard dry ration included rye crackers, concentrated porridge, mashed peas and semi-smoked sausage. Instead of sausage, they could put cheese, dried vobla, fish fillet or canned meat in the set. Without fail - sugar, tea and salt.

Today, the most common ration in the Russian army is called IRP-7. It is designed for 3 meals and weighs 1 kilogram 750 grams. The calorie content of the menu is 3395 kcal.

In the set - canned meat, vegetable, fish, meat and vegetable and meat and vegetable. Sugar, salt, pepper, bread, sweetened condensed milk or processed cheese, black tea, fruit jam, multivitamins. In addition to products - disinfectant and paper napkins, a can opener and a spoon.

Recent nutritional years Russian army provide civilian firms that offer menus on a buffet basis. The diet varies - depending on the location of the military unit and the purpose of the troops.

In the canteens, the average conscript soldier can choose buckwheat, rice and barley porridge with a cutlet, sausage or a slice of fish. On the weekend or holidays can serve "homemade" dumplings, dumplings. Among the drinks, the most popular is coffee, but you can also choose tea, compote or juice.

Dairy products are a must on the menu. Big variety first courses - borscht, soups based on cereals and legumes, cabbage soup. Meat dishes are served - pork chops, boiled beef, chicken fillet. In season there are many salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs. In winter, they can offer stewed cabbage and warm salads.


The German army is supplied with food called Einmannpackung, it is designed for two meals. Ravioli in mushroom sauce, rice with chicken cutlet or semolina porridge with fruit are offered as the main dish. You can have a snack with bread with meat pate or berry, fruit jam. Among the drinks you can choose coffee, tea and fruit concentrate, the main sweetness is chocolate. Additionally, the set contains chewing gum, water disinfection tablets, wet wipes and matches.


The grocery set, which is most often used for the needs of the American army, is called Meal Ready to eat. There are over 20 menu options. Dry rations are designed for one meal and weigh 750 grams, and the calorie content is 1200 kcal.

The set includes canned fish and meat, hot drinks, milkshakes, juice, biscuit, nuts, cookies and sweets. Separately, I would like to talk about a milkshake - it is an instant drink in which as many as 17 grams of protein are necessary to maintain muscle mass, health and strength of a soldier.

Popular scientific development recent years- freeze-dried foods that can be diluted in liquid and immediately have a snack. In small bags, there can be both a second course - for example, chicken with rice, and a dessert. There is a menu for vegetarians and those intolerant of gluten, low sodium food.


If we compare the dry rations of this state with other countries, then the food set here is rather modest. It includes fish soup, rice with beef, richly seasoned with spices, fish sauce and dried fruits. All food is for one meal.


There is a very interesting choice of food here. First of all, the fact that for breakfast the soldiers are offered milk yogurt with cereal. As main dishes - rice with chicken or pasta with meatballs. Lots of sweet desserts - e.g. nut butter, biscuit, biscuits, salted peanuts, isotonic drinks, chocolate drink, coffee. In addition - chewing gum and necessarily wet wipes for hand disinfection.

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