They don't exist in everyday life. Mindfulness in everyday life

Tourism and rest 27.06.2020
Tourism and rest

Throughout our lives, we do many things, do different things, sometimes even mechanically, without thinking about anything. We live as if we are programmed, for several dozen functions, components big system. With a brain filtered from advertising, we cannot distinguish between true desires and imposed ones. We want the same as everyone else. So it's easier!

But who said that everyone should want to visit Paris or take their beloved to Venice? Why is it a dream of many to see the pyramids of Giza and walk around Times Square? Aren't there other places? Are there no other desires? Do we all need to want one!?

We decided to move away from the standard platitudes, let go of our imagination and prepared for you a list of what we think are not banal things that need to be done before death. And we think we succeeded. Enjoy!

50 non-banal things to do in your life:

1. Draw your picture

It doesn't matter that it won't be da Vinci's work. Buy a canvas, a frame, an easel, and draw your own picture of life. Anyone can write a book, but you paint a picture

2. Rescue someonesomething life

Donate blood, donate to surgery. Learn to provide quality emergency care, and who knows, maybe you will save someone's life.

3. Donate some of your belongings to the poor or needy

We throw away a lot of unnecessary things in our opinion that others may need.

4. Plant a tree or garden

Even if you don't have a place, you can do it in the park, in the forest. And it doesn't matter that no one can see it and give you a medal. You are doing this for the planet, for the future that we will definitely have if we do this.

5. Adopt a cat or dog from a shelter

Just don't look for a bunch of excuses that you can't do it. You can. You just don't want to. And even if you already have a dog. It's okay, still take and give to someone who does not have them, or who is now single and needs a friend. It's so wonderful to have a pet that will pick you up from work. They will delight your guests, your children. The joy and unconditional love of your pets will always live in your home.

6. Regardless of religion and your views on faith, visit one holy place (or several) that is available to you.

This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your life. Maybe after that you will change something in your life, put things in order in your head, think about the meaning of life. For those who do not believe in anything at all, well, you can go to the grave of your relatives or acquaintances, those who have already died. Sit there and think that your life here is not endless, and you are not God, and someday the moment of your death will come. So maybe it's time to start living and do something worthwhile than buying a new smartphone, watching stupid TV shows, being a consumer, and denying everything.

7. Ask for forgiveness and forgive

Do not be proud and selfish, take courage and ask for forgiveness from those who were offended today, yesterday, a year, two, ten years ago, at school, at university, at former job. Forgive those who once offended you, and you still remember this and are angry. You will definitely feel better, you will become kinder, this will prolong your life, and you will not fade out because of anger and hatred. Let go of the past. After all, it holds many very tightly. In the end, no one knows what will happen to us tomorrow, and when we will definitely leave this world forever. Let other people not hold a grudge against you, and you do not hold. And yes, do not say that you are not offended by anyone. And that no one has ever offended you, and you do not hold a grudge against these people. Sometimes memories come up and pain, and the burden from them does not allow us to live on, does not allow us to be happy and open to the world.

8. Hitchhike

Take the risk, it's worth it!

9. Don't be a consumer and don't be fooled by ads

The main thing here is to understand where your desires are true, and where they are imposed on you from outside.

10. Learn a foreign language and make real friends from the country whose language you have learned.

Each new language is another personality in you. A new language is a whole layer of culture, customs, relationships and impressions. Do not leave yourself such pleasure.

11. Travel with coacheserfing

Coaching is a network of open and helpful people. You will be provided with free accommodation and other assistance during your trip. And it doesn’t matter which country you go to – there will always be a couple of suitable options. Plus, with its help you can implement the previous point. Web site:

12. Get a job as a volunteer

What could be better than helping others. Clean up the park, help the homeless, show your humanity.

13. Do the one crazy thing you've always been afraid to do.

What's stopping you? Forget about barriers! Only forward!

14. Read a book by Dan Butner and live at least 10 years longer.

You can take any other book that has proven itself. But in this one, simple and very effective ways prolong your life. And this is proved by numerous studies of the oldest long-livers on the planet. Everything is in the book. Live long and well!

15. Learn poetry, learn a beautiful verse

Learn poetry, it's so beautiful! Choose at least one verse that really touched you and memorize it and quote it constantly. I did this with Rudyard Kipling's verse.

16. Live alone for 7 days without the Internet, TV, telephone and computer, far from civilization and means of communication.

Sounds like a feat, really! That's what it is little feat. Only 7 days, and you can return, already a completely different person. But at the same time, what is 7 days…

17. Keep a diary, write down your thoughts, ideas. And then pass it on to your children or grandchildren so that they get to know you and your inner world better.

I would like to get one from my father or grandfather.

18. Choose one day a week and dedicate it to family and friends

Get together with close friends, relatives, cook some new dish and have a good time. Let this become your tradition.

19. Find a person (or several) who has the same dream as you. And together, reach it.

You can start with something small. And who knows, maybe you will meet not only a friend to achieve goals, but also a life partner. After all, you will have so much in common

20. Help someone for free, without elevating yourself, without a sense of pride.

For example, a friend and a neighbor or a simple passerby. But only so that no one knows about it and your level of pride does not go off scale from this.

21. Buy a bouquet of flowers and give to passers-by

A trifle, but nice

22. Make a donation to the orphanage with old things from childhood, or a cash contribution or your time.

After all, there are so many deprived of fate in the world who need attention and warmth. Don't be indifferent.

23. Organize or just participate in a flash mob

It can be anything, feel like an actor or dancer in Indian TV shows. Although this is now a trend, it will bring a lot of laughter and joy.

24. Find an old photo with your friends, collect them again in the same place and take the same photo but only where you are already adults.

Maybe you haven’t seen some of the friends in your old photo for a dozen years - it will be a great reason to see you again. After all, friends are second, family!

25. Make a family tree at least up to the 10th generation, and preferably more.

You must know who your ancestors are and honor their memory. Who knows - maybe the glory of your family will begin with you or noble blood flows in you. Do it while your old relatives are still alive.

26. If you are a professional in some field, then find yourself a student and teach him all the skills and subtleties of your profession.

Pass on your gift, do not hide it only in yourself, let it walk around the world and make the lives of others easier and better. Become a master for your apprentice.

27. At least once in a lifetime, do not lie, do not be hypocritical for a whole day. Say whatever you think and feel.

Difficult challenge. But try to go beyond, do not be afraid of the consequences. In 10 years, you are unlikely to remember the problems that arose because of your sincerity. Either this day will change your life forever, and you will never again be cunning either in front of others or in front of yourself. It's interesting!

28. Create your inspiration board.

Not to be confused with the visualization board, they are completely different things. We all sometimes get angry, celebrate ourselves badly and experience anger, aggression. We all sometimes give up and have no strength to continue to fight and achieve goals. Create a board or poster with photos, drawings, things that 100% and always can cheer you up, inspire you, motivate you and inspire you to believe in yourself.

29. Visit a slaughterhouse, a fur factory and a massive deforestation site.

It is not worth living in illusions, look behind the curtain of these terrible places, these modern concentration camps. After this, you will no longer be the same, no one will be. Unless you have a stone instead of a heart.

30. Visit the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat.

This is a unique monument to human stupidity and shortsightedness. A good example of what not to do and what it can lead to. Don't build your "ChNPP" in your life.

31. Make a gift with your own hands and give to a dear and close person.

Put all your imagination, all your abilities and desire to make it nice. But give just like that, without expectations! Main attention.

32. Never cheat on your significant other

And don't say that you were in a quarrel then. If you decide to be together, then be responsible for this decision. And if you are not confident in yourself, then there is no need to marry. Just don't make life difficult for yourself or others. Don't hurt people.

33. Throw a surprise party for your loved ones

And it does not matter that you may not have a lot of money. Just decorate the house with balloons, bake a cake, learn a song. After all, it is not the value of the gift that matters, but the strength of the feelings that you put into it, and the surprise and happiness that you give.

34. Always give your mom flowers and a card on Mother's Day, March 8, her birthday.

And this is the minimum! Because without her, you wouldn't exist. After all, she gave you life. Forgive her if there is anything for that and do not be angry with her. After all, the moment will come when it will not be, then you will no longer be able to make up for lost time and words.

35. Appreciate your friends

After all, a friend is the most valuable thing you have and will always have. You will need it even more when your children grow up and leave your home, when your parents are gone. And if you have childhood friends, then value them 100 times more, because they loved you and were friends with you long before your high position, your wife / husband, children. Don't exclude them from your life. And if fate has divided you and scattered around the world - find, call, ask for forgiveness and tell about your feelings and the need for their participation in your life.

36. Live a day without electricity at all

Even without a refrigerator =). Another, out of the box, but very useful act. Break the pattern, break the system, at least for a day. If you fail, at least once, this day does not count.

37. Stay a month as a vegetarian

I think after the implementation of point #29 it will be much easier than it seems. Believe me - you will not cause any harm to health, but you will save a few innocent lives, and you may like it.

38. Do not visit zoos and circuses

In England, for example, it was forbidden to use animals in performances. So why should you look at these unfortunate captives, rejoice at their tricks, when cruelty in training and inhumane attitude stand behind this. If you want to see wild animals, go on a research trip or just watch amazing films about nature.

39. Set aside EVERY day a small amount for 10 years and with the money collected, together with your friends, do what you always wanted to, but did not have enough money, or visit the place where you always wanted to visit with friends.

Make your dream come true, even after 10 years. This will instill in you perseverance and determination. Prove to yourself that you are worthy! I've been postponing for 4 years now.

40. Tell everyone you love and appreciate how much you love and appreciate them.

The simplest, and at the same time, the most difficult of this list. Do it today and write what you felt. Repeat once a month.

41. Have and raise at least two children

You will be good parents!

42. Sew clothes for yourself and, possibly, dress in it.

We all wear clothes, but someone creates them. Become the creator of your own clothing line for yourself. Creative ideas for you! And more color!

43. Learn some practical skill

For example, beekeeping, or gardening, woodcarving or bricklaying. In an era where everything can be done right hand holding it on the mouse, it will become a sip for you clean air. It's so nice to be able to do something material, even if it's fixing the plumbing.

44. Plant 7 oaks, grow them, and after 20-30 years, cut down, make boards and lay oak parquet in your son's house.

And when your son walks on this floor with his children, and the floor creaks softly, he will remember that you made this floor for him and your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know about it

45. Buy yourself a string bag and go grocery shopping with it

It's simple, give up plastic bags and you will be happy.

46. ​​Write real letters and give real cards

I read somewhere that after the era of mankind there will be no information left, since everything is stored electronically. So it may be worth giving real cards to loved ones, writing real letters on paper and printing photos in albums, and not posting them on the wall in social networks. Networks, write sms and e-mails?

47. Make your own personal time capsule and put your message to future contemporaries in it.

Send a piece of yourself on a journey through time

48. Forgive a person for an act that you would never, ever forgive. Forgive and let go!

This is the prerogative of the strong in spirit!

49. Conquer one of your biggest fears! Get taller than him

You will later remember with a smile how you could be afraid of this. Just take a step forward.

50. Unleash your talent

There are no talented people, just not everyone suspects their talents. Your task is to find, nurture and let blossom your talent, your abilities. The main thing here is patience and perseverance!

51. Add your personal item to this list and complete it

The list would not be complete without this item.


P.S. Our book

Each person must constantly clearly understand what is happening to him at this particular moment. Such an important concept as awareness can be of great help in this. In everyday life, it provides an excellent opportunity to completely calm the mind, understand the main essence of what is happening and stabilize your intellectual processes. A person constantly feels included in current events, which allows him to quickly respond to them.

What is mindfulness

According to psychologists, mindfulness is the constant and close observation of the general course of life and its full understanding in the context current moment. The events of the past and the future do not participate in it. However, they help to understand what is happening at this particular moment.

It is impossible to feel included throughout life, being somewhere unknown and up in the clouds. In the same way, it is impossible to be in a state of full awareness at any one moment, and then again plunge into the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs. Once having understood what a meaningful existence is, a person should not renounce it even for a second.

There are various psychological techniques, allowing you to consolidate the acquired skills, achieving more and more new heights. Those who have mastered spiritual practices move to the highest level of being, allowing them to improve their inner essence. However, there is no need to rush into such a process.

Mindfulness in everyday life, as a state of mind and soul, allows you to:

  • see your place in the world around you;
  • hear your inner voice;
  • trust yourself completely;
  • focus on the work process;
  • not be distracted by trifles;
  • correctly evaluate various events;
  • Make high-quality decisions very quickly;
  • make a choice between two things, etc.

Mindfulness training is somewhat like physical development human body. Here setting a goal is very important, then mastering the basic exercises, and after that building up your skills.

The difference between the individual who has fully achieved awareness in everyday life and the person who is still striving for it is especially clearly visible.

The first of them is concentrated, his gaze is concentrated on some particular object, he is unhurried and very friendly.

Unlike a person who has not yet reached such a level of consciousness, he is mainly occupied with various questions of the meaning of life, his destiny, he clearly sees ways out of various life situations.

The second is most often absent-minded, not collected, unable to make a good choice or make a good decision.

What are the benefits of mindfulness

The main advantages of this lifestyle are usually:

  • save a lot of time and effort;
  • determine the most important parameters of the human path and not be distracted from them;
  • the ability to completely abandon everyday worries;
  • analyze your thoughts;
  • do not imitate anyone;
  • actively review their principles;
  • constantly improve intellectual potential;
  • avoid hesitation;
  • gain self-confidence;
  • feel inner strength;
  • hear your intuition;
  • use beautiful, harmonious, precise words and expressions in speech;
  • do not use stamps;
  • find inner peace;
  • realize your talents, etc.

Summing up, we can say that awareness in everyday life means constant involvement in its process. Every second of time is felt by a person as an event. It requires reflection, a separate attitude towards itself and comparison with the previous moment. In the future, it should serve as a basis for making decisions about the future. This position allows you not to go beyond a calm existence and remain self-confident and ready for different twists of fate, without overreacting to them.

How to Develop Mindfulness in Daily Life: Techniques and Practices

It is desirable to begin a gradual approach to such an important state of mind and body from the fact that it is necessary to completely stop concentrating on your person. You need to treat yourself with a sense of humor and a little detached.

The first thing to do is to learn not to fuss. Each gesture should be thoughtful, but natural. Under no circumstances should you rush. If you can do without any movement, then you need to do so.

It is worth realizing that everyone has the right to make mistakes. Therefore, do not punish yourself for them too severely.

It is desirable to understand that other people are largely indifferent to others, and they practically do not notice their mistakes or do not attach much importance to them.

The next step is to separate yourself from other individuals. Their personal thoughts belong only to them and there is no need to try to control their attitude towards people. But that doesn't mean they should be ignored.

Their every word must be heard, thought through and taken into account or discarded. It is not capable of affecting its own attitude towards itself.

People are required to be treated with great respect, but to consider them not higher or lower than themselves. Therefore, it is best to accept them as they are, without judging. This way of looking at things is not as easy as it seems. It is worth getting used to it.

This will allow a person to significantly slow down the pace of daily life, completely calm his mind and stop modeling negative monologues and dialogues in his head.

There are a number of psychological techniques that allow you to quickly come to awareness. They are very simple and can be mastered even by beginners in this field. They are suitable for a person with any temperament or advancement in such skills.

In general, they can be classified into eight basic techniques.

  1. Monitor your breathing process. Every movement of the diaphragm must be under control. This skill allows you to free your mind from unnecessary thoughts.
  2. Eating should become completely conscious. It needs to be evaluated taste qualities, cooking features, smell. It is worth trying to mentally compose a recipe for its preparation.
  3. You need to track your emotions. Nothing can be done automatically. Each movement should be meaningful and thought out. If irritation occurs, then you do not need to ignore it, but you should think about what caused it. This attitude allows you to achieve relaxation of muscle tension and the ability to calm down. If this happens at work, then you need to stop at some familiar process and decompose it into separate smallest actions.
  4. One can clearly imagine that inside the body there is a large transparent sphere, which is the human soul. It is worth looking into her and understanding what she wants most of all. Then imagine what you want as if it is already present in life. It is very important to assess whether the individual himself really needs it or whether such a desire is imposed by relatives or acquaintances. It is very easy to check this by the sensations that will accompany the action.
  5. Then you need to work with negative feelings. You need to find the point on the body where they are concentrated. It is not difficult to do this, since it is there that pain sensations most often nest. Having found it, you should focus on such an area and breathe slowly and deeply until the muscles relax. Gradually, the negative feelings will also disappear.
  6. Next, you need to fully examine your thoughts. It is worth identifying the concentric circles in which they spin. Better to be childish. Put a tight elastic band on your wrist and, as soon as an unpleasant or obsessive thought visits your mind, pull it back and slap it painfully on the skin. If this is not possible, then it is desirable to treat your thoughts more responsibly, consciously brushing aside unnecessary and harmful ones. If they are important, but the mind is in an agitated state, then it is allowed to postpone them for an indefinite time. Self-hypnosis is powerful weapon and it is unacceptable to use it for harm.
  7. It is desirable to find people who cause sharply negative emotions. It must be understood that most personalities react to what is contained in themselves. Therefore, you need to understand what exactly is related to such a person. It is this quality that gets into a state of resonance, and it irritates both at once. This similarity should be found and try to analyze it. As it becomes clear what drives the individual, muscle clamp will gradually subside. Hostility to another will disappear and will not be renewed.
  8. It is equally important to be aware of all the sensations of your body. Very often a person feels bad for a long time, but, constantly busy with various things, does not notice this. He realizes his disease only when the suffering becomes unbearable. Moreover, most often he notices that exacerbation occurs against the background of nervous overexertion. Spasms put a barrier in the way of the free passage of energy flows, which further exacerbates the pathology. To correct this condition, one should go to bed in the evening, mentally walk around the entire body, finding woven bundles of nerves. They need to be relaxed, and if they do not give in to an effort of will, then it is worth breathing freely until the state of health becomes stable.

Mindfulness is almost impossible to achieve in just one or two sessions. It must be cultivated, accustomed to it and not allowed to give up on it even for a minute. Soon it will become commonplace and the other course of life will seem unpleasant and dangerous.

In order for awareness to become a part of everyday life, it is worth using special practices.

The practice of formality is mainly aimed at meditation, most often with the same breathing process. You can fix your eyes on fire, a shiny object, a book. This can be done in any convenient position.

The practice of informality is achieved by the fact that a person does not allow himself to be distracted for a single second from the course of everyday life. Such a habit should not be developed for half an hour, or even for half a day, but at each specific moment.

In order for such practices to become something common, they must be repeated many times daily. If errors are found, they are replayed until they run flawlessly. It is better to start improving right away on something very important.

Mindfulness in a person's daily life allows you to quickly and effectively streamline it. It helps to structure thoughts, understand your essence and look at it from the outside.

Moreover, it perfectly makes it possible to fully cope with even the most negative attitudes in life and in many ways allows you to improve your body.

As a boundary condition of human activity. Studies of everyday life imply an approach to the world of a person and his very life as a value. Everyday life is significant in the culture of the 20th century.

As part of classical approaches(represented, in particular, by Marxism, Freudianism, structural functionalism), everyday life was considered an inferior reality and a negligible value. It seemed to be a surface, behind which a certain depth was thought, a veil of fetishistic forms, behind which lay a genuine one (“It” - in Freudianism, economic ties and relations - in Marxism, stable structures that determine human and worldview - in structural functionalism). The researcher of everyday life acted as an absolute observer, for whom the living acted only as a symptom of this reality. In relation to everyday life, a “hermeneutics of suspicion” was cultivated. Everyday and non-everyday were represented by different ontological structures, and everyday life itself was tested against . Within the framework of classical methodologies, everyday life could act as an object of projection and rationalization. This tradition is quite stable (A Lefebvre, . Geller).

Grmeneutic and phenomenological schools in social philosophy and sociology acted as an alternative to the classical paradigm of social knowledge. The impetus for a new understanding of everyday life was given by E. Husserl in his interpretation of the life world. In the social phenomenology of A. Schutz, these ideas and the sociological attitudes of M. Weber were implemented. Schutz formulated the task of studying everyday life in the context of searching for the ultimate foundations of social reality as such. Various variations of this approach are presented in modern sociology knowledge (P. Berger, T. Lukman), from somewhat different methodological positions in symbolic interactionism, ethnamethodology, etc. The evolution of studies of everyday life is associated with a change in the paradigms of social knowledge. In our understanding, the everyday and the non-everyday no longer act as different ontological structures that are incommensurable in their significance. These are different realities only insofar as they represent different types experience. Accordingly, theoretical models are not opposed to the constructs of everyday mentality and everyday consciousness. On the contrary, the criterion of substantiation and validity of social knowledge is also the correspondence of the concepts of science to the constructs of everyday consciousness, and other non-scientific forms of knowledge. Central issue social cognition becomes about the correlation of social knowledge with everyday meanings (constructs of the first order). The problem of the objectivity of knowledge is not removed here, but the very forms of everyday life and thinking are no longer checked for truth.

The formation of the “post-classical paradigm” of social knowledge is inseparable from understanding the problems of everyday life. The study of everyday life is moving from a branch dealing with a specific subject to a new definition of the “sociological eye”. The nature of the research object - the daily life of people - changes to the very idea of ​​knowing the social world. A number of completely different researchers (P. Feyerabend and J. Habermas, Berger and Lukman, E. Vshdens and M. Maffesoli, M. De Certo, etc.) substantiate the idea of ​​the need to rethink the social status of science and new concept the cognizing subject, the return of the language of science “home”, into everyday life. The social researcher loses the privileged position of an absolute observer and acts only as a participant social life on par with others. It proceeds from the fact of the plurality of experiences, social practices, including linguistic ones. Reality is seen only as phenomenal. Changing the angle of view allows you to turn to what previously seemed, firstly, insignificant, and secondly, a deviation from the norm to be overcome: the archaic in modern times, the banalization and technologization of images, etc. Accordingly, along with the classical methods of studying everyday life, methods are used based on approaching the narrativity of everyday life (case studies, or the study of an individual case, the biographical method, the analysis of "profane" texts). The focus of such studies is self-evidence of consciousness, habitual, abused practices, practical, specific “logic of practice”. The study turns into a kind of “commonsensology” (from lat. -) and “formology”, because it remains the only stable beginning in the conditions of alternativeness and instability of social and plurality of cultural principles (M. Maffesoli). Life forms are no longer treated as higher or lower, true or not true. No knowledge can be obtained outside the context of culture, language, . This cognitive gives rise to the problem of relativism, since truth is replaced by the problem of communication between people and cultures. The task of cognition is reduced to a historically conditioned “cultural action”, which is to be worked out new way"readings of the world". Within the framework of these approaches, “truth” and “emancipation” are transformed from immutable laws into value regulators.

Lit.: Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of reality. M., 1995; Waldenfels B. Everyday life as a melting pot of rationality.- In the book: SOCIO-LOGOS. M., 1991; IoninL. G. Sociology of culture. M., 1996; Schutz A. Formation of concepts and theory in the social sciences. - In the book: American Sociological; Texts. M., 1994; ShutzA. On Phenomenology and Social Relations. Chi., 1970; GoffmanE. The Presentation of Self m Everyday Life. N.Y.-L., 1959; LefebvreA. La vie quotidienne dans le monde modem. P., 1974; MaffesoliM. La conquete du present. Pour une sociology de la vie quotidienne. P., 1979; HellerA. Everyday Life. Cambr., 1984; De Sgneai M. The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley; Los Ang.; L „1988.

H. H. Kozlova

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .


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Quotes that are good to apply as a mantra in daily life because it will help you:

1. "You haven't lived today unless you've done something for someone who has no way of giving it back to you." - John Bunyan.

Sometimes we expect a lot and we need to be aware of the importance of sharing with others.

2. “Life is too short to wake up one day remorseful. So love people who respect you. Forgive those who don't, and trust that everything in life happens for a reason. If you get another chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, so be it! No one said that life is easy, they just say that it's worth it! - Harvey McKay.

There are many words, but the message is simple: live life to the fullest.

3. Epistle to the Corinthians. Love is patient, love does a service, it does not envy, it does not do anything ugly, it does not seek profit, it does not get angry, it does not rejoice in injustice, but finds its joy in truth. She forgives everything, she believes everything, she hopes she will endure everything.

4. "If you don't tell the truth about yourself, you can't tell it about other people." - Virginia Woolf. If you are not honest about yourself, do not spread lies about others. This is hypocritical.

5. “People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how they felt because of you.” - Maya Angelou.

The emotional level of connection with people is of paramount importance. Even a small smile sent to someone can mean everything and change the course of the day.

6. “Better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.” - André Guide.

Sometimes we want to please others so much that we lose ourselves. If people don't like us for who we are, they should be let go.

7. “First, we need to learn to love ourselves with all our strengths and weaknesses. If we cannot love ourselves, we also cannot fully love others.” – John Lennon We need to love every part of ourselves.

8. "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi. The first step should be to try to change something.

9. “The truth is that everyone will hurt you, you just need to find those who are worth suffering for.” - Bob Marley.

We like to think well of those close to us, but they will disappoint us in one way or another because they are people. It is necessary to distinguish between those that are worth fighting for and those that are not.

10. “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if at least one person remembers to turn on the light.” - Steve Kloves (known as Albus Dumbledore). Any bad thing that happens will surely bring something good if you want to see it. Happiness is a choice, and positivity is a virtue.

The Philosophy of Everyday Life: Examples We Don't See

This topic, in my opinion, is very interesting and relevant, because every day we meet with various philosophical problems, theses, dilemmas. Sometimes we have to make certain decisions and make choices that are not always so easy. Every day we are surrounded by people with their own system of worldview, with their own ideas about morality and ethics, categories of values. Man is essentially a rational, social being, and therefore communicative. In the process of communication, different points of view collide, there is an exchange of ideas about the world, being and things around us. Ideas about the sense of reason and emotions are actively affected in everyday life. We do not always pay attention to how this happens, for us it has become the norm. However, if you look deeper and think about the meaning of what surrounds us, you can see clear philosophical concepts that are actively operating. You can see the work of theses formed many millennia ago, which remain relevant to this day.

If we're talking about modern world then the first thing that comes to me is a quote from Samuel Butler, an English philosopher, writer, artist, translator, one of the classics of Victorian literature: “Life is the art of extracting significant benefits from insignificant circumstances.”

AT modern people very busy making a profit. They do it daily and hourly. A person tries to use every opportunity to get a certain benefit. People tend to work, to do something for additional benefits. Some even forget about the norms of morality and morality and violate them, just not to miss their chance. However, the meaning of this statement, in my opinion, is different. Samuel Butler encourages us to learn to see the good and the bright in the simple things. In constant bustle, a person can forget about everything. He ceases to notice the life around him. And that means you stop feeling. If we recall the statement of V.G. Belinsky, which is considered by many in the philosophical aspect “To live means to feel and think, to suffer and be blessed; all other life is death." If a person ceases to feel, it means that he ceases to live.

An urgent problem in the modern world is the absence of any goals for people other than those based on instincts: to find food, sleep, shelter, a couple. Previously, Maslow's pyramid served to describe human needs. On the present stage it, in my opinion, is no longer relevant in relation to all people, because the majority simply have no goals left in life. They don't care anymore higher levels pyramids. They no longer need success and self-development. Often everything is much simpler and more mercantile. The depth of feelings in people is leaving, morality becomes mundane, the goals are reduced to getting money and the benefits that can be purchased with them. This leads to the fact that people lose the desire to actively live. For example, employees of offices and many companies who spend 8-12 hours at their workplace, in their box office, and do not really see either their colleagues or what is outside the window simply lose the meaning of life.

They become an indifferent mass in society, which does not care about any moral norms and values, they do not care about the people around them. Even Johann Wolfgang Goethe spoke about this as follows: “Give a man a goal worth living for, and he will be able to survive in any situation.” This is what many people don't have. modern society- Goals. They become passive observers of life when they should be active participants in it.

Another most relevant modern life the philosophical problem is the huge abundance of information that a person receives directly from the media, television and radio broadcasts and programs. This problem of everyday life is precisely of a philosophical nature, which many cannot even guess. Several thousand years ago, Heraclitus said: "Much knowledge does not teach the mind." Many centuries have passed, but how true this saying is to this day! The abundance of information makes people helpless, because they themselves simply stop thinking. Why, if you can find an answer, advice, or recommendation somewhere in the sources of information for any question? People become addicted to the media and this, to a significant extent, changes their lives. Instead of thinking about building new life, dream, they begin to live according to the pattern, lose their uniqueness. worldview goal being truth

Life is directly related to philosophy, you just need to accept it as the truth. The examples given in this essay are a direct confirmation of this. Many more such examples could be cited. Philosophers of all eras and countries have always paid attention to all aspects human life. They talked about being, reason, feelings, love, morality, values, because all this was an integral part of the life of every person. They tried to explain the logic and behavior of people, to convey to them the simple wisdom that they themselves understood. You just need to be able to feel and understand, and then you can see everything that the ancient sages told us about. All this is relevant today. Many things have changed, the world has become more developed, scientific and technological progress, the media, and much more, at first glance, made life easier for people, but on the other hand, they deprived a person of many natural feelings and goals that are so important for everyone for their own development.

It is worth taking into account the philosophical wisdom to understand it, and the world around will change when a person learns to see not only what is brought in from the outside, but also when he begins to understand himself, feel and think in his own way. This person should sound proud. A person must learn and leave behind culture and morality, this is how he will form a worthy future for other generations. “To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what the previous ones did for us” - the words that were uttered by Georg Lichtenberg, an outstanding German philosopher, scientist and publicist. I think it is with these words that it is worth ending this essay, because, in my opinion, they reflect in the best possible way everything that every person should strive for in his life.

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