Child development 6 years old girl. Characteristics of psychological development. An integrated approach to the health and physical development of young children in the Far North using social and health technology

Pregnancy and children 09.06.2018
Pregnancy and children

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The rapid development of a 6-year-old child requires the attention and patience of parents. Rapid development of memory, active manifestation of one's abilities, manifestation of emotionality, defending one's interests - all these traits are characteristic of children of this age. The main task of parents and teachers is to teach their child patience and the ability to listen carefully. It is necessary to develop and support the best qualities and achievements, to suppress and punish for wrong actions and deeds.

Features of development

At the age of 6, a child begins to show responsibility and fussiness goes away. There are changes in the skeletal system, muscle mass. A 6-year-old boy shows agility and agility in his movements. These qualities must be properly developed and applied. A boy will always be happy to complete your task, unlike a girl. By nature, all boys are explorers and wanderers. Children 6 years old need more complex tasks: assembling figures with many small parts, coloring three-dimensional and large drawings. General education and outdoor games are recommended. Attention should be paid to children's active walks in the fresh air with a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates.

Raising children 6 years old determines 2 directions: preparation for school and development of logic, formation individual characteristics. Preschool training includes: developing the ability to think individually, analyze, and think logically.

Developing a child’s logic is the foundation for successful schooling.

It is important to teach, not just to memorize, but to be able to compare, group, identify patterns, and draw conclusions. Children of this age remember very quickly, but forget just as quickly. Only what is understandable is remembered well. Memory is necessary for the development of children's intelligence. There are 3 categories of memory: visual, auditory, emotional.

In children of this age, visual and auditory memory predominates, which makes it possible to identify important indicators of things.

Memory improvement methods for children:

  • repeating a group of words several times in a row;
  • reproduction and description of what was seen;
  • learning a set of words;
  • memorization of depicted objects;
  • exercises and games.

It is important to focus children’s attention on highlighting the main thing, teach them to group, and characterize the qualities of objects.

Characteristics of psychological development

The peculiarity of psychological behavior of this age is extremes. Many traits are combined between a small child and an adult. Children are very active, mobile, inquisitive, eager to act, they are interested in everything around them. They are interested in everything, but they don't do much.

The boy strives to be an individual, interferes in the conversation of elders, expresses his disagreement. He loves to be the center of attention; his mother’s personality ceases to be the main thing for him. It may even conflict, this is explained by the expansion of the social circle. The leading role at this age is played by the father. The boy reacts immediately to his father's demands, while his mother may ignore them. Strives to be like dad in everything. There is a need to communicate with peers.

Qualitative changes occur in speech activity: speech becomes correctly correct, begins to construct complex sentences, at the same time, some sounds are pronounced incorrectly. Psychological development occurs during play and communication. There is a desire for knowledge, but attention is unstable. The age of unstable feelings and sudden mood swings.

The main achievements of children of this age are expressed:

  1. Assessing the activities and behavior of peers and adults is the basis for the formation of adequate self-esteem of an individual.
  2. Development cognitive activity and sustainable interest, the foundation of future educational motivation.
  3. Formation of voluntary regulation of activity and emotional-volitional qualities.
  4. Understanding social roles and norms of behavior.
  5. Qualitative changes in mental activity. The emergence of active monologue speech and business communication.

If you want your boy to grow up not only strong, but also smart, develop him with the help educational games and walks, attend sporting events together. Explain everything you see and why it happens this way. Play with him, talk and show emotions sincerely.

Rules of preschool education

By the age of 6, children develop brain mechanisms that allow them to successfully study at school. Doctors say that it is very difficult for children during this period. The older generation was right in sending their children to school from the age of 9, when the formation of the nervous system was completed.

Today, in order to avoid nervous breakdowns and illnesses, you need to adhere to the simplest rules.

  1. Do not combine studying in first grade with attending additional sections and classes. Studying at school is already stressful, if children do not walk, relax, and do their homework slowly, this will certainly affect their health. It is better to start going to sections before school 1 year or after 1st grade.
  2. Remember, children can only listen with interest for the first 10-15 minutes, so take breaks when doing home exercises. Give your child the opportunity to run, jump, and dance. Start lessons with written assignments. Alternate oral exercises with written ones. The duration of classes should be no more than 1 hour.
  3. Computers and TV require a lot of eye strain, so the duration of the session should be no more than 1 hour a day.
  4. In the first year of school, children really need your help. The child builds relationships with classmates, teachers and understands that some want to be friends with him, and others do not. It is at this moment that the attitude towards oneself is formed. If you strive to raise a calm and confident person, be sure to praise your child.

Achieving a goal independently is an invaluable reward for a child.

Little tips:

  • you need to love a child for his individuality, and not for his successes;
  • never say that he is worse than others;
  • you need to answer all questions that interest him honestly and patiently;
  • Set aside time every day to communicate with your child;
  • teach free communication with classmates and adults;
  • do not hesitate to admire achievements;
  • express your feelings towards your children openly;
  • do not demand success by force;
  • Give your child the right to make mistakes.

Until school age, a boy is actively interested in men's affairs. The father must support all his son’s aspirations and not push him away. Remember, boys are very active by nature, you need to notice their hobbies in a timely manner and turn them into a hobby. The boy cannot listen to your lectures with concentration for a long time. Explain your claims briefly and clearly.

What should a child be able to do?

Children at this age should be able to think logically, count from 1 to 20, compose a story based on a picture, write letters, read syllables, follow rules of behavior, and perform simple mathematical tasks. Be able to compare, play independently, and be able to apply theory into practice.

Compose a story independently, retell small texts of 6-10 sentences. Recite poems by heart with expressiveness and intonation. Know words with opposite meanings, be able to answer riddles. Compare categories of objects, measure using conventional size.

The physical development of the child improves, flexibility and plasticity appear. The boy is inferior to the girl in the intensity of growth. The girl's vision is aimed at her immediate environment, so limited space is enough for her. The boy has far vision, so he needs more space. Lack of space is expressed in the need to climb heights, cabinets, and stairs.

The girl's attention is focused on people and their relationships. The boy shows interest in distant things and objects. If you need to know how to get to or get to a certain place, the best person to tell you is a boy. The correct influence on children is to accept them as they are.

Physical development. Your child is already 6 years old. How quickly he grew up! According to WHO, the height of six-year-olds on average increases to 116 cm, with the permissible range being from 110.1 cm to 120.8 cm. Like other indicators, the height of girls is slightly less than that of boys, and by the age of 6, on average, be 115.1 cm (acceptable range of values ​​is from 110.1 cm to 120.1 cm). Boys grow up to 116 cm, with normal limits ranging from 111.1 cm to 120.8 cm.

Let us name the main points characterizing the normal physical maturation of six-year-old children:

  • the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones begins;
  • abdominal breathing is replaced by chest breathing, the diaphragm is strengthened;
  • is happening active development musculoskeletal system, including the spine;
  • the number of respiratory movements per minute (about 20-25) is close to the adult norm;
  • the lungs mature;
  • the size of the heart increases as this is required by a rapidly growing organism;
  • heart rate changes (up to 85-100 beats per minute) and blood pressure;
  • the immune system is actively functioning;
  • strengthens nervous system, the baby better tolerates increased emotional, physical, psychological and intellectual stress;
  • Speech improves, vocabulary expands, pronunciation defects disappear.

Age characteristics . The child grows not only externally, but also internally - he becomes more conscious, organized, and asks many questions, including about gender differences in people. The age characteristics of children at the age of 6 are such that they often strive to attract attention to themselves, especially if there are younger children in the family. This speaks to their need for love, acceptance and self-expression. clearly expressed, but his own “wants” often take precedence, and the child constantly tests the strength of the boundaries of what is permitted in society and the family. This is how children learn to understand what is certainly possible and what is prohibited, and also learn the norms of behavior in society.

By the age of six, children already cope well with their mood and emotions, strive for independence, but, at the same time, are very attentive to the behavior of others and are prone to imitation. They still find it difficult to keep their attention on one topic for a long time, especially if it is not interesting to them. Therefore, it is very important not to forget to conduct training in the form of a game and first intrigue the baby.

Psychology of a six year old child. Psychological characteristics children at this age are associated with different areas their development:

Parents often catch six-year-olds lying. Most likely, this occurs due to fear of punishment for certain actions. In this case, talk to your child and explain that you should always tell the truth. And if he did something bad, then he must be honest. Never get too personal with your child, expressing your dissatisfaction with his actions.
If the lie has become systematic, it’s worth having a heart-to-heart talk with the little one. Agree that if he tells the truth, you will try not to get angry and appreciate the fact that he did not deceive. Of course, you will not jump for joy because of bad actions, but if he honestly tells you everything, you will try to calmly understand the situation.

Always remember that you are an example for your children and they will mostly copy your behavior. Telling the truth yourself is the surest way to teach a child to be honest.

When understanding the reasons for children's lies, it is worth considering several factors: family relationships and a comfortable emotional environment at home, as well as the presence of stress that can push the child to excessive fantasy.

Intellectual development. What a six year old child should know:

  • your first name, last name and patronymic, age, birthday, address, city of residence, as well as the names of parents, friends, family members, pets;
  • parents' professions;
  • days of the week, months, seasons, time of day, their names and sequences; parts of the body; domestic and wild animals, aquatic inhabitants and insects;
  • the most common plants, trees, berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • colors and some popular shades;
  • where is right and left;
  • how to cross the road correctly, signs and traffic rules;
  • how to behave with strangers;
  • generally accepted holidays and their meaning;
  • numbers up to 10, counting, distinguishing plus and minus signs;
  • forms and states of objects;
  • poems, fairy tales, songs by heart;
  • natural phenomena;
  • concentrate attention for at least 15-20 minutes;
  • show the differences between two objects;
  • copy drawings, movements, facial expressions;
  • retain up to 10 items in memory;
  • memorize text 3-4 sentences long;
  • recognize a book read by passage;
  • identify an extra item from those proposed and justify your choice;
  • put together puzzles, figures from construction sets, incl. from sample;
  • draw people and animals, plants and other objects;
  • carefully color, shade, adjust the pressure on the pencil;
  • create applications, sculpt recognizable objects from plasticine;
  • write some letters and numbers;
  • ride a bicycle, scooter;
  • perform daily rituals on your own;
  • wield scissors;
  • navigate in space (forward-backward, closer-further, up-down, right-left, above-under);
  • conduct a wide-ranging conversation, answer questions.

Crisis 6 years. Another age crisis awaits you - ? Before you start dealing with a problem, you should always understand its causes. And based on this, take action. Perhaps the baby copies the behavior of someone in the family. After all, children often imitate adults. Here are the main reasons for children's disobedience:

  • complications during pregnancy and birth injuries;
  • various diseases of the nervous system;
  • psychological disorders;
  • quarrels and conflicts in family relationships, stressful situations at home.

Terrorizes peers, fights, lies, take note of the following tips:

  • don't rush to punish. Explain to your child the basic rules of behavior. The child must understand that fulfilling them is not your whim, that there are reasons for this and everyone is obliged to fulfill them. Tell them that there will be a punishment for breaking the rules. Let him choose whether to comply with them or not. This way you will teach your child responsibility for his behavior. For example, today you hit a peer on the playground - you go home and don’t go out anymore, and tomorrow there will be a new chance to behave well;
  • do not give in to crying and the phrase: “I won’t do this again.” Stand your ground. If you are guilty, take responsibility for your actions. Otherwise, the child will learn that if he asks for forgiveness, then he can play around again and nothing will happen for it;
  • spend more free time together. This will establish mutual understanding and trust between you;
  • Praise your baby more often, and in cases of failure, encourage him. He should always feel your support;
  • filter the information he receives. Monitor what your child watches on TV. Don't forget to limit your time spent on the computer;
  • Don't buy too many unnecessary toys. Often in this way parents try to compensate for the lack of attention. However, nothing can replace the care and warmth of mom and dad. Give preference to educational toys board games, which you can play with the whole family. This will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to both you and your child and will only be beneficial.


Mothers of six-year-old children are already puzzled. We need to improve children’s knowledge, choose an excellent school, find out about teachers, and monitor school supplies. But don't forget about yourself! We are again talking about preventive appointments with doctors - you need to take care of your health!

Sometimes mothers of six-year-old children think about having a baby. To take the older child to school, and then to walk with the newborn. We hope that you have an assistant who will share these concerns - after all, the workload ahead is quite serious.

Common everyday life

The variety of activities for children from 6 years old is so great that it is unlikely that it will be possible to list them all. If we adhere to the enlarged classification, then children's leisure can be divided into home and street, active and calm. When planning outdoor activities, take into account the weather - in winter this could include skiing, cheesecake and sledding, as well as first attempts at skating. Summer days are best spent on the lake and playing fun active games: hide and seek, tag, jumping rope, bicycle and roller skating. Even the most ordinary walk can be turned into a fabulous journey by adding a little intrigue and imagination.
Active leisure most often involves participation in some kind of sports activities, which can be practiced at home. For example, you can hang a horizontal bar in the doorway, let children play ball or hide and seek.
Quiet pastimes include role-playing games, reading books, creative activities, theatrical performances, watching fairy tales and cartoons. The last way to pass the time should be used sparingly and infrequently - children quickly get used to the talking screen, and it can be quite problematic to wean them off.

Dads, pay attention! At the age of six, for boys, the figure of the father comes to the fore, who gives the correct social guidelines and teaches his son masculine activities. Daughters, on the contrary, gravitate towards their mother, show femininity and do women’s chores with interest, helping their mother around the house. Therefore, it is extremely important in this transition period give your grown-up kids the right values ​​and attitudes that they will carry throughout their lives.

Dear parents! By remembering your hobbies at this age, it will be easier for you to understand what to do with your 6-year-old child at home.
An excellent solution for entertaining a six-year-old child at home could be:

Your baby has already reached the age of six and will soon go to school. At this stage, it is very important for parents to understand how ready their child is for such a load - physically, emotionally and psychologically. It is especially important to assess your child’s knowledge and skills.

Think back to when you were 6 years old. What were you interested in, how did you feel, how did you react to criticism, punishment and instructions from adults? It was not in vain that we started with this question - often parents of six-year-old children have completely forgotten how a child at this age perceives and feels. After all, this is a wonderful, carefree time, full of the unknown and interesting discoveries! Don’t turn this bright and rosy period for your child into an endless stream of “you should”, “you look so small”, “you’re already big”, etc. Of course, this is no longer a one-year-old baby, but also not a small copy of an adult. And therefore he has every right to his own opinion and personal mistakes.

Behave with a 6-year-old child respectfully, on an equal footing, trustingly, in a friendly, confident, authoritative, understanding, kind, patient, attentive, and sincere manner.

To raise a harmonious and happy child, we must, first of all, educate ourselves.

When choosing activities for your child, rely on his temperament and character. This information will help you understand which natural abilities need to be developed and which ones need to be carefully adjusted. Ask the baby himself what he likes. Otherwise, there is a risk of soon hearing that he does not want to attend classes, because he does not like them.

Do not pursue the romantic goal of making a great athlete or artist out of your child. The main task is to diversify his leisure time, instill a love of sports and raise him to be healthy, active and comprehensively developed.

To-do list

  1. Start searching for that same school where your child will go.
  2. Collect information about teachers who will “recruit” first-graders.
  3. Check your child's knowledge level and, if necessary, tighten.
  4. Prepare your child for the idea that he has already grown up and will soon go to school where everything goes wrong, in kindergarten, but “in an adult way.” If there are behavior problems, it's time to pay a little more attention to them. By correcting problem areas, you will greatly facilitate the child’s adaptation to a new society.
  5. Get your child vaccinated(according to the National Vaccination Calendar).
  6. Invite your child to study in various sections(sports, creative and intellectual and choose them together.
  7. Strengthen children's immunity.


At the age of six, children are given a revaccination against measles, rubella, and mumps.

At the age of six, children are still children, but they are no longer irresponsible and not as fussy as they were before. At this age, you need to pay special attention to their upbringing, because school is ahead. But first, you need to figure out what a child at this age should already be able to do and what he should be like in general, in order to correct his knowledge or characteristics if something happens.

Children of six years old are already more attentive, and their development is very rapid. Six-year-old children can already retell a story or fairy tale. They carry out responsible tasks with pleasure. At six years old, children use grammatical structures correctly and pronounce words clearly. They confuse the real and the fabulous a little, giving animals human characteristics, for example, a butterfly can have eyelashes and eyebrows in a drawing, and a worm thinks. At the age of six, children demonstrate their talents with pleasure, learn to show and control them. They share food and toys with their peers, but conflicts on the playground are quite common.

Great progress is also being made in vocabulary acquisition. Vocabulary your child reaches five thousand, and for some children even more. Basically, most of these words are, one way or another, connected with some everyday concepts. However, it is one thing to know the meaning of a certain number of words, and quite another thing to know the number of those words that the child actively uses in his spoken speech. Try to reduce the difference between these different categories. A large number of words with which a child operates gives him the opportunity to think more clearly and more accurately express his thoughts. Remember that while studying at school, a child needs to have correct, well-developed speech. First of all, this includes the correct and clear pronunciation of sounds.

Speaking of nutrition, 6-year-old children have a very good appetite. They willingly dine, and may even ask for more, but at the same time, they do not eat everything completely. Many will ask to be fed before bed.

Not all 6-year-old children sleep during the day, but many go to bed early. Children at this age need 10 hours of sleep. They love to talk about their day or listen to a story before bed.

Boys and girls

Sex differences in children three to four years old in the general structure of the body are still almost invisible, but at six to seven years old they are already clearly visible. These differences are also observed in characteristic development skeletal system and muscles, and in the nature of all their movements (boys are characterized by swiftness and sharpness, for girls, on the contrary, smoothness and softness), and in the distribution of subcutaneous fat. Boys are more “hunters and nomads”, and girls, on the contrary, are “keepers of the hearth”, who are characterized by a “stationary” lifestyle; you will do well to continue to emphasize and develop these different qualities. Develop and use. A boy will always bring or carry what you ask more willingly than a daughter. And the girl will help you in the kitchen with great pleasure.

Toys for six year olds

Most often, at 6 years old, purchases for a child are limited to toys that they will play with over the next few years. The puzzles have a hundred pieces instead of 24, and the sports equipment is adult size. Children of 6 years old need not just activities, but activities that are a little more complex in an artistic sense. For example, paint an animal figurine or a mug. Construction sets must consist of a large number of small parts, and you must ensure that there are instructions on how to assemble a tank or plane. You can give simple electronic races that your child can play on his own or with his friends. At six years old, a child can buy a scooter or roller skates. Educational toys will be very helpful. They will be able to prepare the child for writing and reading skills, including electronic toys.

Raising a 6 year old child

Most children of six years old are big slobs, especially boys. They should be constantly reminded that they need to brush their teeth, wash their face, fold their shoes, put away their clothes, and put away their toys. However, you also need to be very careful when choosing expressions, because at this age children are particularly sensitive to criticism and accusations against them, and do not like to lose. There is no need to demand any achievements from children at this age, otherwise it can seriously hit their self-esteem and pride, after all, they always want to be right and first. To avoid losing, they can deceive, lie and change existing rules in the game. Children at six years old are very competitive. The main task of parents is to teach them to endure defeat with dignity. Lying should be immediately stopped and punished.

Speaking of punishment, many six-year-old children begin to contradict their parents and enter into opposition with them. A fairly common behavior among six-year-old children is ignoring their parents' instructions. They may delay the execution of parental instructions or pretend not to hear. If parents are not persistent, six-year-old children may simply ignore their demands. So natural and must be experienced. You should talk to such children by calling them to you, so that the child listens carefully and looks at you. There is no need to give tasks from another room, since the child will not react to it in any way.

Many six-year-olds experience psychological stress. This manifests itself in typical behavior: foot tapping, hair twirling, scratching, nail biting, etc. In addition, children at this age are easily irritated and begin to cry. Six-year-olds will be helped to get rid of psychological pressure physical activity. Contrary to popular practice, it is better to avoid sweets as a form of comfort.

The child feels much more confident when the family has established simple and clear rules of behavior and practices a strict but fair regime.

Is your child ready for school?

When your child is already six years old, it is worth thinking about what the child should be able to do when going to school. Children of the same age often have different degrees of development and psychophysical state. Because of this, some children can master the first grade curriculum at 6 years old, while others have a difficult time even at 7 years old.

Experts determine whether a child is ready for school. You and your child may be invited to undergo a commission two to three months before the start of the school year, where the intellectual abilities, as well as the inclinations (mathematical or artistic mind, etc.) of the future first-grader are determined. You will be asked how the child developed and grew, what he achieved success in, what he was sick with and what you were not satisfied with. The commission also reveals characteristic features, for example, contact, independent thinking.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

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