Step-by-step recipe with photos. How to cook Dorado Dorado in a frying pan

Career and finance 26.07.2024
Career and finance

Exquisite dorado fish has an original, pleasant taste, but it is quite easy to spoil it without knowing the cooking technology. As a rule, most often this product is fried in a frying pan.

How to choose fish?

Since dorado is a rather expensive product, it is very important to choose the right carcass for purchase. First, you should carefully examine the surface of the fish: it should be shiny and slippery. If you press on the fish with your finger, the dent should immediately disappear. If the indentation remains, this indicates that the product is no longer fresh. The surface should be evenly painted without spots or damage. In addition, for a successful purchase, it is necessary to detect such characteristics as the elasticity of the carcass and upward-curving fins with a tail.

Secondly, the eyes of a healthy fish are transparent and protruding. The appearance of films, sinking and cloudiness most likely indicate that the dorado has been stored for too long. Thirdly, the ideal abdomen looks flat, and the gills are a soft pink to red hue. In a situation where the belly is inflated and the gills are colored brown or covered with mucus, it is strictly forbidden to eat the fish, since it is already rotten. Finally, it is important to evaluate the smell of the product. Ideally, it should be fresh and “sea”.

Sourness and any unnatural amber again indicate spoilage of the fish.

How to clean and cut?

The preparatory stage in the case of dorado looks extremely simple. First, the carcass is washed under the tap in cold water, then its gills and fins are cut off and its scales are cut off using a regular or special knife. By the way, it is more convenient to scrape the fish, lowered into a bowl of water, and cut off the fins with kitchen scissors. The abdomen is cut along its length and inedible entrails, including black films, are removed from it. At the same time, it is important not to touch the gall bladder, otherwise the substances contained in it will make the meat bitter. A film is cut along the ridge line, which is then necessarily washed from the blood.

The head of the dorado is cut off at will. Finally, the dorado is completely washed under running water, dried with paper towels and placed on a hard surface. Immediately before cooking, three or four cuts will have to be made on the surface of each side, which will help prevent unnecessary deformation of the fish.

Cooking recipes

A classic recipe for cooking dorado without unnecessary ingredients requires only one fish, a couple of tablespoons of flour, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and one tablespoon of butter, as well as salt and pepper. The carcass, cleaned inside and out, is washed and dried. Afterwards it is rubbed with a pepper-salt mixture and soaked for a quarter of an hour. After shaking off the excess flour, the fish will need to be fried in vegetable oil heated in a frying pan. Typically, seven to ten minutes on each side are enough.

Prepared dorado goes best with fresh cucumber salad and cream sauce.


To deliciously cook dorado in a frying pan without a side dish, you will need:

  • two fish;
  • a couple of lemon slices;
  • sprig of rosemary;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • sea ​​salt.

The cleaned carcass is moderately rubbed with salt and pepper and marinated for ten minutes. The garlic is peeled and cut into large pieces, after which it is placed inside the fish belly along with rosemary. In addition, a small amount of sea salt is poured inside. The correct thing to do is to heat a frying pan without using oil and fry the dorado in it. Fried fish is considered ready when the color of the meat on both sides becomes dark golden brown. Before serving, the carcass is lightly sprinkled with lemon juice.

For better taste and aroma, dorado can be marinated beforehand. The marinade, as a rule, is prepared using lemon juice mixed with a variety of spices: either a ready-made store-bought mixture or paprika in combination with salt, pepper and tarragon. Seasonings are mixed and used to rub the fish carcass outside and inside, after which it is placed in a bowl and poured with lemon juice. As a rule, if the weight of the dorado is between 300 and 400 grams, then the liquid of only half of the citrus will be required. The container must be covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for thirty or forty minutes.

In the case when it is decided to marinate the fish throughout the night, the amount of lemon should be half as much. Before frying, the carcass is dredged in flour, after which it is thermally treated in heated oil.

In addition to the marinade, you can make the fish more interesting by stuffing its belly with herbs and garlic. For example, it could be finely chopped garlic, chopped rosemary, dill and parsley. All this is placed into the cut of the dorado, after which it is either marinated or immediately fried until golden brown. In this case, after regular frying, the food will need to be simmered for about a third of an hour under a closed lid.

There is another similar recipe for stuffed fish. In this case, for cooking you need:

  • 500 grams of fish;
  • forty grams of breading mixture;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • two sprigs of rosemary;
  • one lemon;
  • fifty milliliters of olive oil;
  • pepper and salt.

The gutted and cleaned carcass is washed and cut in several places. Pepper and salt, as well as olive oil, are rubbed into the resulting holes. Using a blender, puree the garlic, herbs and breadcrumbs until smooth.

The belly is cut lengthwise and stuffed with the mixture. For convenience, you should prick the fish with toothpicks - this way the filling will not fall out. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the dorado for three minutes on each side. Next, the tail is wrapped in baking paper, and the carcass is transferred to a baking dish. The oven is heated to 160 degrees, and the timer is set for twenty minutes. It is recommended to serve the dish with baked potatoes and sprinkled with lemon juice.

For lovers of spicy flavors, a recipe for dorado with paprika is suitable. In addition to 500 grams of fish, you will need:

  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 100 grams of corn flour;
  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • sprig of rosemary;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • 40 grams of paprika;
  • 200 milliliters of sour cream;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bouquet of dill;
  • salt, pepper and other spices.

Flour is mixed with salt and paprika. The rosemary is washed and dried, and the garlic is peeled and cut into small pieces.

The washed carcass is dried and its belly is filled with rosemary and garlic. Next, the dorado is rolled in a flour mixture and fried in heated vegetable oil. Readiness is determined by the resulting golden crust. Dorado sauce is prepared from fresh herbs, sour cream and spices. Before serving, the fish is watered with the resulting mixture.

An incredibly interesting recipe for Caribbean dorado. To implement it you need:

  • two medium-sized fish;
  • pepper mixture;
  • 100 grams of breading flour;
  • two bananas;
  • vegetable oil.

After the carcass is washed and gutted, it must be freed from the head, and the surface is covered with transverse cuts. The dorado is rubbed with salt and pepper, after which it is generously rolled in flour so that the latter ends up both inside the abdomen and inside the cuts.

The oil is heated in a frying pan and the fish is fried in it for five minutes on each side. After the crust has formed, the dorado must be kept on low heat for about six minutes. At this time, in another frying pan, pieces of bananas, rolled in flour, are fried in hot oil. Before serving, you will need to give the fish time to soak up the excess oil on the paper towels. Then fish carcasses, fried bananas and fried potatoes are laid out on a plate.


Quite simple recipes allow you to deliciously cook fish pieces immediately along with vegetables. To implement this recipe you need:

  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • 80 grams of dorado fillet;
  • one zucchini;
  • ten grams of lemon juice;
  • fifty grams of butter;
  • ten grams of sour cream;
  • bouquet of parsley.

Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water and peeled and seeds removed, after which they are cut into small pieces. Fish and zucchini are chopped into fragments of similar size, and parsley is finely chopped. All ingredients are individually salted, peppered and sprinkled with lemon juice, after which they are lightly coated with butter.

Zucchini and dorado are fried in a frying pan. Tomatoes are placed on the plate as the bottom layer, and on them is a mixture of parsley, fish and zucchini. The finished dish must either be coated with sour cream, or poured with cream and served while still hot.

It is convenient to cook individual pieces in breaded batter. The fish is cleaned, freed from the head and cut into pieces, the sides of which vary from three to four centimeters. Breadcrumbs are mixed with salt, pepper and other spices. The flour is placed in a separate plate, and the egg is beaten in a deep bowl. The oil is heated in a frying pan, and then each piece is alternately dipped in flour, egg and breading. Frying continues until a golden brown crust appears. Serve fish fillet with mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

It is customary to serve dorado with a variety of side dishes and fresh vegetables, since this fish is hearty, and additions to it should be light. For example, it could be rice, stewed vegetable mixture, boiled potatoes and cucumber and tomato salad. For drinks, experts recommend orange juice or white wine. In addition, before serving, you should pour lemon sauce, melted butter or some kind of sauce over the fish pieces.

To learn how to cook dorado fish in a frying pan, watch the following video.

Golden spar, or as we are more familiar, dorado, like other fish, is very rich in a number of micro- and macroelements that are so necessary for our body, in addition to such benefits, it is also very tasty. There are a great many options for preparing this fish, but fried or grilled golden spar turns out to be the most tender and juicy, and therefore this article will describe in detail how to cook “king fish” in exactly these ways.

Recipe 1. – Fried tender dorado

Required ingredients:

  1. Dorado one carcass;
  2. Lemon two pieces;
  3. Flour one hundred grams;
  4. Olive oil forty ml;
  5. Parsley, dill one bunch;
  6. Freshly ground pepper at your discretion;
  7. Ground red pepper at your discretion;
  8. Salt.


Clean the fresh fish carcass from scales, gut it and tear out the gills. Thoroughly rinse the gutted fish, especially the belly, to remove all excess. Dry the sea bream with paper napkins or towels.

Marinating fish. Mix ground red pepper with salt, and generously sprinkle the mixture onto the fish carcass, rub it well both inside and outside. Also sprinkle the grated fish with ground black pepper. Pour lemon juice generously over the carcass, distribute the marinade evenly over the fish, and leave it to marinate for forty minutes.

After this period, make four diagonal cuts on the pickled sea bream on each side, but do not cut further than the ribs. Next, carefully roll the fish in flour on both sides.

Frying fish. Heat the olive oil well in a thick-bottomed frying pan; when it is hot, dip the generously floured fish into it and fry for four minutes on each side.

Remove the finished fried dorado to a dish and sprinkle thoroughly with lemon juice. Serve hot, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs, as a separate dish, or with fried new potatoes, or any of your favorite side dishes.

Recipe 2. Grilled dorado

An excellent recipe from oriental cuisine - grilled dorado with green sauce and lime marinade.

Required ingredients:

  1. One piece of dorado fish;
  2. Lime two;
  3. Dry spices: salt, ginger, coriander, pepper, five grams each;
  4. Olive oil forty ml.

Ingredients needed for the sauce:

  1. One bunch of spinach;
  2. Heavy cream one hundred and fifty ml;
  3. Pepper, salt.

Cooking process

Before you start cooking this fish, you need to thoroughly clean it of scales, remove the entrails, fins and tear out the gills. Cut the prepared fish carcass across, at a distance of three centimeters, to the vertebra. Thanks to these cuts, the fish will not only cook faster and more evenly, but will also marinate better.

Preparing the marinade. Pour pepper, salt, dried ginger and coriander into a mortar, grind everything thoroughly into powder and rub the fish carcass with this mixture. Pour the juice of two limes generously over the dorado and leave to marinate for two hours.

Preparing the sauce. Scald spinach leaves with boiling water and place in a blender, pour in cream and add pepper, salt, forty ml. lemon juice and beat thoroughly until smooth. Cook the sauce in a deep saucepan with olive oil until thickened.

Cooking fish. Dry the marinated fish and grill for seven minutes on each side. This fish can be perfectly cooked in an air fryer at a temperature of two hundred and thirty degrees for thirty minutes.

Serving the finished dish on the table. Sprinkle generously of lime juice over grilled fish with an appetizing crust and serve with green sauce and a side dish of crumbly boiled rice.

Recipe 3. – Stuffed fried dorado

Fried and stuffed with a deliciously crispy crust and delicious filling, dorado is an excellent option for a light but satisfying dinner, which will be even tastier if accompanied with a glass of chilled white wine.


  1. Dorado five hundred grams;
  2. Breadcrumbs forty grams;
  3. Parsley one bunch;
  4. Rosemary two sprigs;
  5. Olive oil fifty ml;
  6. Lemon one;
  7. Pepper and salt to your taste.


Wash and clean the sea bream carcass, rub salt, a little olive oil and pepper into the cuts. In a blender, grind the spices until smooth: garlic, parsley, rosemary and breadcrumbs. Fill the gutted fish belly with the resulting mixture and prick with toothpicks.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the fish on both sides for three minutes. Then wrap the tail of the sea bream with baking paper or foil so that it does not burn.

Bake the fish for twenty minutes at one hundred and sixty degrees. Serve the finished fish hot with a side dish of fried or baked potatoes, sprinkled generously with lemon juice.

Recipe 4. – Fried dorado

Required ingredients:

  1. Dorado fish two packs;
  2. One onion;
  3. Garlic two cloves;
  4. Dill one bunch;
  5. Basil, dry ginger, five grams each;
  6. Olive oil forty ml;
  7. Lemon juice or balsamic vinegar ten ml;
  8. Pepper and salt are at your discretion.


Defrost the dorado, the fish is already gutted and cleaned. Using a sharp knife, make cuts on both sides at the same distance from each other. Pepper and salt the fish.

Preparing the sauce. Grind garlic, onion, basil, dill in a blender and add dry ginger. Mix with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Fill the cuts with the prepared sauce, brush the bream with the rest, and leave it to marinate for two hours.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the marinated fish in it on both sides for five minutes on each side. Serve the finished fish with your favorite side dish and fresh vegetable salad.

Recipe 6. – Dorado fried with paprika


  1. Dorado five hundred grams;
  2. Vegetable oil fifty ml;
  3. Corn flour one hundred grams;
  4. Wheat flour two hundred grams;
  5. Sweet paprika forty grams;
  6. Rosemary one sprig;
  7. Four cloves garlic;
  8. Sour cream two hundred ml;
  9. Dill and parsley, one bunch each;
  10. Spices at your discretion;
  11. Salt, pepper.


Mix well sifted flour with salt and paprika. We thoroughly wash and dry the rosemary sprigs. We peel the garlic.

We wash the fish carcasses, dry them, and put a clove cut into slices and a sprig of rosemary into the belly of each fish. Then generously roll the fish in a mixture of paprika, salt and flour and place it in a heated frying pan in vegetable oil. Fry on both sides until golden and ruddy.

Preparing the sauce. While the fish is fried, prepare the sauce for it. To do this, wash the greens thoroughly, chop and mix with sour cream, add your favorite spices and mix well.

Place the finished fish on a dish and serve along with sour cream sauce.

Recipe 7. – Caribbean fried dorado

Required ingredients:

  1. There are two medium-sized dorado;
  2. Pepper mixture;
  3. Flour for breading, one hundred grams;
  4. Two bananas;
  5. Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking process

  • Clean the fish, gut it and cut off the heads, rinse thoroughly and dry with paper towels. Make oblique transverse cuts on both sides up to the ridge. Rub the prepared fish with coarse sea salt and a mixture of peppers.
  • Dredge thoroughly in flour and make sure that the flour gets into the belly and all the cuts. Then shake off the excess flour and leave only the flour that stuck to the fish carcass.
  • Heat oil in a large frying pan and place the boned fish in it. Fry each side for five minutes until well browned. Then cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for another six minutes.
  • Place the finished fish on a dish lined with paper napkins so that all excess oil is absorbed.
  • Fry banana slices breaded in flour separately.
  • Serve the finished fish hot along with fried bananas and potatoes.

Recipe 8. – Dorado fried in lemon


  1. Dorado two carcasses;
  2. Four cloves garlic;
  3. Rosemary two sprigs;
  4. Pepper, salt;
  5. Juice of two lemons.


We thoroughly clean the fish from scales and entrails, and remove the gills. Pass the garlic through a press, add chopped rosemary, pepper, salt and the juice of two lemons, mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

Rub the fish well with the resulting mixture and place it in the leftovers and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for two hours; after one hour, turn the fish over.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the marinated fish in it on both sides, for eight minutes on each side.

Pour lemon juice over the finished fish and serve with your favorite side dish.

Recipe 9. – Fried dorado in batter


  1. Dorado fish, two carcasses;
  2. Lemon one;
  3. Wheat flour two hundred grams;
  4. Vegetable oil one hundred ml;
  5. Dried ground paprika five grams;
  6. Black and red pepper, ground to taste;
  7. Salt;
  8. Two eggs.


Remove scales from the fish, remove gills and entrails, and rinse thoroughly with running cold water. Dry with paper towels.

Make slanting cuts on the dried fish. This will improve the steaming and marinating process. Rub the dorada outside and inside with ground black pepper, paprika, red pepper and salt.

Cut the lemon into two parts, squeeze all the juice from one half into a deep bowl onto the fish placed there, and let the fish stand in the marinade for fifteen minutes. Set aside the other half of the lemon for decoration.

Preparing the batter. Sift the flour and mix with pepper and salt, a little water and two eggs, knead the dough, the consistency should be like sour cream. Lightly dry the marinated fish and dip generously into the prepared batter.

It is necessary to fry fish in batter in hot vegetable oil until it is covered with a crispy, appetizing crust. Place the finished fried dorado in batter on a dish and garnish with thin lemon slices.

Fried dorado is usually served hot as a second course. As a side dish for this fish, you can serve fresh vegetable salad, stewed vegetables, potatoes or boiled rice. It is recommended to savor this type of fish with semi-sweet or dry white wine.

Recipe 10. – Steamed dorado

Steamed orada is easy to prepare not only in a slow cooker, but also in a double boiler. This dish is very useful for those who prefer light but satisfying food.

Required ingredients:

  1. Dorado three hundred grams;
  2. Parsley one bunch;
  3. One onion;
  4. Ginger one;
  5. Soy sauce one;
  6. Olive oil thirty ml;
  7. Pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking process

Clean the fish from scales, remove fins, gills and entrails. Pepper, salt and place in a double boiler for fifteen minutes.

Meanwhile, separate the parsley leaves and thinly slice the onion into rings. Cut the ginger into thin slices and fry in olive oil.

Cover the finished dorada with thin onion half rings, herbs, pour over ginger oil, it will soften the onion. Eat with a side dish of noodles or rice with soy sauce.

Dorada fish can be marinated in a wide variety of spices that are intended for fish dishes.
Fish marinated in lime or lemon juice can not only be fried in a frying pan, but also baked in the oven, steamed, or grilled.
To fry fish, you can use types of oil such as butter, corn or olive.
The following sauces are perfect for fried sea bream:
Egg, tomato, rusk, apricot, mustard, garlic and many others.
If the smell of freshwater fish doesn’t bother you too much, then you don’t have to use lemon juice at all.
If during the cooking process you do not have wheat flour, then do not despair, you can use corn flour or breadcrumbs. If these products are not available, grind regular bread in a blender and roll the fish in it; the small crumbs will stick perfectly to the carcass of the sea bream, which is moistened with lemon juice.

Today fish with the exotic name dorado can be bought freely in almost every store. And not only in big cities. But not many who decide to buy this fish for the first time know how to cook it correctly. In this article you will learn all the intricacies of preparing this fish.

Dorado is found in the warm Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. But the fish that we sell is grown in artificial reservoirs. Most often it is supplied to us from Turkey. There is no need to assume that such fish is less healthy. The dorado fish lives only in seawater and is raised in seawater farms.

Dorado is a very tasty and healthy fish. It belongs to small-boned fish. It contains elements we need such as iodine, fluorine, lithium, iron and other useful substances.

Dorado can be fried, stewed, baked. But this fish tastes best when baked. Although grilled it is also very tasty.

To cook dorado, you need to remember a few important rules.

Fish does not need to be fried, stewed or baked for a long time. Otherwise you might end up with a mess. Its meat is tender and cooks quickly.

Dorado meat has a relatively neutral taste and smell. Therefore, it does not require special seasonings or spices. Salt and lemon juice will be enough to cook the fish.

But if you want to diversify the aroma of the prepared dish, powder, curry, lemon pepper, and a little black pepper are perfect for dorado. You can marinate fish in yogurt, sour cream, cream, and a very bold solution - fruit juice. For seasonings, you can use fruit vinegar, lemon zest and other herbs to suit your taste. Marinate the fish for at least half an hour.

How to cook dorado in the oven

The easiest way to cook dorado is in the oven. Here are three recipes for cooking dorado in the oven.

Dorado baked with salt and herbs

For this recipe you need:

Dorado – 3 carcasses

Salt – 1.5 kg

Lemon – 1 piece

Spicy herbs: rosemary, thyme, basil and others to taste

How to cook dorado

Wash and gut the fish. Dry. There is no need to cut off the head. Only the gills need to be removed.

Place herbs and sliced ​​lemon inside the fish. Herbs can be dried or fresh.

Line a baking tray with paper and pour in about one-third of the salt. Place fish carcasses on salt. Sprinkle salt on top, except for the tail and head.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for no more than 30 - 40 minutes.

Remove the fish from the oven and remove the salt. Remove the spices and lemon. When serving, you can garnish with lemon slices and fresh herbs.

Dorado in the oven with potatoes

For this recipe you need:

Dorado – 2-3 carcasses

Potatoes – 700-1000 grams

Dry white wine – 200 ml

Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons (unflavored)

How to cook dorado

Gut and wash the fish. Remove the gills. Dry and rub with spices and salt.

Grease the mold with vegetable oil and place the fish.

Pre-boil the potatoes until half cooked for 5 minutes and cut into slices. Place around the fish.

Drizzle oil and wine on top. Season with spices and spices.

Place in an oven preheated to 200-190 degrees and bake for about 30 minutes.

To make the fish cook faster on top, you can cover it with foil and remove it 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Dorado baked in foil

For this recipe you need:

Dorado – 1-2 pieces

Onion – 1-2 heads

Vegetable oil – 2-3 tablespoons

Salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste

How to cook dorado in foil

Prepare the fish as in previous recipes. Rub the carcasses with salt and spices. Sprinkle with vegetable oil.

Peel the onion and cut into rings. Place each fish on foil. Place onions on top and wrap in foil.

Place the fish on a baking sheet or pan. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about 30-40 minutes. Cooking time depends on the weight of the fish.

Dorado stuffed with vegetables

For this recipe you will need:

Dorado – 3 pieces

Tomatoes – 200-250 grams

Onion – 1-2 heads

Sweet pepper – 1 piece

Ginger root – 1 piece

Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons

Salt, spices and seasonings - to taste

How to cook dorado:

Prepare all products. Gut the fish and wash it.

Cut the onion into rings. Tomatoes - in small pieces. If cherry tomatoes, cut in half.

Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into strips or cubes.

Grate the ginger root. Mix all the vegetables in a bowl, add a little salt and season with spices. Simmer for no more than 10 minutes.

Cool slightly and stuff the fish carcasses. Rub the top of the fish with salt and spices. Grease with vegetable oil.

Transfer to a mold or baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200-190 degrees and place the fish. Bake for about half an hour.

How to cook dorado in a frying pan

Cooking dorado in a frying pan is no different from cooking any other fish this way.

To do this you need:

Dorado – 1-2 carcasses

Flour – 2-3 tablespoons

Vegetable oil - for frying

Salt, pepper and spices

How to cook dorado in a frying pan

Prepare the fish. If the fish is not large, it can be fried whole. Cut larger fish into steaks.

In a bowl, mix flour with salt, spices and herbs. As written above, thyme, basil, and rosemary go well with this fish. Mix the flour.

Roll the prepared fish in flour.

Heat the frying pan well and add vegetable oil. Place the fish. Depending on the size of the fish and the thickness of the steaks, fry the fish on each side for 5 to 7 minutes.

To ensure that the fish cooks evenly, it is better to turn it over several times. That is, fry for 2-3 minutes on one side to form a golden brown crust and turn over to the other.

Then fry on this side for 2-3 minutes and turn over to the already fried side.

The fish cooks very quickly and the main thing is not to overcook it so that the fillet remains intact.

When grilling dorado, it is first better to marinate the carcass by greasing the carcass with vegetable oil and seasoning with spices and herbs. Leave for at least 30 minutes and then grill.

You can serve the finished fish with vegetables, sour cream or yogurt sauce, and garnish with herbs.

There are many ways to prepare dorado. Experiment by adding your own spices, seasonings, and vegetables.

Watch another recipe for cooking dorado in this video

Dorada- a sea goldfish in the literal sense of the word, because “doro” translated from Latin means “gold”. The fish received this name because it has a stripe with a golden tint on its head, in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. This fish has other names - golden sea crucian, golden spar, sparus, aurata. And there is general confusion with the endings - in Spanish it is called “dorada” (we borrowed this name from them), in English - “dorado”, in Italian - “orata”. Interesting facts:

  • The island of El Dorado is named after the sea bream and the drink ale;
  • Dorado is a hermaphrodite fish: all males are born, after 3-5 years their body is rebuilt, the sex changes, and females spawn.

What kind of fish is this, dorado? And how is it useful?

Dorada has always been considered a delicacy. It has been known since ancient times; even in ancient Rome, pools were built for breeding this sea fish; it can only be kept in the purest water. Beautiful, well-fed fish are served in Mediterranean, Chinese, and Asian cuisines. Its meat is white, dense, has a subtle pleasant aroma and delicate taste. When reared artificially, one carcass weighs on average from 200 to 500 grams; under natural conditions, the weight of this fish is significantly greater.

Fans of Mediterranean holidays have tasted goldfish, and now we can find it on store shelves. Nutritionists note its usefulness and the virtual absence of contraindications. It is a source of manganese, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, and zinc. In terms of iodine content, sea bream is superior to many fish; it is rich in protein and microelements, and low in calories. Doctors recommend that everyone eat fish regularly if they don’t want to take pills over time. Simply put, sea bream is good and healthy!

How to cook Dorada.

You can cook plump, beautiful fish in any way. It is mainly served in baked, in foil or parchment, grilled or steamed. Baked stuffed dishes, fish carcasses on a bed of vegetables, in a salt cocoon have excellent taste, benefits and look appetizing. Both whole fish and fillets are prepared. Frying in oil is not recommended- this processing method kills beneficial substances and carcinogens are formed in the product. Can cook, but, you see, you want to prepare a delicious product more elegantly.

Dorada goes well with any vegetables, olives, and herbs - parsley, oregano, rosemary, basil, dill. It is enough to bake the fish for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. It is recommended to serve with lemon slices so that you can pour the juice over the goldfish. Dorada has its own wonderful taste; you should not overfill it with spices, herbs and the aroma of other products. Do not overcook fish in the oven. Options for how to simply and deliciously prepare sea bream can be found at the end of the article and, with step-by-step photos, on our website in the “” section.

Buy sea bream chilled. If the fish is bought in reserve, then it needs to be gutted and frozen, so it will last for 2-3 months. Freezing a carcass with innards can lead to spoilage of the product. It is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator for more than two days. It is best to thaw dorado in salted cold water, due to this it will retain its juiciness.

Gutting this fish is not difficult. The standard sequence is as follows:

  • Remove scales, starting from the tail;
  • Remove the gills;
  • Rinse under cold water, remove excess with a paper towel.

For dishes stuffed through the top, the ridge is removed through the top of the fish. To do this, first cut the meat on both sides along the ridge and rib bones, break it at the tail and remove the ridge, then carefully remove the entrails, and then the small bones. For fillet, separate the head, press the fish with your palm and cut towards the tail along the ridge, repeat the operation on the other side. Remove the remaining bones in the rib part with tweezers or your hands.

How to choose.

The success of fish dishes largely depends on the freshness and quality of the product. You should know how to choose the right sea fish. Dorado must certainly be of the first freshness, because fish of the second and third freshness simply does not exist. This fish should be purchased chilled. The following signs indicate the quality and freshness of fish:

  • The gills are light scarlet;
  • The smell of the sea from fish;
  • Clean and clear eyes radiating positivity. As they say, if the fish is happy, then the person who eats it will be happy;
  • Elasticity, after pressing the carcass should take its original shape;
  • Uniform and the same color scales.

Simple and tasty recipes for cooking Dorada.

Dorada baked with lemon in foil.

Will need:

Fish carcass – 1 piece;

½ lemon, lime or orange;

Salt, pepper;

Olive oil.


Pour oil, salt, pepper onto the foil and mix. Lubricate the carcass with this dressing inside and out, sprinkle with lemon juice, place thin slices of lemon inside the fish and on top. Wrap the foil around the carcass and bake in the oven. Place lemons inside the fish, coat the outside and inside with dressing, and add salt, pepper, butter, and lemon slices on top. Heat the oven to 200 degrees, bake for 20 minutes, open the foil, bake for another 5 minutes.

Chopped garlic and sprigs of basil or rosemary inserted into the carcass will help make the taste more interesting. Another option is to add pesto sauce and finely chopped fennel to the marinade for the base of this recipe.

Steamed sea bream fillet.

Will need:

Fish carcass – 1 piece;

½ lemon;

Ginger root;


Salt, pepper;

Sesame oil.


Make a basket out of foil, put ginger cut into strips and leeks cut into rings on it. Cover the fish fillet on top, season with spices, add a little water, and put in the oven. After cooking, pour over heated sesame oil, serve with lemon slices and vegetable garnish.

Similarly, you can cook a steamed dish in a slow cooker.

Dorado on a vegetable bed.

Will need:

Fish carcass – 2 pieces;

½ lemon;

Eggplants – 1 piece;

Carrots – 2 pieces;

Red pepper – 5 pieces;

Ginger root;


Salt, paprika;

Olive oil.


Cut the carrots, ginger, eggplant, red pepper into strips and fry everything together a little. Grease the fish with oil, salt, paprika, lemon. Grease an oval pan with butter, place a vegetable bed, fish on top, cover with foil and bake for 10-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, remove the foil and bake for another 5-7 minutes.

I really want to recommend you a simple and quick recipe for cooking dorado. Today we will make it in a frying pan, and to put it even simpler, we will fry it. In my opinion, it is best to cook dorado whole, then its tenderness and juiciness will not be lost. Therefore, when choosing it in the store, take into account the size of the carcass so that it fits well in your frying pan and does not have to be cut into portioned pieces.


  • 1 dorado
  • salt, pepper, seasonings to taste
  • a little flour for breading
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 orange
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method

Gut the fish, clean and remove the gills. Then grease it with vegetable oil and add a little salt inside and out. You can put herbs and a few thinly sliced ​​lemon slices in its tummy, let it lie there for 20-30 minutes. Then bread the fish carcass in flour on all sides and fry in vegetable oil in the usual way on both sides until well browned and cooked. When you turn the dorado to the other side, add the chopped citrus slices to the pan and fry them together. This will make the fish meat even juicier, more tender and more aromatic. Bon appetit.

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