Interesting questions about the Russian language. Game tasks in Russian language lessons Unusual tasks in the Russian language

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Russian language quizzes

Interesting questions on the Russian language for grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, to help the teacher. All tasks with answers.

Russian language quiz 1st grade

1. What does written language consist of?
2. What are sentences made of?
3. Do they see or hear sounds?
4. What do you need to write to make a word?
5. Replace one letter in the word “guest” to make a dog treat.
6. List the months whose names end with a hard consonant.
7. How many soft consonants are in the word “leika”?
8. What rules are hidden in the words: “ch.yka”, “sh.povnik”, “zh.raf”?
9. Make up a sentence: a pike, and a fisherman caught a bream. What letters are missing?
10. Rearrange the letters in the word “knock” so that you get a new word?
1. From the proposals. 2. From words. 3. They hear. 4. Letters. 5. Bone. 6. March, August. 7. Two 8. “Cha” with the letter “a”, “zhi”, “shi” with the letter “i”. 9. The fisherman caught pike and bream. 10. Bush.

Russian language quiz 2nd grade

1. Which speech, oral or written, appeared first?

2. What is the name of the speech of one person?

3. Some of these words cannot be transferred. Find them: lesson, book, rain, singing, bunny, nut.

4. What letter in the Russian alphabet is in 23rd place?

5. How to correctly arrange words in alphabetical order: blueberries, raspberries, currants, blackberries, gooseberries, blueberries.

6. Which consonants are never soft?

7. Which consonants are always only soft?

8. What rule do you need to know in order to correctly write the words: “pen”, “precise”?

9. Choose antonyms for the words: peace, sadness, narrow, angry, run, sing.

10. Choose synonyms for the words: hippopotamus, schoolboy, brave, icy, run, eat.


1. Oral. 2. Monologue. 3. Lesson, rain, singing, nut. 4. "X". 5. Blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries. 6. F, w, c. 7. Ch, sch, y. 8. “chk”, “chn” without “b”. 9. War, joy, wide, kind, stand, be silent. 10. Hippopotamus, student, brave, cold, rush, eat.

Russian language quiz 3rd grade

1. Under what numbers are words with two roots written: 1. greenhouse; 2. root vegetable; 3. strawberries; 4. digger; 5. motor ship; 6. snowman; 7. island, 8. helicopter.
2. Come up with one word each with double consonants: -ss-, -nn-, -mm-, -zh-, -ll-, -bb-, -pp-, -rr-.
3. Which word is “extra”: verb, adjective, prefix, noun?
4. Form an adjective and a verb from the noun “joy”.
5. What will be the test word: sq.rechnik, sq.retz, sq.rchonok, sq.rtsovy?
6. Place a deaf or voiced consonant in each word: soft, smooth, soft, soft, soft, thin, thin, soft, soft, sweet .
7. Which words from the data are written with a soft sign at the end: thing., cloak., doctor., daughter., noch., comrade., pech., birth, baby, youth?
8. The question “what?” belongs to which cases?
9. How does “not” behave in relation to verbs?
10. Change the tenses of the verb “sew”.


1. These are: 2, 4, 6, 8. 2. For example, class, autumn, telegram, buzzing, million, Saturday, flu, terrace. 3. Prefix. 4. Joyful, rejoice. 5. Skvorushka. 6. B, d, d, e, g, d, b, h, h, d. 7. Thing, daughter, night, oven, rye, youth. 8. I. p., V. p. 9. They are written separately. 10 . I sew, I sew, I sew.

Russian language quiz 4th grade
1. Replace with one word to make complex nouns: snow falls, squeeze out juice, pump water, dumps itself, chops ice, kills flies, makes coffee, spins and flies.

2. To what case do the prepositions belong: for, above, under, before, with?

3. Which vowels are missing: uv.dat without moisture, uv.dat from afar?

4. Determine the part of speech of the word “strong”: The strong rush to the aid of the weak. The child has a severe cough.

5. How will the words sound if they are put in the plural form: socks, saucers, apple trees, boots, shoulders, tomatoes?

6. Add the necessary endings: medicinal.. shampoo; beautiful.. tulle; yellow.. enamel, asphalted.. highway.

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Suddenly: words bull And bee- single-rooted. Words starting with letter Y, in our language there are as many as 74. And the Guinness Book of Records records a word with a length of 35 letters.

website never ceases to be amazed by the complexity and richness of the Russian language and presents 20 interesting and unexpected facts that you probably didn’t know:

  • Most words with a letter F in Russian - borrowed. Pushkin was proud that in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” there was only one word with this letter - fleet.
  • There are only 74 words in the Russian language that begin with the letter Y. But most of us only remember iodine, yoga And Yoshkar-Olu.
  • In Russian there are words in Y. These are the names of Russian cities and rivers: Ygyatta, Yllymakh, Ynakhsyt, Ynykchansky, Ytyk-kyyol.
  • The only words in Russian with three letters E in a row - this is long-necked(and others on - neck: For example, crooked-, short-).
  • There is a word in the Russian language with a prefix unique to the language co- - nook.
  • The only word in the Russian language that has no root is take out. It is believed that in this word there is a so-called zero root, alternating with the root - them- (take it out). Previously, until about the 17th century, this verb looked like take out, and it had a material root, the same as in remove, hug, understand(cf. remove, hug, understand), however subsequently the root - nya- was reinterpreted as a suffix - Well- (as in stick, blow).
  • The only one-syllable adjective in Russian is wicked.
  • The Russian language has words with prefixes unique to the language. And- (total, total) And A- (maybe; outdated "I'll be unlucky"), formed from unions And And A.
  • Words bull And bee- single-rooted. In the works of ancient Russian literature the word bee written as bchela. Vowel alternation ъ / s explained by the origin of both sounds from one Indo-European sound u. If you remember the dialect verb rumble, meaning “roar”, “buzz”, “buzz” and etymologically related to the words bee, bug And bull, then it becomes clear what the general meaning of these words was.
  • Dahl proposed replacing a foreign word atmosphere into Russian colosemica or world face.
  • Until the 14th century in Rus', all indecent words were called “absurd verbs.”
  • In the 1993 Guinness Book of Records, the longest word in the Russian language was named X-ray electrocardiographic, in the 2003 edition - overly considerate.
  • In the 2003 edition of the Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language by A. A. Zaliznyak, the longest (in letters) common noun lexeme in dictionary form is an adjective private enterprise. Consists of 25 letters.
  • The longest verbs are re-examine, become substantialized And internationalize(all - 24 letters; word forms -worrying And -having- 25 letters each).
  • Longest nouns - misanthropy And Excellency(24 letters each; word forms -ami- 26 letters each, however, misanthropy practically not used in plurals. h.).
  • The longest animate nouns are - eleventh grader And clerk(21 letters each, word forms -ami- 23 letters each).
  • The longest adverb recorded in the dictionary is unsatisfactory(19 letters). However, we must take into account that the vast majority of qualitative adjectives th / -th adverbs are formed on -O / -e, which are not always recorded in the dictionary.
  • The longest interjection included in the Grammar Dictionary is physical education - hello(15 or 14 letters depending on hyphen status).
  • Word respectively is the longest preposition. It consists of 14 letters. Longest particle exclusively- a letter shorter.
  • In Russian there are so-called insufficient verbs. Sometimes a verb does not have any form, and this is due to the laws of euphony. For example: win. He will win, you will win, I will... I'll win? I'll run? I'll win? Philologists suggest using substitute constructions "I will win" or "I'll be a winner". Since there is no 1st person singular form, the verb is "insufficient".
  • To successfully master the difficult phrase “I love you,” the British use the mnemonic “yellow-blue bus.”

- In the Russian language there is one word with 7 letters “O”. Name it if it has no other vowels. (Defensiveness)

- Form the plural form of the noun “bottom”? (Donya)

- What punctuation mark is often used with an edge? (Question. “Put the question bluntly”)

- Which punctuation mark often hurts? (Question: “This is a sore point for us”)

- Which letter must be removed from the noun “canvas” to turn it into an adverb? (First “o”: canvas – tight)

- Which letter and which one must be replaced in the noun “pencil case” so that it becomes a verb? (Letter “e” on “i”: pencil case - kicked)

What word belongs only to you, but is used by others more often than by you? (Name)

1.What does money love? (Check)

2. What should you do when you call yourself a mushroom? (Climb into the back)

3.Which mouth can’t you put a scarf on? (to someone else's)

4.Which sled should you not sit in? (Not to yours)

5.What will the Cossack become if he endures? (Ataman)

6.What can’t you cut out with an axe? (What is written with a pen)

7. Why is debt red? (By payment)

8.When does the appetite come? (During meals)

Which children's fairy tale tells:

1. about the serious consequences of poor fire safety equipment? (Marshak “Cat’s House”)

2.Limited admission of shareholders to the cooperative? ("Teremok")

3. The admissions committee exposed builders who were scammers? ("The Three Little Pigs")

4.Some difficulties associated with the implementation of the labor method of home delivery of goods? ("Little Red Riding Hood")

5.The character of wolves? ("The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")

6. The difficult work of the supplier and the unreasonable claims of the customer? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by Pushkin)

7. Activities of an experimental farm, where the lack of technology is compensated by the number of workers? (“Turnip”).

"Give me a quick answer"

Teams receive 1 point for each correct answer.

Who founded the first library in Rus'? (Yaroslav the Wise).

Indicate the second title of the painting “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. (Gioconda)

Name a Russian poet who dedicated a poem to Russian women

Which fairy tale talks about the cunning of a beautiful woman in eliminating an even more beautiful rival? (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”)

competition "Proverbs"

For each correct answer, teams receive 1 point.

Listen to how famous proverbs sound in rough clerical language and try to recognize them.

1.Truth is not contained in the lower extremities (There is no truth in the legs)

2.What reflects light is not necessarily (All that glitters is not gold)

3. The vicissitudes of love take us so far that a goat seems ideal. (Love is evil, you will love a goat).

4. He who asks will not get lost. (Language will take you to Kyiv)

5. Feeling the need for food is not your mother’s or father’s sister (Hunger is not your aunt).

6. Cereal food cannot be made worse by using a product from the dairy industry (you can’t spoil porridge with butter)

7. A large amount of acquired information will lead to rapid decrepitude of the body (If you know a lot, you will soon grow old).

1. Decipher the inscription , dividing it into words.

Without flour and science.

Why was the word “without” written separately? Prove it.

2. Secret words and sentences .

A) Unravel the 5 letter word. To solve the word take:

Apple | - 3rd consonant from the 1st word.

Cherry | (……..) ? - 3rd consonant of the 2nd word.

Plum | - 1st vowel from the 3rd word.

Pear | - 1st consonant of the 4th word.

Watermelon | - 1st vowel from the 5th word.


3 .Tricks with words.

Can a catfish be turned into an ox? You can: som-dom-dol-vol. You can change one letter at a time and the intermediate word must exist.

Transform: onion crayfish (onion-varnish crayfish)

flour river (flour-hand-river)

garden juice (garden-sud-suk-juice)

kok-mak (kok-kak-mak)

kum ox (kum-kom-kol-ox)

The child must not only complete this task, but do it with a purpose. For example: underline a word in a chain with an unstressed vowel; or underline the letters representing paired consonant sounds.

4 . Exercise : From each word, take only the first syllables and make a word:

1) car, brake (author)

2) ear, company, vase (co-ro-va)

3) milk, spawning, cockroach (mo-ne-ta)

4) bark, lotto, boxer (mo-ne-ta)

5) ram, wound, bathhouse attendant (ba-ra-ban)

5 . Exercise : From each word, take the second syllables and make a word:

1) nightingale, ceiling (lo-to)

2) snake, frame (ya-ma)

3) button, hammer, lava (go-lo-va)

4) reproach, elderberry, mud (kor-zi-na)

5) turn, powder, ditch (in-ro-na)

6. Exercise: Take the last syllables from each word and make a new word:

1) furniture, gun (bel-e)

2) straw, time, stranded (ka-ra-mel)

3) fox, thorn, booklet (sa-mo-let)

4) pullover, coat, ticket (here-flight)

5) milk, relay, beret (ko-le-so)

6) resin, tear, beret (la-za-ret)

7. Exercise : From each word take one syllable of any kind so that you get the word:

1) plate, picture, peacock (plas-ti-lin)

2) shepherd, dam, camp (pas-ti-la)

3) boots, parachute, fantasy (sa-ra-fan)

4) mowers, frosts, pilot (sa-mo-fly)

5) flour, stew, sofa (ka-ra-wan)

6) map, web, raid (kar-ti-na)

7) water, road, sample, seine (vo-do-pro-vod)

8. Matryoshka words.

A) Find the words inside the data and write them down. Examples of suggested words:

Victory (trouble, food, yeah)

Beads from a basket

slippers machine

bedside table sir

fishing rod braid

fisherman trembling

precipitation atom

blew the rubber

B) Divide the word into two short ones.

For example: horizon = burn + umbrella top =____+_______

cypress =_____+_____ crowns =_____+______

gazelle =_____+_____ fiber =_____+______

sail =_____+______ stripe =_____+______

C) Remove one letter from the word. It can be at the beginning, middle or end of a word. The remaining letters should form a new word.

Spark - caviar

regiment heat

Krasna slope

screen vinegar

trouble lamp

octopus textbook

D) And now, on the contrary, you need to put a letter at the beginning and end of the word - it will turn out differently.

Gift | glasses | b rose | G

Table | b duck | w mustache | b

Ball | f steam | to fur | With

Laziness | about went | to wasp | To

9 . Anagrams and logarithms .

Anagrams are riddles where letters in a word are rearranged to form another word. Logarithms are riddles in which the intended word is obtained by dropping or adding a letter.

A) Anagrams and logarithms in verse.

1. Breathing easily in my shadow,

You often praise me in the summer,

But rearrange my letters -

And you will knock down a whole forest with me. (linden-saw)

2. I am a tree in my native country,

You will find me everywhere in the forests,

But rearrange the syllables in me -

And I will serve water. (pine-pump)

3. On the way, on the way

I'm jumping merrily

And read me from the end -

I'll sharpen the knife. (touchstone)

4. I rush along the wire

Nights and days

And from the end they will read me -

I am akin to a tiger. (talk cat)

5. I'm lying on the ground,

Nailed to iron

But rearrange the letters -

I'll get into the pan. (sleeper noodles)

6. Geography with me

Children study at school,

Give me a different order of letters -

And you will find me in the buffet. (satin salad)

7. Having taken off, I burn as a star in the night,

But I fade away very early,

And if you change “e” to “i” -

And I will become a green bush. (rocket rocket)

8. I am a famous dish,

When you add "m"

I will fly, I will buzz,

Boring everyone. (ear-fly)

9. I crumble, taking you out of the way,

Everything I need to destroy.

And read me from the end -

I am the reward of the sea waves. (crowbar)

10. You will solve the problem freely,

I am a small part of the face

But if you read me from the end,

You can see anything in me. (nose-dream)

11. My ruddy fruit is hidden

Shady foliage.

And rearrange the letters -

I will be a river. (plum-Vistula)

And we hobble so comically

But insert an “l” for us and we’ll sound

Quite melodic then. (geese-harp)

B) We make anagrams.

Change the order of the letters in the word so that you get a new one: summer-body

Carp - lighthouse -

Atlas - boat -

Sleeper - fox -

Carriage - canopy -

C) Find the original words if it is known that the same rearrangements were made in all of them.

1) lbko 2) rayai 3) upks 4) eravshn 5) rkdeti 6) ashnrri

(block, aria, start, revenge, credit, hinge)

1) vtteko 2) okamdnri 3) lkbuinak

(flower, commander, strawberry)

10. Crosswords.

11. Logic problems in the Russian language.

A). Fidget puppy.

The dog Zhulka had four puppies. Bim, Rex, Sharik and... But the fourth puppy constantly disappeared somewhere. What was his name? Guess and write down: Bobik, Druzhok or Tuzik?

(Bim - 3 letters, Rex - 4 letters, Sharik - 5 letters, which means the fourth was called Druzhok - 6 letters.)

B) What word?









Guess the word I read from the data. Hint: it has two syllables, and there are more sounds than letters. (Raccoon)

The task may be different. Hint: this word has a soft sign at the end and it has 2 declensions, etc.

IN) Generalization of concepts.

Name it in one word: bag, bucket, doctor…….(nouns)

fun, good, at random……(adverbs)

slides, green, earth…..(words from the verifiable

unstressed vowel).

G) Definition game.

Children are given cards with the names of objects (for example: bus, apple, lake, chamomile...). The student who took one of the cards is asked to talk about his object for 1 minute so that everyone understands what the speaker means. You can’t just say your word and gesture with your hands. Later you can limit it: talk about the object, naming verbs or only adjectives.

12. Knocking out a word.

Suggested words:

builds solved

run painted

sees writes

Children, one by one, must remove (or cross out) words, naming the distinctive feature of the word that other words do not have.

For example:

1) run - only this verb is in an indefinite form.

2) drew - only it has a plural form.

3) decided - only he of the rest has the past tense,

and the rest are in the present.

4) writes - only he from the remaining 1 conjugation.

5) sees - only this is an exception verb.

All that remains is the verb “builds”. But the options for elimination in this case may be different. Children can notice a variety of features of verbs.

Similar work is possible with other parts of speech:







1) danger is a noun, and all the rest


2) beautiful - this is the only adjective in feminine


3) cheerful - only it does not contain unpronounceable


4) famous - only this adjective contains


Remain: honest and sad.

Such tasks allow you to involve all students and repeat a large amount of studied material.

A group of words for spelling prefixes: d..flew, pr..gorok, z..thought, pr..shouted, n..vested,, s..put.

Code: i – 1, e – 2, o – 3, a – 4

Children's task: write only the missing letters in order, encrypting them with numbers.

The children have a note in their notebook:

3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3.

This game can also be used in many different ways. Spelling patterns can be varied. You can encrypt cases, gender, numbers, etc.


Members of the sentence



























-Come up with and write a sentence using the code: 9, 13, 1

(Cold winter has arrived.) Name the grammatical basis.

13 .Word according to pattern .

You need to form the word according to a pattern. The word in brackets is derived from the words on the edges. Having solved the 1st pattern, you will find a word from the second pair.

Mushroom (tag) asset

Darkness (…….) atom (this is the word “map” because 4,3, 2, letters were taken from the first, and 2, 1 from the second)

Many such patterns can be created:

hook (dew) cleaver

garage (…..) tobacco (missing word “toad”)

book (stork) salad

threshold (…..) omelette (grotto)

pie (field) tear

market (……) siege (dew)

sail (soot) twill

announcement (……) flaw (snow)

wax (plow) freight cattle (……) front (window)

foot (sol) whip

pause (……) steppe (path)

It would take a long time to list them, as well as the tasks that can be offered.

14. Word game .

Insert a word in brackets that would serve as the end of the first and the beginning of the second. There are as many letters in a word as there are dots in brackets.

Oby (…..) ka (tea)

Me (…….) olad (shock)

Prik(…..) ya (lad)

Apo(……) b (table)

Am(…….) an (bar)

Run(……)or (mot)

Svir(…..)nik (spruce)

Pe(…….)ol (juice)

Tasks: - do phonetic analysis

- highlight spellings

- come up with related words

- model the word according to the scheme:

Write as many sentences as possible whose words begin with the indicated letters. Sort these sentences into members and parts of speech.

B____ y_______ f________ b________ .

S____ o_______ n________ s________ .

K____ e_______ l________ k________ .

Dans words: author, comrade, motor, billiards.

From each word, take only the first syllables and write down the resulting word (av-mo-bil).

The words are given: harvest, why, gardener.

Take the first syllable from the first word, the second from the second, and the third from the third. Write down the word (u-che-nik). You can take any number of syllables and give a variety of words.

15. Recovering words and sentences .

A) Help Piglet.

Piglet is in trouble. He wrote a letter, but it was washed away by water. Restore Piglet's letter.

“S..s..t.., p..m..g..t..! M..y d..m z..t..p..l.. in..d..!

I'm in f..d..!”

Since the main part of spellings are vowels, such tasks make it possible to repeat a large number of rules.

B) Signs.

One day a hurricane hit the city. He tore down signs from stores and tore off individual letters from others. Restore the names.


HLE.. DE….K…. OBU….

B) Before you are words, but with missing letters. One dot corresponds to one letter. Write down the words.

m. . . . oh well . . f

V. . . . . d b. . . . . T

h. . ts

D) Mysterious letter.

A dash indicates that a letter is missing. What words could come out?

------ A SH A

------ A Y K A

Fun Grammar

Topic: Spelling of hissing zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.

    Say the word.

the cat lives on our roof,

And in the closet they live...... (mice)

won't go without gasoline

Neither the bus nor... (car)

    Make words from syllables.


3.Complete the words:, ....ka, ....nik, ...gun, met..., pi..., cha..., tu.., doby.., ro..

4. These poems contain 12 words with the combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu. What words are these?

Slightly shake the reeds,

The lake slumbers in silence.

Reflections live in it:

clouds are floating in the lake,

Pine forest, as if alive,

Slumbers with his head down.

The seagull warmed up the kettle,

She invited eight seagulls:

- Come and have tea!

How many seagulls, answer!

There was a pike in the lake,

She chalked the bottom with a brush,

I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

She treated the minnows.

5. Fill in the boxes.































6. Crosswords.






    They don’t get angry, but they twirl their mustaches, they don’t remain silent, but they don’t say a word, they walk, but they don’t budge. (WATCH)

    He will frown, frown, burst into tears, and there will be nothing left. (CLOUD)

    It wags its tail and has teeth, but does not bark. (PIKE)

    The beast carried me, but I fell on people. (FUR COAT)


Rearrange the letters to form new words

onion (stocking) pen (chock) shirt-front (typewriter)

net (hour) niche (tire)

8. Charade.

With S we rush you as fast as we can

S U - we will wet your feet. (puddle skis)

9. Puzzles.





Riddles by topic:

    Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

    Spelling of consonants in the root of a word.

    Spelling of combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu.

    Spelling of the dividing soft and hard signs."

    Composition of the word

    Spelling a soft sign after hissing nouns.”

    Spelling of unstressed vowels not checked by stress.”

    Spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.”

    Double consonant.

    Spelling of a soft sign indicating the softness of a consonant sound.

Riddles on the topic “Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word.”

1. There is dew glistening on the grass,
A beautiful girl came out,
He cuts and lays the grass,
Everything floats back and forth. (braid)

2. Cunning cheat, red head,
The fluffy tail is beautiful!
And her name is... (fox)

3.Lyko loves to fight,
Jump into the garden
She shakes her beard
He calls himself Dereza. (goat)

4. A grandmother wearing glasses is sitting on walnut branches.
Oh-ho-ho yes ah-ah-ah - it’s bad for the grandmother with glasses.
Sees bugs and spiders in the dark at night,
And he can’t see a thing during the day, either with or without glasses. (owl)

5. I am a cloud, and a fog, and a stream, and an ocean,
And I fly, and I run, and I can be made of glass. (water)

6. I dusted the paths, decorated the windows,
She brought joy to the children and gave them a sledding ride. (winter)

7. It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter. (tree)

8.No beginning, no end, no back, no face!
Everyone, young and old, knows that she is a huge ball. (Earth)

9. He walks and walks along the sea,
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear. (wave)
10. Early in the morning in the yard,
Lots of beads on the grass. (dew)

Riddles on the topic “Spelling paired consonants at the root of a word” .

1.Here is a mountain, and at the mountain
Two deep holes.
The air wanders in these holes,
It comes in and out. (nose)
2. The old man is a joker
Doesn't tell me to stand on the street
It makes me want to go home. (freezing)
3. If you roll it up, it’s a wedge,
If you unfold it, damn it. (umbrella)
4. He trails behind you,
At least it stays in place. (track)
5.Lying, lying,
Yes, he ran into the river. (snow)
6. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,
Feel free to write for me,
You can also draw
I call myself... (notebook)
7.Short and stocky
Decided to look at us
Raised in the morning under the fir trees
Leaf with green needles. (mushroom)
8.Under the pines, under the fir trees
There is a bag of needles. (hedgehog)
9.Upside down - full, downside down - empty. (cap)
10.Filled with down, it lies under the ear. (pillow)
11.If I am empty,
I forget about you
But when I bring food
I will not pass by your mouth. (spoon)
12.Sad old lady
Lives in a forest hut,
Says the same thing
One syllable repeats all my life. (cuckoo)
13. In white dresses, yellow eyes...
You name them without any prompting. (daisies)
14. This is where the girlfriend hid.
Sitting under a leaf... (wave)
15.Rain and snow, thunderstorm and downpour.
In a word, what to call it,
To solve the riddle. (precipitation)
16. The chicken went out for a walk,
Pinch some fresh grass,
And behind her the boys -
Their names are... (chicks)
17. Sharp tip - oh, oh! On his leg alone.
He wants to live in a piece of wood, you have to hit him from above. (nail)

Riddles on the topic “Spelling combinations zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu.”

1.Where the tail rests,
There will be a hole later. (awl)

2. Downhill - horses,
Uphill - pieces of wood (skis)

3.What kind of stars are these?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
And if you take it, there is water in your hand. (snowflakes)

4. The grass grows on the slopes
And on the green hills.
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her flower and leaf
They're coming for tea for you and me.
Guess what kind of weed it is! (oregano)

5. I look so much like a rose
Isn't it so good?
But my fruits
Suitable for everyone to eat. (rose hip)

6. The pole is burning, but there is no smoke. (candle)

7. An eagle flies across the blue sky,
She spread her wings and covered the sun. (cloud)

8. They will tell the truth when they go.
If they stop, they will lie. (watch)

9. Not sewn, not cut,
And assembled on a string. (stocking)

10. She had a saw in her mouth,
She lived underwater.
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
And now she’s fallen into the cauldron. (pike)

Riddles on the topic “Spelling the dividing soft and hard signs.”

1. In the forest near the stump there is bustle and running:
The working people are busy all day,
He's building his own city. (ants)
2.Root in the ground, body in the wild,
Many hands are reaching out to the sun - they will not part! (trees)
3. There is a snout in the front, a hook in the back.
There is a back in the middle, and on it there is a bristle. (pig)
4. I am a giant: that huge one,
Multi-pound slab
I'm like a chocolate bar
I instantly rise to height.
And if I have a mighty paw
I’ll grab an elephant or a camel,
I'll be glad to see them both
Raise them like little kittens. (crane)

Riddles on the topic “Word Composition”.

1. I don’t argue, I’m not white - I, brothers, are simpler,
I usually grow in a birch grove. (boletus)
2. It blooms from under the snow,
Welcomes spring before everyone else. (snowdrop)
3. I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots.
You'll see me a mile away
My name is... (boletus)
4. At night, at noon, at dawn,
He carries out his service in secret.
On the path, on the shore
Blocks the enemy's path. (border guard)
5.Master, master, help -
The boots are worn out.
Drive the nails in harder -
We'll go visit today. (shoemaker)
6.His work is in the depths, at the very bottom,
His work is in darkness and silence.
Let his work be difficult and difficult,
Like an astronaut, he floats among the stars. (diver)
7. A bird flies across the sky,
It hums evenly.
She doesn't flap her wings
A white trail will follow her. (airplane)
8.He carries people along the river,
In cities it enters the port. (motor ship)

Riddles on the topic “Spelling a soft sign after hissing nouns.”

1.The bird waved its wing
And covered the whole world with one feather. (night)

2. Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.
Whoever turns his tail will enter the house. (key)

3. A small ball is fumbling under the bench. (mouse)

4. That it stays green for two weeks,
It's been earing for two weeks,
It blooms for two weeks
It pours for two weeks,
It dries out for two weeks. (rye)

5. Stands above the water, shaking his beard. (reed)

6. Doesn't look like a little man
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart. (pencil)

7. He doesn’t cry when beaten
And he jumps and jumps. (ball)

8. All migratory birds are black,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump back and forth across the arable land.
And the bird's name is... (rook)

9.Man in a white robe
Busy with very important work.
We trust him with our health
And we have hope. (doctor)

Riddles on the topic “Spelling unstressed vowels that are not checked by stress.”

1. Runs, hums, looks into two eyes,
And when it does, a bright red peephole will peep out.

2.From one end of the city to another.
The house walks under the arc. (tram)

3. In the heat of the stumps
Many thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet light.
We bend the stems -
Collecting lights. (berries)

4. Born in a field,
Brewed at the factory
Dissolved in a glass (sugar)

5.Russian beauty, we all really like her.
She is white, slender, and her clothes are green. (birch)

6.Grow on branches in groups,
Covered with shells. (nuts)

7. The child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes. (cabbage)

8.Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head.
They just hang out in the garden
Green strands. (carrot)

9. Red beads are hanging, looking at us from the bushes.
These children, birds and bears love beads very much. (raspberry)

10.He chirps on the roof and can climb higher.
He snoops around the yard, picking up food there. (sparrow)

Riddles on the topic “Spelling unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.”

1. It knocks day and night, as if it was wound up.
It would be bad if this knocking suddenly stopped. (heart)

2. When I'm lying on my back,
There is no use for me
But lean me against the wall -
I'll find something to do right away. (ladder)

3. Well, which one of you will answer:
It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
And not a baker, but a baker. (Sun)


Goals and objectives:

1. Check the quality of the acquired knowledge;

2. Promote the concept of interest in the subject and the acquisition of new knowledge;

3. Broaden the horizons of students;

4. Promote team unity, teach children to work in a team, bearing responsibility to all team members;

5. Contribute to the formation of a moral culture, as well as self-expression of the personality of the team.

The class is divided into 3 teams. The quiz jury is selected.

Progress of the event.

Teacher: Do you think we are familiar with the Russian language? Certainly. After all, this is our native language - we speak it, read it, write letters, hear it on the radio and from TV screens.

That we know each other, I agree. But how well do we know him? You and the distinguished jury will help me with this. Today two teams will enter the competition. Let's ask them to introduce themselves.


What word has three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (az-bu-ka).

Which words have a hundred consonants? (sto-l, hundred-g, hundred-n).

What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root).

How to make a big house small? (Add suffix “ik”: house-ik).

What letters can be used to make delicious food? (Woo-ha).

1. Competition “Erudite”: Guess the word by its lexical meaning.

A vessel, a special device that protects the product placed in it from cooling and heating. (Thermos)

A device that allows a person to breathe underwater. (Scuba)

He who loves his Motherland is devoted to the Fatherland. (Patriot)

A round platform in a circus where a performance is given. (arena)

A group of specialists who decide on the award of a prize or award at competitions, exhibitions, and competitions. (Jury)

Conversation between two persons. (Dialogue)

A memorable gift. (Souvenir).

Oral folk art of the people (Folklore)

A stream of liquid that shoots upward with force. (Fountain)

2. Captains competition. “Who can make up more words?” Make words from one word.


3. Competition "Black Box"

Everyone is happy about him: both old and young. In ancient times it was delivered orally. Today it is being replaced by SMS. From it we can find out how distant relatives and friends are doing. (Letter)

So we received the letter. But, my God, there are so many mistakes in it. Guys, let's edit it, that is, correct the errors.

Hello dear friend!

Pyos writes to you. How are you doing? I live my life, I walk a lot and I don’t like doing my homework.

But I often go to the park in the movie theater. That's all new. Write me a letter too.


4. Competition “Lost Word”

The syllables sob in every line:

Our words are just pieces!

But if you find parts of words,

Then you will quickly read the words.

Wordless, heartless, detain, sustenance.

5. Competition “Collect phraseological units”

Depict phraseological units without saying a word, so that your opponents guess the phraseological unit.

6. Competition"Linguistic guessing game." Guess the word from its description. Explain how you managed to do this.

1. “Eye” of the car (headlight)

2. “Fresh frozen” rain (hail)

3. “Word” of the traffic controller (whistle)

4. Native or godfather (father)

5. Cap on a leg (mushroom)

6. Forest drummer (woodpecker)

7. Dog's Joy (bone)

8. Dachshund, not dog (fee)

9. Eagle, but not a bird (city)

10. No socks or stockings (knee socks)

Contest"Warm-up." Guess the interpretation of which words is given in the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dalia.

Stick, rod, knitting needle; pointed at the end or at the ends, iron, bone, wooden piercing with or without an eye. (Needle)

A viscous, sticky substance for holding together parts of something. (Glue)

Horny, tubular filaments growing on the body of humans and most mammals (Hair)

An apple, a grain, a peeper, a mirror, a little man in the eye, a round hole in the iridescent membrane. (Pupil)

Heap, crowd of insects (Swarm)

Any multi-stemmed lowland plant, perennial plant with a woody trunk, low-growing tree. (Bush)

Contest"Rebuses, puzzles, puzzles." Solve the following problems:

Separate the fruit from the plant. SOSHISNSHAKA

Dissolve white in transparent SVOADHARA

Take away the hot and the cold will remain. KIAPIASTOBEKRG

Cross out the poisonous - leave the edible. POOPGANENOKKA.

Summing up.

Teacher: Summing up, I would like to wish everyone good luck and success in learning their native language. In conclusion, the poem “Don’t let your soul be lazy” by N. Zabolotsky will be read. After all, you see, it is laziness - mother - that sometimes prevents us from learning new things.

Team awards.

Don't let your soul be lazy

Don't let your soul be lazy!

So as not to pound water in a mortar,

The soul must work

And day and night, and day and night!

Drive her from house to house,

Drag from stage to stage,

Through the wasteland, through the brown forest

Through a snowdrift, through a pothole!

Don't let her sleep in bed

By the light of the morning star,

Keep the lazy girl in the black body

And don't take the reins off her!

If you decide to cut her some slack,

Freeing from work,

She's the last shirt

He will rip it off you without mercy.

And you grab her by the shoulders,

Teach and torment until dark,

To live with you like a human being

She studied again.

She is a slave and a queen,

She is a worker and a daughter,

She must work

And day and night, and day and night!

We recommend reading
