Chocolate cake in a Moulinex bread machine. Step-by-step recipe for making a cake in a bread machine

Health 24.07.2024

Nowadays, almost every housewife has such a miracle of technological progress as a bread machine. By purchasing it, you will have four household items in one at home - a mixer, a mini-oven, a dough mixer and a detuner. These features allow you to enjoy warm and fragrant homemade bread in the morning. However, not everyone knows that thanks to this miracle oven you can bake other flour products. Moreover, the Internet is increasingly filled with various recipes for modern household appliances. And today we will talk about how you can make a cupcake using a bread machine. And we will offer recipes according to which you can prepare cottage cheese and chocolate flavored cupcakes.

Cupcake is one of the most popular sweet pastries today. And he deserved such recognition thanks to his easy preparation technology and simple set of ingredients.

It rarely happens that a cupcake doesn't turn out well. Basically, this baking always pleases with excellent results. Moreover, the process itself does not take much time or special skills. Especially if you prefer a bread maker to a regular oven.

As a rule, muffin recipes are accessible even to novice bakers. Most often, apples, raisins, and nuts are used as filling.

We will offer you to familiarize yourself with the options for which, in addition to those given above, cottage cheese, chocolate and candied fruits will be used as filling.

Recipes with cottage cheese

Curd cake with raisins

The cottage cheese bread always turns out tender. And if you bake it in a bread machine, it will always be successful. The recipe for its preparation includes the use of the following ingredients:

  • 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 200 gr. flour;
  • 150 gr. butter;
  • 200-230 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 gr. raisins;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 1 tsp. vanillin.

Initially, you need to grind the cottage cheese through a sieve to make the dough airy. Then mix flour with baking powder. And melt the butter using the water bath method. Next, place all the ingredients in the bread machine bowl in the order the recipe calls for. Except raisins. After dousing it with boiling water, it should be immersed in a dispenser, if one is provided in your model of automatic stove. In the absence of this container, raisins can be added to the rest of the ingredients when a special sound signal sounds.

If your miracle oven has a mode of the same name for this type of baking, the entire process of preparing it will take about 1.5 hours.

But if it’s not there, don’t be upset. After kneading the dough by hand, you can bake it in a loaf of bread by setting the “Baking” mode. A sound signal will indicate that the product is ready. After this, the curd cake can be removed from the bowl and, sprinkled with powdered sugar, served.

Curd cake with sour cream

For this cooking option you will need not only cottage cheese, but also sour cream. Using this recipe, you will receive an unusually soft and tasty sweet gift for tea. We prepare the following ingredients:

  • 200 gr. flour;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 gr. sour cream;
  • 170 gr. Sahara;
  • 250 gr. cottage cheese (curd mass);
  • 10 gr. baking powder;
  • 1 tsp. vanillin;
  • raisins (optional).

After melting the butter, combine it with sugar. Flour - with baking powder and vanillin. Then you can place all the ingredients in the bread maker bucket. If your miracle oven model does not have a special “Cake” program with automatic kneading for 10 minutes, you can first combine everything using a mixer. You can bake the product using the “Baking” program by setting the timer for 70-80 minutes.

Recipes with chocolate

Chocolate cake prepared in a bread maker is the most delicate pastry with excellent taste and aroma. It is prepared as follows.

Chocolate cupcake with cocoa

To use this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 gr. flour;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 150 gr. butter;
  • 1 tsp. instant yeast (dry);
  • 1 tsp. vanillin;
  • cinnamon, ground coffee - to taste.

To prepare such a baked product, you must first mix cocoa with flour.

Separately, grind the eggs with sugar. And melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave. If your bread machine model has a “Cake” mode, you can place all the ingredients in a container, following the sequence: eggs, butter, cocoa flour, yeast, vanilla. If there is no such program, we perform the procedure according to the one contained in the previous recipe.

Dark chocolate cupcake

There is no need to purchase yeast for this cooking method. However, you will need a chocolate bar. So, the set of ingredients is as follows:

  • 175 gr. flour;
  • 175 gr. Sahara;
  • 175 gr. butter;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 1.5 tsp. baking powder;
  • 50 gr. dark chocolate.

This recipe, like the previous ones, provides procedures for softening the butter. Next, it should be combined with sugar. If your bread maker model does not have a “Cake” mode, you can pre-beat the mixture with a mixer. In addition, you need to separately combine the flour with baking powder. And also cut the chocolate into relatively large pieces using a knife.

Having placed all the components in the bread machine bucket, you need to set the required mode. Any one that involves baking yeast-free dough will do. The timer should be set for 60 minutes.

Recipe with candied fruits

As you understand, baking a cupcake in a bread machine is not only a simple, but also a fun activity. By diversifying the fillings, you can get a product with an amazing and original taste. For example, this product recipe involves the use of candied fruits and nuts as a filling.

So, to prepare it you will need:

  • 300 gr. flour;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. candied fruits;
  • 100 gr. nuts (can be chopped);
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vodka, cognac or rum;
  • ? tsp salt;
  • powdered sugar for dusting.

Following the recommendations of this recipe, you should initially beat the eggs with sugar using a mixer, adding softened butter, salt, and zest to the mixture. Then, stirring by hand, you need to add flour with baking powder, cognac, candied fruits and nuts. Only after this can the dough be placed in the bread machine bowl, including the baking program. This recipe requires cooking for 1-1.5 hours.

A beep will sound when baking is complete. But it is not necessary to immediately get the finished product. You can let it brew for about 10-15 minutes without opening the lid. After removal, the candied fruit cake should be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with tea.

A bread maker is a wonderful thing, you throw all the ingredients into it, it will mix, infuse and bake, but this only applies to bread. As for the cake, it’s a little more complicated, since you need to knead the dough yourself. It turns out that there are no advantages, but for fun you can try.

In order to test the capabilities of the bread maker, I baked a cupcake in it a couple of times. And, to be honest, in my opinion, it’s better to cook such concoctions in the oven, but if suddenly your favorite oven breaks down, and you want a cupcake so bad that you simply can’t survive, then a bread machine will help you.))

As I already wrote, to LG bread machine comes with a 230 ml measuring cup. And it is in the cups that the dosage is indicated. If everything is clear with liquid ingredients, then with bulk ingredients - not so much. So next to them I will write the quantity in both measurements (cups and grams).

Let me remind you that a 100 ml container contains:

  • 65 grams of flour,
  • 70 grams of sugar,
  • 90 grams of melted cream. oils

In one article spoon – 15 g.,

In one hour\. spoon – 5 gr.

Before pouring any type of cake batter into the pan, remove the pan and grease the bottom with oil.

Cupcake “Golden”

One of my favorite recipes. The cake prepared using it really has a beautiful golden hue, and the recipe is, one might say, golden, that is, classic.


Melt the butter in an iron bowl; while it is hot, add sugar and stir. Break the eggs and beat.

Then pour in the milk, add salt, vanillin, baking powder and flour. By the way, instead of vanilla sugar, I used crystalline vanillin, of course, in a smaller proportion.

Pour the dough into the mold and place it in the bread machine. The very first photo shows that there was very little dough in the mold. (The maximum volume of my mold is 700 g.) Install the “Cupcake” program and wait for the deliciousness.

This is the tiny cupcake I got. Yes, it’s not high, but my muffins never rise in my bread machine, this is its main disadvantage. If you do better, share in the comments what the secret is.

Chocolate cupcake

Second on my list of favorites is the cocoa cupcake. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a photo of it, but I can assure you that it turns out delicious and beautiful.))


In a separate bowl, mix flour, cocoa, baking powder and sugar. In a medium bowl with a mixer, beat the butter until softened, break the eggs and beat everything together. Add dry ingredients and stir. Then – milk, vanilla sugar and lemon juice. Beat the dough at low speed. Pour the dough into the mold, send it to the bread machine, select the “Cupcake” program.

Coconut cupcake

Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Separately, beat the eggs, butter and sugar until the mixture lightens. Add the dry flour mixture and milk and continue beating. Finally, add lemon zest and coconut flakes and stir. The dough goes into the mold, the mold goes into the oven. Program – “Cupcake”.

Cupcake for coffee

The cupcake will be even tastier if you grease it with cream or icing on top. I most often mix condensed milk with sour cream and generously pour this mixture over the cupcake cut into pieces. Below is a recipe for glaze with which you can immediately bake the product.


Mix flour, salt and baking powder. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, sugar and butter. Add milk, then beat again. Add dry ingredients, stirring well, the mixture will be thick.

In a separate bowl, whisk the ingredients for the glaze. Spread half the frosting over the bottom of the pan. Pour in the dough. Spread the remaining frosting over the top of the cupcake. Place in the bread machine on the “Cake” program.

Poppy cupcake

Mix bulk products (flour, salt and baking powder). In a separate bowl, beat eggs, butter and sugar until pale. Add eggs, lemon juice and poppy seeds. Whisk everything. Next, put the dough into the mold. Program "Cupcake".

This chocolate cake in a bread machine captivated me with its true chocolate taste! As a lover of everything chocolate, I simply could not resist it... I was preparing for an important event - yesterday my bosom friend and I celebrated 18 years (coming of age!) from the day we met. So I decided to bake something very tasty! But not very time-consuming, since the day was already stressful - work, study, household chores. The recipe is experimental, I’m using it for the first time, but since everyone without exception liked the result, I’m sharing it right away! 😉

Yes, by the way! I would like to introduce you, dear readers, to my new kitchen assistant - the Vitek bread maker! Model VT-1999. Well, and, accordingly, with a new section on the site - Recipes for a bread machine. I started by baking bread; I didn’t immediately find the optimal ratio of water and flour, but I’ll talk about this separately, directly in the recipe for the bread itself)) In the meantime, a chocolate cake in a bread maker opens this new section.

In general, this delicacy can rightfully be called a muffin, since one of the main conditions of preparation is fulfilled, which distinguishes it from a cupcake... at least in the American sense. Namely, all dry ingredients are mixed separately, and all liquid ingredients separately. And only after that they connect. I have already entrusted this process to the bread maker. But you can connect it yourself. In this case, you can remove the paddle for kneading dough from the bread machine container, since you no longer have to knead anything.

I baked a chocolate cake in a bread maker on the “Cupcake” mode, it sets the cooking time to 2 hours 50 minutes. Of these, directly for baking itself - 1 hour 5 minutes. If your assistant does not have this method, select the “Sweet Baking”, “Baking” or some similar mode. If desired, you can prepare this cake in the oven. Then you need to combine the dry and liquid ingredients yourself and bake at 180 degrees for 40-60 minutes, depending on the form used. Check readiness with a match or wooden skewer.

And in order for the taste to be chocolate-pre-chocolate, I used a combination of cocoa and chocolate. Cocoa powder should be of high quality and traditional - without any additives. Chocolate - to your taste, but without fillers in the form of nuts, raisins, cookies and other things.


  • premium wheat flour - 250 g (2 cups)*
  • cocoa powder - 60 g
  • chocolate (I have “Coffee with milk”) - 60 g
  • sugar - 75 g (can be increased if desired)
  • eggs - 2 pieces
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • baking powder - 15 g
  • butter - 100 g
  • milk - 50 ml
  • freshly squeezed fruit juice - 1 tbsp.
  • * 1 cup = 200 ml liquid = 125 g flour

First sift the flour into a separate container, then the cocoa powder and baking powder. Mixed thoroughly.

Added sugar and salt. Mixed again.
With the specified ratio of all ingredients, the cake turned out moderately sweet. If you want to make it sweeter, add more sugar.

Beat eggs with softened butter.

Added milk and lemon juice.
It is better to take freshly squeezed juice from any other fruit - orange or tangerine. But I only had lemon. It worked out well for him too.
I beat it again.

Now everything is ready, you can bake the chocolate cake in the bread machine!
I poured the resulting mass into the bowl of the bread machine. I also sent a mixture of dry ingredients here. As I already wrote, I didn’t stir it myself.

I broke the chocolate and put it in a dispenser. If you don't have a dispenser, simply put out the chocolate along with the other ingredients.
Let me tell you right away that there will be no individual pieces of chocolate in the finished cupcake. The chocolate will melt during baking, enriching the taste of the delicious poop))

I set it to "Cupcake" mode. As you can see, my program lasts 2 hours 50 minutes.

When the signal sounded after the specified time, I removed the bowl from the bread maker. Carefully turn the cake over and remove it to a cooling rack.
I didn’t film this anymore because I was busy with my guest! ;)

This is how it turned out for me - a chocolate cake in a bread maker - beautiful! And the taste and aroma are simply incomparable!

The cupcake reminded me of Brownie. Although it is not liquid inside, it is very tasty. And simply gorgeous! ;)

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