Ecological game "ecological chamomile". Educational game "ecological chamomile" Scenario ecological chamomile

diets 07.07.2019

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Extra-curricular event conversation with elements of the game "Ecological Chamomile"
Completed by: NEKLESA LYUBOV GEORGIEVNA student school department distance learning module PM03 "Classroom

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Purpose: to expand students' knowledge about the diversity and unity of the surrounding world, the place and role of a person in it; to increase level ecological culture children. Tasks: - to develop creative and communication skills. - develop environmental thinking in children; - educate children careful attitude to nature, the habit of caring for nature and its inhabitants; - develop skills of cooperation with adults and peers. Type of lesson: conversation-game. Equipment used: presentation for the lesson; projector and computer, task cards.

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Earth, Earth- this is our common big house, in which there is enough space for everyone: people, animals, plants ... There is one common blue roof above us - the sky. We have one common floor under our feet - the earth's surface. We all have one wonderful source of light and heat - the Sun. We have common sources of moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans... Everyone needs to breathe, eat, drink.

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In order to preserve nature, and at the same time to survive themselves, people began to study the laws of wildlife very seriously. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is composed of two Greek words: "oikos" - "house" and "logos" - "science". So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common home and the laws by which we must live in it.

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Cards - tasks
Divide the words into two columns according to the principle "live - inanimate nature»: Sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare, downpour, soil, tree.

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Quiz "Animals and Birds"
What birds of prey do you know? Why do you think this bird was named the honey buzzard? What birds can be found in the swamp? What animal can carry food to its young in its own stomach? What is the lifestyle of a boar? Is it possible to hunt animals in our region?

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Black-winged, red-breasted, And in winter he will find shelter. He is not afraid of a cold: With the first snow right there.

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Coloring - grayish, Gait - baggy. Habit - furtive, Screamer hoarse.

Slide 9

Long-tailed, white-sided, And her name is ...

Slide 10

Lives in an empty hollow, Oak hammers like a chisel.

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A little boy In a gray Armenian coat Sneaks around the yard, Collects crumbs.

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Who, without notes and without a flute, best of all displays trills, more vociferous, more tender? Who is this?

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Blacker than all migratory birds, Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields, Jump back and forth across the arable land. And the name of the bird is...

Slide 14

Though I am a small bird, My friends, I have a habit: When the cold starts, Directly from the north here.

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Depict animals using gestures and facial expressions: a bear, a hare, a camel, a rooster, a woodpecker, a monkey.

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"Superfluous word
From these types of transport, exclude the “extra” word, that is, choose environmentally friendly transport and explain your choice: car, boat, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane.

Slide 17

1. Why, after cutting down trees along the banks, the river becomes defenseless and begins to shallow? 2. Think about what can happen to the trees if there are few birds in the forest? 3. It has rained. Streams of water quickly run and erode the soil. And in the forest, on their way, streams meet obstacles in the form of trees, shrubs, and grasses. What is the significance of the forest here? 4. What harm does the burning of household waste bring to the atmosphere?

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Auction medicinal plants
Onion garlic

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Right choice
Lots of snow, lots of bread. May is cold - a fertile year. In the spring you will lie down, in the winter you will run with a bag. The rains have dragged on - do not wait for the mushrooms. Where there is alder, there is grass. If it rains in May, there will be rye. Spring day feeds the year. Autumn is a reserve, winter is a trough. What goes around comes around. May frost - will not squeeze out tears.

Slide 20

signs of the weather
Good weather can be expected if ... Bad weather will come if ...

slide 21

What animal has a tail?
She swims with her tail. - With the help of his tail, he crawls along the bottom of the river. She has a tail instead of a rudder. - Thanks to the tail, he pushes off the ground and jumps the farthest, and also sits, leaning on his tail. - Her tail is an extra arm. - She steers her tail, jumping from branch to branch. - She has a tail - a fly swatter. - She has a rattle on her tail, with which she frightens enemies - In case of danger of being caught by the tail, she discards it.

Ecological chamomile. Conversation with elements of the game

Idea: "Chamomile" - a form of organization of the game on environmental theme. Each petal of the "chamomile" contains a variety of tasks, such as logical tasks, riddles, cryptograms, games for the development of imagination, auction, humorous tasks, etc. etc. The game helps to increase the overall level of environmental culture of children, the development of creative and communication skills. Designed for children in grades 2-4.

Game progress

Leading. The earth, the globe - this is our common big house, in which there is enough space for everyone: people, animals, plants ... Above us is one common blue roof - the sky. We have one common floor under our feet - the earth's surface. We all have one wonderful source of light and heat - the Sun. We have common sources of moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans... Everyone needs to breathe, eat, drink, raise kids.

For many thousands and even millions of years, all kinds of animals and plants have adapted to each other and to the nature around them. And the balance has been established in nature. It is known that there should be more plants than animals that feed on them. And there should be more herbivorous animals than predators. Then there is enough food for everyone, and all kinds of plants and animals are preserved on Earth. If at least some link in this chain is destroyed, for example, plants are destroyed, the whole chain will crumble. The balance will be broken. And even a catastrophe can happen in nature. People did not suspect this for a long time and recklessly cut down forests, drained swamps, and plowing the steppes. They did not think at all that they were grossly violating the laws of nature. Finally we understood it. In order to preserve nature, and at the same time to survive themselves, people began to study the laws of wildlife very seriously. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is composed of two Greek words: "oikos" - "house" and "logos" - "science". So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common home and the laws by which we must live in it.

I hope that the game "Ecological Chamomile" will help you and I to think again about our common home and that this home should be loved and protected.

Game conditions. A chamomile model is being made (the yellow circle is the core and any number of white petals). On the reverse side petals are numbered. All details of the "chamomile" are attached to the magnetic board.

Children are divided into groups (optional). Each group chooses a commander, comes up with a team name. Then the group commanders approach the “chamomile”, “pluck” a petal, receive from the leader cards with tasks under the corresponding numbers. Teams begin to prepare the task. At the end of the allotted time, the teams take turns presenting their work.

1. Task cards.

Divide the words into two columns according to the principle "living - inanimate nature":

sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare, downpour, soil, tree.


2. Depict animals using gestures and facial expressions: a bear, a hare, a camel, a rooster, a woodpecker, a monkey.

3. Guess the riddles.

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold:

With the first snow right there. (Bullfinch.)

Coloring - grayish,

Gait - baggy,

Habit - furtive,

The screamer is hoarse. (Crow.)

Long-tailed, white-sided,

And her name is ... (magpie).

Lives in an empty hollow

Oak hammers like a chisel. (Woodpecker.)

little boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow.)

Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this? (Nightingale.)

All migratory birds are blacker,

Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields,

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And the bird is called - ... (rook).

Even though I'm a little bird

I, friends, have a habit:

When the cold starts

Directly from the north here. (Titmouse.)

4. Decrypt the cryptogram:

12, 3, 2, 3, 11, 15, 9, 3, 1 - 10, 5, 6, 3, 12, 8, ! 1, 5, 13, 1, 13, 14. 8.

Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the third day of the week. (Wednesday.)

6, 7, 8, 9, 5 - an institution where students receive knowledge. (School.)

10, 8, 11. 15 - the lower limbs of a person. (Legs.)

12, 8, 13, 14, 5 - the upper leafy part of potatoes, carrots, beets. (tops.)

Answer: Take care of the forest - our wealth.

5. From these modes of transport, exclude the “extra” word and explain your choice: car, ship, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane.

Answer: a bicycle, as it is an environmentally friendly mode of transport, because it does not run on fuel.

Leading. What other ecological pure species transport you know? (Electric locomotive, tram, trolleybus, metro.)

6. Dream up: what would happen if ...:

Would all the flowers suddenly disappear from the face of the earth?

Would there be no water?

Would the birds disappear?

7. Conduct an "Auction of medicinal plants" with classmates.

Your task: expressively read poems about medicinal plants. The task of classmates is to “collect” as many medicinal plants as possible, that is, at the end of reading poetry, those who wish should take turns naming as many as possible. more plants that were discussed in the verses. The one with the longest list wins.

I am ginseng, a wonderful root.

If someone is very sick,

Find my root

And anyone will get better.

You tincture of ginseng

Appetite will return and laughter

After all, ginseng means

Miracle - "root-man".

On the path, on the path -

Everywhere weed grass

Or just plantain -

Everyone is familiar, not new!

Tied a leaf to an abscess.

A day or two will pass - and a miracle!

You are healthy without doctors.

Here is a simple leaf!

Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Though the linden color is plain,

But healthier than tea no.

For sore throats and colds

Drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

"Come on, linden, help me out!"

There are geraniums, cloves, porridge -

There is pharmacy chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile.

White tiny flower

For poultices, for lotions.

If the inflammation

Decoction - calm.

My seeds are healing -

When gastritis drink infusion.

Roots - kill poisons

And relieve kidney pain.

I have one problem:

When I bloom

That is the beauty of my flowers

It catches everyone's eye.

And they tear me into bouquets,

I'm afraid of them like fire!

I beg you, have mercy

And do not tear peonies in vain!

We have not only phytoncides,

That microbes are so scary

We contain vitamins

Which, no doubt, everyone needs.

And therefore, so that less often

You had to hurt

In every house, onions, garlic

All year round must have.

The one who is close friends with us,

Never get bored.

There is a lot of fragrance in the house

If mint dries in the house.

mint cake,

Infusion of mint spoon -

No more nausea

There is no hoarseness in the throat.

Validol, toothpaste -

Everywhere mint, mint, mint!

Collecting is not in vain

This grass, guys!

List the benefits of plants.

8. Make the right choice.

The seasons are written on the left, on the right - what happens in nature, in the lives of people in different times of the year. Task: connect the left column with the right with arrows correctly.

WINTER Buds swell.

Leaf fall.

…………… Rooks arrive.

………….. Indian summer.

SPRING Mushroom season.

Collection of cranberries.

…………… Grain harvesting.

SUMMER Haymaking.

Birds make nests.


AUTUMN Ice drift.

9. Guess riddles.

Very strong and resilient

Builders - a reliable friend.

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will become beautiful and noticeable. (Granite.)

If you meet on the road

Then the legs get stuck a lot.

And to make a bowl or vase -

She'll be needed right away. (Clay.)

In mom's kitchen

Assistant is great

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match. (Natural gas.)

He really needs the kids

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at a construction site and on the beach,

And it's even melted in glass. (Sand.)

It's black and shiny

Our real friend.

He carries in It's warm at home,

It makes the houses light.

Helps to melt steel

Make paints and enamels. (Coal)

Even without it, the car

Not a mile to go

Airplanes, helicopters

Won't take flight

The rocket will not rise.

Guess what it is? (Oil.)

Plants grew in the swamp ...

And now it's fuel and fertilizer. (Peat.)

She cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,

So that later they would make scissors and keys for us. ( Iron ore.)

10. What animal does the tail belong to?

She swims with her tail. (Fish.)

With the help of his tail, he crawls along the bottom of the river. (Crayfish.)

She has a tail instead of a rudder. (Bird.)

Thanks to the tail, he pushes off the ground and jumps the farthest, and also sits, leaning on his tail. (Kangaroo.)

She has a tail - an extra arm. (A monkey.)

She steers with her tail, jumping from branch to branch.

She has a fly swatter tail. (Cow, horse.)

She has a rattle on her tail, with which she scares enemies. (Rattlesnake.)

In case of danger of being caught by the tail, she discards it. (Lizard.)

11. Decipher the phrase: AGINK YANSARK.

Answer: Red Book.

Leading. What do you know about the Red Book? (Children's answers.)

12. Solve problems from G. Oster's "Problem Book".

Pupils of one of the schools make sure that water does not flow from the taps in vain. Therefore, half of the students of this school come to class with unwashed hands. The other half of the guys come not only with unwashed hands, but also with unwashed faces. How many students are there in this school if 290 boys and 46 girls come to class every day with unwashed faces? (672.)

Last year, Ninochka met a boy, and he gave her a kitten. This year, Ninochka met 12 boys, and each gave her two kittens. Now Ninochka wants to meet another boy and is going to give him all her kittens. How many kittens has a chance to get this unknown boy to Ninochka? (25.)

13. Snow is one of the signs of the Russian winter. It is called differently. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. (They are listed separately below.)

Fresh, clean, snow that has just covered the ground is called ... (powders).

If snowflakes stick together on the fly, we call them ... (flakes).

If hard white balls hurt the cheeks and forehead, then they are called ... (groats.)

The wind drives the snow, and it rushes along the ground like a snake. This is ... (drifting).

The wind is spinning, blowing snow in the air. This is ... (blizzard).

On a plain or in a steppe, where there is no control over the wind, a real snow storm can break out - ... (blizzard).

For old, stale, with a hard crust of snow, there is a crispy word in Russian - ... (nast).


(conversation with elements of the game)

Developed by: Plotnikova E.I.

2015 – 2016 academic year

Idea: "Chamomile" - a form of organization of the game on ecological theme. Each petal of "chamomile" containsvarious tasks such as logic puzzles, riddles, cryptograms, imagination games, auction, humoristic tasks, etc. The game helps to increase the generallevel of ecological culture of children, the development of creativeski and communication skills. Designed for children2-4 grades.

Game progress

Leading. Earth, the globe is our common biga house in which there is enough space for everyone: people, animals, plants ... There is one common blue roof above us - the sky. We have undergami one common floor - the earth's surface. We all have one wonderful source of light and heat - the Sun. We have a common sourcenicknames of moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans ... Everyone needs to breathe,eat, drink, raise children.

For many thousands and even millions of years, all kinds of animalsand plants have adapted to each other and to their environmentnature. And the balance has been established in nature. It is known thatthere should be more plants than animals that they feedlurk. And there should be more herbivores,than predators. Then there is enough food for everyone, and they are saved on Earthle all kinds of plants and animals. If in this chaindestroy at least some link, for example, destroy the growthnia, the whole chain will crumble. The balance will be broken. And even a catastrophe can happen in nature. People don't take a long timethey roared about it and recklessly cut down forests, drained swamps,engaged in plowing the steppes. They didn't think about it at all.that grossly violate the laws of nature. Finally we are ontook. In order to preserve nature, and at the same time to survive,di began to study the laws of wildlife very seriously. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is made up of twoGreek words: "oikos" - "house" and "logos" - "science". So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common home andlaws by which we must live in it.

Hope Eco Daisy Game will help us withyou once again think about our common home and that this home should be loved and protected.

Game conditions. A chamomile model is being made (yellowth circle - the core and any number of white petals).There are numbers on the reverse side of the petals. All details"daisies" are attached to the magnetic board.

Children are divided into groups (optional). Each group choosefinds a commander, invents the name of the team. Then tothe mandirs of the groups approach the “chamomile”, “pluck” one petal at a time,receive from the leader cards with tasks according tonumbers. Teams begin to prepare the taskniya. After the allotted time, the teams take turnsrepresent the work done.

1. Task cards.

Divide the words into two columns according to the principle "live -inanimate nature":

sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare,downpour, soil, tree.

Answer: boy;sun;





wood;the soil.

    Picture Animals using gestures and facial expressions: honey
    leading a hare, a camel, a rooster, a woodpecker, a monkey.

    Solve riddles.

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And find shelter in the winter.He is not afraid of a cold:With the first snow right there.


Coloring - grayish,

Gait - baggy,Habit - furtive,The screamer is hoarse.


Long-tailed, white-sided,And my name is... (magpie).

Lives in an empty hollowOak hammers like a chisel.


little boyIn a gray Armenian coat, he darts around the yard,Collects crumbs.


Who is without notes and without flute

Best of all displays trills,Louder, softer?Who is this?(Nightingale.)

All migratory birds are blacker,Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields,Jump back and forth across the arable land.L is called a bird-... (rook).

Even though I'm a little birdI, friends, have a habit:When the cold starts, Directly from the north here.


5. From these modes of transport, exclude the "extra" layer
in and explain your choice: car, boat, bicycle,
motorcycle, bus, plane.

Answer:bike, as it is an environmentally friendly type of transport, because it does not run on fuel.

Leading. What other environmentally friendly types of transdo you know the port?(Electric locomotive, tram, trolleybus, metro.)

6. Dream up: what would happen if...:

    Would all the flowers suddenly disappear from the face of the earth?

    Would there be no water?

    Would the birds disappear?

7. Spend with classmates"Auction of medicinal

Your task: to expressively read verses about medicinesvenous plants. The task of classmates: "collect"as many medicinal plants as possible, that is, at the end of the reading of verses, those who wish should take turns naming as many plants as possible, which were discussed in the verses. The one with the longest list wins.

I am ginseng, a wonderful root.

Led someone very sick,

Find my root

And anyone will get better.

You tincture of ginseng

Appetite will return and laughter

After all, ginseng means

Miracle - "root-man".

On the path, on the path -Everywhere weed grassOr just plantain -Everyone is familiar, not new! Tied a leaf to an abscess.A day or two will pass - and a miracle!You are healthy without doctors.Here is a simple leaf!

Linden - a remedy for colds,Everyone knows about it everywhere.Although the linden color is inconspicuous.But there is nothing better than tea.

For sore throats and coldsDrink healing linden tea.They say when they are sick:"Come on, linden, help me out!"

There are geraniums, cloves, porridge-You can't count all the colors. There is a pharmacy chamomile, You need to know about chamomile.White tiny flowerFor poultices, for lotions.If the inflammationDecoction - calm.

My seeds are healing -When gastritis drink infusion.Roots - kill poisonsAnd relieve kidney pain.I have one problem:When I bloomThat is the beauty of my flowersIt catches everyone's eye. And they tear me into bouquets, I'm afraid of them like fire!I beg you, have mercyAnd do not tear peonies in vain!

We have not only phytoncides, What microbes are so afraid of, We contain vitamins,Which, no doubt, everyone needs.And therefore, so that you have to get sick less often,In every house, onions, garlicAll year round must have.The one who is close friends with us,Never get bored.

There is a lot of fragrance in the houseIf mint dries in the cake,Infusion of mint spoon -No more nauseaThere is no hoarseness in the throat. Validol, toothpaste- Everywhere mint, mint, mint! We collect not in vain This grass, guys!

List the benefits of plants.

8. Make the right choice.

The seasons are written on the left, what happens innature, in people's lives at different times of the year. Task: withunite the left column with the right one with arrows.

Buds swell.


Leaf fall.

The rooks are coming.

Indian summer.


Mushroom time.

Collection of cranberries.

Grain harvesting.



Birds make nests.


Ice drift.


9. Solve riddles.

Very durable and resilient, Builders - a reliable friend.Houses, steps, pedestalsThey will become beautiful and noticeable.


If you meet on the roadThen the legs get stuck a lot. And to make a bowl or vase -She'll be needed right away.


In mom's kitchenAssistant is greatHe is a blue flowerBlooms from a match.

(Natural gas.)

The kids really need him, He is on the paths in the yard,They're at the construction site and on the beachAnd it's even melted in glass.


It's black and shinyOur real friend. He brings warmth to the houses, From him it is light in the houses.Helps to melt steelMake paints and enamels.


Even without it, the carNot a mile to goAirplanes, helicoptersThey will not fly, the rocket will not rise. Guess what it is?


Plants grew in the swamp ...

And now it's fuel and fertilizer.


She cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,So that later they would make scissors and keys for us.

< (Iron ore.)

10. What animal has a tail?

    She swims with her tail.(Fish.)

    With the help of his tail, he crawls along the bottom of the river.(Crayfish.)

    She has a tail instead of a rudder.(Bird.)

- Thanks to the tail, he pushes off the ground and jumps.
farthest, and also sits, leaning on the tail.(Kangaroo.)

    She has a tail - an extra arm.(A monkey.)

    She steers with her tail, jumping from branch to branch.

    She has a fly swatter tail.(Cow, horse.)

    She has a rattle on her tail, with which she scares
    there are enemies.(Rattlesnake.)

    In case of danger of being caught by the tail, she is selected
    rips it off.(Lizard.)

11. Decipher the phrase: AGINK JANSARK.
Answer: Red Book.

Leading. What do you know about the Red Book?(Answers de tei.)

12. Solve problems from the "Problem Book" by G. Oster.

- Pupils of one of the schools make sure that the water is not
lass from the taps in vain. Therefore, half of the students of this school
comes to class with unwashed hands. The other half of re
beat comes not only with unwashed hands, but also with unwashed
persons. How many students are in this school if each
day with unwashed faces 290 boys come to classes and
46 girls?

Last year, Ninochka met a boy
com, and he gave her a kitten. This year Ninochka meet
she was with 12 boys, and each gave her two kittens. Those
Ninochka wants to meet another boy
com and is going to give him all her kittens. How many kittens
has a chance to acquire this yet unknown to Ninochka mal

13. Snow is one of the signs of the Russian winter. It is called differently. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.(They are are written separately below "e.)

Fresh, clean, freshly powdered snow on the ground

If snowflakes stick together on the fly, we call them...

“If hard white balls hurt the cheeks and forehead, thenthey're called...(groats.)

    The wind drives the snow, and it rushes along the ground like a snake. it...

    The wind is spinning, blowing snow in the air. It...(winter storm).

    On the plain or in the steppe, where there is no hold on the wind, maybe
    play a real snowstorm -... (blizzard).

    For old, stale, hard-crusted snow, there is
    Russian language crunchy word - ...(nast).


educational game

Vitukhina Tatyana Alexandrovna

Teacher primary school

GBOU secondary school No. 22, Syzran, Samara region

"Chamomile" - a form of organizing a game on an environmental theme.

Each petal of the chamomile contains a variety of tasks, such as logic puzzles, riddles, cryptograms, imagination games, an auction, humorous tasks, etc.

The game helps to increase the general level of environmental culture of children, the development of creative and communication skills. Designed for children in grades 2-4.

Leading. The earth, the globe - this is our common big house, in which there is enough space for everyone: people, animals, plants ... Above us is one common blue roof - the sky. We have one common floor under our feet - the earth's surface. We all have one wonderful source of light and heat - the sun. We have common sources of moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans... Everyone needs to breathe, eat, drink, raise kids.

For many thousands and even millions of years, all kinds of animals and plants have adapted to each other and to the nature around them. And there was a balance. It is known that there should always be more plants than animals that feed on them. And there should be more herbivorous animals than predators. Then there will be enough food for everyone, and all kinds of plants and animals will be preserved on Earth. If at least some link in this chain is destroyed, for example, plants are destroyed, the balance will be disturbed, and the whole chain will crumble. And even a catastrophe can happen in nature. People did not always take into account all the links in the chain: they cut down forests, drained swamps, plowed up the steppes. They grossly violated the laws of nature. And in order to preserve it, and at the same time to survive ourselves, it is necessary to study and observe the laws of wildlife. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is composed of two Greek words: "oikos" - "house" and "logos" - "science". So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common home and the laws by which we must live in it. I hope that the game "ECOLOGICAL CAMOMILE" will help us to think again about our common home and that this home should be loved and protected. Game conditions. A chamomile model is made (yellow circle-core and any number of white petals). On the reverse side of the petals their numbers are affixed. All details of the "chamomile" are attached to the magnetic board. Children are divided into groups (optional). Each group chooses a leader and comes up with a name. Then the group commanders approach the “chamomile”, “pluck” a petal, receive from the leader cards with tasks under the corresponding numbers, and the teams begin to prepare the task. At the end of the allotted time, the teams take turns presenting their work.

Cards - tasks

1 .Distribute the words in two columns according to the principle "living - inanimate nature": sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare, downpour, soil, tree.

Answer: boy sun

berry sky

mushroom water

fish stones

hare downpour

tree soil

2. Depict animals using gestures and facial expressions:
bear, hare, camel, rooster, woodpecker, monkey.

3. Solve riddles

Black-winged, red-breasted

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold:

With the first snow right there.


grayish color,

baggy gait,

thieving habit,

The screamer is hoarse. (Crow)

Long-tailed, white-sided,

And her name is ... (magpie).

Lives in an empty hollow

Oak hammers like a chisel. (Woodpecker)

little boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs.


Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this?


Blacker than all migratory birds, Though I am a small bird,

Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields, My friends have a habit

Jump back and forth across the arable land. When the cold starts

And the bird is called ... (Rook). Directly from the north here.


4 . Decrypt cryptogram:

12, 3, 2, 3, 11, 15

9,3, 1 - 10, 5, 6, 3

12, 8, 11, 5, 13, 1, 14, 8.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the third day of the week. (Wednesday)
6, 7, 8, 9, 5 - an institution where students receive knowledge. (School)

10.8, 11, 15 - the lower limbs of a person. (Legs)

12, 8, 13, 14, 5 - the upper leafy part of potatoes, carrots, beets. (tops)

Answer. Take care of the forest - our wealth.

5 . From these modes of transport, exclude an extra word and explain your choice: car, ship, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane.

Answer. Bicycle, because it is an environmentally friendly mode of transport, because it does not run on fuel.

Leading. What other environmentally friendly modes of transport do you know? (Electric locomotive, tram, trolleybus, metro.)

6 .Fantasy: what would happen if ... If all the flowers suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth? If there were no water? If the birds disappeared?

7. 7. Conduct an auction of medicinal plants with students.

The task of the students is to "collect" as many medicinal plants as possible, i.e. at the end of the reading of the verses, those who wish should take turns naming as many plants as possible, which were discussed in the verses. The one with the longest list wins.

I am ginseng - a wonderful root.

If someone is very sick,

Find my root

And anyone will get better.

You tincture of ginseng

Appetite will return and laughter

After all, ginseng means

Miracle "root-man".

On the path, on the path -

Everywhere weed grass

Or just a plantain, -

Everyone is familiar, not new!

Tied a leaf to an abscess,

A day or two will pass - and a miracle

You are healthy without doctors.

Here is a simple leaf!

Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Though the linden color is plain,

But there is nothing better than tea.

For sore throats and colds

Drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

"Come on, linden, help me out!"

There are geraniums, cloves, porridge-

There is a pharmacy chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile: White tiny flower - For poultices, for lotions. If the inflammation

Decoction - calm.

My seeds are healing -

When gastritis drink infusion. Roots - kill poisons

And relieve kidney pain.

I have one problem:

When I bloom

That is the beauty of my flowers

It catches everyone's eye.

And they tear me into bouquets,

I'm afraid of them like fire!

I beg you, have mercy

And do not tear peonies in vain!

We have not only phytoncides,

That microbes are so scary

We contain vitamins

Which, no doubt, everyone needs.

And therefore, so that less often

You had to hurt

In every house, onions, garlic

All year round must have.

The one who is close friends with us,

Never get bored.

There is a lot of fragrance in the house

If mint dries in the house.

mint cake,

Infusion of mint spoon -

No more nausea

There is no hoarseness in the throat.

Validol, toothpaste -

Everywhere mint, mint, mint!

Collecting is not in vain

This grass, guys!

8. The seasons are written on the left, on the right - what happens in nature, in people's lives at different times of the year. Task: connect the left column with the right with arrows.

WINTER Buds swell.

Leaf fall.

The rooks are coming.

Indian summer

SPRING Mushroom season.

Collection of cranberries.

Grain harvesting.

SUMMER Haymaking.

Birds make nests.


AUTUMN Christmas.

Ice drift


9. Solve riddles.

If you meet on the road

Then the legs get stuck a lot.

And to make a bowl or vase -

She'll be needed right away. (Clay)

In mom's kitchen

Assistant is great

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match.

(Natural gas)

He really needs the kids

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at a construction site and on the beach,

And it's even melted in glass. (Sand)

It's black and shiny

Our true friend

He brings warmth to the house,

It makes the houses light.

Helps to melt steel
Make paints and enamels.


Even without it, the car

Not a mile to go

Airplanes, helicopters

Won't take flight

The rocket will not rise.

Guess what it is?


Plants grew in the swamp ...

And now it's fuel and fertilizer. (Peat)

She cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,

So that later they would make scissors and keys for us.

(Iron ore)

10 .What animal does the tail belong to?

She swims with her tail. (Fish.)

With the help of his tail, he crawls along the bottom of the river. (Crayfish.)

She has a tail instead of a rudder. (Bird.)

Thanks to the tail, he pushes off the ground and jumps the farthest, and also sits, leaning on his tail. (Kangaroo.)

She has a tail - an extra arm. (Monkey.)

She steers with her tail, jumping from branch to branch. (Squirrel.)

She has a fly swatter tail. (Cow, horse.)

She has a rattle on her tail, with which she scares enemies. (Rattlesnake.)

In case of danger of being caught by the tail, he discards it. (Lizard.)

11. Decipher the phrase:


Answer. Red Book.

12 . Solve problems from G. Oster's problem book.

Pupils of one school make sure that water does not flow from the taps in vain. Therefore, half of the students of this school come to class with unwashed hands. The other half comes not only with unwashed hands, but also with unwashed faces. How many students are there in this school if 290 boys and 46 girls come to class every day with unwashed faces? (672.)

Last year, Ninochka met a boy, and he gave her a kitten. This year, Ninochka met 12 boys, and each gave her 2 kittens. Now Ninochka wants to meet another boy and is going to give him all her kittens. How many kittens has a chance to get this unknown boy to Ninochka? (25.)

13 . Snow is one of the signs of the Russian winter. It is called differently. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. They should be written separately below.

    Fresh, clean, snow that has just covered the ground is called ... (powder).

    If snowflakes stick together on the fly, we are talking about them ... (flakes).

    If hard white balls hurt the cheeks and forehead, then they are called ... (krupka).

    The wind drives the snow, and it rushes along the ground like a snake. This is ... (drifting).

    The wind is spinning, blowing snow in the air. This is ... (blizzard).

    On the plain or in the steppe, where the wind cannot be restrained, a real snow storm can break out - ... (blizzard).

    For old, stale, stale snow, there is a crispy word in Russian - ... (nast).

Summing up the game.

List of sources used:

1. In harmony with nature. Minsk: IOOO Krasiko-Print, 2011

2. Entertaining material in the lessons of natural history. Grashchenkova V.S. Smolensk, 2010

3. Bad advice. Oster.G. Moscow 2010

4. Task book. Oster.G. Moscow 2010


educational game

"Chamomile" - a form of organizing a game on an environmental theme.

Each petal of the chamomile contains a variety of tasks, such as logic puzzles, riddles, cryptograms, imagination games, an auction, humorous tasks, etc.

The game helps to increase the general level of environmental culture of children, the development of creative and communication skills. Designed for children in grades 2-4.

Leading. The earth, the globe - this is our common big house, in which there is enough space for everyone: people, animals, plants ... Above us is one common blue roof - the sky. We have one common floor under our feet - the earth's surface. We all have one wonderful source of light and heat - the sun. We have common sources of moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans... Everyone needs to breathe, eat, drink, raise kids.

For many thousands and even millions of years, all kinds of animals and plants have adapted to each other and to the nature around them. And there was a balance. It is known that there should always be more plants than animals that feed on them. And there should be more herbivorous animals than predators. Then there will be enough food for everyone, and all kinds of plants and animals will be preserved on Earth. If at least some link in this chain is destroyed, for example, plants are destroyed, the balance will be disturbed, and the whole chain will crumble. And even a catastrophe can happen in nature. People did not always take into account all the links in the chain: they cut down forests, drained swamps, plowed up the steppes. They grossly violated the laws of nature. And in order to preserve it, and at the same time to survive ourselves, it is necessary to study and observe the laws of wildlife. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is composed of two Greek words: "oikos" - "house" and "logos" - "science". So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common home and the laws by which we must live in it. I hope that the game "ECOLOGICAL CAMOMILE" will help us to think again about our common home and that this home should be loved and protected. Game conditions. A chamomile model is made (yellow circle-core and any number of white petals). On the reverse side of the petals their numbers are affixed. All details of the "chamomile" are attached to the magnetic board. Children are divided into groups (optional). Each group chooses a leader and comes up with a name. Then the group commanders approach the “chamomile”, “pluck” a petal, receive from the leader cards with tasks under the corresponding numbers, and the teams begin to prepare the task. At the end of the allotted time, the teams take turns presenting their work.

Cards - tasks

1 .Distribute the words in two columns according to the principle "living - inanimate nature": sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare, downpour, soil, tree.

Answer: boy sun

berry sky

mushroom water

fish stones

hare downpour

tree soil

2. Depict animals using gestures and facial expressions:
bear, hare, camel, rooster, woodpecker, monkey.

3. Solve riddles

Black-winged, red-breasted

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold:

With the first snow right there.


grayish color,

baggy gait,

thieving habit,

The screamer is hoarse. (Crow)

Long-tailed, white-sided,

And her name is ... (magpie).

Lives in an empty hollow

Oak hammers like a chisel. (Woodpecker)

little boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs.


Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this?


Blacker than all migratory birds, Though I am a small bird,

Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields, My friends have a habit

Jump back and forth across the arable land. When the cold starts

And the bird is called ... (Rook). Directly from the north here.


4 . Decrypt cryptogram:

12, 3, 2, 3, 11, 15

9,3, 1 - 10, 5, 6, 3

12, 8, 11, 5, 13, 1, 14, 8.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the third day of the week. (Wednesday)
6, 7, 8, 9, 5 - an institution where students receive knowledge. (School)

10.8, 11, 15 - the lower limbs of a person. (Legs)

12, 8, 13, 14, 5 - the upper leafy part of potatoes, carrots, beets. (tops)

Answer. Take care of the forest - our wealth.

5 . From these modes of transport, exclude an extra word and explain your choice: car, ship, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane.

Answer. Bicycle, because it is an environmentally friendly mode of transport, because it does not run on fuel.

Leading. What other environmentally friendly modes of transport do you know? (Electric locomotive, tram, trolleybus, metro.)

6 .Fantasy: what would happen if ... If all the flowers suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth? If there were no water? If the birds disappeared?

7. 7. Conduct an auction of medicinal plants with students.

The task of the students is to "collect" as many medicinal plants as possible, i.e. at the end of the reading of the verses, those who wish should take turns naming as many plants as possible, which were discussed in the verses. The one with the longest list wins.

I am ginseng - a wonderful root.

If someone is very sick,

Find my root

And anyone will get better.

You tincture of ginseng

Appetite will return and laughter

After all, ginseng means

Miracle "root-man".

On the path, on the path -

Everywhere weed grass

Or just a plantain, -

Everyone is familiar, not new!

Tied a leaf to an abscess,

A day or two will pass - and a miracle

You are healthy without doctors.

Here is a simple leaf!

Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Though the linden color is plain,

But there is nothing better than tea.

For sore throats and colds

Drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

"Come on, linden, help me out!"

There are geraniums, cloves, porridge-

There is a pharmacy chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile: White tiny flower - For poultices, for lotions. If the inflammation

Decoction - calm.

My seeds are healing -

When gastritis drink infusion. Roots - kill poisons

And relieve kidney pain.

I have one problem:

When I bloom

That is the beauty of my flowers

It catches everyone's eye.

And they tear me into bouquets,

I'm afraid of them like fire!

I beg you, have mercy

And do not tear peonies in vain!

We have not only phytoncides,

That microbes are so scary

We contain vitamins

Which, no doubt, everyone needs.

And therefore, so that less often

You had to hurt

In every house, onions, garlic

All year round must have.

The one who is close friends with us,

Never get bored.

There is a lot of fragrance in the house

If mint dries in the house.

mint cake,

Infusion of mint spoon -

No more nausea

There is no hoarseness in the throat.

Validol, toothpaste -

Everywhere mint, mint, mint!

Collecting is not in vain

This grass, guys!

8. The seasons are written on the left, on the right - what happens in nature, in people's lives at different times of the year. Task: connect the left column with the right with arrows.

WINTER Buds swell.

Leaf fall.

The rooks are coming.

Indian summer

SPRING Mushroom season.

Collection of cranberries.

Grain harvesting.

SUMMER Haymaking.

Birds make nests.


AUTUMN Christmas.

Ice drift


9. Solve riddles.

If you meet on the road

Then the legs get stuck a lot.

And to make a bowl or vase -

She'll be needed right away. (Clay)

In mom's kitchen

Assistant is great

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match.

(Natural gas)

He really needs the kids

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at a construction site and on the beach,

And it's even melted in glass. (Sand)

It's black and shiny

Our true friend

He brings warmth to the house,

It makes the houses light.

Helps to melt steel
Make paints and enamels.


Even without it, the car

Not a mile to go

Airplanes, helicopters

Won't take flight

The rocket will not rise.

Guess what it is?


Plants grew in the swamp ...

And now it's fuel and fertilizer. (Peat)

She cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,

So that later they would make scissors and keys for us.

(Iron ore)

10 .What animal does the tail belong to?

She swims with her tail. (Fish.)

With the help of his tail, he crawls along the bottom of the river. (Crayfish.)

She has a tail instead of a rudder. (Bird.)

Thanks to the tail, he pushes off the ground and jumps the farthest, and also sits, leaning on his tail. (Kangaroo.)

She has a tail - an extra arm. (A monkey.)

She steers with her tail, jumping from branch to branch. (Squirrel.)

She has a fly swatter tail. (Cow, horse.)

She has a rattle on her tail, with which she scares enemies. (Rattlesnake.)

In case of danger of being caught by the tail, he discards it. (Lizard.)

11. Decipher the phrase:


Answer. Red Book.

12 . Solve problems from G. Oster's problem book.

Pupils of one school make sure that water does not flow from the taps in vain. Therefore, half of the students of this school come to class with unwashed hands. The other half comes not only with unwashed hands, but also with unwashed faces. How many students are there in this school if 290 boys and 46 girls come to class every day with unwashed faces? (672.)

Last year, Ninochka met a boy, and he gave her a kitten. This year, Ninochka met 12 boys, and each gave her 2 kittens. Now Ninochka wants to meet another boy and is going to give him all her kittens. How many kittens has a chance to get this unknown boy to Ninochka? (25.)

13 . Snow is one of the signs of the Russian winter. It is called differently. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. They should be written separately below.

    Fresh, clean, snow that has just covered the ground is called ... (powder).

    If snowflakes stick together on the fly, we are talking about them ... (flakes).

    If hard white balls hurt the cheeks and forehead, then they are called ... (krupka).

    The wind drives the snow, and it rushes along the ground like a snake. This is ... (drifting).

    The wind is spinning, blowing snow in the air. This is ... (blizzard).

    On the plain or in the steppe, where the wind cannot be restrained, a real snow storm can break out - ... (blizzard).

    For old, stale, stale snow, there is a crispy word in Russian - ... (nast).

Summing up the game.

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