Changeable weather. What kind of spring to expect the residents of Stavropol this year

Career and finance 31.07.2019
Career and finance

"Nature has no bad weather"- is sung in the famous song of Eldar Ryazanov from the movie "Office Romance". However, no matter how anyone convinces, everyone, young and old, is waiting for warmth and spring. The AiF-SK correspondent found out what spring will be like this year in the Stavropol Territory.

According to experts, it is too early to put warm clothes and umbrellas on the upper shelves, March will be a continuation of February.

“In the first month of spring, cold snaps will be replaced by thaws and vice versa. The maximum daily temperature in March will be +15 ... +18 degrees: the removal of Mediterranean warm air from the southwest will affect. The minimum temperature will drop to -5. Snowfall is not ruled out, but there will be no stable snow cover,” she said. Natalya Klimenko, Deputy Head for Hydrometeorological Support of the Territory.

Meanwhile, the flowers have already felt the warmth of spring. Snowdrops and blueberries bloomed in the forests, and violas bloomed in the regional capital.

Popular beliefs

You can also look for answers about what spring will be like in nature itself. Folk signs, perhaps, have lost their relevance in modern world, but in ancient times relied exclusively on them.

So, for example, if February turned out to be rainy, then such a spring is worth waiting for.
April can be judged by what it will be like on March 22. In the people this day is called the Day of Forty Magpies. According to legend, if the jackdaws return from the south and the weather is clear, then in the next 40 days it will be warm and sunny, otherwise a rainy cold April should be expected.

Another one folk omen says, “if it brings snow in March, it will wash away April with rain” or “if the first days of spring are warm, spring takes it by deceit.”

Guessing about the weather is a thankless task, the proverb “wait and see” is more applicable here. In any case, we create the spring mood for ourselves, smile more often and the weather will be nothing.

The decision to start the heating season in cities and districts of the region is made by local governments. What are they guided by?

As explained in the regional Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, general rule determination of the date of supply of heat to houses from central heating, enshrined in the Rules for the provision utilities(Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011), states: the heating season should begin no late afternoon following the day of the end of the 5-day period during which the average daily outdoor temperature is below 8 degrees. That is local authorities it is not necessary to fully withstand the 5-day period with low temperatures.

The optimal air temperature in the room is not lower than +20 °C, and in corner rooms +22 °C. But for some residents, this temperature is uncomfortable. To supply heat to a single house (if there is a technological possibility), residents need to apply with a corresponding request to their management company or HOA, and they, in turn, will send an application to the municipality.

As a rule, during this season, residents of apartment buildings are divided into two camps. Some are “for” turning on the heating as soon as possible, while others believe that it is better to postpone this in order to save money.

The Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of Stavropol, for its part, calls on local governments to be guided by common sense and act in the interests of residents.

Vladimir FILATOV

In other regions Russian Federation. The region is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, in the central part of Ciscaucasia. The region consists of uplands and steppes. There are many minerals here, including oil, natural gas, and various minerals. The peculiarity and richness of the animal and flora, soil saturation, numerous hydrogeography - all this depends on the prevailing climate in the region.

Climate resources

The climate of the Stavropol Territory is temperate continental. Air masses come from the Atlantic Ocean and mediterranean sea. Climatic conditions on the territory of the region is determined by a combination of factors. clear and cold weather here it is provided with air currents from Siberia and Kazakhstan; windy and cloudy - by the Atlantic; heat and dryness - the tropical air of Iran. typical feature Stavropol climate - strong wind currents. Precipitation is unevenly distributed over the regions of the region, because different relief is adjacent here - mountainous terrain and steppes. In the mountains, there is more precipitation and the air temperature is lower than in the flat areas.

The climate of the Stavropol Territory differs markedly by regions. This should be taken into account if tourists are going to travel. Even in summer, the air in the rainy season does not warm up above 25 degrees. Precipitation moves in the region from south to north. In general, the climate here is comfortable. Maximum fresh air combined with mild winters and moderate summers. What could be better for an active recreational holiday?

Relief features

The climate of the Stavropol Territory depends entirely on the location of the territory. The region is a hill, which in the east passes into Nogai steppe. In the north, the plain gradually turns into the Kuma-Manych depression. The foothills are famous for the area and Mount Beshtau. Here are large deposits geothermal waters. Humidity determines a large number water resources. There are many rivers and a small number of lakes in the region.


The climate and relief of the Stavropol Territory are interconnected. Weather conditions are favorable for the comfortable life of the population, as well as tourism. In winter, the air temperature here does not fall below -5 degrees on the plain, and in summer it does not reach an absolute maximum. The Caucasus Mountains provide moderation and optimal humidity, which changes during the seasons. The air in the mountains winter period reaches a peak of -10 degrees. In general, the weather in the region is ideal for living. Temperatures fluctuate slightly throughout the seasons. The uniqueness of the relief ensures the stability of weather conditions. In the Stavropol Territory, the climate has created ideal conditions for a measured life, sanatorium treatment, as well as development Agriculture.


The article has already talked about what type of climate is typical for the Stavropol Territory. Residents of Siberia and the central regions of the country can envy the inhabitants of Stavropol a little. Winter here is short and mild. The temperature rarely drops below five degrees. In the mountains, the air is cleaner and colder, which is quite natural. Winter in the Stavropol Territory is characterized by instability. The cold season starts in December. Snowy weather is not uncommon, but the snow does not linger on the streets for a long time.

Sharp warming often turns winter into the beginning of spring. However, despite moderate continental climate, Stavropol is not immune from a sharp cold snap. A record was set here low temperature air -38 degrees. Most often, cold snaps come in January - early February. Such sudden changes in weather patterns are not sustainable. In the winter season, strong winds help to feel the frost.


The weather and climate of the Stavropol Territory in late winter and early spring delight local residents with moderation. The only negative is that the transition to another season can be accompanied by powerful winds, the gusts of which reach from 30 to 40 meters per second. However, there is no need to despair, because the Mediterranean wind brings warm air masses and, accordingly, spring to the region. Gradually increasing heat quickly awakens nature. In March, the air temperature warms up to +3 degrees.

In April, stability (+8 and +10 degrees) strengthens the positions of spring. The month of May in the Stavropol Territory is no longer subject to the vagaries of nature - the air temperature reaches +15 degrees. The ideal weather conditions of spring influence landscaping. The Stavropol Territory blooms and is full of life already in mid-March. It is difficult to trace the border between winter and spring. Often in the territory, winter turns into a slushy spring, so it starts earlier than planned.


The summer season cannot be called hot. Its calm temperate character is favored by the climate of the Stavropol Territory. Briefly, summer can be described as follows: it is rainy. The amount of precipitation in the region is maximum and increases towards the middle of the season. July accounts for most of the precipitation. Tourists do not have to wait for the heat of 40 degrees. extreme heat air in the region is a rarity, as well as hard frost. If the air warms up to a high mark, such weather does not last long. Precipitation in the region falls in the form of showers with strong thunderstorms. The average summer temperature ranges from +22 to +25 degrees.

An absolute maximum of +44 was registered in the region. Such weather is established for a short period of time, but becomes the cause of drought, dry winds. Heat quickly evaporates precipitation, especially if warm air masses join it. In general, summer in the Stavropol Territory is pleasant, mild, not too hot, but not cold either. For people who can not stand the heat and the climate of the region is ideal.


The mild sea air of the Mediterranean Sea sets favorable weather conditions in the autumn period in the territory of the region. A perfect autumn is what the region offers along with health resorts. The temperature in September-October is lower than in summer, but sunny, clear weather and the absence of frosts favor the comfortable life of the local population. The autumn season in the Stavropol Territory is drier. Precipitation is decreasing and rainfall is on the decline. In October average temperature air is +10 degrees. In September it is slightly higher.

Humidity in the region does not reach its peak in autumn, but is measured and constant. - a very favorable period for the development of agriculture. The changeable climate, the Caucasus Mountains, the proximity of the seas - all this affects the weather conditions in the region. It cannot be said that they are ideal, especially for weather-sensitive people. Variability, inconstancy can adversely affect well-being. Despite this, autumn in the region, like other seasons, is beautiful even with the vagaries of the weather.


What is the climate like in the Stavropol Territory? This question is asked by the majority of tourists who decide to spend their holidays in an amazing, amazingly beautiful region. Due to the fact that the region is located in the European part, in the south of the country, in the summer and autumn season the air here warms up to high levels. Unlike the central regions, summer in Stavropol comes in early May, and spring locals meet in February. Of course, the weather is also changeable. Despite this, the summer in the region is consistently warm, but with maximum precipitation that occurs during the season.

If we compare Stavropol with Krasnodar Territory or the Rostov region, the region is much colder. The Stavropol Territory is famous for its recreational resources. There are reserves, natural monuments, zoological, botanical gardens, resorts Mineralnye Vody. It is called an eco-resort region. Tourists receive not only rest, but also recovery. This is facilitated by the mild, favorable weather of the Stavropol Territory and unique natural conditions.

Stavropol is one of the greenest, environmentally friendly and comfortable cities in the Russian Federation. Being not only the largest city in the region and cultural center North Caucasus, Stavropol attracts the attention of tourists with beautiful landscapes, architecture, as well as a large selection of various entertainment.

For everyone who has planned to settle in this region or just wants to visit the Stavropol Territory this winter, we suggest you find out:

Stavropol is often called the gates of the Caucasus, because it is located in the very high point Ciscaucasia. Although Stavropol is located approximately on the same latitude as Krasnodar. The climate here is somewhat different, because the city is located in the depths of the mainland and is equally distant from the Caspian and Azov Seas. An interesting fact is also the fact that one of its streets is called the "45th parallel", which emphasizes the accuracy of the latitudinal location.

The city is recognized as one of the most comfortable for life, which is largely facilitated not only by the well-developed infrastructure, but also by the temperate continental climate, for which the characters are:

  • warm long summer;
  • frosty and snowy winters;
  • the severity of the autumn and spring periods;
  • abrupt change weather conditions during the day;
  • wind.

It is worth noting that during the cold months, the region may not be welcomed as kindly as in summer. Even a slight frost, almost imperceptible in the northern latitudes with minimal humidity and complete absence of wind, can make the weather in Stavropol with wind gusts up to 20-25 m/s really cold.

The most windy areas of the city are Southwestern and Northwestern. Unlike the center and coastal areas of Tashla, calm weather is extremely rare here.

Weather in Stavropol in winter 2017-2018

Stavropol is a southern city and winter rarely rages here. Most often, the temperature in the cold months stays near zero, dropping to minus values ​​only for short periods. There is no stable snow cover. Snow, if it falls, does not lie for long - until the next thaw, accompanied by bright sun or rain.

Already today, meteorologists can say what the coming winter of 2017-2018 will be like in Stavropol. And although many tend to distrust long-term forecasts, all synoptic portals indicate that for Stavropol the period from December to March will be relatively warm with rains and frequent thaws.

Detailed winter forecast for Stavropol by months

Warm autumn this year will linger, not yielding its positions until the first weeks of the calendar winter. Although, the first night frosts in the region can be expected in the second half of November.

Weather in Stavropol in December 2017

December promises to bring with it the first little snow. But, it is possible that the decrease in temperature will not be so rapid and instead of fluffy snow the city will be wrapped in a veil of autumn rain.

In the middle of the first month of winter, there will be a noticeable warming. During the day, the temperature will even rise to a comfortable +12 ºС. But, already by the New Year, winter will remind of itself with another cold snap. It is even possible that in new year's eve residents and guests of the city will be able to enjoy the magical New Year's snow.

Weather in Stavropol in January 2017

The Christmas period will be truly winter. Judging by temperature regime, which voices the official forecast for the upcoming winter of 2017-2018, it is the first week of January that will be the coldest in Stavropol. At night, the temperature can drop to 10-12 degrees below zero. The daily minimum is expected in the first days of the year and will be -9 ºС.

On windy days, the frost will be felt especially strongly. But, already by the second week, we can expect warming and a sharp jump in temperature from negative values ​​to +10 ºС. Weather-dependent people should carefully listen to the body during this period, because daily drops of 10 degrees can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Weather in Stavropol in February 2017

The concept of severe February frosts is not familiar to the inhabitants of this southern region. In Stavropol, February is a harbinger of spring, pleasing with sunny days and comfortable, almost spring weather.

At the beginning of the month, some echoes of the outgoing winter are still possible. Maybe even a little snow. Starting from the second week of February, a positive temperature will be established, which by the middle of the month will reach its daily maximum of +15 ºС.

The early onset of heat will mark the end of the calendar winter. But, throughout March, night frosts can still be expected, during which the temperature will drop to -2, and sometimes even to -4 ºС.

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