Quenching thirst. And here is a list of the least healthy drinks to quench your thirst on hot days. All mineral waters are divided into three categories

Health 16.08.2018
The long-awaited summer is here. Sun, heat, swimming! One problem: constantly thirsty. Let's try to eliminate this "inconvenience" together.

If usually the human body evaporates 2-2.5 liters of moisture per day, then in hot weather and with fair physical exertion, the “leak” reaches 4 liters. Is it a lot or a little? Scientists have calculated that with the loss of 1 liter of fluid, thirst begins to torment us, 2 liters - mental activity decreases, 3 liters - dizziness begins, 4 liters - fainting and heart attacks are possible. Approximately one third of the lack of moisture can make up for bread, soups, vegetables, fruits, and as many as two thirds - drinks. We rated their ability to quench thirst on a 5-point scale.

The first signs of potassium deficiency are weakness, flickering of the eyes, increased heart rate, resulting contractions, twitching in blood pressure. Sometimes you experience muscle pain and weakness, constipation, thirst, dry skin, and low blood pressure.

And magnesium is involved in the nervous system, in thermoregulatory processes, regulates heart rate and strength, relaxes muscles necessary for energy cellular processes important for calcium metabolism. Magnesium also dilates blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, and improves peripheral blood flow. When magnesium is deficient, the amount of calcium and potassium in the blood decreases. Magnesium deficiency can develop due to excessive alcohol consumption, coffee consumption, diarrhea, diet, exercise, sweating.

According to scientists, this the best remedy to quench thirst - it requires a third (!) Less than water. It doesn't matter if it's cold, hot or slightly warm. In favor of green tea is the high content of vitamin P, which has a positive effect on blood vessels. This magical elixir is easier to drink and does not leave yellowness on the teeth, but black tea tones better due to caffeine. In one glass of both, there are 12-15 mg of flavonoids, which are an excellent means of preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, in green - simple flavonoids, and in black - complex. It is not difficult to guess that the former are absorbed faster.

In summer we eat less but drink more. Therefore, at this time of the year, mineral enriched natural non-carbonated mineral water should be used to supplement our body's reserves. In addition, our body can get potassium and magnesium from everyday foods, especially green vegetables. Therefore, in summer it is desirable to eat more potatoes, bananas, avocados, melons, raisins, oranges, spinach, beans, milk, cheese.

Why does heartburn suffer the most? Summer heat always brings more risk to our health. Special care should be taken in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. First, people with high blood pressure, people with coronary artery disease, and people with heart failure, heart failure, or non-infectious heart disease suffer during the summer heat. During the summer heat, people often have heart attacks and strokes. Increases on hot summer days Atmosphere pressure and air temperature, air humidity decreases and perspiration increases.

Secret. Hot green tea can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays: 4 cups of the drink a day - and the result is obvious!

The most common and inexpensive drink. In terms of its ability to quench thirst due to the large amount of salts and biologically active substances, cool mineral water ranks second after tea. It perfectly refreshes, stimulates appetite and even relieves fatigue. Table waters with a mineralization degree of not more than 1 g / l are perfect, as well as medical table waters - with a mineralization of 4 ~ 5 g / l, such as Borjomi. More than 10 g / l is already a medicine that should be used only as directed by a doctor.

Thus, the body begins to experience a lack of fluids that provoke various pathological processes: an increase in blood pressure, an insufficient supply of oxygen for the brain. Due to excessive sweating, the body develops an electrolyte imbalance, and sweating also removes beneficial body salts. Thus, the blood thickens in the body, the possibility of the formation of blood clots, which can clog the vital blood vessels of the organs. Over the years, atherosclerosis progresses, which leads to an increase in blood viscosity and other abnormalities during high temperature.

If you do not have gastritis or stomach ulcers, give preference to sparkling water. Carbonic acid, getting into the mouth, causes strong salivation and overcomes thirst faster.

Secret. A slice of lemon or a few sour berries - cranberries or lingonberries - added to the water will help to overcome the "enemy".

In order for moisture to linger in the body, the composition of tea, juice or soda should include dissolved nutrients, mainly sugars, organic acids and minerals. After all, the meaning of quenching thirst is not to take as much cool liquid as possible, but to restore strength and replenish nutrients that have “floated away” from the body.

For people with severe heart failure, high fever. This is due to the fact that one of the main recommendations of doctors for such patients is to limit fluid intake. Since everything more people use fluids, the greater the burden is on the heart, and these patients' hearts are working so weakly that the more fluid that needs to be pumped, the harder it is to handle the load. Therefore, during a fever, when healthy people it is recommended to drink more than 2-3 liters of fluid per day, increasing the amount of fluid is not recommended for patients with heart failure.

Juices and nectars
In summer, tomato, cherry, grapefruit, plum, cherry plum and dogwood juices help well. The acid irritates the taste buds, copious salivation begins - and it seems to us that it is not so hot around. Juices with pulp, as well as blended (mixed) juices, quench thirst much worse. However, they also contain fiber, pectin, fat-soluble vitamins, so their nutritional value is higher.

Summer dictates its terms, so let's look at the tools that can help hearts withstand the heat. The most important thing to know for people with hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, who have had a myocardial infarction, is to carry out all the referrals and appointments of a cardiologist and in no way stop using prescribed medications during the heat. Special mention should be made of the "liquefaction" of blood products.

During the heat, as well as at normal air temperature, it is necessary to control arterial pressure, and besides conventional medications, you should always have medications that can lower your blood pressure quickly if needed. Patients suffering from coronary artery disease should have emergency equipment that is used during an angina attack during heat treatment.

Secret. In hot weather, diluted juice is best. The fact is that isotonic (close in concentration to blood plasma) drinks are absorbed faster and bring relief.

Dairy products
Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, curdled milk, including organic acids, perfectly quench thirst. In addition, they are quickly absorbed (by 91% in an hour, while milk is only by 32%). Some of them - for example, bifidokefir, bifidok - help restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. Sour milk of all kinds can be consumed with sweet fruits, berries, and vegetables.

Try to leave the field in the summer without needing to during peak hours sunlight. If, however, you had to leave the house during those hours, try to be in the shade and avoid direct sunlight. When you go to the field, wear a hat, especially important for people over 55 to remember. Women can carry their own colorful umbrellas and they shouldn't be ashamed, because the umbrella itself does a great job of blocking out the harsh sunlight.

During hot weather, choose lightweight, movement-free clothing made from natural fabrics. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. When it's hot outside, don't overdo it physical activity because the body is so heavy. It has been proven that heat also affects our mental activity, nervous system. So try not to spoil your heart.

Secret. In the process of fermentation, lactose is converted into lactic acid, so fermented milk products are suitable for people suffering from individual milk sugar intolerance.

When the temperature "overboard" has exceeded all possible limits, try drinking a glass of skim milk or whole milk diluted with water. This drink relieves stress, prevents breast cancer and osteoporosis (a disease that leads to brittle bones), lowers blood pressure and fights excess weight.

On hot summer days, try to spend less time driving. Due to the high temperature, the attention and concentration of the driver is weakened, the reaction does not work, and an accident may occur. To quench your thirst, drink in small amounts and in small sips to keep the strain on your heart as low as possible. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, but water and other drinks should not be refrigerated. To quench your thirst, eat fruits, especially apples.

When you drive to the beach, take half an hour to take a bath or just stand in the water. Don't fall asleep in the sun, so use sun umbrellas or another gazebo on the beach.

On hot summer days, try to spend less time driving. Due to the high temperature, the attention and concentration of the driver is weakened, the reaction does not work, and an accident may occur. To quench your thirst, drink in small amounts and in small sips to keep the strain on your heart as low as possible. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, but water and other drinks should not be refrigerated. To quench your thirst, eat fruits, especially apples.

Secret. Tea with milk is a tonic drink that has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.

The secretary of Patriarch Macarius of Antioch, who made a trip to Muscovy in the 18th century, wrote that "in Russia people drink kvass instead of water, and therefore they never get sick from bad water." In the 19th century, it turned out that this drink really has bactericidal properties - after 20 minutes, cholera vibrios and typhoid bacilli die in it. Real, classic kvass, thanks to the carbon dioxide and amino acids it contains, is an excellent thirst quencher. He is full. In addition, kvass belongs to the group of so-called fermented drinks, and therefore contributes to faster digestion of food.

Secret. With regular consumption, kvass improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Not recommended. Drink carbonated kvass sold in bottles. Additives of food colors, sweeteners, citric, sorbic and benzoic acids turn it into an ordinary lemonade, only remotely resembling the original product in taste.

Unfortunately, the beloved “hop nectar” contains alcohol, and therefore more than a couple of bottles a day is already too much. The point is not even in beer alcoholism, but in the fact that alcoholic beverages cannot fully compensate for the loss of water. In addition, beer is high in calories, which means it is not suitable for those who follow the figure.

Secret. Czech and German doctors say: in a small amount (no more than one cup a day), beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, has a positive effect on the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones, and increases the body's defenses.

If you observe accuracy, compote does not refer to drinks, but to sweet dessert dishes, since the most valuable thing in it is not liquid, but berries or fruits. The thirst-quenching ability of compote is rather low - due to the fact that there is more sugar in it than organic acids and mineral salts.

Secret. If on a hot day you decide to drink cold compote, dilute it with a little water and add red wine there (at the rate of 1 glass of wine per 3 liters of compote syrup) - and the thirst will go down the drain.

The prototype of all modern carbonated drinks was lemonade, which was prepared by mixing a small amount of sugar, an alcohol tincture of zest and citrus juice with water. Now manufacturers are abandoning fruit syrups and infusions of fragrant herbs, replacing them with cheaper concentrates. Therefore, food colorings and preservatives (more often than others - sodium benzoate, suspected of being able to cause allergies) have become the main components of "soft drinks". They almost do not quench thirst and are consumed in larger quantities than tasteless liquids. Pleasant sensations play a bad joke on us, because with every sip we get a lot of "foreign" substances - flavors, food additives ... All this "chemistry" leaves a sugary aftertaste, and the so-called residual sweetness has to be washed down again and again.

Secret. A truly healthy lemonade can be prepared at home. To do this, you just need to dilute the fruit puree with mineral water.

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Summer will come very soon, and we all really hope that it will be warm and sunny. Due to the abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables and berries, we can diversify our diet with very healthy dishes and drinks. In this article, you will find out which drinks quench your thirst more effectively on hot days.

How much liquid can you drink

In hot periods, when the air temperature exceeds +25 degrees, the daily intake of liquid drunk is up to 3 liters. But whether it is necessary to exceed this norm, it is worth considering, because excess water in the body can be reflected in edema, too much stress on the kidneys.

Children's daily allowance: up to 40 ml of liquid per 1 kg of body weight. It's no secret that kids love sugary drinks more. With their increased consumption - dilute with water.

In the morning and afternoon, drink most of the liquid, and in the evening and at night, try to reduce your consumption of drinks.

Top 5 Drinks That Quench Your Thirst

1st place - green tea. To get rid of thirst, you need to drink 1/3 less of this miraculous drink than water. In our case, replacing green tea with black will not work. Only cool green tea will save you in the heat, thanks to the tannins that it contains, as a result of which the absorption of fluid from the intestines slows down. Just do not be zealous, you should not drink more than 8 cups of tea per day.

2nd place - water. It perfectly refreshes, increases appetite and can even relieve fatigue and lethargy of the body. If the water seems tasteless, add a slice of lemon or grapefruit to the glass. This will make the drink even healthier. Another solution would be mineral water, which contains the necessary trace elements. Speaking of an unlimited amount of mineral water, I mean, first of all, the dining room. And the use of medicinal or medicinal-table mineral waters must be controlled. If you have no contraindications (gastritis or stomach ulcer), choose sparkling water. Because the carbon dioxide in the mouth causes increased salivation and quenches thirst faster.

3rd place - dairy products. Choose whatever your heart desires: kefir, ayran, fermented baked milk, yogurt, curdled milk, etc. All of the listed drinks quench thirst well, are quickly absorbed (by 91% in 1 hour), and also have a therapeutic effect on the body. Any of the above drinks can be diluted with fruits, berries, vegetables in accordance with personal taste preferences.

4th place - natural juices and fruit drinks. Juices from tomato, cherry, grapefruit, plum, cherry plum effectively quench thirst. What can not be said about juices with pulp. The nutritional value of the latter is higher, but it is better to refuse them as thirst-quenching drinks. This also applies to nectars made from concentrate. Morse will quench your thirst and give beauty to your hair, nails, skin, contribute to a good mood. It's about only about natural juices and drinks, and there are not so many of them on the shelves.

5th place - kvass. Real, classic kvass is a good thirst quencher due to the carbon dioxide it contains, as well as amino acids. The composition of the right kvass contains sourdough, grain, sugar and water. There are no dyes or sweeteners. And in carbonated kvass from real kvass there is only a smell, and then only its imitation.

Drinks that are useless in quenching thirst

  1. Soda (aka "lemonade"). Cause negative impact is a huge amount of sugar contained in soda. It increases thirst, and besides, it contributes to weight gain. And, of course, it’s not even worth talking about flavor enhancers and additives.
  2. Coffee. The function of this drink in the first place is to tone up, it perfectly removes fluid from the body. That is why, to get rid of thirst, coffee and all drinks based on it are the wrong choice.
  3. Beer. The thing is that beer is not able to quench thirst, because the components that make up its composition cause dehydration and we want to drink even more. But if you still inexorably want to taste beer, do it in the evening, choosing light varieties and a strength of no more than 4.5 degrees.
  4. Drinks with ice. In the heat, we want something colder, completely forgetting about the risk of catching a cold due to very cold drinks.

Recipes for drinks at home


You will need the following ingredients: 150 ml sparkling water, half a lemon, half a lime, 3-4 strawberries, fresh mint leaves and 1 tbsp. l. syrup.

Preparation: cut the lemon into slices, put on the bottom of the jug, knead. Fill with soda and let it brew for a short time. Cut the lime into large pieces and put in a large glass. We also add strawberries and mint (without stems). Lightly crush the contents of the glass with a spoon. Most importantly, don't mash the lime and strawberries. Add syrup, mix well, add ice and fill everything with sparkling water.

Cranberry juice recipe

I note that in the same way you can cook fruit drinks from other berries, for example, lingonberries. The advantage of the right fruit drink over compote is that much more vitamins are stored in the drink prepared in this way.

You will need cranberries. They should be washed, mashed and squeezed out the juice. Boil the pomace a little in boiling water, then strain and leave to cool. Add the juice to the boiled broth. Add sugar to taste.

ginger tea recipe

Hot ginger tea perfectly helps to warm up in winter and support the immune system, which has to fight hard against all sorts of viruses. However, the summer version of this drink is no less good. I'll tell you how to cook it.

We put fresh ginger uncut into slices, the zest of one lemon, brewing black tea and mint leaves in a saucepan. The proportions here depend on how much tea you want to end up with. Pour boiling water over everything and leave to infuse until the tea has cooled. Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar or honey to cold tea, pour the resulting drink into glasses with ice, add a few more slices of lemon and fresh mint. You can serve to the table!

Refreshing grapefruit juice

You will need: grapefruit, honey and water.
Preparation: peel the chilled fruits, cut into pieces and beat together with honey into a homogeneous mass using a blender. In a glass of water, add 2 tbsp. l. fruit mass and stir. Moreover, grapefruit-honey puree itself is very tasty and helps with weight loss.

Kefir drink

You will need: low-fat kefir, dill, parsley, fresh cucumber.
Preparation: cool the kefir, chop the dill and parsley, remove the skin from the cucumber. You can also use green onions or cilantro if you like. We mix everything. This drink will not only save you from thirst, but also quench your appetite. And if you want to lose weight and stick to a diet, then you should replace 1 or 2 meals with a kefir drink.

These are just some of the many recipes you can find on the internet. Do you have any favorite time-tested drinks that save you from the heat? I would love to read about them in the comments. I wish you all a hot and tasty summer! 😉

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