Animals. Human impact on nature, negative impact Nature impact on animals message

Technique and Internet 16.06.2019
Technique and Internet

Habitat habitat satisfies the primary needs of man, giving him the opportunity to live. Thanks to the oxygen-rich atmosphere, he breathes. Due to plant and animal resources, as well as the availability of water, it feeds and quenches thirst.

Over the years of its existence, in addition to using natural benefits, people have learned to wrap them in their favor to meet their own needs for comfort. Most food plant origin humanity has learned to grow on its own, often creating artificial conditions for a better harvest. For the same purpose, breeders develop new varieties of plants. Many wild animals have been domesticated for the highest quality food.

Humanity also uses minerals for its own benefit. The extracted resources are processed and sent to further production, allowing the development of such industries as engineering, construction, light and food industry etc.

The influence of nature on man

Despite industrial and technical progress, man has no power over nature. At the biological level, it affects by changing atmospheric pressure, magnetic storms etc.

natural processes in earth's crust and the atmosphere, provoking earthquakes and tsunamis, typhoons and destructive hurricanes, cause significant damage to built cities and settlements, fields, gardens, etc.

The land, plants and atmosphere polluted by chemical and heavy industries, as well as toxic waste, also affect the population of the planet, provoking the development of ailments, reducing immunity and worsening the quality of life in general.

Human influence on nature

Despite the development of technical and scientific progress, humanity must reckon with nature. With illiterate use of resources, damage will be done first to her and only after that will be reflected in people.

A clear illustration of such a treatment is global warming. Significant emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the appearance of ozone holes provoked a gradual increase in temperature and, as a result, the melting of glaciers, an increase in the water level in the world's oceans. The number of hurricanes and weather disasters, which cause material damage and lead to great loss of life, has increased.

Another devastating factor is deforestation, which provokes atmospheric pollution and the imbalance of oxygen / carbon dioxide in the direction of the latter. The extermination of plants and animals of small populations leads to their complete disappearance.

In order to avoid such imbalances leading to disastrous consequences, organizations versed in the issues of competent environmental management are being created, calling on humanity to the rational use of natural resources.

For this, the governments of states and socially active citizens create protected areas and sanctuaries, new forests and gardens are being planted. Before mining, a thorough analysis of deposits is carried out with a forecast of their impact on the environment, subject to development.

Today, this practice is relevant only for developed countries. The so-called third world countries, where most of the population lives below the poverty line, continue to exterminate Natural resources, simultaneously polluting the earth and water with toxins, and despite the irrationality of this approach.

Mankind has existed on planet Earth for more than 2 million years and has had various effects on nature since ancient times. People began to cut down forests to make room for the construction of first settlements, then cities, to exterminate animals, using their meat for food, and their skins and bones to create clothes and dwellings. Many representatives of the fauna disappeared from the face of the planet, becoming victims of people. Consider the influence of humans on animals.


Human influence on the animal world can be both positive and negative. negative character. First of all, people have been actively intruding into life since ancient times. wildlife destroying forests. Humanity needs wood, which is used in construction and industry. The population of the planet is growing every year, so you also need a free place where the cities will be located. In the place of the once dense forests, a person arranges pastures.

Therefore, forests are cut down. There is nowhere for wild representatives of the fauna to live, so their populations are declining from year to year. In addition, forests are the green lungs of the planet, as trees release oxygen into the air during photosynthesis. The fewer of them, the worse the air itself becomes, making the life of some species very difficult. If earlier most of the North American continent was covered dense forests, now in their places cities are proudly located. The tropics, known for their diverse fauna, used to cover more than 10% of the planet's surface, but now they cover only 6%. Often, animals disappear along with their "home".

So the first factor negative impact people on animals - the destruction of the forest, which leads to the death of entire species and even ecosystems.


FROM ancient eras one of the main ways of obtaining food for people was hunting. Man has learned to use spears and harpoons, bows and arrows in order to kill representatives of the wild fauna as simply and safely as possible. However, the hunting of primitive people, the main purpose of which was the extraction of food, did not turn out to be so disastrous for the animals, they did much worse modern man. The meat was no longer of value in itself, but the animals were exterminated in huge quantities because of the valuable fur, bones, tusks. Therefore, many species were completely destroyed:

  • An example of terrifying cruelty and the most negative human impact on animals is Steller's cows. These good-natured clumsy giants, to their misfortune, had very tasty tender meat and a dense skin, which was used to make boats. Therefore, in less than 30 years of acquaintance with civilized people, they completely disappeared from the face of the earth.
  • Great auks are inhabitants of North Antarctica. When people got here, they liked the meat and eggs of these birds, and began to stuff pillows with soft fluff. As a result, a rare bird was destroyed.
  • Black rhinoceros had a very valuable horn, because of which they became the desired prey of hunters and poachers. Now this species is considered completely destroyed, and the animals themselves are rare and are under protection.

In addition to extinct animals that our descendants will never see again, there are many examples of representatives of the fauna, whose numbers were sharply reduced by the rash actions of people. These are elephants, tigers, koalas, sea lions, Galapagos turtles, cheetahs, zebras, hippos. Next, consider the direct and indirect influence of humans on animals.

nature pollution

The industry is actively developing, more and more new factories are constantly being opened, which, for all their usefulness, release toxic waste into the air, which turns out to be detrimental to wildlife. Air and soil pollution is an example of human influence on animals, and the influence is negative.

In order for a plant to work, it needs energy obtained by burning fuel, which is wood, coal, and oil. Burning, they form smoke, which contains the most carbon dioxide. It poisons the atmosphere and can even cause a greenhouse effect. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly difficult for representatives of the wild fauna to survive in the conditions created by an insatiable civilization. The death of hundreds of beasts cause acid rain, the use of poisoned water from reservoirs, where modern enterprises dump their waste.

Ecological disasters

The negative influence of man on animals can also be caused by a tragic accident. So, among the most terrible environmental disasters that led to the death of a large number of representatives of the fauna, the following can be attributed:

  • In 2010, an industrial tanker crashed, nearly destroying Australia's main natural attraction, the Big barrier reef. More than 900 tons of oil fell into the water then, so the event is rightfully considered one of the worst environmental disasters in terms of consequences. An oil slick with an area of ​​about 3 km was formed on the surface of the water, and only the prompt intervention of people saved nature from complete destruction.
  • A methyl isocyanate leak in the Indian city of Bhopal in 1984. Then more than 40 tons of toxic fumes entered the atmosphere, which caused the death of thousands of people and animals.
  • The explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant forever changed natural world Ukraine. The consequences of this monstrous catastrophe still make themselves felt.

There are many examples of horrendous environmental disasters, all of which have an indirect impact on the world of wildlife and its fauna.

Drainage of swamps

With apparent benefits, this process leads to a violation of the ecological balance and can cause the death of animals. It entails the death of plants that need high humidity, which cannot but be reflected in the reduction in the number and species of wild animals that used these plants for food. Thus, the drainage of swamps is an example of the negative impact of humanity.

Use of pesticides

Wanting to get a rich harvest, people spray the fields with poisonous substances that allow them to destroy bacteria and fungi that infect cultivated plants. However, representatives of the animal world often become victims, who, having absorbed the chemical, die immediately or become infected.


Science is making strides forward. People have learned to create vaccines against diseases that were considered incurable a couple of centuries ago. But animals suffer from it again. It is on them that experiments are carried out, new drugs are being studied. On the one hand, this has its own logic, but on the other hand, it is terrible to imagine how many innocent creatures died in agony in laboratories.


In an effort to preserve rare and endangered species, a person takes them under his protection, opening a variety of reserves, reserves, parks. Here the animals live in freedom, in their natural habitat, hunting for them is prohibited, and the number is regulated by experienced researchers. All conditions have been created for the world of fauna. This is an example of the positive influence of man on animals.

Help natural treasures

The already mentioned Great Barrier Reef in Australia is an example of not only the negative, but also the positive impact of mankind on nature. So, a natural attraction is formed by corals - small-sized organisms that live in such extensive colonies that they form entire islands. Since ancient times, people have been protecting this natural treasure, because many amazing creatures have found a home in coral reefs. marine life: parrot fish, butterfly fish, tiger sharks, dolphins and whales, sea ​​turtles and lots of shellfish.

However, the Great Barrier Reef is in danger: the coral polyps that form it are a favorite delicacy of the gluttonous starfish"crown of thorns". For a year, one individual is capable of destroying more than 6 square meters. m of corals. Mankind fights these pests by artificially reducing their numbers, but this is rather problematic, since the only effective, but safe for the ecosystem, method is to collect the crown of thorns by hand.

We have considered the direct and indirect influence of man on animals and we can conclude that negative impact much more pronounced. Humans destroy entire species and make life impossible for others, numerous ecological disasters XX-XXI centuries caused the death of entire ecosystems. Now efforts are being made to protect and protect rare and endangered species, but so far the results are disappointing.

animal fishing hunting beast

The value of animals is divided into two points:

Role in the dynamic balance of the circulation of substances in the natural environment.

Animals as a source of raw materials, nutrition for humans. Speaking of animals as raw materials, you need to know that animals are used by humans as a supplier to the leather, fur and fur industries, etc.

For humans, animals also have a negative meaning - they can be pathogens and carriers of diseases, pests of forest and agricultural plants, etc.

But the distribution of the animal world into "harmful" and "useful" is conditional and depends directly on economic activity of people.

There are about 2 million species of animals on Earth. Due to human impact, the population of most species has dramatically decreased, and some species have disappeared completely.

On Earth, modern man has existed for approximately 40 thousand years. Only 10 thousand years ago man began to engage in agriculture and cattle breeding. In view of which, for 30 thousand years, hunting was the only source of clothing and food. The extinction of many species increased proportionally with the improvement of hunting methods and tools.

Development Vehicle and tools allowed man to penetrate into the most remote corners of the Earth. The extermination of animals, the extinction of some species accompanied the development of new territories. Due to uncontrolled hunting, dozens of species of the animal world turned out to be on the verge of extinction.

The population of animals and birds is declining, in addition to direct extermination, also as a result of the deterioration of environmental conditions on Earth. The conditions for the existence of a large number of species of animals and birds are influenced by anthropogenic changes in landscapes. Interfere with the life of animals, lead to a decrease in their numbers even with a ban on hunting such factors as draining swamps, clearing forests, plowing prairies and steppes, regulating runoff, and polluting the oceans.

Timber harvesting in most countries of the Earth has led to a change in forests. Small-leaved coniferous forests are increasingly replaced by small-leaved forests, naturally, the composition of their fauna also changes. Animals living in coniferous forests, do not find enough food and shelter places in the secondary aspen and birch forests.

Radically changes the habitat conditions of many lake and river fish, leads to a decrease in their numbers, the transformation and change in the nature of most lakes and rivers. Pollution of water bodies causes significant damage to fish stocks, while the concentration of oxygen in the water is significantly reduced, which leads to massive fish kills.

The ecological state of water bodies is significantly affected by river dams, which significantly reduce the inflow nutrients in river deltas, coastal parts of lakes and seas, hinder the way for spawning migratory fish, worsen the condition of spawning grounds. To prevent the negative impact of dams on ecological systems aquatic complexes, engineering and biotechnical developments are used, for example, fish passages and fish elevators are installed). The construction of fish hatcheries and fish hatcheries is more effective way reproduction of the fish stock.

Animal world strongly influenced by human activity, which causes an increase in the number of some species, a decrease in the population of others and the extinction of others. This impact is distinguished as direct and indirect.

Game animals, which are exterminated for the sake of fat, meat, fur, etc., are directly affected. As a result, their population decreases, individual species die out. Also, direct human impacts on the animal world include poisoning by emissions from industrial enterprises and death from toxic chemicals.

The indirect influence of man on the animal world can be traced in a change in the habitat: the use of pesticides, the construction of dams, the plowing of steppes, deforestation, the construction of cities, the drainage of swamps, and so on.

Economic activity has influenced the emergence of anthropogenic landscapes with their corresponding fauna.

The reduction of insular forests in the forest-steppe, the plowing of prairies and steppes is characterized by the almost complete extinction of most representatives of the fauna of the steppes.

The negative impact of man on the animal world is increasing, and for most species it threatens complete extinction. Every year, one species (or subspecies) of vertebrates disappears. The risk of extinction threatens more than six hundred species of birds, 120 species of mammals. For these representatives of the animal world, special measures are needed for their conservation.

Unlike plants, animals are heterotrophs. This is the name given to organisms that are unable to create organic substances from inorganic ones. They create the organic substances necessary for their body from organic substances that come with food. Unlike animals, plants form organic substances from inorganic substances, using the energy of light for this. But in animal life light also plays an important role. Many animals have organs of vision that allow them to navigate in space, distinguish individuals of their own species from others, search for food, make migrations, etc. Some species of animals are active during the day ( falconiformes, swallows, zebras), others at night ( cockroaches, owls, hedgehogs).

Most animal species live in conditions that change throughout the year. In the spring, the duration of daylight hours gradually increases, and with the approach of autumn, it begins to decrease. Responding to changes in the length of daylight hours, animals can prepare in advance for the onset of changes in nature. The response of organisms to changes in daylight hours is called photoperiodism.

Another important factor inanimate nature that affects the vital activity of organisms is temperature. At cold-blooded animals (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles) body temperature depends on the ambient temperature. In conditions low temperatures they fall into a state of stupor.

warm-blooded animals (birds, mammals) are able to maintain body temperature, regardless of its changes in environment, at a more or less constant level. To do this, they need to spend a lot of energy. Therefore, in winter, they face the acute problem of finding food.

Animals that live in low temperatures are called cold-loving (penguins, polar bear , deep sea fish and etc.). These animals have well-developed hair or feathers, a layer of subcutaneous fat, etc.

Species living in conditions elevated temperatures, called thermophilic (stony corals, antelopes, hippos, like a scarecrow and etc.) (Fig. 276, 4-6). Many species are able to live in conditions of periodic temperature changes. They are called cold-resistant (wolves, foxes, hoodie and etc.) .

Another environmental factor, which plays an important role in the life of animals, is humidity . The body of many animals contains 50-60% water, and the body of jellyfish is up to 98%. Water ensures the transport of substances throughout the body, takes part in their chemical transformations, regulation of body temperature, excretion of end products of metabolism, etc. Among the animals there are moisture-loving, drought-resistant and dry-loving. To moisture-loving include those species of animals that can only live in conditions of high humidity (for example, woodlice, earthworms, amphibians). Unlike them, dry-loving species (sacred scarab beetle, desert views snake and lizards etc.) are able to effectively retain water in their body. This gives them the opportunity to live in arid steppes and deserts. Many animal species are drought-resistant: they are able to survive certain periods of drought (many species Zhukov, reptiles, mammals and etc.).

For animals living in aquatic environment, important salt composition of water. Some types of protozoa, crustaceans, fish can live only in fresh water, others - only in the seas. material from the site

Experience by animals of the long periods of adverse conditions. Animals experience periods of adverse conditions in different ways. For example, in winter, some animal species hibernate ( Brown bear, hedgehog, badger, etc.). This allows them to reduce their energy expenditure when food is scarce. For desert dwellers, hibernation can occur in the summer, during the dry season. Single-celled animals endure unfavorable conditions at the stage of cysts. Many invertebrates survive unfavorable conditions at the egg stage (among crustaceans - scutes, many insects).

Among inanimate factors the greatest impact on animals is carried out by:

  • light;
  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • salt composition of water.

On this page, material on the topics:

  • What factors of inanimate nature affect animal organisms

  • Connection with the factors of the inanimate nature of the eagle owl

  • What factors of inanimate nature influence the development of the organic world of kopeisk

  • Animal life and the influence of light

  • How do inanimate factors affect organisms

Questions about this item:


By discipline: "Protection of flora and fauna"
Topic: "Animal world and its significance in nature and people's lives"

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II. The animal world and its significance in nature ……………………
III. Significance in human life
IV. Conclusion…………………………………………………… ……………………………
V. References…………………………………………………………………………

Animals inhabit the entire globe: land, freshwater, seas and oceans. Everything that surrounds animals in the place where they live is called habitat. There are three main habitats: water, land-air and soil. Accordingly, the conditions of existence in them differ. Those conditions that affect animals are called environmental factors. There are factors of inanimate and living nature, as well as those that arise as a result of human activity.
Factors of inanimate nature are temperature, humidity, wind, etc. For example, light and temperature determine the distribution of many animals. And factors such as topography and humidity affect the formation of plant communities and the animals that inhabit them.
Factors of living nature are a variety of relationships between various living organisms. So, between a cat and a house mouse, relationships were established that are characteristic of a predator and a victim: the cat is a predator, and the mouse is its victim. This is an example of food bonds, which form the basic form of bonds in all organisms.
The factors that arise as a result of human activity are also diverse. This is the direct impact of man on animals, for example, hunting or fishing and their indirect impact. Thus, when felling a forest, a person does not destroy animals, but such conditions are created that the habitat of animals in the cut areas of the forest becomes impossible.

According to modern system, the kingdom Animals are divided into two sub-kingdoms: Unicellular, or Protozoa, and Multicellular.

Some animals live secretly or are very small, so we do not notice them. Others, on the contrary, are often encountered by us, such as insects, birds, animals.
The importance of animals in nature is as great as the importance of plants. Animals pollinate plants and play a large role in dispersing the seeds of some of them. Along with bacteria, animals take an active part in soil formation. earthworms, ants and other small animals constantly introduce organic matter into the soil, crush them and thereby contribute to the creation of humus. Through the minks and passages of burrowing animals, the water and air necessary for plant life more easily penetrate to the roots. In turn, green plants enrich the air with oxygen, necessary for the respiration of all animals. Plants serve as food for herbivorous animals, and those, in turn, for carnivores. So there is a food chain: plants - herbivorous animals - predators. Animals cannot exist without plants. But the life of plants depends on the life of animals.
The sanitary significance of animals is very great - they use the corpses of other animals, the remains of dead plants and fallen leaves. Many aquatic animals purify water, the purity of which is as important for life as the purity of the air.

The diversity of animals, their structure, features of life and behavior, reproduction, development, their origin and evolution, distribution, significance in nature and human life is studied zoology - animal science.
Animals have many common features with representatives of other kingdoms. For example, animals and plants have a cellular structure similar to chemical composition(carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, ATP, etc.), many general properties (metabolism, heredity, variability, irritability).
However, animals have special features of organization that distinguish them from plants. The most profound difference lies in the nature of the nutrition of these organisms: plants are autotrophs, and animals are heterotrophs. The vast majority of animals are mobile, they are characterized by complex behavioral responses that are absent in plants. However, among them there are attached and inactive forms, the distribution of which is carried out by mobile larvae.
Growth of most animals has a limitation and is carried out mainly only in a certain period of their development. Only a few of them (some crayfish, crocodiles, turtles) grow throughout their lives.
Animal cells, unlike plants, Dont Have cell wall, plastids, vacuoles. Reserve carbohydrate- glycogen, and the end products of nitrogen metabolism are ammonia, urea, uric acid.

Similarities and differences between animals and plants.
Animals, like plants, are living organisms that have much in common. Both of them consist of complex organic substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. Both of them have a cellular structure, a similar nature of many life processes. All this speaks of the relationship of plants and animals, of their origin from a common ancestor.
However, there are significant differences between plants and animals. Green plants, through photosynthesis, are able to create the organic substances of their body from the inorganic substances of the environment. Animals (with very rare exceptions) are not capable of photosynthesis and build their bodies at the expense of organic matter from plants or other animals. Unlike plants, the vast majority of animals are able to move and perform various movements.

II. Animal world and its significance in nature

Biosphere is the outer shell the globe, in which life developed in the form of a large number of diverse organisms inhabiting the surface of the land, soil, lower layers of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, and which, in its composition and properties, is a product of the interaction of living and inanimate matter of the Earth (V. A. Kovda, 1971). The greatest contribution to the development of ideas about the biosphere and the processes occurring in it was made by the outstanding Russian scientist Academician V. I. Vernadsky.

The animal world is an important part of the biosphere of our planet. Together with plants, animals play an exceptional role in the migration of chemical elements that underlie the relationships that exist in nature (Fig. 17.1).
Animals, which there are today, according to scientists, more than 1.8 million species, are consumers of organic matter created by plants from inorganic due to solar energy.

Animals are consumers of organic matter created by plants from inorganic matter due to solar energy. Eating plants and each other, animals participate in the biological cycle of substances, as well as in the cycle of substances on the planet. As a result, their role in the development and life of nature is great and diverse.
Great importance animals have in the formation of landscapes. Due to marine, mainly unicellular, animals with a solid skeleton, sedimentary rocks (chalk, limestone, etc.) are formed, the deposits of which occupy a vast territory on the surface of the Earth. The occurrence of in the warm seas of numerous coral islands, the total area of ​​​​which is very significant.
The role of animals in the formation of soil and weathering crust is great. The smallest roundworms, ants, beetles and their larvae, mammals (diggers) and other animals living in huge quantities on Earth loosen the soil, promote aeration and penetration of moisture into it, enrich it with organic substances, increase her fertility.
With the participation of animals, the chemical composition of underground and groundwater is formed, a special surface atmosphere arises.
Big influence animals have on plant life. Some animals are pollinators of plants (many insects, some birds - hummingbirds, nectaries, flower girls, certain types bats), others - carriers of their seeds (many birds and mammals). A significant number of plants could not exist at all without animals, since without the help of the latter they cannot pollinate or settle. Many animals (herbivores) eat plants, contributing to this improvement or, conversely, the deterioration (during overgrazing) of the vegetation cover. Finally, there are many animals that cause various kinds of diseases and damage in plants (insects, etc.), often leading to the death of certain plant species over vast territories.
By participating in the circulation of substances in nature, influencing the state and development of its other components, animals play an important role in the life of the biosphere, and especially in maintaining the "system of dynamic balance" in wildlife. Animal life is closely related to the life of plants, and a change in the number of the former is inevitable affects the number and general condition of the latter. Various interspecific relationships have also developed between animals, as a result of which the fate of some is dependent on others.
The foregoing determines the great role that animals play in natural biogeocenoses, or ecosystems. Being an important heterotrophic component of any biogeocenosis, animals interact with its other components, thereby maintaining its inherent dynamic balance.
By feeding on plants and each other, animals participate in the biological cycle of substances, as well as in the cycle of substances on the planet. Hence the role of nature in the development and life of nature is great and varied. One animal species is not capable of breaking down the organic matter of plants into final products in any ecosystem. Each species uses only a part of the plants and some of the organic matter contained in them. Plants unsuitable for this species or plant remains that are still rich in energy are used by other animal species. Thus, complex and most complex food chains and networks are formed, successively extracting substances and energy from photosynthetic plants. In the process of evolution, animal species have adapted to the most efficient use of a certain set of food objects. Each of the species at the population level is adapted to the fact that it is food for a number of other species.
In the most complex interconnected ecosystem, animals as a mobile active element largely determine the stability of this system. Being dependent on plants, animals, in turn, determine their life, the structure and composition of soils, and the appearance of the landscape. The most diverse and numerous group of animals (two-thirds) are insects, which are of the greatest importance in ecosystems. Without insects, conifers, ferns, mosses and other gymnosperms would dominate among plants, since most flowering plants are pollinated by insects. Many birds and fish subsist on insects. Their great role in the formation of soils. Other invertebrates also play a variety of roles in ecosystems. The role of earthworms is well known, contributing to the aeration of the soil, the distribution of humus in it, and the creation of its structure. Of great importance are earth mites, nematodes, wood lice, centipedes and many others that increase soil fertility. The significance of mollusks as a source of food for other animals, as water filterers, ensuring its purification is great and varied. With the participation of animals, the chemical composition of underground and groundwater is formed, a special surface atmosphere arises. By participating in the cycle of substances in nature, influencing the state and development of its other components, animals play an important role in the life of the biosphere and especially in maintaining the "system of dynamic balance" in wildlife.
In nature, all species are associated with others, and the destruction of one can lead to completely unforeseen consequences. One example of this relationship is the recent use of hexachlorane in many regions for locust control. At the same time, the number of such predatory insects as ladybugs and lacewings was significantly reduced. As a result, the reproduction of scale insects, whiteflies, bedbugs, thrips and mites increased on crops of legumes, fruit and berry and citrus crops.

IV. Conclusion
The world consisting of animals is one component of the whole natural environment. Once taken care of, it will serve as the basis for its use. Many people are engaged in animal breeding, limiting and exterminating the sources of carriers of sick animals.
It is necessary to realize that the animal world is not only an important component of the natural ecological system and at the same time the most valuable biological resource. It is also very important that all kinds of animals form the genetic fund of the planet, they are necessary and useful. There are no stepchildren in nature, just as there are no absolutely useful and absolutely harmful animals. Everything depends on their number, living conditions and a number of other factors. One of the varieties of 100 thousand species of various flies, the housefly, is a carrier of a number of contagious diseases. At the same time, flies feed a huge number of animals (small birds, toads, spiders, lizards, etc.). Only a few species (ticks, pest rodents, etc.) are subject to strict control. The animal world has a huge impact on the life of the biosphere and therefore requires close attention to the problems of its protection. Habitat destruction and pollution of the biosphere causes irreparable damage to all living things. Many animal species have already disappeared as a result of direct extermination and a number of indirect reasons. A significant part of the animals are threatened with the same fate, as evidenced by the list of species listed in the Red Books. A person must make a lot of efforts and material means to save the gene pool of the animal world of our planet. The animal world is an important part of the natural environment. Taking care of it is the basis of its wise use. Knowing the characteristics of individual animal species, their role in nature, a person can protect useful, rare and endangered species, increase their numbers or limit the reproduction of agricultural pests, vectors and pathogens. In our country, concern for the animal world is given great national importance. The Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR says: "Citizens of the USSR are obliged to protect nature and protect its riches." Since 1980, the Law on the Protection and Use of the Fauna of the USSR has been in force. Rare and endangered species of animals of our country are listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

The huge role of animals in the life of the biosphere makes us pay close attention to the problem of animal protection.

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