Abbreviated name Alexey. What does the name Alexei mean? Negative character traits

Family and relationships 30.10.2020
Family and relationships

Alexey is a simple popular name in the Slavic lands with a direct meaning - “protector”. What is the strength of the named people - it's time to reveal the secret!

Name origin

Roots male name Greek, it is based on the verb of the action “aleko” - I protect, protect, protect. Once, like many other ancient Greek appeals, in other countries, the name was not lost or transformed, but became one of the popular and sought-after nicknames chosen for boys at birth.

general characteristics

Aleshenka is a mother's favorite, a child long-awaited and kindly treated by women of the family. Outwardly, the boy is similar in features to the woman who gave birth to him, but here the similarity, perhaps, ends.

The kid is independent and stubborn, strong in health and physically hardy. Already from the cradle, he begins to understand that born of a man, protector and provider. He will never attack another or attack an opponent.

Lesha's mission is to protect his territory from encroachment and keep the peace of his loved ones in the crazy world whirlwind.

Alexey is an introvert who tends to experience what is happening deep inside himself. The boy loves historical and fantasy novels, is fond of activities that develop the intellect, prefers to be away from the hustle and bustle and does not seek the attention of society.

The owner of the name studies mediocrely, although he has talents. Unfortunately, Lesha's banal laziness and the busyness of his parents, who could control and guide the guy in his studies, become obstacles to getting a decent education and building a decent career.

In women, Alex is always looking for maternal support and approval, if the chosen one has the wisdom to admire her beloved and constantly encourage his undertakings, the young man will turn mountains to make his wife happy.

Positive character traits

Alexey is a reliable friend and faithful partner. He is somewhat slow and hard to adapt to change, but this quality often saves a man from rash decisions and critical situations.

The bearer of the name is inquisitive beyond measure: if his inquisitive mind touches something that is incomprehensible to him, the young man will make every effort and get to the bottom of the truth hidden from him.

Negative character traits

Alyosha's strong-willed and serious demeanor often hides a vulnerable, insecure child. With his stubbornness and non-acceptance of other people's opinions, he scares away from himself many good people who meet in life, which he later secretly regrets.

With the opposite sex, Alexei is too soft, he simply cares, without romantic frills. She chooses a neat and tidy partner, because by nature she is very squeamish.

In health, a guy should pay close attention to the problems of the stomach. Alcohol and cigarettes, to which Alyosha has an increased attachment, only aggravate the process of destruction of the body, so often the owners of the name end up in hospitals with exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Zodiac sign

The name Alexei will give inner strength and versatility of talents to a child born in Aquarius or Cancer.
The giant planet Neptune will patronize the owner of the name in life and bring harmony into interpersonal relationships.
Marine colors in clothes (blue, aquamarine, green, blue) will give a man confidence and courage.
Bright durable lapis lazuli, used in men's jewelry, will become a talisman and a protective amulet for Alyosha.


Alex, Alyosha, Aleshenka, Lesha, Lesik, Leshik, Lech, Leshka, Leshenka.

Name Variations

Alexy, Oleksy, Oleksa, Alexius, Alyaksey, Alessio, Alex, Alikesai, Alejo, Arekusey.

Historical figures

end of IV - beginning of V centuries. - Roman Alexis, Christian Saint.
1057 - 1118 - Byzantine emperor Alexei I (founder of the whole Komnenos dynasty).
1169 - 1183 - Byzantine emperor Alexei II (also Komnenos).
1153 - 1203 - Byzantine emperor Alexei III (from the genus of Angels).
Beginning 14th century - 1378 - Metropolitan of Kyiv (and all Russia) Alexei the Holy (Byakont).
1817 - 1875 - Russian count, writer Alexei Tolstoy.
1905 - 1977 - Soviet miner, leader of labor Alexei Stakhanov.
1920 – 1979 – Soviet actor Alexey Smirnov.
1908 - 1986 - Soviet playwright Alexei Arbuzov.
1919 - 1959 - Soviet songwriter Alexei Fatyanov.

Modern carriers of the name Alexei

born 1928 - Soviet, now Russian actor Batalov;
born 1954 - singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Glyzin;
born 1964 - Russian actor Serebryakov;
born 1964 - Russian actor Nilov;
born 1976 - athlete, gymnast, Olympic champion Nemov;
born 1979 - Belarusian freestyler, Olympic champion Grishin;
born 1981 - actor of theater and cinema of Russia Chadov;
born 1988 - musician, actor of Russia Vorobyov.

name day

Alexei has many patron saints both in Orthodoxy and in catholic faith. Winter birthdays can choose a date for honoring their own nickname from the following:

03, 05-07, 10, 11, 17, 23, 26 December
February 17 (and for Catholics), February 20, 25, 28 (as well as the first Sunday after February 7).

For spring Alekseev, the day of the Angel can be one of the dates:

For summer “defenders”, the calendar has prepared a name day to choose from:

02, 5, 20, 22, 23 June
04, 06, 14, 17 (and for Catholics) July
02, 04, 11, 20, 22, 25-27, 30 August.

The autumn period is richest in Alexei's name day:

04, 07, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29 September
01, 02, 04, 11, 13, 14, 18, 29 October
03, 06, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23, 27 November.

Origin of the name Alexey: the name came from Greek from the word Alex.

The meaning of the name Alexei is translated from Greek as defender, assistant, protective.

Character and fate

The name Aleksey in its energy is not burdened with anything negative, it is quite cheerful and calm. Even though this name does not push its owner to leadership, it reliably hides him from various troubles. main role in fate Alexey, his upbringing plays, and in what environment he will grow up.

The name Alexei is considered neutral, so many parents call their son that, intuitively feeling the energy of this name. Alexey is easily able to fit into any team, without causing rejection. But not everything is always as good as you want, especially when, during the upbringing of Alexei, his ambition will be highly developed. On the one hand, Alexei, who is devoid of any ambitious aspirations, can become a terribly lazy person, on the other hand, with a strong development of ambition, he can have an internal conflict, which in turn can lead to various unpleasant situations.

The secret of the name Alexei: The fact that balance is directly inherent in this name and endows its owner with calmness and confidence can sometimes prevent him from becoming famous.

Little Alyosha is quite strongly attached to his mother. From early childhood, not surprisingly, he already feels himself as her protector, and growing up, he feels like a protector of all those women who surround him directly. Alexey himself is a friendly person, he does not like to talk a lot, he prefers to do. And despite the fact that in childhood he does not lead in the company of boys, they turn to him for advice.

Already adult Alekseys treat their affairs diligently, they are engaged in painstaking work with obvious pleasure. They strive for perfection in their field of work. No matter what Alexey takes up, no matter what he does, soon he will still become the best in this field. Working at the factory, he will be an indispensable master, playing sports, he will be a patient coach, as for business, here he is an indispensable partner.

Alekseys are ambitious to some extent, which helps them, with their businesslike qualities, to achieve a fairly good position in society. The owner of the name Alexei is a person who has pronounced creative abilities. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find writers, artists, and actors among Alekseevs. They do not shy away from the exact sciences, Alexei can be good surgeons, physicists, forensic scientists, engineers.

Alexei's success is often helped by their fairly well-developed intuition. Alexey has such a character trait as complaisance. It can be said that he is always calm, hardworking, conscientious, thorough and persistent. He can give in to his wife in trifles, but if something concerns serious issues, then here he will show sufficient firmness, and those who know him very well will not even argue with him about this.

From point of view love relationship, then the interpretation of the name Alexei is somewhat different. First of all, she appreciates cleanliness. AT conflict situations wife with others, will always take her side, even when not right. Alexei is not jealous, so his wife can lead him by the nose for a long time. He is faithful, most likely because of a feeling of disgust. He good father take care of your children more than yourself. Throughout his life, he retains filial affection for his parents.

Alexei, born in winter period are the most difficult to communicate with.

Great people

Now let's find out who contributed to the history of the name Alexei. The famous namesake of Alexei was Alyosha Popovich, according to legend, the hero of the Russian land, one of the famous heroic trinity. According to legend, Alyosha Popovich was even born, not like normal children are born, because life on that day is thunder in the clear sky, and, having been born, he first of all asked his mother for blessings to walk around the white world, and not to wear his diapers swaddled, but with chain mail. Even from a very young age, he already perfectly wielded weapons and kept in the saddle, even then he was ready for exploits.

AT folk tales Alyosha Popovich has the image of a more fervent warrior, a bearer of the qualities inherent in a simple person. He is not averse to cheating, sometimes even framing his comrades, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets. In epics, he is described as a favorite of women. Alyosha's true weapon was intelligence and cunning. In addition to all this, Alyosha has the image of a somewhat sly, boastful, self-confident hero, perhaps that is why he is one of the brightest fairy-tale characters, in which there is much more life than other purely fairy-tale characters.

In communication, Alexey is balanced, which makes him a good listener, an adviser positive reference at friends. He will not refuse to support you and is always capable of compassion. Just don't put pressure on him.

Name horoscope

What does the name Alexei mean in astrology:
  • Corresponding zodiac sign: Libra;
  • Ruler Planet: Jupiter
  • Character traits: Cheerful, balanced, independent;
  • Name colors: All shades of red and light green;
  • Lucky colors: For balance - green, for more activity - red;
  • The patron saints of the name: Moscow Alexy (February 25), Reverend Alexy (March 30), Caves Alexy (October 11);
  • Talisman stone: Jasper and Alexandrite.

Video stories about the name

The secret and designation of the name Alexei:

In this video you will learn what the name means in a spiritual sense:

The name Alexei comes from the Greek Alexios, which means "protector". He really becomes a real support for his family and friends. At baptism, the old Russian version of the name is used - Alexy. Alexey is a strong-willed person who is not alien to such character traits as sensuality, compassion, good nature and compliance.

Alexey is one of the most common names in Russia. It was worn by kings, generals, patriarchs, boyars, nobles. The translation of the name Alexey in different languages ​​\u200b\u200bhas a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language translated as Alexis, on French: Alexis, Esperanto: Aleksio, Spanish: Alejo, Italian: Alessio, Ukrainian: Oleksiy, Belarusian: Aleksey.

Characteristics of the name Alexei

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

patron planet: .

The dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Lapis lazuli, Jasper, Alexandrite.

Talisman-color: Green, Red.

Mascot Plant: Mistletoe.

Animal Mascot: Elk.

Character features: Friendliness, Peacefulness, Calmness, Intuition, Patience.

Alexey and Diana- emotionality, temperament and stubbornness reign in the relationship between Lesha and Diana. Despite this, these two are well together, they know how to put up with each other's shortcomings, so their union may well be strong.

Alexey and Evgenia- this is a very emotional union in which Alexey and Evgenia are not used to restraining their emotions and feelings, which can negatively affect their family life. Only by making concessions, these two will be able to save the family.

Alexey and Daria- soft and fragile Dasha needs a strong and reliable shoulder, which is Alex, who is ready to make the life of his beloved stable and happy.

Alexey and Olesya- the proud and straightforward Olesya does not always understand and accept the controversial nature of Lesha, who is subject to a sharp change in mood. He is not satisfied with Olesya's straightforwardness, therefore conflicts are frequent in their family.

Alexey and Alena- both partners are characterized by both excessive emotionality and moodiness. She is restless, and he is homely, but this does not separate, but, on the contrary, brings together Lesha and Alena, because they know how to make concessions.

Alexey and Margarita- these two are trying to help not only each other, but also those around them, and the desire to make the world a better place only brings Alexei and

The name Alexei is not burdened with any negative energy. It endows its owner with peace and love of life. Such a man does not have pronounced leadership qualities, but still knows how to find mutual language with people, to protect loved ones from all sorts of troubles.

Name origin

The roots of the name Alexei go to Ancient Greece. In translation, it means “protector”, “one who protects”. In Russia, the name became popular after the adoption of Christianity. For the most part, it was distributed among the aristocracy, boyars and military senior ranks.

The names Alexey and Alexander have a common origin. But interpreters note that they have different energy. Sasha is more solid, balanced, and Lyosha is soft, like dough. Figuratively speaking, Alexander always stands straight, as if a soldier is on duty, and Alexei falls for an infinitely long time.

Forms of the name Alexei

Short forms of the name:

  • Alyosha;
  • Lyosha;
  • Alex;
  • Lyokha;
  • Alyokha.

The short form Alex is also characteristic of the related name - Alexander.

Researchers of names note the dependencies of the character of a man, depending on what short form he is most often called. Alyosha is bright and brave, Lyosha is cheerful and kind, and Lyokha is a good friend with whom it is pleasant to relax.

Diminutive forms:

  • Alyoshenka;
  • Alexeyushka;
  • Leshenka;
  • Lyoshik;
  • Alexeika.

Photo gallery: name forms

Alexey - full name form
Alyosha - one of the most common short forms of the name
Lyokham Alekseev is usually called only by the closest friends of Lyosha - a short form of the name Alexei Alyoshenka - a beautiful and sweet affectionate appeal to Alexei

The church form of the name is Alexy.

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - ALEKSEI.

Patronymics formed from this name: Alekseevich, Alekseevna.

When writing poems about a man with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Alex - candles, passions, ships, a favorite of children, all the fun; Alyosha - nobleman, skin, burden.

Table: name variations in different languages

LanguageIs writtenread
EnglishAlexey, AlexisAlexey, Alexis
Chinese阿列克谢 Aliekeksie
Korean알렉세이 Arregsay
Japaneseアレクセイ Arekusei
DeutschAlexey, AlexiusAlexey, Alexius
FrenchAlexey, AlexisAlexey, Alexy
Danish, Swedish, NorwegianAlexisAlexis
FinnishAleksi, AleksisAlexi, Alexis
Arabأليكسي Alixi
GreekΑλέξιος, Αλέξης Alexios, Alexis
CzechAles, AlexeyAlesh, Alexey
HungarianAleksiye, AleksijeAlexy
BulgarianAlexi, Alexa, AlexeiAlexi, Alexa, Alexei

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Alexei:

  • Dmitrievich;
  • Sergeyevich;
  • Denisovich;
  • Olegovych;
  • Igorevich.

Nickname options for social networks

  • alexey;
  • olexiy;
  • lesha;
  • alex;
  • a.l.e.k.s.

Songs with this name: "Alyokha" by Vladimir Vysotsky, "Alyoshka" by the group "Hands Up", "Lyokha" by Alina Apina.

Video: Alina Apina's song about Lyokha

Patron saints of Alexei, name day dates

There are a lot of patrons of men with the name Alexei (39 saints). The most famous of them:

  • Metropolitan of Moscow, as well as of all Russia, Alexy;
  • Alexis the man of God;
  • Prince Alexy (known in the world as Alexander) Nevsky;
  • Priest Alexy Bortsurmansky;
  • Bishop Alexy of Vifinsky;
  • recluse Alexy Pechersky;
  • Martyr Alexy of Constantinople.

Alexy the man of God grew up in a wealthy Roman family. He was brought up in piety, from his youth he fasted, helped the poor. The guy wanted to devote his whole life to serving God, but his parents had other plans - they decided to marry their son.

On the day of the wedding, Alexy ran away from home and headed for Mesopotamia. When he arrived, he sold all his belongings and distributed the money to those in need. After that, he began to live at the church, collected alms and distributed them to the poor. After 17 years, the man returned home, but did not give himself away. For another 17 years he lived at his father's court, praying and serving God. Only after his death, the parents learned from the papers of the deceased that the son had been with them for so long.

Alexy, man of God - patron saint Alekseev

Name day (angel day) Alekseev is in every month of the year, except January:

  • February 17, 20, 25 and 28;
  • March 8, 22, 28 and 30
  • 5 and 18 April;
  • 4 and 7 May;
  • June 2, 5, 20, 22 and 23;
  • 4, 6, 14 and 17 July;
  • August 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27 and 30;
  • 4, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25 and 29 September;
  • October 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 14, 18 and 29;
  • 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23 and 27 November;
  • December 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 23rd and 26th.

March 30 is popularly called Warm Alexy. It is believed that on this day spring finally comes into its own. The beekeepers take out the beehives, the owners prepare the potatoes for planting, the gardeners fix the equipment. They believed: if an unmarried girl on Alexy’s day gave a beggar some of her clothes, they would soon come to her in marriage.

Characteristics and influence of the name

The positive qualities include:

  • reliability;
  • equilibrium;
  • practicality;
  • striving for justice;
  • the ability to protect loved ones from trouble.

By nature, Alesya is a peacemaker. He hates any enmity and bloodshed. The only exception might be the battle to restore justice. This is a calm and cheerful man who quickly finds a common language with other people.

Among the negative qualities are:

  • weak will;
  • distraction;
  • excessive softness.

Leshenka in childhood

Little Alyosha is a real sissy. He does not hesitate to hug and kiss his parents, to say that he loves them. But this does not mean that the child grows pampered. The boy is already early years considers himself the protector and helper of his mother (as well as grandmothers, aunts, sisters). entrusted to him homework does a good job without any hiccups.

As a child, Alyoshenka is a real sissy

As a child, Lyoshenka is taciturn and somewhat reserved. Whenever he speaks, it is always to the point. He does not like boastful talkers, so there are no such people in the boy's circle of friends. sincere and immediate child does not flaunt his ambitions. This earns him the respect and love of those around him.

At school, Alexei has a good academic performance, although he is capable of more. The inherent laziness of the boy does not allow him to fully show his knowledge and abilities. This is an honest and fair child. True, his emotionality often prevents him from sensibly explaining and defending his opinion.


As a teenager, Alexei often gets into unpleasant situations because of his excessive emotionality. During this period of life, he is still learning to keep everything under control. Calmness, benevolence, prudence and the desire to fight for justice appear and increase in the character of the guy. Responsive and sensitive Lyosha will never leave friends and relatives in trouble.

The young owner of this name can show excessive stubbornness and excessive perseverance. He has no desire to take leadership positions, but the guy does not tolerate when his opinion is not heeded. At the same time, Alyosha will under no circumstances submit to someone else's will.

This is an absolutely non-conflict young man who tries to solve all problems calmly, peacefully. He tries not to find himself in adventurous situations and live, adhering to his own principles.

The influence of the name on the character and fate of the adult Alexei

According to Pavel Florensky, Alexei is endowed with a subtlety of consciousness. Attitude to the world, life, other people largely depends on his emotions. He seems to lack a line that separates him from everything external, while there is some kind of inability to exist independently in this reality. The cunning, which is inherent in such a man, acts as his means of self-defense. It is not as simple as it seems. If Lyosha is considered stupid, he will strive to look even more stupid, rejoicing in his soul that he fooled people who were going to take advantage of his helplessness with the mask of a jester.

According to Florensky, Alexei can hide behind a mask of foolishness and frivolity, defending himself from intrigue and betrayal.

Boris Khigir claims that Alexey is a man of action. This is a benevolent and laconic man who diligently performs any business, even very painstaking work. He always strives for perfection. Whatever profession he chooses, after a while Alyosha becomes a real master of his craft. The ambition and business qualities of his character will help the owner of such a name to achieve a high position in society. He is very flexible, hardworking, responsible and persistent.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the balance characteristic of this name gives Alexei calmness and confidence, but makes him invisible to others. Most often, he lives aloof from society, preferring to be guided only by his own convictions. The guy does not tolerate attempts to break his will and subjugate other people's opinions, and he himself does not have a penchant for violence. The bearer of this name is loved and respected.

Many have known Alyosha Popovich since childhood, the kindest and most cheerful of the trinity. epic heroes. In legends, he is described as a provocative warrior who has character traits ordinary person and not only positive ones. Unlike harsh partners, Alyosha is distinguished not so much by strength (sometimes he is portrayed as weak and lame), but by intelligence and cunning.

Alyosha Popovich differs from the other two epic heroes in a less strong physique, but at the same time more cunning

According to Mendeleev, Alexei is a gentle and reliable man. Hot passions, dizzying ups and downs, unexpected decisions - all this is not about such a man. He excels in family life. Daily chores and worries around the house bring him joy. The owner of this name is a whole person. If you do not overdo it with the requirements for him, Alyosha will be a cheerful and reliable friend, a responsible and economic family man.

The version of Pierre Rouget says that the bearer of such a name is deepened into himself. Sometimes he escapes reality into his imaginary world. When Alexey is afraid of judgments and criticism, he tries to justify his actions or actions in advance. In his perseverance, there is a certain anxiety, which indicates the inconstancy of character. He often experiences fear of failure for no reason. Friendship for such a man is of particular importance. Often a passionate relationship with a girl develops into a strong friendship, and not all women like it. Has an excellent memory, very inquisitive.

Talents and hobbies

Alesya loves outdoor activities. In winter, he can go to some ski resort, and in the summer she enjoys cycling or rollerblading. Such a man loves to go out into the countryside with tents, pick mushrooms and berries, hunt, and fish.

It's believed that catchphrase"Cause time - fun hour" belongs to the owner of this name. For the first time these words were spoken and recorded Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Alexey prefers outdoor activities

Career and business

Alexey is a creative person. Best of all, he will be able to realize himself in professions related to art, the manifestation of creativity:

  • actor;
  • producer;
  • writer;
  • painter;
  • designer;
  • architect;
  • musician.

Balance, calmness, perseverance and thoughtfulness of the owner of this name can bring him success in business, as well as in medical, legal and diplomatic activities. Aleksey does not particularly strive for leadership positions, but he will not tolerate excessive pressure from his superiors either.

Alyosha can become an excellent actor, for example, like Alexei Buldakov

Such a man can clearly plan and organize the labor process. Aleksey's diligence, patience and pedantry help him think through his own business to the smallest nuances and lead it to success. For a balanced character and fairness, the bearer of such a name is respected and appreciated by subordinates.


As a child, Lyosha often suffers from acute respiratory infections, but with age, childhood soreness disappears. Such a man should pay attention to food. People with this name often suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Love and marriage of Alexei

In women, Alexey appreciates sincerity and sincerity. It is also important for him that a woman be neat, economic and devoted. By nature, he is monogamous. He chooses his chosen one for a long time and carefully, but once and for all. Such a man needs to constantly feel the love, warmth and care of the girl. Otherwise, the owner of this name turns into a suspicious grumbler, which can cause a break in relations. Change will never be forgiven.

The wife for Alexei is primarily true friend who will always support and understand, and not a beautiful doll to show to friends and acquaintances. Therefore, the ideal wife for such a man is a calm, balanced and caring woman with iron patience. His beloved must make every effort to please the mother-in-law, otherwise the wedding may be in question.

It is important for Alexei to constantly feel the tenderness and care of his beloved

Alyosha is sure that husband and wife are one. Family always comes first for him. Usually he takes the side of his wife (even if she is clearly wrong). The owner of this name tries to avoid scandals and disagreements with the chosen one, tries to compromise. This attitude strengthens and unites their family. True, if a woman has pronounced leadership skills, permanent consent from Alexey can lead to divorce.

The relationship of a man to his wife and children is saturated with love and care. Peace and harmony reign in his family, Alexey treats his relatives with trepidation and respect. But his wife must be very sensitive, because the owner of this name is inherent in vulnerability and resentment. It is important for the second half of Alyosha to become a real keeper of the family hearth, creating comfort and coziness.

Table: compatibility with female names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship Features
Tatiana90% 80% In this union, respect and love reign. The main goal in life for both partners is to create a friendly and prosperous family.
Julia80% 70% A creative union of freedom-loving and independent personalities. Their relationship strengthens over the years, and feelings become stronger and hotter.
Elena90% 50% The impulsiveness and resentment of a woman gives a lot of reasons for a man to show her Special attention and care. In this pair, it is important for Alexei to act as a real protector of his beloved.
Irina90% 70% These people are united by the desire for change and adventure. Together they travel with pleasure, manage the household and sometimes work. Such a pair lacks only stability.
Anastasia100% 70% A union of people who live in their own world, incomprehensible to others. The format of their relationship is very different from generally accepted norms. The couple is harmonious and stable, no matter what.
Olga80% 50% conflicting relationship. The soft and timid Alexei practically cannot resist the imperious and strong-willed Olga, and therefore scandals very often occur in this pair.
Anna100% 80% In this union, the leader is a woman who reasonably uses her primacy, and the diplomatic and tactful Alyosha does not interfere with her. Harmonious relationship.
Catherine90% 70% Their relationship is usually built on a cold calculation. But if Alyosha and Katya really love and respect each other, they will be able to create a strong and happy family.
Natalia90% 70% These people are characterized by love of life, it helps to bring a holiday to their every day spent together. Alexei and Natalia have almost perfect sexual compatibility.
Maria100% 70% union of two happy people who live by common interests and values. They develop and travel together. The cheerfulness of Alexei and Maria helps them survive everything family difficulties easily.
Svetlana90% 70% For both partners, the main thing in a relationship is spiritual unity, which gives them peace, tranquility and happiness. Financial questions in such a pair, they never lead to quarrels.
Victoria90% 70% Vika is not used to saving, she likes not to deny herself anything. Alyosha tries to use money wisely. The different temperaments of these people, as well as material instability in a couple, can destroy relationships.
Kseniya90% 70% This union is based on tenderness and care. Vulnerable Alyosha and sensual Ksyusha seem to dissolve into each other. This is a very harmonious and serene relationship.
Hope80% 70% Both partners in this union believe that creating a family is the main vocation of a person. They won't let anyone or anything ruin their relationship. Alexey and Nadia will never cheat on each other, fidelity for them is the key to a happy couple.
Evgenia80% 70% Pair emotional personalities who do not hold back their feelings, this can adversely affect the development of their relationship. They will be able to save the family only if they learn to yield to each other.
Daria60% 80% Soft and gentle Dasha needs a strong and reliable partner, which is Alexei. For his beloved, he is ready for a lot, such a man will make their family stable and happy.
Sofia80% 70% A woman in this tandem really appreciates the fact that her man is a man of action. But not everything is going smoothly in their relationship, often Alexei cannot provide his beloved with the stability that Sofia needs so much.

The meaning of each letter of the name

A - a symbol of the beginning, leadership, purposeful activity. Physical and spiritual development.

L - gourmets and voluptuaries, connoisseurs of true beauty. Creative skills and fine artistic taste.

E - the tendency to independent judgment often becomes the reason for their loneliness. At the same time, they are very sociable, sometimes they can be too intrusive. This is how they express themselves.

K - maximalism, willpower, tact and insight. Due to their sexuality and natural grace, they are very attractive to others.

C - strive for material well-being. Wealth for them is an opportunity to enjoy life. Common sense, but only of a consumer nature. Great workers. Sometimes too much is required from a partner.

Y - variability, impulsiveness, emotionality, temperament.

Seven letters in the name is a sign of conservatism and even stubbornness. Such men almost never forgive insults, you should not spoil relations with them. They believe that consistency and accuracy should be in everything. Executive and accurate, they can become true professionals in their field. They know their worth and do not allow anyone to push them around.

Table: name matches

StoneLapis lazuliA symbol of sincerity, friendliness and love. Lapis lazuli gives joy, peace and harmony in the family, helps to fulfill the desires of those who strive for new achievements. Possesses such a stone and medicinal properties: normalizes sleep, treats allergic reactions, skin diseases, nervous exhaustion.
ColorGreenPeople who achieve success and financial well-being, but material values ​​\u200b\u200bfor them are not the most important thing in life. They do not like crowded and noisy places, as a rest they will choose a picnic in nature with their family and friends. Easily adapt to change. They are not afraid of difficulties, failures temper them and make them stronger.
Number5 It is difficult for these freedom-loving natures to stay in one place. They are always drawn to something new and unknown, to adventure. Friends who are happy to share their interests and hobbies are valued above all else by the A's.
PlanetNeptuneThey tend to be compassionate and caring. These people often invent their own world, where dreams and happiness are next to difficult trials and troubles. This attitude towards life can lead to alcohol or drug addiction.
ElementWaterWell-developed intuition, make the right decisions without even thinking too much. They always find a way out of any situation. Creative, sociable and talented individuals. Occasionally, they can show irascibility, jealousy and irritability.
AnimalElkA symbol of wisdom, restraint, generosity, peace and inner strength. The talisman in the form of the figure of this animal contributes to solving various problems, strengthening hope for a brighter future.
Zodiac signAquariusThese people value devotion, kindness and sincerity. They are reluctant to accept strangers into their social circle. Do not tolerate two-faced and greedy people. They cannot be called stingy, they spend most of their income on creating a comfortable and prosperous life for themselves and their families.
WoodPoplarThe leaves of this tree have different colors on the outside and inside. Therefore, in the East, the tree symbolizes the unity of light and dark beginnings. In Russia, poplar personified harmony, youth, beauty, independence and dreaminess.
PlantmistletoeSymbolizes fertility, prosperity, longevity, rebirth and strength. Helps restore peace and harmony in family life. Mistletoe is not a tree, not a shrub, so it is not surprising that the plant is the personification of freedom from various restrictions and frameworks.
MetalCopperPossesses magical properties, can ward off evil spirits.
auspicious daySaturday

When was Alexei born?

Winter Aleksey is distinguished by emotionality, stubbornness, and perseverance. Due to his temper, he often finds himself in unpleasant situations. He has a heightened sense of justice, but he will not prove his case, as he considers it above his dignity.

Spring Alyosha has indecision, modesty, peacefulness and sociability. This is often used by the people around him, as they are convinced that a man will not openly express his protest. Does not seek to take leadership positions, does not like to impose his opinion on anyone.

Aleksey, born in the spring, is peaceful and sociable

Summer Alexei does not have a strong will, so he really needs the support of family and friends. Approval of his actions or actions for such a man has great value. Excessive modesty and insecurity prevent you from fully realizing yourself and embodying your ideas. He painfully experiences any failures, takes criticism to heart.

Alexey, who was born in autumn, is a self-confident man who knows how to defend his own opinion. Always speaks to the point. His brevity, enterprise, prudence and prudence, supported by a lively mind, contribute to the fact that he achieves success in his activities.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA man with some naivety. He easily finds a common language with people, but is very quickly disappointed in them. Alexey-Aries is very independent, he will not allow anyone to limit his freedom.
TaurusLove of freedom and independence are the main character traits of Alexei-Taurus. He does not shift responsibility to others, he prefers to answer for all his actions himself.
TwinsA romantic and dreamy man who lives in own world divorced from reality. He has a mild character, but Lesha-Gemini cannot be called weak-willed, because if necessary, he can firmly insist on his own.
CrayfishA man with a controversial character, which combines independence and some dependence on the fairer sex, activity and apathy, daydreaming and solidity. In his half, Aleksey-Rak appreciates firmness of character and authoritativeness.
a lionThe selfishness of Alexei-Lev knows no bounds: he directs all his strength exclusively to achieve his own goals. He doesn't really care what others think.
VirgoThis is a true fighter, whom nothing will stop before achieving the goal, and the more difficult the task, the more persistent and persistent Alexei-Virgo will go to the desired result.
ScalesRestrained, educated and intelligent Alexei-Libra is respected at work and at home, he has many loyal friends who appreciate him for his responsiveness. He tries to hide his emotions and feelings not only from others, but also from the closest and closest people.
ScorpionA man who often cannot understand himself. Naturally, for those around him, he is a real “dark horse”, from which you can expect anything. Alexei-Scorpio is the owner and a very jealous spouse.
SagittariusA true romantic who is in constant search of true eternal love. Like all subtle personalities, he can have bouts of melancholy. Alyosha-Sagittarius loves sincerely and wholeheartedly.
CapricornSociable, open and honest man, who can be called a man of mood. He can have fun and tell jokes at a party, and after a couple of minutes - just withdraw into himself. This is a very intractable and stubborn person, he always gets his way.
AquariusSuch a man is distinguished by love of freedom, he will not listen to the point of view of other people. Alyosha-Aquarius is used to acting solely in accordance with his desires, which can prevent him from building a career and starting a family.
FishAlexei-Pisces has a well-developed intuition, he is a dreamer and dreamer who is constantly in search of the meaning of life. It is not surprising that relations with people are difficult for him.

Famous people

Notable men with this name:

  • Alexei Mikhailovich - the second tsar of the Romanov dynasty;
  • Alexei Yagudin - Russian figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Olympic champion, four-time world champion;
  • Alexei Abrikosov - Soviet and American physicist, laureate Nobel Prize in physics;
  • Alexei Buldakov - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, National artist Russia;
  • Alexey Papin - Russian professional boxer, absolute world champion in kickboxing;
  • Alexey Vorobyov - Russian musician and actor, director, UN Goodwill Ambassador, Russian representative at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011;
  • Alexey Chumakov - Russian singer and musician, TV presenter, screenwriter of Bulgarian-Armenian origin;
  • Alexey Navalny - Russian politician and public figure, lawyer;
  • Alexey Zavyalov - Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Alexey Kortnev is a Soviet and Russian musician, actor, singer-songwriter, soloist and leader of the "Accident" group.

Poems with the name Alexei: "The Ballad of the Mother" by Andrei Dementiev, "Lyoshenka, Lyoshenka" by Agnia Barto.

Alexei Kortnev - Soviet and Russian musician Alexei Navalny - Russian politician Alexei Papin - Russian professional boxer
Alexei Chumakov - Russian singer and musician Alexei Yagudin - Russian figure skater Alexei Abrikosov - Nobel Prize winner in physics Alexei Mikhailovich - second tsar of the Romanov dynasty

Alexei has a strong spirit and willpower. Such a man is distinguished by compassion, good nature, sensuality and compliance. He is not inclined to show leadership qualities, but he will not give offense either to himself, or his beloved, or his family.

Since ancient times, people have believed that many factors affect the future, and the meaning of the name that is given to a person at baptism is just one of them. It is for this reason that many adults are trying to give their crumbs a name that will allow them to acquire not only patron saints, and will help determine way of life. Will it be right to name your baby Alexei, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys?

The meaning of the name Alexey for a boy briefly

What benefits can the boy Alexey expect from life, the meaning of the name, character and fate - this is the most important points which will certainly interest adults who are going to name their beloved child that way. Few people know that this name is considered one of the most popular in Russia, it was given to their children not only by noble nobles, but also by the poor, who dream of a better fate for the child. Despite the prevalence of the name, it is not Old Russian, but came from a distant Ancient Greece. It was this country that gave the world the most beautiful names each of which is of great importance.

The meaning of the name Alexey for a boy is briefly from the ancient Greek language - “protector”. This name was proudly worn by great warriors, famous commanders, emperors, rulers. Many of them have taken a worthy place in historical annals. Parents can be sure that the son who was given this name at baptism will not shame his family, and will certainly achieve success in his career.

What does the name Alexei mean for a boy according to the church calendar

What can you learn from the church calendar when choosing the name Alexei for your baby, the meaning of the name, character and fate will certainly please adults and help make sure right choice. The boy will celebrate his birthday twice a year - that is how many saints have this beautiful and promising name with an interesting meaning. The patron saints of the baby are distinguished by many wonderful qualities and character traits. According to the church calendar, one of the saints became famous for his talents in healing people, and he used only prayers for this. The second came to God through many trials and difficulties in life. In Orthodox literature, it is indicated that he lived without a roof for almost two decades, and his parents only learned from a tiny note in his hand that this was their child.

What does the name Alexei mean for a boy? church calendar And should these interpretations be trusted? The meaning, even in church books, does not change and it is only one - “protector”. Often, parents believe that the boy should follow the military path, and they are not mistaken with the choice - Alexey endures all the difficulties of army service with dignity and honor.

The secret of the name Alexei - what the boy needs to prepare for

How much can the secret of the name Alexey become fatal in the life of a boy? Adults need not worry - their beloved child will live a long and quite ordinary life. One should not expect special feats from the child - most likely, he will not differ at all from his peers. It may happen that Alexei will have a well-developed intuition, but this does not happen to everyone, so you should not assume that this is only because of the name.

Alyosha has been distinguished from childhood by his benevolence, and this applies not only to close people, but even to animals. He will not be able to pass by a stray dog ​​or cat. Maybe even go home and bring food to the animal, and very soon it becomes a habit.

Another quality that will certainly please adults is the desire to live with your own mind. He rarely listens to other people's opinions, preferring to solve all problems on his own. This can lead to some problems - the child will also prefer to prepare the lessons himself, not even allowing adults to check them. Such independence can affect the marks for the worse, but it is better for parents not to force their son - this will inevitably cause enmity and loss of trust with their beloved child.

The origin of the name Alexey and its meaning for children

The owner of the name Alexei owes his origin to Ancient Greece, which gave humanity many beautiful names that have not lost their popularity for thousands of years. Despite the fact that there is a lot of documentary evidence of this fact, some countries believe that this name was born from them. Be that as it may, this does not affect the meaning and future in any way - Alexei will certainly be a happy and successful man.

The origin of the name Alexey and its meaning for children is also often of interest to adults who plan to name their baby that way. Many changes will take place in the life of a child after baptism, because the patron saints will immediately take part in the upbringing. The boy will amaze the parent with his desire to learn the world- He will literally absorb new knowledge. He will draw them not only from the stories of his relatives, but from books that he will learn to read very early.

In addition to the love of reading, the child loves outdoor games. Even in childhood, you can safely give him to the sports section - he will be happy to do it. Often this hobby remains for life, and Alyosha will go on a sports path. Not necessarily he will become a champion, he may limit himself to work in the gym.

The character of a boy named Alexei

What traits will prevail, and what advantages will the character of a boy named Alexey please his relatives? He has many positive qualities:

  1. goodwill;
  2. activity;
  3. The pursuit of excellence;
  4. complaisance;
  5. love for creativity;
  6. loyalty;
  7. kindness;
  8. caring for loved ones.

In addition, Alyosha is very diligent and does not know how to stop halfway. If necessary, he can ask for help from relatives or friends, but most often he tries to cope with his problems on his own. This does not happen because the boy is stubborn, he simply does not want to shift his difficulties onto other people's shoulders.

The disadvantages of Alyosha include extreme softness. He will never be able to stand his ground, so it is easy to convince him or impose his opinion. Another unpleasant feature of Alexei is stubbornness. This can cause a few conflicts with parents, especially in adolescence. This negative trait should not be ignored - if necessary, you can go to a psychologist and get advice on how to deal with it correctly.

The fate of a boy named Alexei

Will the fate of a boy named Alexey be pleasant or difficult, replete with sharp corners? Diligence, perseverance, diligence will help to make an excellent career - he will be able to find himself in medicine, on the pedagogical front, in business or entrepreneurship. A sense of justice will help Alyosha become a good lawyer, lawyer.

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