New heroes. Mass murderers and suicides

Family and relationships 26.06.2019

Pekka-Erik Auvinen(Fin. Pekka Eric Auvinen; June 4 Tuusula - November 7 Tuusula) - Finnish mass murderer who massacred his school on November 7, 2007, after which he committed suicide.


Eric was born on June 4, 1989 in the small town of Tuusula, Finland. They named it after Pekka Yarbek Järvinen and Eric Clapton - rock performers. His father worked two jobs as a musician and a railroad worker, his mother was former MP municipality. Eric also had a younger brother. On various websites, Pekka referred to himself as a "tool of natural selection" and considered himself superior to others. Pekka did well in school. But there he was remembered as quiet and shy. The police know that Auvinnen was often bullied at school, but he himself also often humiliated elementary school students. Pekka also hated gays and single parents, as well as couples in love. It is known that a year before the tragedy, Pekka took antidepressants, which may have influenced the massacre he committed.

Love on the Internet

Approximately 6 months before the Pekka shooting, Erik Auvinen met a girl on a dating site and the virtual love ended up unhappy when that girl traded him for another and left for another site just a week before the shooting. But that love, according to the stories of relatives, made him happy: he openly posted video confessions on YouTube.

Plan and purchase of a pistol

Police determined that Pekka had been planning the shooting since March 2007. He gave the name to the assassination "Central Strike". Eric acquired the pistol nineteen days before the crime he committed - he had the right to purchase weapons, as he was a member of the Helsinki Hunting Club and had no criminal record. With the help of the chairman of the club, on October 19, 2007, Eric acquired " Sig Sauer Mosquito 22 caliber, as well as about two hundred ammunition for it. Eric himself wanted to buy a 9mm Beretta, but the police refused to give him a license for this weapon, since he was under 21 years old.

Web manifest and computer content

The day before the shooting, Eric posted a homemade video on YouTube titled "Jokela school shooting - 11/7/2007" (now deleted) where he warned of the school being attacked. His film contained photographs of the school itself, Eric himself with guns, shooting practice, and excerpts from Harris and Klebold's amateur videos to the KMFDM song "Stray Bullet". On November 2, 2007, Eric posted a video showing him training to fire a pistol in the woods. Also in the "interests" on some sites, he wrote that he wants to leave a noticeable mark on the world and in general he is interested in the idea of ​​revolution, hatred of humanity, death, massacres, natural selection. In descriptions, Eric often wrote the following phrase: "I am ready to fight and die for my cause ...". Eric was a fan computer game Counterstrike. Police discovered the video half an hour before the shooting began, but took no action. 4 hours after the end of the shooting, the video was removed from the site. Also, a large number of files were found on the shooter's computer - about 30 photographs of himself and 21 text files in English and Finnish. He also wrote in one of them that he came up with everything alone and that no one would blame others for what they had done. His suicide note began with the words "By the time you read this, I'll probably be dead already." A farewell video in English was also found on the computer, but for some reason, Eric did not post it on YouTube.


November 7, 2007 at 11.40 am Erik Auvinen went to his lyceum. He carried a .22 pistol with him and fifteen 10-shot magazines with him. Auvinen opened fire on the students on the first floor. After killing and injuring several people, he went to the second floor, where he entered one of the classrooms and shot the people there, then he shot the director and the school nurse, as well as several students in the school corridor. For some time he walked along the corridors and urged students to destroy the school. After a brief discussion with the police, Auvinen went to the men's room, where he shot himself in the head around 12:24 p.m. At 13.53 he was found in a toilet in critical condition and unconscious. At 22.45 Eric died in the hospital. As a result of the shooting, 9 people were killed, including the attacker, and 12 more were injured. In total, Eric fired 106 shots.

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  • (PDF). Ministry of Justice Publications 2009:1 ISSN 1458-6444. Helsinki: Ministry of Justice, Finland. February 26, 2009. ISBN 978-952-466-804-0 .
  • Auvinen's home videos that were originally posted on YouTube: .
  • Auvinen's media pack (, )
  • (zip)

An excerpt characterizing Auvinen, Pekka-Erik

He took a few gold pieces out of his trousers pocket and put them on a dish for her.
- Well, how do you live? - said Kutuzov, heading to the room allotted for him. Popadya, smiling with dimples on her ruddy face, followed him into the upper room. The adjutant went out to Prince Andrei on the porch and invited him to breakfast; half an hour later, Prince Andrei was called again to Kutuzov. Kutuzov was lying on an armchair in the same unbuttoned frock coat. He held a French book in his hand, and at the entrance of Prince Andrei, having laid it with a knife, he rolled it up. It was Les chevaliers du Cygne, the composition of madame de Genlis [The Knights of the Swan, Madame de Genlis], as Prince Andrei saw from the wrapper.
“Well, sit down, sit down here, we’ll talk,” said Kutuzov. - It's sad, very sad. But remember, my friend, that I am your father, another father ... - Prince Andrei told Kutuzov everything he knew about the death of his father, and about what he saw in the Bald Mountains, passing through them.
- To what ... to what they brought! - Kutuzov suddenly said in an excited voice, obviously clearly imagining, from the story of Prince Andrei, the situation in which Russia was. “Give me time, give me time,” he added with an angry expression on his face and, obviously not wanting to continue this conversation that worried him, he said: “I called you in to keep you with me.
“I thank your grace,” answered Prince Andrei, “but I’m afraid that I’m no longer fit for headquarters,” he said with a smile that Kutuzov noticed. Kutuzov looked at him questioningly. “And most importantly,” added Prince Andrei, “I got used to the regiment, fell in love with the officers, and people, it seems, fell in love with me. I would be sorry to leave the regiment. If I refuse the honor of being with you, then believe me ...
An intelligent, kind, and at the same time subtly mocking expression shone on Kutuzov's plump face. He interrupted Bolkonsky:
- I'm sorry, I would need you; but you're right, you're right. We don't need people here. There are always many advisers, but there are no people. The regiments would not be like this if all the advisers served there in the regiments, like you. I remember you from Austerlitz ... I remember, I remember, I remember with the banner, ”said Kutuzov, and a joyful flush rushed into the face of Prince Andrei at this memory. Kutuzov pulled him by the hand, offering him his cheek, and again Prince Andrei saw tears in the eyes of the old man. Although Prince Andrei knew that Kutuzov was weak in tears and that he now especially caresses him and pities him because of the desire to show sympathy for his loss, Prince Andrei was both joyful and flattering in this memory of Austerlitz.
- Go with God on your own path. I know your road is the road of honor. He paused. - I felt sorry for you in Bucarest: I should have sent. - And, changing the conversation, Kutuzov began to talk about the Turkish war and the peace concluded. - Yes, they reproached me a lot, - said Kutuzov, - both for the war and for peace ... but everything came on time. Tout vient a point a celui qui sait attendre. [Everything comes on time for someone who knows how to wait.] And there were no less advisers there than here ... - he continued, returning to the advisers, who apparently occupied him. - Oh, advisers, advisers! - he said. If we had listened to everyone, we would not have concluded peace there, in Turkey, and we would not have ended the war. Everything is faster, and the soon comes out for a long time. If Kamensky had not died, he would have disappeared. He stormed the fortresses with thirty thousand. It is not difficult to take a fortress, it is difficult to win a campaign. And for this you do not need to storm and attack, but you need patience and time. Kamensky sent soldiers to Ruschuk, and I sent them alone (patience and time) and took more fortresses than Kamensky, and forced the horse meat of the Turks to eat. He shook his head. And the French will too! Believe my word, - Kutuzov said, inspired, hitting his chest, - I will eat horse meat! And again his eyes filled with tears.
“However, will it be necessary to accept the battle?” - said Prince Andrew.
- It will be necessary, if everyone wants it, there is nothing to do ... But, my dear: there is no stronger than those two warriors, patience and time; they will do everything, but advisers n "entendent pas de cette oreille, voila le mal. [they don't hear with this ear - that's what's bad.] Some want it, others don't. What to do?" he asked, apparently waiting for an answer. "Yes, what do you order to do?" he repeated, and his eyes shone with a deep, intelligent expression. "I'll tell you what to do," he said, since Prince Andrei still did not answer. "I'll tell you what to do and what am I doing. Dans le doute, mon cher, - he paused, - abstiens toi, [In doubt, my dear, refrain.] - he said with a pause.
- Well, goodbye, my friend; remember that I carry your loss with you with all my heart and that I am not your brightest, not a prince and not a commander in chief, but I am your father. If you need anything, come straight to me. Farewell, dove. He hugged and kissed him again. And even before Prince Andrei had time to go out the door, Kutuzov sighed reassuringly and again took up Madame Genlis's unfinished novel Les chevaliers du Cygne.
How and why this happened, Prince Andrei could not explain in any way; but after this meeting with Kutuzov, he returned to his regiment reassured about the general course of the case and about the one to whom it was entrusted. The more he saw the absence of everything personal in this old man, in whom there seemed to be only the habits of passions and instead of the mind (grouping events and drawing conclusions) only the ability to calmly contemplate the course of events, the more he was calm that everything would be the way it was. should be. “He won’t have anything of his own. He won’t invent anything, he won’t do anything, thought Prince Andrei, but he will listen to everything, remember everything, put everything in its place, won’t interfere with anything useful and won’t allow anything harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more significant than his will - this is the inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their significance and, in view of this significance, knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal waves aimed at other. And most importantly, thought Prince Andrei, why do you believe him, is that he is Russian, despite the Janlis novel and French sayings; it is that his voice trembled when he said: “What have they brought!”, and that he sobbed, saying that he would “make them eat horse meat”. On the same feeling, which everyone more or less vaguely experienced, was based the unanimity and general approval that accompanied the popular, contrary to court considerations, the election of Kutuzov to the commander in chief.

Pekka-Erik Auvinen

On November 7, 2007, 18-year-old Pekka-Erik Auvinen killed nine students at Jokela School in Tuusula, Finland, 60 kilometers north of Helsinki.

The shooting of schoolchildren came just hours after a video announcing the massacre was posted on YouTube channel by Sturmgeist89. The video contains photographs of Yokel High School and a distorted image of a man showing a weapon to the camera.

At 11:40 Pekka-Erik Auvinen entered the main hallway of the school and immediately opened fire on anyone who got in his way. School principal Elena Calmi ordered all students and teachers to barricade themselves inside their classrooms. She then left the principal's office and tried to convince Auvinen to turn himself in.

Auvinen shot Kalmi seven times in the schoolyard, killing her. A few minutes later, when the school nurse went to see some of the injured students, Auvinen killed her too. After that, the young killer began to walk around the school, talking about the need for a revolution and urging students to destroy school property.

One of Auvinen's teachers said: “He moved around the building, along the school corridors, knocking on doors and shooting through the doors. He felt superior to everyone. A student whom I myself taught ran towards me, screaming, with a pistol in his hand.

Auvinen also doused the school building with gasoline in an attempt to set it on fire, but was too excited to do so successfully and so the fire failed.

The police patrol arrived at 11:55 a.m. and was then joined by about a hundred police officers. When the police attempted to negotiate with Auvinen, he responded by firing, although none of the shots hit the target.

At 12:24 pm, Auvinen, still in the building besieged by the police, shot himself in the head. He was found at 13:54 in the boys' bathroom, still alive but unconscious.

According to the Finnish media, there have been four cases of knife wounds in schools since 1999, although none of them ended. fatal. A major crime occurred in 2002 when a young man detonated a bomb in mall in Helsinki, killing himself and six others.

In September 2008, at a Kauhajoki school, a young man named Matti Juhani Saari, imitating Pekka-Erik Auvinen, shot and mortally wounded ten people with a semi-automatic pistol before committing suicide by shooting himself in the head.

With a population of only about five million people, mass shootings occur more often in Finland than in many other countries with markedly a large number residents. At the same time, Finland also has one of the highest rates in the world in terms of the number of units firearms owned per capita.

(1989-06-04 ) Place of Birth Tuusula, Finland Citizenship Finland Finland Date of death November 7(2007-11-07 ) (18 years) A place of death Tuusula, Finland Cause of death Suicide Murders Number of victims 8 Number of survivors 1 Killing period November 7, 2007 11.40 - 12.24 Primary kill region Jokela Lyceum, Tuusula, Finland Method of killing Execution Weapon pistol Sig Sauer Mosquito 22 caliber

Pekka-Erik Auvinen(Fin. Pekka Eric Auvinen; June 4 Tuusula - November 7 Tuusula) - Finnish mass murderer who massacred his school on November 7, 2007, after which he committed suicide.


Eric was born on June 4, 1989 in the small town of Tuusula, Finland. They named it after Pekka Yarbek Järvinen and Eric Clapton - rock performers. His father worked two jobs as a musician and a railway worker, his mother was a former municipal deputy. Eric also had a younger brother. On various websites, Pekka referred to himself as a "tool of natural selection" and considered himself superior to others. Pekka did well in school. But there he was remembered as quiet and shy. The police know that Auvinnen was often bullied at school, but he himself also often humiliated elementary school students. Pekka also hated gays and single parents, as well as couples in love. It is known that a year before the tragedy, Pekka took antidepressants, which may have influenced the massacre he committed.

Love on the Internet

Approximately 6 months before the Pekka shooting, Erik Auvinen met a girl on a dating site and the virtual love ended up unhappy when that girl traded him for another and left for another site just a week before the shooting. But that love, according to the stories of relatives, made him happy: he openly posted video confessions on YouTube.

Plan and purchase of a pistol

Police determined that Pekka had been planning the shooting since March 2007. He gave the name to the assassination "Central Strike". Eric acquired the pistol nineteen days before the crime he committed - he had the right to purchase weapons, as he was a member of the Helsinki Hunting Club and had no criminal record. With the help of the club's chairman, on October 19, 2007, Eric purchased a .22 Sig Sauer Mosquito, as well as about two hundred ammunition for it. Eric himself wanted to buy a 9mm Beretta, but the police refused to give him a license for this weapon, since he was under 21 years old.

Web manifest and computer content

The day before the shooting, Eric posted a homemade video on YouTube titled "Jokela school shooting - 11/7/2007" (now deleted) where he warned of the school being attacked. His film contained photographs of the school itself, Eric himself with guns, shooting practice, and excerpts from Harris and Klebold's amateur videos to the KMFDM song "Stray Bullet". On November 2, 2007, Eric posted a video showing him training to fire a pistol in the woods. Also in the "interests" on some sites, he wrote that he wants to leave a noticeable mark on the world and in general he is interested in the idea of ​​​​revolution, hatred of humanity, death, massacres, natural selection. In descriptions, Eric often wrote the following phrase: "I am ready to fight and die for my cause ...". Eric was a fan of the PC game Battlefield 2. Police discovered the video half an hour before the shooting began, but took no action. 4 hours after the end of the shooting, the video was removed from the site. Also, a large number of files were found on the shooter's computer - about 30 photographs of himself and 21 text files in English and Finnish. He also wrote in one of them that he came up with everything alone and that no one would blame others for what they had done. His suicide note began, "By the time you read this, I'll probably be dead already." A farewell video in English was also found on the computer, but for some reason, Eric did not post it on YouTube.


November 7, 2007 at 11.40 am Erik Auvinen went to his lyceum. He carried a .22 pistol with him and fifteen 10-shot magazines with him. Auvinen opened fire on the students on the first floor. After killing and wounding several people, he went to the second floor, where he entered one of the classrooms and shot the people there, then he shot the director and the school nurse, as well as several students in the school corridor. For some time he walked along the corridors and urged students to destroy the school. After a brief discussion with the police, Auvinen went to the men's room, where he shot himself in the head around 12:24 p.m. At 13.53 he was found in a toilet in critical condition and unconscious. At 22.45 Eric died in the hospital. As a result of the shooting, 9 people were killed, including the attacker, and 12 more were injured. In total, Eric fired 106 shots.

When news agencies reported the tragic details around the world, it was already clear that this case was clearly different from the tragedy that occurred a few years ago in one of the American high schools.

When the 1999 Columbian high school massacre in which teenagers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher, and then themselves, people asked, "How could they do this?" But Harris and Klebold were dead, and the investigators had to spend a lot of time, carefully analyzing all the facts, in order to understand the motive for the crime. (One of the most impressive facts was the inscription "Natural selection" on the T-shirt of one of the criminals on the day of the massacre).

Investigators of the Finnish tragedy after a few hours managed to find out what was on the mind of the murderer Pekka-Erik Auvinen who committed suicide. They were shocked when they found a video compiled by Pekka-Erik of the upcoming bloody performance, which he posted on the Internet on the YouTube portal. Auvinen's statements posted on YouTube (and other blogs on the Internet) helped to understand his beliefs (that is, what he believed before his death).

He believed that there is no Creator God and therefore no special purpose for human existence. Note that Auvinen's beliefs are based on the assumption that evolution is true:

  • "I am a cynical existentialist, an anti-human humanist, an anti-social social Darwinist, a pragmatic idealist, and a god-like atheist"
  • "Life is just a coincidence ... the result of a long process of evolution and many other factors, causes and effects"
  • "There are no other universal laws other than the laws of nature and the laws of physics"
  • "Evolution is both theory and fact, creationism is neither"
  • “Religious people, your gods are nothing and they exist only in your imagination. Your slave morals mean nothing to me. I am both god and my devil own life»
  • “What is the best thing in life? She ends. Although there are probably some other good things in life that are worth living for, but sometimes you lose them or they don’t get to you. ”
  • “Trust no one ... but rely only on
  • "I am the dictator of my own life"
  • "HUMANITY IS OVERESTATED!". Human life is not sacred. People are just another species among other animal species, and the world exists not only for people. Death is not a tragedy, it happens all the time in nature between species. Not all human lives are important and not all people deserve to be saved. Sometimes I feel like no one really deserves to live at all."
  • “Today, the process of natural selection is headed in a completely wrong direction. Modern human race betrayed not only her ancestors, but also future generations"
  • "It's time to put the process of NATURAL SELECTION AND SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST on the right track!"
  • “I cannot say that I belong to the same race as all THIS insignificant, arrogant and selfish humanity. Not! In my evolutionary development, I have moved a step higher.”
  • “I am ready to fight and die for my beliefs. I, as the one who directs natural selection, will destroy all those whom I consider unsuitable, the shame of the human race and the failure of natural selection.
  • “The sooner the human race is wiped off the face of the earth, the better… no one should be left alive. No mercy for the dregs of society"
  • “I am the law, the judge and the executioner. There is no greater power than myself."

All of the above statements from Auvinen's statement are based on the idea that everything in the world began to exist on its own - that everything evolved. It turned out that the worldview of the killers from the school in Columbia were also based on this idea. This doctrine, which has a more official name " evolutionary theory", is doctrine taught to our children in schools and universities around the world. And as the situations in Finland and the USA show, the world is simply reaping the benefits of such “education”.

The faith of a person is still of great importance

This recent tragedy is no doubt another "troubling reminder" for those who say that the "controversy" over creation and evolution is only a scientific matter. But as the tragic events in Finnish high school and in the USA, what a person believes about their origin can be very destructive - and not only for their own lives, but also for the people around them.

“In my evolutionary development, I have moved a step higher,” said Pekka Erik-Auvinen

Since childhood, Harris, Klebold, and Auvinen have been taught that man is just an animal, and that death and violence are part and parcel of life. Indeed, from an evolutionary point of view, one could even say that death is something good, because if selection does not take place and death does not destroy the weak, man will not evolve. Therefore, in the eyes of those who want to apply Darwinian principles logically in the real world, death and violence become natural evolutionary mechanisms that have operated randomly over millions of years, creating modern forms life, including humans. Thus, when the theory of evolution is taught in schools and universities, society actually gives the student the "programming" that he needs to justify evolution (as he understands it) and "help the evolutionary process" - that is, simply remove some individual individuals from the gene pool. Sometimes the student himself may be one of these "individuals".

One person from Australia told a national forum on depression in society:

“... I think that some people are simply unable to fight, and this may sound a little harsh, but this is the essence of Darwin's theory - the theory of the survival of the fittest. Perhaps some of us are not meant to survive, perhaps the purpose of some is to kill ourselves…” and:

“In fact, there are too many people in the world. Perhaps it means survival of the fittest. Maybe some of us are just meant to give up and that will only help the human species."

These comments can be heard echoing in Auvinen's gaze. Both of these people, by their statements, say that the possible effect of what children are taught in school is not limited to exams, but may have lasting effects. If all this is applied to the described shootings of people, then the teaching of the theory of youth evolution in a Finnish high school and in the state of Columbia had such a strong influence on three young students that their lives are simply were destroyed. These tragedies also affected (with varying degrees and duration) the lives of their parents, the lives of other students, teachers, police officers, emergency and hospital staff, pastors and counselors, and even members of the government.

Obviously, the question of creationism and evolution is not "just a scientific question"! These massacres not only shattered lives, they directly destroyed, that is, they cut off the lives of 24 people. If you look at the situation from a purely practical point of view, then is this really the ideology that society would like to teach its children, and the consequences of which can so clearly be seen by everyone today?


After the massacre in the American school, we came to the conclusion that the only way to neutralize the evolutionary "walking time bombs" in our society is to tell our children the true story of our origin, recorded in the Bible. This will enable young people (and older people) to understand that death is not a "natural evolutionary mechanism" but a consequence of sin. Moreover, people will be able to understand that God loved this world so much that He gave that “rescue kit” in the form of His Son Jesus Christ, Who died for our sins (see article good news!).

The Bible makes it clear that we are not bacteria that evolved, but the descendants of the first man and woman on earth, made in the image of God, and that because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we know that our lives have meaning and purpose. History shows that people who love the Lord with all their minds, as written in Matthew 22:37, are not going to become murderers.

Autumn is getting darker and sadder, more silent. Most of the leaves on the trees have fallen, leaving a pale carpet. People have always considered it very beautiful at times, but everything is different. The leaves are not variegated, not red or yellow, they are gray, gray as something very empty, faceless, lost. There is no heat at all, even the sun stopped showing in rainy Finland, there was only a barely perceptible permafrost, which, with prolonged exposure, made its way to the bones. Snow fell a couple of times, but melted almost immediately, letting them know that the beginning of a long and cold winter. What does snow look like? On beautiful grains? Some pretty sight? People invented this nonsense for themselves, they always tried to find something good in the bad, and this was their mistake. Winter is getting closer and closer. The clouds are solid and gray, there is a foggy haze in the air, and in the morning puddles are covered with ice crusts. By the end of the month, the ponds freeze over, completely covered with even ice.
Finland, Tuusula, city cemetery. A small, unattractive grave. That is... A small monument depicting deer at a watering hole, an inconspicuous inscription, years of life, and... A beautiful font that tells about the deceased: "Pekka-Erik Auvinen." The name alone brings tears to my eyes. So many memories, pain, despair, anger. How many hearts have you destroyed, Pekka-Erik? How many people hate you? Thousands? Perhaps millions? You think it's natural selection, people think murder is a tragedy. And only one heart will always beat for you, no matter what.

The girl sits on the cold and wet ground with a bouquet of red roses. She sits and looks, peers at the inscription on the monument. Tears have long dried, she no longer mourns for him, strength is over. Now she can only look and look, just think.
- Hi, Eric, how are you? - the voice trembles, the chest rises from tearless tantrums, the hand smoothly strokes the face of the monument. It's just an insensitive piece of stone, but now it seems so close and dear, the only thing left of Pekka-Eric and will always be with Avery. - I miss you, Eric. Went to see your mom recently, she feels good, takes her medicine, she even smiled, huh… How are you, Eric?

"Past. Our past."

Two people. They were born on the same day, in the same year, in the same seconds, minutes, hours. Fate, as it seemed to the parents-neighbors, who were stunned by such coincidences. The boy was named Pekka-Erik, in honor of Pekka Yarbek Järvinen and Eric Clapton - rock performers. The father of the family worked at two jobs - a musician and a railway worker, his mother was a former deputy of the municipality. The boy in the family and school was quiet and exemplary, his grades were above average on a scale, he was clean and clear of mind. But he considered himself completely different. Weapon of natural selection, arbiter of fate, god, rebel. The girl was named Avery. The name did not carry a hidden meaning or some kind of dedication to a famous person, the mother liked this name. The family lived in prosperity in the neighborhood of the Auvinens, everyone was with each other on friendly terms. Everything was always good.

From the age of ten, Eric began to show his thoughts about natural selection and survival, the futility of the human race. How could a child at that age be aware of something? Especially something like that? It turns out he could. But the guys were still comfortable with each other. Avery had already loved Pekka more than anything in all the years they'd known each other, but she didn't see that in Eric. Maybe strong affection, but not love, he just got used to it. Used to having her in his life, used to having her always by his side.

Hey Evs, do you think it would be cool to wipe out all of humanity and be left alone, just you and me, at the top of the food chain? Auvinen once asked, when sixteen-year-old teenagers were walking around Tuusula at night, drinking soda. This happened often. Quiet walks, soda, empty talk about nothing. However, such a point-blank question made Avery drop the metal can, spilling his drink.

I don’t know ... - the girl honestly admitted, looking down at the asphalt. Eric looked into her eyes, waiting for a reaction. She would have known then how much her words would affect the young man. - Do you want it that badly? Why don't people please you, Eric?

Damn, Evs, you amaze me. I told you many times! Humanity is overrated, people are just pathetic bastards who don't deserve to live. Should I explain to you again? - he laughed, from which his soul became somehow gloomy and deserted, quiet.

I'm a pathetic bastard too, I have no right to life either, Eric? the girl asked in a whisper with tears in her eyes, trying to find answers. It was no longer Pekka-Erik Auvinen, not that bright boy from childhood, not that time.

Avery, calm down now. We are made for each other, you know? I don’t know, I don’t want to say that this is love, I just feel that you are my person, even though this makes me look like people. It's destiny, Avery. - then his voice sounded convincing, so sincere, it was true. Not the one the girl wanted to hear, but hearing that from him was unbelievable.

Get out you stupid bitch! I said don't come near me you bastard! Who asked you to intervene?! Pekka yelled, violently pushing Avery against the wall. An outburst of rage, anger. And the girl didn’t do anything… The guy was squeezed by local school hooligans in the corner, scoffing and pouring water from the basins of cleaners. And he endured, just endured and accumulated rage and hatred in himself, which he was ready to splash out on all people in the Universe. Avery intervened, spraying the attackers with pepper liquid, after which they rushed off in an unknown direction, cursing Eric and Avery. The guy was angry. He was always furious after such attacks by the girl. He was considered even more a loser, a loser, unable to stand up for himself. Pekka always took out his anger on his girlfriend, but he never accepted force, limiting himself to only a push and a bunch of insults. At such moments, he did not understand that he could lose her, but she understood. So she didn't back down.

After such cases, the guy always called first in the evening, apologized and explained his behavior with excessive anger. He always spoke sincerely. At least he didn't lie to Avery.

Oddities on a larger scale began to happen to the young man already in 2007, when he became a member of the Helsinki Shooting Club. He was good with all types of firearms and always hit the target. With Evs alone, he often joked, regretting that these were not human heads. The girl was scared. It was frightening and disturbing. Something big was coming this year, something that kept the girl awake at night, disturbed her, and this something was a huge tragedy for everyone in the future.

Hey Evs, do you want to shoot with me sometime? - Eric often suggested to the girl.

You know, Eric, firearms have too much recoil, it'll just smash my wrists. she joked, trying not to bring up the topic of shooting, to which Pekka grinned mysteriously, nodding his head.

I hope you and I shoot a couple of hundred people one day.

The last straw of the girl's patience was the finds of Pekka-Eric's activities on the Internet. The search results were terrible. Murders, the guy's manifesto, which contained arguments about the meaning of humanity, its uselessness and how great it would be to get rid of everyone, that he is not like everyone else. Eric wasn't even afraid to die. He consciously wrote that he was ready to fight for his interests and elections himself, to the end, until his death.

The strange inclinations of the guy began to notice already the people around him. The guys at the school complained to the social worker about the threats of Auvinen, he threatened them with reprisal, execution. The social worker spoke to Avery very for a long time trying to force her to dissuade young man these thoughts, but Avery refused. She did not want to do something on someone else's orders. She did not want to cut off communication with Pekka. She tried to just be on the same wavelength with him as she had been all these years, but he had something to hide.

At the end of October, the young man suddenly began to devote a lot of time to Avery. He constantly invited me to practice shooting with him, simply invited me to go for a walk, treated the girl very nicely, leaving her various gifts. Pleasant little things in the form of new books, goodies, personal belongings of Pekka-Eric have already become a habit. He often gave her some parts of himself, whether it was a T-shirt or a player, and the girl could not find an explanation for this, but she thought that he had finally thawed out to her.

On the night of the seventh of November, somewhere at 03:42, the girl woke up phone call from a young man. She was very frightened, she thought that something had happened, but she heard only a quiet phrase:

I love you, Evs, I'm sorry for everything.

Eric, what happened? - the girl asked in shock, trying to rethink the words said by the guy.

I fucking love you. - insistently repeated the interlocutor in a raised tone. - I'm like all those bastards, Evs. I can feel, I feel drawn to you, I know it. It's fucking bothering me. You always loved me, always stood up for me, although I did not want to, I shouted and pushed you, but you continued to follow me. Human spawn like the others would have given up long ago, but you loved me for everything, for all my weirdness, and I chose to be with you because you don't look human.

These words made the girl's world turn upside down. Confession from Eric himself! She began to cry into the phone, sobbing nervously, to which the guy on the other end of the line cursed softly and asked her not to cry. The two of them talked almost all night about all sorts of trifles, nice things. He seemed to her at that moment so sincere. But was it true?

Listen, Evs, I have to go... See you at school, don't wait for me in the morning, I'll be late. - sharply said the guy, dropping the phone. Avery then did not betray this value and calmly went to bed, but in vain. If only she knew what would happen in a few hours. If only she knew that these were the last hours of her soul mate's life. It was late.

Hell on earth. Horrors, screams, panic of students, sounds of sirens and shots, pauses between reloading weapons, more shots. At about eleven in the morning, indiscriminate shots rang out at the school. At first, no one understood what was happening, they just sat in place and were perplexed, until the director of the public address system ordered everyone to barricade the doors. At this time, Avery was in the toilet and was horrified. There were no locks, no booths, and the instinct of self-preservation told him to run without looking back and find Pekka. Stop… A slow realization crept into my head. Shooting. Eric liked to shoot and threatened to be shot. Shot. He was fond of weapons and was a member of the shooting club. Shot. He said not to wait for him at the house, said that he would be late. Her legs immediately buckled, she fell somewhere near the sinks, breaking one and scratching herself with fragments. Tears and violent cries escaped from the girl. She screamed her name best friend, called him, but he did not go. All that could be heard were gunshots and screams. Shooter screams. Avery had already lost her voice and just ran out of the closet, trying to find Eric.

And the sounds of shooting had already subsided, the girl had lost track of time, but she distinctly heard a dull shot from the floor above, where the doctors had already fled. My heart suddenly sank very strongly, my breath caught. The feeling of something terrible covered the girl. She rushed to the men's room at all times, her legs seemed to lead her by themselves, she knew that He was there. Running inside, Avery stopped abruptly, her eyes automatically fell on the body of Eric, who was lying like a dead weight on the tile, a fresh pool of blood was slowly spreading near his head, a 22-caliber pistol lay nearby.

The heart sank, the mind did not want to think and realize what he saw. No, it's not Pekka-Erik Auvinen, no, it's not him, damn it! The girl, sobbing, threw herself on the shooter's chest, hugging his neck.

Eric! Open your eyes! Please don't leave like this! I love you Eric! - Avery fought in hysterics and sobs, not noticing how she was all dirty in the blood of her lover, and the doctors put them both on a stretcher, since no one could unhook the poor guy from the shooter. She rode with him to the hospital all the way, holding his hand, at one moment she felt a strong grip on Pekka's hand.

All day the doctors fought for the life of the shooter, all day Avery sat next to him and held his hand, not wanting to let go. She just hoped he survived. I just hoped. Scenes from childhood, youth, all the time spent together began to float past the eyes, memories swept over the girl at once, Auvinen's voice stood in her head and did not stop for a minute.

23:45. Doom time. Doctors recorded death without regaining consciousness. The whole world of the girl collapsed in one second. All the happiness built with this person fell into pieces. She lost not just a shooter or an acquaintance, she lost the meaning of her existence, her reason to breathe. They pulled her away from her long ago and helped, tried to calm her down, but Avery just watched. with a glassy look on Pekka's body. Breathless body.

Nothing mattered then. The girl thought a lot, she reproached herself that she could not do anything, did nothing. She knew he wasn't joking about the shooting and his views on humanity, but she took it for granted and just let things slide. She was ready to die next to him, but it was too late. Everything was long over. The funeral was quiet, modest, only in the circle of two families. Pekka's mother handed Avery an envelope that was securely sealed and slightly bulging, indicating that it was more than just a piece of paper. Only one thing was written on the envelope: "Open in a year of my revolution." Then Avery kept this letter and remembered it for a long time. The police thrashed the two families devastated by grief for a long time, conducted an investigation into the relationship between Avery and Pekka-Eric for a long time, achieving nothing but additional tears and grief. The girl was still very often in Eric's room, rereading his books, lying on his bed, sitting at his chair. She tried to fill the hole left by the young man in his heart. But she settled deep, so she will sit there forever.

Tuusula cemetery, today.

The girl had been sitting for a couple of hours at the grave of her man, just talking to the tombstone, discussing the course of her life after the tragedy. And then she remembered the very letter Eric had left her. She always wore it like she didn't know when the time would come, but the time had come. Trembling hands opened the envelope, taking out a sheet of paper that had yellowed from a short time.

“Dear Avery, my beloved Evs.

I hope your mom gave you this letter if she found it herself and the cops didn't beat her to it. If you're still reading this, I'm glad, but most likely already dead. I don't know
How do you feel about this, I think you will hate me. For all this pain, for all this suffering that I delivered to you and will deliver on the seventh of November. At first I wanted to see you next to me on this fateful day for the whole world. We would do our justice together, Evs! But no. You weren't the type to kill, and I know it, I've always known it. But do not think that I will condemn you for this, on the contrary. I have always known that you are only on my side, and I have always marveled at your courage and recklessness, but I am grateful to you.
Grateful and all. You believed in me, held back my rage against those bastards
don't leave me like those bastards! I love you Avery. I know that after my death you will no longer be happy, as you will be alone, but know that I will always watch you. It doesn't matter how, from heaven or from hell - I will be there, I will hear and see you. You will always be mine, my little Avery.

Forever in your heart

Pekka-Erik Auvinen.

After finishing reading, Avery smiled sadly at such warm words, she felt Eric's thoughts while writing this letter, his feelings and condition. Avery didn't feel angry or sad, she felt grateful for Pekka. Just for everything. He was with her, loved her, even though he left her like that in the end. They both knew who they really were.

A hand reached for the envelope, where something else lay. There were several photographs together, drawings from Eric, but the most fascinating was a silver pendant on a chain. It was a three-dimensional square engraved with "Pekka-Erik Auvinen and Avery Paul, 1989 - forever together.

From that moment on, a smile blossomed on the girl's face, and tears slowly trickled down her cheeks. She tenderly kissed the letter and stroked the tombstone.

Thanks Eric.


That's all. I painted everything very badly, but I tried. Again, I will be very glad to criticism (on the case) and public beta.

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