Bryksin Alexander Yurievich who was before. Deputy Bryksin and mobster Petrov are FSB breadwinners at Sheremetyevo

Career and finance 24.06.2020
Career and finance

The oligarch and parliamentarian "banks" at the expense of others?

One can only be proud and in a good way envy the deputies of the State Duma. After all, they are working tirelessly to eliminate gaps in Russian legislation and at the same time manage to earn overwork and outside the walls of parliament.

A vivid example of this is deputy Alexander Bryksin. Recently, he simply eclipsed all his colleagues in lawmaking and hit the front pages of all secular tabloids.

And he deserved it! Who else can spend 400,000 euros on their own birthday? Not many people who. Because it takes more work. Alexander Yurievich could afford it. He celebrated the round date of 50 years simply gorgeous.

Everything took place in the capital's Congress Park at the Radisson Royal Hotel. Guests - about 500 people. On the table - gourmet dishes from the best restaurateurs of the capital. As the journalists, greedy for sensations and “fried” facts, calculated, only snacks cost the hero of the day almost a million rubles. Because there was a separate price tag for hot dishes, dessert and alcoholic drinks.

The banquet hall was decorated with 3D illustrations of a snowy Russian winter. But this, in the light of what has been said above (and what will be said below), is just a trifle, a simple entourage.

Tamadil at the banquet is the famous actor and hero of many gossip columns Igor Vernik, who was sometimes changed on stage by the former resident of the project comedy woman Marina Fedunkiv. Together, the services of these two "carpet" cost the hero of the occasion more than 20 thousand euros.

But it was only an entertainer, perhaps even a witty one. The main participants in the entertainment part of the birthday were other, much more expensive stars in every sense.

Among them is an actress and singer, by the way, very popular due to the constant presence on TV screens Anastasia Makeeva. But she, of course, was overshadowed by the idol of Russian pop music lovers Grigory Leps.

He sang a few of his hits for quite a bit for his level. They say that somewhere from 100 thousand in European currency and even allowed the guests to go on stage with him to sing along. Perhaps for a fee.

But he did not become the main surprise of the evening. The "creative" part of the banquet was crowned by the prima donna of the national stage herself. Yes, yes, she is the best. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva! The star also personally came to congratulate Alexander Brykin. At what time this congratulation to the deputy “came out”, one can only guess.

Rumor has it that the average check of the singer for this kind of presence fluctuates around 250 thousand euros.

After such a brilliant series, gymnast Margarita Mamun's performance with the ball was already taken for granted. For nothing that the current Olympic champion! She had to pay, by and large there was no need.

Who dares even timidly ask for money from his boss. After all, Alexander Bryksin is the vice president of the Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation!

Even on the occasion of the banquet, a huge cake served for dessert, decorated with figurines of artistic gymnasts (this is understandable) and miners as a reminder of Bryksin's hometown of Kemerovo, was mentioned in some places.

Father's daughter

Whether Alexander Bryksin wanted it or not, her name was disgraced in connection with his beloved daughter. All representatives of the gossip column did not forget to write in detail how the well-known St. Petersburg businessman Anton Petrov left for Elizabeth Bryksina. Why did he leave. And because for the sake of his major daughter he simply left famous singer Maksim.

It happened just over a year ago. Who does not happen, many will ask? Yes, the only thing is that the millionaire jeweler left Maxim alone when she was seven months pregnant. Since then, as they say, Petrov has never even once taken an interest in either the affairs of Maxim or the fate of his child. The newly-minted father-in-law of Petrov did not ask this question either. Such “veal tenderness” is definitely not about him!

Lean Career Stages

From Kemerovo, where Alexander Bryksin was born and raised, he left in his youth, but managed to try himself in business. True, in small quantities - he traded Chinese consumer goods. But this is how many oligarchs started. Apparently, then he created the necessary start-up capital to increase their future wealth.

After that, Bryksin moved west of Siberia, where he took up more serious matters.

It is difficult to say which ones exactly - Bryksin always tried to hide his business ties. It is known that at one time he was vice-president of the Russian International Bank and was a member of the board of directors of the Kursk factory Kurskrezinotekhnika, being at the same time one of the main owners. In connection with this enterprise, the most loud scandal. It flared up last spring. whole group female employees of the enterprise (and mostly women work at Kurskrezinotekhnika) went into open conflict with the management and owners. In our time, and even in a private enterprise, this is extremely rare. After all, for disagreeing with the authorities, you can simply fly out of work into the street. But the women decided, and even called the television and the press.

It's just that the workers were driven to despair by unbearable working conditions and a boorish attitude towards them. Here it must be explained that the factory produces ingredients for the production of rubber. The work itself is very harmful and even dangerous.

However, according to the participants in the demarche, all this is of little concern to their current owners in the person of State Duma deputy Mr. Bryksin. There is simply nothing to breathe in the workshops from the chemicals exuding a real poison, and no one gives the workers basic protection against this, they say, survive, as you know!

Here's what protesters have to say about it:

In our assessment of jobs, it is indicated, - says Irina Episheva, who weighed the ingredients of KRT workshop No. 1, - that we do not work with hazardous chemistry, we cannot carry heavy loads with them, the dust content is normal.

However, in reality, everything looks much less rosy. Take at least the same chemistry ...

Previously, all chemistry was European, - says Anna Nizhmakova, who weighed the ingredients of workshop No. 1, - now it has gradually been replaced with Chinese. She is very toxic. If European - qualitative. Her hands did not peel off from her, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx did not burn, now her hands are painted. The skin from the hands systematically peels off.

And the face becomes "miner's". Even a personal protective equipment called "Petal" does not save.

Cotton-gauze dressing, - Anna Nizhmakova is indignant, - Thin, through which I feel the taste, smell (of chemical ingredients). With my eyes closed, I can determine - where, which is bitter, which is sweet, where everything burns out.

There are poisonings, - the women recall, - they were taken to the hospital.

Another problem is back pain. Women themselves have to move multi-kilogram containers with “chemistry” around the workshop.

A bag of 25 kilograms. As they explain to us - you should not lift them. We can not find - who should. And they say to us: "you two."

The Spanish prosecutor's office in October acquitted 17 Russians suspected of involvement in the case Gennady Petrov, which is also called "the case of the Russian mafia." This reduces the likelihood of a harsh sentence for Petrov himself, who is accused by the Spaniards of creating criminal community, say the Spanish media. According to prosecutors, a group of Russians led by Gennady Petrov (in the case he is called “authority”) has been engaged in money laundering since 1996, managing this activity from Spain .

Petrov has long been far from Spain: since 2012 he has been living in Russia, where his relatives are actively engaged in business. Even new ones. Three years ago, his son, a 34-year-old St. Petersburg developer, billionaire Anton Petrov married a 21 year old Elizabeth- the daughter of a State Duma deputy Alexandra Bryksina. After some time, the wife and son of the parliamentarian went into business in real estate. Another relative of the Bryksins turned out to be a co-owner of the largest restaurant company in Moscow airports.


Alexander Bryksin, a 51-year-old native of Kemerovo, is not a poor man, but he did not occupy high lines in the lists of the wealthiest businessmen or government officials. He became a deputy in 2011, and before that for many years he worked as a top manager of a large chemical plant"Kurskrezinotekhnika", in which he owned a 14% stake. Since 2006, Briksin has also owned a 20% stake in the restaurant company " Aeropit-Service”, whose other co-owners were politician Pavel Pozhigailo (with a share of 60%) and fellow countryman Bryksin Sergey Matrenin (20%).

Alexander Bryksin from 2006 to 2012 was a member of the Board of Directors, Deputy CEO on investments of CJSC "Kurskrezinotekhnika". Since 2011, he has been elected from the Kursk region to the State Duma of Russia. Vice President of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, master of sports in freestyle wrestling. After being elected to the State Duma, Bryksin gave assets to management and began to declare income, which ranged from 15 million to 205 million rubles a year.

But the attention of the media was attracted not by the parliamentarian's declarations, but by his sweeping gestures. In January 2017, in the gossip column, the media discussed Bryksin's anniversary, on which, according to experts, he spent more than €400,000. Hall rent, performances by Alla Pugacheva and Lepsa cost him almost a third of the annual income declared for that year - 107.1 million rubles. On the personal website of the deputy you can read that in the summer of 2018 Bryksin donated residents of Kursk concert singers of Glory, Ryl schoolchildren - a bus, and brought a rural temple in the Kurgan region from Athos icon with a particle of the relics of St. George the Victorious.

The deputy can afford to be a connoisseur of creativity and a philanthropist: apparently, the well-being of his family is supported by the success of relatives-businessmen.

Mother-in-law hotelier

In 2010, the deputy's wife, Svetlana Bryksina, became the owner of an apartment with an area of ​​326.3 sq. m in residential complex "Onegin"- an elite building with 130 apartments next to Tretyakov Gallery, on Malaya Polyanka, 2, is indicated in the Rosreestr data. Now a five-room apartment of comparable size in the complex for sale for $6.4 million or 427.3 million rubles. Among the neighbors of the Bryksins and Petrovs is a member of the board X5 Retail Group Igor Shekhterman, Member of the Board of PJSC "" Ilya Mandrik, First Deputy Head of the Directorate for Construction of Facilities Igor Shchetinin.

Since 2011, Bryksina has been one of the founders of the Onegin HOA, which manages the house. At the meetings of the partnership, she probably had to see Petrov Jr. It was his company "Orion-universal" that built a residential complex. In addition, judging by extracts from the real estate register, Petrov personally owns four residential and non-residential premises in Onegin with a total area of ​​​​1873.7 square meters. m, and two of his companies - "Onegin-Rent" and "Severofinans" - recorded more than 7400 sq. m. m. In 2017, Delovoy Peterburg estimated the fortune of Anton Petrov at 42.6 billion rubles. The businessman lives in Moscow, although his main business is in St. Petersburg. In 2006, Anton Petrov co-founded the 585 chain of jewelry stores. He owns the Fit-Fashion fitness club chain, he is one of the founders of the Zolotoy federal jewelry chain and owns a 25% stake in PetroStroyGroup CJSC.

Svetlana Bryksina is very busy raising children, her friends say. There are four of them in the family of the deputy - two sons and two daughters. January 2017 Aman Tuleev, who then held the post of governor of the Kemerovo region, even awarded Bryksin's wife with a medal "For the worthy upbringing of children."

But she still managed to find time for business. In March 2018, Svetlana Bryksina acquired a 50% stake in Petr I Hotel LLC. The other half of the company belongs to a certain Peter Melnikov. The firm now operates a five-star, 133-room hotel of the same name, located near TSUM. According to Rosreestr, in March 2017, she leased the hotel building until 2026 from its owner, Budapest Hotel JSC. This company was controlled by the well-known developer Pavel Fuks, Kommersant and Vedomosti wrote. It belonged, according to registration data, to three offshore companies. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the imposition of sanctions Fuchs moved to Ukraine. In April 2018, the Budapest Hotel JSC began bankruptcy proceedings at the suit of the Cyprus offshore Napol International Limited, to which the company was unable to repay a loan and interest for 550 million rubles. The deterioration of its financial situation, “Hotel “Budapest” explained just by the fact that it rented out the hotel.

It was not possible to contact Bryksina and Fuchs to ask them about the hotel business. But, according to the Kontur.Focus database, they were once business partners. The wife of United Russia had a 5% stake in ZAO RTK Garantiya, another co-owner of which was Fuchs with a 21% stake. This company was liquidated in 2009.

Brother-in-law millionaire

The 21-year-old son of Svetlana and Alexander Bryksin, Yegor, own business appeared a year ago. In 2017, he became a co-owner of six companies, in the authorized capital of which he invested a total of 16.6 million rubles. The main activity of his firms is the rental of real estate and construction.

One of the business partners of Yegor Bryksin was Shagor Stepanyan, the son of a construction magnate and co-owner of the Moscow shopping center "Yerevan Plaza" Gennady Stepanyan. Together they own Avrora Stroy LLC.

Little is known about Bryksin Jr. He served in the sports company of CSKA in Balashikha. Judging by the photos on Instagram, he loves expensive cars, goes in for judo and has been dating Isabella Pavlova for several years. The girl is a patriot of Russia, loves to pose in T-shirt with a photo of Vladimir Putin in the courtyard of the University of Cambridge, where, judging by the comments on social networks, she studies.

Egor Bryksin, photo from Instagram account

Restaurateur Relative

Bryksin's share in the Aeropit-Service company in 2013 was transferred to Natalya Bryksina with the same patronymic as that of the deputy, -. The company has become the largest catering operator at Moscow airports.

Over the past seven years, she has received a lease in the new international terminal E Sheremetyevo Airport about 1100 sq. m for restaurants, as well as premises with a total area of ​​4637.8 sq. m in the old international terminal F.

As a result, a passenger goes to drink coffee, beer or have lunch, he carries his money to Aeropit Service. On almost 6 thousand square meters. m, the company has placed a large canteen for staff and 40 restaurants, bars and cafes. The company's website indicated that it serves more than 10,000 people daily in two Sheremetyevo terminals.

According to Kontur.Fokus, Aeropit Service owns the Coffee House, Bread and Salt, and Paul Bakery franchises, and the company itself owns the Launch point, Coffebox, and Buy&Fly brands. Also operates Spaten bar and BUD Burgers restaurant. The company also indicates that it has two CoffeeShop Company coffee shops in Terminal B of Sheremetyevo and three coffee shops of this brand in the first Domodedovo terminal.

Only for lunches for border guards, dispatchers and other airport employees, Aeropit Service received 167 million rubles from government customers. Its annual revenue is several hundred million rubles a year.

State Duma deputy Alexander Bryksin did not comment on the issue of family relations with Natalya Bryksina, noting that all information about his income is contained in the declaration. “The rest of my relatives are adults and capable citizens who have the right to engage in any type of activity that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, including business. They independently and independently of me submit information about their income and expenses to the relevant regulatory agencies,” the deputy told Open Media.

Ukrainian media, meanwhile, report that Svetlana Bryksina's partner Pavel Fuks found mutual language with the president of a neighboring country, Petro Poroshenko, a number of publications directly call him "the second Firtash." Taking advantage of the patronage of the head of state, Fuchs actively seizes the assets that previously belonged to the family of Viktor Yanukovych. Fuchs has managed to recover huge sums from the Kyiv Metro on debts created by companies close to Yanukovych, which has already led to a doubling of fares in popular urban transport. Fuchs's political and business activity led to his name being mentioned in the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution published today on the application of special economic measures in connection with the unfriendly actions of Ukraine. According to the decision of the government and the presidential decree of October 22, all Russian assets of Fuks should be frozen. It is not yet clear how this will affect the well-being of the family of Deputy Bryksin in the future.

Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Alexander Bryksin is famous for the fact that in January 2017 he celebrated his 50th birthday for €400,000. Alla Pugacheva performed at his anniversary, and actor Igor Vernik was the toastmaster. A well-known parliamentarian and kinship with a criminal authority from the organized criminal group "Tambovskie" Gennady Petrov, whose son Anton married Elizaveta Bryksina. discovered a company in the Bryksin family that controls cafes and restaurants at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

Millionaire MP

State Duma deputy from the United Russia party Alexander Bryksin has been discussed in gossip columns for several years. As reported by the agency "Ruspres", in 2015 his 21-year-old daughter Elizabeth married a 34-year-old Anton Petrov- a billionaire (in 2016, the income amounted to 37 billion rubles) and the son of the criminal leader Gennady Petrov, who was part of the Tambovskie gang. Glossy magazines after the wedding wrote: Anton Petrov left his pregnant common-law wife Marina Abrosimova ( singer MakSim).

Photo from the daughter's wedding with Anton Petrov (the groom is not in the photo)

Elizaveta Bryksina and Anton Petrov

United Russia Alexander Bryksin himself in 2015 ranked 67th in the Forbes ranking among wealthy civil servants. His income was 130.4 million rubles, in 2016 he declared 205.6 million rubles. However, Alexander Bryksin spent the same amount in 2017, when he celebrated his 50th birthday. Only the rent of the hall cost him 1 million rubles, plus the performances of Alla Pugacheva (on average it costs € 200 thousand) and Grigory Leps (costs € 100 thousand), and actor Igor Vernik worked as a toastmaster. The story of the expensive party ended with a discussion of the star guests and calculations of the expenses of the parliamentarian.

Anniversary of Alexander Bryksin

Alexander Bryksin distinguished himself by the fact that he got himself a personal website, which tells about all the exploits of the parliamentarian and a little about Vyacheslav Volodin. In 2016, in the VII convocation of the State Duma, he passed from the Kursk region. On October 9, 2017, Bryksin and several other United Russia deputies donated a minibus for schoolchildren in the Rylsky district of the Kursk region. Judging by the news reports on his website, Bryksin often inspects the Kurskrezinotekhnika CJSC plant, where from 2006 to 2012 he was deputy general director for investments and was a member of the board of directors. As of 2011, Bryksin owned a 14% stake in the plant and CJSC Sphere, as well as real estate in Spain.

“I hope to take advantage of the proximity to Moscow, the resources in the State Duma in order to build a significant enterprise for the Kursk region. These can be plants of the chemical industry, metallurgical, and possibly construction specifics. For the time being, I am monitoring the situation in the region and will proceed from its specifics," MP Alexander Bryksin said in his first interview in 2011. But so far, proximity to Moscow helps the Bryksin family develop business.

Catering Bryksina

Aeropit-Service LLC was registered in Khimki, Moscow Region in 2004. The main activity of the company is restaurants and food delivery services. They created Aeropit-Service, at that time a State Duma deputy (from 2003 to 2006) Pavel Pozhigailo, businessman Sergey Matrenin and Alexander Bryksin.

In April 2013, Bryksin transferred his stake in Aeropit Service to Natalya Bryksina. Probably, Natalia Bryksina is the sister of the parliamentarian - they have the same middle names. In addition, she is also listed as the general director of Sfera CJSC, whose shareholder was Alexander Bryksin.

The revenue of Aeropit-Service for 2016, according to the database for checking counterparties Kontur. Focus”, is 603.5 million rubles. How does the company make money? From 2011 to 2017, Aeropit-Service won 36 government contracts for a total of 166.3 million rubles. In August 2017, the company provided catering services at Sheremetyevo International Airport for 1.6 million rubles (in December 2016, the contract amount was 14.6 million rubles) for the FGKU “Provision Service for Border Service of the FSB of Russia". In March 2017, 1 million rubles were allocated to Sheremetyevo International Airport JSC for the "provision of catering services for the air traffic controllers of the Navigational and Air Navigation Support Department of the Directorate for Air Navigation Flight Support."

"Bread and Salt"

"Bread and salt" in Sheremetyevo belongs to "Aeropit-Service"

At Sheremetyevo, a company linked to Bryksin not only feeds airport staff and border guards. Aeropit-Service has become a monopoly in Sheremetyevo - it controls all the main food outlets at the airport. The company owns two bars and cafes in terminal E, in terminal F it owns 12 catering outlets and one store.

“Today, in 40 restaurants, bars and cafes of the company located in both Sheremetyevo terminals, we treat more than 10 thousand people every day,” the Aeropit Service website reports. Considering the number of outlets at the airport and the daily passenger traffic, Aepopit-Service's revenues are clearly underestimated.

For example, in 2014, Aeropit-Service received a license until 2020 from LLC Coffee House. Espresso and Cappuccino Bar" for the use of the Coffee House trademark in Terminal E of Sheremetyevo Airport.

Aeropit-Service has been lucky with state contracts since 2011, exactly when Alexander Bryksin moved to Moscow in the interests of his voters.

The performances of popular stars cost the vice-president of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation more than 400 thousand euros.

Grigory Leps, Igor Vernik, Anastasia Makeeva, comedian Marina Fedunkiv and a nail holiday program- Alla Pugacheva - the whole Friday evening on January 20 entertained the guests of the Russian deputy and vice-president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics Alexander Bryksin. The celebration, which took place in the capital's Congress Park at the Radisson Royal Hotel, can rightfully be called one of the loudest festivities at the beginning of the year. Only the rent of a luxurious hall, decorated in the style of a New Year's fairy tale with photographs of snow-covered fir trees and 3D figures of polar bears, cost the politician more than a million rubles. The "evening event" package, however, includes only a set of cold and hot appetizers, service, table and chair decoration in snow-white covers, as well as equipment: light, sound and a screen for presentations. Alcohol, hot dishes and desserts were paid separately by the birthday boy.

Another about 15 thousand euros the hero of the day spent on a toastmaster, the role of which was played by actor Igor Vernik. The ex-participant of the Comedy Woman project Marina Fedunkiv cost Bryksin a little cheaper - the comedian usually takes an amount of 8 thousand euros for performances.

Not without a favorite of the public - Grigory Leps, who takes an amount starting from 100,000 euros for private performances at anniversaries. The guests were even able to perform with Leps one of his main hits - "Waterfalls".

Perhaps the most expensive star of the Russian stage, Alla Pugacheva, became the crown of the festive program, the price tag for whose performance, as we managed to find out, that evening reached 265 thousand dollars. The heroine of the latest scandal with a petition against New Year's lights entertained the audience for about an hour, performing her incorruptibles.

Alexander Bryksin, Irina Viner-Usmanova and singer Zlataslav

One of the surprises for the birthday boy was dance number with the ball of the Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Margarita Mamun.

While the stars were performing, the guests were treated to culinary delights: masterpieces of Mediterranean cuisine, fresh berries and expensive alcohol were served on the tables. The culmination of the evening was a multi-level cake, made by order of the birthday man's wife. Confectioner Andrei Shevlyagin decorated his masterpiece with sculptures of a miner, as a symbol of the deputy's hometown - Kemerovo, and young athletes, hinting that "the most important thing in the life of the hero of the day was the construction of a children's sports center."

Two years ago, Forbes named Alexander Bryksin 27th in the ranking of the wealthiest officials with an income of 127 million rubles a year. Also, according to the publication, in 2014 the politician declared six parking spaces, several residential buildings, an apartment in Spain and a ferreti 90 boat.

The son of Alexander Bryksin (right) with Alla Pugacheva and guests of the anniversary evening

In the gossip column, the name of the deputy was widely discussed in the fall of 2015, when it became known that for the sake of the eldest heiress of Bryksin, Elizaveta, businessman Anton Petrov left the pregnant singer MakSim. An affair with the 21-year-old daughter of a millionaire founder jewelry brand"585" spun when the artist was in her seventh month. Despite the 12-year age difference and the birth of a small child, Moscow State University student Liza Bryksina, after six months of courtship, said yes to her lover.

Elizaveta Bryksina with her brother Yegor at the anniversary celebration of his father

Alexander Yurievich Bryksin
from December 4
Birth: January 20th(1967-01-20 ) (52 years old)
Kemerovo, Kemerovo Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR
Children: Elizabeth, Egor, Maria, Maxim
The consignment: United Russia

Alexander Yurievich Bryksin(b. January 20, Kemerovo) - Russian entrepreneur, manager, state and political figure. Member of the State Duma of the VI convocation from United Russia since December 2011, from regional group No. 48 (Kursk region), member of the State Duma committee on property issues.

Master of sports in freestyle wrestling. Vice President of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation.


Bryksin Alexander Yurievich was born on January 20, 1967 in the city of Kemerovo.

He studied at the Kemerovo school number 65. Graduated in 1996 and the Academy of International Business.

From 2007 to 2010, he worked at the Russian International Bank as Vice President.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Kurskrezinotekhnika, Deputy General Director for Investments.

Alexander Bryksin actively helps orphanages, participates in organizing leisure activities, lunches and events for children left without parental care.

In Kemerovo, at the expense of the regional budget and Alexander Bryksin, a modern sports palace was built for freestyle wrestling, sports and rhythmic gymnastics.

Property and income

According to official data for 2011, Briksin and his wife received a total income of more than 60 million rubles. The family owns a plot of land, four apartments, seven parking spaces, two cars and a Ferreti S 90 boat.

As of 2011, he owned real estate in Spain, shares in Kurskrezinotekhnika CJSC and Sfera CJSC.

A family

Married, has four children. Wife - Svetlana Bryksina, 45 years old.

  • The eldest daughter Elizaveta, 23 years old, is a former member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, a student at Moscow State University. Married to businessman Anton Petrov.
  • Eldest son Egor, 19 years old.
  • The youngest daughter Maria, 12 years old, is a model.
  • The youngest son Maxim, 6 years old.

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An excerpt characterizing Bryksin, Alexander Yurievich

While such conversations were taking place in the reception room and in the princess's rooms, the carriage with Pierre (who was sent for) and Anna Mikhailovna (who found it necessary to go with him) drove into the courtyard of Count Bezukhoy. When the wheels of the carriage sounded softly on the straw laid under the windows, Anna Mikhailovna, turning to her companion with comforting words, convinced herself that he was sleeping in the corner of the carriage, and woke him up. Waking up, Pierre got out of the carriage after Anna Mikhailovna, and then only thought of that meeting with his dying father that awaited him. He noticed that they did not drive up to the front, but to the back entrance. While he was getting off the footboard, two men in bourgeois clothes hurriedly ran away from the entrance into the shadow of the wall. Pausing, Pierre saw in the shadow of the house on both sides several more of the same people. But neither Anna Mikhailovna, nor the footman, nor the coachman, who could not but see these people, paid no attention to them. Therefore, this is so necessary, Pierre decided with himself, and followed Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna with hasty steps walked up the dimly lit narrow stone stairs, calling Pierre, who was lagging behind her, who, although he did not understand why he had to go to the count at all, and still less why he had to go along the back stairs, but , judging by the confidence and haste of Anna Mikhailovna, he decided to himself that this was necessary. Halfway down the stairs they were almost knocked down by some people with buckets, who, clattering with their boots, ran towards them. These people pressed against the wall to let Pierre and Anna Mikhailovna through, and did not show the slightest surprise at the sight of them.
- Are there half princesses here? Anna Mikhailovna asked one of them...
“Here,” the footman answered in a bold, loud voice, as if everything was already possible now, “the door is on the left, mother.”
“Perhaps the count did not call me,” said Pierre, while he went out onto the platform, “I would have gone to my place.
Anna Mikhailovna stopped to catch up with Pierre.
Ah, mon ami! - she said with the same gesture as in the morning with her son, touching his hand: - croyez, que je souffre autant, que vous, mais soyez homme. [Believe me, I suffer no less than you, but be a man.]
- Right, I'll go? asked Pierre, looking affectionately through his spectacles at Anna Mikhailovna.
- Ah, mon ami, oubliez les torts qu "on a pu avoir envers vous, pensez que c" est votre pere ... peut etre a l "agonie." She sighed. - Je vous ai tout de suite aime comme mon fils. Fiez vous a moi, Pierre. Je n "oublirai pas vos interets. [Forget, my friend, what was wrong against you. Remember that this is your father... Maybe in agony. I immediately fell in love with you like a son. Trust me, Pierre. I will not forget your interests.]
Pierre did not understand; again it seemed to him even more strongly that all this must be so, and he obediently followed Anna Mikhaylovna, who had already opened the door.
The door opened into the back entrance. In the corner sat an old servant of the princesses and knitted a stocking. Pierre had never been in this half, did not even imagine the existence of such chambers. Anna Mikhailovna asked the girl who overtook them, with a decanter on a tray (calling her sweetheart and dove) about the health of the princesses and dragged Pierre further along the stone corridor. From the corridor, the first door to the left led to the living rooms of the princesses. The maid, with the decanter, in a hurry (as everything was done in a hurry at that moment in this house) did not close the door, and Pierre and Anna Mikhailovna, passing by, involuntarily looked into the room where, talking, the elder princess and Prince Vasily. Seeing the passersby, Prince Vasily made an impatient movement and leaned back; the princess jumped up and with a desperate gesture slammed the door with all her might, shutting it.
This gesture was so unlike the princess’s usual calmness, the fear expressed on the face of Prince Vasily was so unusual for his importance that Pierre, stopping, inquiringly, through his glasses, looked at his leader.
Anna Mikhailovna did not express surprise, she only smiled slightly and sighed, as if to show that she had expected all this.
- Soyez homme, mon ami, c "est moi qui veillerai a vos interets, [Be a man, my friend, I will look after your interests.] - she said in response to his look and went even faster down the corridor.
Pierre did not understand what was the matter, and even less what it meant veiller a vos interets, [observe your interests,] but he understood that all this should be so. They went down a corridor into a dimly lit hall that adjoined the count's waiting room. It was one of those cold and luxurious rooms that Pierre knew from the front porch. But even in this room, in the middle, there was an empty bathtub and water had been spilled over the carpet. To meet them on tiptoe, paying no attention to them, a servant and a clerk with a censer. They entered the reception room, familiar to Pierre, with two Italian windows, access to winter Garden, with a large bust and a full-length portrait of Catherine. All the same people, in almost the same positions, sat whispering in the waiting room. Everyone, falling silent, looked back at Anna Mikhailovna, who had come in, with her weepy, pale face, and at the fat, big Pierre, who, with lowered head, meekly followed her.

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