Theatrical scenario of propaganda teams on ecology. Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team on ecology

Interesting 05.07.2019

Ecological holiday for schoolchildren of grades 5-7: Journey Drops

Scenario environmental propaganda team for elementary and middle school students

Target: environmental education.
- reveal the importance of water on Earth;
- to acquaint with the problems of water pollution;
- to create a belief in the need careful attitude to the water.

Decor: presentation, blue balloons, soundtracks, costumes.

Characters: leading, Drop, small droplets (4), Oil, Pesticides, Mineral fertilizers, Baikal, Antarctica.

Presenter 1
Friends, theater of miniatures
(Costumes are just haute couture)
Thinks it's time
Reveal one secret for you!

Lead 2
Freeze with reverence
Meet the artists soon!

Together song from the cartoon "Plasticine Crow"

One simple story
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Byvalshchina, perhaps
Now we will tell you.
About a little ordinary
To the habitual movement
And very pretty
And then think for yourself.


One simple drop
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
I wanted to go around the world
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
Not long doubted
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
And started with a cloud.
She grew up quickly
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
heavy fell
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Then she came back
Here, here, here, here, here, here, here
Such are the things.
And flew in the cloud
And the breeze asked
Spill over the sea
Better than the ocean
Dream come true,
And the drop fell down
She was expected there
Both joy and deceit.

A Drop appears surrounded by small Drops
Song from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" "Tell me, Snow Maiden"

droplets Tell me, Droplet, how are you?
What did you see from above, where were you?

A drop Now, girlfriends, I will give you an answer,
This journey is no secret.

droplets Quench our interest in you!

A drop The world around us, the world around us is full of various wonders!

Leading Walked across the sky for a long time
I chose the whole place
Flew many countries
And fell into the ocean!
Then she got in trouble...

Oil throws a net on the Drop

Oil Didn't expect my networks?
I've been hiding here for a long time
A film spilled over the water,
Not to leave me
Okay, enough business.
Well, how did you recognize me?
Yet I got you!
I am Oil! And who doesn't know me?
I kill the living in the water,

I'll spoil her good taste, viciously or viciously
I'm afraid and not a coward!

A drop Oh, I don't like you
I'm on fire all over!
Sun, be kind to me
Evaporate me quickly! breaks out of Oil
I'll fly away with a fast cloud,
I will run away from burning oil,
The ground is under me
Only sad fields.
Dried up from the heat,
I will cover the earth with rain
I will bring her moisture
And save me from drought. rain slide

a drop falls into the arms of Pesticides

Pesticides We are pesticides, hello everyone, hello!
It's time to do water
And joyfully we will all dissolve in it,
Let's get into food and poison people!

My grandmother smokes a pipe Nastya Petrik
pesticides dance rock and roll to a recorded soundtrack

We are poisonous, we will be familiar,
We poison everything that we see around,
Even the water that is in the house
The pesticide is the "best friend" of all living things!

All the water was captured safely,
Oceans and rivers, seas,
And it's impossible for her to escape from us,
So all her efforts are in vain!

Etc. Her formula has changed so much
Who recognizes this one?
Why is she so dirty?
This is my personal business!

I pollute it with pleasure -
These are all my assistants,
I don't suffer from prejudice
And I will reveal my chips to you.

Why was she called dead?
Look, it's flowing.
For such work they would give us medals,
Respect and honor to all of us!

Drop running and hiding from Pesticides

A drop
Flew so many countries
And fell into the trap again!
Oh, the shadow is still creeping!

The drop hid, mineral fertilizers appear

fertilizers We are not too lazy to love water!

recitative on the background of music

fertilizers We are mineral fertilizers,
We are useful and not banal,
So we hunt for rain
We look forward to every drop.
Let the water dissolve us soon,
And then, sorry, trouble:
We will reward everyone with nitrates,
And while we rest, let's sit sit down

Fertilizer 1 About the tide, about the red dream,
I would be in the sea, then beauty ...

Fertilizer 2 Yes, an unexpected guest is more pleasant,
Hurry up

Fertilizer 1 And here comes the rain Catch the Drop, it breaks out

A drop Somebody save me
Release from trouble!
Seems like the trouble is gone
I found my way to the lake.

Baikal appears, he says sadly. Baikal slides on the screen

I am unique, friends,
But now I'm sick
My pure water
Everyone used to get drunk
And now she's not the same
beauty is dying
The one created by nature -
Contaminate my water.

A drop Oh, where did I go?
I was looking for a clean world...

Baikal You, dear, do not seek
In a place you look for a friend.

A drop Sorry, I loved you
Yes, fate has got you
The one that can kill...
Well, I'm sorry, I want to live. howling wind soundtrack
I got into a storm, oh!
Antarctica below me!
I think I'm about to breathe
Finally, I'll rest
There are no fields here and factories -
You can hardly find purer water.

Antarctica Do not rush to fly to me:
I have to endure
What the winds bring me
Yes, they will throw me into the snow ... sighs
I'm sorry, I'll say one thing:
There is no clean water for a long time.
How did I not chase them away?
Even I couldn't resist
So you fly further
Maybe you'll find it along the way.

A drop There was hope for you...
Well, I'm not ignorant at all
You need to ask people
How can I continue to live in the world?
Maybe people understand
There will be no life without me
Want to fix evil
To make everything come alive again.

Droplets appear, surround the Drop

A drop How can water be so polluted?
Let both people and factories
Drain everything into me without cleaning?
I have to give life to everything!

Droplet 1 We are lakes, rivers and seas
And the Earth did not create us in vain,

Droplet 2 All health, vivacity and beauty
Even small drops are carried!

Droplet 3 There are no clouds without me
The rain doesn't pour

Droplet 4 White snow is not spinning -

Together We are life for you for all!

A drop So you love me
Cleanse, save
For life to bloom everywhere
Lay down the water hymn, people!

Water is everywhere on Earth:
The surf whispers in the blue sea,
The stream flows down the rock,
The first frost glitters in the sun.
She spins with snowflakes
And boldly penetrates into the bowels,
And ice sparkling lies,
A fast river flows down from the mountains.
Flying in fluffy clouds
Wave walks in the ocean
Dew sparkles on the leaves,
And a beautiful rainbow beckons.
Water is everywhere, it is everywhere
All around you will see a trace,
So save the water people
After all, without it, we have no life!

Scenario of the environmental propaganda team "Friends of Nature"

An evil sorceress sits on a throne on the stage

Evil Witch: Something got boring for me...

What is the news in the country?

My light is a mirror, tell me

Yes, show me the truth.

Is everything so bad on Earth?

Is there a miracle anywhere?

And her mirror in response

Mirror:There are many different troubles in the world:

There are no birds or grasses in the forests,

The rivers are full of poison...

(slide show)

Evil sorceress: Like a balm for my soul!

Well, I'm quite satisfied!

Mirror:…only there are more places

Where nature is so pure

Where are the streams, and the forest, and the animals ..

(slide show)

Evil Witch: How dare you believe it!

Oh you vile glass

You're lying to spite me!

I'll fix it all

I will leave my mark everywhere!

Takes a magic wand and waves towards the mirror: "Contaminatus" (slides change)

Evil Witch: My faithful servants

My wicked servants

Report the situation

Tell me everything in detail

Enter two servants and read from the scrolls

  1. Due to the inefficient treatment of sewage in the city of Nikolaev, for recent years"Nikolaevvodokanal" is the main polluter of water resources of the Nikolaev region.
  2. On the territory of the Nikolaev region, there are 112 small rivers, the state of which is under the influence of economic activity characterized as unstable. Most of the small rivers, due to silt and swampiness, need to clear their channels.
  3. Pesticides and agrochemicals in the amount of 185.48 tons remained unsuitable for use and prohibited for use on the territory of the region
  4. On the territory of the Pervomaisky district there are 11 former silo-launchers ballistic missiles which are in a state of disrepair. Illegal dismantling of missile silos threatens to infect people environment components of toxic rocket fuel
  5. On the territory of the Nikolaev region, the process of flooding is intensively developing. The area of ​​flooding development is 17033 km 2 (69% of the area of ​​the region)
  6. In the Nikolaev region, there is a low percentage of protected areas. With an average Ukrainian indicator of 5.4%, the reserve area is only 3%

Evil sorceresssatisfied and, smiling, says : From the forest - desert

From the river - swamp

And the landfills grow and grow

Year after year.

No birdsong

And there are no flowers..

Here's what's waiting for everyone

Here it is, my KINGDOM!

Leaves, the servants follow to carry away the throne

An alarm sounds, runs in good wizard

Good wizard: Something happened again

Once again, trouble has befallen us.

Pipes of factories smoke in the distance -

There were no fish in the nearby river.

Nitrates “accidentally” get into the soil.

There was a transparent spring, but once.

Where they made noise dense forests,

The dusty road is full of stripes.

The sun shines brighter on the road,

Shimmering languidly through a cloud of smog.

We must act quickly

Call friends for help.

Waves a magic wand: "Reductio"

A team of boys appears

  1. We are a propaganda team

We are Friends of Nature

Call us urgently

In any weather

  1. If they pollute
  2. If they poison
  3. poor nature

Destroy again

  1. So that the joy of tomorrow

You were able to feel.

Must be a clean land

And the sky be clear.

  1. Let the problems be global

But they are quite real.

  1. And don't think that they

So the solution is hard

Don't rely on others

Everything is quite possible.

  1. Let the rivers not be cleared for you,

Ozone can't be patched

Soil nitrate cannot be reduced

And I could not disperse

  1. And even if we are not big and important

But everyone can help nature

(slide show)

  1. Get together, clean up the trash

Your school, your yard, your street.

Parks, squares and river banks,

Where people like to litter so much.

  1. Let our streets be clean

Well, the waters of the river are silvery

  1. After all, even the smallest of you

Can contribute now.

  1. In the global work of the whole people -

To save native nature.

  1. Never throw candy wrappers and cans -

Our cities will quickly turn into dumps.

  1. Let's decorate the Earth together

Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

Let's respect the Earth together

And treat with tenderness, like a miracle!

They all come out together and sing a song :

Ecological song (rap)

I know for sure will not replace the forest extract of needles

Will not replace nanotechnology clean sea

And if each of the people becomes a little bit kinder

We can turn our world into a flower alley

The planet rests on those who care

People hold on to those who care

In the hands of each of us lies a particle of the world

In the hands of each of us the initiative

I have no doubt it's better to be than to seem

Just to pay attention than to refuse

We will destroy indifference with you together

And we will sing an ecological song for everyone


Does it matter how and what

In any case, good is good

The main thing is it doesn't matter

And no matter where and when

Cities districts and houses

Time Zones

Only here and now, it all depends on us

This world starts in our hearts

everyone needs this world, each of us

Scenario of the performance of the propaganda team "EKOS"

Teacher of life safety and biology Zarechnaya L.N.

Target: the formation of the foundations of environmental literacy and a sense of personal responsibility for the future of both their small homeland, and Russia and the planet Earth as a whole.


    draw the attention of spectators and participants of the event to environmental problems;

expand children's experience in environmentally oriented activities;

    develop cognitive and creative activity;

develop speech, thinking, imagination;

    improve the ability to convey emotional condition heroes with facial expressions, gestures, body movements;

    encourage fantasy, creativity, individuality in the transfer of images;

    to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, the ability to act in concert, compassion for nature, the desire to protect and preserve it.

    to instill love for the small Motherland.

Music sounds. (exit - dance) phonogram №1

Hello sun, flowers and birds!

Good afternoon to all friends!

    Welcome to the propaganda team

    All: "ECOS" Mokrushan secondary school

    We are for a cloudless sky

    We are for clean water

    We are against pain and war!

    For a sober mind, for clarity of thought,

    For childhood, youth, for love!

    I am Lena, I love to watch the rising sun

    I am Nastya, I like to listen to the trill of the nightingale

    I am Yulia. I love the warm summer sea

    I am Alena, I love the smell of rain

    I am Julia, I love to wander under light winter snowflakes

    I am Katya, I love Belovsky pine forests

    I am Vera, I love pure spring water

    I am Anton, I like to walk barefoot in the dew in the morning.

    I'm Sergey, I love the smell of freshly cut hay

Together: We are the generation of the 21st century!

    We are the future of this planet!

    Her salvation is in our hands

    There won't be another chance.

    You are people of good will!

    Don't be indifferent!

20 .We came to this auditorium today,
To talk again about the problems of the Earth.
Let everyone hear us, and, of course, understand
And they will quickly move on to useful things.

21. We will answer questions about how to live in the world,
In our hands we hold the ecology of the planet,
Let's say our favorite slogan now:
ALL: Let's save our beloved district from risk!

22 .On our blue planet
There is a place where we live with you
My Motherland - Kursk Territory
We will always take care of you!

23 . A tree and a pine tree grow here,
And my white birch,
Oak, aspen, maple
All the trees in it
Our Kursk region,
I am in love with you!

24 .Let's talk about ecology
We talk about it with tears
How much forest is cut down in the area?
We do not know about this.
And we know about
That flowers disappear like shadows.
So let's go friends
without embellishment,
Let's talk about it today.


(thunder sounds) №3 background number 4

(voice behind the scene)

Once, having gathered with the last forces,

The Lord created a beautiful planet

Gave her the shape of a big ball

And planted trees and flowers there

Herbs of unparalleled beauty.

Many animals began to live there

Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds

Here's a gift for you, people own

Plow the land, sow bread

I bequeath to you all from now on -

You protect this shrine.

Music without words continues. Pupils come out in black capes with hoods on their heads, globes in their hands, a presentation is underway under their story. A couple of students are taken out big flower(a small child is hidden in it).

    We so zealously conquer nature,

We spoil the creation of the creator.

    Hollow, drill, dig, pick,

And poison, and explode without end.

3. The earth is in turmoil today

As if she was tired of enduring

After all, we are shredding her insides

Made the planet sick

4. Suddenly a peaceful atom

Terrible became, dangerous,

And somewhere pour all the rain

Terrible fires rage in the forests

Tsunamis demolish cities and bridges.

5. Earthquakes often occur

And somewhere the drought incinerates everything around,

Fresh water supplies are running out

And the ozone holes are already a whole circle.

    What have you done with your planet?

    You are human. Give us an answer soon!

    The bowels of the planet - mindlessly use,

    You wear fur coats and hats from the fauna.

    You destroy the ozone layer

    Be merciful!

All. Enough! Wait!

Bells are ringing. №5

    You hear the bells ring!

They seem to be bringing good news!

    Perhaps glorify our Earth

Or the wedding of two hearts!

    No, a new man was born on Earth,

Here come the bells.

    He will see both the sea and the sky,

He will reach for the light, not for the darkness -

    He had never been here before

On this beautiful earth!

A flower opens. A child appears and sings the song "Red Book". On the screen slideshow about the disappeared animals.

"Red Book" No. 6

Music and lyrics by O. Gazmanov

I will never see those animals

that disappeared on earth.

In the Red Book forever

Their silhouettes have gone into the abyss.

Never clear skies

Never a motley zebra

Never countries where I have not been,

I will never see.

Following the flamingos I scream

I beg him: "Stay, bird"

But only pink surf

It will beat in the film of oil.

Never clear skies

Never a motley zebra

Never countries where I have not been,

I will never see.

The music continues. The students take turns removing their hoods and raising their hands

globe, they say. On-screen slideshow illustrations for words.

    Look at the planet, you in the eyes -

You will see your reflection.

You can't watch or not watch.

They have a sentence and no forgiveness.

    In this crazy, atomic age

Stop, look, man!

As we increasingly progress to please

We destroy native nature!

    Pipes of factories smoke in the distance -

There were no fish in the nearby river.

Nitrates “accidentally” get into the soil.

There was a transparent spring, but once.

    Where dense forests roared

The dusty road is full of stripes.

The sun shines brighter on the road

Sluggishly, shimmering through a cloud of smog.

    Aromas of spring burst into the windows,

The nightingale's trill once woke us up,

Herbs, flowers that buoyed around the world,

They were included in the Red Book today.

22. But, we children can't stop the factories,

To blue sky didn't smoke.

To prevent all waste from being dumped into the rivers

And so that our nature is not destroyed.

23 But! We can plant trees

And feed the birds in winter

Don't throw trash on the ground

Do not tear flowers, do not kill animals.

24 Let's love and cherish nature,

So that the nightingale's trill does not disappear,

To the biggest nature reserve

Our planet Earth has become!

25. Here she is flying...

Little, what.

Here she is sad

Delving into your thoughts.

26 Here she is swimming.

Quiet chill blows.

Still lives

Still trust people.

27 .There she floats

Through the terrible midnight

Calling all people

Asks for help!

28. If you add up the efforts of adults and all children,

We will save the planet, our planet of people.

Everyone leaves come out 2 boys Chastushki №7

1. We dedicate ditties

Ecology in the country

How do we pollute it?

Forget about the earth.

2. We throw garbage everywhere

The soil is dying and the forests

Rivers, lakes, we pollute

All fish disappear.

3 .They say that in our river

There were a dime a dozen fish

And now even frogs

Not found in our river.

4. If the problem is not solved,

The river may turn black

And black rain from the clouds

Will drip down.

5. You can clean up a lot

We want to convince the guys

Remember the simple truth:

It's clean where they don't litter.

6. Planting a sack of potatoes

Dig two buckets.

It happens when you're not friends

With ecology, friends.

7. Polluting the atmosphere

Exhaust gases

We undermine health

All at once

8. And kill the animals

We are on skins and furs

Picking rare flowers

In fields and meadows.

9. Mother - take care of nature,

Love her since childhood.

Don't pollute it

Whatever you can do, help!

10. To not be so boring

I will sing songs

I'll take care of the environment

I will protect the earth.

11 .We sang ditties to you,

This is no accident at all.

We want the planet

She was beautiful and clean!

Take turns going out and standing in a circle

    Let's save the planet!
    30. There is no more beautiful in the whole universe,
    31. She is the only one in the universe
    All. What will she do without us!

    Earth is our world, Earth is our home,

    A ship in the ocean of stars.

    Let's join hands, friends!

All. Let's save our world! Until it's not too late!

35. Take care of the earth people!
Our homeland and the place where we live,
And our land, which we all love,
Native street, where we grow up!
36. Take care of the beauty of your native land,
The rustle of leaves, spring flowers,
We can compare our Belovskiy land with paradise,
After all, there is no more beautiful place for me!

37. People, take care of all this,
Take care of everything God has given you!
So that this native land,
Every resident would be proud!

Anthem of Ecology №8

Everyone on the planet wants to live

In pristine beauty of nature,

So that peoples could live and create

On environmental protection

We are called by the Fatherland to stand,

So that the world knows no trouble

clean air could breathe all the time


Ecology, ecology,

The word Motherland is an analogy

Look around, look -

Everywhere life and with nature

Be friends forever.

Look at the beauty around

In fields, meadows, forests and rivers

You and I are called, my friend

So that we can avert trouble,

So that the soul reaches only for the light

For the nightingales to sing in the garden

We must protect our planets


Phonogram number 9 sounds

Dance number "Earth in danger"

I recently had a strange dream

I stand on the ground and a groan is heard,

Around no tree, no grass, no flower,

One gloomy desert of bare sand.

The earth hums and groans and sighs,

And in a silent cry he raises his hands,

EARTH: - Help

Give me back my life, give me back my beauty

Bring back the grass that turns green in the spring

Bring back the flowers, trees, birds,

Give it back to me!
I am the earth in big trouble
Look people at me!
I burn in the smoke of fire!
They blow me up, dig, burn me!
They don't protect me at all!
bottles, cans, boxes,
I'll die of boredom!
Hear the voice of the Earth dear.
I cry rain tears.
I'm suffocating, I'm not silent:
I scream with earthquakes!
I'm angry with the roll of thunder!
I want to be clean and healthy!

I also want to say
There was nothing for me to breathe.
Don't pollute the air
And don't light fires!
Have pity on the meadow and the forest,
And blue skies!
PEOPLE! Remember always
How much harm done!
If you become again
Offend me further.
I'll be angry like the moon.
I will live alone then.

The earth is in trouble, save it!
All unite in prayer
reflecting on your past!
Repent everyone, whoever you are!
It doesn't matter what faith you are!
Then we could hope
for a happy life with you!

The new era will come
not tomorrow, but NOW!
Anger will sink into fire and water,
the Vibrations of the Higher hour has come!
The space breathes Purification,
burning traces of the past!
Planet of Light Communion
stepped into the New Gardens!

And unity will save us with you
Spiritual, Light, Pure souls!
Let the outrage perish away from the Earth -
producer of thunderstorms and cold!
Leave mortal things!
Let the dark curse be gone!
Let's whiten our thoughts!!!

1. You Earth do not rush
And look at us!
We swear to you
Don't leave nature in trouble!
We will love her, cherish, love and protect her,
Appreciate, care and protect!
But, and of course, cherish!

2. We choose NATURE!
Clean air and forest, spring water!
Save every drop of water, man!
This fragile life
On my beloved planet!


3. I ate candy, and what, baby,
You throw a candy wrapper, don't you look?
The bottle is empty, I drank everything,
Didn't you have the strength to take it away?

The slogan: "Rested in nature - clean up after yourself!"

4. Atomic erected,
And, the chimney smokes with might and main.
Clogs the air exhaust,
How can we breathe then!

Slogan: "Don't pollute the air!"

5. I love to relax by the river Psyol!
I love on Psle's clear waters bathe!
So let's not throw garbage.
And we will enjoy the river again!

The slogan: “Protect water bodies!”, “Cleanliness saves the world!”.

6. Burrow animal bird's nest
We will never break!
Let the chicks and small animals
It's good to live next to us!

The slogan: "Protect nature, animals and birds!"

Earth: Bravo, I tell you, and for that I praise you!
Remember, friends, always
After all, at any time of the year, NATURE is waiting for helpers!



Touch the purity of the spring

I created it for centuries

And on the grass, the primordial dew

Walk alone barefoot at dawn

Find the expanse of the vast Earth

What sky above us look

This whole world is a man for you

He can't die under us

And let our planet live

And let everyone take care of her

And may the earth be happy

Let's save it, you and me

And let our planet live

And let the bird sing happiness to me

And let the earth be beautiful

Let's save it, you and me.

You create, create and dream

We need to understand the Earth

We must hear each other

We believe each other needs

Let's fill the world with our kindness

And in the hope of one care

To our motherland

It got better and bloomed brighter.

Performance at the competition of propaganda teams

on an environmental theme.

Good day to the sun and birds!

Good afternoon! To all smiling faces!

Welcome to the propaganda team« SOS

"Rescue Service"

We came to this auditorium today,

To talk again about the problems of the Earth!

Let everyone hear us and, of course, understand

And they will quickly move on to useful things.

Our motto:

Our rescue service is back on the road.

Honestly shares anxiety for the planet.

People! Do you hear? You are responsible for nature.

What will we be left with - your grandchildren and children?

That's why talking about ecology means talking about saving life on our planet!

People, think!

We all love being outdoors. That's what sometimes comes out of it.


1st tourist: Today we came for a walk Fortunately, the forest is at hand! Bought everything: Food, matches, lemonade!

2nd tourist:
Fresh air will excite Our healthy appetite. And packages, jars, bottles ... The forest is big, it will accommodate everything! The forest is nobody's!

Chorus: Nobody!

3rd tourist:
Let's settle down soon! Here we will not interfere: Burn and pour, cut and beat!

4th tourist:
There is no urn! Take it to the bushes! We are with nature on "you"!

1st tourist:
We will bury banks in the ground, Let's throw garbage to the birds! Let's throw all the bottles into the river - Let the parcels float in the sea!

2nd tourist:
We are kings! Shut up, Nature! Everything here is ours - forest and water!

In the morning we went for a walk in that forest, Only the clearing is no longer recognizable.

Kind people listen to us! Maybe issue a decree everywhere: Whoever decides to relax in nature must take garbage with him!

The forest is air, and food, and home. Who will take care of him? How can we preserve the beauty of the forest? There are no strangers in the green forest!

Rubbish, dirt and there, and here - Frames are negative. Exclusive landfills are growing with impunity.

In general, the truth is simple in the light of ecology ...

All: The world is saved by purity, not demagogy!

How many different birds live on our planet. It is pleasant to listen to their singing in the summer, but it is very difficult for them in the bitterly cold winter.

The birds are chirping merrily, their time has come!

Birdhouses hung in the district of the children.

Everything in life is changeable, but if it rains,

The warmth in them will be for the chicks, because the roof does not flow.

This is how young ecologists protect nature:

New apartments are handed over to the starlings in the spring on a turnkey basis.

(Song to the motive "Don't tease the dogs")

Feed in the winter, la-la-la la bullfinches, titmouse.

Warm your soul, la-la-la-la of these glorious birds.

Surely then, la-la-la we will become friends,

And birdhouses in spring

And birdhouses in spring

Build with us.

People became strong, like gods,

And the fate of the Earth is in their hands,

But terrible burns darken

At the globe on the sides.

We have long mastered the planet,

Walks wide new Age,

There are no white spots on the Earth,

Will you erase the black ones, man?

We cut the ice, we change rivers flow,

We repeat that there is a lot of work,

But we still come to ask for forgiveness

These rivers, dunes and marshes.

At the gigantic sunrise

At the smallest fry.

As long as you don't feel like thinking about it,

Now we are not up to it yet.

Airfields, piers and platforms,

Forests without birds and lands without water

Less and less surrounding nature,

More and more environment.

Be merciful to nature, man!

You take - take no more than you need.

Then the beasts of their fanged age

With you, reasonable, pass in friendship.

We cut down the forest, arrange dumps,

But who will protect everything?

The streams are empty, in the forest there are only sticks,

It's time for humanity to understand

Taking wealth away from nature

All: That the Earth also needs to be protected,

She is just like us!

Aigul Mudarisova
Scenario of the performance of the school propaganda team on ecology

1. Good afternoon to the sun and birds!

Good afternoon! To all you smiling faces!

2. Welcome propaganda team Bashkir gymnasium №102.

3. We came to this auditorium today,

To talk again about the problems of the Earth!

4. Let everyone hear us and, of course, understand

and they will quickly move on to useful deeds.


Scene: the room where Gray Hat and her Mother live.

In childhood, each of us

Fairy tale read:

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

We knew everything about them.

The wolf is bad, he was killed,

Granddaughter and grandmother loved ...

Many years have passed since

About Wolf and Riding Hood today

There will be a new conversation.

And yet,

Listen to everything in order:

Once upon a time there was a girl Gray Hat,

Her grandmother knitted a hat herself,

And she has wool gray wolf took.

Who is grandma? Little Red Riding Hood is

There she looks young from the portrait.

And the Wolf is the great-grandson of the Gray Wolf,

But the temper of another

Not scary at all.

They love him in the forest, he guards the forest,

Protects him from his grandmother and granddaughter.

Daughter, go visit your granny.

Butter, it's time to take the cake to her,

Here is a mineral water, give me a package

And don't forget, get her a bouquet.

Gray Cap.

Okay, I'll give her a big bouquet,

I'll take the tape recorder with me.


Scene: a forest clearing strewn with flowers, before and after visiting Gray Cap.

Meanwhile Wolf

Lying in the meadow

Red Book

I leafed through with a sigh.

How many people

All exterminated!

rare herbs,

The animals were killed.

Here is the Red Book.

Now they got it.

Nature would still learn to love.

Lying down, thinking

Do you know

That Gray Hat is tearing our flowers?

Not two or three, but a big armful.

Oh, that nasty Gray Hat!

The tape recorder turned on at full volume,

She aroused the chicks and animals in the forest,

He chews sweets, and throws wrappers ...

And the wind blows them through the forest.

I'm going to talk to her again.

What to say, it is better to eat quickly.

Eating is bad

Need to educate

Learn to observe

Cleanliness and order.

And here she is.

Gray Cap.

Hello wolf, how are you?

Are you all leafing through the Red Book?

First, turn the music down

Tearing flowers by the roots is not a thing,

You can't throw papers around either.

Where is your grandmother looking?

Gray Cap.

Here you go. You will come to the forest - and again, and again

Grandma told me right

That without wolves it was good in the forest.

They were exterminated, they did not interfere,

People were relaxing in the forest.

"Don't sing loudly, don't quit

And don't tear…”

After all, the forest is common, the flowers are not yours.

These notations are not nonsense,

Do you know how much damage you've done?

Music louder -

Birds have flown from their nests

Chicks in nests

They didn't eat for a long time.

It is dangerous for grandmother to eat butter -

Cholesterol. So you're wearing it right.

And your packages under each bush?

According to them, everyone will easily find Grandma's house.

In the packages, the remains of the products rot,

Harmful microbes are given food.

And along the path that leads to the house,

No one will find grass or flower.

Gray Cap.

And I'll run along the other path.

I'll get even more flowers out of spite.


Scene: grandmother's house, surrounded by garbage.

Gray Cap.

Grandma, hello!

Hello dear granddaughter

Haven't been in a while and I'm so bored alone.

Gray Cap.

I would have come earlier

Only the Wolf prevented

Flowers regretted me morality was reading:

Don't scare the birds, don't throw packages...

If his grandfather would have eaten him a long time ago for this.

There are no hunters, so they would ask him,

The gray skin would have been torn off for sure.


hostess, please answer.:

Where does the wolf live?

Yes, in this forest

Everyone here knows him.

Gray Cap.

And who are you? Hunter?


nasty wolf

Put in place...


We are photography experts

We are preparing a story about our nature

Gray Cap (preening).

Take me down, here is nature, bouquet.

photojournalist (looking around).

There is no clean place here, in my opinion,

Flowers with roots.

Well, why are they in a bouquet?

And there is no better place for them than a clearing.

We take those

Who is friendly with nature

And the one who is her enemy,

Well, who needs it?

Gray Cap.

Here comes your wolf (referring to Wolf).

What's in the bag? Present?

Ugh! These are packages, papers and cans ...

Wolf (sighing, puts the bag down).

I was picking up trash in the forest.

At your house I scored the most ...

photojournalist (referring to Gray Hat and Grandmother).

A gift for you will be a fine, and a big one,

For the clogging of the forest zone.

What example are you setting for posterity?

Let them talk, you believe, to no avail!


Wolf, dear, please. come through,

You will receive a medal for order in the forest.

Now your photo as a keepsake.

Well, what are you, why do I need such attention?

After all, the forest is my house, and they take care of the house,

It does not litter, does not break, does not burn.

It's a pity the grandmother and granddaughter don't understand

Peace and order in the forest are violated.


And we give them "Guest Rules of the Forest",

Let them read for interest.

Gray Cap.

We are guests, but who is the master in the forest?


The owner is the one who takes care of it.

Who protects our forest from adversity.

Gray Hat with granny, heard

We became good friends with Wolf.

Like real housewives

They lead themselves in the forest

And in "Herald of Nature"

They are waiting for their portraits.

1. Ecological The team of our gymnasium appeals to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our planet, who wants it to be clean and green.

2. We declare our "No!" any battles with nature, everything that threatens the biosphere of the Earth, threatens people, every person.

3. We declare "Yes!" peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, caution and wisdom, ecological culture.

4. Let's not be indifferent, let's ring all the bells. Who will do it if not us.

1. Like an apple on a saucer,

We have only one Earth.

Take your time people

Scrap everything to the bottom.

2. Easy to get to

To hidden secrets

Loot all riches

For future ages.

3. We common life grain,

One fate relatives.

It's shameful for us to feast

For the next day.

4. Get it people

Like your own command

Not that - there will be no Earth,

All: And each of us!

Song: "The road of goodness"

Going to a beautiful dream, do not tear flowers in vain,

Feed the whining, homeless dog.

You plant a birch, but your path

Sweep clean and take out the trash.

May the cheerful chirping of birds always caress your ears,

Let the beauty of native places caress your eyes.

Follow the sun boldly. Although this path is not known.

Go my friend, always go the way of good.

Leading: - On this the propaganda team says goodbye to you, Protect the environment! Goodbye friends!

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