In memory of Elena Viktorovna Nazarova. Passed away E.V.

Auto 06.07.2019

“Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood.”

A.P. Chekhov

I chose a profession to my liking, this work is not easy.
To nurture good feelings in a baby is our common concern.
There is no more worthy profession, I am a painstaking sculptor.
I am an artist, I am a poet, I am a teacher of children's souls!

About myself

I, Nazarova Elena Viktorovna, work at MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 247 "educator. In his professional activity I am guided by the following principles:

- respect the child's personality;

- develop and improve your skills;
- interest the child so that he again and again waited for a meeting with you.
To teach and learn is the motto with which I try to go through life. Learn to listen and hear, look and see, think and express, and most importantly - to feel. To learn from children openness, a bright outlook on life.

Books that shaped my inner world

V.A. Sukhomlinsky "I give my heart to children"

My view of the world

Our world is beautiful and let's live in it consciously and with inspiration, filling every day with meaning, joy and inexpressible feeling happiness from the fact that we live!

My portfolio

There are many different professions in the world
And each has its own beauty.
But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful
Than the one I work for!

Add certificate to portfolio

Every employee of the university knows that there are legendary people in his university. Such was Elena Viktorovna Nazarova, long-term head of graduate school at Mokhovaya and Isaakievskaya.

A person through and through theatrical, from childhood she remembered the greats and their children as friends at home, she was a witty and keen observer of the life of the institute, who remembered all the “fun incidents in the lessons” that came to life in her endless stories very clearly, in a cinematic way.

It seems that only she meticulously remembered who and how was indignant at the moment when the carpet disappeared from the white stairs of the institute (and this, as you understand, meant the fall of culture and education in general. Complete). Only she, in her 80s, could tell when, with whom and who had an affair, who was expelled when and who was actually an anti-Semite, although she hid ... Only she knew all the children of teachers and students, often inquired about them, without confusing names… “Let’s put the camera on for a day, we’ll change and record everything,” E. Tropp suggested not jokingly a year ago, because we all felt that Elena Viktorovna was a treasure trove, a “leaving nature”, a remarkably lively archivist…

That we should write it down (and didn’t write it down) - we felt especially keenly a year and a half ago, when, at the initiative of the restless Nazarova, we were making the book “The Theater Teacher Arkady Katsman”. Quietly, she dragged us into this story, and when the layout began, every evening, stealthily, she came to the basement, apologizing, realizing that it was too late, but she carried, carried, carried and pushed new and new photographs suddenly found to me and the layout designer. And they were accompanied by endless stories. It was deadly time for me to listen to everyone in the group photo, Elena Viktorovna understood this, I was quite hysterically nervous, because with each new photo we didn’t have time anymore, and for Elena Viktorovna every face was a face real person- with a biography, fate, roles ...

She had excellent Russian speech. Impeccably Leningrad intelligence. Endless humor. It is so strange that this news came today ... Probably, her husband Slava, a wonderful translator, took her away last years. He left quite recently. Now here she is. With all his wit, memory and benevolence, with love for a life that is now over ...

Elena Viktorovna Nazarova is no more.

Many people remember kindness and light. The news of the death of this man so painfully strikes, touches the soul. She was the soul of all these walls and corridors of ours, on Isaakievskaya and Mokhovaya, regardless of the leapfrog of the institute's names. And she kept the memory of everyone. You cannot imagine any event without her participation, without her notes on the occasion, full of wonderful humor and just warmth. In our presence, the living history of the institute was being created.

All her flock did not disappear for her with the end of graduate school, assistantship-internship; she always saw, and very well, people, namely people. Such a gift.

She herself was a truly deep person, phenomenally modest, exceptionally kind. She grew up in an acting house, her mother was an actress, Nikolai Simonov was among her closest friends at home. Her husband was Svyatoslav Svyatsky, writer, translator from Polish. She couldn't bear his recent death. There were children left, in St. Petersburg and in America. As I write this, I hear the beautiful singing of Andrei Svyatsky. Sounds like her soul.

We are publishing today the text of Elena Viktorovna from the book "Theater teacher Arkady Katsman", in which her voice and intonation are clearly audible.

He was like a lunge on a rapier

B. L. Pasternak

This is what B. L. Pasternak said about Lenin in The High Illness in his early period. But I want to say so much about A. I. Katsman. Fencing is the upbringing of nobility, and Katsman was the eternal knight of the truth of the theater and remained him in the memory of all who knew him, just as he remained with the "brownie" Mokhovaya 34, where there were so many great figures, and "brownie" only he, personality is possible in what something comic, but representing a lot more than others expected.

All his educational performances were delightful and amazing, but he never staged anything in a professional theater. He played only one episode in the movie, but he played brilliantly - in the film "Stopwatch" by his student Vadim Gauzer.

After graduating from our theater institute in 1946, he ended up at the Nizhny Tagil Drama Theater, but fortunately, less than a year later, he returned from there to Mokhovaya to teach under the supervision of his teacher Leonid Sergeevich Vivien, whom he threatened to write about, speaking of his sense of duty, but so he didn't write anything. And he himself remained a legend.

Once he was looking for Alexandra Alexandrovna Purtseladze at the institute - that's who, like Katsman, God created in order to teach future actors and directors. She took the oral entrance examination in literature and the Russian language. Last responder. He looks about sixteen years old, from the outback. The ticket contains Gorky's essay on Lenin and Turgenev's Rudin. Worse than the essay on the tickets was only a question on Gorky's novel "Mother". This is something that almost no one has read, and if they did, they forgot. The examiner was confused and depressed. A. A. asks leading questions and receives answers: “Gorky approved of Lenin because Lenin approved of Tolstoy, that even though he was a count, he walked barefoot and girded himself with a rope ...” Arkady Iosifovich to Alexandra Alexandrovna: “He is interested in painting, it’s already good!” And he asks the young man, although he has no right not only to ask, but also to attend the exam, what kind of portraits of Tolstoy he likes, maybe he saw reproductions. He comes to life and suddenly remembers from the essay: "Lenin laughed with joy that there is no one in Europe better than Tolstoy." We don't laugh. And Arkady Iosifovich asks if he saw films or performances about Lenin, and asks to show how Lenin laughed. And then a miracle happens: the examiner, together with the chair, moves away from the examiner’s table, his face ceases to be stupid and suffering, it becomes crafty, he laughs with a deaf short laugh of a difficult person, and even rubs his hands, as it is written in the essay. So, read, do not lie!

Alexandra Alexandrovna moves on to the second question. He honestly admits that he does not know anything about Rudin, he has not read it. I read only "On the Eve", but I forgot who was called and what happened. But he remembers well the story "Mumu" - he recently played Mumu in an exam on the skill of an actor. Arkady Iosifovich revives again, but Alexandra Alexandrovna stops him and asks the applicant to show the sentence analysis scheme (the third question in the Russian language) ... These were some kind of crooked squares, also connected by crooked lines, she made a serious face and said “okay”, handing over the sheet to me. I also said "okay". Katzman said “very well,” although no one asked him.

Alexandra Alexandrovna summed up: the first question - four, the second - three, the third - four, the general - four. Shura said that if he entered, then at least he would receive a scholarship, and both of them smiled. What wonderful smiles they had!

This friendly, sincere smile distinguished Arkady Iosifovich even in those difficult years, when he was so alone, so poor. Arriving together with the graduation course in Leningrad, he ended up in the dormitory of the institute, right there on Mokhovaya 34, in the same room with Patya Krymov, put up with him, interceded when they wanted to expel him for a bad character. Even then, this rare instinct for talent manifested itself in him. Having become a teacher of acting courses, he called his students boys and girls, revered them for children and often himself was a child among them. For some reason, he liked the presence of animals and birds in the audience, their participation in what was happening, sometimes ridiculous. The rooster, who happened to be at a meeting of students with Evgeny Alekseevich Lebedev, behaved so violently that the meeting with Lebedev turned into a meeting with a rooster. And at the bottom of the freshman, at the request of Arkady Iosifovich, there was a donkey on the stage of the Educational Theater, which was so nervous that he shouted at everyone. In the days of the Dargin studio, a dog took part in the performance, and the students complained about the master, who yelled so hard that not only they, but also the dog, could not rehearse. And even in the famous wall newspaper “I don’t believe!”, Because of the name of which there were such troubles with the district committee of the CPSU (whom do they not believe in the theater institute ???!!!), a caricature and poems appeared: The heart of a horseman is a sharp dagger,

Master, be careful
Almost squeezed a little, squeezed a little:
You can't take your dagger out of its sheath.

Arkady Iosifovich scolded the students for incorrectly holding the dog by the leash, and decided to show them how to do it. He proudly walked out with a dog and a leash in his hand, and she jerked so frightened that, along with the leash, Katsman was dragged backstage.

No one remembers now when Arkady Iosifovich began to wear a long red scarf, like Bejart, but everyone assures that before Piotrovsky, the famous director of the Hermitage. He probably came up with it himself. He had excellent taste in everything and always. And he could also see this scarf in the Russian Museum on a self-portrait of the wonderful Leningrad artist Yaroslav Nikolaev. After all, Katsman loved painting so much and he painted beautifully. He had a scarf even before the sheepskin coat. Sheepskin coat was a dream, and when in 1968 he went to Bulgaria with A. Z. Yufit and a group of students, it seemed that this dream would come true. And now the USSR Embassy in Bulgaria invites our people to the Reception House, and he has an attack of an ulcer, he is sick, he cannot get up. Doctors are called. Z. Avrutin, the legendary chairman of the student trade union committee of those years, a student of the directing course of L. F. Makaryev, comes to visit him, and Arkady Iosifovich asks in a weak voice: if they give something, do not forget about him. Zorik swears an oath and informs Yufit about his request. The gifts were notable: each was presented with a small ceramic cup for coffee. When they returned, Yufit found out that Arkady Iosifovich had been treated, the attack had come, and the patient was feeling fine. Yufit asks Zorik to play Katsman - to say that everyone who was was presented with a sheepskin coat. Zorik refuses. Yufit assures that he will stand outside the door and come to the rescue at the first call.

- Did you bring it? Katzman asks.
— Yes, — Zorik answers and gives him a cup.
- What about others?
- And for those who were, a sheepskin coat.
"And you didn't take me?" Katzman turns pale.
- Anatoly Zinovich! Zorik screams.

Yufit enters with a cup of coffee...

Yufit himself said that Katsman was always older than him. Then for some reason I decided that they were equal, but the most surprising thing for Yufit was that Katsman claimed that he was younger.

Arkady Iosifovich also loved practical jokes, but he could not stand going to various meetings. But then he was nevertheless forced to sit at the reporting and election trade union meeting of the institute. There was a presidium table on the stage. In the center, next to the chairman of the meeting, A. N. Kunitsyn, sat the bossy lady, on the sides were respected members of our team. M. L. Rekhels was late for this meeting, and when he sat sideways and sat down on the steps, this lady from the regional committee came out somewhere. Then Katsman asked his neighbor (whom I don’t remember) to write a note to Rekhels that he was elected a member of the presidium, that if he respects the team, he should rise and sit next to Kunitsyn, since he, Rekhels, was instructed to write a resolution.

Rehels was a modest man, he respected the team, and in front of everyone, he again walked sideways onto the stage and sat down in the place of the departed lady, who was not slow to return to her seat in a minute. Rehels was stunned, and the whole audience too, but then Katzman jumped up, interrupting someone who was speaking, and loudly turned to Kunitsin:

— Comrade Chairman! Why does a person who is late for a meeting, instead of modestly sitting on the steps, seeing an empty chair in the presidium, not elected by anyone, go and sit in this particular chair, which also belongs to a lady.

What happened to Rehels cannot be expressed in words. The lady did not understand anything at all, since Kunitsyn immediately got up and seated her in the center, and he himself stepped forward. The meeting rejoiced and ended rather quickly, but not for Rehels, as his rating jumped so much that he was then unanimously elected chairman of the LGITMiK trade union committee.

In general, the presence of Katsman at any events, meetings, lessons always brought something.

When he went to accept graduation performances from his student directors, they always had a fear that if Katzman didn’t like something, he might jump out and speak out, even if the audience was already sitting in the hall. The students warned Arkady Iosifovich that the theater's artistic council accepted the performance, this was the premiere, all comments - later. "Who do you take me for?" - Katsman was indignant ... And he jumped out.

The same thing happened in the accounts. He could disrupt the process. On the course of L. Malevannaya, his students, the show is animals and birds. She had a student named Orel. He portrayed a jackal. Arkady Iosifovich looked attentively, grimacing as usual, did not understand, then leaned over to Larisa and quietly asked: “Who is this?” “Eagle,” Larisa answered in a whisper. Nerves gone. Katsman jumped out onto the platform shouting: “What kind of eagle is this? It's some nasty nasty dog."

When they rehearsed "Oh, these stars," he kept wanting Petya Semak-Celentano to come up with something else: he sang, standing on his head or on his hands, and he came up with it. He sang, stepping along the slippery, narrow railings leading to the boxes in the hall of the Training Theater. It was almost a circus trick. Then in 1983, Petit-Celentano had sneakers on his feet, because no one else had sneakers.

Arkady Iosifovich liked, having said something sharp, to make a serious face and add: "Forgive me, I'm sorry." P. Semak in the etude "Mitya Karamazov" somewhere also said "sorry, sorry." "Petya! Katzman snapped. - This is not the way to say it. People say either sorry. Or sorry." And returning to his place, he said: “Sorry, sorry!”

…BUT. I. goes to the lesson. It's not just like that. He tunes in, greets those he knows along the way. This is a theatre. Theater of one actor, but extras also take place.

On that day, Levka Ehrenburg was the commander of the day. He had not eaten anything since morning, ran to the dining room and saw A.I. entering. He decided to hide behind a column, but that was not the case. "Leva! Stop! - A. I. shouted from afar. - “The incredible happened: a student of our course, Alexander Belsky, mortally insulted the BDT actress Prizvan-Sokolova. Georgy Alexandrovich is beside himself! We'll figure out."

Leva was speechless. G.A. is already so scary, but when he is beside himself?! But where and how could Sashka Belsky, the most quiet and well-mannered student of their course, insult Prizvan-Sokolova?

We figured it out, however, quickly: firstly, not Sasha Belsky, but Sasha Mirochnik from the stage course, secondly, not Called-Sokolov, but Skopa-Rodionov, and thirdly, no one insulted anyone at all, but wondered why he has three in solo singing.

...1981. 35 audience. Tovstonogov discusses with the commission the final grade in the specialty of those entering his directing course. Katzman calls the surname "Ehrenburg". Tovstonogov: "Four." A.I. just flashes:

- Goga, who will let us accept a person with the surname Ehrenburg with a four in his specialty ?! He needs to get a five. You said from the very beginning that you would take it!

- Of course, I'm interested in him, and I'm taking him on a course, but he's not an idiot, he perfectly understood that he answered by no means perfectly.

The dispute is heating up. Katzman even gets up for a monologue.

At the very beginning of the argument, graduate student Irina Malochevskaya quietly and imperceptibly walks out of the audience along the wall and quickly returns and walks openly through the center of the audience directly to the debaters: “G. BUT.! A.I.! What a joy!"

Tovstonogov and Katsman at the same time: “Which one? Which?"

Irina loudly: "Ehrenburg Tatar!"

Tovstonogov gloomily: "Four-minus Ehrenburg!"

... This happened when Arkady Koval was on the course as the commander of the day, but, due to circumstances known to his entourage, he not only did not arrive in advance, but was late for the start. Bursting at the last moment, he pulled on the rubbish that corresponded to the scene of the etude with the conditional name “homeless man” and at the last moment, forgetting where he threw the jacket, threw on the first thing that came across from the hanging outerwear. And this "what happened" was A.I.'s sheepskin coat.

When he jumped out onto the platform, thrusting his hands into the sleeves of the Master's sheepskin coat as he went, the audience froze. AI turned pale, but kept his face.

It was worse with partners. For them, the real sheepskin coat of A.I. did not fit into the circle of the proposed circumstances of the sketch at all. Koval, seeing nothing, remained alone in the plan of his imagination and played like a jackal until A.I. shouted: “Stop!”

In addition to this “stop”, he did not utter a single word, either about the sketch or about the rest.

Mokhovaya, 34 is the house of Arkady Iosifovich, where he enjoyed a lot, especially the audience that arose according to his plan and project, in which he worked in recent years. But one thought haunted him: why not put a red carpet on the marble stairs again. After all, the great teachers of the Russian theater school once walked along this staircase, along the red carpet, and many then unknown students ran, who later became the pride of this school ...

  • Academic degree:  Candidate economic sciences
  • Academic title:  Docent
  • Date of birth:  the 3rd of November


Higher. Specialist, Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov: 08.00.00 Economic sciences

PhD, Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, 2000, Economic theory

Academic title: associate professor

Knowledge of foreign languages

Deutsch. Assistant translator

Teaching activity

​September 2015 - present REU them. Plekhanova, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Economics

September 1998 - August 2015 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the department economic theory and investment

September 1988 - 1992 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. V.V. Kuibysheva Assistant of the Department of Political Economy

List of taught courses

Organization economics

Economics and organization of the enterprise

Economics of non-profit organizations

Production management



Economic theory

General work experience

Work experience in the specialty

​31 years old

Advanced training / professional retraining

Educational program"Microeconomics: advanced level" Association of leading universities in the field of economics and management. NRU "Higher School of Economics". Moscow, 2015.

Educational program "Transformation of the university into an online university". FGBOU VPO MESI. Moscow, 2014.

Educational program "Problems of development of small and medium-sized businesses". FGBOU DPO "International Academy of Modern Knowledge". Obninsk, 2011.

Educational program "Information competence in the professional activity of a university teacher. Database management system Microsoft data Access". State Academy of Innovations. Moscow, 2009.

Educational program "Information competence in the professional activity of a university teacher. Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel". State Academy of Innovations. Moscow, 2009.

Educational program "Technologies for working with the Information Center of Disciplines" in on-line mode. FGBOU VPO MESI. Moscow, 2009.

Educational program "Effective facilitation of the educational process". Direction "Communicative competencies of a teacher of higher education" Attendance confirmed by Jozefa Fawcett - Learning Specialist MA, FITOL, Chartered MCIPD, MECLO, Associate Member IFTDO. FGBOU MESI. Moscow, 2008.

Educational program "Project Management". GOU DPO "International Academy of Modern Knowledge". Obninsk, 2008.

Educational program "Teacher in the e-Learning environment". FGBOU VPO MESI. Moscow, 2007.

Educational program "Educational IT used when working with an active board". FGBOU VPO MESI. Moscow, 2005.

Educational program "Technology of creating presentations in MS Power Point". FGBOU VPO MESI. Moscow, 2003.

Educational program "Using the Internet in the work of a teacher". FGBOU VPO MESI. Moscow, 2000.

Scientific research

Scientific projects

Research work "Studying the possibilities of practical use of the investment portfolio optimization model using fuzzy sets in the Russian financial market". REU them. G. V. Plekhanov. 2016

Research work "Comparative analysis of the use of human capital in Russian and foreign practice based on the competence-based approach". REU them. G.V. Plekhanov. 2016

Research work "Development of a methodology for assessing public welfare and evidence-based recommendations to improve the quality of life of the population and achieve sustainable socio-economic development of society." RFBR No. 14-06-00003 a. 2013-2015.

Research work "Development of a start-up project and interaction with investors. Legal protection and protection of intellectual property". Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow. 2013.

Research work "Research of the innovative potential of Moscow universities in the field of holding Olympiads in the system" Secondary school-university in the discipline "Economics", development guidelines on the creation of optimal schemes for holding Olympiads and relevant competitive documentation". 2006 - 2009.

Research work "Development of the concept of motivation of students in the study of materials before lectures with an effective and adequate control system within the framework of the BRS". 2007-2008.

Additional Information

Professional interests


Died Elena Viktorovna Nazarova. And I think that there is not a single person somehow connected with RIIII who would not now remember her with a kind word. Elena Viktorovna has worked at the Institute since 1958 (i.e. since the reorganization of the Research Institute of Theater and Music into the Research Institute of Theater of Music and Cinematography) and, together with the Institute, experienced an endless series of enlargements, reorganizations, mergers and divisions. After the merger of the institute with LGITMiK, she worked as the head of the graduate school. After the separation of the institutes, she was in charge of postgraduate studies at both LGITMiK and RIIII.
Elena Viktorovna not only loved all her graduate students, she endlessly cared for everyone, helped, protected, did everything so that, God forbid, a person would not be expelled. In general, she was a very kind and unusually bright person, who also had an amazing memory. She remembered everything about everyone. She remembered all the researchers, all the graduate students, all the topics, all the supervisors, all the administrators and functionaries. And I could tell a lot about everyone funny stories. Moreover, in these stories, even the last bastard looked sweet and human in his own way.
I wanted to write down these stories (and many did). However, as far as I know, there is only one publication made by Zhenya Khazdan in the jubilee Vremennik (Nazarova E. True Stories from Isaakievskaya and Mokhovaya // Vremennik of the Zubov Institute. No. 8. 2012. S. 111-128) The publication, it seems to me, is wonderful. Because the voice that sounds in it is the voice of Elena Viktorovna. Unfortunately, this number is not available on the Internet. And due to restrictions on the volume of the post, it is impossible to post the entire publication here. Therefore, I post a few fragments (selected more for brevity than for anything special).

Short story mergers of institutions

Nikolai Evgenievich Serebryakov, director of the Theater on Mokhovaya, saved the institute during the war. He was such a handsome man with a pipe. A good director, head of courses, released a wonderful Karachay-Circassian studio. He knew every student of the Institute. He was loved, respected, the outstanding professorship reckoned with him. Then all of a sudden - either he was not ideologically savvy enough, or something else ... He was “thrown off” when everything was “enlarged”, the Institute expanded. Serebryakov was fired and retired. They decided to make Berdnikov the rector - this is such an expert on Chekhov, without Chekhov's, you understand, nerve. But at the top he was very pleasing. I think that he still understood that Isaacievskaya was worth it, what kind of people were there. I didn't want to part with them.
It was such an absurdity, such an experiment. The party and the government experimented all the time. There was a merger of institutions: one academic, scientific, the other pedagogical, in general, very good, with great traditions, but from a scientific point of view, nothing ... Cooperation between them was human, but not official.
The worst thing is that the institute on Isaacievskaya has become a research department of the Theater Institute - the lowest - the third category. With the lowest salary. After all, we had times when the stipend was increased for graduate students. There were cases when, for example, a junior researcher received 120 rubles, and a graduate student supervised by him - 150. The salaries were as follows: from that time on, these beggarly salaries went.
Berdnikov did not rule long: he got married and left for Moscow. Since that time historians have been appointed to us as rectors. There was such Shishkin Vitaly Fedorovich - the sweetest person - he did not delve into anything: he wrote his doctoral dissertation on Marxist-Leninist aesthetics. And the vice-rector for science was Sobolev, who taught aesthetics. He, so to speak, tried to move Marxist-Leninist aesthetics into the minds of our teachers and students. Then, when Shishkin defended his dissertation at Herzen and wanted to leave, Nikolai Mikhailovich Volynkin was assigned to us. And with the advent of Volynkin, and with the departure of Shishkin and Sobolev, Viktor Evgenievich Gusev appeared.

Conference on Mokhovaya

Science was mainly based on St. Isaac's. But it was required that they deal with it at Mokhovaya, hold conferences. Once on Mokhovaya there was a conference at the department of musical education - where students were taught vocals, where ensembles sang, music was prepared for educational performances. Good teachers taught there, but their scientific level was completely different from that in the music sector. Viktor Evgenievich, as vice-rector, was supposed to attend these conferences.
On one of the Mondays, such a conference was held on Mokhovaya. At the same time, a meeting of the music sector was going on at Isaacievskaya. For some reason, it occurred to Viktor Evgenievich that the meeting should be canceled and the whole sector should go to a conference on the musical education of students.
The head of the department at Mokhovaya was Alexander Pavlovich Uteshev, who recently left us. He was a very educated, knowledgeable, authoritative person in the composer's environment, but he did not write a dissertation, and he was very condescending to the scientific level in his department. He said: I myself am not protected.
In short, Viktor Evgenievich demanded that everyone go to Mokhovaya. Everyone was annoyed: no one understood why this was necessary. Gozenpud took his briefcase, which was always larger than Gozenpud himself. Everyone breaks off from Isaacievskaya, goes to Mokhovaya. Taxis then, however, were very cheap: they took taxis in groups and drove off. Gozenpud, Sohor, Orlov, Raaben, Valery Smirnov, - someone else ....
The conference started at two-thirty, so we arrived at the very beginning. There are about 20 teachers of this department, concertmasters sitting on the Small Stage... - in general, the level is just right for Orlov, Gozenpud... Uteshev makes a report on the podium. When the door opened, and first a briefcase appeared (Gozenpud had such a pre-war briefcase: first a briefcase appeared, then Gozenpud. He somehow walked like this - with a briefcase forward). Then Heinrich. The first rows are all free, the people were sitting, of course, at the end of the hall. And the music sector is located in the first row. Can you imagine what happened to Uteshev? I felt sorry for him. When they all entered, Uteshev, who had probably managed to utter two or three sentences “about the outstanding achievements of pedagogical science in the musical training of actors,” said: “That's all I wanted to say today. Now the floor is given to Zinaida Antonovna Lauren.”
Lauren came out, who taught vocals at the operetta department. In the past - a wonderful singer. Inspired by the presence of such prominent figures from Isaacievskaya, she simply began to give examples of how she sings with them and sings. The first to leave the hall was Orlov. I got up very calmly - when she finished, no one interrupted her. But when the second lady, just as inspired, came out ... Imagine: these former opera singers who taught vocals? By the way, Zinaida Antonovna taught very well, she was generally nice, the guys adored her. The second lady came out - the doctors of science also listened to her, and then quietly all got out of the hall. Except Raaben - he was the head of the sector, he had to save face ...
How they all cursed afterwards! But Viktor Evgenievich wanted, I don’t know… good things: to cheer everyone up.

Suitable name

Victor Evgenievich Gusev, spending a lot of time on his vice-rector's activities, on classes with graduate students, at the same time continued to work as a scientist. One day he said to me: “You know, there is some kind of strange story happens - sometimes I suddenly feel that the patronymics of those people whom I seem to have called before are slipping out of my memory. Then some time passed, and he says: “What a horror: I forget names!” I ask: "What to do?" He replies: “I don’t know what to do, but if I see a person, and he comes to meet me, and I have known him for a long time and even remember his works, but I forgot his name, then I don’t mumble. I call him by that name-patronymic, which, I think, suits him. And in connection with this there was one funny story.
When Tamara Timofeevna, a new person, became the secretary of the scientific part of the Institute, at first he could not remember her name, and called her differently. One day he calls Tamarka and me and says that he is very dissatisfied with us as employees, and that we will have to explain ourselves. We come to his office, he is scribbling something. He says: “Sit down,” he was such a polite one, “sit down, please.” And then he announces: “I am writing a report to the rector about the fact that a number of things have not been done that, according to the plan, should have already been done. And you are responsible for it. But another person besides you is also responsible for this. Therefore, while I am writing, I want everyone to be here, I ask you ... ”- then he looked at Tamarka, and I realized that he had completely forgotten her name. But he did not lose his head and repeated: “Therefore, I ask you, Glafira Poluektovna, to go and bring you immediately ...” - then I realized that he had forgotten that third person who needed to be punished. There was a long pause, after which he said with dignity, because he “remembered”: “Bring comrade Crusoe here” ... When he said “Glafira Poluektovna”, Tamarka turned to me and said: “Who is he talking to?” I answer: “To you. He remembers my name - after all, I have been working with him for a long time. “What did he call me?” - Glafira Poluektovna. And she again asks: “And who is this Crusoe?” I say: “Who is Crusoe, I don't know, Tamar. Don't know. No associations." I turn to Gusev: “Viktor Evgenievich, can we go out together? "We'll find him sooner." "Yes, please." And we leave the office.
I begin to puzzle over who Crusoe is, and think about what he is punishing us for. What have we done wrong? And I understand that this is about a student scientific society, for which - why we are responsible - I do not know. And student scientific society was headed by graduate student Vitka Yakobson, our future vice-rector Viktor Petrovich Yakobson, scientific secretary of the dissertation council and a remarkable theater historian. So, "Jacobson" - "Robinson" - "Crusoe". They went for Yakobson, found him, brought him in - it turned out to be in the top ten, it was him that Gusev wanted to see. Victor Evgenievich read us a memorandum to the rector, demanded that we write explanatory notes. Tamarka said that she would not write anything, because she had been working recently and did not even know that a scientific society existed in our country. Yakobson and I signed that we had read his memorandum and agreed with it, and things did not go any further.

PhD students and professors

Many future graduate students who came to the Institute, to the music sector, believed that the scholars whose books they studied had long since died. You see: Genrikh Orlov is the History of Russian Symphonism, right? They did not expect that Genrikh Orlov was such a lean young handsome man: blue eyes, gray hair. He looked like an actor from a Western movie...
When I came to Isaacievskaya, I was immediately played. I knew that there was such a Gozenpud, and I even used his Opera Dictionary. But I never saw Abram Akimovich himself. He was very vertically challenged, and he was jokingly called Gozengramm - not Gozen-pood - but Gozen-gram. I was told to go and ask for the Gosengram. And I thought it was - different people that there is also a Gozengramm,” Gosengramma went and asked. He was not, fortunately.
When Abram Akimovich had to go abroad for the first time, I think to Czechoslovakia, his graduate students decided that he should not be allowed to go with such a briefcase. How could he go like this - how much he wrote about music, about opera, about his beloved Janacek ... But it was absolutely impossible to get a briefcase, it was such a time - the 70s. They ran and ran to the shops. They wanted to buy and bring him a briefcase as a surprise (he did not know anything). He would immediately give the money: it was not customary to give gifts, it was even considered indecent, they just wanted to make him beautiful. There was a "competition": who would get Gozenpud's portfolio faster. Nobody could get it. And then Igor Videnin - now he is a professor at the Belarusian Conservatory - found a briefcase. Such a beautiful portfolio was, by the way, Czech!
Abram Akimovich, when he received this briefcase, said that if he were a woman, he would probably burst into tears. The graduate students, in addition to admiration, also had some kind of warm feeling for these people ...
(Recorded by E. V. Khazdan. St. Petersburg, June 2012)

Elena Viktorovna Nazarova died at the age of 82.

Elena Viktorovna devoted exactly half a century to work on Mokhovaya, becoming one of the old-timers of our theater school.
She belonged to a generation that, as a child, survived the war and the most difficult post-war years. E.V. Nazarova came to the institute in 1967 as a methodologist at the Department of Dramatic Art and, being a theater person by birth and having inherited “theatrical genes” in a straight line - her mother served as an actress in the Alexandrinsky Theater, she instantly entered the life of the institute. Three years later E.V. Nazarova headed the postgraduate department of LGITMiK (now - RGISI). She has served in this position for over forty years.
Throughout her life, she carried a deep understanding and love for the theater, respect for the difficult stage professions. Closely connected with the theatrical culture of our city, familiar with the history of the St. Petersburg stage firsthand, with several generations of its masters, Elena Viktorovna gave a lot of strength, warmth and patience to the noble cause of organizing the training of graduate students.
Her care, sincere interest in the fate of students, a subtle feeling psychological aspects development of a creative personality, the ability to support and find a solution to any problems will be remembered by many today's teachers and scientists, candidates and doctors of sciences, associate professors and professors, both at our institute and far beyond its borders, in different cities of Russia and abroad.
In her main profession, Elena Viktorovna Nazarova is a teacher of Russian language and literature, and although this profession did not become her main paths, she remained in the highest degree worthy of the title of teacher. Extremely decent, responsible, sympathetic Elena Viktorovna always knew how to support, inspire confidence in the most difficult situations.

In recent years, E.V. Nazarova was an archivist at RGISI. Thanks to her experience, knowledge, and most importantly, caring nature and inexhaustible energy memorable dates, anniversaries, presentations of new books and many other creative events turned into fascinating meetings with the history of the institute. Legendary teachers came to life in her stories, and the venerable luminaries of the stage again appeared as young students. She remembered everyone who had studied at the institute over the past half century, their educational roles, defense of diplomas and dissertations.
Stories by E.V. Nazarova about the past - even stories about the tragic pages of the institute's history in the 20th century - never did without tales and humorous stories. Elena Viktorovna was very fond of Mokhova's legends and generously shared her memories.
The work of Elena Viktorovna Nazarova was marked by numerous thanks, and her state awards - the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of Buryatia" and the medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" - symbolically reflected two of the most important features of her work: an interested attitude towards everyone who came to study on Mokhovaya from the most different regions Russia, and the Petersburg tradition itself, the true representative of which she was and will remain in the memory of her students and colleagues.
We express our sincere condolences to the family and friends of E.V. Nazarova. Bright memory.

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