What are the memorable dates in February? Calendar of Historical Events in February Important events took place in February.

Career and finance 28.08.2019
Career and finance

Russia is a country with a history rich in events, many of which the common man in the street does not know or no longer remembers. Unfortunately, an unfavorable trend is emerging in the country - many do not know the history of their country, and the worst thing is that they do not seek to learn it. If you open the calendar, then almost every day is marked by some significant event, be it a great battle or an important scientific discovery. For example, let's take the most short month in a year, and you will see how many great things happened in it.

February: memorable days and dates in Russia

First, let's define what the phrase "memorable date" means. A smart reader will immediately notice the similarity of the words "remember" and "memorable" and will be right. After all, the main goal, inscribing the events that influenced the course national history, in the calendar, remember them, keep in memory for future generations.

In total, in February there are more than two dozen events that have left a mark on the past of our country. Most of the memorable dates this month are associated with military battles taking place between 1941 and 1945 (WWII: memorable dates February). Some numbers are marked by the birth of great people. Let's take a look at the highlights.

Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Stalingrad

February 2, 1943 - the first memorable date of February. This day is marked by victory Russian soldiers over the Nazis during the Battle of Stalingrad.

German troops planned to capture the south of Russia in order to take advantage of the resources that would help the Nazis finally crack down on Russian army. But they did not expect such a rebuff from the Soviet military. Our soldiers were given a clear order: under no circumstances should they give up Stalingrad. And they did.

The soldiers of the Red Army did not spare themselves, defending the city. They survived for 200 days, which went down in the history of the Second World War as the most bloody. Dry words cannot convey what the fighters participating in this military operation had to endure. It was thanks to their heroism, fortitude, selflessness that a turning point in the war took place. Thanks to this, the aggressor felt the power of the Russian spirit in his own skin.

After the victory at Stalingrad, the military initiative was in the hands of the Russian army. The backbone of the Hitler machine was broken, and soviet soldiers launched an offensive.

Yalta Conference

Two years and two days later, an equally important event took place, which went down in world history as the Yalta (Crimean) Conference. 1945 brought together the leaders of the three states opposing Nazi Germany.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt at the meeting discussed issues related to the future world order in the post-war period. Issues related to the surrender of the Germans were resolved, the amount of compensation to be paid by Germany was clarified, and the borders of Poland were determined.

An important event also took place at the conference: it was decided to create international organization, whose mission will be maintaining peace and security between states. During the seven days of meetings between the leaders of the states, a secret agreement was signed, according to which the USSR, after the end of the war with Germany, transfers its forces to the Far East, where it is fighting against Japan.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

Another memorable date in February is the birthday of the famous commander Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich. He was born into the family of a simple peasant. In his youth, he voluntarily joined the ranks of the Red Army and devoted his whole life to serving the fatherland.

During the Great Patriotic War showed himself as a competent commander who could infect the soldiers with confidence in victory. Thanks to his courage and ability to command, the 62nd Army under his leadership managed to contain and attack the German invaders near the borders of Stalingrad.

For brilliantly conducted military operations, Vasily Ivanovich was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

February 23

The memorable date of February 2017 and 99 years before that is Defender of the Fatherland Day. For many soldiers, this holiday is one of the most important. On this day in 1918, the Council of People's Commissars decided to organize the Red Army, to which volunteers from workers and peasants were called. Since then, every year on February 23, the birthday of the Red Army is celebrated.

Over the years, the name of the holiday has changed several times. Now we are used to celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. It's interesting that it's a holiday for everyone Russian men whether they served in the military or not.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

Another memorable date in February is the birthday of the Russian naval commander, admiral, a man with an unbending will. Born into a poor noble family. Thanks to the stories of his uncle Fyodor Sanaksarsky, he fell in love with the sea as a child. At the age of 21 he graduated from the Marine cadet corps, after which he went to serve in the Baltic Fleet. Soon he was sent to serve on the Black Sea.

Ushakov brilliantly proved himself during the Russian-Turkish war. And since 1790 he became commander Black Sea Fleet. Fedor Fedorovich has always shown himself to be a great commander. During the fiercest naval battles, his ship was always at the center of the battle. His confidence, heroism, courage were and remain an example for Russian sailors.

The great admiral took part in 43 naval battles and did not lose a single one! In 2001-2004 Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich was canonized as a saint. The church honored him with canonization not for heroic victories, but for the fact that he never retreated and was faithful to the gospel ideals, lived his whole life in humility and faith in God.

There are a lot of memorable dates in February, March, June and any other months for our country. All you have to do is open the calendar.

With such a statement? So, now we know for sure that there will be no winter. If only because February is over. Ahead of March - the most that neither is spring month. And the weather says the same.

Spring, by the way, portends a lot of interesting and useful things for everyone who loves travel and new discoveries. Low-cost airlines are attacking Russia on all fronts. They even say that from April 1, Ryanair will start flying to St. Petersburg from Dublin. At least that's what the timetable on the airport's website says. Oh how I want to believe...

In the meantime, we tremble in anticipation, while having a cup of aromatic coffee, you can remember and find out what interesting things happened in February 2014.

Remember, we talked about the appearance in Russia of a new airline that will deal with low-cost transportation, Dobrolyot? So, in February, it finally became known about the first 5 cities where the low-cost airlines will fly.

Very soon, a new domestic air carrier will begin flying from Moscow to Samara, Ufa, Perm and Yekaterinburg. Well, the first city in the route network, judging by the latest information, will be St. Petersburg. It is reported that the first flights will begin at the very end of May, just in time for the start of the summer holiday season. But here, of course, everything depends on whether the airline receives permission from the Federal Air Transport Agency. Well, by the end of the year it is planned to open 12 budgetary directions in our vast country.

Apparently, airlines have already begun to prepare for the emergence of a new low-cost airline in Russia. In the above directions, prices have started to decline slightly since the beginning of the year. Judging by the statistics, in January 2014 prices for a number of destinations were 8% lower than in 2013.

Recall that tickets for Dobrolyot flights are planned to be made 20-40% cheaper than the average fare of traditional air carriers in the economy class segment. Now the average fare from Moscow to St. Petersburg is about 3,500 rubles, to Samara - 4,000 rubles, to Ufa - 4,500 rubles, to Perm - 5,500 rubles, to Yekaterinburg - 6,000 rubles.

It is still unknown from which Moscow airport Dobrolyot will fly. At the moment, this issue has not yet been resolved, and the airport itself can be determined in March-April. Where would you prefer to fly from, by the way, most of all - from Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, or, perhaps, from Vnukovo?

In three years, the first low-cost airport "Yermolino" will appear in Russia, which is located in Kaluga region. This airport currently serves Internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs, but after the reconstruction will be able to accept civilian flights.

Ermolino Airport is located 67 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road and only 45 kilometers from Vnukovo. According to preliminary data, the airport will be able to receive at least 100 flights daily.

The main features of the new airport will be the absence of peak loads, low airport taxes, quick turnover of aircraft (maximum 35 minutes), availability of ground transport, a decrease in the number of check-in counters at the port (check-in can be carried out via the Internet), a developed tourist route network, the absence of waiting rooms business class, minimizing the number of service personnel.

Already this year, the development of the project of the airport itself will begin, which will include an apron with a total area of ​​250 thousand square meters, 40 parking lots for aircraft, a two-module type air terminal, which will be able to handle up to 2.5 thousand passengers per hour.

It is not yet known how, in addition to taxis and personal vehicles, passengers will be able to get to the new airport, since agreements with Aeroexpress and other transport companies have not yet been reached. But already, at least, it became known that UTair was allowed to base in Yermolino.

Perhaps, in three years, the Dobrolyot low-cost airline will also fly here (about it - a little higher). You look and other low-cost airlines from other countries will catch up.

Finally, in February, something happened that everyone was waiting for northern capital. The new Pulkovo airport, which is now often referred to simply as the New Terminal, has been fully opened.

Since February 11, almost all airlines have moved here - at least, all flights within Russia are operated from the new building. And just the other day, on February 27, the phase of active transition of international flights from Pulkovo-2 to the new terminal began.

Thus, all international flights operated from the old Pulkovo-1 building by Rossiya, Somon Air, Tajik Air, East Air, Uzbekistan Airways, Turkmen Airlines, Polet, Ural Airlines, Avia Traffic, NordStar were transferred to the new passenger Terminal-1 of Pulkovo airport. And flights of Transaero, Kogalymavia, NordStar Airlines, Alitalia, SAS and LOT airlines moved from Pulkovo-2 to the new Terminal-1.

As a result, it will become truly convenient for all transfer passengers. Now, if you are flying from Russia to another country with a transfer in St. Petersburg, you do not need to invent a transfer between terminals 1 and 2, do not calculate the risks of traffic jams and being late for the next flight. Everything becomes truly humane and convenient, everything is within the framework of one terminal built according to last word design.

We hope that in a month and a half, the world-famous low-cost carrier Ryanair will fly to St. Petersburg to the new airport. Which at the same time will bring with it its own rules to the Russian land :-)

For almost a month now, since February 6, the Irish low-cost carrier has allowed smartphones and other portable electronic devices to be turned on while flying on its liners. At the same time, tablets, readers, MP3 players and smartphones can be used during the entire flight if they are switched to the operating mode with the GSM module disabled and comply with the security requirements (that is, roughly speaking, if you have Airplane mode enabled in device).

It is worth noting that the Irish aviation authorities were among the first in the world to approve this initiative. And we hope that those in power in Russia will also allow us to pick up the same cameras, smartphones or tablets and shoot amazing takeoffs and landings. Of course, many still take such pictures - but it still violates the law and the rules of airlines. You have to be more honest here.

Very often the founder of the site, Konstantin Kalinov, is compared with Richard Branson. Surely not in vain! And now the airline is ahead of the rest. Starting in February, Virgin Atlantic launched a pilot program to service its cabins with flight attendants and managers with fashionable gadgets, Google Glass and Sony SmartWatch 2.

So far, those who fly the airline's business class from London's Heathrow Airport have been "lucky". Representatives of Virgin Atlantic, using these devices, performs a quick check of data on passengers, on their registration for flights. And besides, smart glasses and watches are planned to be used as a source of information about the weather at the destination, about the flight in progress, as a translator of various phrases with foreign language and in any foreign language.

And in general, with the help of these gadgets, you can certainly try to help your passengers in any way! So who would refuse such a service? Well, this is how personalized the service will become for each client of the airline!

It is reported that the duration of this test program at Virgin Atlantic will be only 6 weeks. But do not be upset if you did not get on the airline's flights to business cases during this period. According to reports, the experiment may be extended in the future - it all depends on how successfully the gadgets are tested during flights.

We are waiting for information from Richard Branson - how it all went ...

Well, for sweets - awesome video about safety, which was presented by Air New Zeland in the outgoing month. Watch from March on all flights of the airline!

Still everywhere in the sleeping park

It blows sadly in a winter dream,

But dazzling and bright are the Snows lying all around.

K. Fofanov

The month of February is the eve of spring. This is the month of the last frosts, prickly snowstorms and snow drifts.

"Lute" is the old Russian name for February. This final month of winter in some years is very severe and is not even inferior in ferocity. “February is offended for days, and therefore angry,” says the saying. For the abundance of snowfalls and blizzards, it was also called "snow".

The ancient Romans called it februarius. This month was dedicated to the god of the underworld, Februus.

“Blizzards and blizzards flew in February” and “February blows winter away” - they say among the people. The Russian folk song “A blizzard sweeps along the street” ... is probably composed about this month.

The average monthly air in Russia is minus 12-14 degrees. Lowest average temperature in Russia, up to 38-45 degrees of frost at night was noted in 1966, 1967, 1976, 1979, and in 1958, 1963, 1973, 1975, 1978 and 1980, the maximum temperature in the daytime increased to 3-5 degrees Celsius. During February, the snow cover continues to increase; Fog and ice are observed on some days. Monthly precipitation is 23-25 ​​mm.

I would like to say a few words about the features of this winter. She stood out as unusually snowy, blizzard-like. The old-timers do not remember such heavy and frequent snowfalls for a long time. Suffice it to say that during this winter on the territory of Russia, on average, precipitation was 2.5 times more than the average, and this February turned out to be the coldest month of winter.

February, in a popular way, is a two-faced month: both a lute and a bogogrey. “February is fierce like a god, and it’s not bad itself: it draws, paints, smells red spring”, “February - crooked roads”, “February-bokogrey - warms on the side, and in the shade frost grabs the nose”, “Winter with spring meets for the first time ”and“ February-father - snowstorms ”- these are the sayings about this time of year. And each of them accurately notices the features of the last month of winter.

Snowdrifts reach their largest size in February. As usual, the first decade of the month is the coldest, most snowy time, the time of strong snowstorms. Reservoirs freeze to a great depth, often there are nights with cracking frosts. In gardens, parks, in the forest, sometimes a strong crack is heard - frost cracks appear on trees with hardwood from a sharp change in day and night temperatures. To protect trees from damage, it is recommended to coat the lower part of the trunks with lime mortar, since fungal spores can penetrate into the trees through frost cracks and cause it to rot.

During the day, the sun begins to warm slightly, the tree trunks thaw on the south side, and icicles appear on the roofs, in the thaw the snow is covered on top with an ice crust - infusion. This is a month of contrasts. In February there is a struggle between winter and spring. Frosts in mid-February are the last effort of winter before the oncoming spring. In spite of sunny days, freezes even deeper and this is due to the fact that about 90% of the solar energy is reflected by the snow-white surface. Snow not only cools the earth's surface, but also protects it from deep freezing, helps to preserve the life of animals and plants. near the surface of the snow is colder, and therefore heavier, because of this heterogeneity, it seems to slow down its mobility and reduce the strength of the wind. Snow also affects the humidity of the air, like any precipitation, it can evaporate and purify the air.

Day by day it becomes lighter, the sky is increasingly illuminated by the sun, bright, but still powerless to give warmth. The days are getting longer and clearer.

Warm February is usually accompanied by spring with frosts, it is not in vain that people say: “February will let water in, and March will pick it up”, “If February is not cold, March thinks badly about it.”

The last fight gives the winter its last month, because February is a time of contrasts. There are still frosts, blizzards are raging, but the approach of spring is already felt.

With the increase in the day (and it was added to February by 1.5 hours), typical spring daily fluctuations in air temperature are also observed.

Our ancestors did not stint on nicknames for February. They called him a blizzard: "February-blizzard is a fierce month, he asks how shod." In those times when New Year they celebrated in March, they called February "cut": he cut off one year from another. He was both a low water (border of winter and spring), and snow, and a lute. And for the second half of February, another of his nicknames is most suitable - “bokogrey”: on the sunny side it starts to warm up.

February 15, as the people said, winter meets spring. Overgrown icicles hung from the roofs, the first, still timid, drops shaded. They used to judge spring like this: if a thaw sets in on this day, the spring is early and warm, if the cold is wrapped up, the spring is cold, and if snow falls that day, it will be a long and rainy spring.

February is blue. Muted blue reflection of snowdrifts, edges, bright village streets.

Birds suffer greatly from blizzards, from winter cold and starvation. It would seem that crows are hardy, and often after snowfalls and blizzards it happened to find them dead in the snow.

Everything in the forest is white. Snow glitters and sparkles in the sun. In spangles of hoarfrost, downy, the hushed forest slumbers. The green velvet of needle-shaped needles shines brightly, openwork curly birch trees cast white. Lush bizarre snowdrifts all around.

Bird behavior is changing. Forest drummers - woodpeckers begin to tap out shots on dry land. Far, far through the forest, the sound of a forest healer - a motley woodpecker, a ringing cry of a bell is heard. A short silvery song of a pika and the whistle of a nuthatch are heard. In the expanses of the skies, black crows swoop down in mating flight. The surrounding forests and fields are often resounded by their intermittent, guttural scream of "kr-horn, kr-horn". Exciting and musical in its own way. The proximity of spring revived these gloomy birds. Magpies chirp like spring, more and more often flying away from populated areas into the forest. But in the cities there are still many gray crows and jackdaws, but their flight becomes both more cheerful and playful. Red-browed scythe males and more modest in outfit yellowish-gray female grouse at the end of February begin to stay in the forest thickets near their future leks. It's warmer and quieter here. Longer than usual they sit up in the trees, muttering something. Capercaillie live in pine forests, near deaf ravines, hazel grouse - in spruce forests with birch. Black grouse, capercaillie and hazel grouse stop spending the night in the snow as soon as the crust appears. There are cases of death of these birds at night, when after a daytime thaw it freezes at night and the birds are unable to break through the ice cap. Capercaillie from the trees fly to the snow, leaving chains of crosses on it.

Elegant bullfinches, lively tap dances and crested waxwings gradually disappear in the forest.

On the sunny warms, the first, at first timid, spring voices of great tits are heard: "Zinziver, zinziver, zinziver." Beautiful, agile, these fidget birds. Their breast is yellow, the head is black, the cheeks are white, and under the neck there is a black tie. And the sparrows perked up, chirping with might and main on the noon side of the eaves. Looks like they smelled spring too.

Many animals have mating season - rut. Foxes run in pairs. Their hoarse, abrupt barking will warn you about this. Sly Fox finds food with difficulty. During walks, you have to listen more often, because from under the icy snow the smell of voles penetrates very weakly. It seems that only the wolves at this time expanse. It is not easy for them to catch a hare in loose deep snow, and as soon as a strong crust appears, the wolves will be able to quickly get their own food. In February, rutting occurs in wolves. Wolf packs disintegrate, seasoned predators separate from pereyarki, they also form pairs. Fierce fights take place, in which the stronger and more dexterous male wins. By the end of the month, pairs of wolves make dens in the forest supports and swamps. The forest giants-moose have thrown off their heavy "crown" - wide spade-shaped horns. They have a wedding in the fall. By this time, the horns will grow back, and they will become even more beautiful and more powerful than before - the number of processes on them will increase. At this time, it is difficult for moose to move to find food, so they live in limited areas of the forest. In bears' dens, small, fist-sized cubs, 0.5 kg each, appear. There are from one to four, most often two; they are born blind and helpless, they begin to see in a month. And although the bear herself does not eat anything all winter, she feeds them with her milk until spring. “Weddings” are also coming for some hares: several of them gather in one place and arrange something like dancing and running competitions in the snow. Only the fastest and fastest can be chosen by a hare.

Increasingly, there are paired traces. Only in snowfalls and blizzards do they sit in their nests (gains), not daring to descend from the trees to the ground. On clear sunny days in February, males look for females, quarrel among themselves. If you hesitate a little, you will not only be without a mate, but you will also become an easy prey for a marten - this cautious and dexterous animal.

The beavers break the ice and get out into the wild.

After snowy winters, there is a large number of the most numerous shrews or shrews in our republic, which are easily recognizable by their elongated muzzle, in the form of a proboscis, velvety fur and small bead-shaped eyes. AT snowy winters these insectivorous animals easily get their food under the snow. And if in summer shrews feed mainly on insects, molluscs, earthworms, small brown frogs and even mouse-like rodents, then in winter period time they switch to fallen seeds of birch, linden and spruce. It is known that shrews cannot be without food for more than 6 hours - they die. The round-the-clock activity of these animals and the high abundance indicate their great importance in the life of the forest.

In winters with little snow severe frosts when the soil freezes deeply, a large number of moles, also belonging to the order of insectivores, die.

Ice fishing improves in the second half of February. Species such as bream, silver bream, roach, blue bream begin to emerge from the depths to shallower places. They are caught on various mormyshkas, on hooks with bloodworms and on bottoms with worms. But not everyone is lucky. Whoever catches and who doesn't will return home empty, without a catch. You need to know when, where and how to take the fish.

The northerner-burbot has spawned, stays on the shallows and is good at bait.

Hunting for wolves, foxes and other fur-bearing animals continues.

The river expanses of the Great Volga are bound by thick ice, and the earth is wrapped up like a white shroud. It is bad now for animals and birds. There is no food, and the cold is very cold. That's why they huddle closer to human habitation, maybe something will fall. It is good only for those who have a sufficient amount of food in their cozy burrows and hollows since autumn. Not without reason, according to Vitaly Bianchi's forest calendar, February is called the "month of severe hunger." But the crossbill spruce breeds chicks even in the winter cold and finds enough food to feed them in spruce cones. These small birds feed their offspring with only coniferous seeds softened in the goiter. These seeds, ripening by the end of autumn, remain in the cones until March, and then the warm spring sun opens the scales of the cones, and the seeds from them, equipped with winged sails, either fly through the air or slide along the smooth surface of the snow. Fallen needles appear around the fir trees in the snow.

With a plentiful harvest, there are many "guests" in the spruce forest. In addition to crossbills, other birds feed on spruce seeds, nomadic squirrels stop. Great lovers of spruce seeds are woodpeckers. Having plucked a cone and fixed it in a crack in the trunk or a fork in the tree - a kind of "forge" - the woodpecker rests its tails on the tree and guts it. Squirrels and voles diligently pick up cones under the spruce. It is believed that if there is a good harvest of cones in the forest, then there will be many mouse-like rodents - mice and voles, and, consequently, the fox, marten, weasel will have numerous offspring. After all, voles are the main food of these valuable fur-bearing animals.

Collective and state farms continue to work on snow retention, the removal of organic fertilizers to the fields and the repair of agricultural machinery. People say: "Where cars are on the move, there is easy and suffering."

Folk signs about the weather and sayings:

The forest is noisy in winter - expect a thaw.

If it comes out on the ice in frost, it will be soon

big thaw.

The cat scratches the floor (wall) - into the wind, into a blizzard.

A foggy circle near the sun - to a snowstorm.

Two friends - frost and blizzard.

In January frosts, in February blizzards.

Long February icicles promise a long spring.

February growth is worth nothing. As it comes around in February, it will respond in the fall. The little man is angry that he has few days given.

February closes the winter, shows the path to the new season.

Magpie climbs under the eaves - to the blizzard.

February-blizzard is walking on the ground, angry with frosts, generously pouring snow, making snowstorms, but spring is just around the corner. Her steps are getting stronger.

By Gregorian calendar February 7 is considered the 38th day of the year. A lot has happened throughout history memorable events on the specified date. This is what this article will be devoted to.

Winter sports day

For the first time in 2015, the holiday of winter sports will be celebrated on February 7th. Athletes from all over the world go in for figure skating, skiing, snowboarding, and Russians are no exception. Thanks to the skill and constant training, our country has a huge number of prizes in competitions. The date was not chosen by chance. At the initiative of the President of the Olympic Games, it was decided to make February 7 a holiday, since it was at that time that the Olympic Games in Sochi. Exactly one year has passed since that date.

The purpose of the holiday was, first of all, of course, Winter Sports Day - a tribute to the athletes who participated in the Olympic Games in Sochi. It is planned to celebrate this holiday traditionally, opening the competition "Ski track of Russia". Hockey competitions will be held in all cities, figure skating and speed skating.

Feast of the 19th day of the month Mulk

In the Baha'i community, this day meant the beginning of the month of "domination", in Arabic it sounds like "mulk". By tradition, February 7 is divided into three parts: prayer, administrative and social. Councils are held in the communities, where stories are told that elevate the soul, music can also play there.

February 7 in other countries

Abroad, this day is also memorable, but for different reasons. For example, in Grenada, February 7 is a holiday of national importance. It's about about Independence Day. In the Republic of Tatarstan, on February 7, such a memorable date as the Day of the Coat of Arms is celebrated. In Ireland, a church holiday is celebrated at this time. Saint Matl's Day is a memorable date for many Irish people. Japan celebrates Northern Lights Day in February.

Who has a birthday on this day?

Name days on February 7 are celebrated by both Orthodox and Catholics. The latter include Pitt, Collet, Eugenia, Crisolius.

At Orthodox name day February 7 at Boris, Alexander, Anatoly, Vitaly, Grigory, Dmitry, Peter, Vladimir and others.

Who was born on February 7th?

Many famous personalities were born on this day. For example, writers Thomas More, Charles Dickens, Paul Nizan, Doris Gercke, composers Richard Genet, Quincy Porter, Dieter Bohlen were born on February 7. Many legendary scientists and scientists were born on this day - academician Theodule Ribot, psychiatrist Alfred Adler, biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky, physiologist Ulf on Euler, engineer Wan-An, aircraft designer February 7 is the birthday of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna, the philosopher Peter Struve, the artist Vladimir Makovsky, the cosmonaut Konstantin Feoktistov. On this day, singer Anita Tsoi and actor Ashton Kutcher celebrate their birthdays.

Religious holidays

February 7 Russian Orthodox Church pays tribute to the memory of the icon of the Mother of God, St. Mar of Omir and Poplius of Syria, Hieromartyrs Stephen and Boris, Basil Bishop of Pryluky, Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia, and others. Catholics celebrate religious holidays in memory of St. Collet, Pope Pius 19, Blessed Eugenia Smith and St. Chrisolius.

Events before the 19th century

February 7 is a very significant date in history. In 1238, the city of Vladimir was besieged by Batu's troops. Many rulers of states and empires were enthroned on this day, for example, in 457 - Leo the First Makella, in 1301 - the Prince of Wales, in 1311 - Johann of Luxembourg, in 1550 - Julius the Third. In 1780, the city of Syktyvkar (Komi Republic) was founded. Lots of historical events related to hostilities, happened then. In 1783, the French and Spanish troops stopped besieging Gibraltar, and the Battle of Debre Tabor took place in Ethiopia. In 1865, the northerners defeated Hachers Roon. All activities took place during civil war in the USA. On February 7, 1900, the British liberated Ladysmith during the Second Boer War.

In addition to hostilities, February was remembered by history for some interesting situations and discoveries. For example, on February 7, 1845, the Portland Vase in the British Museum was smashed by the vandal Wild Loyd. For the first time in 1847 in Russian Empire operated under ether anesthesia.

Events of the 20th century

Many memorable events took place on February 7th. A sign of victory, independence or vice versa tragedy - for residents different countries this date is remembered in its own way. For example, in the UK, February 1907 became famous for the fact that it was then that women were allowed to vote. This was achieved thanks to the Mud March. On February 7, three thousand female representatives walked barefoot through mud and cold. Since then, this date has gone down in history.

In February 1924, the countries of the USSR and Italy established diplomatic relations. Somewhat later (in 1941), the famous Soviet submarine K-55 was launched. In 1950, the Ka-10 helicopter landed on the deck of the ship for the first time. Launched in 1977 spaceship Soyuz-24. In 1984, an American astronaut went into space for the first time in history. outer space without communication with the ship. In 1992, the USSR adopted the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", which is also used by modern residents of Russia. In 1998, the 18th Olympic Games in Japan were opened.

But the date of February 7 was remembered not only by positive events. In 1951, over 705 civilians were killed for political reasons during the Korean War. In 1981, 52 people died in a plane crash near Leningrad. All these people were leaders Pacific Fleet USSR. A similar tragedy happened in Dominican Republic. Then 188 people died. In Afghanistan in 1998, due to the strongest earthquake, more than 4.5 thousand people died.

Events of the 21st century

The 21st century has just begun, but February 7 has already become a memorable date as a result of some events. 2014 was a special year for Russia. On February 7, the 22nd Olympic Games in Sochi were opened, which ended more than happily for our country. After the victory, it was decided to make February 7 the Winter Sports Day.

In politics, several events have gone down in history: Aura Chinchilla won the elections in Costa Rica, Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in Ukraine, and the President of the Maldives resigned.


There are different beliefs among the people. It is believed that what the weather will be on this day, more precisely, from lunch to evening, then this will be established until the end of winter. February 7 was called Grigoriev's day. Mostly folk omens came true. Also, starting from this date, one could hear the first drops from the roofs. However, now this sign is not entirely true, since the climate of Russia and other countries is constantly changing, and there may not be February drops.

Despite the fact that it is only 2015 outside the window, so many interesting things have already happened on a memorable day - February 7th. What lies ahead, and what dates will go down in history? Who knows...

February-Bokogrey. The sun bakes - it warms the sides, so they called the month - Bokogrey. Quite a bit, and Candlemas will come, this is when people say that winter meets spring. And there, and Shrovetide in a big way to walk, pancakes bake.

February: severe blizzard and blizzard

Description of the nature of February (I - II week)
January smoothly flows into the cold month of February, the beginning of which is often characterized by snowstorms and blizzards with strong gusts of freezing wind. From time to time, bright cloudless weather sets in the sky, the sun already shines more often and brighter, tearing away further from the horizon, but it will only begin to warm from mid-February, when the falling rays of the sun begin to imperceptibly warm the cheeks from the icy frost.

The blizzard subsides. Strong wind, changing direction, fine snow powder and strives to get to the face. But it will sweep, sweep, and clear sunlight suddenly peeps through the snowy veil. Cold weather replaced by the first thaws. The sun is now longer above the horizon, and although it is still very weak, nevertheless, willow trees appear in the forest, and buds make their way on the willow with soft fluffy dots - a joyful sign of an imminent spring. The snow hardens and becomes covered with an icy crust, the paths are now trodden, the roads have a smooth track.

February in the folk calendar

"February - winter meets spring for the first time"

The sun will soon begin to warm up, and the winter birds will fly away, and as Makariev's day came - February 1, they began to think about the upcoming spring, looked at signs. If the weather is clear in the first days of February, then the early arrival of spring was expected. Well, if on February 2, a blizzard blows Yefimiya, then spring will be delayed with the arrival. By February 4, half-winter, it was believed, behind - Timothy-Poluzimnik.

It’s still a long time to be winter, and it’s too early for snowstorms and frosts to let go of nature, but still the second half - warm winter, and by spring the movements become more noticeable. Spring is still far away, but Aksinya the Spring Indicator is already predicting spring. Whatever the day, then signs. What kind of weather Aksinya will bring, such weather will be in spring. And now the wind has picked up. If on February 10 - Ephraim the winds blow, damp and spring and summer will seem. On February 14, the night sky was looked at Tryphon. A scattering of stars, then spring will have to wait a long time.

Winter in Russian poetry

Let's turn to the work of A. S. Pushkin, who understood how much fun snow brings to children, how many adventures and games winter nature will give them, harsh but not dull. The poet also mentions the skating rink:

"Tier than fashionable parquet
The river is shining
Dressed in ice.
Boys joyful people
Ice skates soundly cuts ice ... "

Mentions Pushkin and other children's games:

"Here runs the yard boy,
Planting a bug in a sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The scoundrel already froze his finger:
It hurts and it's funny..."

In the poems of other Russian poets, nature in winter is also presented in a variety of ways - romantic, menacing, sad, and fun. Many lyrical lines were dedicated to nature by Sergei Yesenin, in winter time she seemed to him sleeping, and majestic:

"Bewitched by the invisible,
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.
Like a white scarf
The pine tree is tied."

February: intersection with spring

Description winter nature February (III - IV week)
From mid-February, sometimes in the very frosts of February with a snowstorm and chilly winds, winter intersects with spring, the harbinger of which is the first bright, it would seem, just about warm, rays of the sun. sunlight shows its brightness and assertiveness, penetrating into all parts of the sleeping winter nature. It seemed that spring would come from day to day, but winter would not give up its power over the sleeping realm of nature for a long time, and only by the end of the month the sun began to break through the white haze more often and warm hands, cheeks and bare brown branches of trees.

On the approach of spring, under the influence of the daytime sun, icicles begin to ring. Snow blockages are covered with a darkening crust. The last frosts will thunder and spring will step on the threshold.

During the long months of winter sleep, nature had plenty of rest, gained strength for new growth. Forest, trees, bushes, insects, whole vegetable world already ready to wake up as soon as the long-awaited warmth comes to replace. The warm rays of the sun that have barely broken through so far only amuse nature on the rise, winter will not recede immediately. For how long, with its harsh character, it will keep the world yearning for awakening in captivity in winter, but with the first rays of the sun's warmth, the beginning of the plant season will be laid. Spring is coming!

The second half of February in the folk calendar

"Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads - it's time for winter to take its feet"

The very middle of February. The month of February is short, filled with anticipation of spring. And, behold, February 15 - the key date - Candlemas. Meeting of winter with spring. And the sun is already filled with spring forces, and nature is lurking in anticipation, and the people are already preparing for the meeting of spring-beauty. On the Candlemas, they said about spring: if it’s warm and drops start to fall, then it won’t be long to wait for early spring, but if it’s snow and cold, then spring will come not soon, but it will take a long time to come with dampness and rains.

The winter does not let go of the cold, in the end it will hit with frost. From this, and on February 17, Nikolai the Studen was nicknamed. And 24 - Vlasiev day, so, in general, with Vlasiev frosts, winter delays the arrival of spring, does not want to give up just like that. But the short month of February is coming to an end, and with it, winter ends its season. The end of winter and the onset of a new spring in Russia is widely celebrated by Maslenitsa. Pancakes are baked all week, funny games are arranged and a scarecrow is burned. Farewell winter. And along with the winter on "forgiveness Sunday" - they asked their friends, relatives, friends for forgiveness. So, with dancing and festivities, they saw off the winter and rejoiced in the spring. Spring came!

Winter in Russian painting

Many artists see winter differently; for some, winter is serenity and loneliness, as in famous painting I. Levitan "In the Winter in the Forest", for others it is a joyful time of the year, which people spend in songs and dances in anticipation of spring. A vivid example of this is the painting by V. Surikov "The Capture of a Snow Town". One way or another, but it is safe to say that many of them considered winter to be the original Russian season.

(Painting by K. Yuon "Sorceress-winter")

The real opposite of the painting "Winter in the Forest" is the creation of Konstantin Yuon "Sorceress-Winter". The picture just radiates positive, because it depicts children who get a lot of pleasure from playing in the snow. Here, winter appears before us as a source of cheerful mood. By the way, Konstantin Yuon has many works in which he admired the winter landscape, because for him this is his favorite season, the time of miracles and magic.

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