Damage radius yars. A complete review of the domestic missile system "Yars

Fashion & Style 03.07.2019
Fashion & Style

The consistent development of the Topol and Topol-M mobile strategic missile systems led to the creation of the RS-24 Yars complex. The complex was developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The first test launch of the missile complex was made May 29, 2007. Mass production deployed at the Botkin Machine-Building Plant. The complex will replace on duty complexes with intercontinental ballistic missiles RS-12, RS-18 and RS-20 as their warranty periods expire. Rearmament of missile troops strategic purpose the missile systems "Yars" is relatively fast. Reportedly Russian media, until 2025, 4 of the 12 existing in the Strategic Missile Forces will be armed with the RS-24 Yars complexes missile divisions.

The regiment of mobile complexes "Yars" usually includes two or three missile divisions, each of which has three self-propelled launchers and a mobile command post on the MZKT chassis. Stationary missile system 15P165M includes 10 intercontinental ballistic missiles 15Zh67 Yars-M, placed in transport and launch containers and installed in silo launchers ShPU 15P765M (converted ShPU 15P735 missiles 15A35), as well as a unified command post (UCP) 15V242 of high security (located on a suspension in the mine on special depreciation). The mobile ground-based missile system (PGRK) 15P155M includes 9 intercontinental ballistic missiles 15Zh55M mounted on autonomous launchers (APU) 15U175M. Autonomous launcher 15U175M of the mobile complex consists of a 15Zh55M missile placed in a high-strength fiberglass transport and launch container (TPK) mounted on an eight-axle MZKT-79221 chassis. The missile regiment (rp) consists of a mobile command post(PKP), three missile divisions (rdn) with 3 APUs each, in total there are 9 APUs in the missile regiment, as well as engineering support and camouflage vehicles (MIOM).

By its design, the RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile of the Yars complex is generally similar to the RS-12M2 missile of the Topol-M complex and is maximally unified with it, with the exception of the block breeding platform, head fairing, control system and payload. RS-24 - three-stage solid rocket. Its body is made of high-strength composite material based on aramid fiber. The missile does not have stabilizers for flight control. Their function is performed by the nozzles of the engines of each stage. Nozzles and sockets of nozzle blocks are also made of composite materials. The rocket has an inertial flight control system. All information is processed by the onboard computer system, which can correct the flight, taking into account information from the navigation satellites of the GLONASS system.

for mobile launchers manufactured by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant and 15Zh55M - for mine launchers (silos). In this regard, it should be noted that silo launchers of UR-100 NUTTH (RS-18B) and RT-23 (RS-22) missiles, which were decommissioned or destroyed in accordance with the START-2 treaty, are used to deploy 15Zh55M missiles. A project has also been developed for the use of silos of R-36M UTTKh (RS-20A) and R-36M2 (RS-20B) missiles. The launch of the RS-24, both mobile and mine-based, is mortar-based, using a powder battery.

Specifications PC-24 "Yars"

"Yars" is the newest domestic missile system, put into combat operation 5 years ago. Most of the information about the RS-24 Yars missile is still a state secret.

Following the "Topol"

Launch mine RS-24 "Yars"

RS-24 "Yars" is a further development of the subject of mobile ground missile systems, which began to be developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, headed by Academician Yuri Solomonov for many years. The first experience was extremely successful. Its result is well known today - it is the Topol-M complex, which has been an integral part of nuclear parity for more than 20 years.

Like Topol, Yars was created in two versions - mobile and stationary mine. In the plans of the command Russian army gradual replacement (as the service life expires) by Yarsami of the RS-18 and Topol-M complexes in service. In 3 years, the strategic missile group will be replenished with new Sarmat complexes.

Increased power

For each version of the Yars, the corresponding types of missiles have been developed - 15Zh67 for the mobile and 15Zh55M for the mine complex. Both missiles are three-stage solid propellant. Compared to the RS-12M2 (Topol-M) missile, the RS-24 is equipped with a more advanced system for breeding warheads and a modified control system. The missiles of the complex are also constantly located in the transport and launch container.

Thanks to special coatings, the products are reliably protected from the damaging effects of a nuclear explosion and remain invisible to the radar. The autonomy of the rocket in flight is provided by the onboard computer. At the final stage of the flight, the combat units are separated, which, as a result of complex maneuvering, become inaccessible to missile defense systems.

The RS-24 missile strikes enemy strategic targets located 12,000 km away. possible deviation of no more than 150 meters. Possible options combat equipment - 4 blocks of individual guidance of 300 kt or 6 of 150 kt.

Support systems

The mobile version of Yars is mounted on a 15U175M tractor with a multi-axle chassis MZKT-79221. It is equipped with an 800-horsepower YaMZ-847 diesel engine. The mobile launcher is equipped with a navigation system, a communication system, launch control equipment, an autonomous power supply system, a hydraulic leveling system, and a container placement boom.

The tractor has an 18-meter turning radius and can cross a ford more than a meter deep. He moves at a speed of 45 km / h and can make a 500-kilometer march. The length of the rocket is 22 meters, the launch weight is about 47 tons, the weight of the delivered charges is about 1.2 tons.

Bet on a new generation of weapons

At present, 58 RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile systems are deployed in Russian military units. Launches are regularly conducted on training targets with consistently high accuracy. The last successful launch took place on December 26, 2014. It is planned to bring the number of new strategic complexes to 80% by 2016, which, along with Topol-M, also includes Yarsy.

The formations of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) located in various parts of Russia are undergoing the final stages of the competition among the crews of the Yars mobile ground-based missile system.

"Yars" at the final rehearsal of the Victory Parade. Photo: Mikhail Dzhaparidze / TASS

According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in previous years Topol and Topol-M participated in such large-scale competitions. Now it's time to test the combat crews of the Yars missile system. The competition was called "Strategic all-around": the contestants will have to control the units of the missile system, including an autonomous launcher, as well as overcome the firing assault strip. All this will take place in the context of the use of weapons of mass destruction by a mock enemy.

Of course, such competitions are aimed at improving the practical skills of missilemen, because they are entrusted with a serious responsibility - strategic weapons are in their hands.

What is there to say about the tests and exercises of the crews, when from the stands of the parade on Red Square we hear not insulting, but enthusiastic, a little muffled by the roar of technology "That's a fool!". All the "sights" of the world's television cameras and the views of military attachés are focused on the newest 23-meter Yars missile system, which entered service last year.

What is this formidable weapon? Rocket "Yars". Code name RS-24. The NATO designation is SS-27. The rocket was developed by scientists from the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The projectile of the complex is an updated version of the rocket of the Topol complex, which has been on combat duty for about 30 years. It was planned that the new missile should replace the previous generations of Voevoda and Stiletto missiles (RS-20 and RS-18, respectively) and, together with Topol-M, form the strike force of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Not much is known about the characteristics of the RS-24. According to the most reliable information, its range is at least 11,000 km: directly from Moscow, a missile can easily fly to any point, say, in the USA - from Miami to San Francisco. The power of warheads is in the range of 150-300 kilotons, which is about 10-20 times higher than the power of the bomb dropped over Hiroshima. According to the test launches, the "dip spread" - the circular probable deviation - does not exceed 200 meters. The complex weighs about 120 tons, and in order to budge this "fool", a powerful engine of 800 horsepower is required.

Yars is a three-stage solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Missiles of this class, as a rule, are equipped with nuclear warheads and are designed to destroy strategically important enemy targets located at long distances and on distant continents. For missiles, silo and mobile accommodation options are provided.

The Yars rocket has an impressive flight speed: it flies a distance of 11,000 kilometers in just 20 minutes. The rocket is not affected by damaging factors nuclear explosions: thanks to a special coating and the installation of the latest on-board digital complex on it, it is able to bypass the radiation cloud with a special software maneuver.

The last test tests of the rocket were carried out in December 2014 at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The launches were successful: the RS-24 rocket was able to complete all the assigned tasks - training active units hit targets at the Kura site in Kamchatka with the specified accuracy. The testing carried out confirmed the technical strength of the charges, as well as the operational and combat parameters of the complex itself.

Earlier, in April 2014, the rocket passed another "test" - at the international level. Then the news spread around the world, which caused a great political resonance: "As a result of a" failure ", the Russian nuclear missile RS-24 flew away towards the United States." Then, as part of the exercises, another test launch took place intercontinental missile from the Kapustin Yar training ground. The rocket was supposed to cover a distance of 9 thousand km in less than 2 hours. During the launch of the rocket, the flight course failed: the rocket moved towards the United States. US air defenses were unable to "spot" the RS-24 even when the missile was 2000 km from the country. When the rocket approached a distance of about 500 km, it changed course and flew towards Argentina. The Russian Defense Ministry commented on this situation: "a slight failure of the missile's flight path, moreover, it was absolutely safe and did not contain an explosive base." Then this failure on a real example convinced Russian rocket scientists that the projectile has excellent stability and invulnerability when passing through the orders of the promising US missile defense system.

It is important to note that the "breakthrough" through the US ABM was not accidental: the missile carries as a payload the means to overcome the ABM. Accelerating section of the flight new rocket as short as possible: it is much shorter than that of older types of missiles. It starts at lightning speed of 8 km / s, does not fly along a parabola, with a constantly changing trajectory, which makes it impossible for the interceptor missile to predict the meeting point: anti-missile system just does not understand where the projectile is flying.

Today, more than half of the mobile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are equipped with Yars missiles. By 2018 they will be about 70%, by 2020 - 100%. Why did it become possible to adopt such a "serious" missile into service in the conditions when Russia supported the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START-1)? After all, the Treaty forbade the deployment of multiple reentry vehicle missiles. US Republican Senator John Kyle and a group of his associates were then outraged by our development. The answer to the senator was simple: "START-1 does not prohibit testing, we will put the missile into service and will deploy it after the expiration of the Treaty." Recall that Russia withdrew from it in 2009. Our country was no longer willing to make concessions: in 2005, the strategic miscalculations made by the Russian side in relation to the combat railway missile systems (BZHRK) of the Strategic Missile Forces led to their elimination. And the States at the same time were building up their missile defense. Creation of a new strategic missile became our response to these actions.

It is worth noting that at present Russia is the only country in the world that has soil mobile complexes intercontinental ballistic missiles. There is evidence that China is developing them, but the process is still far from being completed. The Americans are not going to produce anything like that. They do not give at all of great importance its ground component of the strategic offensive forces, which makes up only about 20% of the total nuclear arsenal. Their main carriers are in aviation and the navy.

It is the RS-24 Yars missile that will become the basis of the Strategic Missile Forces in our country for the next 20-30 years. And now we can say with full confidence that Russia has a solid nuclear missile shield.

In May 2015, exercises of engineering troops were held near the city of Murom. The main goal is to fulfill the tasks of engineering support when forcing water barriers. One of the tasks was the work of pontooners in the interests of Missile troops strategic purpose. A launcher of the Yars mobile ground-based missile system was transported across a river more than 250 meters wide.

PC-24 "Yars"(according to NATO classification - SS-27 Mod 2) is a Russian solid-propellant mobile-based intercontinental ballistic missile with a multiple reentry vehicle.

Flight range - 11,000 km (~ as from Moscow to Australia), charge power about 300 kt (Hiroshima ~ 15 kt)

PC-24 "Yars" is a missile upgrade complex Topol-M. On combat duty since 2009. There is a mine version of the complex.

The Strategic Missile Forces are not armed with pontoon crossing facilities, and if bridges are destroyed along the Yars patrol route, this will negate all the advantages of the mobile complex. It should be noted that the last time such an exercise was carried out in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

And now the pontoon crossing battalion of the 45th separate engineering and engineer brigade was tasked with transporting a multi-ton hulk across the Oka.

The missile system includes an engineering support and camouflage vehicle. She crosses first.

The first task of such a machine is to conduct engineering intelligence on the route of combat patrol of the missile system, checking the patency and terrain conditions.

The second task of the vehicle crew is to equip false positions missile units. The vehicle is armed with a kit for simulating the presence of a missile battalion consisting of three launch batteries and units for providing a missile battalion on the field

In the photograph behind the MIOM vehicle, an inflatable mock-up of the missile system is visible.

Under cover of smoke, the Yars is being loaded.

The Yars crossed with the help of the PP-2005 pontoon-bridge fleet. The design of this park allows you to assemble a double-width pontoon with a carrying capacity of 170 tons, on which the missile system was transported.

The MZKT-79221 special heavy-duty wheeled chassis weighs 45,000 tons, the rocket weighs approximately 50,000 tons, plus the weight of the launcher.

I would like to note that the ferry, which is far from an ideal hydrodynamic shape, is moved by only two BMK-460 towing and motor boats. But the missile system weighs more than 100 tons and the ferry itself weighs about 75 tons.

Towing and motor boat BMK-460. Designed for towing ferries, assembling and holding floating bridges, organizing security water crossings(fighting floating mines, saboteurs, fighting objects that pose a danger to the bridge (dump, etc.), reconnaissance of a water barrier, organization of an emergency rescue service.

Calculation of the boat - 2 minders.

The hull of the boat is divided into three sealed compartments. In the middle compartment, two diesel engines with a capacity of 230 hp are installed.

The propulsion of the boat is two propellers in columns that can rotate horizontally 360 degrees in both directions, and independently of each other. Thanks to this design, the boat has no restrictions in maneuverability, it can turn around its axis.

The maximum speed of BMK-460 is up to 16 km/h. Seaworthiness of the boat up to 5 points.

What does the name of the complex mean? Yars»?

Nuclear Deterrent Missile;

Nuclear Rocket Solomonov (by the name of the General Designer);

Nuclear Rocket Suppository (a kind of alloy of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Military Medical Service).

In addition, in the Tatar language there is a word yarsu meaning furious, passionate, excited. It is known that the Udmurt language borrows a lot from Tatar. And in Udmurtia, not far from Tatarstan, these missiles are made.

A strict and sophisticated reader jumped from the sofa at the very beginning of the story. " What kind of missile system is this??!"

Yes, this car is just a tanker. The purpose of the machine gives out a compartment with fuel equipment at the stern and necks in the upper part.

But! The tanker was created on the same chassis as the launcher and is (with filled tanks) an excellent mass-dimensional model. Transportation of a real rocket may cause unnecessary fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate and accusations of an intention to change the constitution of Mordovia ...

However, as a result of the lesson, it became clear that no destroyed bridges would interfere with real Yars on their combat patrol routes. And also that in armed forces There are no such cargoes in Russia that the Engineering Troops could not transport.

The intercontinental ballistic missile RS-24 "Yars" - a solid-propellant three-stage light-class ICBM - was created at the turn of the century in cooperation with Russian enterprises. The RS-24 "Yars" differs from its direct ancestor - the RS-12M1 / RS-12M2 "Topol-M" missile, which in turn is a deep modification of the RS-12M "Topol", primarily the warhead (MC) and more advanced control system. Yars has a multiple warhead with individually targetable warheads (MIRV), Topol-M has a monobloc warhead (passive and maneuvering warheads have been tested). With a high probability, by 2020, the RS-24-RS-12M tandem will become the only light-class ICBM in mobile and stationary basing, which, for economic reasons, is justified.

In the 80-90s of the last century, the Strategic Missile Forces were armed with 5 types of light-class ICBMs and their modifications. These include liquid: RS-16A / RS-16B (MR-UR-100 / MR-UR-100UTTH); RS-18A / RS-18B (UR-100N / UR-100NU) and solid fuel: RS-12 (RT-2 / RT-2P / RT-2M); RS-14 "Temp-2s" / RS-12M "Topol" (-/RT-2PM); RS-22B/RS-22V "Molodets" (RT-23UTTH). The specific operating costs of the unified RS-24 - RS-12M1(2) are significantly lower than the similar indicator for the totality of the listed samples of the light ICBM class, however, in a number of efficiency parameters, the latter are superior to Yars. For example, the RS-18B liquid-propellant ICBM carries a more powerful MIRV compared to the RS-24, and its combat equipment continues to improve. A separate topic is the survivability of ICBMs, while the ground method of basing is inferior, for example, to the railway one. Taking into account the above, as well as the need to maintain parity for deployed warheads and their carriers established by strategic offensive arms treaties (short name of the treaties: START-1; START-2; START-3), since 2009, work has been underway to create a domestic liquid-propellant ICBM heavy class instead of the RS-20B ("Voevoda") missiles. The question of an alternative to the RS-22V ICBM and of the return potential for the Russian Federation as a whole remains open.
A political component is superimposed on the performance parameters of ICBMs - the theme of the "race" of strategic arms, initiated by measures to protect against nuclear attack, known as Anti-Missile Defense (ABM). In 2002, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the 1972 Anti-ABM Treaty and is creating a promising missile defense system, incl. its segments in Europe (England, Poland, etc.). Bypassing the Treaty, the system has been implemented since 1991. The creation of a US national missile defense system was legally formalized, and in 1999 the first tests of its elements were carried out.

Let's return to the characteristics of the RS-24 ICBM. Its adoption into service in the context of the US build-up of missile defense systems became possible due to the expiration in 2009 of the START-1 treaty, which allowed the development of ICBMs only in the version of a missile with a monoblock warhead. Another of the asymmetric responses of the Russian Federation to US missile defense initiatives was expressed in the flight characteristics and stability of the RS-24 - RS-12M1 (2) when penetrating through the orders of the promising US missile defense system and stability in damaging factors nuclear explosion (PFYaV). The active section of the missile's trajectory has been reduced. A quick set of speed is provided by a more efficient mixed charge of sustainer rocket engines of solid propellant (RDTT). The missile can perform a program maneuver at the start to pass a cloud of a nuclear explosion of an attacking charge. ballistic missile. The RS 24, RS-12M1(2), unlike its predecessor, the RS-12M, has an insensitive to powerful electromagnetic impulses guidance system.
The use of a new set of means of overcoming (KSP) missile defense significantly reduces the likelihood of intercepting warheads. False targets of the KSP are indistinguishable from warheads in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation, allow you to simulate their characteristics in almost all selective features on the extra-atmospheric, transitional and a significant part of the atmospheric section of the descending branch of the warhead flight path. For the first time, decoys capable of withstanding super-resolution radars have been used. The CSP means that distort the characteristics of the MS consist of a radio absorbing coating of the MS, active radio interference generators, aerosol sources of infrared radiation, etc.

The layout of the RS-24 rocket has not changed compared to the RS-12M. Marching solid propellant rocket motors have a one-piece "cocoon" hull made of composite material. Unlike its predecessor Topol, the RS-24 - RS-12M1(2) has no lattice aerodynamic stabilizers and rudders on the first stage. Flight control in the active section is carried out by deflecting the engine thrust vector (at all stages) by means of a rotary, partially recessed nozzle based on an elastic hinge. The nozzle blocks of all stages are made of carbon-carbon material, the nozzle inserts are based on a three-dimensionally reinforced oriented carbon-carbon matrix.
The control system is inertial. The complex of high-speed command instruments of the gyro-stabilized platform (GSP) has improved accuracy characteristics. The new on-board digital computer complex (OCCC) has increased performance and resistance to PFYAV. Aiming is provided through the implementation of an autonomous determination of the azimuth of the control element installed on the GSP, using ground complex command devices placed on the transport and launch container (TLC).
The combat charge has an increased, in comparison with the prototypes, the efficiency of fissile materials. The warhead is historically the first in the domestic practice of creating charges for ICBMs without testing parts and assemblies during full-scale nuclear explosions, which were terminated by the USSR in 1989.
By analogy with the RS-12M missile, the operation of RS-24, RS-12M1 (2) missiles for both mobile and stationary basing options is carried out using TPK, the launch of both options is mortar using a powder pressure accumulator (PAD). By virtue of various conditions the operation of missiles of mobile and stationary versions, as well as various requirements for protection against PFYAV, the complete unification of missiles and TPK could not be implemented. It required the development of structurally different means of ejection of the rocket from the TPK, as well as the design of the container. So, for example, for the mine version of the rocket at launch, a pallet was used that protected the solid propellant rocket engine of the first stage from high blood pressure PAD gases, for the mobile version of the rocket, due to the lower pressure, the pallet was not needed. Features of the mine and weight restrictions led to the use of various structural materials of the TPK for the missile basing option.

The RS-24 ICBM was put into service in 2009: on a pilot combat duty one mobile division (3 launchers) took over. The first fixed-based missiles are to be put on duty in 2012.
The RS-12M1 ICBM was put into service in 1997: the first regiment with the 2nd mine launcher took up experimental combat duty. First Mobile Division with ICBM RS-12M 2 ( 3 PU) took up combat duty in 2006.

Main characteristics

RS-12m1(2) RS-24 m2
Number of steps 3 3
Maximum range missile firing, km 10 500
Maximum starting weight, t 47,1
Warhead charge power, Mt 0,55 0 .15, 0.3
Mass of head part, t 1 ,2 1,2-1 , 3
Dimensions, m:
first stage casing diameter, m
hull diameter of the second stage, m
diameter of the hull of the third stage, m

KVO, m 200-350
Originally established warranty period of storage, years 15 15

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