A tenth grader who saved children from the fire: “You don’t need to talk about me, you need to help people. The tenth-grader who saved the children from the fire: “You don’t need to talk about me, you need to help people”

diets 15.06.2019

17-year-old Sergei Ganzha does not consider himself a hero - although he himself could well die, looking for the body of a five-year-old child in ice water, at a depth of six meters. He not only pulled a five-year-old girl out of the water, but he himself, remembering the lessons of life safety, gave her artificial respiration before the doctors arrived. And - pumped out.

Sergei Ganzha near the place where he saved Natasha Utkina. Photo: Newspaper "Stepnaya Nov"

August, 26th this year for Sergei, who lives in the Altai regional center of Shipunovo, it began as ordinary. On that hot, stuffy day, it was necessary to prepare a car of firewood and take it to one of the villages. Sergey, having finished nine classes in high school, works for individual entrepreneur Andrey Ignatov - sawing wood, chopping firewood. Having finished swinging the ax, the young man went to the Klepechikha River to look for the sons of Ignatov, who had gone fishing. The guys were supposed to help with loading.

I walked along the dam. On the way I saw small children spinning near the shore - a boy with a girl. Rybakov didn’t find him around the corner, turned back and heard the boy’s cry, ”recalls Sergey.

He ran and saw that the girl was helplessly floundering in the water. Five-year-old Natasha Utkina accidentally fell into the river, coming too close to a slippery steep bank lined with concrete slabs. In this place, Klepechikha is deep, up to six meters in the full-flowing period. Yes, and the current in that place is not weak.

It was impossible to delay. While Sergey was tearing off his jacket and sneakers on the go, the girl disappeared under water. Ran, swam, dived. The water turned out to be very cold and cloudy, nothing was visible at arm's length. Ganzha emerged to take in fresh air into his lungs, and again went into the depths, frantically rummaged along the muddy bottom. Finally, on the fourth attempt, I stumbled upon the girl's body. He grabbed her by the leg and pulled her to the shore with all his might.

It was the energetic, decisive actions of Sergei Ganzha that saved Natasha's life.

The girl was no longer breathing, her pulse was not felt. A four-year-old boy who raised a cry could not help in any way. There were no adults around. You could only count on yourself. Sergei remembered what he had seen on TV and heard in the lessons of life safety, began to do artificial respiration "mouth to mouth" and chest compressions. Clicked on chest with such desperation that the girl then got a bruise. When the child began to breathe, he called the district hospital.

Five-year-old Natasha Utkina was still unconscious when the ambulance arrived. The teenager, along with the doctors, got into the car and drove to the hospital. According to the doctors, it was the energetic, decisive actions of Sergei Ganzha that saved Natasha's life.

“At the meeting, we asked Sergey: was he scared at that moment? He said that, of course, he was. He was afraid that he might not pull the girl out, and he himself could drown, because the water at that time was already very cold. he doesn’t consider it heroic, he says that everyone would have acted in his place. But one can argue with this. Not everyone will find the courage to dive into the icy water, saving the child. We need strength of mind and the ability to sacrifice, "wrote in the regional newspaper "Stepnaya Nov" journalist Alexander Osipov.

At the beginning of next summer, Sergei will turn 18, and there is an army from which the young hero not only does not think to "mow down", on the contrary, he is eager to go there. The young man dreams of getting into the elite, according to him, units - the Airborne Forces or the army special forces, and then remaining to serve under the contract. Sergei proudly admits that the draft military medical commission had no complaints about his health. True, the doctors, probably due to the low growth of the boy, have so far been identified in the Navy. Maybe it's right - he's definitely not afraid of water.

In the Shipunovsky district, after this story, the young man began to enjoy great respect.

When we bring coal or firewood to someone, the villagers often ask if I am the same rescuer. They say: "Well done, there are few of them now. Others would shoot a girl drowning on the phone, and then they would put it on the Internet - to collect likes."

Now the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations is preparing documents for awarding the brave young man with a departmental distinction.

If I need to save someone again, I will do it without hesitation. It doesn't matter - a fire will happen or someone will start to drown again, - Sergey promised.

The young hero carried sisters and brothers out of the fire

Showed not childish courage at all little resident city ​​of Vyazma, Smolensk region. On December 7 at 10 am, a terrible fire broke out in the private house where he lived. Huge flames instantly engulfed the entire structure. A 30-year-old woman with four children was captured by the fire - the family had not yet had time to wake up. The first to come to his senses was 9-year-old Nikita. At first the boy rushed to the front door, but then he remembered his younger brothers and sisters. The young hero managed to literally carry all the children out of the fire in his arms, but the mother of the kids died in the fire.

When the children stood on the porch of the burning house and huddled together from the cold, an investigator from the Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Regional Investigation Department of the ICR drove by. He noticed them, stopped, immediately put them into the car and provided first aid.

“The children were in T-shirts with short sleeves, tights and pants without socks,” said a local resident who happened to be nearby, an eyewitness to the incident.

The investigator wrapped the smallest ones in a blanket: a 9-month-old girl and a 2.5-year-old boy; the rest were sitting in the car with the stove turned on at full power. They did not have time to take anything from the burning dwelling.

The boy said that his mother remained in the house. Then the investigator local resident they rushed to help the woman, but they failed to save her: the house was already completely engulfed in flames and smoke. The investigator called the fire brigade and ambulance The paramedics arrived and took the children to the hospital.

Later it turned out that the children's sister Victoria, who is 11 years old, by a lucky chance spent the night with her great-grandmother. Therefore, the little 9-year-old hero took the blow of fate upon himself - after all, he turned out to be the eldest of the children in the house.

- As a result of the fire, a 9-month-old girl was injured, who is currently being treated at the Children's Burn Center in Moscow. The child's condition is assessed by doctors as moderate. Investigators are considering several causes of the fire, including a malfunction of the stove heating,” said Natalya Zueva, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the RF Investigative Committee for the Smolensk Region.

According to the guardianship authorities, the paternal grandmother of the three younger children volunteered to raise the children. Also found aunts of babies living in Vyazma and St. Petersburg. The relatives said: “We will take all the children. We will not send them to an orphanage.”

Nadezhda Kustareva, head of the department of guardianship and guardianship of the district administration, noted that the family was not registered with the guardianship authorities, the older children attend school, the younger ones kindergarten. On that ill-fated day, the schoolchildren stayed at home, as they were sick.

“No one has yet questioned Nikita, as far as I know,” says Valentina, a neighbor. The boy is already under stress. He has not yet been told that his mother is no more. Poor children, so sorry for them! We hope for the help of kind people. In our city, they are already collecting help for victims of the fire - so much is needed: clothes, and all sorts of notebooks for the school, you see, the house burned to the ground, nothing was left. Children almost naked ran out to escape the fire. And now you yourself know how expensive everything is ...

The news about the fire did not leave indifferent both classmates and teachers of the school where Nikita studies.

- Nikita is a very responsive boy, - says classroom teacher 3rd grade Svetlana Ivanova. - Always ready to help when you ask. We recently had a renovation in the library - he helped transfer books. It is evident that the guy is accustomed to order. This is indeed the large family, and Nikita could often be seen with a stroller, or he walked with his younger brothers. They have a garden - the boy also helped dig the beds, plant everything ...

Good evening everyone. I decided to pony a bit, at the same time and ask. The topic is mother-in-law. I, probably, for the first time in all family life I will complain about it, although I always considered it and now I consider it golden, but with one big but! I understand that this is probably my cockroaches and hormones that have not subsided yet, but please advise how to calmly respond to the words of the mother-in-law. Background: I'm not exactly a TV fan, but it often works for me, usually even in the background, i.e. turned it on and special attention I don’t pay attention, I rather listen to it than watch it. Today, my mother-in-law once again came to us for tea and saw that my TV was on, and the small one was sitting in a deck chair, which stands under the TV (the TV is hanging on the wall). And she began to reprimand me that it’s impossible for the child to be under the TV, that supposedly waves come from him, that the constant sound has a bad effect on the nervous system, that Olya (middle daughter-in-law) and her other friends who have children , the TV never works in the presence of a child. In fairness, it must be said that the mother-in-law "knows how" to come at the right time, i.e. when I just turned on the TV in the kitchen and started cooking something. Apparently, that's why she gets the impression that we have this all day, although this is far from the case. Or she also likes to compare me in terms of raising children with the same average daughter-in-law, who had children earlier than ours in such a way that: here Olya did this and that, her children didn’t behave like that etc. in that vein. It just infuriates ... As if Olya is such an ideal, and I am a grief-mother. I myself at such moments listen to her in silence, i.e. I don’t snap, from the category of “the dog barks, but the caravan moves on.” But in my heart everything boils with anger. Here's how to learn to calmly relate to such words of hers and instructive tone (although maybe she doesn’t put teaching into them, but I perceive it that way)?
And the second question about the TV. I kind of understand that yes, it can affect nervous system baby, but this is if the whole day, and to the fullest. And I get 40 minutes for the whole day, and it’s so quiet that when the electric kettle is working, it’s almost inaudible. Is it really that everyone just refuses the TV set (I emphasize - in the background, and not staring at the screen) with the advent of the baby?
And as usual, thank you in advance! I will answer as soon as possible, I apologize if not everyone.


evil aunt

Hello everyone. My daughter is 10 in August, but I just can’t instill a love of reading.
But on the other hand, we love it when mom reads to her before going to bed))) And for the summer they gave out a long list for extracurricular reading- now the question arose who will read mom or daughter ((



Where is Marina Luneva? Our daughters are the same age, 12 years old.
Let's get ready too.

Daughter in the country.
The grandmother asked to do something, the daughter willingly helps and they are not bored there, but on the contrary they are friends and they have fun, and there is not even a TV
She turned away and went where she was sent, saying the word B, don't think it's a damn thing)
In the neighboring area, an 8-year-old girl, a good family, also swears, she was flogged - her mother told her

We do not see the tragedy, the grandmother pretended not to hear - she really is deaf - we will educate.
The eldest son did not swear, he was not interested.
Husband said let it be. Until you stop, maybe he’ll talk a little on the sly and get bored over the summer.
At home, no one ever swears. I wrote to the school group, the mothers said - they too, they had already noticed before)

The topic is to talk. You can write what words to educate, although I would also write them in someone else's topic.
What will we do?

I'm at home, I'm bored, everything is done.



Good afternoon! The other day we get the keys to the apartment. Repairs are coming, the apartment is rented completely bare, there will not even be interior partitions. There is no opportunity to hire a designer. I want to try my hand at designing an apartment. The color solution in general, that is, we will select the colors, but the problem is with the arrangement of furniture and accessories, drawing up a plan for which outlet, lamp, etc. Maybe someone did the project itself? Suggest a program for a beginner. Can you recommend some literature to make it clearer?
And then porridge in the head. How do I fix the...



Hello! We plan to have a second child when the first one is 7 years old and goes to school. There is no way to give birth earlier. The husband works late, the grandmothers live very far away. In fact, there is no help from relatives. There is an idea to hire a nanny for three hours a day: 2 hours with the youngest while I cook or clean (including the opportunity to be alone for a while), and the third hour is spent approximately for the nanny to pick up the child from school and bring him home . A total of 15 hours a week (Moscow region, approximately 300 rubles per hour). We don't have money for a full day. Share your experience, how comfortable will it be? Is three hours enough? How to solve the problem with senior lessons? I really lacked help with the first one, he was very active for the first 2 years and constantly demanded attention until he went to the garden. I didn’t even have the opportunity to cook food, clean the apartment or take a shower. Experienced mothers, please advise how best to organize third-party assistance with such a difference between children?


The rescue human life under any circumstances is a matter, the importance of which is difficult to convey in ordinary words. When it comes to saving the life of a child, such actions are regarded as a heroic deed.

In our case, we will talk about how such feats are performed by the youngest heroes.

A moment to remember forever

Our first hero was an eleven-year-old Yaroslav Adoniev from the village of Stroymash, located near Sterlitamak. Walking in the yard with friends in April of this year, the boy accidentally noticed that a very small girl approached the half-open window on the second floor.

Further events developed in a matter of seconds. Yaroslav said that by some miracle he felt the danger. Before he could run under open window as the baby was already flying down. The boy instinctively extended his arms and the girl fell right on top of him.

Naturally, Yaroslav could not resist the force and weight of the falling girl. However, he managed to group himself so that the baby, after a general fall, did not suffer at all. The fifth-grader himself escaped with minor bruises. After the ambulance arrived, it became unequivocally clear that the girl remained alive only thanks to Yaroslav. The concrete platform would not have left her any chance even if she fell from the second floor. Thus, at the age of 11, the guy has already managed to give life to another person!

When the school curriculum turned out to be indispensable

The next hero was a 17-year-old Sergei Ganzha from the village of Shipunovo in the Altai Territory. Returning from a part-time job during the school holidays, he noticed that on the banks of the local river, he was screaming loudly Small child. Running up to him, Sergey saw that a girl was floundering in the water, which in a second completely disappeared from sight.

Then the young man immediately jumped into the river to save the drowning woman. He had to dive several times in a row before the guy found the already lifeless body.

Pulling the girl ashore, Sergey remembered everything that the teachers told about in the lessons of life safety. Knowledge helped, and after a few seconds of heart massage, the girl began to clear her throat. By this time, an ambulance arrived, thanks to which the life of a five-year-old child was out of danger.

A little later, Sergei was awarded the medal "For the salvation of the perishing on the waters." However, the main reward for him was sincere gratitude. happy parents saved.

And ONE more time about caution with fire

October 19, 2016 will be remembered for a long time by the parents and aunt of the 10-year-old Alexandra Murzina. On this day, in the morning rush, the adults kindled the stove and scattered about their business, leaving the children (the boy and his one-year-old sister) at home.

What exactly caused the fire is now irrelevant. The main thing is that at the moment of imminent danger, the guy did not fall into despair. He oriented himself better than many adults would. Wrapped up in his father's jacket and hugging his little frightened sister, Sasha climbed out of the burning house through the window.

Here, the children were intercepted by employees of a private security company. Later, an ambulance was called for them by the already arrived firefighters. One way or another, it was clear that youngest child survived only thanks to the confident actions of his older brother.

On Saturday, February 17, a four-room apartment on the sixth floor flared up in a residential area of ​​Chelyabinsk. There were two children in the apartment, 10 and 12 years old. They jumped out onto the balcony and began to shout:


And then he appeared - Superman. So at first the fire victims decided when a sports guy appeared in front of them and dragged them to the neighboring balcony.

In fact, the superman turned out to be 17-year-old Artemy Polukeyev from a neighboring apartment. He heard a noise, ran out to the balcony - adjacent to the neighbor's. He broke the bedding and helped the guys escape. At that time, the flames were already sticking out their tongues from the windows ...


Artem is from a simple Ural family - dad is a taxi driver, mom is a storekeeper. He has two brothers: the older one already lives separately, the younger one is in the first grade.

The family does not admire Artyom's deed. Parents say:

Did everything right! How else?

The seven-year-old brother does not really understand what happened, but he understands that if it were not for Artem, a terrible thing would happen: the guys from his yard could die.

Artem - a regular guy: goes to school. Previously, he was engaged in boxing, now he took a break, a new friend- young woman. spends with her free time. And it was with her that he was visiting during the fire, when he heard cries for help.

After graduating from school, she will go to an assembly college, she wants to become a builder.

- Artem, was it scary?

Yes, I did not think about it then. Everything happened quickly. And then came the realization of what had happened ...

- You are now a hero, they even want to present you for an award!

As my dad told me, earlier they would just shake your hand and say: “Well done”, but now they will tell you everywhere, write. More than 900 people visited my page on VKontakte in a day! They write: "Well done, handsome, thank you." Correspondents are calling. And I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. So there is no need to write more about me, but people really need help!


Svetlana Leonidovna, the grandmother of the boys whom Artyom saved, received her pension that day and went shopping. Ten-year-old Vanya and twelve-year-old Dima were left alone at home. During the week, the boys fell ill and were on sick leave.

While Dima was watching TV, Vanya went to the kitchen, found matches and began to "conduct experiments." There were many books nearby, they instantly flared up, the fire spread to the furniture.

The boys and I called up several times after I left. Everything was fine. Then the neighbors called me and said that the apartment was on fire. The children did not answer calls anymore, - said Svetlana Leonidovna. She was not at home for an hour. When I got home, the fire was still being extinguished.

Svetlana Leonidovna is 60 years old, she is a former doctor. She brings up her grandchildren alone, their parents died: the father - a few days after the birth of Vanya, the mother - five years ago. The boys study well, go in for karate, football, skiing. No one expected dangerous pranks from them.

Of course, I talked to my grandchildren. How did it happen? They know that they are guilty, they say: “Baba, forgive us” ...

While the woman with her grandchildren lives with relatives: two rooms in the apartment were badly burnt out.

I'm surprised how kind people live in our house. Everyone selflessly helps, brings dishes, things. Thanks a lot to everyone!

They need help to insert windows, make repairs, - says neighbor Maria Yarushina. - Write about it in the newspaper, people will definitely respond!


89227542011 - Svetlana Leonidovna, the boys' grandmother;

89227479774 - Valery Vladimirovich, her son;

Card number for aid transfer:

2202 2002 7762 4282, Sberbank, card in the name of Dolgov Valery Vladimirovich.

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