A very strong love spell on SMS from a loved one. How to bewitch a guy using an electronic or regular photo

Design and interior 10.10.2019
Design and interior

A love spell on the phone will help timid and shy women find their love. Can be used as a photo in the phone, sms or the number of the mobile itself.

Features of such a love spell

A love spell on the phone is a fairly effective and not very complicated ritual. It can be safely called home, because of its simplicity and accessibility. Such rituals are easy to carry out at home.

The ritual will require a powerful energy of someone who wants to bewitch their loved one using the phone.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows about a love spell on the phone, how to do it correctly and who it suits. Few people realize that he not suitable for those, who energy is not strong enough. It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible, try to include all your imagination. At the moment of concentration, one cannot think of anything else.

In order to perform a spell on a man over the phone, it is not necessary to be in physical contact with the victim.

Such strong love spells are good for those who do not take food or drink from their hands, if the beloved tries to avoid any contact with the girl. Similar rituals can be performed by phone number, by call. The simplest rituals do not require any complex actions: you do not need to go to church, do any movements that may be required in other rites.

Love spell on a man's call

Method 1

One of the options for conducting is a regular call to a loved one.
  1. To do this, you need to dial a subscriber and start a conversation with him.
  2. While he is telling something, it will be necessary to quietly cast a spell: “ I hear your voice now, you are beloved, you breathe me. I will be alone for you, faithful and desirable, the best wife».

Method 2

  1. The second option - you also need to dial the subscriber and pronounce the following words: " You hear my breath, you breathe it».
  2. While inhaling, you need to pronounce the following words to yourself: Love you", on the exhale -" Do you love me».
  3. After the end of the call, you should not have conversations with anyone. It is better to remain silent until the end of this day.

Love spell on the photo in the phone

This variant of a love spell can be performed not only on a single guy, but also on a married one.

  1. In order to perform such a ritual, you need to go to the church and buy a large red candle there, collect holy water.
  2. Next, sprinkle the candle with holy water and light it with a match.
  3. In your left hand, you need to hold a phone with a photo of the one you want to bewitch and read the plot on your own three times: “ You are the one who will come to me. You are the one who yearns and waits for me. Soon our happiness will find us. It will be an eternal spell. Amen».
  4. Candle must be taken right hand and cross the photo in the phone with it three times. In this case, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy three times: “ My word is strong, from century to century - molded. I burn it with fire, I fasten it with church wax. Amen».
  5. Extinguish the candle with your fingers and hide it away from prying eyes.
Thus, you can also make a love spell for a girl from the photo that is in the phone.

Spell by phone number

There are also options for a love spell by phone number.

It is very important to carry out preliminary training before making a love spell on a call.

  • It will not be superfluous to fast for three days before the start of the ritual.
  • After fasting, visit the temple and purchase three candles. One of them must be larger than the other two. Little ones need to be put for health - their own and the one you want to bewitch.
  • Sprinkle a large candle at home with holy water, walk around the house with it. Stay only in the corners.
After all the preparatory activities - go to the love spell of the guy on the phone.

All you need is a phone.

  1. Write down the number of the person you want to bewitch.
  2. Next, to make a love spell by number, light a thin yellow candle and read the following words: My long-awaited, long-awaited and foretold chosen one, remember how good it was with me, wish to meet me again. Hurry dial my number, see you soon».
  3. While pronouncing these words, imagine how the guy is already reaching for the handset and calling the girl who is performing the ritual.
A love spell through the phone may not work immediately, it may take several days. Believe, the object of love will immediately call.

It is necessary to memorize the words that need to be spoken. You need to read them without hesitation and do not peep.

Spell by SMS

A love spell for a guy via SMS is a fairly effective rite through which you can establish an energy connection with the object of your desire. Do not be afraid to do love spells by SMS, the main thing is to follow the rules of the ritual.

This spell will last for three months.

You will need a number that the chosen one does not know, paper, a pen, a red candle. It is advisable to wait for the growing moon.

  1. Light a candle at night and write your name and the name of the chosen one many times on paper. You can write as you like, even if the words will find each other. Concentrate on love, imagine yourself together with the desired man.
  2. Burn the sheet with the names.
  3. Next, you need to send via SMS (love words with your name and the victim) to the chosen one. The text of the message should look like the following ages - The first letter of the girl's name and the guy's name and the last letter of the girl's name, for example, AdmitriYa.
  4. Be sure to say the conspiracy words - " The secret of the soul is hidden in the name, whoever owns it can command. The name (pronounce the name) I steal, seal, give into my power. (Name of the victim) will love me, obey, become mine, be faithful and passionate».
Send SMS, and burn the note with the words.

The spell will take effect after 14 days. The impact will be quite long - for three months. However, after this period, it is necessary to again conduct a magical tradition for a love spell, possibly with the help of a telephone.

Safety of love spells on the phone

There are no completely safe love spells, so you should go to such rituals consciously, with an understanding of what you want to do.

Love spells on the phone do not belong to either white or black magic, they will not do much harm, but they can change the fate of both you and your chosen one.

The negative manifestations of the effect of a love spell include - the aggressiveness of the chosen one, hostility (you must agree, not the result you are trying to achieve), depression in the victim, a desire to drink (it can turn into an alcoholic over time).

Most Full description in every detail - very strong love spell to SMS from a loved one with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

With the development of technology, professional magicians have more opportunities to influence a person with the help of magic. You can bewitch not only through personal items or biological material. The sorcerer is able to subjugate someone else's will even by phone.

When will the spell on the call take effect?

A novice magician is sure that love spells through phone calls and SMS messages have appeared recently. This is not entirely true. Some techniques and rituals really originated just a few years ago. However, spells can be found that include obsolete words. Such texts have been created for a long time. Before the invention of the telephone, love spells were made on the voice of a person and on letters. The victim was provoked to communicate, and while she was speaking, a spell was cast. The sorcerer could speak a letter and send it to the one who needs to bewitch. After reading the text, the victim was under the influence of magical spells.

There are no special conditions for conducting a love spell on a call. These are relatively simple rituals. But even such rituals require training. Magicians claim that the leading role in their art is played not by the rites themselves, but by the emotions that the master experiences during work. You must be confident in yourself and know that you will certainly succeed. Such an attitude becomes the main condition for the successful result of work on the rite.

Is this spell safe?

Some magicians claim that there are love spells “with sin”, and there are love spells “without sin”. However, if you delve into the essence of this rite, you can understand that a completely “sinless” love spell does not exist. Even when referring to God, saints, the Mother of God and other light forces, the meaning of the ritual remains the same - you want to subjugate the will of another person.

Depriving one's neighbor of the freedom of choice violates not only Christian, but universal laws that are the same for all the inhabitants of the planet. Anyone who breaks them can be severely punished. If you are ready for retribution, and you do not care how you will answer for what you have done, you can use love spells. At the same time, one should not forget that not only you yourself can suffer, but also the person you bewitched. Victims of such rites lose the ability to natural self-defense. As a result, they get sick more often, become irritable.

The duration of this spell

Love spells are usually divided into temporary and eternal. Temporary ones have to be constantly updated so as not to lose control over the bewitched. The Eternals must act throughout life. The second group of rituals is most often resorted to by more experienced masters.

A love spell on a call is not considered the most effective way forever subdue the beloved (beloved). If you performed such a ceremony, be prepared for the fact that in a few months you will have to repeat it or choose a more effective method. Love spells on a call usually work very quickly even for the most inexperienced and ignorant people in magic. Fast reaction higher powers at the request and makes the novice master think that the ritual will keep the victim near him forever. If you are not sure that your love spell will work for a lifetime, repeat your ritual periodically.

Basic rules for conducting a telephone ceremony

There are few rules for a love spell on a call, but they must be observed:

  • The SMS message must be read by the one you bewitch. By itself, the spoken electronic text will not give any result. Only by direct contact with him can the victim receive a command;
  • During the ceremony, during a telephone conversation, the voice of the victim should be as clear as possible. If the connection is poor and periodically interrupted, the ritual must be postponed until more successful circumstances;
  • The person you are bewitching should not hear you cast the spell. You also need to hear the voice of your victim clearly enough.

Love spell of a beloved man on a call

By phone number

Option 1. The rite appeared relatively recently, since our ancestors did not have anything similar to modern telephones. Nevertheless, the magicians tried to take into account the traditions proven over the years. Thus, a new ritual was created. Before reading the spell, name each digit of the phone number of the person you are going to bewitch.

The peculiarity of this ritual is that you do not have to hear the voice of a loved one to cast spells. For various reasons, this is not always possible. Voice in this case replaced with a phone number. You can explain the replacement as follows: a certain combination of numbers is associated in your mind with a specific person;

Option 2. This variant was developed by modern Western European magicians. You will need a small piece of pink paper and pink candles in the amount of three pieces. It is desirable to work with a love spell on Friday, which is considered the most suitable for casting love spells during the day. Friday should not coincide with a major church holiday. Place the candles on the table so that they represent the vertices of the triangle, and light them. Write your loved one's phone number on a piece of paper and place the note in the middle of the triangle.

Take that candle to your right and drip wax from it onto the phone number. Then the same thing must be done by taking a candle located in front of you. The same should be done with the candle on the left. After that, you can repeat your actions repeatedly in the same order. As soon as you finish applying the "seals", press the index finger of your right hand on the drops of wax. Candles can be blown out and then used at your discretion. A note with a phone number is hidden in a safe place.

From the photo on the phone

Method 1. Put a photo of your loved one on the screensaver of your phone (smartphone).

Every morning, looking at the picture, read the spell:

After that, you need to kiss the phone screen with the image of your loved one. Mandatory condition: no one should see the photo on the phone;

Method 2. If you have friendly relations with your loved one, you can ask him to send you a photo of himself on your phone. Copy picture from social networks, it is impossible to receive it in any other way secretly from the owner.

As soon as you receive the message, read the spell, looking at the photo:

Love spell of a guy or a girl by SMS

In the old days, this spell was read on an ordinary letter written on paper. Some masters believe that in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to use traditional materials today. However, progress does not stand still. Probably, over time, letters on paper will be completely replaced by electronic messages. An SMS message also transmits the energy of the sender, just like a regular note.

Write a message of any content. It doesn't have to be love. You can check with a classmate homework. You can ask a colleague at work if you left any of your things at the workplace. If you do not personally know your loved one or practically do not communicate with him, pretend that you have the wrong number.

Before sending an email, say:

Quick spell to get someone to call you

This ritual should work as quickly as possible. Sometimes the long-awaited call can be received within a few minutes after the love spell. However, do not think that everyone can get such a result. Quick love spells work well with professional masters who do magic all the time. If the first time you do not succeed, do not be upset and disappointed. Improve your skills.

You will need a bell. You can buy it at any gift shop. Bells are also sold in esoteric departments.

Take the tool in your right hand, call and cast the spell:

When the telephone and other similar means of communication did not exist, the ritual was used to force right person tell about yourself. The bewitched person often began to think about who bewitched him, and then wrote a letter to the customer of the love spell or made himself known in any other way. Initially, a church bell was used for the ritual. However, then they began to replace it with a bell or a bell. The rite can be repeated every day until it works.

It doesn't matter what item or spell you use to enchant. You can subjugate someone else's will even without the help of a special ceremony, which is what people with fairly strong energy do. But no matter how you get your loved one at your disposal, remember the consequences of a love spell for him and for yourself.

Love spell on the "call" of a beloved guy

Magic to Achieve a Goal

Acquaintance with an interesting guy, exchange of phones and silence… A familiar situation, isn't it? "Why doesn't he call? Maybe he didn't like me? - the girl exclaims with regret, and lowers her hands in disappointment. Do not despair, if your desire to be with this guy is very great, you can try to resort to conspiracies.

Is there a love spell to make a guy call quickly? Or is it still worth leaving everything as it is, and forget about your sympathy? Not everyone believes in all kinds of conspiracies and love spells, so this way of correcting fate is not suitable for everyone. Indeed, in this case, the main thing is faith in a positive outcome of the case and a strong desire.

How to conduct rituals on the "call"

Know Your Purpose Clearly

  1. All the words of the conspiracy must be learned “by heart” and pronounced without hesitation.
  2. It is advisable to let your hair down and put on loose clothes before the ceremony.
  3. It is necessary to ensure complete solitude for the duration of the action.
  4. You should not tell anyone about your intentions.
  5. The place where the ceremony will take place should be secluded and quiet.
  6. It is recommended to speak a conspiracy to the growing moon - this will symbolize the growing desire of a loved one to call you.

It will be easier for a girl with a violent fantasy to visualize the image of the alleged “beloved” person during the love spell. Everyone else should try to imagine the object of magical influence as clearly as possible during the ceremony. This will increase his strength several times.

The principle of operation of conspiracies for "calls"

Rituals are effective and efficient

If the plot is applied to an unfamiliar guy, the girl is unlikely to have his personal belongings (clothes, photos, keys, etc.). So the only clue left is his phone number.

You should write it down on a piece of paper and hold it with both hands, visualizing the image of the guy you like to the smallest detail. When there is a photo or other thing of a loved one, the ritual will be more effective.

The easiest plot to get a guy to call

The numbers in the number matter

We hold the paper with the numbers of the chosen one's phone with our hands and confidently proclaim the following lines:

“Long-awaited and beautiful, you are like the sun, a clear falcon! Open your heart, soul, remember me! Dial my number! Invite me on a date!"

At the end of the conspiracy, you need to imagine how your loved one picks up a telephone and dials the desired number. If you have a photo of a guy, then success will come faster. If you don't get a message in the form of a call, don't get upset. The ritual should be repeated until the efforts give the desired outcome.

Morning conspiracy to make a call from a sweetheart

If you need a loved one to call, then it is worth doing this ritual in the early morning, before dawn. In the morning, the energy level of each person is much higher than during the day. Therefore, the message will be as powerful as possible. If everything is done according to the recommendations, then the result will not be long in coming - the beloved will call during the day.

A strong conspiracy so that your beloved guy (man) will let

A simple ritual to make a loved one or person of interest

How to carry out the ritual? Getting up early in the morning, you need to say the following conspiracy three times:

“My beloved Servant of God (name of the guy), I haven’t heard your voice for a long time. Why don't you want to talk to me? Why don't you pick up the phone and call? Now dial the number, restore our strong connection! May it be so! Amen."

A strong ritual to call a loved one

You should sit in front of the mirror and take a photo of the chosen one, the beloved man. You need to wear something red, if there is nothing suitable, then throw a piece of crimson linen over yourself. Light hot pink wax candles on the sides. Place a mobile phone nearby so that it is in the field of view. Now you need to call the mental image of the guy until his image appears in the mirror picture next to you. Then you should imagine how a strong rope binds you together. Next, imagine a situation where he urgently needs to contact you.

You need to feel the whole conversation between you. What did he tell you? What did you answer him? Now collect all the energy and redirect it to the phone and say out loud: call! Favorite chosen one will dial your phone number in the near future, if everything is done according to the rules. This love spell is quite effective and collects a lot of feedback on the forums from the girls who applied it. Many of them write that the ritual is best done in the evening, since it is better for a simple person (not a magician and a psychic) ​​to concentrate at this time. Such a love spell for a guy to call works only with strong desire and faith. If you are skeptical about the spell, nothing will work.

Conspiracy to make a man call without having your number

It's not always easy to attract a man

In this case, the effectiveness of the love spell is low, if you can not get at least a minimal connection with the object. But it's worth a try. A love spell so that a guy calls without even having your phone number will be more effective if you establish a small energy channel between you. To do this, you can use social networks or mutual friends and buddies. Write to him in social networks, send a gift, even under someone else's nickname - in general, somehow hook on his energy. This ritual is called the "Conspiracy to the Wind" and can be performed at home. But it works best in the mountains, where natural winds blow. However, a home fan is also suitable, the main thing is that a flow is created in the room. You need to point the fan at the window and create a mental image in your head about the guy who is calling you. Create the most vivid image of your conversation and clearly, directly into the wind stream, say:

“I invoke the power of the wind! Bring my dreams and desires to him! Carry my order and carry it out that hour! May the Servant of God (name of the guy) fulfill the desire and suffer for me! I punish and order that the Servant of God (name of the guy) does not calm down until he hears my words! May it be so! Amen".

After Now you can not miss any phone call. The necessary one will definitely sound!

Sending a love beam

This ritual can be used to make a loved one call - a legal husband or a beloved man, for example, if contact with him has disappeared and you do not know where he is. It is necessary to relax all the muscles and let go of all anxieties by entering a semi-trance and imagine the image of a loved one. You can say his name out loud several times. Then you should imagine how your man presses the phone buttons, dialing your number. The image must be authentic and real, you can even smell cute. Now visualize a beam of brilliant color coming out of your heart area. He gets to the heart of a loved one and fights back, connecting with you. If the ceremony is performed correctly, you should feel a slight heat. This means that the beloved has received your beam, and his sixth sense has accepted your request to call. The call will sound in the next few minutes - do not hesitate!

We speak the phone

This ritual is suitable for those who have ever talked with their love object. You need to pick up your phone and imagine that you hear the voice of your loved one, as if he just called you. When a clear auditory picture of his voice emerges, then the following plot should be read:

Dial my number that hour, And everything will be fine with us!

You should repeat this conspiracy three times and each time imagine the voice of your loved one.

The most powerful conspiracy to make a loved one call

Choose the conspiracy you need

These measures are very effective and not entirely safe. You should first think carefully - is the game worth the candle? The consequences of such strong impacts are difficult to predict. A man will feel a burning desire to call you. He will not calm down, and will rush about until this is done. But his consciousness will understand that something is not right here.

  1. First, most strong rite on a candle. You need to prepare a burgundy candle. Write the name of your loved one on a blank piece of paper with a black marker. Then you need to burn the paper over the candle, saying these words:

"Body and soul on fire until you call me!"

Speak three times. You should have time to do this before the note burns.

  • The second ritual with black pepper. You need to count the number of black peppercorns by the number of years of your chosen one. They should be thrown into a heated stewpan and pour a little vegetable oil. When the peppercorns begin to jump out of the saucepan, you need to pronounce these words:

    “As this pepper jumps and toils, so let the Servant of God (name) spin until he calls me.”

    This is a very strong and effective ritual, and if your chosen one has not called, then there is very great resistance in him. Think about whether you need such a chosen one? After all, you are unlikely to be nice by force.

  • All these rituals should be carried out only in extreme cases, when all the "earthly" methods have already been tried and magic remains the only way out. The inept use of spells can do harm, so it’s worth considering everything carefully before deciding to change the course of events in life. Maybe this guy will bring only suffering into your life, and fate protects you from meeting him, and you persistently want to contradict her? You can bewitch or attract a person to yourself, but is such “love” necessary?


    There are many ways of magic love spells on a photo of a person. If in the old days they conjured on nominal icons, and there was also an odic look and visualization of the image of a person during the ceremony, today the work of magicians is simplified by the presence of such a wonderful thing as a photo. You can use not only traditional photos, but also digital format on the screen. An easy love spell for a man from a photo on the phone is simple and accessible, just for beginners who are at the very beginning of the magical path.

    Such love rituals are not real love spells in the full sense. These are love spells that work on the mental strength of the performer, as a quick fulfillment of a desire for a guy to call is not a love spell, but a challenge. Here, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is a good example of how you can independently bewitch a guy you like using his photo in digital format.

    A simple home love spell for a guy from a photo on the phone

    Look at the photo of the one you want to bewitch, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

    Rituals like this self-guided love spell by a guy on the phone, as a rule, work (if they work), on the personal strength of the magician - the performer. The result can manifest itself both as a light dryness, and as a love mess, well, and as a magical challenge, including.

    What is the essence of a love spell call?

    Under the influence of Forces - whatever, in witchcraft practices there are many of them, they are different, they have different nature and the nature of the manifestation, the right person comes to the performer personally, or otherwise gets in touch. So, what is commonly called strong on the Internet love spell on a call beloved man, is in fact a magical ritual of summoning. And now let's see what kind of love rites these are, and how to make them yourself.

    For a loved one to call - a love spell or a magical challenge?

    Like ways to bewitch your boyfriend, there are challenges different types. These magical rituals can be safely divided into demonic, cemetery, white, neutral, elemental. They make them before the main effective love spell of the beloved guy, and they can also be done after it. Depending on what kind of love spell for a man the performer chooses. So, for a love ritual with food, you first need to call for a person to come. If a magical effect is chosen at a distance, for example, a love spell by phone number, and according to the terms of the rite there is no reservation - not to see the beloved guy, and in no other way communicate with him for a certain number of days, then the magical call for the man to come is done after the main witch in the complex ritual.

    The love ritual for a call is not tied to the moon (unless a specific lunar phase is indicated in the rite), and therefore you can independently read a love spell for a guy’s call at any lunar phase, when an objective need arises. Ideally, it is necessary that the called loved one come to the performer in person. However social media email, sms or phone call can be considered as a positive result of a love spell on the call of an ex-boyfriend. If a lover does not want contact, but is forced to do so by magical means, he is likely to follow the simplest path.

    Well, of course, as always, a lot depends on the strength of the one who makes the call. For a guy to call, you need to choose a love spell call that you will read at home, and do it effectively.

    The magical call of a guy so that he will call soon is a useful thing in love practices.

    However, you need to understand that just making love calls to a man is of little use. It is necessary to follow up with a magical love spell that will make a man do what is required of him. It doesn't have to be super strong love spell made from a photo, but this program should form the concept of the behavior of a loved one, in respect of which complex magical work is being carried out. However, thinking that the call only makes the ex-boyfriend show up is also wrong. Magic love spells have a love effect - the guy comes to the performer, because it seems to him that he can’t do without this person. A love plot to call a guy can work in the morning, in a few days, or in an hour. It all depends on the specific situation, and the compatibility of people. Be that as it may, a love clouding of mind is observed in all victims of a witchcraft conspiracy to challenge a man to a woman who loves him.

    A strong love spell challenge for a man to call or appear in person

    This love spell is a call made on your own so that your beloved guy will soon call on the phone or come to the girl. To do on the waning moon, the impact on the lover goes through the power of black magic. The purpose of this home ritual for love is for a man to call quickly after a quarrel and parting. In order to make this love spell on a phone call yourself, you need to prepare:

    If, as in this case, you want to summon a man by witchcraft, the mirror should be square or rectangular. When they affect a woman, they take mirrors without corners - round or oval.

    Set the photo of your beloved guy vertically. Place and light black candles on both sides of the photo. Put a mirror in front of the photo. It should reflect both the photo and the candles. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, note that it is curious that the reviews of people practicing the rites of black magic, who did a love spell on a guy on a phone call, give an understanding that the lover does not just get in touch in any accessible way, he is personally.

    Having put all this construction, take a knife in your right hand, and read a love spell 9 times so that the guy calls:

    With a knife, lightly prick the reflection in the mirror 19 times. At each injection, read the words of a love plot:

    After that, put the magic knife on the mirror with a point against the photograph of your beloved guy. Sprinkle salt on a knife, on a mirror. Then put the photo of the person called with the front side on the salt, while saying the words of the most powerful love spell to the call of the husband:

    Leave everything overnight. Remove in the morning, sprinkle salt at the crossroads. Leave without looking back.

    A witchcraft rite can be performed after a strong love spell to read so that the bewitched husband calls or appears. This magical challenge is very strong, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to note that the effectiveness of any rite of love magic is always individual. It all depends on the will and resistance of the victim of the conspiracy, and on the connection of the practicing magician with the Forces.

    An independent simple love spell on the phone - to bewitch a loved one by voice

    You can bewitch your beloved guy by talking to him on the phone. The phone in this case is an intermediary, a link between you and the guy you like. The phone conveys all the shades of voice and emotions of the person who is talking to you. Therefore, with the help mobile phone you can make an effective love spell at a distance, acting on the energy centers of your lover and husband. There are many varieties of such bindings, but such love spells by phone number look like very simple things that are accessible even to beginners.

    To make an easy love spell, you need to call a man and say words about love, set him on a romantic wave. Ask a man a question, and when he answers you, listening to him, read the plot to yourself three times:

    An independent love spell by phone at home can be done in another way. Call a man, and in the process of talking, as you exhale, mentally say "love you" and as you inhale say: "do you love me".

    Conspiracies for a guy so that he writes a message on the phone

    For each of the girls, the process of communicating with her lover plays an important role. Telephone and Internet connection will become your faithful assistants. But what if there is no call or SMS from a loved one? Then the oldest proven remedy comes to the rescue - conspiracies. Using them will help ensure that the guy is the first to write or call you.

    Even if you don't have great spellcasting skills, it's easy to do a few things. These are the simplest energy bindings. But there is one warning, because magic does not like jokes. Rites are performed only when there really are strong feelings for a person. After all, a conversation with him is sometimes simply necessary.

    Remember that the pronunciation of any conspiracy is an influence on your environment. For this, your own energy reserves are used. And specially chosen words only direct them in the right direction.

    There are several magical rites to achieve this goal:

    • Rite to receive SMS from a loved one;
    • Rite for a guy to call;
    • A ritual that calls a call from a loved one;
    • Rite of passage for receiving SMS from a guy.

    The use of the following conspiracies helps to improve relations with your loved one. They will serve as a kind of impetus to relationships, the first steps on the way to his heart.

    Conspiracy to receive SMS from a loved one

    To perform this ritual, imagine a clear image of your loved one in front of you. Photo may be used. The image should be traced to the smallest detail. Then they do the same with their eyes closed.

    Not everyone gets it right the first time. Therefore, you need to focus well. Having mastered the representation of the image, they represent the habits and voice. The purpose of visualization is to imagine that the guy is very close to you. Particular attention is paid to the expression of the eyes.

    Once you have a clear image, hold it in your mind. At the same time, the following conspiracy is read 9 times in a row:

    “My long-awaited, (name of the beloved), why don’t you write to the servant of God (your name)? I look forward to your good news. I want to talk with you. I'm a good girl, handsome, stately, not only you like me, but others. But only for you I want to be loved and meaningful. Take you, servant of God (guy's name), take your phone and send me a message. And when I answer you, so your heart will tremble. Joy and love will fill him. As I said, so it will come true. Amen"

    This magical rite, although simple, is really powerful. Its results will be better with a powerful but broken spiritual connection with the beloved man. It helps a lot with a long separation or reconciles after a strong quarrel.

    Ritual by photo

    The necessary tools for the ceremony are a recent photo of a guy and a paper blank sheet. All actions are carried out in the evening. Write on the sheet full name beloved and date of birth, from reverse side- your telephone number. A written sheet is placed on top of a photograph of a loved one. The number should be on the same level with the image of the eyes. After these actions, the following spoken words are read:

    “Falcon you are my favorite, (name of the beloved). You are my beloved, you are my soul. And open your thoughts and your heart to me, rather call me (your name). Wish to be near me, invite me to see you. All your thoughts and wishes are only about me. Such is my will, and words are strong. And so be it. Amen"

    Photo and paper are left lying in the same position as they were. They are not touched until the morning. Early in the morning, waking up, the paper sheet is burned completely in earthenware or stainless steel. The paper should burn out completely. Ashes are scattered by going outside or through a window.

    If the ceremony is carried out correctly, and the plot is read correctly, the result will be a call from a loved one. And this will happen a few days after the event.

    Conspiracy without a photo

    This ritual is used in cases where the guy did not leave you his photo. While waiting for a call, they mentally present an image of a loved one in front of them, while slowly reading the following conspiracy:

    “There is one city in our glorious land. The house is in the middle of the city. A stately fellow lives in that house. The name of that young man (guy's name). There is no happiness for the slave (the name of the beloved), there is only one sadness, boredom is eternal. This fellow will take up his phone, and he will call me. And when he calls me, so the fun will come to him. Joy will be good to him, grace will descend. As my good word will hear, his heart will beat, the blood will veins will go, and well done (name of a loved one) will appoint a date. And when the well done (name of the beloved) sees me, the servant of God (his name), happiness will come to him and beautiful love. As said, so be it. Amen"

    Rite with things

    When an interesting guy met you, there is an irresistible desire for closer and longer communication. Perhaps this is a fateful relationship. Then this powerful rite will help. To carry it out, you need any of the things that this same guy managed to hold in his hands. It can be anything - a lighter, a handkerchief, a pen for notes, etc.

    The subject is held in his right hand, while imagining in his mind the moment of acquaintance. The image must be clearly visible. The expression of his eyes or the movements of his mouth during a conversation are especially clearly drawn mentally. Having clearly presented the image, they slowly read the following conspiracy:

    “You are my clear falcon, (name of the beloved). For me, you are my favorite and most desired. Just walk straight to me along the path. At the behest of higher powers, write to me (read three times). You will be with me and all your thoughts. After all, sincere and strong as a rock, my words. Amen"

    These words of the conspiracy are pronounced an odd number of times: 3, 5, 7 and so on. You need to read with a firm intonation, with confidence, without stammering or making mistakes. When the ceremony is carried out in accordance with all the rules, in the next few days the guy will begin to experience an incomprehensible longing. Memories of your acquaintance will come to him. After that, he will be the first to write to you or even call you to make an appointment.

    The most complete description in all details is a love spell of a guy via SMS with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

    With the development of technology, professional magicians have more opportunities to influence a person with the help of magic. You can bewitch not only through personal items or biological material. The sorcerer is able to subjugate someone else's will even by phone.

    When will the spell on the call take effect?

    A novice magician is sure that love spells through phone calls and SMS messages have appeared recently. This is not entirely true. Some techniques and rituals really originated just a few years ago. However, spells can be found that include obsolete words. Such texts have been created for a long time. Before the invention of the telephone, love spells were made on the voice of a person and on letters. The victim was provoked to communicate, and while she was speaking, a spell was cast. The sorcerer could speak a letter and send it to the one who needs to bewitch. After reading the text, the victim was under the influence of magical spells.

    There are no special conditions for conducting a love spell on a call. These are relatively simple rituals. But even such rituals require training. Magicians claim that the leading role in their art is played not by the rites themselves, but by the emotions that the master experiences during work. You must be confident in yourself and know that you will certainly succeed. Such an attitude becomes the main condition for the successful result of work on the rite.

    Is this spell safe?

    Some magicians claim that there are love spells “with sin”, and there are love spells “without sin”. However, if you delve into the essence of this rite, you can understand that a completely “sinless” love spell does not exist. Even when referring to God, saints, the Mother of God and other light forces, the meaning of the ritual remains the same - you want to subjugate the will of another person.

    Depriving one's neighbor of the freedom of choice violates not only Christian, but universal laws that are the same for all the inhabitants of the planet. Anyone who breaks them can be severely punished. If you are ready for retribution, and you do not care how you will answer for what you have done, you can use love spells. At the same time, one should not forget that not only you yourself can suffer, but also the person you bewitched. Victims of such rites lose the ability to natural self-defense. As a result, they get sick more often, become irritable.

    The duration of this spell

    Love spells are usually divided into temporary and eternal. Temporary ones have to be constantly updated so as not to lose control over the bewitched. The Eternals must act throughout life. The second group of rituals is most often resorted to by more experienced masters.

    A love spell on a call is not considered the most effective way to forever subjugate a loved one (beloved). If you performed such a ceremony, be prepared for the fact that in a few months you will have to repeat it or choose a more effective method. Love spells on a call usually work very quickly even for the most inexperienced and ignorant people in magic. The quick reaction of higher powers to the request makes the novice master think that the ritual will keep the victim near him forever. If you are not sure that your love spell will work for a lifetime, repeat your ritual periodically.

    Basic rules for conducting a telephone ceremony

    There are few rules for a love spell on a call, but they must be observed:

    • The SMS message must be read by the one you bewitch. By itself, the spoken electronic text will not give any result. Only by direct contact with him can the victim receive a command;
    • During the ceremony, during a telephone conversation, the voice of the victim should be as clear as possible. If the connection is poor and periodically interrupted, the ritual must be postponed until more successful circumstances;
    • The person you are bewitching should not hear you cast the spell. You also need to hear the voice of your victim clearly enough.

    Love spell of a beloved man on a call

    By phone number

    Option 1. The rite appeared relatively recently, since our ancestors did not have anything similar to modern telephones. Nevertheless, the magicians tried to take into account the traditions proven over the years. Thus, a new ritual was created. Before reading the spell, name each digit of the phone number of the person you are going to bewitch.

    The peculiarity of this ritual is that you do not have to hear the voice of a loved one to cast spells. For various reasons, this is not always possible. The voice in this case is replaced by a phone number. You can explain the replacement as follows: a certain combination of numbers is associated in your mind with a specific person;

    Option 2. This variant was developed by modern Western European magicians. You will need a small piece of pink paper and pink candles in the amount of three pieces. It is desirable to work with a love spell on Friday, which is considered the most suitable for casting love spells during the day. Friday should not coincide with a major church holiday. Place the candles on the table so that they represent the vertices of the triangle, and light them. Write your loved one's phone number on a piece of paper and place the note in the middle of the triangle.

    Take that candle to your right and drip wax from it onto the phone number. Then the same thing must be done by taking a candle located in front of you. The same should be done with the candle on the left. After that, you can repeat your actions repeatedly in the same order. As soon as you finish applying the "seals", press the index finger of your right hand on the drops of wax. Candles can be blown out and then used at your discretion. A note with a phone number is hidden in a safe place.

    From the photo on the phone

    Method 1. Put a photo of your loved one on the screensaver of your phone (smartphone).

    Every morning, looking at the picture, read the spell:

    After that, you need to kiss the phone screen with the image of your loved one. Mandatory condition: no one should see the photo on the phone;

    Method 2. If you have friendly relations with your loved one, you can ask him to send you a photo of himself on your phone. You cannot copy a picture from social networks, receive it in any other way secretly from the owner.

    As soon as you receive the message, read the spell, looking at the photo:

    Love spell of a guy or a girl by SMS

    In the old days, this spell was read on an ordinary letter written on paper. Some masters believe that in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to use traditional materials today. However, progress does not stand still. Probably, over time, letters on paper will be completely replaced by electronic messages. An SMS message also transmits the energy of the sender, just like a regular note.

    Write a message of any content. It doesn't have to be love. You can ask a classmate for homework. You can ask a colleague at work if you left any of your things at the workplace. If you do not personally know your loved one or practically do not communicate with him, pretend that you have the wrong number.

    Before sending an email, say:

    Quick spell to get someone to call you

    This ritual should work as quickly as possible. Sometimes the long-awaited call can be received within a few minutes after the love spell. However, do not think that everyone can get such a result. Quick love spells work well with professional masters who do magic all the time. If the first time you do not succeed, do not be upset and disappointed. Improve your skills.

    You will need a bell. You can buy it at any gift shop. Bells are also sold in esoteric departments.

    Take the tool in your right hand, call and cast the spell:

    When the telephone and other similar means of communication did not exist, the ritual was used to get the right person to announce himself. The bewitched person often began to think about who bewitched him, and then wrote a letter to the customer of the love spell or made himself known in any other way. Initially, a church bell was used for the ritual. However, then they began to replace it with a bell or a bell. The rite can be repeated every day until it works.

    It doesn't matter what item or spell you use to enchant. You can subjugate someone else's will even without the help of a special ceremony, which is what people with fairly strong energy do. But no matter how you get your loved one at your disposal, remember the consequences of a love spell for him and for yourself.

    Modern spell on the phone

    Although a love spell on the phone began to be used not so long ago, it is very popular in modern world. But for the rite to be effective, any doubts about the power of such magic must be cast aside. The slightest mistrust will lead to the fact that the impact will not be effective.

    Popular Rites

    Any love spell by phone refers to remote rituals. Such influences work very well and allow you to achieve the desired result in a short time. First of all, the simplicity of the ritual is attractive. After all, all you need is a phone at hand to perform it.

    The voice is a strong conductor of energy impact, so the ceremony does not require other attributes that will only distract. Love spells by phone are the best way out if there is no way to make a lining or treat the chosen one with a charmed dish.

    Phone call

    This rite is very effective, but it requires a special attitude. It is important to retire in a separate room and focus on the image of a loved one. For this rite, it is very important that the performer has a strong natural energy, which will allow you to send a love message over the phone. When casting a love spell, you can look at the photo on your phone, which depicts your loved one.

    After you are confident that you are able to make an energy message, you need to dial the phone number of your loved one and, after he picks up the phone, whisper a conspiracy in a changed voice.

    After this ritual, you should try, as often as possible, to think about your chosen one. And if the ceremony was successful, then soon he will knock on your door and stay with you forever.

    To the voice of the chosen one

    In this situation, you will need to call your chosen one in order to hear the voice of your loved one. When conducting such a love spell, you do not need to pretend, you just need to ask on the other side of the tube to tell something. Moreover, it is clear that it is not at all difficult to do this even after a casual acquaintance.

    It is advisable, after he answers your question, not to drag out the conversation, but just say goodbye nicely and go to bed. In order to preserve the power of the directional influence as much as possible, it is necessary not to talk to anyone on the evening of the ceremony, but simply go to bed.

    For a guy to call

    The love spell described below will help to make the guy call in order to build further relationships. Such an action is a love spell and will cause your chosen one not only to want to date you, but also to build a more serious relationship.

    In order for a love spell on a phone call to be effective, you must:

    • It is good to know the person you plan to bewitch;
    • Have his phone number;
    • Be sure that the guy knows your phone numbers, where you can be contacted quickly.

    At a certain time, when you have confidence in your soul that you can perform a love spell over the phone, dial the phone number of your loved one.

    While the beeps will be heard, you need to have time to pronounce the following words:

    It is advisable to have time to repeat such words three times. After that, you need to disconnect, preferably before the time your boyfriend picks up the phone. If your energy level was high enough at that moment, then the love spell will work almost immediately and a call from your loved one will follow almost immediately.

    If this does not happen, then it is allowed to repeat the ceremony in the next two days. But if nothing happened, then the magical effect should be abandoned. Therefore, you do not have natural abilities for magic, and in order to attract the chosen one, you need to use other methods.

    You can try to bewitch your chosen one using a photo on your mobile phone, which should be put on the call of your loved one. Every time your chosen one calls you, you need to carefully look at the photo and mentally send your love to your beloved in the form of arrows that need to be directed to the heart area. If the conversation is long, then at this moment you need to visualize the moments of happy meetings with the chosen one, even if they exist only in your imagination.


    There are many ways of magic love spells on a photo of a person. If in the old days they conjured on nominal icons, and there was also an odic look and visualization of the image of a person during the ceremony, today the work of magicians is simplified by the presence of such a wonderful thing as a photo. You can use not only traditional photos, but also digital format on the screen. An easy love spell for a man from a photo on the phone is simple and accessible, just for beginners who are at the very beginning of the magical path.

    Such love rituals are not real love spells in the full sense. These are love spells that work on the mental strength of the performer, as a quick fulfillment of a desire for a guy to call is not a love spell, but a challenge. Here, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is a good example of how you can independently bewitch a guy you like using his photo in digital format.

    A simple home love spell for a guy from a photo on the phone

    Look at the photo of the one you want to bewitch, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

    Rituals like this self-guided love spell by a guy on the phone, as a rule, work (if they work), on the personal strength of the magician - the performer. The result can manifest itself both as a light dryness, and as a love mess, well, and as a magical challenge, including.

    What is the essence of a love spell call?

    Under the influence of Forces - whatever, in witchcraft practices there are many of them, they are different, have a different nature and nature of manifestation, the right person comes to the performer personally, or otherwise comes into contact. So, what is commonly called strong on the Internet love spell on a call beloved man, is in fact a magical ritual of summoning. And now let's see what kind of love rites these are, and how to make them yourself.

    For a loved one to call - a love spell or a magical challenge?

    Just like ways to bewitch your boyfriend, there are different types of challenges. These magical rituals can be safely divided into demonic, cemetery, white, neutral, elemental. They make them before the main effective love spell of the beloved guy, and they can also be done after it. Depending on what kind of love spell for a man the performer chooses. So, for a love ritual with food, you first need to call for a person to come. If a magical effect is chosen at a distance, for example, a love spell by phone number, and according to the terms of the rite there is no reservation - not to see the beloved guy, and in no other way communicate with him for a certain number of days, then the magical call for the man to come is done after the main witch in the complex ritual.

    The love ritual for a call is not tied to the moon (unless a specific lunar phase is indicated in the rite), and therefore you can independently read a love spell for a guy’s call at any lunar phase, when an objective need arises. Ideally, it is necessary that the called loved one come to the performer in person. However social media email, sms or phone call can be considered as a positive result of a love spell on the call of an ex-boyfriend. If a lover does not want contact, but is forced to do so by magical means, he is likely to follow the simplest path.

    Well, of course, as always, a lot depends on the strength of the one who makes the call. For a guy to call, you need to choose a love spell call that you will read at home, and do it effectively.

    The magical call of a guy so that he will call soon is a useful thing in love practices.

    However, you need to understand that just making love calls to a man is of little use. It is necessary to follow up with a magical love spell that will make a man do what is required of him. It doesn't have to be super strong love spell made from a photo, but this program should form the concept of the behavior of a loved one, in respect of which complex magical work is being carried out. However, thinking that the call only makes the ex-boyfriend show up is also wrong. Magic love spells have a love effect - the guy comes to the performer, because it seems to him that he can’t do without this person. A love plot to call a guy can work in the morning, in a few days, or in an hour. It all depends on the specific situation, and the compatibility of people. Be that as it may, a love clouding of mind is observed in all victims of a witchcraft conspiracy to challenge a man to a woman who loves him.

    A strong love spell challenge for a man to call or appear in person

    This love spell is a call made on your own so that your beloved guy will soon call on the phone or come to the girl. To do on the waning moon, the impact on the lover goes through the power of black magic. The purpose of this home ritual for love is for a man to call quickly after a quarrel and parting. In order to make this love spell on a phone call yourself, you need to prepare:

    If, as in this case, you want to summon a man by witchcraft, the mirror should be square or rectangular. When they affect a woman, they take mirrors without corners - round or oval.

    Set the photo of your beloved guy vertically. Place and light black candles on both sides of the photo. Put a mirror in front of the photo. It should reflect both the photo and the candles. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, note that it is curious that the reviews of people practicing the rites of black magic, who did a love spell on a guy on a phone call, give an understanding that the lover does not just get in touch in any accessible way, he is personally.

    Having put all this construction, take a knife in your right hand, and read a love spell 9 times so that the guy calls:

    With a knife, lightly prick the reflection in the mirror 19 times. At each injection, read the words of a love plot:

    After that, put the magic knife on the mirror with a point against the photograph of your beloved guy. Sprinkle salt on a knife, on a mirror. Then put the photo of the person called with the front side on the salt, while saying the words of the most powerful love spell to the call of the husband:

    Leave everything overnight. Remove in the morning, sprinkle salt at the crossroads. Leave without looking back.

    A witchcraft rite can be performed after a strong love spell to read so that the bewitched husband calls or appears. This magical challenge is very strong, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to note that the effectiveness of any rite of love magic is always individual. It all depends on the will and resistance of the victim of the conspiracy, and on the connection of the practicing magician with the Forces.

    An independent simple love spell on the phone - to bewitch a loved one by voice

    You can bewitch your beloved guy by talking to him on the phone. The phone in this case is an intermediary, a link between you and the guy you like. The phone conveys all the shades of voice and emotions of the person who is talking to you. Therefore, using a mobile phone, you can make an effective love spell at a distance, influencing the energy centers of your lover and husband. There are many varieties of such bindings, but such love spells by phone number look like very simple things that are accessible even to beginners.

    To make an easy love spell, you need to call a man and say words about love, set him on a romantic wave. Ask a man a question, and when he answers you, listening to him, read the plot to yourself three times:

    An independent love spell by phone at home can be done in another way. Call a man, and in the process of talking, as you exhale, mentally say "love you" and as you inhale say: "do you love me".

    Strong love spells for a guy

    Many can do a love spell on a guy on their own, the main thing is to understand the responsibility of such a ritual!

    Love is an extraordinary feeling that can sometimes take us by surprise. It's good when it's mutual. Then we are ready to perform the most amazing deeds, risk our lives, invest our souls and completely dissolve in the object of our desire. But it also happens when your claims are not reciprocated. Then this “extraordinary feeling”, which does not allow you to sleep peacefully, infringes on the dignity of a person, makes the lover unrequitedly humiliate himself. There are several ways to solve this problem:

    1. Continue to win the heart of the desired object;
    2. Let go and wait for a miracle;
    3. To resort to the forces of magic at a distance and cast a love spell on the guy.

    Just about the last solution to this problem, and I want to tell you.

    What does spell mean?

    A love spell for a guy is a special rite that produces a magical and energetic effect on an impenetrable person in order to awaken sexual and emotional attraction in him. These rituals are performed at a distance by means of white and black magic, which is why they are called: light and dark.

    White love spell

    Light love spells will come in handy in cases where the object of dreams, in your opinion, also burns with reciprocity for you, but is afraid to open up and start love relationship. All magic is aimed at arousing sympathy or love, the negative consequences are absolutely minimal. Both a highly qualified specialist in magical affairs and a sufferer deprived of love can perform this rite at home.

    Because the white love spell contributes to the reunion of your duet, then light magic will in no way help to recapture a loved one from another girl or woman. It is in her power only to strengthen at a distance the already existing love or sympathy, to arouse desire, to cause longing for a particular person.

    Preparation for the ritual

    Immediately before the ceremony at home, it is necessary to perform a self-cleansing ritual. On the evening when you decide to perform the sacrament, purify all your thoughts, there should be one positive in them. Take a walk in the nearest park or just be in silence, dream about love and think about your partner, do not turn on the radio or TV, so as not to fill your subconscious with unnecessary thoughts. Immediately before the ritual itself, take a shower, not a bath, but a shower, mentally cleansing the body and soul.

    Free your body from clothes on which there are any locks, jewelry, remove belts and shoes. After bathing, put on clean, uniform clothes. A white nightgown would be perfect for your ceremony. Clear the point for the ritual of unnecessary household items (if this is a kitchen table, then make sure that there is no salt shaker or napkin stand next to the candle). The sacrament itself is desirable to spend in the floor of a gloomy hour until three in the morning.

    Love spell on melancholy

    Often, in order for the guy you like to prove himself and take the first step, you just need to make him yearn for you. Awakening love longing in a guy at home is by no means difficult. Immediately after sunset, leaning out the window, read the following words in a low voice:

    Love spell of a guy from a photo

    There is another method of love spell that you can make yourself at home - this is a simple and easy love spell for a guy from a photo. For its successful implementation, you will need two photographs, where one of them should have an image of your chosen one, and the second should contain your face. These two photographs should not have images of several people, it is allowed to have the image of one person, with a clearly defined face and eyes.

    So, lay out your photos on the prepared table and try to dream about how you and your lover are walking under the night sky in a romantic setting. When imagining this picture, think as if you are seeing yourself from the outside and this is actually happening. After that, you need to write your data on the photo of the betrothed (full name, date of birth), and on your own - his. Try not to make a mistake in this, otherwise your ritual may fail miserably.

    Then the photos are stacked face to face, after which their edges are stitched with a strong red thread. At the same time, the envelope must be stitched in such a way that in no case should the people depicted be hurt. After stitching the last corner, tie a strong knot and say the words three times:

    Place your photos in a clean, pre-prepared envelope, preferably white, without inscriptions or images, and seal with strong glue. final process your ritual at home will be wax sealed. Take a new scarlet candle, set fire to and seal the envelope and your photos in it with red wax, while pronouncing the words.

    Love spell to make a guy call

    When performing the following ritual so that your fiancé calls or writes SMS, you need to work so that your chosen one at least knows your phone number, otherwise how can he call without knowing the right numbers. In the evening, after sunset, with a red felt-tip pen or marker, draw on paper the number of your betrothed. Then attach the treasured sheet to your telephone and say these words:

    After the pronunciation, mentally imagine how the channel you created at home transmits your message on paper to your beloved so that he calls or writes. If you set your imagination right, the result will not be late. The desired call will definitely happen, to the point that your betrothed will simply make a mistake with the number. Well, don't get lost here.

    Love spell to make a guy miss you

    To perform this ritual at home, you only need your imagination. Concentrate and imagine your lover, create mental contact between you at a distance. To do this, imagine that your foreheads and eyes are connected with him by a special energy thread and, slightly biting your tongue, say, or rather mumble the following words:

    This mental ritual must be performed for three days in a row. It will be extremely useful in the meantime to have communication with your victim, and after the final third pronunciation, disappear from the radius of his vision. Then you will notice that without doing anything yourself, you will stumble upon him at every opportunity. He will look for a meeting with you, without understanding himself, and without explaining to himself why he does it, why he behaves this way.

    Spell to make a loved one come back

    This magic works if tender feelings have already flared up between you. If a person left because of a cold love or found another. It is recommended to perform such a ritual at home on a lover's thing that you accidentally left after he left. This refers to a personal thing: items of clothing, shoes, personal hygiene accessories, etc. For example, such a thing as a book is not suitable, since it contains the energy of the author who wrote it rather than your close friend.

    Having taken your beloved's thing, be sure to smell it, and if it smells unpleasant, it will not be useful for the ritual at a distance, since it has already been saturated with negative energy. If this thing has a neutral or pleasant smell, then it will completely fit for your sacrament. Light a church candle and soak for a few minutes so that it burns out a little. Spread the prepared thing of your loved one on a flat surface and bringing a red-hot candle over it, drip wax in random order, saying the following words:

    I would like to note that a love spell of a guy on a thing can produce a sexual binding if wax is dripped into the appropriate place (underpants, trousers, etc.). Binding to the heart can be done if you have a thing close to this part of the body of your dear friend (shirt, T-shirt, sweater, T-shirt, etc.). Tying to the head at a distance is carried out in the presence of a loved one's headdress. Any personal item of a guy carries its energy information.

    A conspiracy for a loved one to write

    Such a ritual at home is useful when you are at a distance from your sweetheart and want him to write or send at least some news. It should be read when dusk falls. The sent letters that your chosen one wrote earlier with his own hand will be very useful. It is necessary to light a candle necessarily bought in the church. When pronouncing the cherished words, you need to burn on the flame a letter that your betrothed wrote with his own hand.

    If you really sincerely yearn for the dear one to write, you need to pronounce these words believing with all your heart in your plan. If a girl assumes at least a fraction of a doubt about what should be fulfilled so that the chosen one does not write, then your magic may become ineffective and you can wait for the result for a long time without waiting.

    Black love spell

    Dark love spells are distinguished by compulsion to suffer, dry, not to see the white light and other troubles of life. If white positive magic only enhances the sympathy of the right person for you, then the dark forces are only able to force, force, evoke this feeling artificially and for a short time. Black magic suppresses the will of a loved one at a distance, destroys and devastates him from the inside, which in the future can lead to very serious negative consequences. It can be depression, alcoholism, aggression, suicide and so on.

    Phone for a love spell

    What kind of means does not use love magic to bewitch loved ones, turn away unnecessary ones, eliminate rivals. Photographs, herbs, stones and minerals are used, the forces of nature and the elements are calling for help. The turn has come to modern means communication with a person - communication using a telephone. Practicing magic in her piggy bank has several ways to bewitch by phone.

    A phone call can make a difference

    To make a love spell using the phone, it is not at all necessary to have physical contact with the object of the love spell, which is indispensable in other love rituals. Despite the fact that many are distrustful and critical of how to bewitch a man over the phone, the phone ritual has taken root among love rituals for several reasons:

    • it is easier to bewitch a girl or a guy through the phone if suddenly the object of your love does not want to drink or eat the food you have prepared or avoids any contact with you,
    • some rituals can be done by phone number,
    • the ceremony does not require complex actions, you do not need to go to church, to the forest, to the river, you can just make a call and say the words of a love spell, and the contacts of your beloved guy are always at hand,
    • a love spell using a phone is effective, because through a call to the desired number it will allow you to establish an energy connection with the object of love and independently, without someone else's help, bewitch your beloved man, girl or guy.

    To bewitch an unfamiliar man or guy, use hidden numbers or turn on the function of prohibiting identification of your number.

    Need to know the right words

    It is based on the fact that it is necessary to make a call to a loved one and say words that have a love spell. Such a love spell over the phone will first require you to concentrate the energy of the person performing the love spell. Calling the phone number, you should pronounce the words of a love spell into the phone:

    "... I make it so that from now on you will be mine, you will love me ...".

    In order for love spells on the phone to have a more stable, powerful effect, they resort to the forces of the elements. To do this, they draw butterflies, angels, birds and planes on paper and ask for help from the air and wind, so that they push your chosen one to call you. The painted image of an angel is asked for strength:

    "... put my strength into the thoughts of a loved one, turn his thoughts to me ...".

    Such a love spell on the phone, sufficient in its strength, will require you to buy natural milk and prepare a sponge. Having poured milk into a convenient container, into which one could subsequently dip a sponge, it is slightly heated, without bringing to a boil. The ritual is performed naked, without any outerwear and underwear.

    Holding a dampened sponge in your hands, dial the phone number of your chosen one and start talking with him, making sure that during a telephone conversation he is friendly and answers questions sincerely.

    Everything has a material basis. Perhaps she is not

    Love spell at a distance by phone from the sorceress Tatya

    For a love spell, abruptly end the telephone conversation without warning the man, hang up and immediately press the sponge with milk successively to your lips, then to the heart area, to the groin, while pronouncing the words of the love spell:

    “... without me, like a child without milk, you will wither. You will come - you will find love ... ".

    So that the conversation on the part of your chosen one is not prematurely interrupted, think in advance about the topic that will be supported by him for a long time.

    The sudden interruption of the conversation can be explained by the breakdown of the telephone connection.

    Self love spell with phone number

    If you can’t leave the desire to get a call from a person you like, whom you recently met, and you don’t have anything from him except a phone number, no things, no photos to bewitch a man you recently knew, there will be treasured numbers enough. Ringing love spells are the simplest thing that magic can do. Rewrite the guy's contacts on a piece of paper, while mentally reproducing your meeting, remember his face, what he told you. Light a church candle and say love words at least three times through the open window:

    “... Remember how good it was together. Open your soul and heart for me, dial my number and hurry to see me…”.

    Say the words until the candle itself goes out. If everything is done correctly, your thoughts will concentrate on the person you love, the man will soon call you and invite you on a date.

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    From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

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    A similar state is achieved by combining voice commands-anchors and rhythmic, but slow breathing. Here it is very important not to lose concentration, not to be distracted by extraneous noises, and so on. The effectiveness of the ritual depends on whether the magician succeeds or not.

    So, as you inhale mentally say:

    Rhythmic breathing, somewhat similar to holotropic breathing (when an artificial oxygen deficiency is created in the blood), helps to achieve an altered state of consciousness.

    Love spell on the phone using the elements

    Draw a butterfly, a plane, a bird and an angel on a piece of paper. Speak:

    “Element of air, bring the thoughts of your beloved (name) to me, in spite of the earth and water.”

    Put the leaflet under the phone or in a case. On another leaf, draw, as it turns out, an angel. Speak:

    “Light forces, holy forces, turn the thoughts of your beloved (name) to me, put my strength into him, turn all thoughts to me.”

    Try to carry this image with you at all times. When your loved one calls you, mentally repeat all the words of the conspiracy.

    mental spell on the phone

    This love spell is ideal for those who already have successful experience in practical magic, since it just requires the use of their own skills and abilities.

    To get started, put a photo of your loved one on the call so that you can see it every time he calls. During the call, you need to concentrate on the person and mentally send him all your love, present pictures of your happy future. When he says something, mentally redirect your feelings to the person. Try to imagine everything so that they fall straight into the region of the heart.

    Another option is to mentally wrap your loved one in the pink glow of your love. This is not quite a love spell, but also a directed impact on the human energy field. In this case, it cannot be called a “victim”, since the impact is very subtle and delicate and occurs without suppression of the will.

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