Continued: Vysotskaya contacted Shakurov because of the big money. DNA test proved that the eldest son of Stepan Menshchikov was not born from him Filmography of Evgenia Khanaeva

Tourism and rest 25.06.2019
Tourism and rest

Having met at the same party, the former lovers ignored each other

Having met at the same party, the former lovers ignored each other

A couple of Alena VODONAEVOY and Stepan MENSHCHIKOV were once the most famous in the Dom-2 project. Since light hand Styopa Alena managed to unwind, become a TV presenter, successfully marry a businessman and become a well-bred society lady. However, past warm relations faded away, and now, having met by chance at the same event, the former lovers stubbornly ignored each other. Perhaps the reason for this was that Stepan did not come alone that evening: his pregnant girlfriend Evgenia SHAMAEV appeared in public with him.

Stepan and Evgenia came to the opening of the photo exhibition Michele Ceppi"Bad Santa" capturing the stars Russian show business in the most unimaginable poses and costumes. This event was the first where Menshikov appeared after he was severely beaten on the street (). The TV presenter was discharged from the hospital and, according to him, feels good. Taking off his cap, Styopa stroked the injured crown, on which he received a strong blow from the intruders, and smiled: “Well, let's not talk about sad things! Better about pleasant! Then he stroked the pregnant Zhenya's tummy.

As Menshchikov said, they chose the name Vanya for their son - both of them like it. Stepan showed with all his appearance how glad he was that he would soon become a dad: hugging Evgenia, he showered her round tummy with kisses. Then he put his ear to his belly and listened. “Pushing,” the future mother laughed.

Stepan MENSHCHIKOV with his girlfriend Evgenia

This touching picture from another corner of the hall was watched by Alena Vodonaeva. The TV presenter, who not so long ago reconciled with her husband and even took the application for divorce from the court, came to the exhibition alone and was darker than clouds. Seeing Stepan, pressing his cheek against Evgenia's stomach, Alena changed her face, took out a chewing gum and began to chew with concentration, trying not to betray the surging feelings.

Noticing Vodonaeva, Shamaeva also became very sad. Pushing Stepan in the side, Evgenia whispered to Menshchikov that she wanted to leave immediately, after which the future parents quickly headed for the exit.



Stepan MENSHCHIKOV with his girlfriend Evgenia

In the release of the “Actually” program with Dmitry Shepelev, which will soon be aired, the ex-participant of “House-2” and his son Vanya underwent a DNA test. The result shocked Stepan: the boy was not native to him!

A black cat ran between Stepan and his wife Evgenia back in June: then Zhenya changed her Instagram nickname to Evgeniyanetvoya2017, the couple stopped posting joint photos. But the couple announced their separation only at the end of September. Then the showman from Yekaterinburg sadly confessed to Woman`s Day:

- She left me. I myself do not understand what is happening.

And in an interview with StarHit magazine, he said:

Zhenya decided to live without me. She always wants to live without me. I'm tired of saying: “What are you doing - two small children, who needs you? Now is a difficult crisis time - and it’s hard for me as an artist, I still have to feed the children. Who will support them, you. Of course, I will help, but it’s not easy for me either. It's easier to live together. Such skirmishes happened all the time - as the economy sags, so I'm bad. Well, you won't be forced to be nice. For her, I was just a passing ticket to Moscow.

The wedding of Stepan Menshchikov and Evgenia Shamaeva

It turned out that problems in the family had been accumulating for more than one year. On Instagram, Evgenia did not hide her bitterness and resentment towards the father of her children:

- How sometimes a photo conveys well emotional background relations. They celebrated the birth of Ivan - 4 years. Stepan hurt and did not want to celebrate it, in general, like all holidays related to the family, us children, but, one might say, he was pulled out that day by the ears. If you look closely at the photo, you can see it very well. This is how you live with a person, share life, bed, but it turns out that he is completely alien to you and you lived different lives.

I initially made a mistake... I put up with what you can't put up with! So now I fix it and move on. Only Love, only understanding, respect, loyalty and common goals will make your union the strongest. Everything else is false, not leading to anything good. These are my conclusions, this is what I learned from you @stepanmen, thank you for your lessons.

And StarHit admitted:

- Styopa has been living in Sochi for the fourth month, holding events there. Of course, I knew how he loves parties, that he is surrounded beautiful girls. I wouldn't let him go for anything, but no one asked me. We often quarreled, it negatively affected the children. At some point, I decided it was time to end it.

Now Evgenia lives with two children in a one-room apartment in the Moscow region.

The same birthday Ivan. Evgenia cited this photo as proof of Stepin's indifference

The couple already had serious conflicts. For example, a year and a half ago, when Stepan was convicted of treason, but his wife forgave him. Fans hoped that this time it would cost. But…

Stepan and Zhenya decided to tell Dmitry Shepelev about the reasons for their separation in the “Actually” program on Channel One. However, things didn't quite go according to plan. The program has not yet aired, but it has already become known that ... the first son of Evgenia Shamaeva is not from Styopa! The "father" and "son" passed DNA tests before the broadcast, the results of which were announced later. This came as a shock to Stepan Menshchikov - Vanya is not his own. As many media outlets quote "a source close to the couple": "Styopa thought that he would just earn money on the transfer, but here it is."

Stepan admitted to StarHit magazine after filming:

I don't think they have any reason to lie. Moreover, this was confirmed not only by the test, but also by the polygraph, and Zhenya herself. She didn't even try to justify or explain. I don't know the potential father. I can't even imagine who it could be. But I would like to know who it is. I'm interested.

The recently revealed truth that Stepan Menshchikov is not biological father the first child of Evgenia Shamaeva, shocked not only the entire studio of the transfer "Actually", where the truth was revealed, but also shocked the couple themselves. “After the transfer, I didn’t say anything to her. I didn’t say anything. The most important thing now, in this situation, is the health of the children. Moral and physical,” Menshchikov shared with the editors website.


Many fans of the couple were excited by the fate of Vanya's son. Evgenia Shamaeva has now taken two children from her husband and moved to a one-room apartment in the Moscow region.

The editors of the site decided to find out from Stepan himself how he plans to continue to participate in the fate of his son. "There will certainly be evil tongues that will tell their son a few years later that he is illegitimate, that his mother is a fallen woman, that I will not father. And he will have to listen to this bitter truth. And I need to help him protect himself from these ill-wishers. To kick someone under ****, to give someone in the teeth for listening to such things. It is better not to provoke these things. We need to defend ourselves both mentally and physically. I'm not just ready for this, I want to prepare my son for this as well. So that he can stand up for himself morally and physically when evil tongues gossip. This is my son and I love him. I will not give up my love for this wonderful person because of the vile lies of my wife. It's not his fault," he said.

The showman also considers another, different from the first model of behavior with a child: " The best way to protect him - to be a good teacher, to behave correctly, to be decent person, to pursue a profession, a hobby. Maybe in sports, maybe in art. Let him choose his life path himself already with early years. I am sure that thanks to this situation, he will be stronger than his peers."

When asked if something had changed in him after the unpleasant situation with the DNA paternity test, Stepan hastened to answer with a free statement of Hemingway's quote: "The stronger we are oppressed, the stronger we become."

Stepan and Evgenia have been together since 2011, their romance developed very rapidly, but the lovers were in no hurry to sign, having done it only in 2016. Despite the publicity and love for everyone's attention, Menshchikov insisted that the wedding take place in a narrow family circle.

The pretty girl Evgenia Osipova, originally from a small provincial town, in a short period of time was able to do not only fast-paced career, but also achieve great success in the field of acting. The actress gained immense popularity after the release of the new television series "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka".

Viewers immediately fell in love with the work of Evgenia Osipova and became seriously interested in her biography and personal life: the presence of a husband and children.

Osipova Evgeniya: d childhood years

Zhenya was born on May 24, 1986 in the city of Tula. The girl spoke more than once about her city, but her impressions were ambiguous: “I love my city, but it is not for everyone. I had to grow up in a disadvantaged area, so I have seen a lot in my life.” The girl lost her father's love early, he died when she was 8 years old. She will remember this day forever.

A little later, she admitted: “If not for my father’s death, my life would have turned out differently. I wouldn't go to any actress. He loved me so much that he would never let go of himself. It’s not very nice to say that, but after he left, I instantly became an adult and had to make my own decisions.”

Naturally, after this, the upbringing of her daughter completely passed on to the shoulders of Eugenia's mother. The family really needed money, but she tried her best to do everything so that her daughter did not feel this problem too much.

In addition, the mother in every possible way contributed to the development creativity daughter, which were evident at an early age.

Therefore, Evgenia has been engaged in different types sports and attended a choreographic circle. At the age of 14, the girl decided to take up the modeling business, so she enrolled in preparatory courses. And although for the sake of this she refused to buy new things, she never regretted it.

Soon her portfolio was distributed to several modeling agencies in Moscow, where Evgenia was offered great opportunities. The girl agreed to one of the proposals. So she had to move to a foreign city, find a suitable school and get a job. But luck smiled at the novice model very quickly and she was invited to a casting in one of the most prestigious modeling agencies in the capital.

In addition, she was offered a contract on favorable terms. Eugenia planned to accept this invitation and just the other day she was supposed to fly to France, but by a lucky chance she did not. Since then, the girl has never regretted her choice.

Student years

One day, Zhenya was returning from work very late and decided to intercept a car on the way that could bring her home. She was lucky, and the driver very quickly stopped near her. What was her surprise when a famous Russian actor Sergei Bezrukov, and his wife next to him. They talked all the way, Evgenia talked about her life and dreams, so Bezrukov advised her to enter the theater university. Thanks to this meeting further fate Osipova has completely changed.

The girl immediately listened to the advice and entered GITIS at the acting department. Boris Morozov and Mark Rozovsky became her teachers. During the entrance exams, an absurd story happened to Zhenya: she was asked to list the names of the main characters from the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Three Sisters", but misinterpreting the question, she threw out a wave of indignation at them. But this behavior was attributed to great excitement, so she was enrolled in the first year.

While studying at the university, Osipova was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire. It was there that she was able to reveal her inner potential and gain experience.

A year later, she decided to leave the theater and act in films. Her first works were:

  • "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka";
  • "Abyss";
  • "Champion";
  • "Red".

In 2011, Evgenia Osipova acted as a model for a photo shoot in the XXL men's magazine. At that time, she was quite a popular actress. Fans literally bombarded her with questions about her biography and creative plans. But most of all they were interested in her personal life: husband, children, hobbies.

The first success of Evgenia Osipova

The first serious cinematic work of Evgenia was the story of Katya Matveeva from the TV series "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka". The tape was released back in 2006, but immediately won the hearts of many viewers. The plot tells us about a young girl who decided to leave her hometown for Moscow. Fate for a long time was unfavorable to her, and all the time tested her for strength, but, despite this, Katya continued to go towards her goal.

Shot from the film "Icon of the Season"

Perhaps it was this trait that helped her become happy. After a while, the girl met a simple millionaire, whom she married very soon. This amazing and romantic story is reminiscent of the most good tales about love.

Frame from the series "Closed School"

Thanks to this role, the actress woke up famous, having received full recognition from many fans. Immediately after that, the fans tried to learn everything from the biography and personal life of Evgenia Osipova.

Interesting facts about the filming of the film

  1. For a long time, the directors could not choose an actress for the role of the main character. They were looking for a simple and naive girl. According to the results of the casting, two actresses applied for the role. But Evgenia conquered the film crew with her pure look, so the role of Katya went to her.
  2. In order to fully get used to the role of Eugenia, she had to undergo training in the technology of milking a cow. Until that moment, the actress had only indirectly encountered this animal when she visited relatives in the village as a child. But the girl coped with the task perfectly.
  3. Shortly before the release of the second season of the television series, Osipova was offered to play the daughter of her heroine, but this seemed very strange to the actress, so she refused. In addition, the actress for a long time could not get rid of the image of a simple village girl. But thanks to hard work, Evgenia successfully diluted this role with diverse roles.
  4. According to the script, the main characters Katya and Dima are simply crazy about each other, but in fact, serious passions flared up on the set between the actors Kirill Zhandarov and Evgenia Osipova. Their relationship could hardly be called friendly. They constantly argued about their characters, but in the end the guys worked together.
  5. As you know, the main action in the film should take place in Moscow, Paris and the countryside. But the writers are very cunning approached this issue. Basically, the filming process took place on the territory of Ukraine, Moscow was replaced by Kyiv, and Paris - Lviv.

Evgenia Osipova on the set of the film "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka"

Immediately after the release of this famous picture, various offers from many famous filmmakers rained down on the actress. A year later, another part of the beloved series came out. As Evgenia Osipova herself noted: interest in her character was fueled by the fact that many facts from her biography and personal life were described in the history of her character.

By the way, she noticed that she transferred many personal qualities to her heroine. Perhaps it was with her sincerity that she fell in love with many viewers.

Evgenia Osipova: personal life, children

Evgenia Osipova is not only a talented actress who managed to replenish her creative biography with successful works, but also a wonderful wife who has kept comfort and warmth in her personal life. The girl met her future husband on the set.

The actress participated in the filming of the television series The Tower, where she played the role of Yulia Berezhnaya. The project operator was Anatoly Simchenko, with whom she immediately developed mutual sympathy. Pretty quickly, this hobby grew into a passionate romance.

At first, the girl was embarrassed when she had to play explicit scenes in the presence of her boyfriend. But Anatoly very quickly defuse the situation and successfully joked: "If I had such a figure, I would have been filming in such scenes all the time." For some time, young people just talked and got to know each other, but Anatoly was already ready to go to new level relationship, and therefore took the first step by inviting the girl on a date. After that, they were already inseparable.

The only obstacle that stood in their way was a tedious work schedule and a catastrophic lack of time. They rarely saw each other outside of work hours. But quickly enough, the couple dealt with this problem. They just started living together. Every evening, the lovers went to their apartment and had long conversations about a happy future.

Evgenia Osipova did not think at all that in her personal life everything would change so dramatically: wedding, husband, children. It seemed like she wasn't quite ready for it yet. But Anatoly was able to completely turn her world around, and she simply disappeared into it.

The son of the actress - Maxim

In 2011, the couple got married, and already in early 2012, Evgenia gave birth to a son, Maxim. And after 3 years, she found out that she was pregnant with a daughter.

In April 2015, the actress gave birth to her second child, and firmly decided that from that moment on she wanted to devote as much time as possible to her personal life, her husband and children ( joint photo see below).

Now Evgenia's children have already grown up, and she can again return to the development of her creative biography. But she also understands perfectly well that she will no longer be able to be away from her family for a long time.

In an interview, Evgenia Osipova admitted to reporters that even before marriage, there were several memorable novels in her personal life: “During my work in the satire theater, I started dating one of the leading artists Andrei Barilo. But this relationship was not successful and ended immediately after my departure. I am glad that I had a similar experience, but I am also grateful to fate that now I have such a wonderful person as my husband next to me.

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