Instagram wife dzhigarkhanyan. The wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan made the first statement after the scandal

Tourism and rest 22.06.2019
Tourism and rest

The scandal that arose between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya does not subside. The famous actor accuses his wife of allegedly stealing and is preparing for divorce proceedings. Last evening, journalists wrote that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya had left the post of director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater.

Until recently, the wife of a theater and film star preferred to refrain from making any comments to the press. However, on Friday, she broke her silence and gave an interview to reporters. Vitalina called the accusations a provocation. According to Dzhigarkhanyan's wife, she cannot believe what is happening.

“I don't watch TV. I cannot imagine under what circumstances the great actor Dzhigarkhanyan would be shown in a dressing gown, saying some incomprehensible things. So far, I can’t comment on this in any way ... Maybe he could have said that, but I don’t know what happened to him before and what condition he is in. It seems to me that his emotional state and the state of health was taken advantage of by strangers,” Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya told correspondents of the Central Television program.

The wife of a famous actor was not allowed to visit him in the hospital. According to the woman, she cannot contact Dzhigarkhanyan even by phone.

“They didn’t let me into the hospital. They say they don't want to see me. I still can't believe it. I believe that this is a provocation and manipulation. (...) They took away his mobile, changed the number. If I had been there, this would never have happened. I think he would understand that this should not happen to him. The state in which I got Armen Borisovich after strokes ... I think it is hardly possible to talk about the calculation, ”said Vitalina.

According to Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, if not for her, then "we would have lost Dzhigarkhanyan a long time ago."

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself claims that his wife is lying. According to the man, he became ill after a quarrel with his wife. "I'm over 80 years old, my doctor says, 'Let's go get some injections.' Later, we ended up in the hospital, the doctors advised us to lie down for a couple of weeks, ”he explained his“ abduction ”on the air of the“ State of Emergency. Investigation".

At the same time, the representative of the wife of the famous actor Elina Mazur claims that the situation that arose between the couple was greatly inflated in the media, “There is no conflict between the spouses,” she says.

In this article:

Stepan Armenovich Dzhigarkhanyan: biography, personal life and real father

Hello dear readers. Finally, a page will appear on our celebrity news portal Russian actor and models Dzhigarkhanyan Stepan Armenovich. We are sure that in the biography of Stepan Armenovich you will find a lot for yourself. interesting facts. Here we go!

Biography of Stepan Armenovich Dzhigarkhanyan

Stepan was born on January 17, 1966. He was the second child in the marriage of actor and director Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Tatyana Sergeevna Vlasova. Tatyana Sergeevna - famous actress Yerevan Russian Drama Theater named after Stanislavsky, and later - a teacher of the Russian language in the USA.

Stepan's parents got married in 1967, when he was one year old.

Who is the real father of Spepan Dzhigarkhanyan

Note that biological father Stepana worked as a director in the theater where his mother played.

At the time when Armen and Tatyana began a relationship, Stepan lived with his grandmother in Novosibirsk. Over time, Armen was able to knock out real estate in Moscow for the family, after which he immediately took Stepan to the capital. It is noteworthy that he adopted Stepan and gave him his last name and patronymic..

After graduating from school, Stepan ended up in the Moscow state university. His diploma lists the Faculty of International Journalism, which he graduated in 1988.

In 1989, Stepan decides to move to live in the United States. But in 1994 he returned to his homeland.

Stepan Dzhigarkhanyan in the cinema

Stepan's debut on the screen took place in 1997, when he played the role of Don Miguel in the film Don Quixote Returns. He had several attempts to try himself in theatrical art, but the craving for acting never showed up. As is often the case with children famous artists, He was more to the liking of the party life and gambling. It also ended predictably: his relationship with his father was severed.

For 18 years, Stepan Armenovich traveled around the planet. He visited the USA, Colombia, Honduras, Panama and other exotic countries. All this time he led a non-public life, tried not to appear in public, not to give interviews.

// Photo: Instagram

On Sunday evening, all the media spread the news that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan had disappeared. Then, disturbing reports appeared in the press about the difficulties in the relationship between the actor and his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Representatives of the artist's family said that there were no serious conflicts between the spouses. Now Armen Borisovich is recovering in the hospital, his condition is assessed as moderate. According to relatives, Dzhigarkhanyan's sugar level jumped.

The editors of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” tried to figure out what happened to the famous actor. Colleagues of Armen Borisovich appeared in the studio. Vladimir Konkin, worried about the fate of the famous artist, admitted that he was shocked by the news of the disappearance of Dzhigarkhanyan. “I have always respected him as a man and a sage,” he said.

Now Dzhigarkhanyan is in one of the capital's hospitals. Journalists wrote that close people were not allowed to see the actor, including the wife of the star Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The artist's relatives fear that he may fall under the influence of strangers.

“I guess he ate the sandwiches and got sick. His condition is fainting. He is taken to the office, a terrible fuss begins. Vitalina calls the doctor. We measure sugar, see the indicators, and fearful panic begins. Shagenova (the doctor who helped the actor - Approx.) Puts everyone out of the office, - recalls the official representative of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's wife Elina Mazur. - Just at this time there was a jump in sugar and an attack of madness begins. The person is absolutely inadequate, he starts shouting: “Go away, fascists!” We left the office. We see that a group of comrades of Caucasian nationality is walking through the theater, they go into the office. Then they took Armen Borisovich to the exit, put him in a private car and took him away. After that, Shagenova does not answer the phone.”

// Photo: Program frame

According to some reports, many years ago, Armen Borisovich gave the people who took him away from the theater 500 thousand dollars. “In the event of his death, all the money should belong to ex-wife Tatyana Vlasova, who may be in cahoots with these people,” Andrey Malakhov said.

According to one version, Dzhigarkhanyan wrote out a check for an impressive amount in the name of entrepreneur Artur Soghomonyan. He denied accusations of kidnapping the actor.

“This is a pure lie, I don’t even know how to comment. Together with Armen Borisovich we built a theater. Moreover, I bought the premises with my own money, made repairs, and was the main sponsor of the theater for many years. And, of course, he was always next to Armen Borisovich, ”the entrepreneur said.

// Photo: Program frame

The correspondents of the program managed to get to the hospital where Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is being held. The artist answered the questions of journalists. Armen Borisovich said that he could not forgive his wife. Apparently, there was a misunderstanding between the spouses.

“The most difficult thing is that not very good processes have taken place in my life. I had a wife, like a normal person. Then this woman turned out - either she doesn't like me, or she. I'm talking about Vitalina ... Although it seems that nothing threatened. Sad, sad. Vitalina, I can hardly pronounce her last name, brought me a lot of unfair pain. I am always afraid when people close to me suddenly start to drive close to me. Oh, I say no, “Wait a minute. Let me think for myself and make some decision.”... No, I'm not ready to forgive her. Now I say so. Even thinking, I confidently say no. I will speak harshly. She behaved wickedly. A thief, she is a thief, not a person ... Yes, I'm talking about Vitalin.

// Photo: Program frame

The guests of the program were amazed by the words of Armen Borisovich. Andrey Malakhov could not understand what happened in the family of a famous artist, since he decided on such serious accusations against his wife. To many, the relationship between Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya seemed ideal.

“Well, how about a wife who, excuse me, wiped, washed, cared for all these years? So many years together! I saw in the theater how she brought sandwiches, seagulls, stroked her head ... To be honest, I feel sorry for Vitalin that she is now getting this, ”the presenter emotionally spoke out.

The chief doctor of the hospital where Armen Borisovich is now, said that he felt much better than on the eve of hospitalization. “He is in perfect health. I don't know, he and his wife apparently had some kind of quarrel. As far as I understand, he missed some period of medication, and his sugar rose. He called the doctors, asked to be taken to the hospital. As he told me: “I don’t want her [wife] to visit me,” the specialist said.“I love Armen Borisovich and I want everything to end peacefully. But speaking with him in the last few days, I see that he is deeply disappointed, sincerely, it is difficult for me to predict how this story will end,” Artur Soghomonyan admitted.

During a conversation with correspondents, Dzhigarkhanyan said that he was dreaming of starting work again. The actor hastened to reassure the public. According to Armen Borisovich, he does not complain about health problems.

"I'm very good condition, I am 87 years old. All this must be taken into account, because I won’t run now, I can’t and I don’t want to. But the most important thing for me is that I want to return to my favorite theatre. (…) We often pretend that we are helping. We are masters of disrupting life ... ”Dzhigarkhanyan shared.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan again became the hero of the show "Let them talk." The actor continues to accuse his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya of theft. He also calls the woman "a little sick", but at the same time admits that she is very smart and resourceful.

Angry at his wife, the artist said on Channel One that Vitalina is the most natural scammer. The woman persuaded Armen Borisovich to transfer all his property to her. Then she sold three of his apartments, and then encroached on movable property, namely bank accounts.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya // Photo: Instagram

"I - National artist USSR. I do not have anywhere to live! Vitalina Viktorovna sold three of my apartments! I don't have anything now" admitted Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

In addition to the fact that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, according to Armen Borisovich, fraudulently took possession of all his property, she also wanted to get him fired from the post of artistic director of the Moscow Drama Theater. She got this opportunity after her husband made her CEO theater and changed the charter. Dzhigarkhanyan does not intend to wait until he is fired. He asked Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin for a personal meeting, in which he was going to ask him to remove Vitalina from her post.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya // Photo: Instagram

“To be honest about Vitalina, she is a little sick” - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan said in his hearts.

Recall that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya officially became spouses last year. They are united by a romantic relationship of fifteen years. Vitalina almost twice younger than husband. Armen Borisovich is going to divorce his wife and sue her so that she returns all the stolen property to him. Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya does not intend to divorce and flatly refuses to comment on the scandal that has erupted.

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