Maria Golubkina biography personal life husbands. Who is the real father of Maria Golubkina

Health 22.06.2019

Former lover of the actress revealed the secret of the birth of Andrei Mironov's daughter

Former lover of the actress revealed the secret of the birth of Andrei Mironov's daughter

Nikolai SCHERBINSKY, who was considered the father of Maria GOLUBKINA, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the death of Andrei MIRONOV decided to shed light on the dark story of the birth of his daughter Larisa GOLUBKINA. It turns out that the daughter attributed to him was conceived when the actress was still married to another man - the former director of Mosfilm, Vladimir DOSTAL.

When a birth certificate came up a few years ago Maria Golubkina, where in the column "Father" was Nikolai Shcherbinsky, it seemed that in the dark story of the birth of the future actress, an end was put. But Larisa Golubkina, despite the document, then did not comment on her relationship with Shcherbinsky, saying that there was one man in her life - a popular favorite Andrey Mironov. So this time, when asked why the actress did not marry the child Shcherbinsky named in the father’s certificate, the star of the Hussar Ballad preferred to avoid answering.

It was 40 years ago and I Lenin, I haven’t seen it since,” Larisa Ivanovna explained with sarcasm. - On this subject, I do not talk. Nikolai Shcherbinsky himself was not happy about the phone call and a similar question:

This Maria Golubkina, unknown to me, I, thank the Lord, have never seen in my life! And she simply cannot be my daughter. As they say, neither according to the laws of God, nor according to the laws of man!

All these countless “information stuffings” into yellow newspapers like “AIDS-info”, of course, did not come from me at all. This, so to speak, dirty PR constantly amazed both my friends and business partners. All this only harmed my business reputation and the serious business that I do. Of course, I took the proper legal steps to find the source of all these malicious lies. I confess, at first I thought that one of Golubkina's colleagues, as they say, wants to spoil Larisa Ivanovna herself. But, alas, everything turned out to be much simpler and much worse. It was convincingly proved to me and absolutely documented that all these false publications came from two irreconcilably opposing sources - Larisa Golubkina herself and her eternal rival in the “struggle for the body” of the late Mironov, the writer of the “transformer memoirs”, former mistress Andrei Mironov, microactresses Tatiana Egorova. During those decades, during which, thank God, I was spared from personal contact with Larisa Ivanovna, it would seem that one can be cured a hundred times even from all kinds of “love infection”. But, alas, apparently, it will not be possible to get rid of the pathological attention of the Golubkin family to my modest person! - bitterly declared Nikolai Georgievich Shcherbinsky, doctor economic sciences, CEO well-known technical company, author of a number of fiction and scientific books, creator of more than 50 fiction and documentaries, three of which have received prestigious awards. - Nevertheless, - he continued, - I still hoped that in the end these two elderly, shabby ladies-rivals would finally calm down and end their information wars. At the same time, I want to emphasize that in all the years that have passed since my break with Golubkina, I myself, no matter how I was asked, never once gave a single interview to either the press or television. Personally, I have always been madly disgusted by that gang of actors who build their entire “creative” career on alcove pleasures and gain “popularity” thanks to the shameless display of their own dirty underwear. Like, for example, the same Tatyana Egorova, who quite successfully earns her bread and butter at the expense of book, newspaper and magazine exhibitionism. But, you see, there is a limit to every human patience! That is why today I finally come to the idea of ​​the inevitable need to tell the truth. As they say, dot the e's. Maybe at least this will be able to stop the flow of pigeon information droppings, which continues to pour from a clear sky on me, indirectly touching my colleagues, friends, people close to me. Well, judge for yourself - then an interview appears, which reports that I, as if "collecting my junk overnight", were allegedly transported to the Patriarch's Ponds to the apartment of Maria Golubkina, the abandoned ex-wife of the ex-showman Fomenko. And all this, they say, so that I walk their kids. Or here is a tabloid book published in mass circulation - “Golubkina and Mironov”. In this opus, of course, from the words of Golubkina herself, I, with buffoonish swagger, are declared “handsome, erudite, polyglot” and unfoundedly credited as the “fathers” of the “lowly artistic” artist - Maria Golubkina. True, if you take a closer look at all this stream of absolutely illogical and contradictory lies, then the thought involuntarily arises that Golubkina herself does not really know from whom she really conceived her child. That is, literally according to the Russian proverb - "Father is a passing fellow."

I confess that several times after the appearance of another similar “pseudo-sensation”, I called Golubkina Sr. He tried to explain to her clearly that such unscrupulous methods of settling old scores, first of all, dishonored her. But all this was, as they say, like peas against the wall .... No, it was not for nothing that the merchant Lopakhin - the hero of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" liked to repeat: "Every disgrace has its decency" ...

As it turned out, the last straw that overflowed the patience of Nikolai Shcherbinsky was a television talk show Kira Proshutinskaya, to which Larisa Golubkina was invited as a heroine-narrator. Commenting on this television action, Nikolai Shcherbinsky was even somewhat puzzled: - This, so to speak, "cute girl talk" Golubkina and Proshutinskaya, which appeared on the TVC channel, turned into a truly Bulgakovian "a session of black magic with its subsequent exposure"! Two flabby ladies in synthetic wigs, snickering and giggling, had a sluggish conversation on sexual topics. Here, in the meantime, Golubkina, comically shaking her jelly-like chins, having opened up, told the city and the world about her Freudian and Oedipal complexes, and about how her hormones “played”, well, and about the fact that it was on the set of the Hussar Ballad that Vladimir Dostal wooed her, then for the first time. Golubkina also confessed to her heart's content about many other, to put it mildly, “spicy details” of her intimate life. If among the viewers of this erotic "confession" by chance there were supporters of the LGBT community, then they would listen with full approval to the story of how Natalia Fateeva, basking with Golubkina in the same bed, in a sisterly way, handed her over to her her sexy "relay baton" - the then Fateev lover Andrei Mironov. Well, of course, once again Golubkina, though casually, through her lip, again reported that I was the father of her daughter. So, mixed with the preaching of free sex and amorous tales about Dostal, about Fateeva, about Proklova etc., about all sorts of sexual adventures of his own, as well as about love affairs Mironova, Golubkina again performed in her usual role "the same Munchausen". And according to this, the most venerable public was offered another new tale about myself. So, not without amazement, I learned that, it turns out, quite recently Golubkina allegedly called me to her “home”. According to her, in order to "test" me again. But, as it turned out, I, they say, Golubkinsky casting did not pass. I listened to all this shameless nonsense and watched in amazement as a flabby elderly woman with monstrously huge fake roses on her vast breasts smacked her lips. I looked at all this and tried in vain to understand: what is it - a natural age-related tremor or just an instinctive reaction to the sweet memories that excite her so much?

Yes, whatever you say, old Dumas was right when he put the following words into the mouth of Athos, one of the three musketeers: “I respect old age, but not fried!” But indeed, shortly before this television farce, Golubkina suddenly and unexpectedly began persistently calling me, inviting me to visit. Allegedly, in order, according to her, to apologize for all the trouble that she had caused me for so many years. Knowing perfectly well about Golubkin's purely professional capacity for provocations, I suggested to Larisa Ivanovna that she confine her repentance to this particular telephone conversation. I hung up and hung up...

And now, after the fact, looking at all these television confessions of Golubkina, I was finally convinced that in the apartment of Larisa Ivanovna a photo, video, and audio trap was indeed placed for me. That is, a “scenario” was prepared, which has already been perfectly and repeatedly worked out. This is exactly how similar "incidents" happened more than once with many last years. You yourself know what is then written in the comments to a similar video shot by a hidden camera: "This naked man, like... that we see in bed..." There is no doubt that such "live footage" or, at worst, a professionally edited tape recording would reinforce this miserable talk show. But in the absence of a video sequence, I had to limit myself to a telephone conversation between Golubkina and her ardent Estonian admirer from Tallinn, who has been languishing with passion for forty years and now, purely by chance, was sitting by the phone waiting for a call from the heartbreaker Golubkina. In a word, some kind of cheap buffoonery, a miserable comedy of masks, or rather, as the Italians call it, - commedia dell arte.

But the most remarkable thing is not even this, but the fact that this time, however, as always, the “star” of the Soviet screen and stage never said a word about art, about her work, about stage or cinematic plans. However, everything is clear here: neither art, nor creativity itself, nor any creative ideas and plans for Golubkina - for, so to speak, a "one-time star" - is not a long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago ... God is my witness - I have been silent for decades as a partisan. In a gentlemanly manner, he endured all the nonsense and lies that she splashed out either in print or on television. But now I just have to clarify something at last.

From her tangerines I'm still sore...

It has already been repeatedly written that Nikolai Shcherbinsky met actress Larisa Golubkina at the House of Writers. That evening, his friend from the Literary Institute persuaded him to go to the famous writers' restaurant.

I was then 18-19 years old. I studied in parallel at two universities at once - Moscow Aviation and Literary under the Writers' Union. Therefore, of course, there was always a shortage of free time. But that evening, a friend still persuaded me to postpone coursework: “Let's go to the CDL. We'll probably pick up someone!" But our trip did not work out. It was as if fate was pulling me away from this visit. And just before leaving, when we were already getting dressed, we saw a figured beauty in the foyer of the wardrobe. Unfortunately, she was not alone. Then it turned out that her companion was a famous accompanist David Ashkenazi. Well, about the fact that this girl is an artist or not, my friend and I had no idea. But you never know who is there, in the foyer of the wardrobe, getting dressed. We went out into the snow-covered street, as always, went to the taxi stand. It turned out that this couple follows behind us. Near the doors of the Lebanese embassy, ​​a stiff militiaman was trampling about. Well, here my friend, in order to attract a citizen walking behind, bowed to the crazed cop: “Is the master at home?” ...

Larisa Golubkina was interested in tall, handsome students dressed, as they said then, in the "firm", and she decided to get rid of the pianist who was accompanying her.

At the taxi rank, Larisa deliberately said loudly to David: “I decided to take a trolley bus.” And for greater clarity, she even pointed to a stop on the other side of the Garden Ring. Of course, the three of us ended up in the same salon. We started talking ... She began to treat us with tangerines, said that she was a film actress, and she had a concert in the House of Writers. Here, my friend, take it and blurt out: “Would you People's Artist, they would give us not tangerines, but Kiev cutlets. Well, after this and a couple of other similar jokes of my friend, it became clear to all of us that nothing shines for him here. Yes, he himself understood this and soon got off. Well, we moved on. I accompanied a new acquaintance almost to the apartment itself. We stood on the landing for a long time, talking incessantly, I don’t remember what, and suddenly, somehow unexpectedly for both of us, we kissed ...

In war and in love everything is decided by hand-to-hand...

Although Larisa Golubkina was ten years older than the tall and stately student she liked, their relationship, somehow by itself, quickly became extremely close.

Of course, it was a strong passion that gripped them both. But pretty soon it became clear that spiritual intimacy did not work out.

To my great chagrin and bewilderment, Larisa as a person turned out to be rather raw and gray. One day, she and I stopped by to visit one of my grandmothers, a professor of harp at the conservatory Xenia Alexandrovna Erdeli, by the way, graduated from the famous Smolny Institute. Golubkina, apparently wanting to show her that she herself was “not a bastard”, said that Larisa was a “master's name”. That this is exactly what her grandmother called Golubkina, who, they say, wanted her granddaughter to become a “real lady”. - My God, and this is an actress! Some militant plebs! Well, you have a taste ... - only Ksenia Alexandrovna told me after Golubkina left. At first, it was very strange to me that Larisa, being an actress, herself was absolutely not interested in theater as an art. For all the time of our acquaintance, together we have never visited any of the Moscow theaters, except for the Theater Soviet army. And there was no question of going to the Bolshoi or the Conservatory with her at all. Of course, at first I myself invited her, but she always had compelling reasons to refuse. It goes without saying that both museums and exhibitions also left her completely indifferent. Willy-nilly, I had to find myself other companions for museum, theater and conservatory visits. It then seemed to me another savagery that in all the several years of our acquaintance Golubkina had actually never read a single book. At that time, I was just reading books.

We had a huge and well-chosen parental library in our house. Many of the books in it belonged to my grandfather and great-grandfather. And she was completely uninterested in all this. Nevertheless, she loved to talk about the fact that supposedly the sculptor Golubkina was her own aunt. Of course I believed. I remember once, among other things, I asked:

When was the last time you were in the aunt's museum? - In some such museum? - How in what?! Yes, in her workshop on Schukin Street. ( That was the name of Bolshoi Levshinsky Lane then.) It was then that it turned out that she had never heard of the museum. Even the name of Anna Semyonovna Golubkina herself, the false niece, turned out to be unaware, too. Of course, this is a trifle, just stupid vanity. So to speak, a psychological error. But, as Stalin reasonably noted: one mistake is a mistake, two mistakes are two mistakes, and three mistakes are already a line! So, little by little, it was the line of mistakes strung on her that began to be drawn more and more clearly, more and more blackly, until finally she separated us forever ... About Golubkina's former fiancé Vladimir Dostal, Nikolai heard from her soon after a closer communication. - She herself told me with a laugh that, it seems, literally the next day after we met, she and Dostal were going to submit documents to the registry office. But, according to Larisa, it was our meeting that crossed out these matrimonial plans. I confess that only for a long time later, I finally understood why Golubkina was telling me so diligently either about her kisses with Dostal in a fake Mosfilm carriage, or about Mironov’s courtship, or about some of her other gentlemen ... I never had jealousy for all these suitors. In these cases, I always recalled Yesenin's lines with a grin: "... that we fell out of love a long time ago, you are not me, but I am different, and both of us still play cheap love." In the same way, due to my then absolute misunderstanding, I didn’t attach any importance to the fact that lesbian fans ran after Golubkina, that is, after the “cornet Azarov”, a herd. By the way, the chief "Mironovologist" and "fighting girlfriend" of Andrei Mironov, Tatyana Yegorova, then, foaming at the mouth, assured me that Golubkina was a lesbian. Don't know. However, this problem worried me a little then, and now even more so. Our only conversation with Golubkina on a lesbian theme was my categorical protest against inviting her to the house of some absolutely mediocre opportunistic poetess Inna Kashezheva, a strange and obnoxious masculine citizen, flaunting in a man's leatherette hat and a man's saggy jacket. This very nasty and odious person was then known to all writers as a notorious lesbian. It was not for nothing that an epigram was dedicated to her: “Inna Kashezheva gives the impression of something stale.” In a word, I was then unaware of lesbian passions and in this matter did not advance further than Sappho.

Nikolai Shcherbinsky did not consider Larisa as his potential bride or spouse, and therefore looked at her past through his fingers. - We met quite regularly for three years. Basically, our dates took place in her apartment at 12 Michurinsky Prospekt. Of course, I understood that Larisa had serious views on me. But in those years I didn’t even think about any marriage. First, she was 10 years older than me. And secondly, my grandmother used to say that in pre-revolutionary times, guards officers who married actresses were obliged to leave the regiment. Of course, I was not an officer of the Imperial Guard, like one of my grandfathers, Lieutenant General Arseniev, who went into exile with the White Army and now rests in the cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois. By the way, my second grandfather - the vice-governor of the Tauride province, colonel, was a participant in the Russian-Japanese and World War I. So the traditions in our family were quite well-established. It must be assumed that the author of the “Hussar Ballad” was well versed in the topic, and therefore the hussar cornet Shurka Azarov did not say in vain: “I can’t stand actors!” In her interviews, Larisa Golubkina likes to talk about how, after the release of The Hussar Ballad, they began to send her several times a year on long-distance foreign business trips - from Norway to Africa, from Brazil to Japan and France, then everywhere .. Now, when we we already know a lot and understand a lot, there is reason to think about the mysterious vicissitudes of the fates of the most bright stars Soviet cinema. Let's say, to think about why the Grand Prix winner at Cannes is incomparable Tatyana Samoilova I have traveled abroad a few times in my entire life, why the brilliant Ludmila Gurchenko in fact, she remained “not allowed to travel abroad” until the collapse of the USSR, why, finally, the director Vladimir Menshov even for his honestly deserved "Oscar" they were not released to Hollywood. However, such "unsuccessful" filmmakers were then the vast majority. And if someone had the luck to get out at least Bulgaria, he was instructed for a long and tedious time before leaving, and “over the hill” they were obliged not to break away from the group in any case, be sure to return to the hotel only together with everyone, and so on. Attached to each delegation "art historian in civilian clothes" strictly followed his wards.

In a word, a step to the side is an escape, a jump on the spot is a provocation. However, these rules did not apply to some selected lucky ones. Larisa Golubkina also fell into this "golden clip". Speaking of gold. Larisa Ivanovna had a wonderful gold watch with a dedicatory inscription engraved on the lid from the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR. Why is this not artistry? Let's say young Soviet actress travels to Brazil, so, in between times, to “talk” there with the former Vlasovites. Then, in the meantime, she turns out to be the mistress of a Western producer Moskovich. And the motherland does not notice anything and is silent. Well, maybe, of course, just because she great actress. After all, you can assume that. Remember, there was such a beauty and superstar of the cinema of the Third Reich - Olga Chekhova Hitler's mistress Leni Riefenstahl and Eva Brown, the one that later, after the end of the war, stayed at Beria's house, and returning to Germany, wrote an exciting memoir book - "My watch is different." In 1993, the oldest Chekist Pavel Sudoplatov called Olga Chekhova "one of the top-secret agents of Beria and Stalin." He said the same Sergo Gegechkori(son of Beria) in his book "Father's Personal Agents", where he calls Chekhova "the most experienced Soviet intelligence officer." According to some reports, it was Olga Chekhova who told our command the time of the German tank attack near Kursk. Maybe Larisa's golden watch also ticked somehow differently.

The magnificent actress, who gained her popularity thanks to the theatrical stage and cinema, is also known as a TV and radio presenter - all this is Maria Golubkina. From childhood, it became clear that the life of this person would be connected with the world of theater and cinema. After all, Mary from the very early age spent a lot of time backstage and on stage.

Her childhood dream was the appearance of a brother or sister, but the dream never came true. Her dream may have been due to the fact that she was very loved and cherished. However, Maria herself did not want to use this at all and understood how to behave.

Due to her popularity, the actress has many fans of her talent. But in addition to admiration, fans want to know what the actress's height, weight, age is. How old is Maria Golubkina, the question is quite popular, and the answer is publicly available. The actress is 165 centimeters tall and weighs 64 kilograms. This delightful woman in her 44 years has such physical data.

Most of the female audience wants to know how Maria Golubkina maintains her figure. Photos in her youth and now, which, by the way, can be found in the public domain, reflect the fact that the figure of the actress has not changed much.

Biography 👉 Maria Golubkina

The future actress issued her first cries in the maternity ward of the capital, at that time still the USSR, in 1973, on September 22. At the moment when the little girl was born, then the biography of Maria Golubkina started. The girl's mother, Larisa Golubkina, mastered the acting craft and achieved great popularity. At the same time, the biological father of Maria Golubkina, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev, left the family, leaving his wife with a newborn child.

The mother of the future actress got married for the second time. At the age of seven, a little Masha has an adoptive father - Andrei Mironov. Maria, in turn, considers Mironov to be the real father. From the age of eleven, the future actress began to go in for equestrian sports and reached not small heights in this sport, but still decided that she would choose the stage.

The girl decides to apply to the "Pike" and at the age of sixteen gets her debut role in the cinema.

At the end educational institution, a young girl performs as part of the theater troupe of the Moscow Theater of Satire, and then in the theater named after A.S. Pushkin. After working for five whole years in the theater, Maria leaves the troupe, as she did not agree with the appointment of the artistic director.

Filmography 👉 films starring Maria Golubkina

Filming in cinematic films began in his student years. Maria Golubkina took part in the filming of such films as "Round Dance", "Fandago for the Monkey", "Detective Bureau" Felix "" and many others. The most famous roles of the actress, which brought her fame and fame, were such films as "Scam" (Maria played a journalist) and "Wedding" (the role of Sveta).

In addition to working on the stage of the theater and in the big cinema, Maria Golubkina is on “you” with television and radio. The actress does an excellent job as a host of all kinds of TV shows, as well as headings on the air of radio stations.

As Maria herself notes, the program “Girls” became the most successful television show. One of the presenters of this TV show was Marina Golub, who died during tragic circumstances. After this unfortunate event, it was decided to close the program due to the refusal to replace the deceased TV presenter. After that, Golubkina decides to devote herself to working on the radio.

Now the actress continues her career both in the theater and on the stage of big cinema. Her filmography is full of such films as Leningrad, Yesenin, Moscow Heat, The Fifth Corner, and many others. Speaking about the theater, Maria performs in various performances, in various theaters.

An interesting fact is that Maria's adoptive father, Andrei Mironov, has a daughter from his first marriage. Her name is also Maria, but Golubkina and Mironova could not intermarry, although they are both engaged in acting and even took part in the filming of the film together. But becoming real sisters is not meant to be.

Personal life 👉 Maria Golubkina

The actress, like everyone else, is trying to hide all the details of her personal life, but still some episodes did not remain in the shadows and the press quickly published it. In general, the personal life of Maria Golubkina was happy and measured, it lasted for thirteen years. But everything began to change rapidly when the first husband of the actress cheated on her. Maria was unable to forgive and filed for divorce.

The actress was lonely for some time, until such a topic as her new husband. After all, the press officers had three goals, Maria Golubkina herself, a biography, and husbands. How her life has changed, whether the former and current spouses support communication, all in order to complement the biography of the actress.

Maria herself also maintains communication with her ex-husband, but she does this in order not to spoil, so, a strained relationship with her children.

Family 👉 Maria Golubkina

As noted earlier, the actress grew up and was very happy. The family of Maria Golubkina is very closely connected with the acting craft, like her adoptive father, Andrei Mironov, whom the woman herself considers real and in no way adopted. With his biological father Maria very rarely made contact, but even then she did not feel that this man was her father.

An interesting fact is that the adoptive father of the actress already had a daughter, also named Maria. In this regard, our heroine took maiden name mother - Golubkina. This was done so that viewers would not confuse them in the future.

Children 👉 Maria Golubkina

In addition to children from her first marriage with Nikolai Fomenko, the actress has no others.

Such a topic as the children of Maria Golubkina is in itself very sensitive, because after the dissolution of the marriage with Nikolai, the children were seriously upset and even stopped communicating with their mother. Because of this, the son went to his father, and the daughter did not communicate with Maria until the actress promised to have other children.

In general, children, for the actress is a very delicate topic and not only her own. The woman is seriously involved in charity events, in her opinion there are no other people's children and all of them should not be left alone.

Son 👉 Maria Golubkina - Ivan Fomenko

The son of Maria Golubkina, Ivan Fomenko, was very much worried about the divorce of his parents. The boy was born four years after his birth older sister Anastasia.

Fans note the fact that the guy's appearance is very similar to his father's, but at the same time has the look of his mother. AT this moment Ivan lives with his father for a while, as he could not accept his mother's new husband. Now the guy is a student of the capital's gymnasium. He is seriously passionate about sports, his choice fell on such sports as American football and rugby. Ivan is sure that the main thing in life is the formation of oneself as a person.

Daughter of 👉 Maria Golubkina - Anastasia Fomenko

The first child in the first marriage was a girl who was born in 1999. The daughter of Maria Golubkina, Anastasia Fomenko, like her younger brother, loves her parents very much, in confirmation of this it can be noted that Nastya was very jealous of her parents for the born Ivan. Another moment of jealousy was the divorce of her parents. The girl quarreled very strongly with Maria because of speculation about the birth of new children in her mother's second marriage.

Anastasia shares the mindset of her mother in terms of theatrical and cinematic craft, as she decided to follow in the acting footsteps of her relatives.

Ex-husband 👉 Maria Golubkina - Nikolai Fomenko

For the third time, the ex-husband of Maria Golubkina, Nikolai Fomenko, married. Their union gave birth to two wonderful children.

The couple completed the marriage process shortly before Anastasia was born. By the way, the initiative to name the girl by that name came from Mary herself, and Nikolai did not object to this.

A few years later, the couple has a second child, which strengthened the happiness of the couple and it seemed that nothing would separate them. But still, five years after the birth of their son, the couple decide to divorce.

At this point in time, the ex-husband of the actress is not hefty in popularity and he manages to work at a radio station and broadcast on one of the Russian channels.

Husband 👉 Maria Golubkina - Andrey

The actress does not want to comment on her personal life and tell something about her second wife. Almost nothing is known about this person, the husband of Maria Golubkina is Andrei by profession a pilot-cosmonaut, and the couple met in one of the church buildings of the capital Russian Federation. However, apart from this, no other information about this person was found by the press services.

In turn, neither the actress herself, nor her relatives, nor her inner circle comment or disclose at least some details. The press didn't even know real name Mary's new husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Maria Golubkina

The social life of the actress is not limited to all sorts of interviews and publications. So it turns out that Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Golubkina are quite in demand. The actress personally maintains pages in many social Internet services. Instagram was no exception, or as it became fashionable to call it Insta, it is a service for sharing photos and videos.

Maria's Instagram constantly appears fresh photos herself, as well as relatives of the actress. Also, the photographic materials that a woman uploads reflect almost her entire life. These are photos from filming locations, and from places of rest, and from places of professional photo shoots, as well as other leisure activities. Maria has an official page in the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. There you can find accurate and up-to-date information about the actress herself, as well as information about replenishment of the filmography or possible filming.

By the way, you won’t be able to find photos with your current husband, this is what the actress herself says.

Russian theater and film actress. Maria Golubkina was born on September 22, 1973. Her mother is an actress Larisa Golubkina, father - Nikolai Shcherbinsky, director and cinematographer of over 50 documentaries. Maria's surname at birth is Shcherbinskaya. When the girl was six months old, Larisa and Nikolai broke up. In 1976 Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov formalized the marriage, and Andrei Mironov adopted the girl. The actors lived together for 14 years. And, of course, with such parents, Maria had practically no doubts about choosing a profession - for example, as a child she appeared on the stage of the Theater of Satire. Maria Golubkina entered the Shchukin School and graduated in 1995.

Film career of Maria Golubkina

The first film in which Maria Golubkina appeared on the movie screen, Rib Adam". She was 16 at the time.

I don't think 16 is a teenager. At that time I already had some experience and played in the theater. Of course, at that time I had a slightly different approach to work. She could, for example, argue with the director, she considered herself too smart. Now I don't allow myself to do that. The painting "Adam's Rib" was a success. And this dispelled all my doubts, convinced me that I would succeed in being an actress.

After that there were films and series, but the most striking film in the actor's biography Maria Golubkina was the painting by Pavel Lungin "Wedding". By the way, she played in it with her half-sister Maria Mironova.

In 2012, Maria Golubkina became the host of the show "Girls" on the Russia-1 channel. Together with her in different years the program was hosted by Irina Saltykova, Olga Shelest, Alla Dovlatova, Rita Mitrofanova, Yulia Kuvarzina, Marina Golub and Yulia Baranovskaya. In 2014, the actress again began to host the show "Love and Pigeons" together with Margarita Mitrofanova on the radio "Mayak".

Theatrical career of Maria Golubkina

After graduation Maria Golubkina came to the troupe of the Theater of Satire, where she played and Larisa Golubkina, and Andrei Mironov. Then she moved to the Pushkin Theater, but in 2010 Maria Golubkina and Nikolai Fomenko announced their departure from the theater troupe. This decision was caused by the not entirely ethical appointment of a new artistic director of the theater almost immediately after his death. Roman Kozak. Now Maria plays in the entreprise.

There is a devaluation of the acting profession. We have, only in our country. This is what I see. The performances of the 20th century are great, great actors, they are personalities. There was such a happy period in the Russian theater, which ended by the end of the 80s. Compared to that period, there is probably a crisis now. But this is not only in the theater, it is the same everywhere.

Maria Golubkina's personal life

Maria Golubkina continued the family tradition and married a character adored by the people - an actor and musician Nikolai Fomenko.

I got married at 22. Speaking about the impossibility of combining creativity and a normal family life, people sometimes cover up their unwillingness to start a family. It is important that people want to be around and communicate. One must love (although, in my opinion, this is so understandable that it is stupid to talk about it), but the main thing is not to overstep the bounds, not to declare: “I am the master of the house.” Even in conflict situation you must remain polite, do not offend or offend a loved one.

Together, the couple lived for 13 years and gave the impression of being perfect, they had a daughter, Nastya, and a son, Vanya. However, not everything was fine in the family - Maria did not want to give way to her husband either at home or in the profession. Constant rivalry led to a divorce. The separation of the couple was stormy, about the desire to divorce Nikolai Fomenko and Maria Golubkina said on the air of the Mayak radio station, where Maria worked at that moment.

For me, my family is my children. Families must be preserved at all costs. Whatever happens, there is no need to look for happiness, it will not happen, because there will only be difficulties. These are the difficulties in my life, and I will somehow try to come to terms with them ... Therefore, do not ascribe any marriages to me, this will not happen, no! I won't marry again. I have been there for 13 years. And I can’t really imagine why and how this can be done a second time ... I am for people to stop this terrible thing - divorces. Unfortunately, this is how the world works - for some reason people need to converge and disperse ten times. And the funny thing is that the state is built on this. And people's lives. Is that bad.

After divorce Maria Golubkina gave a number of emotional interviews in which she talked about rethinking life values and takes a fresh look at how family relationships should be built - not to fight for leadership, not to put work above family relationships, to yield to a husband, to be more feminine, etc.

In 2017 Maria Golubkina in the show "Secret to a Million"shocked everyone with the news that she was marrying the son of the famous actor Vasily Livanov Boris. The families of Golubkina and Livanov had known each other for a long time, Maria and Boris studied at the Shchukin school. Boris Livanov said that he had been in love with Golubkina for 25 years. In 2008, Livanov was convicted of murder, but Golubkina is not at all embarrassed by his past.

It's good that Bori has such a past. All our men should be sent to Kolyma, at least for two years. There he hardened. To be honest, I still don't understand what it was. Perhaps there was some kind of protest on his part ... For me, the main argument in favor of Boris is his parents. Borya - intelligent person, in such a family, he simply cannot be different.

Now we live in Boris' apartment. He doesn't drink at all. He writes scripts, libretto, works a lot, though he sleeps until 12 noon. I tell him: if you behave like this, I will disgrace the whole country - I will cancel the wedding. The wedding can be in a month or a year. It depends on what else my spiritual father Father Vladimir will say. Borya is a non-religious person. But now he has nowhere to go, he will become churched. Otherwise, I will turn our matrimonial plans into a joke if he does not do as I want. Men cannot be pitied. Just give them free rein ... Yesterday, Borey and I had a fight, and now I don’t even know what will happen next. He got it right. When, on his initiative, we announced the wedding on the Secret for a Million TV program, he thought that I couldn’t get away after such PR, I would have to marry him. But in fact, he got it, not me. Now I can do whatever I want. And, in which case, I will say that our wedding was a joke ...

Hobbies of Maria Golubkina

Maria Golubkina is a master of sports in equestrian sports, has her own horse, takes part in horse races.

As a child, I saw a horse, and from the age of 9 I began to go in for equestrian sports. With varying success, but all my life I can’t somehow part with it. This is partly professional, but it is not earnings. I have my own horse. I raised this horse with different people, friends and their own high physical and financial costs. Animals must be loved, they must not be hurt, they must not be beaten, they must be fed, they must be cleaned, and this must be done very well and regularly. This is your culture and your understanding.

Filmography of Maria Golubkina

  • 1990 - Adam's Rib
  • 1992 - Fandango for a monkey
  • 1993 - Detective bureau "Felix"
  • 1994 - Khorovod
  • 1995 - Tomorrow. Love in the forbidden zone
  • 2000 - Wedding - Light
  • 2000 - Instead of me
  • 2001 - Scam
  • 2001 - The Fifth Corner (TV series)
  • 2003 - Heaven and Earth (TV series)
  • 2004 - French
  • 2004 - Personal number - Tatyana
  • 2004 - Moscow heat
  • 2004 - Jackpot for Cinderella - Natasha
  • 2005 - Yesenin - Sophia Tolstaya
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2007 - Leningrad - Ageeva
  • 2007 - Picturesque adventure - Vika Gagarina
  • 2009 - Village Comedy - Galina
  • 2011 - Crazy - Ekaterina Kerzhakova
  • 2011 - We came in large numbers here - Tatyana
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber - Ustinya, abbess
  • 2013 - Upside down - Zoya Olgovna Salamatnikova, car mechanic
  • 2013 - Iron Mountain - Aunt Stesha
  • 2013 - The Path of the Leader - Aunt Stesha
  • 2014 - Breaking the vicious circle - bus driver
  • 2016 - Garden Ring - Katya
  • 2016 - Synchronists (mini-series)
  • 2016 - Pearls (TV series) - Aglaya Sievers
  • 2017 - Cuba (TV series) - Irina Odintsova

Masha Golubkina is from a family of artists loved by the audience. Mom - Larisa Golubkina. Adoptive father - Andrei Mironov. A beautiful and independent actress, she has a sharp mind and a wonderful sense of humor. Each of her roles bears the stamp of individuality and unique talent.

Internet users are discussing with interest the new husband of Maria Golubkina, her biography and personal life.

Masha's family

Masha was born in September 1973. Larisa was not married at that time, lived civil marriage with famous screenwriter and cameraman Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev who was the child's official father. Golubkina gave her last name to her daughter. Whose child Maria is, in fact, is absolutely known by her mother and close people. And for the rest, this question still remains an unsolved mystery.

Nikolai himself stated in an interview that he was not Masha's father, since at that time Larisa was in a legal relationship with Vladimir Dostal. But Golubkina refutes this information and claims what during life together she did not communicate with Nikolai with Dostal. They broke up with Shcherbinsky before the child was one year old.

As a result, actor Andrei Mironov, whom Larisa married when Masha was three years old, became the girl's real dad. The actor adopted the girl, loving her like his own daughter. Mironov was a wonderful, caring father. They had wonderful family, they loved each other very much. Fans of the work of Mironova and Golubkin did not even know that Masha was the artist's step-daughter.

character building

The younger Golubkina grew up in a very creative atmosphere. There were always many guests in their house. It was fun and interesting. Masha really liked to communicate with friends of her parents, listen to their conversations, absorb the spirit of freedom and creativity.

She never had the desire to go to Kindergarten. The day spent in this institution seemed unbearable to her, because she did not like the company of her peers, she was more interesting with adults. But her main friend was, of course, dad. Despite being very busy, he tried to spend every free minute with Mashenka, pampered her with gifts.

She was a very inquisitive girl, she read many books, which did not prevent her from studying poorly and upsetting her parents with hooligan antics.

As a child, Masha was fond of equestrian sports, she was engaged in it professionally. She left serious sports as soon as she received the title of master. But warm attitude to these noble animals she has kept to this day. She instilled love for them in the children, with whom she free time often went on horseback rides.

As a teenager, she participated in performances of the Satire Theater, where before last days life worked Andrei Mironov. And what is important, for participation in the play, she, like adult actors, was paid money.

In 1987, when Masha was thirteen years old, Andrei Mironov died. She was very upset by the death of her father. From the day her father left, her childhood ended.

The actress did not bypass the theme of age, since this is the fate of all famous personalities. Nowadays, it is not worth any effort to satisfy this interest and find out how old Maria Golubkina is.

Carier start

At the age of sixteen, young and independent Masha starred in the film Adam's Rib. The girl felt so free on the set that she even got into arguments with the director of the film and played on the writers' nerves. Due to her rebellious nature, she stood out among her peers.

The cinematic debut was successful. For the role, she even received a prestigious award from the Constellation acting community.

As a result, the girl decided to become a professional actress, which is not surprising, since she grew up among the actors. After school, she entered the Shchukin school to the teacher A. A. Kazanskaya

Upon graduation in 1996, Golubkina's daughter got a job at the Moscow Theater of Satire. Since 2007, for five years, she appeared on the stage of the Pushkin Theater. At the moment, Maria does not officially work in theaters, but she actively takes part in many entrepreneurial productions.

She firmly believes that it is necessary to do business that brings real pleasure. And if for some reason the work ceases to satisfy, it is necessary without hesitation to change it.

In addition to working in the theater, the actress took an interest in cinematic life. Widespread fame overtook her after the film "Wedding" directed by Pavel Lungin.

To date, the list of Golubkina's film roles has expanded significantly. Original, confident, unlike anyone else, attracting the audience with her acting skills, Maria wins the hearts of the audience. She leaves no one indifferent. Some love her and admire her wit, others find flaws in her and resent her free-thinking.

But the actress is not embarrassed by rumors. She's self-sufficient creative person living his life.

Here are just some of the films in which the actress starred:

In addition to filming a movie, Golubkina participated in the unusual TV show "Girls" on Russian television. And she also hosted a radio show on Mayak. And from 2005 to 2006 she was a member of the KVN jury.

Joint life with Fomenko

The husbands of actress Maria Golubkina is a separate topic, to which she periodically stirs up interest.

Golubkina had her first serious relationship when she was twenty years old. She met with actor Andrei Sokolov. They loved each other very much, even planned a wedding. But by chance, Maria met with the musician and actor Nikolai Fomenko, who won her over with his intelligence and sparkling humor.

According to rumors, it is known that Nikolai was in love with Larisa Golubkina from childhood. And having met Maria and learning that she was the daughter of his favorite actress, he decided that this was fate and proposed to the girl.

Before this fateful meeting Nikolay has already been married twice.

The couple had two wonderful children: daughter Nastya and son Vanya. According to Golubkina, they were happy until their daughter was born. Periodic scandals began to happen in the house.

The younger Golubkina is an ambitious and independent girl, and Nikolai dreamed that she was more obedient, calm and did not fight with him for leadership. In the star party they were considered a wonderful couple. They seemed to be perfect for each other. But having been married for thirteen years, they broke up. According to Masha, this happened because of her husband's infidelity.

After divorce

As time passed, she realized that she herself was not a gift, because she has a very difficult character. Although then it seemed to her that only her husband was to blame for everything.

Despite the divorce, they remained friends. Nikolai is actively involved in raising children. Pays for their studies in English special schools. Spends time with them. Maria believes that he is a wonderful and very caring father.

After the divorce, she was in a depressed state for a long time, she could not find a place for herself. For some time there were even rumors that she was addicted to alcohol. But Maria is a strong woman. She pulled herself together, realizing that after a divorce, life does not end, and she has someone to live for. She spent all her free time with the children.

For a while, she met with actor Euclid Kurdzidis. But their romantic relationship did not last long, they broke up.

Interest in the personal life of Masha Golubkina subsided for some time. But it didn't last long.

Pranks Golubkina

Maria is a very outrageous lady who loves to shock others. She loves to play pranks not only on loved ones and friends, but also on the general public.

So, in 2013, at the opening of the film festival, she came to wedding dress. She answered all questions that she had married an astronaut named Andrey. Moreover, she composed a whole story about meeting her fiancé in the church, about wedding ring with pearls and meeting the parents.

Later it turned out that it was just a prank, for which she was very well prepared. She agreed with friends and even with her ex-husband to confirm to everyone who was interested that she really got married. The joke was a success, everyone believed. But when the truth came out, many were sincerely outraged. And Maria was convinced that some people have absolutely no sense of humor.

In the summer of 2017, in an interview, the artist spoke about serious relationship with Boris Livanov, with whom she plans to marry in the church. The son of a famous actor became famous thanks to high-profile case about the murder, for which he spent five years in prison. Now he is writing books and screenplays.

Later, Maria said that the wedding was being postponed. Yes, and Boris himself spoke very ambiguously about their relationship, which confused everyone. And this happened more than once.

After the previous wedding joke, few people believe in the seriousness of Golubkina's intentions. But she assures that they have a great relationship, and they love each other, although they live separately. Masha introduced the groom to the children and mother, and he introduced her to his parents.

Larisa Golubkina is sympathetic to everything that her daughter does, fully trusts and supports her. She likes Boris, and besides, she sees that her daughter is delighted with him. And the mother, in turn, wholeheartedly wishes her daughter love and happiness.

And who knows, maybe indeed, this time everything will turn out well, and the independent, free-thinking Maria Golubkina will finally find peace and tranquility in family life.

Attention, only TODAY!

The childhood of Maria Golubkina

Maria was born in the family of Larisa Golubkina, a talented and popular actress, and Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev. Masha's father was engaged in foreign economic relations, and in his free time from his main job he acted as a director and cameraman of documentaries. Unfortunately, the marriage of Maria's parents broke up, and her mother married a second time - to Andrei Mironov. Larisa and Andrei got married after Andrei broke off relations with his first wife, Ekaterina Gradova. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Maria Mironova. Andrei officially adopted Masha Golubkina.

The relationship between Masha cannot be called sisterly, despite the fact that both of them "went into actresses" and even once played in the same film.

Carier start

As is often the case, Mary continued acting dynasty, although she had every chance to play sports professionally. From the age of eleven, she was engaged in equestrian sports and earned the title of master of sports. But acting genes took their toll, and Golubkina decided to enter the Shchukin School. Already at the age of sixteen, she received her first film role. It was the role of Nastya in the film "Adam's Rib" (1990) by Vyacheslav Krishtofovich.

Five years later, after graduating from the B. Shchukin Theater School, Maria began working with the troupe of the Moscow Theater of Satire, and then at the Theater. Pushkin. After another five years, she leaves the theater, disagreeing with the procedure for appointing the artistic director of the theater.

Maria claims that the fame of her parents did not affect her ascent to the star Olympus. The only help she received from her parents was support and advice.

Maria Golubkina in the cinema

In 1992, while still a student at the school, Maria starred in the movie Fandago for the Monkey. Then there was the Detective Bureau Felix (1993), Khorovod (1994), Tomorrow .. Love in the Forbidden Zone (1995).

Next was the role that brought Golubkina fame and recognition from the audience - the role of Sveta in Pavel Lungin's film "Wedding", and a little later the role of a journalist in "Scam".

Maria Golubkina's personal life

After graduating from the Shchukin School, Maria married the famous actor and showman Nikolai Fomenko. For Nicholas, this marriage was already the second in a row. They had two children - Nastya and Ivan.

The union, which promised to last a lifetime, broke up in 2008, which was an absolute surprise not only for the couple's relatives, but also for their devoted fans. The reason for it was new love Nicholas - Natalia Kutobaeva, whom he later married.

Like everyone strong man, Maria tried to distract herself from this blow. She spent the whole summer Ryazan region together with the children, where she was invited to take part in the filming of the series "Village Comedy". Golubkina got one of the main roles.

Despite the divorce, Nikolai Fomenko and Maria Golubkina maintain friendly relations in order to protect their children from any negativity associated with the divorce of their parents.

Show must go on

Maria Golubkina is not going to stop there. She successfully continues her acting career both in film and theater.

Maria Golubkina about the Orthodox path of Russia

She has roles in such films as "Moscow Heat", "Personal Number", "Brezhnev", "Jackpot for Cinderella", "Yesenin", "Leningrad", "Frenchman", "The Fifth Corner" and many others.

In addition, she continues to work at the Pushkin Theater. Now Maria is playing in the play "Ladies' Tailor".

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